Travel-Acquired Illnesses Associated with Fever

The evaluation of fever in travelers poses a diagnostic challenge to clinicians for many reasons. First, there are many possible etiologies, some of which are geographically localized and are, thus, unfamiliar ( Table 20.1 ). Diagnosis may be delayed owing to lack of familiarity with routes of infection or clinical presentations of these geographically limited illnesses. Fever in travelers may be caused by infections that are potentially fatal if not recognized and treated expediently, the most common of which is malaria ( Table 20.2 ). Furthermore, some infectious diseases that cause fever in travelers are highly communicable ( Table 20.3 ). These infections represent a considerable public health danger, and some have been associated with fatal nosocomial transmission. However, most febrile illnesses in travelers are self-limited and remain unconfirmed microbiologically, such as viral upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal infections. Thus the challenge facing the clinician in the evaluation of fever in travelers is the detection of serious treatable or communicable infections while not submitting the majority of travelers with benign, self-limited causes of fever to expensive or invasive diagnostic evaluations. To succeed, the clinician must know as much as possible about the epidemiology, distribution, mode of transmission, and clinical characteristics of the etiologies of fever in travelers.

TABLE 20.1
Relative Risk of Travelers Contracting Infectious Diseases in Developing Countries
High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Very Low Risk
Escherichia coli enteritis Cryptosporidiosis Amebiasis Anisakiasis
Upper respiratory infection Cyclosporiasis Ascariasis Anthrax
Viral gastroenteritis Shigellosis Chancroid Chagas disease
Campylobacteriosis Chikungunya Cholera
Chlamydia Enterobiasis Clonorchiasis
Dengue Hepatitis B Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever
Epstein-Barr virus HIV Diphtheria
Giardiasis Leptospirosis Ebola/Marburg hemorrhagic fever
Gonorrhea Lyme disease Echinococcosis
Hepatitis A Malaria (with prophylaxis) Filariasis
Herpes simplex Rubella Gnathostomiasis
Malaria (without prophylaxis) Rubeola Lassa fever
Salmonellosis Schistosomiasis Legionellosis
Strongyloidiasis Lymphogranuloma venereum
Syphilis Melioidosis
Trichuriasis Paragonimiasis
Tropical sprue Pinta
Tuberculosis Plague
Typhoid fever Polio
Q fever
Relapsing fever
Rickettsial spotted fevers
Yellow fever
HIV , Human immunodeficiency virus.

TABLE 20.2
Selected Potentially Fatal Febrile Tropical Infections with Established Treatments
Infection Treatment
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Ribavirin
Lassa fever Ribavirin
Anthrax Penicillin
Bartonellosis Penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, or streptomycin
Brazilian purpuric fever Ampicillin or chloramphenicol
Brucellosis Rifampin plus doxycycline; Tetracycline plus aminoglycoside or TMP/SMX
Leptospirosis Penicillin or ampicillin, or doxycycline
Melioidosis Ceftazidime
Plague Streptomycin or tetracycline
Rickettsial spotted fevers Doxycycline
Tuberculosis Isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, plus pyrazinamide
Tularemia Streptomycin or gentamicin
Typhoid fever Ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, or azithromycin
Tick typhus Doxycycline
Amebiasis (liver abscess) Metronidazole followed by a luminal agent
African trypanosomiasis Suramin or pentamidine; melarsoprol or difluoromethylornithine for central nervous system infection
Malaria Atovaquone-proguanil; artemether-lumefantrine; artesunate or quinine or quinidine plus doxycycline
Schistosomiasis Praziquantel (consider corticosteroids)
Visceral leishmaniasis Sodium stibogluconate or liposomal amphotericin B
TMP/SMX , Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.

TABLE 20.3
Selected Tropical Diseases with Documented Potential for Nosocomial Transmission
  • Argentine hemorrhagic fever (Junin)

  • Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (Machupo)

  • Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

  • Ebola virus disease

  • Lassa fever

  • Marburg virus disease

  • Meningococcal infection

  • MERS-CoV

  • Plague

  • Rubella

  • Rubeola

  • SARS

  • Tuberculosis

  • Varicella

MERS-CoV , Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; SARS , severe acute respiratory syndrome.


Studies of fever in travelers have been impaired by the highly mobile nature of travelers and by the fact that travelers seek help abroad or fail to present to physicians at all. Large, prospective surveillance databases such as the GeoSentinel surveillance network and TropNet provide aggregate multinational data on ill travelers returning from destinations around the globe who present for care at designated “sentinel” clinics. In the GeoSentinel analysis by , 28% of ill returning travelers reported fever as their chief complaint. A lack of pre-travel counseling was associated with acquisition of a febrile illness abroad, as was visiting friends and/or relatives (VFR) travel. While there was no age bias in fever presentation, male travelers were more likely than female travelers to present with fever.

In retrospective, questionnaire-based studies, the incidence of “high fever over several days” in short-term (<3 weeks) travelers was 1.9%. Of the prolonged fevers reported, 39% occurred only while the traveler was abroad, 37% occurred both abroad and at home, and 24% occurred at home only. Prolonged fever was significantly associated with longer stays (>4 weeks) in the tropics. Among a large cohort of American short-term travelers to the developing world, undifferentiated fever occurred in 3%.

