The Epidemiology of Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is one of several terms referring to a partial or complete obstruction of one or more arteries that supply blood to the limbs. Although the term PAD is sometimes inclusive of all peripheral arteries and/or any etiology, in this chapter PAD refers to atherosclerotic occlusive disease of lower extremity arteries. Other terms used for this condition in the literature are “peripheral vascular disease (PVD)” and “lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD).”

While the first studies on PAD epidemiology focused on symptomatic disease only, the development of investigative methods applicable in large cohorts enabled the identification of asymptomatic PAD. Indeed, symptomatic PAD is preceded by a long asymptomatic period, and several studies showed that even at the initial stage of the disease, patients affected by asymptomatic PAD are already at higher risk of cardiovascular (CVD) events. Consequently, more recent studies have used objective investigation methods, and typically included both symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of the disease. This has led to better estimates of PAD prevalence and incidence. Recent estimates place the total number of persons with PAD at more than 8 million in the United States and 200 million worldwide.

Symptoms and measures of peripheral artery disease in epidemiology

Insufficient blood supply to the legs can cause pain and dysfunction. This type of pain is generally known as intermittent claudication (IC), characterized as leg muscle pain occurring when walking and relieved at rest, which is indicative of exercise-induced ischemic pain.

A number of questionnaires have been developed to uniformly identify IC and distinguish it from other causes of leg pain. The first was the Rose questionnaire, also referred to as the World Health Organization questionnaire. However, this questionnaire presents a low sensitivity, ranging from 9% to 68% in different studies. Two other questionnaires attempted to improve the diagnostic performances; The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire is a modification of the Rose questionnaire, with 47% to 91% sensitivity and 95% to 99% specificity in different studies. The San Diego Claudication Questionnaire is another modified version of the Rose questionnaire that additionally captures information on the laterality of symptoms ( Table 16.1 ).

Table 16.1
The San Diego Claudication Questionnaire (Interviewer Administered Version)
Modified from Criqui MH, Aboyans V. Epidemiology of peripheral artery disease. Circ Res . 2015;116(9):1509–1526.
Right Left
  • 1.

    Do you get pain or discomfort in either leg or either buttock on walking? (If no, stop)

  • 2.

    Does this pain ever begin when you are standing still or sitting?

  • 3.

    In what part of the leg or buttock do you feel it?

    • a.

      Pain includes calf/calves

    • b.

      Pain includes thigh/thighs

    • c.

      Pain includes buttock/buttocks

  • 4.

    Do you get it when you walk uphill or hurry?

Never walks uphill/hurries
  • 5.

    Do you get it when you walk at an ordinary pace on the level?

  • 6.

    Does the pain ever disappear while you are walking?

  • 7.

    What do you do if you get it when you are walking?

Stop or slow down
Continue on




  • 8.

    What happens to it if you stand still? (if unchanged, stop)

Lessened or relieved




  • 9.

    How soon?

10 min or less
More than 10 min
1. No Pain—Q1 = 1
2. Pain at rest—Q1 = 2 and Q2 = 2
3. Noncalf—Q1 = 2 and Q2 = 1 and Q3a = 1 and Q3b = 2 or Q3c = 2
4. Non-Rose calf—Q1 = 2 and Q2 = 1 and Q3a = 2, and not Rose
5. Rose—Q1 = 2 and Q2 = 1 and Q3a = 2 and Q4 = 2 or 3 (and if Q4 = 3, then Q5 = 2), and Q6 = 1 and Q7 = 1 and Q8 = 1 and Q9 = 1

Although considered as typical, it should be emphasized that classical IC is not the sole clinical pattern related to PAD. Besides rest pain, occurring at a more evolved stage of the disease, several patterns of atypical pain can be related to PAD. For example, in the PAD Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for Survival (PARTNERS) program, more than half of the PAD patients reported symptoms, but few reported classic Rose claudication. The definitional distinctions used to separate IC from other types of leg pain make the former more specific to arterial disease, but less sensitive to other types of pain that may in some cases be related to PAD.

