Technique Spotlight: Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction


Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction has grown dramatically in popularity and utilization since the time of Frank Jobe and Tommy John. Over this period, UCL reconstruction constructs have evolved significantly from the original Jobe technique. Modifications have included refinements in approach, ulnar nerve (UN) management, tunnel positioning, and graft fixation. Today, “docking” techniques offer the benefit of sparing the common flexor tendon (CFT) origin, standardizing tunnel placement, facilitating graft passage and tensioning, and optimizing biomechanical construct strength. Modern studies consistently demonstrate return to play at the same level or higher in 85%–90% of patients with the use of current docking techniques. Despite these advancements, complications and failures continue to occur. To achieve optimal outcomes while minimizing complications, it is critical to adhere to strict indications, meticulous surgical technique, and structured rehabilitation. This chapter is designed to provide a concise summary and description of a modified docking technique with a focus on key surgical pearls and pitfalls.

Surgically Relevant Anatomy and Biomechanics

As with all surgical reconstructions, successful UCL reconstruction relies on a complete understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, and material properties of the native ligament. The UCL is composed of three separate bundles: the anterior, posterior, and transverse bundles. The anterior bundle is comprised of two distinct bands: the anterior band and the posterior band. The anterior bundle originates on the humerus from a flat surface, 11.7–13.4 mm anterior (lateral) and inferior (distal) to the medial epicondyle (ME). , It traverses the joint and inserts over a broad attachment centered over the sublime tubercle (ST), tapering along the ulnar ridge with a total footprint length of almost 3 cm. , , Between footprints it has a total reported length of just over 5 cm. ,

Biomechanically, the stability of medial elbow can be broadly categorized into dynamic and static stabilizers. Dynamic stability is provided by the flexor-pronator mass (FPM), while static stability is primarily conferred by the UCL and medial joint capsule. Of the dynamic stabilizers, there are significant contributions from the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), and flexor carpi radialis (FCR), with the FCU being the most significant stabilizer of the FPM. , Statically, the UCL provides the majority of stability to valgus stress of the elbow. The anterior bundle is the primary restraint to valgus stress, and as a consequence, is the most frequently injured and the focus of surgical reconstruction. The anterior bundle has the highest strength and stiffness of the stabilizers with a mean load to failure of 260.9 N. However, this is regularly exceeded by the valgus torques imposed during overhead throwing leading to repetitive trauma and eventual tearing. , The consequences of UCL injury have been quantified in cadaveric models demonstrating increased valgus instability of 3.2–11.8 degrees depending on the degree of elbow flexion. As our understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics have evolved, so too have reconstruction techniques in an effort to more accurately restore the function of the UCL.

Surgical Indications

The primary surgical indication for UCL reconstruction is persistent medial elbow pain and dysfunction despite a trial of nonoperative treatment, or acute full-thickness UCL tear, coupled with the desire to return to competition at the same level or higher. Nonoperative management should include a structured rehabilitation program with at least 3 months of rest and gradual return to throwing. Surgery may be considered earlier in patients with evidence of complete UCL rupture on examination and imaging. Contraindications to surgery include significant concomitant ulnotrochlear or radiocapitellar arthrosis and inability or unwillingness to participate in the rigorous postoperative rehabilitation program. UCL reconstruction should never be offered to improve performance including pitching velocity, accuracy, or stamina.


Preoperative Planning

The patient is examined preoperatively for the presence of a palmaris longus (PL) tendon. If the PL tendon is present, we prefer to use a PL tendon autograft for UCL reconstruction. If the PL tendon is absent, a gracilis tendon autograft or allograft can be utilized. On examination of the elbow, the UN is also palpated and assessed for subluxation.

Appropriate preoperative imaging generally includes standard plain radiographs including anteroposterior (AP) and lateral projections to assess for bony anatomy, and osteophyte formation, as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess for ligament tear and other associated pathology. When necessary, computed tomography (CT) should be used to better evaluate for bony abnormality.

Preoperative planning also includes the consideration of additional pathology that may need to be concurrently addressed. For example, the presence of posteromedial osteophytes is common in throwing athletes, particularly baseball pitchers undergoing surgery of the elbow. These are thought to be the result of repetitive valgus overload. The osteophytes themselves can cause flexion contractures, posteromedial impingement, pain at terminal extension, and can be excised at the time of surgery.

Essential equipment utilized during UCL reconstruction is detailed in Table 42.1 .

TABLE 42.1
Standardized Postoperative Rehabilitation Protocol After UCL Reconstruction
Postoperative Timepoint Guidelines
Phase I: Weeks 0–4
  • Weeks 0–1: Immobilization in posterior mold splint and sling

  • Weeks 2–4: Conversion to hinged elbow brace, unlocked ROM from 15-degree extension to full flexion

Phase II: Weeks 4–16
  • Initiate physical therapy, discontinue brace

  • Progressively advance from passive ROM, to active assist ROM, to active ROM. Gradually begin wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder strengthening as tolerated

Phase III: Months 4–9
  • Begin interval-throwing program progressing from 45 to 180 ft

  • May progress from one distance level to next when the following criteria are met:

    • 1.

      No pain/stiffness during or after throwing

    • 2.

      Strength is sufficient throughout with minimal fatigue

    • 3.

      Accuracy of throws is consistent and throws are on line

Phase IV: Months 9–12
  • Return to competition is permitted once the following criteria are met:

    • 1.

      No pain while throwing

    • 2.

      Reestablishment of throwing balance, rhythm, and coordination

    • 3.

      Strength/balance of trunk, scapula, shoulder, and arm have normalized

ROM, range of motion; UCL, ulnar collateral ligament.

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