Most causes of febrile illnesses remain undiagnosed in retrospective surveys of travelers. However, in the GeoSentinel analysis by , malaria was the most common specific cause of fever in ill returned travelers, accounting for 21% of cases, while acute diarrheal disease and respiratory illness accounted for 15% and 14% of cases, respectively. Dengue, while less common, was still an important cause of fever, occurring in 6% of returned ill travelers; with increasing numbers of outbreaks of dengue in regions popular with tourists over the past 5 years, such as the Caribbean, dengue is becoming increasingly recognized as a specific cause of fever in the returned traveler. Enteric fever and acute hepatitis, both vaccine preventable, were less common, diagnosed in only 2% and 1%, respectively, of febrile returning travelers. Rickettsioses were also rare as a cause of fever, occurring in only 2% of cases. Rates of hospitalization due to post-travel fever range from 20 to 30%, with Plasmodium falciparum malaria being the most likely specific cause of hospitalization in this setting.

In general, high-risk areas for the acquisition of febrile illnesses include sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania are “hot spots” for malaria acquisition, whereas South Central Asia contributes many cases of travel-acquired enteric fever (i.e., typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever due to Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhi and Paratyphi, respectively). Travelers returning with rickettsial infections have traveled almost exclusively to sub-Saharan Africa, while dengue infections are most commonly acquired in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and, increasingly, the Caribbean. With the emergence of chikungunya in the Americas in late 2013, and Zika in late 2015, these viral infections remain on the differential diagnosis of fever in travelers returning from all parts of the Caribbean, and Central and South America, as well as areas of prior endemicity, such as the Indian Ocean islands.

Medical History

The medical history, including pre-travel preparation and the details of activities and exposures during travel, is essential in identifying the differential diagnosis of fever in travelers.

Vaccinations and Prophylaxis

First, always establish the patient's vaccination status. No vaccination is 100% effective; efficacy ranges from the near-perfect, 10-year protection provided by yellow fever vaccine to the approximately 65% efficacy of both the injectable and oral typhoid vaccines. The efficacy of the current hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine series is >90%. When a dose of oral polio vaccine is repeated in adult life, as recommended for risk of exposure, vaccine efficacy approaches 90-100%. Thus, a documented history of recent vaccination administered appropriately renders the diagnosis of yellow fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or polio unlikely, while illnesses with poorer vaccine efficacy, such as typhoid fever and influenza, remain more probable. Similarly, administration of immune globulin within 3 months of exposure makes hepatitis A highly unlikely.

A history of compliance with prophylaxis for malaria or traveler's diarrhea is helpful, although one should bear in mind that prophylaxis for malaria is not 100% effective (see Chapters 6 and 21 ). It is also important to inquire as to previous diagnostic tests and treatment, some of which may have occurred while traveling.


It is important to learn the details of itinerary, duration, and style of travel, as well as the particular characteristics of a given trip, to ascertain the risk of serious disease presenting as fever. The travel itinerary is important because many diseases are limited in their geographic distribution (see Tables 20.6, 20.8, 20.10, 20.11, and 20.12 ). In addition to geographic exposure, there may be a significant association between length of travel and serious illness, and infections vary significantly between short-term travelers and immigrants exposed to similar conditions in the same geographic area.

For example, schistosomiasis may present as Katayama fever (acute schistosomiasis) among travelers, but this syndrome is rarely observed in individuals born and raised in endemic areas, who may present as immigrants with symptoms of chronic schistosomiasis, such as abdominal discomfort, ascites, and splenomegaly ( Chapter 48 ). Age at time of exposure, underlying health, genetic factors, and intensity and duration of parasite exposure probably contribute to these differences.

Travel style can be associated with an increased risk of serious illness, especially if an individual resided with locals or participated in an “adventure tour” as opposed to staying in urban, first-class hotels. Travel on cruise ships is a notorious risk factor for norovirus infection and invasive bacterial gastroenteritis. Younger age and being a student also increase the risk of becoming ill while traveling.

Exposures are clues that can narrow the differential diagnosis ( Table 20.4 ). It is important to inquire specifically about arthropod bites, animal contact, sexual behavior, blood- and body-fluid exposures from injections or transfusions of blood products, caring for ill individuals (see Table 20.3 ), and ingestion of unpurified water, unpeeled raw fruits, raw vegetables, raw or undercooked meat/seafood, or unpasteurized dairy products. One should inquire about bathing or swimming in fresh water in areas where schistosomiasis or leptospirosis are prevalent. Barefoot exposure to sand or soil establishes risk for geohelminth infections such as strongyloidiasis and hookworm infection. Travelers may be reluctant to volunteer information regarding sexual contact abroad, but a complete sexual history is always warranted.

