The Brain Initiative—Implications for a Revolutionary Change in Clinical Medicine via Neuromodulation Technology

Introduction – The BRAIN Initiative

Launched in April , the White House Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is a “bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury ( )” (see Fig. 5.1 ). The BRAIN Initiative includes participation from numerous companies, research universities, foundations, and philanthropic organizations ( ). The BRAIN Initiative grew out of the Obama Administration’s “GRAND Challenges” program to forward ambitious but achievable goals that require advances in science and technology ( ). The driving motivation for the BRAIN Initiative is to accelerate the development of new technologies enabling researchers to produce dynamic pictures of the brain showing how individual brain cells and complex neural circuits interact with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution ( ). By developing new technology to better understand the brain, the expectation is that the concomitant improvement in fundamental understanding will ultimately revolutionize therapies for brain disorders.

Figure 5.1, Director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins, introducing President Barack Obama for the BRAIN Initiative.

Mental and neurologic disorders and diseases are estimated to already cost the United States $1.5 trillion per year ( ), and in 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act was signed into law to establish legislative commitment to funding this essential research. The 21st Century Cures Act provided the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with $4.8 billion for the Precision Medicine Initiative, a program established for genetics of disease research, Former Vice President Biden’s “Cancer Moonshot” cancer research program, and the BRAIN Initiative, as part of the NIH Strategic Plan ( ).

The goals of the BRAIN Initiative are particularly germane to the development of next-generation noninvasive and implantable devices to stimulate and record from the human nervous system as a therapy. These devices make up a rapidly growing area of medical device technology, often known as neuroprosthetic, neuromodulation, bioelectronic medicine, or electroceutical devices, but for the purposes of this book, these devices will be called “neuromodulation devices.” In 2014, LifeScienceAlley estimated there to be more than 1000 active clinical trials in neuromodulation, with more than 1300 different therapeutic indications being pursued preclinically ( ).

Neuromodulation therapies have already demonstrated remarkable efficacy in subsets of patients who are refractory to existing drug options in applications such as chronic pain, hypertension, epilepsy, and Parkinson disease. However, there is only limited understanding of their underlying physiologic mechanisms of action (MOAs). Through the development of new technology to improve our understanding of neuromodulation therapies – and a fundamental commitment to sharing of data and experimental best-practices across government, industry, academia, and philanthropic institutions – there is remarkable potential for economic benefit and therapeutic growth in this sector.


The initial seed for the BRAIN Initiative began at a special symposium facilitated by the Kavli Foundation in 2011. This symposium included 27 preeminent neuroscientists and nanoscientists. It was titled, “Opportunities at the Interface of Neuroscience and Nanoscience,” and it was at this meeting that the idea of creating a brain activity map was introduced. The proposed goal for a brain activity map was to simultaneously record every action potential from every neuron within a circuit and, ultimately, within the whole brain ( ). Although it was recognized that the technology to accomplish this feat did not yet exist, it was posited that, with recent advances in optogenetic stimulation, optical recordings, and miniaturized implantable transducers, simultaneously recording and precisely manipulating single-neuron function in the brain would be achievable in the not-too-distant future. The impetus provided by this initial meeting led to a series of additional brain activity map symposia and workshops, also facilitated by the Kavli Foundation, and eventually led to a brain activity map white paper that was submitted to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. This white paper became the initial template for what would become the White House BRAIN Initiative ( ).

The direct inspiration for the Kavli efforts was the previously successful Human Genome Project (HGP), an international collaborative research project with the goal of providing a complete map and understanding of the human genome. According to an independent analysis performed by Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH, the $3.8 billion investment in the HGP led to $796 billion in economic impact by 2011 ( ). In the early stages of the HGP, gene sequencing technology was too costly and slow to sequence the estimated 3 billion base pairs that compose it. Strategic investment in new technologies that did not exist before the onset of the HGP was required to reach the aggressive milestones laid out in the initial proposal. Moreover, the ambitious work to be accomplished required coordinated research efforts and minimally restricted data sharing between federal agencies, foundations, academic institutes, and industry at an international scale ( Table 5.1 ).