Two attempts have been made to qualify different patterns of nontypical pain, both using the San Diego Claudication Questionnaire ( Table 16.2 ). In one report, five categories of symptoms have been proposed: no pain, pain on exertion and rest, noncalf pain, atypical calf pain, and classic claudication (see Table 16.2 ). There is a respectively increasing prevalence of PAD in these five groups. In another study, McDermott et al. proposed a sixth category, splitting the “no pain” group according to whether people walk enough to experience exertional pain (see Table 16.2 ). They also divided atypical leg pain according to whether the subject stops or carries on with this pain. The authors not only found different mean ankle-brachial index (ABI) values in different categories, but also found several concomitant disorders (i.e., neurological and articular), which can make symptoms of ischemic muscle cramp less typical. More recently, the concept of “masked PAD” has been proposed to cover all situations where patients do not complain of pain despite the presence of PAD: this encompasses patients unable to walk, or other conditions limiting walking distance before the occurrence of ischemia and pain (e.g., general conditions such as heart failure, or local conditions such as joint/muscular diseases), or when pain sensitivity is altered, especially in the elderly and/or conditions responsible for neuropathy (e.g., diabetes). These cases of “masked PAD” should be conceptually distinct from truly asymptomatic PAD, but further studies are necessary to better delineate this subgroup. Masked PAD can explain why a patient can suddenly present with a severe form of PAD without any complaint beforehand.

Table 16.2
Different Classifications of Typical/Atypical Pain in Peripheral Artery Disease Based on the San Diego Claudication Questionnaire
Criqui et al. McDermott et al.
Pain Category Definition Pain Category Definition
Asymptomatic No pain No pain in either leg or buttock on walking. No exertional pain/active No pain in either leg or buttock on walking. Subject walking > 6 blocks.
No exertional pain/inactive No pain in either leg or buttock on walking. Subject not walking > 6 blocks.
Atypical pain Pain on exertion/rest Pain in either leg or buttock on walking, can sometimes begin when standing still or sitting. Pain on exertion/rest Pain in either leg or buttock on walking, can sometimes begin when standing still or sitting.
Noncalf pain Pain not in calf region but in thighs or buttocks, only when walking. Atypical exertional leg pain/stop Noncalf pain, starting only when walking, the subject stops walking.
Atypical calf pain Pain in calf region, starting only when walking, but different from classic claudication pain. Atypical exertional leg pain/carry on Pain starting only when walking, the subject carries on walking.
Typical “Rose” pain Classic claudication Pain in calf region, starting only when walking, does not disappear during walk, causing subject to halt or slow down. Pain is lessened or relieved within 10 min if walking halted. Intermittent claudication Pain in calf region, starting only when walking, does not disappear during walk, causing subject to halt or slow down. Pain is lessened or relieved within 10 min if walking halted.

More severe clinical forms of PAD include leg pain at rest, trophic lesions, or both. In this situation the vitality of the limb is threatened due to severe arterial insufficiency and the risk of limb loss in the absence of medical care is high. Consequently, this clinical pattern has been defined as critical limb ischemia (CLI), grouping typical chronic ischemic rest pain and ischemic skin lesions, either ulcers or gangrene. This situation is more recently defined in the European Society of Cardiology PAD Guidelines as critical limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) because of the high risk of limb loss, not only because of severe ischemia, but also wounds and infection which can be present in the most severe cases.

Ankle-Brachial Index

Because PAD often has a long silent course before symptoms, and given the variety of clinical signs ranging from atypical pain to severe trophic lesions, an objective method to define the disease is warranted.

