Upper Extremities and Aortic Arch

Key Points

  • Arterial disease in one vascular bed is a harbinger of disease in other vascular beds.

  • The differential diagnosis of diseases involving the upper extremity (UE) and aortic arch branch vessels is vast and requires extensive knowledge and a thorough history and physical examination.

  • In patients with suspected arterial disease, blood pressure should be measured in both UEs, and if Takayasu arteritis is suspected, blood pressure should be measured in all four extremities.

  • Anatomic variation in the UE vessels and aortic arch occurs in 20% to 30% of the population, and the pathologic significance depends on the anomaly.

  • The physical examination of a patient with UE disease is incomplete in the absence of performing diagnostic maneuvers to evaluate for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).

  • Before performing percutaneous intervention for UE large vessel disease, the relationship of branch vessels to the lesion and ostial involvement of the lesion should be thoroughly evaluated.

  • Percutaneous intervention in the brachiocephalic artery is more complicated than revascularization of the subclavian artery due to the potential for embolization to the anterior cerebral circulation.

  • Percutaneous revascularization has become first-line therapy instead of surgery for treating atherosclerotic brachiocephalic or subclavian stenosis because of the high technical success rates, the low restenosis and high patency rates, and lower cost with quicker recovery times.

  • Management of UE arterial and aortic arch vascular disease requires discernment of when to refer patients to surgery and an understanding of the management of aneurysmal disease.


From the inception of the subspecialty of interventional cardiology, to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) physician specialty designation for interventional cardiology, the scope of interventional cardiology has continued to expand. The discipline has grown beyond percutaneous management of coronary artery disease to include therapy for valvular and structural heart disease and endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysm, venous disease, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD), including management of vascular disease in the upper extremity (UE) and proximal arch vessels.

The continued evolution of cardiology in the field of vascular medicine has been a natural extension because atherosclerosis is a systemic process that is not isolated to the coronary vasculature, and a high degree of correlation exists between the extent of atherosclerosis in the coronary, carotid, and brachial arteries. Coronary disease is associated with an increased risk of PAD, and among those with PAD, the risk of coronary and cerebrovascular ischemic events with significant morbidity and mortality is extremely high. Most of the management concepts and techniques for coronary arterial disease are transferable to the treatment of PAD when a conservative medical strategy or percutaneous therapy is employed.

General and interventional cardiologists care for patients with coexistent coronary and peripheral vascular disease and those with significant risk factors for the development of arterial vascular disease. These clinicians must have a thorough understanding of PAD, including the application of screening tools and management strategies.

This chapter discusses the anatomy, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of PAD involving the UE (i.e., axillary and brachial arteries) and proximal arch vessel (i.e., subclavian artery). It excludes carotid arterial disease evaluation and management, which are discussed in Chapter 46 .

Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Considering an age-adjusted prevalence of about 12%, PAD is estimated to affect at least 8 to 12 million individuals in the United States. Advancing age is strongly associated with the increased prevalence of PAD, and approximately 20% of U.S. adults older than 70 years have PAD.

PAD has been reported to affect males and females equally, but studies have demonstrated a greater predilection for PAD among blacks versus nonHispanic whites (38% vs. 25% of men), and the ethnic propensity is independent of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, kidney disease, and tobacco use. An estimated 25% to 40% of patients seen in the general cardiology clinic have PAD, and up to 50% of patients with PAD may be asymptomatic, illustrating the need for careful evaluation of patients of advancing age and those with risk factors for cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease.

Unlike PAD involving the lower extremities, atherosclerosis is estimated to account for only about 5% of cases of UE ischemia. Obstruction of the brachiocephalic (innominate) or subclavian (inflow) arteries accounts for most cases due to the propensity for atherosclerosis at those sites, with a fourfold higher occurrence on the left than the right. However, not all UE ischemia is related to inflow obstruction. Because of the relatively uncommon occurrence of atherosclerosis distal to the inflow arteries, numerous causes of UE arterial disease involving the large or medium-sized arteries (proximal to the wrist) or small arteries (distal to the wrist) must be considered. Conditions such as vasculopathies, aneurysm or entrapment syndromes, embolic phenomena, medications, and chemical exposures can complicate the diagnosis due to the similarity of symptoms. Additional testing beyond the comprehensive history and physical examination may be required to elucidate the cause. Table 40.1 provides the differential diseases, exposures, and other conditions that should be considered.

