Transseptal Heart Catheterization

Importance of Transseptal Puncture

The transseptal puncture has been in use since its description in 1959 by Drs. Ross, Braunwald and Morrow. Until recently, transseptal puncture has been used relatively rarely, primarily for diagnostic purposes and percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV). In recent years, with the advent of complex structural heart interventions and electrophysiology ablation procedures, the use of transseptal puncture has increased. In the arena of structural heart disease interventions, transseptal puncture is often a crucial initial part of the procedure. These procedures include PBMV, closure of the long-tunnel patent foramen ovale (PFO), atrial septostomy, left atrial appendage occlusion, percutaneous mitral valve repair (e.g., with MitraClip [Abbott Vascular Structural Heart, Menlo Park, Calif.]), mitral paravalvular leak closure, and many investigational mitral repair or replacement technologies.

In some procedures, the transseptal puncture is important primarily for access to the left atrium (LA), such as in PBMV for mitral stenosis. When the location of puncture is less important, experienced operators can easily perform blind puncture using fluoroscopic landmarks. However, in other procedures the precise location of the transseptal puncture is critically important, because it may either determine procedural safety (e.g., in atrial septostomy) or procedural success, such as in the MitraClip procedure or left atrial appendage closure. For procedures in which precise positioning is of utmost importance, some form of real-time echocardiographic imaging is essential.


The transseptal puncture can be performed safely using standard equipment. This may include a Mullins sheath and dilator and a Brockenbrough needle (Medtronic, Santa Rosa, Calif.) (Figure 4–1) . However, there are more options available currently and operators may choose to use other commercially available needles and sheaths/dilators. These include the BRK series of transseptal needles and the SL series of transseptal sheaths (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.) (Figures 4–2 and 4–3) . Specific equipment for PBMV may also be used off-label. These include the “curly” left atrial guidewire (TORAYGUIDE Guidewire; Toray Industries, United States), which provides stable support in the LA.

Figure 4–1, Components of a transseptal puncture system. Top to bottom: Mullins sheath, dilator, and transseptal needle.

Figure 4–2, Some types of transseptal needles and catheters.

Figure 4–3, Different transseptal catheters are available with different curves and tip shapes. These are generally available in both 8F and 8.5F sizes.

In general, these authors recommend using the SL-0 sheath and dilator or the Mullins sheath with a BRK needle. The angle of the SL-0 sheath favors directing a wire towards the left upper pulmonary vein (LUPV). However, the Mullins sheath is also commonly used and may be useful if extra curve is required toward the mitral valve. The choice of the catheter is largely dependent on the specific patient anatomy, procedure type, and the preference of the operator. For example, a Mullins sheath may be particularly suitable in situations where there is a PFO or when the LA is large. Another important variation in the practice of transseptal punctures is that some operators use just the dilator with the BRK needle without the accompanying sheath. The Agilis NxT Steerable Introducers (St Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.) are specialized catheters with adjustable curves that may be particularly suitable for complex anatomy.

Transseptal Heart Catheterization Under Fluoroscopic Guidance

Transseptal puncture under fluoroscopic guidance is usually performed for PBMV and other procedures in which precise location of the transseptal puncture is not crucial. Various methods have been described. The availability of advanced imaging technologies such as transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) have made the use of fluoroscopic maneuvers (including right atrial angiography) less common. Nonetheless, because PBMV is more commonly performed in developing countries, in which cost considerations of using these technologies may be important, it is important to understand the various techniques available using fluoroscopy to obtain a successful puncture.

“Drop” into the Fossa Ovalis

A transseptal puncture begins with access into the right femoral venous system. Although transseptal puncture is possible from the left femoral vein, the angulation is generally not favorable and therefore avoided if possible. A 0.032-inch guidewire is advanced from the inferior vena cava (IVC) into the superior vena cava (SVC), and the right femoral venous sheath is exchanged for a transseptal sheath and dilator (e.g., Mullins sheath or SL-0 catheter). The transseptal sheath is advanced into the SVC. Operators may, at the same time, choose to place a pigtail catheter in the ascending aorta to demarcate the position of the aorta on fluoroscopy (Figure 4–4) . This helps identify the aorta so that the operator may direct the transseptal needle away from it (appreciable primarily in the lateral fluoroscopic projection). In the meantime, the transseptal needle is flushed carefully and attached to a pressure transducer. Many operators will slowly continuously flush the needle with a saline infusion drip to prevent air from entering the system. The small saline flush that emanates from the tip of the sheath can also aid visualization if echocardiographic imaging is used. The needle is then advanced to the distal edge of the transseptal sheath, with the operator taking care to ensure that at least a distance of 1 cm is present between the needle and sheath tips. To do so, the needle is prevented from advancing forward by gripping it in the palm of the right hand while the thumb and index fingers hold the sheath and dilator system (Figure 4–5) . The orientation of the needle and sheath must be maintained by matching the metal arrow on the needle’s hub to the direction of sheath’s sidearm (Figure 4–6) . The operator ensures that that the needle does not slip forward inadvertently. The entire system of sheath, dilator, and needle is held as one unit and then gradually brought down to the level of the interatrial septum. This technique also maintains a constant and safe needle distance from the tip of the dilator. In a patient with normal or near normal anatomy, as the transseptal system is brought caudally (inferiorly), there is a “drop” into the fossa ovalis as the sheath cross the limbus. This is a tactile event and occasionally may also be appreciated on fluoroscopy as well.