Table 5.1
BRAIN Initiative Partnerships ( )
BRAIN Initiative Partnerships
Federal Agencies Foundations Institutes Industry
National Institutes of Health (NIH)∗
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
Pediatric Brain Foundation
Kavli Foundation
National Photonics Initiative
Simons Foundation
Allen Institute for Brain Science
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Boston Scientific
General Electric
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Second Sight
National Institutes of Health Partners
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
National Eye Institute (NEI)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Although the brain activity map proposal provided the initial framework that formed the foundation of the BRAIN Initiative ( ), each institution participating in the BRAIN Initiative conducted their own planning effort and outlined their own goals, consistent with their own unique missions. Consequently, the overarching goals of the BRAIN efforts have changed from an explicitly stated goal of measuring all of the action potential from all neurons in the human brain simultaneously, to a general commitment to “accelerate the development and application of new technologies that will enable researchers to produce dynamic pictures of the brain that show how individual brain cells and complex neural circuits interact at the speed of thought” ( ). A list of current participating institutions follows ( ); however, this list is expected to expand significantly over the life of the BRAIN Initiative:

Initial Government Contributors

Some of the initial government contributors to the BRAIN Initiative were the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Combined, these organizations proposed investments of $110 million for fiscal year 2014. These government organizations were interested in the development of novel devices, technologies, and applications that could improve, enhance, or advance current understanding and treatment of neurologic function.

Initial Private Sector Partners

Initial private contributors, including the Allen Institute for Brain Science, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Kavli Foundation, invested a combined $122 million in the first year of the BRAIN Initiative. These investments came from both existing and new campaigns and were aimed at developing neural activity maps, imaging technology, and an effort to increase collaborations across different areas of neuroscience. These private sector contributors offered groundbreaking models of scientific discovery from which the BRAIN Initiative adopted many of its core principles. For example, the Allen Institute maintains a “commitment to an open science model within its research institutes,” while the Kavli Foundation and its noted philanthropist founder, Fred Kavli, have invested in the development of research institutes worldwide ( ). Similarly, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute has focused investments on investigator development and the support of innovative scientific pioneers ( ). Combined, these partners provided a model of support for cutting-edge research and information dissemination.

NIH Planning Efforts

Given that the NIH was funding several billion dollars in neuroscience research each year, NIH planning efforts were focused on soliciting input from diverse experts, both in and out of the NIH-funded neuroscience community. The goal was to better understand how a planned, highly coordinated, and sustained effort, leveraging a comparatively much smaller additional amount of funding, could be used to address gaps overlooked by traditional investigator-initiated funding mechanisms. NIH Director Francis Collins—who had previously served as the head of the Human Genome Project—organized an Advisory Committee to the Director to inform the initial planning of the NIH BRAIN efforts. This consisted of leading neuroscientists, engineers, clinicians, and industry partners. The Advisory Committee to the Director, in conjunction with the Office of the Director, convened several workshops to solicit and synthesize input from the wider community over the course of the first year, covering diverse topics such as molecular approaches to understanding the brain, large-scale recording techniques, structural biology, computational theory, data science, and human neuroscience. These deliberations were distilled into the BRAIN 2025 Report, which outlined the long-term scientific plan to serve as the guide for the NIH BRAIN Initiative ( ).

The BRAIN 2025 Report called for a sustained federal commitment of $4.5 billion over 12 years. The NIH also identified a group of external advisors, known as the BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group, which convenes several times a year to advise the NIH Program Staff on how to best implement the recommendations in the BRAIN 2025 Report in light of emerging opportunities ( Fig. 5.2 ).

Figure 5.2, Government agency division of strategic investments.

BRAIN Initiative Programs for Neuromodulation Therapies

The programs under the White House BRAIN Initiative include efforts that are both directly and indirectly intended to affect neuromodulation therapies, either by improving our fundamental understanding of the functional neural circuitry of the brain or by developing new tools that could be used to directly observe and optimize the effects of neuromodulation therapies in real-time. For example, the initial NIH BRAIN 2025 Report highlighted seven “high-priority” areas that have now been implemented as funding programs. These areas are.

  • 1.

    Discovering diversity to identify and provide experimental access to the different brain cell types for determining their roles in health and disease,

  • 2.

    Building maps at multiple scales to generate circuit diagrams that vary in resolution from synapses to the whole brain,

  • 3.

    Imaging the brain in action to produce a dynamic picture of the functioning brain by developing and applying improved methods for large-scale monitoring of neural activity,

  • 4.

    Demonstrating causality to link brain activity to behavior with precise interventional tools that change neural circuit dynamics,

  • 5.

    Identifying fundamental principles to produce conceptual foundations for understanding the biological basis of mental processes through development of new theoretical and data analysis tools,

  • 6.