TABLE 20.4
Exposures Suggesting Specific Infections
  • Animal contact

    • Anthrax

    • Babesiosis

    • Brucellosis

    • Capnocytophaga canimorsus

    • Hantavirus

    • Lassa fever

    • Leptospirosis

    • Plague

    • Psittacosis

    • Q fever

    • Rabies

    • Rat-bite fever

    • Toxoplasmosis

    • Viral hemorrhagic fevers

    • All tick-borne diseases

  • Ticks, fleas, lice, mites

    • Anaplasmosis

    • Babesiosis

    • Colorado tick fever

    • Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

    • Ehrlichiosis

    • Kyasanur Forest disease

    • Lyme disease

    • Murine typhus

    • Omsk hemorrhagic fever

    • Plague

    • Q fever

    • Relapsing fever

    • Rickettsial spotted fevers

    • Rickettsialpox

    • Scrub typhus

    • Tick-borne encephalitis

    • Tularemia

    • Typhus

  • Transfusions or injections

    • Babesiosis

    • Bartonellosis

    • Chagas disease

    • Hepatitis B and C

    • HIV

    • HTLV-1

    • Leishmaniasis

    • Malaria

    • Q fever

    • Toxoplasmosis

  • Raw/uncooked meat/seafood

    • Cholera

    • Hepatitis A

    • Toxoplasmosis

    • Trichinosis

    • Vibrio parahaemolyticus , Vibrio vulnificus

    • Viral gastroenteritis

  • Sexual contact

    • Chancroid

    • Chlamydia (PID)

    • Gonorrhea (PID and disseminated infection)

    • Granuloma inguinale

    • Hepatitis B (and possibly C)

    • Herpes simplex

    • HIV

    • HTLV-1

    • Lymphogranuloma venereum

    • Syphilis

    • Trichomoniasis

  • Mosquitoes

    • Bancroftian filariasis

    • Alphavirus diseases

      • Chikungunya

      • Eastern equine encephalitis

      • Mayaro fever

      • O'nyong-nyong

      • Ross River

      • Sindbis

      • Venezuelan equine encephalitis

      • Western equine encephalitis

    • Flavivirus diseases

      • Dengue

      • Japanese encephalitis

      • St. Louis encephalitis

      • Yellow fever

      • Zika virus

    • Others

      • Bunyavirus diseases

      • La Crosse

      • Oropouche

      • Rift Valley fever

      • Tahyna

  • Fresh water (or unpeeled fruits/vegetables)

    • Amebiasis

    • Campylobacter enteritis

    • Cryptosporidiosis

    • Cyclosporiasis

    • Hepatitis A and E

    • Leptospirosis

    • Salmonellosis (typhoid fever)

    • Schistosomiasis

    • Shigellosis

    • Viral gastroenteritis

  • Ingestion of unpasteurized milk

    • Brucellosis

    • Listeriosis

    • Q fever

    • Salmonellosis

  • Tuberculosis

HIV , Human immunodeficiency disease; HTLV-1 , human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1; PID , pelvic inflammatory disease.

Patients such as volunteers, missionaries, long-term expatriates, and military personnel may present with diseases seen in both travelers and immigrants, presumably reflecting more intense and prolonged exposures.

Clinical Characteristics

Incubation Period

It is important to establish the onset of fever in relation to exposures, because the incubation period of illness can narrow the diagnostic possibilities. Some infections may present long after exposure, such as amebic liver abscess, malaria (especially if due to Plasmodium vivax , P. ovale , or P. malariae ), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), brucellosis, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, visceral leishmaniasis, and human African trypanosomiasis. It is also helpful to note whether the course of illness has been acute or chronic. Table 20.5 is helpful as a guide, but many of the chronic illnesses listed, such as American and African trypanosomiasis, may also present as acute febrile syndromes during primary infection.

TABLE 20.5
Selected Febrile Illnesses of Travelers Classified by Incubation Period and Typical Clinical Course
Adapted in part from: Salata, R.A., Olds, R.G., 1990. Infectious diseases in travelers and immigrants. In: Warren, K.S., Mahmoud, A.A.F. (Eds.), Tropical and Geographic Medicine, second ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Short Incubation (<28 Days) Long Incubation (>28 Days)
Acute Course Prolonged or Relapsing Course Acute Course Prolonged or Relapsing Course
Arbovirus infection Brucellosis African trypanosomiasis African trypanosomiasis
Bacterial dysentery Epstein-Barr virus Amebiasis Amebiasis
Childhood viruses Q fever Hepatitis B and C American trypanosomiasis
Dengue Relapsing fever Malaria Brucellosis
Ebola virus disease
Hepatitis A and E Schistosomiasis Rabies Filariasis
Influenza Typhoid fever Leishmaniasis
Leptospirosis Melioidosis
Malaria Paragonimiasis
Plague Schistosomiasis
Rickettsial spotted fevers Strongyloidiasis
Rubella Tuberculosis
Yellow fever

Interval to presentation can serve as a proxy for incubation period. Falciparum malaria is most likely to present in the 7- to 14-day post-travel window, whereas malaria due to P. vivax may present beyond 42 days post-travel. Dengue seldom presents beyond 10 days post-travel, and chikungunya and rickettsioses rarely beyond 12 days. Similarly, fever due to common agents of traveler's diarrhea or influenza rarely present beyond 1 week post-travel.