Figure 4–4, Fluoroscopic appearance of transseptal puncture in anteroposterior (AP) projection.

Figure 4–5, Technique for holding the transseptal system.

Figure 4–6, The transseptal sheath and needle are moved as one system by rotating the hand. The arrow on the transseptal needle should be aligned with the sidearm of the sheath, which is oriented toward the curve of the transseptal sheath (arrows). A and B show the system in the horizontal (3 o’clock) position. C and D show the system in the 4 o’clock position (arrows), which is the preferred angle of crossing for the majority of structurally normal hearts. Note that this angle will change with RA or LA enlargement.

At this point, the operator may puncture the septum by advancing the needle carefully out the end of the sheath (Figure 4–7) . By applying gentle forward pressure to the needle and transseptal sheath, the needle should cross in the LA easily. In some cases, as forward pressure is applied, the needle may slide cranially, and the original puncture location may be lost. In this case, it may be necessary to remove and reshape the needle to gain more purchase on the interatrial septum. In addition, the wire mandril that comes with the Brockenbrough needle can also be used to “anchor” the needle into the septum and to assist in stabilizing the system as forward pressure is applied (Figure 4–8) . As the needle crosses in the LA, the pressure transducer should show a left atrial pressure waveform. Importantly, the operator would hope not to see aortic pressure waveforms, which would indicate puncture of the aorta. The operator may also confirm that the needle is in the LA by aspirating blood backwards. Bright red blood will usually indicate that the needle is in the LA if pressure waveforms are consistent as well. An important cautionary note is to avoid flushing the catheter if it appears that the needle has crossed but there is no waveform or if the waveform is dampened. This may represent a thrombus on the needle/catheter system. Flushing into the LA may result in a stroke. Gentle aspiration to remove the thrombus may help. Lack of any pressure may also indicate that the tip of the needle is in the wall of the LA, pericardial space, or other soft-tissue structure. If there is uncertainty as to the location of the needle, the transseptal sheath should never be advanced forward, and the entire system should be withdrawn into the right atrium (RA). There are times in which the needle appears to be clearly into the LA but there is no pressure waveform. This may occur especially if there is a very floppy septum or if an interatrial septal aneurysm is present. In such situations, although it may appear that the needle is very far into the LA on fluoroscopy, it may not have crossed the floppy septum. Adequate preprocedure echocardiography would be useful to identify the presence of a floppy septum or interatrial septal aneurysm. TEE guidance in such situations would be reassuring and would enhance patient safety.

Figure 4–7, Needle advancement.

Figure 4–8, Use of microwire mandril to assist in transseptal puncture.

Once across the interatrial septum, the needle is often directed posteriorly so a slight counterclockwise rotation will direct the needle away from the left atrial posterior wall. The dilator and sheath are carefully advanced over the needle and then just the sheath over the dilator to ensure that the sheath is well in the LA (Figure 4–9) . The dilator and needle are then removed, and the sheath aspirated and flushed carefully. If there is difficulty aspirating, the operator needs to consider the presence of thrombus or that the sheath tip is impinging on the wall of the LA. In the latter case, the sheath may be rotated either clockwise or counterclockwise to turn the sheath posteriorly or anteriorly away from the LA wall.

Figure 4–9, A shows the transseptal needle at the interatrial septum. B shows that the puncture has occurred and now the sheath is across the septum. The dilator and needle have been withdrawn back into the sheath.

Depending on the procedure, a 0.035-inch stiff wire (e.g., Amplatz Super Stiff wire [St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.]) can be advanced to the LUPV and used as a rail for the delivery for equipment or devices (Figure 4–10) . On occasion, a 6F or 7F multipurpose catheter may be used through the transseptal sheath to help guide the positioning of the wire in the LUPV.

Figure 4–10, This shows the transseptal needle and catheter with successful puncture across the interatrial septum and a wire advanced to the LUPV.

Septal Flush or Staining Method

Some operators recommend the use of the “septal flush” or “stain” to demarcate the interatrial septum. This may be done in conjunction with other fluoroscopic transseptal techniques. It is performed by injecting contrast against the interatrial septum. In the lateral projection, a vertical stain suggests dissection of the high septum. With tenting of the interatrial septum at the fossa ovalis, a triangular “tent” of contrast may be seen. These techniques are used when echocardiographic imaging may not be easily available.

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