Ulnar nerve group fascicular repair


  • Any deficit attributable to the ulnar nerve with an associated laceration or injury along the course of the nerve.

  • High-energy injuries associated with blunt trauma and no appreciable recovery on examination.

  • Prior nerve repairs with no appreciable recovery on examination after 6 months.


  • Closed injury with ongoing recovery and lack of soft tissue coverage.

  • The nerve should be tagged during debridement and repaired at another time if the field is severely contaminated or the zone of injury is evolving.

Clinical examination

  • See Chapter 65 for pertinent examination findings.

  • In patients with prior repair, check for a Tinel sign or symptomatic neuroma formation.

  • Because of the communicating branches between the median and ulnar nerve (i.e., Martin-Gruber and Riche-Cannieu), patients may have preserved motor function in the presence of an injury. Despite these connections, sharp lacerations should undergo direct repair.


  • X-rays are used to detect fractures or dislocations that may contribute to ulnar nerve injury/palsy.

  • Electromyography and nerve conduction studies are useful to detect the presence or absence of sensory and/or motor deficits, as well as denervation/reinnervation based on increased latencies, decreased amplitudes, and/or the presence of fasciculations or fibrillations within the muscle upon needle insertion during this examination.

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