Fever Patterns

Fever patterns, although potentially helpful, may not be as characteristic of certain diseases in short-term travelers as they are in immigrants. Fevers of primary malaria rarely exhibit the intermittent pattern of tertian or quartan fevers (every 2 or 3 days, respectively) characteristically experienced by partially immune individuals. “Saddle-back fever,” which refers to the phenomenon in which fever lysis is followed within several days by the resumption of high fevers, is found in 60% of cases of dengue fever but can also be seen in relapsing fever resulting from Borrelia species or with P. malariae (quartan malaria) infection, leptospirosis, and many arboviral infections other than dengue. Continuous fever with temperature/pulse dissociation (relative bradycardia) is often present in enteric (typhoid or paratyphoid) fever, tick typhus, and arboviral infections. Remittent fevers, in which the body temperature fluctuates more than 2° C (3.6° F) but does not completely return to normal, can occur in pulmonary tuberculosis but may also be seen with bacterial sepsis and bacterial abscesses.

Specific Symptoms

Specific symptoms may help establish a diagnosis. Severe myalgia and arthralgia, although characteristic of many febrile illnesses, are extremely severe in arboviral infections such as chikungunya and dengue. Chills are especially prominent in malaria, bacterial infections or sepsis, and dengue. Spontaneous bleeding suggests the possibility of infection with one of the hemorrhagic viruses (e.g., Lassa fever, yellow fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever) but is also reported with various bacterial and rickettsial diseases ( Table 20.6 ). Bleeding may range from easy bruising typical of mild dengue to severe epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and possible spontaneous central nervous system hemorrhage seen with severe hemorrhagic viral diseases.

TABLE 20.6
Important Tropical Infections Associated with Spontaneous Bleeding
Adapted in part from: Wilson, M.E., 1991. A World Guide to Infections: Diseases, Distribution, Diagnosis. Oxford University Press, New York.
Infection Geographic Distribution
Argentine hemorrhagic fever (Junin) South America
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (Machupo) South America
Chikungunya The Americas (Caribbean, Central and South America), Africa, Asia, Indian subcontinent
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe
Dengue Tropical regions of Africa, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania
Ebola virus disease Africa
Hantaan virus (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome) Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Americas, Europe
Kyasanur Forest disease India
Lassa fever Africa
Marburg virus Africa
Omsk hemorrhagic fever Asia (the former USSR)
Rift Valley fever Africa
Yellow fever Africa and South and Central America
Brazilian purpuric fever South America
Leptospirosis Widespread
Meningococcal infection Widespread, particularly sub-Saharan Africa
Melioidosis Asia, Oceania, Africa, and focal spots in the Americas
Plague Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Rocky Mountain spotted fever North and South America
Typhus Widespread
Vibrio vulnificus Widespread in coastal regions

Diarrhea associated with fever is typically caused by common bacterial agents of traveler's diarrhea such as Campylobacter species, enterohemorrhagic, enteroaggregative, and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli strains, Salmonella species, Shigella species, Entamoeba histolytica , and intestinal viruses. Occasionally, febrile diarrhea may present due to other gastrointestinal pathogens such as hookworm, coccidia such as Cyclospora cayetanensis or Cryptosporidium , and rarely with Giardia lamblia . However, many systemic illnesses can present with diarrhea, including malaria.

Respiratory symptoms that suggest viral upper respiratory infections may be manifestations of tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, Q fever, melioidosis, or the pulmonary migration phase of helminths such as Ascaris lumbricoides and Strongyloides stercoralis. Fever with localized respiratory signs and symptoms in a traveler to South Central or Southeast Asia should raise the specter of highly pathogenic avian influenza or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus should be considered when evaluating fever, respiratory symptoms, and recent travel to the Middle East or Korea.

Hepatosplenomegaly along with fever suggests malaria, mononucleosis, hepatic amebiasis, acute schistosomiasis (Katayama fever), visceral leishmaniasis, or enteric fever, among other infectious diseases. Lymphadenopathy evokes mononucleosis, HIV, acute schistosomiasis, plague, typhoid fever, tularemia, and trypanosomiasis, among others ( Table 20.7 ). Of course, neoplastic and collagen vascular diseases may also induce lymphadenopathy and fever.

