Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve Implantation

Surgical valve replacement is frequently required in patients with severe native valve disorders not amenable to valve repair. Until recently, valve replacement invariably required open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. This major surgery was associated with morbidity, mortality, long hospital stays, and disability. The surgical prosthetic valves commonly used are less than perfect, and the long-term results are still suboptimal. Most prosthetic valves that are surgically implanted are either mechanical or biological (tissue valves). Although the mechanical valves are durable and can potentially last for a lifetime, they require full, lifelong anticoagulation therapy, which may result in bleeding tendency and limitation of strenuous sports and physical activity. Bioprosthetic valves were introduced with the hope that anticoagulation would not be required. Unfortunately, biological valves degenerate and fail within years after their surgical implantation and become stenotic, insufficient, or both. Valve failure is more rapid in young patients. Therefore, bioprosthetic valves are more frequently recommended in older adult patients (who have higher prevalence of coronary disease and other comorbidities). However, with improved patient care and better survival of cardiac patients, many individuals will require one or more major open-heart surgeries to replace a failed valve. The repeat procedure carries relatively high morbidity and mortality, with long hospitalizations and frequently incomplete recovery.

Valve-in-Valve Procedure

During the past decade, an alternative procedure has been developed: transcutaneous, transcatheter delivery of an expandable prosthetic valve to be deployed within a failed prosthetic valve. This procedure, also known as “valve in valve” (ViV), should be distinguished from transcutaneous implantation of a prosthetic valve within a native malfunctioning valve, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) or transcatheter pulmonic valve replacement, which are discussed elsewhere in this book.

The (ViV) procedure gained growing acceptance into medical practice; in 2017, the Food and Drug Administration approved expanded indication for the Edwards Sapien 3 transcatheter bioprosthetic valve for aortic and mitral ViV procedures in patients at high surgical risk or greater. Failed aortic bioprosthetic valves can be treated with either balloon expandable or self-expandable valves.


Multimodality imaging before and during the procedure is frequently essential. This includes fluoroscopy, two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and computed tomography (CT). Fusion imaging techniques are quite useful. This includes the Cardiac Navigator system for fluoroscopy and CT image fusion as well as the EchoNav system for 2D and 3D TEE and fluoroscopy fusion (both by Philips). The fusion technology superimposes the TEE or CT images on the fluoroscopic screen and thus enables the operator to navigate the catheters, wires, and devices into the target sites defined by these images.

Accurate demonstration of the internal dimension, perimeter, and shape of the failed prosthetic ring are essential for prosthetic valve selection. These can be evaluated from the 3D echocardiographic or CT images. Color and spectral Doppler are essential for the evaluation of the failed valve hemodynamics. The exact degree of stenosis and regurgitation can be quantified. The site of regurgitation is important. Paravalvular leaks may require device closure, not valve replacement.

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