The ABI is the ratio of the systolic blood pressure at the ankle to that in the arm. Although there is no clear-cut threshold to confirm or exclude the presence of PAD, an ABI ≤ 0.90 is commonly used in both clinical practice and epidemiologic research to define PAD, although an ABI between 0.90 and 1.00 should be considered as borderline requiring further investigation. It is estimated that one out of four subjects with an ABI in the 0.90 to 1.00 range actually have PAD. In a large German primary care cohort, compared to the reference group with an ABI ≥ 1.1, mortality rates were increased for ABI values within the 0.9 to 1.1 interval. The ABI has been shown to have good receiver operating curve characteristics as a test for PAD.

The major advantage of ABI-defined PAD is that it covers both symptomatic and asymptomatic PAD. In the Rotterdam study, 99.4% of subjects with ABI ≥ 0.90 did not have IC; but only 6.3% of subjects with ABI < 0.90 had claudication. In another study in elderly women in the United States, these percentages were 93.3% and 18.3%, respectively. In another study, even in limbs with ABI ≤ 0.50, considered as severe PAD, any exertional pain was not present in 17% of limbs. This supports the concept of “masked PAD” presented above.

In the general population, it is estimated that for every prevalent case of typical IC, two to five asymptomatic cases are generally found with the use of ABI. Based on this, PAD defined by ABI is much more common than when defined by claudication in the general population, and large numbers of patients with PAD but without IC have a low (< 0.90) ABI.

To validate the ABI, early studies compared the ABI measurement to angiography, considered as the “gold standard” for the visualization of atherosclerosis in the legs, and reported sensitivity and specificity in the 97% to 100% range. These studies involved comparisons of patients with angiographically-confirmed PAD with young, healthy individuals assumed not to have PAD. The reported diagnostic performances are therefore based on the ability of the ABI to discriminate between extremes of disease and health. Also using angiography as the gold standard, another study assessed the verification bias, related to the fact that only highly suspect cases are referred to angiography. Even after correcting the diagnostic performance results by the estimation of this selection bias, they found an area under the ROC curve at 0.95 when using ABI to detect > 50% stenosis at angiography. In that study, the corrected sensitivity and specificity of an ABI < 0.91 was estimated at 79% and 96%, respectively. This lower sensitivity can be explained in part by some PAD patients with stiff peripheral arteries and false normal ABIs. Another explanation can be that normal values are different between sexes and among different ethnic groups (see below). More recently, taking color-duplex ultrasound as a reference, a study comparing the ABI ability to diagnose PAD showed lower accuracy in diabetic than nondiabetic patients.

The ABI has been demonstrated to have a strong association with CVD risk factors and disease outcomes. In a meta-analysis of 16 cohort studies including over 48,000 individuals, the mortality risk by ABI had a reverse J-shaped distribution with a normal (low risk) ABI of 1.11 to 1.40. The 10-year mortality in men and women with an ABI < 0.90 was 18.7% and 12.6%, respectively, with a significant risk-excess as compared to counterparts with normal (1.10 to 1.40) ABI. In a clinical study, patients with ABI < 0.90 who did not have exertional leg pain were shown to have poorer lower extremity functioning, even after adjustment for traditional risk factors and comorbidities. The ABI correlates with the ability to exercise as measured on an accelerometer, and an ABI < 0.6 is related to the development of walking impairment. The ABI also has been shown to have high intra- and inter-rater reliability. Thus, even aside from its association with claudication, the ABI is considered a powerful marker for functional outcomes, risk factors, and associated CVD diseases.

However, the ABI has several limitations for PAD diagnosis. Occlusive disease located in arteries distal to the site of pressure measurement is not detected by the ABI. PAD affecting pedal arteries can be detected by the measurement of toe-brachial index (TBI), which is particularly relevant in diabetic patients who often present with more distal disease. It is suggested that ABI might also be related to the subject’s height, with taller patients having slightly higher ABIs; however, this is not a consistent finding in all studies. Similarly, it has been noted in several studies that the ABI in the left foot is slightly lower on average than the ABI in the right foot. It is unlikely that these differences are related to real differences in the presence of PAD.