TABLE 20.7
Selected Febrile Illnesses Causing Organomegaly and/or Lymphadenopathy
Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly Generalized Adenopathy Localized Adenopathy
Cytomegalovirus +/− + +/− +/−
Dengue +/− +/− +
Epstein-Barr virus +/− + + + + +
Hepatitis A and B + + +/− +/−
HIV +/− +/− + + +
HTLV-1 + + + + + + +/−
Anthrax +
Brucellosis + + + + +/−
Ehrlichiosis + +
Endocarditis + +/−
Enteric fever + + + + +/−
Leptospirosis +/− + +
Melioidosis +/− +/− + +
Plague + + + +
Q fever + + + +
Relapsing fever + + + + +/− +/−
Spotted fevers + + +/− +/−
Tuberculosis +/− +/− +/− + +
Tularemia +/− +/− +/− + +
Typhus +/− + + +/−
Acute schistosomiasis + + + + + + +/−
African trypanosomiasis +/− + + + +
Amebiasis (hepatic) + + +/−
Babesiosis + + + + +/− +/−
Fascioliasis + + +/−
Filariasis + + +
Malaria + + +
Toxocariasis visceral larva (migrans) + + +/−
Toxoplasmosis +/− +/− + +
Visceral leishmaniasis + + + + + + +
− No association; + Finding is associated; ++ Finding strongly associated; +/− Finding may or may not be present. HIV , Human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV-1 , human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1.

Meningismus, confusion, and other signs of central nervous system dysfunction may be caused by a variety of viral, parasitic, and bacterial agents ( Table 20.8 ). Many of these pathogens are restricted to certain ecologic niches, so the patient's geographic itinerary, season of travel, and exposure history are essential. For example, Japanese encephalitis virus is limited to the Far East, is a disease of summer in temperate climates, and is transmitted by mosquitoes. Spinal cord disease associated with fever can result from West Nile virus, schistosomiasis, human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection, or polio virus infection.

TABLE 20.8
Important Tropical Infections Causing Meningitis and Encephalitis
Adapted in part from: Wilson, M.E., 1991. A World Guide to Infections: Diseases, Distribution, Diagnosis. Oxford University Press, New York.
Infection Geographic Distribution
California group encephalitis The Americas and Asia
Chikungunya The Americas (Caribbean, Central and South America), Africa, and Asia
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Africa, Asia, and Europe
Japanese encephalitis Asia and Oceania
Kyasanur Forest disease Asia (India)
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Widespread
Murray Valley encephalitis Oceania (Australia)
Omsk hemorrhagic fever Europe (former USSR)
Oropouche South America
Poliomyelitis Africa and Asia
Rabies Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe
Rift Valley fever Africa
Tick-borne encephalitis Asia and Europe
Venezuelan equine encephalitis The Americas
West Nile fever Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania
Bartonellosis South America (Andes)
Brucellosis Widespread
Leptospirosis Widespread
Listeriosis Widespread
Lyme disease Widespread (especially America and Europe)
Meningococcal infection Widespread (especially sub-Saharan Africa, northern India, and Nepal)
Rickettsioses Widespread
Salmonellosis Widespread
Syphilis Widespread
Tuberculosis Widespread
Blastomycosis Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe
Coccidioidomycosis The Americas
Cryptococcosis Widespread
Histoplasmosis Widespread
Paracoccidioidomycosis Amazonas, Brazil
Sporotrichosis Widespread
African trypanosomiasis Africa, primarily East Africa (game parks)
Malaria Widespread
Primary amebic meningoencephalitis Widespread
Toxoplasmosis Widespread
Cysticercosis ( Taenia solium ) Widespread
Eosinophilic meningitis ( Angiostrongylus cantonensis ) Asia, Oceania, Africa, and the Americas
Gnathostomiasis Asia, Oceania, Africa, and the Americas
Paragonimiasis Africa, Asia, South America
Strongyloidiasis (in immunocompromised hosts) Widespread
Toxocariasis Widespread
Trichinosis Widespread

Cutaneous manifestations of disease are common but seldom specific ( Table 20.9 ). The erythema chronicum migrans of Lyme disease and rose spots in typhoid fever are examples of unique, specific rashes. Nonetheless, rash can refine a differential diagnosis considerably. For example, an eschar at the site of inoculation is typical of tick typhus, boutonneuse (Mediterranean spotted) fever, and anthrax. Cutaneous ulcers are seen in leishmaniasis, tropical phagedenic ulcer, Buruli ulcer ( Mycobacterium ulcerans ), cutaneous amebiasis, arthropod bites, syphilis, yaws, tuberculosis, and leprosy. When evaluating a patient who has received previous treatment, it is important to recall that rash and fever can be caused by reactions to drugs, such as sulfa drugs, antimalarials, and other antibiotics. Rickettsial diseases are frequently associated with rash, but the absence of rash may be misleading and does not exclude the possibility of rickettsial disease (see Table 20.13 ). Genital ulcers, such as those seen with syphilis, chancroid, and lymphogranuloma venereum, should be construed as markers of exposure to other sexually transmitted diseases that should be excluded in affected travelers, as well.