TABLE 40.1
Differential Diagnosis of Upper Extremity Vessel Obstructive Disease
Data from Rajagopalan S, Mukherjee D, Mohler E. Manual of Vascular Diseases . Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005:216; and Stone JH. Immune complex-mediated small vessel vasculitis. In: Firestein GS, Budd RC, Gabriel SE, et al, eds. Kelley’s Textbook of Rheumatology . 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2012.
Vessel Size Site, Disease State, and Substance Symptoms and Physical Examination Findings Symmetry and Acuity
M edium to Large
Atherosclerosis Brachiocephalic artery
Subclavian artery
Axillary artery
Arm claudication
Hand or finger pain
Bruit, pulse deficit
Typically unilateral
Chronic and progressive
Aneurysm Thoracic outlet syndrome
Trauma, crutch syndrome
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Pulsatile mass in the supraclavicular fossa, hoarseness, dyspnea, transient ischemic attack (subclavian artery) Unilateral
Chronic and progressive
Thromboembolism Heart
Aortic arch
Proximal great vessels
Varies (e.g., ischemia, pallor) according to cause
Skin ulcers
Osler nodes
Janeway lesions
Unilateral, can be bilateral
Typically acute
Entrapment Trauma
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Pain, especially with movement or certain positions Unilateral
Chronic and progressive unless it is an acute injury
Vasculitis or arteritis Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
Kawasaki disease
Takayasu arteritis
Radiation-induced arteritis
Constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, weight loss, fatigue, arthralgias, myalgias), rash, bruit, pulse deficit Unilateral or bilateral
Vasospasm Nicotine
Digital pallor
Unilateral or bilateral
Acute on chronic
S mall
Hematologic disorders Cryoglobulinemia (types I, II, III)
Myeloproliferative syndrome
Multiple myeloma
Primary macroglobulinemia
Constitutional symptoms Unilateral or bilateral, typically bilateral
Progressively worsening
Hypercoagulable states Antiphospholipid syndrome
Antithrombin III, protein C, or protein S deficiency
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Variable, typically mimicking thromboembolic disease Unilateral or bilateral, typically bilateral
Progressively worsening
Rheumatologic disorders (vasculitis) Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Scleroderma, CREST syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Constitutional symptoms, dysphagia, nail pitting, prominent nailbed capillary loops, skin lesions (e.g., erythema nodosum, petechial rash, pyoderma gangrenosum, palpable purpura), sclerodactyly, telangiectasias Unilateral or bilateral, typically bilateral
Progressively worsening
Infectious diseases Hepatitis C
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Variable, typically mimicking thromboembolic disease Unilateral or bilateral, typically bilateral
Progressively worsening
Embolic and thrombotic diseases Buerger disease
Atheromatous disease
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial myxomas
Left ventricular thrombus
Endocarditis or valvular disease
Varies according to cause
Skin ulcers
Osler nodes
Janeway lesions
Vasospasm Raynaud phenomenon
Medications or illicit substances
Finger pain, fixed cyanosis, ulcers, gangrene Typically bilateral
Acute, chronic, or acute on chronic
Exposures Vinyl chloride Digital pallor
Unilateral or bilateral
Chronic and progressive
ASD/PFO , Atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale; CREST , calcinosis cutis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia.

Vascular Anatomy of the Upper Extremity and Aortic Arch

Normal Anatomy

The normal branching pattern of vessels coming off the aortic arch in approximately 70% of the population includes the initial branch, the right brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery. Variations from the typical branching pattern are discussed in the next section.