Arterial calcification (e.g., those occurring with medial calcinosis or intimal calcification) can make the arteries of the ankle stiff and less compressible, and lead to artificially high values of the ABI. This is particularly common in patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease (CKD). Patients with ABI values > 1.50 are often excluded in epidemiologic analyses. In two large population-based studies in the United States, the proportion of patients with such elevated values was approximately 0.5%. Some investigators use the more conservative cutpoint of 1.3. New evidence suggests 1.40 may be a good compromise and is considered as the threshold to qualify as high ABI. In one study, in more than 80% of cases with an ABI > 1.40, concomitant occlusive disease could be identified when using other diagnostic methods. This can explain the similar rates of IC and the association with subclinical disease in other vascular beds found in patients in this elevated ABI range, compared to an ABI < 0.90.

Incidence and prevalence of peripheral artery disease

The current prevalence of PAD worldwide is estimated at approximately 200 million people. In the United States, pooling and adjusting the data of seven US population studies provided an estimate of approximately 6.8 million people aged ≥ 40 years affected by this condition in the year 2000, corresponding to 5.8% of that population. This estimation includes both people with an abnormal (< 0.90) ABI and those with normal ABI values after lower limb revascularization. A recent meta-analysis also estimated the prevalence of PAD in the United States. In men, this prevalence ranged from 6.5% at age of 60 to 69 to 11.6% in those at age of 70 to 79, and 29.4% in those over the age of 80 years. A similar age-related rise in PAD prevalence was found in women, with a corresponding prevalence rate of 5.3%, 11.5%, and 24.7%, respectively. Given the larger number of women surviving to older age, the burden of PAD (defined as the total number of individuals with prevalent PAD in the population) is significantly greater in women than in men. This is particularly true in low- and middle-income countries.

More recently, several studies shed light on PAD epidemiology in the populations of non-Western countries. In a population cohort of 4055 Chinese men and women aged > 60 years, the prevalence of PAD (ABI < 0.90) was 2.9% and 2.8%, respectively. In one Japanese community study, the prevalence of ABI < 0.90 was very low at 1.4% after the age of 40. In another population-based cohort of 1871 individuals above 65 years of age in two countries in Central Africa, the prevalence was considerably higher, nearing 15%.

Data suggesting that PAD is more common in the black population are compelling in studies from both the United States and Africa. Several large cohort studies have reported that blacks are more likely to have PAD than whites. The prevalence of PAD in the > 40 years old population in 2000 were estimated at 5.5%, 8.8%, 2.8%, 2.6%, and 6.1% in non-Hispanic whites, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native-Americans, respectively. The higher prevalence of PAD in African-Americans is consistent in all large American epidemiological studies.

Differences in PAD incidence and prevalence in different ethnic groups could be related to non-genetic factors, for example social and nutritional factors, and these issues are only partially controlled when comparing different ethnic groups in the same country. However, a study performed in a subset of the Multi-Ethnic Study on Atherosclerosis (MESA) population free of PAD and without any of the four traditional risk factors of PAD (smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia), found that even after adjustments for a full range of anthropometric, biological, and social variables, black subjects had a lower normal ABI, about 0.02 less than non-Hispanic whites. This small difference affects the prevalence of low ABI, overestimating the PAD prevalence by about + 10% in this ethnic group. Nonetheless, even taking this into account, there is still a higher prevalence of PAD in blacks compared to whites. Similar findings have been found in another cohort of siblings of subjects with premature atherosclerosis. Interestingly, hospital-based studies suggest that the anatomic distribution of disease may differ in blacks, with a higher percentage of distal disease in black subjects, even after adjustment for diabetes and other CVD risk factors.

There is also evidence that Asians and Hispanics have a lower prevalence of PAD than whites. A study of Native Americans suggested PAD prevalence comparable to that in non-Hispanic whites. The explanation for these differences among races may in part reflect differences in traditional risk factors and socio-economic status.