TABLE 20.9
Selected Infections Characteristically Associated with Fever and Cutaneous Signs
Infection Typical Skin Manifestations/Rash
Dengue Diffuse scarlatiniform or macular rash; occasional petechiae or ecchymoses
Ebola/Marburg viruses Maculopapular rash on trunk
Herpes simplex virus Vesicles
HIV (acute) Morbilliform rash
Rubella Maculopapular rash
Rubeola Maculopapular rash
Varicella Vesicles or pustules
Viral hemorrhagic fevers Petechiae, ecchymoses
Yellow fever, hepatitis viruses Jaundice
Anthrax Eschar
Bartonellosis Angioproliferative papules and nodules
Leptospirosis Possible pretibial maculopapular rash
Lyme disease Large, annular erythematous macule(s)
Meningococcal infection Petechiae and purpura, may involve palms/soles
Rickettsial spotted fevers Diffuse macular or maculopapular rash, may involve palms/soles; possible petechiae and eschar at primary inoculation site
Scarlet fever Diffuse maculopapular rash
Scrub typhus Eschar; diffuse macular or maculopapular rash
Syphilis (secondary) Papular rash, possibly involving palms/soles
Tularemia Ulcerated papule at inoculation site
Typhoid fever Rose-colored papules on trunk (“rose spots”)
Typhus Diffuse macular or maculopapular rash; occasional petechiae
Acute schistosomiasis (Katayama fever) Urticaria
African trypanosomiasis Chancre, followed by generalized erythematous rash; possible erythema nodosum
American trypanosomiasis Erythematous nodule at inoculation site; may be associated with periorbital edema
Leishmaniasis Ulcers, nodules
Onchocerciasis Subcutaneous nodule(s), dermatitis
Strongyloidiasis Cutaneous larva currens (erythematous, serpiginous subcutaneous papules, often perirectal, associated with pruritus)
HIV , Human immunodeficiency virus.

Approach to the Traveler with Fever

A thorough but directed evaluation, bearing in mind that most fevers are self-limited, is warranted for the traveler presenting with fever. A careful history covering pre-travel prophylaxis, itinerary, travel style and exposures, apparent incubation period, fever pattern, symptoms, previous treatment, and diagnostic studies is essential. Laboratory tests to consider in the diagnostic evaluation include blood smears for malaria (and Borrelia , trypanosomes, Babesia , etc.), complete blood count and white cell differential, absolute eosinophil count, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, glucose, bilirubin, hepatic transaminases, urinalysis, chest radiograph, tuberculin skin test, hepatitis serologies, and bacterial cultures of blood, urine, and stool. In many instances, it is prudent to obtain and save an acute serum sample for future comparative serologic studies. Suspected cases of viral hemorrhagic fevers, severe malaria, and enteric fever should be immediately hospitalized. Travel in a rural African environment is a significant risk factor for exposure to viral hemorrhagic fevers, although other hemorrhagic viruses, including those causing dengue fever, Hantaan, yellow fever, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, have a more cosmopolitan distribution in widely scattered parts of the world ( Table 20.6 ). All cases of suspected viral hemorrhagic fevers should be reported immediately to both the local health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The clinically stable patient with travel-related fever in whom the initial history, physical examination, and screening laboratory studies, including at least two blood films for malaria separated by >6 but not more than 24 hours, are unremarkable may be observed. The patient should be instructed to keep a temperature record and return in 2-3 days if fever fails to resolve, or sooner if symptoms worsen. Empiric treatment for enteric fever (and/or rickettsioses) may be considered in patients who continue to have fever >48 hours after all diagnostic work-up has been initiated but in whom specific tests have been noncontributory (see ). Because the majority of travel-related febrile illnesses are self-limited viral syndromes, most fevers will resolve spontaneously. If fever persists, however, repeat malarial smears and blood cultures are warranted. Directed serologic studies to detect diseases compatible with the patient's history and physical examination should be considered. Imaging studies (e.g., abdominal computed tomography or ultrasound) and biopsies (e.g., bone marrow, liver, lymph nodes) may be indicated. Hospitalization may be justified to expedite the work-up in certain circumstances. During the evaluation of perplexing cases of apparent travel-related illness, the clinician should bear in mind that non-infectious disorders, such as pulmonary embolism, occult malignancies, systemic lupus erythematosus, and temporal arteritis, may present with fever.

Presumptive empiric therapy directed against a likely pathogen may be justified, especially when adequate diagnostic studies are not readily available or a patient is clinically deteriorating. Examples include intravenous artesunate for suspected severe infection with P. falciparum , quinolones or third-generation cephalosporins for suspected enteric fever, doxycycline for suspected rickettsioses, and ribavirin for suspected Lassa fever ( Table 20.2 ). Early initiation of appropriate therapy may significantly reduce morbidity and potential mortality from these serious febrile illnesses of travelers.

Infectious Diseases in the Traveler with Fever

Selected infectious diseases that should be considered in the traveler with fever are discussed in this section, with the goal of providing an overview. References to other chapters in this book are given as appropriate; however, the reader is encouraged to consult, when possible, standard textbooks on infectious diseases and tropical medicine and to contact the CDC for current and detailed information on the diagnosis and treatment of exotic diseases. The experts at the CDC can provide 24-hour emergency medical consultation by telephone to healthcare providers dealing with a very ill patient.