The right brachiocephalic artery (innominate) divides into the right subclavian and the right common carotid artery behind the right sternoclavicular joint. The right subclavian artery then becomes the axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib. The brachial artery, a continuation of the axillary artery, begins at the lateral border of the teres major muscle and terminates at the neck of the radius as it divides into the radial and ulnar arteries. The radial artery continues in the hand as the deep palmar arch, whereas the ulnar artery continues in the hand as the superficial palmar arch, which gives rises to the digital arteries. The left subclavian artery, the third branch off the aorta after the innominate and the left common carotid, has a branching pattern in the left UE that is analogous to the right. Fig. 40.1 demonstrates normal anatomy angiographically.

Fig. 40.1, Normal anatomy.

Smaller vessels provide extensive collateral circuits in the shoulder, elbow, and palm regions and are protective in allowing perfusion to the UE despite significant obstruction. UE large vessel disease is typically asymptomatic until the collateral support is insufficient or exhausted. Despite having protective collateral circuits, the UE remains vulnerable to ischemia if the obstruction occurs proximally because the UE is supplied by only one artery from the aorta.

Anatomic Variants

The anomalous circulation in the UE and aortic arch primarily results from alterations in embryologic development ( Fig. 40.2 ). Although an exhaustive review of embryologic development is beyond the scope of this chapter, the resultant aortic arch and proximal branching vessel variants are the consequence of aberrant formation, including persistence or abnormal regression, of the endocardial tube, the ventral and dorsal aortae, and the six paired branchial arch arteries or the intersegmental arteries.

Fig. 40.2, Embryologic transformation of the aorta to a normal adult pattern.

Table 40.2 lists some of the more commonly encountered variants, their frequencies in the population, associated pathologic significance, and diagnostic physical examination findings. The more common arterial variants in the forearm and collateral pathways that may form in the presence of main arterial obstruction are included. Figs. 40.3-40.5 show examples of variant anatomy.

TABLE 40.2
Arterial Variants and Collateral Pathways of the Upper Extremity and Aortic Arch
Data from Rajagopalan S, Mukerjee D, Mohler E. Manual of Vascular Diseases . Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005:39–43, 215; Kadir S. Atlas of Normal and Variant Angiographic Anatomy . Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991:xi, 529; Kaufman JA, Lee MJ. Vascular and Interventional Radiology : The Requisites . 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2014 [chapter 6]; and Pellerito JS, Polak JF. Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography . 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2012 [chapter 13].
Anatomic Variants Prevalence (%) Pathologic Significance Physical Examination Clues
Bovine arch: common origin of brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries 22 None No specific findings
Origin of left common carotid from the brachiocephalic (middle to upper) 8–10 None No specific findings
Origin of left vertebral artery from the aorta 4–6 None No specific findings
Origin of right subclavian from left aortic arch, distal to left subclavian (arteria lusoria) 2 Compression due to esophageal ring, prone to rupture and aneurysm (Kommerell diverticulum) Dysphagia
Common origin of carotids <1 None No specific findings
Origin of radial artery from brachial or axillary artery 15–20 None No specific findings
Origin of ulnar artery from brachial or axillary artery 2–3 None No specific findings
Collateral Obstruction Site Donor Artery Pathologic Significance Physical Examination Clues
Proximal subclavian or innominate obstruction Vertebral, other neck, abdominal, or pelvic Subclavian steal syndrome Weak or absent pulse
Decreased blood pressure
Arm weakness or pain
Distal subclavian or axillary Subscapular, intercostals, lateral thoracic None, unless collateral supply insufficient, then ischemia No specific findings
Brachial artery Profunda brachialis, radial, ulnar None, unless collateral supply insufficient, then ischemia No specific findings

Fig. 40.3, Common origin of left common carotid and brachiocephalic arteries (i.e., bovine arch).

Fig. 40.4, Aberrant right subclavian (RS) artery and a common carotid (CC) trunk. (From Kadir S. Atlas of Normal and Variant Angiographic Anatomy . Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.)

Fig. 40.5, Schematic drawing of the right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery. (From Kadir S. Atlas of Normal and Variant Angiographic Anatomy . Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.)

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