Fig. 16.1 shows prevalence estimates of ABI-based PAD in population studies by age in women and men, in high- and low/middle-income countries in 2010. The figure shows a curvilinear relationship of prevalence with age in both genders. In younger populations, PAD is a newer problem for certain geographic regions, notably in the western Pacific and Southeast Asia.

Fig. 16.1, Prevalence of Peripheral Artery Disease by Age in Men and Women in High-Income Countries and Low-Income or Middle-Income Countries According to the Global Burden Disease 2010 Study.

Estimates of PAD incidence are reported somewhat less frequently in the literature, with more data for claudication incidence than for ABI. Fig. 16.2 presents the incidence of IC according to age in available studies. Data from the Framingham study show IC in men rising from < 0.4 per 1000 per year in men aged 35 to 45 years to over 6 per 1000 per year in men aged 65 years and older. Incidence among women ranged from 40% to 60% lower by age, although estimates in men and women were similar by age 65 to 74. In a group of Israeli men, the incidence of claudication ranged from 6.3 per 1000 per year at ages 40 to 49 to 10.5 per 1000 at age 60 and greater. In a study of 4570 men from Quebec, claudication incidence rose from 0.7 per 1000 per year at ages 35 to 44, to 3 per 1000 per year at ages 45 to 54; 7 per 1000 per year at ages 55 to 63; and 9 per 1000 at age 65 and greater. In the Speedwell study, which followed English men aged 45 to 63 years for 10 years, claudication incidence per 1000 per year ranged from 3.1 in the youngest to 4.9 in the oldest age group based on age at baseline exam. A higher incidence of 15.5 per 1000 per year was reported among men and women aged 55 to 74 in the Edinburgh Artery Study; however, this study did not apply strict Rose criteria for probable claudication.

Fig. 16.2, Incidence of intermittent claudication by age in population-based studies.

There are very few ABI-based studies of PAD incidence, given the time and resources required to periodically retest study subjects for incident disease. In male participants of the Limburg Study, the annual incidence of developing PAD based on an ABI < 0.95 was 1.7 per 1000 at ages 40 to 54; 1.5 per 1000 at ages 55 to 64; and 17.8 per 1000 at ages ≥ 65. The annual incidence in women was higher: 5.9, 9.1, and 22.9 per 1000 for the same age groups. More recently, in a Spanish cohort of 5434 PAD-free subjects aged 35 to 79 years recruited between 2003 and 2006 and followed on average for > 5 years, the cumulative incidence of PAD (based on ABI < 0.90 or clinical events) was estimated at 548 and 234 cases per 100,000 person-years in men and women, respectively.

Data on temporal changes in PAD incidence and prevalence are very scarce. In the Reykjavik study, Ingolfsson and colleagues concluded that IC rates among Icelandic men dropped significantly between 1968 and 1986. Among 50-year-old men, the estimate of claudication rates dropped from 1.7 per 1000 per year in 1970 to 0.6 per 1000 per year in 1984, while in 70-year-olds, this rate dropped from 6.0 to 2.0 per 1000 per year. The authors attributed this to decreased smoking and cholesterol levels. In the Framingham study, a decrease of incident IC was reported, from 282 per 100,000 person-years during the 1950 to 1959 period to 225 per 100,000 person-years during the 1990 to 1999 period. More recently, a population-based study in the United Kingdom showed a significant drop in incident cases of symptomatic PAD from 38.6 per 10,000 person-years (men: 51.0; women: 28.7) in 2000 to 17.3 (men: 23.1; women: 12.4) in 2014. Similarly, the prevalence dropped during the same period from 3.4% (men: 4.5%; women: 2.5%) in 2000 to 2.4% (men: 3.1%; women: 1.7%) in 2014.