Fever in a traveler from a malarious area should be evaluated carefully, with multiple blood smears for malaria. Although malaria is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 21 , key points are worth repeating here. P. falciparum infection can be life-threatening when associated with high parasitemia, blackwater fever, cerebral malaria, or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Chemoprophylaxis is often effective, but only when taken as directed. Of the 231 cases of severe malaria in travelers reported to the CDC in 2012, 75% were due to P. falciparum , and 79% of these infections were acquired in sub-Saharan Africa; only 7 of 200 patients in whom information on prophylaxis was known were adherent to their drug regimen. However, drug-resistant P. falciparum is now widespread, and even perfect compliance with prophylaxis does not provide absolute protection from malaria infection. The case-fatality rate for P. falciparum in US travelers was approximately 0.4% in 2012 (6 deaths among 1687 total cases). Clinical manifestations of P. vivax and P. ovale infections can develop up to 5 years after exposure. The diagnosis of malaria in immune individuals or individuals who have received prophylaxis or partial treatment may be complicated by low parasitemia. Multiple blood smears in combination with highly sensitive rapid diagnostic tests or, occasionally, nucleic acid amplification tests such as polymerase chain reaction may be helpful in difficult cases (see also Chapters 6 and 21 ).

Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever (Enteric Fevers)

Enteric fever is caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi ( S. typhi ) or Salmonella paratyphi. Persistently rising fever, relative bradycardia, rose spots, and normal leukocyte counts with mild to moderate elevation of hepatic transaminases are all clues to the diagnosis; however, these characteristics are often absent. The organism can be cultured from the blood in >80% of patients during the first week of illness and from bone marrow aspirated from the iliac crest in more than 90% of documented cases, if no antibiotics are administered before obtaining the culture. The organism can be cultured from stool during the incubation period occasionally, and in one-third to two-thirds of patients during the second through fourth weeks of illness.

Neither the oral nor the parenteral vaccine provides complete immunity ( Chapter 5 ). In immunized populations, however, a higher percentage of individuals with enteric fever will have disease caused by S. paratyphi , although disease caused by S. typhi still occurs. Of the approximate 5700 cases of typhoid fever that occur annually in the United States, up to 75% are travel acquired. Of the 1902 laboratory-confirmed cases of typhoid fever reported by between 1999 and 2006 in the United States where epidemiologic information was available, foreign travel in the preceding 30 days was reported by 79%, yet only 5% had received typhoid vaccine prior to travel. Seventy-three percent of cases were hospitalized, and 0.2% died. Resistance to antimicrobials has been reported for S. typhi isolates in many countries, although fluoroquinolones are usually effective against typhoid fever acquired outside the Indian sub-continent and Southeast Asia ( Chapter 31 ).

Arboviral Diseases

Arboviral diseases are caused by arthropod-borne viruses; most are zoonoses (shared between humans and other vertebrate hosts). More than 400 arboviruses, classified into many families and genera, have been described ( Table 20.10 ). Arboviral diseases are present throughout the tropics; however, some arboviruses, such as o'nyong-nyong, Mayaro, Ross River, Oropouche, and Rift Valley fever viruses, are limited in geographic distribution. Diagnosis usually depends on clinical suspicion and serologic confirmation, the latter generally requiring acute and convalescent serum samples.

TABLE 20.10
Epidemiology of Important Arboviruses a
Adapted from: Shope, R.E., 1992. In: Wyngaarden, J.B., Smith, L.H., Bennett, J.C. (Eds.), Cecil's Textbook of Medicine, nineteenth ed. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Family (Genus) Virus Human Disease Distribution Vector
Togaviridae (Alphavirus)
Mayaro Fever, arthritis, rash South America Mosquito
Ross River Arthritis, rash, sometimes fever Australia and South Pacific Mosquito
Chikungunya Fever, arthritis, hemorrhagic fever The Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania Mosquito
Eastern encephalitis Fever, encephalitis The Americas Mosquito
Western encephalitis Fever, encephalitis The Americas Mosquito
Venezuelan encephalitis Fever, sometimes encephalitis The Americas Mosquito
Flaviviridae (Flavivirus)
Dengue (four types) Fever, rash, hemorrhagic fever Worldwide (tropics) Mosquito
Zika (Human disease) Fever, rash, Guillan-Barre, microcephaly (during pregnancy) (Distribution) The Americas (vector) Mosquito
Yellow fever Fever, hemorrhagic fever Tropical Americas and Africa Mosquito
St. Louis encephalitis Encephalitis, hepatitis (rare) The Americas Mosquito
Japanese encephalitis Encephalitis Asia, Pacific Mosquito
West Nile Fever, rash, hepatitis, encephalitis Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America Mosquito
Kyasanur Forest Hemorrhagic fever, meningoencephalitis India Tick
Omsk hemorrhagic fever Hemorrhagic fever Former Soviet Union Tick
Tick-borne encephalitis Encephalitis Europe and Asia Tick
Bunyaviridae (Bunyavirus)
La Crosse encephalitis Encephalitis North America Mosquito
Oropouche Fever Brazil and Panama Midge
Bunyaviridae (Phlebovirus)
Sand fly fever viruses Fever Asia, Africa, and tropical Americas Sand fly, mosquito
Rift Valley fever Fever, hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis, retinitis Africa Mosquito
Bunyaviridae (Nairovirus)
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever Hemorrhagic fever Asia, Europe, and Africa Tick
Bunyaviridae (Hantavirus)
Hantaan Hemorrhagic fever, renal syndrome Asia Rodent-borne
Puumala Hemorrhagic fever, renal syndrome Europe Rodent-borne
Sin Nombre Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome Western USA Rodent-borne
Arenaviridae (Arenavirus)
Junin Hemorrhagic fever Argentina Rodent-borne
Machupo Hemorrhagic fever Bolivia Rodent-borne
Lassa fever Hemorrhagic fever West Africa Rodent-borne
Reoviridae (Orbivirus)
Colorado tick fever Fever Western USA Tick
Filoviridae (Filovirus)
Marburg Hemorrhagic fever Africa Unknown
Ebola Hemorrhagic fever Africa Unknown

