Characteristics of the Human Intestinal Microbiome

The intestinal microbiome is a diverse ecosystem comprising microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses including bacteriophages), their genomes (i.e., genes), and the surrounding environmental conditions. The population of microorganisms alone in a particular niche is referred to as microbiota ( Box 3.1 ) and is often used interchangeably with microbiome, which includes the genomes of the microorganisms. Each of these contributes to the stability of the ecosystem and drives specific interactions with the host.We are making advances in understanding the role of each of these components, although our primary focus has been on bacteria. We have made big strides in our ability to characterize the microbiome and its impact on the host following the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and advanced experimental tools ( Box 3.2 ). Composition of the intestinal microbiota varies significantly among individuals, and so it is not surprising that it has been difficult to identify a universal “healthy” intestinal microbiota in terms of specific microbial members. This variation primarily reflects differences in the relative abundance of the 4 dominant phyla: Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. In contrast to composition, a subset of microbial functional properties does appear to be conserved among individuals, including central metabolic pathways and nutrient metabolism, of, for example, carbohydrates and proteins. There are still significant inter-individual differences in the microbial functions, however, such as in drug metabolism, pathogenicity islands, and nutrient transporters. There are several factors that shape the intestinal microbiome ( Fig. 3.1 ), but there is no 1 crucial factor. Diet appears to have the most prominent effects, but the membership and functions of the intestine microbiome result from complex interplay among the different factors.

BOX 3.1
Glossary of Terms Used to Describe Relationships Among Individual Organisms Within the Microbiota and Between the Microbiota and Host

  • Allochthonous : Organisms found in a place other than their origin.

  • Autochthonous : Organisms that are indigenous to their present location.

  • Commensal : Strictly speaking, the term commensal (derived from cum mensa , “to share a table”) describes a relationship between 2 organisms in which 1 organism benefits and the other is unaffected. In most instances, however, the term commensal is used to describe the in situ microbes colonizing a particular niche without doing harm, but may include organisms that provide a benefit to each other or to the host.

  • Microbiome : The microorganisms, their genomes (i.e., genes), and the surrounding environmental conditions.

  • Microbiota : The population of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, lower and higher eukaryotes, and viruses) organisms in a particular niche.

  • Pathobiont : Usually refers to an organism that is a potential pathogen, but only causes disease under a given set of circumstances such as when the microbiome is perturbed. An example is Clostridioides difficile , which can be carried in the intestine of healthy individuals, but usually only causes a problem after antibiotic treatment.

  • Pathogen : Any pathologic (disease-causing) organism.

  • Pharmabiotic : Any biological entity mined from human microbiota and with a proven biological effect. These entities could include live or dead microbes, cell wall components, purified proteins or lipids, individual metabolites (e.g., neurotransmitters), or active enzymes.

  • Prebiotic : A nondigestible compound that, through its metabolization by microorganisms in the intestine, modulates functional capacity of the microbial community, thus conferring a beneficial physiological effect on the host.

  • Probiotic : Live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.

  • Symbiont : Any organism participating in a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship.

  • Synbiotic : A nondigestible compound that contains both prebiotics and probiotics and combines nutrients appropriate to stimulate the specific beneficial microbe in the synbiotic.

BOX 3.2
Techniques to Assess Microbiota Composition and Functionality

Microbiota Composition

Microbial Culture

Early studies dissecting the microbiota composition were technologically limited by culture-based techniques, which in turn relied on specialized growth media under varying conditions to identify specific microbes. This restricted our ability to identify only a small subset of organisms for which established culture conditions had been described and which accounted for 5%-15% of the intestinal bacteria we know to constitute the microbiome today. As a result, locations with limited diversity were often considered sterile given the inability to culture their resident bacteria. Today, however, nearly all locations in the body have been described to have characteristic resident microbes as a result of culture-independent sequence-based identification methodologies. Sequencing-based data have also improved our ability to culture bacteria previously considered to be unculturable. We are now able to culture a significant proportion of an individual’s fecal microbiota, using various culturing conditions, which has allowed us to determine the relevance of microbial compositional changes and the interactions and impact of individual or groups of bacteria on host phenotypes using models such as germ-free mice.


Early methods included scanning and transmission electron microscopy of intestinal tissue, which provided estimates of diversity based on morphology and high-resolution images of individual bacteria but did not allow bacterial identification. The use of general stains such as the Gram stain provides resolution beyond morphology, but also is insufficient for identification. Fluorescence microscopy provides the opportunity to identify bacteria by fluorescence in situ hybridization to microbe specific 16s rRNA. The increased availability of sequencing data has allowed development of more precise fluorescence in situ hybridization probes and carries the advantage of not requiring culture. The fixation methods are compatible with preserving mucus and the use of multiple probes simultaneously allows detection of several bacteria within a sample. In addition, it is 1 of the primary tools to define the biogeography of microbes within the intestine and the interaction of bacteria with the host at the mucosal surface. The advances in fluorophores, imaging, and computational tools have significantly improved our ability to visualize microbes both in vivo and in vitro. Conventional fluorescent probes require oxygen limiting their utility in vivo, but new tools using “click” chemistry allow tagging of bacteria with oxygen-independent fluorescent tags for in vivo tracking.