Sex differences in the incidence and prevalence of PAD are less clear than those of other CVD diseases. Claudication incidence and prevalence have usually been found to be higher in men than women. For example, in the Framingham study, the annual claudication incidence for all ages combined was 7.1 per 1000 in men versus 3.6 per 1000 in women, for a male/female ratio of 1.97. In the Framingham Offspring Study, claudication prevalence was 1.9% in men versus 0.8% in women (ratio = 2.38), while in the Rotterdam study it was 2.2% in men versus 1.2% in women (ratio = 1.83).

The case for an excess of disease among males is even weaker for PAD diagnosed based on ABI. When using the usual 0.90 ABI threshold to define ABI, the male/female ratio in population studies varies from 0.71 to 1.68. This is true even in those studies finding clear male excess with respect to claudication. For example, in the Framingham Offspring Study, the male/female PAD prevalence ratio based on ABI < 0.90 was of 1.18. In the CVD Health Study, an ABI < 0.9 was somewhat more prevalent in men than women (13.8% vs. 11.4%, ratio = 1.21), but the association of disease with sex was not significant after adjusting for age and CVD status. In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, this male/female ratio was similar in whites and blacks, at 0.71. Interestingly, this sex ratio became inverted when using lower ABI thresholds, suggesting more frequent cases of severe PAD among men. However, this also can be explained by potential different normal ABI values in both sexes. It has been suggested that women have multiple risk factors–adjusted lower normal ABI values than men by 0.02. Consequently the same threshold for both sexes would lead to PAD prevalence overestimation in women, which corresponded to a 36% increase in prevalence of PAD in women participating in the MESA study. Also, the gender-ratio varies according to age groups, with an unexpectedly higher female-to-male ratio at younger ages, suggesting that young women may have lower normal values of ABI, leading to an overestimation of PAD rates at younger ages. The female-to-male ratio declines with age ( Fig. 16.3 ) suggesting some false positive PAD diagnoses in women in younger age groups.

Fig. 16.3, Sex-ratio according to main epidemiological studies using ABI < 0.90 to define peripheral artery disease.

Data on the prevalence of CLTI are scarcer. In a 2013 meta-analysis, the prevalence of CLTI from six studies (a total of 82,923) was 0.74% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.26 to 1.46), with marked heterogeneity among studies (ranging from 0.11% to 1.59%). The contemporary retrospective analysis of the MarketScan database provides the best estimate of CLTI incidence and prevalence in the United States, with a large cohort of approximately 12 million individuals, and well-defined cases by an expert committee. The study reported a prevalence of CLTI estimated at 1.33% among individuals > 40 years of age with an annual incidence of CLTI at 0.35%, which equates to almost 3500 new cases per million individuals per year. All patients with CLTI represented 11.08% (95% CI, 11.03% to 11.13%) of total cases of incident clinical PAD.

Peripheral artery disease risk factors

The epidemiologic assessment of PAD and its associated risk factors is dependent on several methodological issues. First, as aforementioned, the definition of disease has evolved over time, with earlier studies focusing more on claudication, defined by Rose and other criteria, and later studies using an ABI < 0.90 to define this condition. Second, the strongest epidemiological evidence for a causal relationship between disease and putative risk factors comes from studies of incident disease, while the greatest majority of the available epidemiological studies on PAD are cross-sectional. While such studies are informative, the reported associations are more subject to bias than prospective studies. Caution should therefore be exercised in reviewing the results of such cross-sectional studies, particularly where reverse causation is plausible. For example, low physical activity might cause claudication, but claudication might just as plausibly cause low physical activity. Third, the strength of association between some risk factors and PAD may be underestimated, due to competitive outcomes (e.g., smokers may die because of coronary death prior to the diagnosis of PAD). Fourth, since the risk factors for PAD are themselves interrelated in various ways, adjustments for multiple potential risk factors in a single statistical model are necessary, in order to estimate accurately the independent contribution of any single risk factor. The following discussion of risk factors focuses on the results from five large epidemiologic studies referred to as index studies ( Table 16.3 ). These studies each had over 3000 subjects drawn from the general population, and included both genders. These studies are similar enough in their selection and manner of measuring risk factors, and in their statistical analyses, to allow reasonable comparisons for most of the common risk factors. Table 16.3 also includes 12 other large studies. Although the discussion draws on data from many other studies, data are presented from these five index studies across all the conventional CVD risk factors to provide some consistency and comparability for the reader.