    Advancing human neuroscience to develop innovative technologies to understand the human brain, treat its disorders, create and support integrated human brain research networks, and

  • 7.

    Moving from BRAIN Initiative to the brain to integrate new technological and conceptual approaches produced in goals 1 through 6 to discover how dynamic patterns of neural activity are transformed into cognition, emotion, perception, and action in health and disease.

This list of priorities provides a useful framework to describe efforts from other institutions, which can generally be categorized under these seven priorities. BRAIN Initiative Programs, which were developed to directly address, at least in part, issues pertaining to neuromodulation therapies, are described next. This effort leverages and involves experts spanning 10 of the 27 institutes and centers at the NIH. Each of these contributors brings mission relevance to and expertise on the disorders and pathologies being addressed by the BRAIN Initiative.

NIH BRAIN Programs for Neuromodulation Therapies

The goal of the NIH BRAIN Programs for Neuromodulation is to incentivize work on key gaps that could be catalytic but that do not fare well in traditional NIH grant review. Traditional NIH reviewers place significant emphasis on innovation without incorporating any project-related risks, discourage serial dependency of tasks, and require rigorous experimental design with detailed power analyses to justify the number of subjects. This overwhelming focus on innovation, unwillingness to accept risky project elements, and avoidance of serial dependency of tasks may disadvantage studies characterizing fundamental mechanisms of stimulation, combining multiple pre-existing stimulation modalities to enhance effect, or testing engineering refinements in the clinic necessary to move from a single proof-of-concept demonstration to a practical therapy with a clear business case for industry investment. A list of currently-active NIH funding announcements can be found at .

NIH Programs to Support Noninvasive Neuromodulation Strategies

Recently, the NIH has released several new Requests for Application (RFAs) as a part of the BRAIN Initiative Program that encourage investigators to focus on noninvasive neuromodulation devices and techniques. Noninvasive devices “do not require surgery and do not penetrate the brain parenchyma” ( ). Innovative applications of noninvasive neuromodulation devices have the potential to elucidate alternative treatments to neurologic and psychiatric disorders, which may provide additional therapeutic options that do not carry the same risks as invasive therapies. In particular, the following two programs aim to go beyond incremental advances in order to thoroughly explore the relationship between noninvasive neuromodulation and the affected neural circuitry.

BRAIN Initiative: Noninvasive Neuromodulation—Mechanisms and Dose–Response Relationships for Targeted Central Nervous System Effects

The rapid advancement of scientific discovery has afforded the development of noninvasive neuromodulation devices as viable therapeutic options for the treatment of some neurologic disorders. However, the understanding of the MOA of these devices has not advanced as swiftly. The objectives of this RFA (see: ) are to develop a fuller understanding of noninvasive neuromodulation device MOAs and to optimize new and existing technology through dose–response relationships in affected brain circuitry. Some suggested noninvasive devices include focused ultrasound, magnetic therapy, transcranial current stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation ( ).

This RFA also seeks to develop a “systematic understanding” of stimulation paradigms and their effects on targeted locations or circuitry ( ). The expectation is that investigators will study the temporal, spatial, and contextual aspects during both resting and task-specific states and will elucidate the ramifications of these neuromodulatory aspects on both acute and chronic central nervous system (CNS) function. Additionally, this RFA asks investigators to consider the relationship between specific stimulation parameters and task-specific neural changes in varying circuitry, stimulation duration changes in network activity, and changes in the effectiveness of specific paradigms in circuitry of varying maturation. The focus of this RFA is to have a systematic understanding of both the MOAs of external noninvasive stimuli and spatiotemporal dose–response relationships for specific neural targets and processes, which is vital to the implementation of newly developed or optimized noninvasive neuromodulatory therapies for the treatment of neurologic disorders.

Brain Initiative: Noninvasive Neuromodulation—New Tools and Techniques for Spatiotemporal Precision

While the previous RFA focuses on an understanding of MOAs of noninvasive therapies, this RFA (see: ) creates a platform for the development of novel devices and techniques for noninvasive neuromodulation that are not reliant on or limited by the current standards of incremental advances in magnetic and electrical stimulation technologies. In fact, this RFA uniquely encourages non–hypothesis-driven development of devices that use novel transduction mechanisms.