Next-Generation Sequencing

The early culture-independent compositional tools used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to separate different-sized bands that represented distinct taxonomic groups. However, with the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies (e.g., Illumina, 454, Ion Torrent, SOLiD, etc.), marker-based (16S rRNA gene) and shotgun sequencing of all genes within a community have superseded denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, especially given the declining cost of sequencing. The marker-based approach takes advantage of the conservation of DNA sequence in the gene encoding the 16S rRNA subunit that is found in all microbes. Interceding variable regions are targeted for amplification by polymerase chain reaction, allowing simultaneous identification of different taxa within a sample. However, marker-based sequencing is limited in its ability to identify taxa beyond the genus level given the small amplicon sizes. Third-generation sequencing technologies, such as single-molecule real-time sequencing have emerged, which will likely supersede the current methodologies, given their potential to generate read lengths (continuous sequence from a single piece of DNA) of 10 kilobases.

Microbial Function

Compositional data are limited in the ability to provide insight into host-microbe interactions; hence it is important to move beyond detailing which microorganisms are present to determining their role, function, and effects of their metabolic products on the intestinal microbial community and the host. This is especially important given that core microbial functions appear to be conserved despite compositional heterogeneity among human populations.


Often referred to as whole genome sequencing, or shotgun sequencing, metagenomics allows characterization of all genes in a microbial community and provides the broad functional potential of a community. It cannot, however, provide the specific functionality under a given set of conditions.


Transcriptomic approaches like RNAseq provide a snapshot of gene-expression profiles of microbial communities under a given condition. This data can be used to further infer differential expression of metabolic pathways using analysis tools like HUMAnN2.

Metaproteomics and Metabolomics

Metaproteomics provides comprehensive characterization of proteins, whereas metabolomics provides comprehensive characterization of small molecules and metabolites, each from microbial communities. Both approaches allow characterization of the overall metabolic state of complex communities resulting from differential gene expression among communities or the same community under different conditions. For proteomics, proteins can either be directly separated based on hydrophobicity, charge, or both, using liquid chromatography (LC) or digested to peptides via proteases such as trypsin prior to chromatographic separation followed by mass spectrometry (MS) for the parent peptide and tandem MS-MS for fragmentation information. The biggest challenge currently is the downstream bioinformatics processing because a predicted protein database needs to be constructed from metagenomic information to assign the obtained peptide sequence information to the proteins. Alternatively, the vast diversity of small molecules, and differences in properties and concentrations, require that multiple methods be used to cover the vast array of metabolites; these include separation using LC, gas chromatography, high-pressure LC, ultra-pressure LC, coupled to MS, and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-NMR). Metabolomics can be done in a targeted or non-targeted manner and downstream processing using statistical methods allows identification of discriminative features. One of the challenges that remains is the accurate identification of metabolites in MS spectra, though there has been significant progress with multiple spectral databases such as HMDB, METLIN, and ChemSpider, all of which are being constantly updated.

Modeling Microbes In Vitro and In Vivo


Organoids are derived from tissue stem cells or pluripotent stem cells and can be maintained in culture, wherein they maintain their polarity and recapitulate the composition and organization of cells, thus representing an ideal in vitro system to study host-microbe interactions in the context of specific diseases. There are several methods used to study host-microbe dynamics including co-culture; exposing an organoid-derived monolayer to microbes/microbial products; and microinjection, which is especially relevant for studying luminal interactions as well as modeling anaerobic microbes.

Germ-Free Mice

Although humans are the ideal biological system to study microbes, animal models are needed to help deconstruct complex interactions and delineate mechanisms underlying host-microbiome interactions. Conventional mouse models provide conceptual knowledge, but they are limited in their translatability and ability to study defined colonization states. Germ-free and gnotobiotic (previously germ-free mice but now colonized with defined microbial associations) animal models allow modeling of individual microbes as well as complex communities from mice or other species (human; humanized mice) to study microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions. Recapitulating phenotypic features of disease states following transfer of microbial communities allows for identification of microbe-driven phenotypes. They are also ideal for studying the effects of host, environment, and dietary factors on the microbiome in a controlled setting. In regard to translatability, humanized mice faithfully recapitulate the structure and function of human microbial communities and represent a readily translatable preclinical model.

Fig. 3.1, Characteristics of intestinal microbiota: The figure outlines the modifiable and non-modifiable host factors influencing the intestinal microbiota, the reciprocal interactions between intestinal microbiota and host physiology, the resilience of the microbiome, as well as the consequence of deleterious shifts in the microbiome and the potential mechanisms to manipulate the microbiome.

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