Table 16.3
Major Epidemiological Studies on PAD
Modified from Criqui MH, Aboyans V. Epidemiology of peripheral artery disease. Circ Res . 2015;116(9):1509–1526.
Study Name First Author, Year a No. of Subjects Country Population Study Design PAD Definition
Index Studies
Cardiovascular Health Study Newman, 1993 5084 USA Ages 65 + Cross-sectional ABI < 0.90
Framingham Study Murabito, 1997 5209 USA Cross-sectional IC
Rotterdam Study Meijer, 2000 6450 Netherlands Cross-sectional ABI < 0.90
Framingham Offspring Study Murabito, 2002 3313 USA Longitudinal ABI < 0.90
Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Allison, 2006 6653 USA Cross-sectional ABI < 0.90
Other Large Studies
Honolulu Heart Program Curb, 1996 3450 USA Japanese American men Cross-sectional and longitudinal ABI < 0.90
Edinburgh Artery Study Fowkes, 1992 1592 Scotland Cross-sectional ABI and reactive hyperemia
Limburg PAOD Study Hooi, 2001 2327 Netherlands Longitudinal ABI < 0.95
Israeli Ischemic Heart Disease Bowlin, 1994 10,059 Israel Middle-aged men Longitudinal IC projected
Reykjavik Study Ingolfsson, 1994 9141 Iceland Men only Longitudinal IC
Quebec Cardiovascular Study Dagenais, 1991 4570 Canada Men only Longitudinal IC
Physicians’ Health Study Ridker, 2001 14,916 USA Male physicians Nested case-control IC or PAD surgery
San Diego Population Study Criqui, 2005 2343 USA Multiethnic Cross-sectional ABI ≤ 0.90, abnormal waveform, PAD revascularization
Health Professionals Follow-Up Study Joosten, 2012 51,529 USA Male health professionals Longitudinal Clinical PAD b
ABI , Ankle-brachial index; IC , intermittent claudication; PAD , peripheral artery disease.

a Where multiple papers were published, this refers to the paper most frequently referenced herein.

b Includes: limb amputation or revascularization, angiography with vascular obstruction ≥ 50%, ABI ≤ 0.90, or physician-diagnosed PAD.

Another important source of information regarding the association between CVD risk factors and PAD comes from the Global Burden of Disease study compiling evidence through epidemiological studies performed until 2010 worldwide ( Fig. 16.4 ).

Fig. 16.4, Association of risk factors with prevalent peripheral artery disease. BMI, Body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HIC, high income countries; HTN, hypertension; LMIC, low/middle income countries; OR, odds ratio.


Smoking is the single most important risk factor for PAD in virtually all studies (see Fig. 16.4 and Table 16.4 ). For current smoking, this attributable risk was estimated at 18% to 26% when PAD was defined by the ABI. Using a clinical definition of PAD, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study estimated the attributable risk up to 44%. Studies vary as to their measurement of smoking, often combining a categorical assessment of smoking status (current, past, or never) with some measure of current or historical volume of smoking; these multiple approaches to measurement make comparisons difficult (see Table 16.4 ). All of the large, population-based studies that were reviewed found a significant, independent association between PAD and smoking (see Table 16.4 ).