This RFA is unique in other ways as well. Most important is its recognition of the fact that exploring novel therapies may include added risk to participant/subject or risk of the project failing to achieve successful outcome, but significant translational value may justify any additional liabilities. Because state-of-the-art magnetic and electrical stimulation paradigms lack spatial and temporal resolution, there is also opportunity under this RFA to encourage the collaboration of experts across scientific disciplines, including neuroscience, physics, engineering, psychiatry and psychology, and clinical practice. The partnership between various fields of study opens a dialogue centered on the exchange of specific knowledge that may not otherwise be readily accessible to individual investigators. This shift toward more collaborative research represents the dramatic possibility for the development of substantially more versatile, improved devices and techniques with real scientific and clinical benefit.

Improvements to the stimulation signal and dose are the main objective for devices and techniques proposed under this RFA. Available noninvasive neuromodulation techniques target large spatial regions of neural tissue, and methods to increase the focality, temporal control, and the creation of common standards for sham and control conditions are sought, as well as methods to eliminate off-target stimulation of nearby tissue. Additionally, in line with the priorities of the BRAIN Initiative as a whole, this RFA creates further opportunity for the optimization of chronic and closed-loop stimulation paradigms that will allow for the development of “devices that could be used outside the clinic” ( ) and would require less frequent clinical visits. Under this RFA, significant improvements to long-term stimulation and personalized medicine are possible with the potential to revolutionize current noninvasive neuromodulation program standards.

Invasive Neuromodulation Strategies

Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human CNS

The goal of this program is to support a streamlined path to advance promising novel stimulating and recording technologies by funding the FDA-mandated preclinical testing necessary to receive an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for Early Feasibility Clinical studies. A prerequisite for this RFA ( ) is that the proof-of-principle device must have been previously demonstrated in an appropriate animal model, are ready for accelerated manufacturing development under Design and Quality Systems Controls to conduct the benchtop testing, biocompatibility studies, and large-animal safety studies under Good Laboratory Practice.

As noted in the BRAIN 2025 report, “a single new stimulating or recording device for human up through FDA approval might cost $100 million or $200 million” ( ). Consequently, the NIH is unlikely to support the cost of developing such a device all the way through the Feasibility and Pivotal Clinical Studies, necessary for FDA Pre-Market Approval (PMA) or Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE). These endeavors will have to be funded by venture capital and industry. However, there are key gaps in information and demonstrations that are necessary to reduce the risk of adoption, limiting the chances of follow-on venture capital or industry investment. This is addresed by facilitating Early Feasibility Studies aimed at responding to important scientific questions about the function of the device in human patients. This information is necessary to bridge the “valley of death” and to inform a final device design suitable for eventual FDA PMA and generate a complete business case and market path for sustainable commercial manufacture.

In traditional NIH study sections, these applications often have difficulties in review because a proof-of-principle had already been demonstrated in animal models, but a final device design with a description of the full-market path (including regulatory approval, insurance reimbursement, and sustainable commercial manufacture) was premature. The extensive and time-consuming preclinical testing necessary to receive an IDE to conduct pilot human studies was often perceived as less innovative. Moreover, preclinical testing to obtain FDA approval has a high attrition rate because the rigorous testing often unearths problems in device safety or design, which can either stop a project completely or require significant redesign and additional testing to solve. This serial dependency of inherently risky steps also creates issues in traditional review.

Finally, there are always lingering unknowns about the safety of the device or the extent and robustness of the intended therapeutic effect when making the leap from animal models to a more heterogeneous human population. Staged small trials demonstrating sufficient safety to expand into a trial in a larger population are effectively the only known method to protect vulnerable populations, grow scientific knowledge, and refine products for market approval. This latter point can create difficulties in NIH review for early feasibility clinical studies, as standard NIH review emphasizes appropriately powered and scientifically rigorous experimental design that requires a large number of patients to evaluate a therapy. Given that the first attempts in humans are intrinsically large leaps with several unknowns—and the focus of these initial steps is a staged and measured evaluation of safety—these review expectations can be problematic.

To address these difficulties, this program supports the submission of an IDE and execution of the subsequent pilot clinical study. Devices developed are not expected to meet the costly manufacturing standards necessary for a robust and reliable device. Instead, devices are only required to be manufactured to regulatory standards for safety in a highly controlled, short-term, chronic environment (1–2 years). Quantitative, specific milestones are developed and enforced by NIH program staff, and frequent interactions with the FDA are mandated. It is expected that the clinical study will inform a final device design that would have to go through most, if not all, of the preclinical testing on the path to more advanced clinical trials and market approval. This program also supports development of a device to test scientific hypotheses that are not feasible or practical to conduct in animal models but are critical for enabling next-generation devices.

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