a Some of the viruses listed are not transmitted by arthropods and thus are not arboviruses.

The arboviral diseases can be divided into four syndromes based on clinical presentation: (1) undifferentiated fever, (2) dengue fever, (3) hemorrhagic fever, and (4) encephalitis. The syndrome of undifferentiated fever (e.g., Oropouche, Mayaro, and sand fly fever) is generally characterized by one or more of the following: fever, headache, myalgia, pharyngitis, coryza, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The dengue fever syndrome (dengue, chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong, Sindbis, West Nile, Ross River viruses) is characterized by fever, rash, arthralgia, and leukopenia. The syndrome of hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa fever, Ebola, Marburg, Crimean-Congo, Argentine, Bolivian, dengue, yellow fever viruses) ranges from mild petechiae to severe purpura and bleeding diathesis. The 2014 West African outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) underscores that prior estimates of the frequency of hemorrhagic manifestations in EVD are likely inflated. In this outbreak of EVD, which has led to >27,000 cases and >11,000 deaths, bleeding and hemorrhagic manifestations have been noted to occur in 5-15% of patients ( ; ).

Dengue Fever

Dengue is the most widespread arbovirus, distributed throughout the tropics, and frequently encountered in travelers returning from the tropics. Dengue virus is a single-stranded RNA flavivirus transmitted by the day-biting urban mosquito Aedes aegypti or the jungle mosquito Aedes albopictus. Four serotypes are recognized. Infection with one serotype results in immunity to that particular serotype; however, after a short period of cross-protection, individuals are susceptible to infection with another serotype.

Clinical infection ranges from a mild febrile syndrome to a severe dengue syndrome. Individuals with dengue who recover fully following defervescence are considered to have uncomplicated dengue, while those who deteriorate clinically are classified as having “warning signs,” which include any of the following manifestations: abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, lethargy, hepatic enlargement, and worsening thrombocytopenia in the setting of hemoconcentration. A minority of patients with warning signs will continue to deteriorate despite fluid resuscitation, and those are considered to have severe dengue, characterized by severe plasma leakage, severe bleeding, or organ failure ( ).

The incubation period of dengue is 5-8 days. A viral prodrome of nausea and vomiting is common, followed by high fever for a mean of 5 days; the fever often lyses abruptly. Myalgia and arthralgia are particularly prominent, giving rise to the common name of “breakbone fever.” Headache (especially retro-orbital), lymphadenopathy (frequently cervical), and/or rash (scarlatiniform, maculopapular, or petechial; characteristic “islands of white macules on a sea of red”) frequently develop. The rash may occur late during the course of illness, and fever may reappear after several days. ( Note : this “saddleback” fever pattern is present in about 60% of cases.)

Previous infection with one serotype of virus may predispose an individual to more severe disease on infection with another serotype. This immune enhancement of viral pathogenesis is thought to result from immunoglobulin-mediated dengue virus uptake into macrophages, where growth is favored. Thus the hemorrhagic fever/shock syndrome, which is most common in indigenous children, is unlikely to occur in a traveler who has not been previously infected with dengue. Prolonged convalescent periods, characterized by extreme fatigue often persisting for months, have been noted by many travelers who have acquired dengue fever. Dengue vaccine trials in endemic areas show some benefit in children.


Chikungunya virus infection has been historically noted among travelers from Southeast Asia and Africa. However, in late 2013, the virus emerged for the first time in the Americas, leading to a widespread and ongoing outbreak in the Caribbean and Central and South America affecting at least 44 individual countries, with cases numbering into the hundreds of thousands. This has resulted in high numbers of cases among North American and European travelers to the Caribbean and Central America, in particular. This disease presents in a fashion similar to dengue fever, although incubation and duration of symptoms are typically more prolonged. Myalgia and arthralgia are particularly severe with chikungunya, with function-limiting arthropathy persisting for years in a minority of patients.


Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and human infectinos were extraordinarily rare until 2015, when an epidemic began to sweep across South and Central America. Most adult patients have a clinical illness very similar to Dengue and Chikungunya, although neurological injury such as Guillan-Barre has been described. Of greatest concern is its association with microcephaly if the patient is pregnant during infection. Women who return from endemic areas with fever should be assessed for this infection, and if infected and pregnant, counseled on strategies for aggressive fetal monitoring or termination options.

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