Table 16.4
Association Between Smoking and Peripheral Artery Disease in Index Studies
From Criqui MH, Aboyans V. Epidemiology of peripheral artery disease. Circ Res . 2015;116(9):1509–1526.
95% CI
Study Variable OR Low High
Framingham study Current packs/day 1.96 1.69 2.25
Framingham offspring study Current smoker (vs. former or never)
Pack-years of smoking
Cardiovascular health study Current smoker (vs. former or never)
Pack-years of smoking
Rotterdam study Current smoker (vs. never)
Former smoker (vs. never)
Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis Current smoker (vs. never) 3.42 2.48 4.73
CI , Confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

In several studies, an increasing risk of IC and PAD was found with a greater number of cigarettes smoked, and smoking cessation was systematically followed by a consistent decrease of PAD occurrence or progression. Smoking cessation was followed by a rapid decline in the incidence of IC. In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, smoking was associated with increased risk of incident clinical PAD even after 20 years of smoking cessation, although this association was substantially diminished beyond 10 years after quitting smoking cigarettes. In claudicants, smoking cessation has been shown to improve various functional and physiologic measures related to PAD, as well as increasing survival. However, because symptomatic PAD patients have long been advised to quit smoking, it is possible that observational comparisons of patients who quit smoking with those who do not are confounded by differences in compliance with other medical advice between the two groups. Nevertheless, substantial bias is unlikely given the large effect size for cigarette smoking.

Due to the remarkable decline of smoking in general population following smoking ban legislation in several Western countries, the relative influence of smoking on incident PAD is changing. In a 50-year trend of IC in the Framingham Study, the proportion of smokers in incident cases dropped from 42% in the 1950s to 16% during the 1990s.

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

Diabetes is strongly associated with elevated risk of PAD (see Fig. 16.4 ). Intermittent claudication was more frequently observed in cases of diabetes in the Framingham, Quebec, Speedwell and Israeli civil servants studies, whereas this association was not found in the Reykjavik Study. In the Edinburgh study, the association between diabetes and IC was not significant, whereas a significant inverse relationship was found with the ABI.

Four of the five index studies found diabetes, dichotomized based on different criteria, to be associated with PAD after multivariable adjustment, with odds ratios (ORs) ranging from 1.89 to 4.05. However, the Framingham Offspring Study found such an association on an age- and sex-adjusted basis, but not in multivariable models. Despite its strong association with PAD but because of its lower prevalence in the population compared to other traditional risk factors, the population attributable fraction of type-2 diabetes for incident PAD was estimated at 14% in a longitudinal study on US professionals.

Some inconsistencies may be related to the definition of PAD using the ABI, as this index may be falsely normal or even elevated because of concomitant vascular calcification—a condition mostly encountered in long-lasting diabetes and/or with renal failure, leading to stiffened arteries and overestimated ankle arteries pressures.

Severe and/or longstanding diabetes appears to be more strongly related to PAD. In the Hoorn study, it was shown that known diabetes was associated with PAD in multivariable analysis, while newly diagnosed diabetes was only of borderline significance, and impaired glucose tolerance was not associated with PAD. In that study, after excluding patients with known diabetes, none of the common glycemic indices that were tested were significantly associated with PAD as determined by ABI, although significant associations were observed when the PAD criteria were broadened to include patients with additional criteria. Studies conducted in patients with diabetes have shown that the duration of diabetes and the use of insulin are associated with PAD.

Outcomes of PAD in diabetic patients have been shown to be worse. In one study, diabetic patients with PAD were five times more likely to have an amputation than other patients with PAD, and had over three times the odds of mortality. There is also some evidence to support a somewhat different anatomic distribution of disease, with greater involvement of the profunda femoris, crural, and infragenicular arteries in diabetic patients.

Due to the epidemic of diabetes in Western countries, the proportion of diabetes-related PAD may increase dramatically. In the Framingham study, the proportion of incident cases with diabetes increased from 5% in the 1950s to 11% in the 1990s.

Diabetes is often part of the metabolic syndrome. The recent analysis of the MESA and Cardiovascular Heart Study (CHS) longitudinal cohort studies evidenced the significant association between metabolic syndrome and incident PAD.

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