
At birth, the mandible consists of two lateral halves united in the midline at the symphysis by a bar of cartilage ( Fig. 22.1 , e-Fig. 22.2 , and Fig. 22.3 ). Bony fusion of the symphysis usually occurs before the second year, but segments of the fissures may persist beyond puberty. The body of the mandible is large at birth compared with the relatively short vertical rami with poorly differentiated coronoid and condylar processes. The rami form an angle of about 160 degrees with the body at birth.

Figure 22.1, Important anatomic features of the normal mandible.

Figure 22.3, Anatomy of a normal temporomandibular joint. The zygomatic arch and a portion of the ramus of the mandible are cut away to expose the articular disk.

e-Figure 22.2, The relative size and shape of neonatal and adult mandibles. The rami form an angle with the body of 160 degrees at birth; this angle is reduced to 130 degrees at adolescence and 120 degrees in adulthood.

The mandible is the only freely movable bone of the face; it articulates with the temporal bone in the temporomandibular fossa anterior to the external auditory canal (see Fig. 22.3 ). The range of motion is free in all directions, and the condyle moves downward and forward in the articular fossa upon opening of the jaw.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) (see Fig. 22.3 ) is a complex joint in which a biconcave fibrous disk divides the articular space into upper and lower compartments. Gliding movements occur in the upper compartment, whereas the lower compartment functions as a true hinge joint. The articulating bony surfaces are not covered by hyaline cartilage as in other synovial joints but by fibrocartilage separated from the underlying bone of the condyle by growth cartilage.


By approximately the sixth week of embryologic development, the dental lamina develops along the length of the upper and lower jaws. It is the predecessor to dental bud formation and ultimately tooth development.

Teeth are situated in bony prominences along the mandible and maxilla known as alveolar processes . The alveolar processes and mandibular body atrophy when teeth are absent ( e-Fig. 22.4 ). There are two sets of dentition, primary/deciduous teeth and permanent teeth. There are 20 total primary teeth and 32 total permanent teeth in the mouth in a normal situation ( Fig. 22.5 ). The developmental absence of some or all teeth, hypodontia and anodontia respectively, is demonstrated in a rare inherited disorder called anhidrotic/hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ( Fig. 22.6 ). Hyperdontia or supernumerary teeth may occur sporadically or in association with conditions such as Gardner syndrome and cleidocranial dysplasia. Other dental abnormalities in cleidocranial dysplasia include markedly delayed shedding of primary teeth and delayed or failed eruption of permanent teeth.

Figure 22.5, Tooth numbering nomenclature for (A) primary and (B) permanent teeth. ADA, American Dental Association; FDI, Feberation Dentaire Internationale. (C) Normal tooth anatomy. Enamel (E) covers the crown, and a thin layer of cementum (arrowhead) covers the roots. Dentin (D) , a calcified matrix, lies between the enamel or cementum and the pulp chamber (P) or root canal. Cementum and dentin cannot be distinguished at imaging because they have similar mineralization. The pulp chamber and root canal contain neurovascular elements. Gingiva (G) covers the maxillary and mandibular alveolar processes (B) . In teeth with multiple roots, the space between the roots is called the furcation (F) . Lamina dura (curved arrow) , a thin layer of dense bone, lines the socket. The periodontal ligament (straight arrow) lies between the lamina dura and cementum. * = cementoenamel junction, dashed line = dentinoenamel junction.

Figure 22.6, (A) A mandible in an 8-week-old infant with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia shows failure of calcification of dental crowns and defective dental sacs. (B) A radiograph of a normal 8-day-old newborn shows normal dental development in the neonatal period.

e-Figure 22.4, Edentulous mandibular hypoplasia. Panorex from a 10-year-old female with chronic neutropenia status after a full-mouth dental extraction for innumerable caries and peridontal pathology. Two mandibular post implants are in place for affixing dentures. The alveolar bone, which exists for the sake of the teeth, has resorbed postextraction.

Natal and neonatal teeth are uncommon but do occur in 1 : 2000–3000 live births. In the majority of cases, this is an isolated, nonsyndromic occurrence with early premature eruption of a normal primary tooth/teeth. Complications with suckling may occur for baby and mother.


The branchial apparatus, also known as pharyngeal apparatus , comprises a series of paired embryologic structures—arches, pouches, clefts, and membranes—associated with the pharynx from which many adult craniofacial structures are derived. Branchial apparatus neural crest cells contribute to skeletal development in the face.

Between weeks 4 and 5 of development, the stomodeum (rudimentary mouth) forms in the center of the face surrounded by the first and second branchial pairs. The first branchial arch, the so-called mandibular arch, and its corresponding neural crest cells give rise to the mandible.

First branchial arch neural crest cell insufficiency results in mandibular insufficiency (i.e., micrognathia). Micrognathia describes an undersized hypoplastic mandible ( Fig. 22.7 ). Retrognathia describes a retropositioned mandible. Often micrognathia and retrognathia go hand-in-hand; a small jaw is also a retropositioned jaw. Prognathia describes an oversized mandible. Partial duplication of the mandible is very rare.

Figure 22.7, Micrognathia in Pierre Robin sequence.

Transformation of the first branchial apparatus explains a developmental relationship between the jaw and the ear. The principal derivatives of the first arch include not only the bony mandible but also middle ear ossicles malleus and incus. The endodermal-lined first branchial pouch derivatives include the pharyngotympanic (Eustachian) tube and middle ear cavity. The ectodermal-lined first branchial cleft principal derivative is the external auditory canal. The intervening first branchial membrane develops into tympanic membrane. Genetic conditions and environmental factors can adversely affect the complex transformation of the branchial apparatus. Gone awry, the interrelated transformations of the first and second branchial pairs can result in isolated mandibular anomalies (rare) to major syndromic categories of craniofacial malformation termed the otomandibular dysplasias , which include Goldenhar (hemifacial microsomia), Treacher Collins (mandibulofacial dysostosis), branchio-oto-renal syndrome, Nager preaxial/radial acrofacial dysostosis, and Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) (see also Chapter 20 ).

Craniofacial and more specifically mandibular development is increasingly assessed in utero using prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an adjunct to screening ultrasound (US). MRI-based reference data for fetal mandibular growth with validated metrics to quantitatively evaluate fetal mandibular size and position (jaw index and inferior facial angle) have been derived improving the antenatal diagnosis of micrognathia and retrognathia. Improved antenatal diagnosis of micrognathic conditions such as PRS, characterized by cleft palate, small jaw, and occlusive retropositioned tongue, could preclude perinatal airway emergencies and improve survival.

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