Surgery of Ventilation and Mucosal Disease

Bilateral myringotomy with ventilation tube placement is the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States, where an estimated 1.05 million tympanostomy tube procedures are performed, annually. In addition, otitis media is the most common diagnosis of patients who make office visits to physicians in the United States; the annual visit rate for children younger than 2 years of age increased by a statistically significant 224% during one study period. Otitis media with effusion (OME) incurs approximately $5 billion in direct and indirect costs, annually. Given the magnitude of the disease and its impact on our society and the conflicting reports over the most appropriate and cost-effective management of the problem, consensus on the treatment of OME has been difficult to achieve. Attempts have been made to devise an algorithm for the management of OME in young children; these guidelines have been more recently reviewed and updated (see later).

This chapter reviews the terminology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment (medical and surgical) of OME and eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD).


Otitis media, in its broadest sense, refers to any inflammatory process in the middle ear (ME). The etiology of the inflammation can be (and usually is) infectious in nature (bacterial or viral), but it can also involve more rare systemic inflammatory diseases (e.g., granulomatosis with polyangiitis [formerly, Wegener’s granulomatosis] or type I Gel and Coombs hypersensitivity). The inflammation can be marked by the presence or absence of ME effusion (fluid in the ME space). The fluid can be serous (thin, watery, often golden), purulent (pus), or mucoid (thick, viscous, “glue”).

Acute otitis media without effusion

Acute otitis media (AOM) without effusion is characterized by an inflamed ME mucosa and tympanic membrane in the absence of ME effusion. This can be seen in the early stages of AOM with effusion or during its resolution. The tympanic membrane appears dull, erythematous, hypervascular, and inflamed; normal landmarks are often lost. In infants and children, AOM without effusion is usually caused by the same organisms that are isolated from acute OME. The treatment principles are the same and are discussed later.

Acute otitis media with effusion (acute OME)

Acute OME occurs most frequently in infants. Redness with or without bulging of the tympanic membrane, fever, irritability, and pain are hallmark signs and symptoms. The older child with acute OME has a red tympanic membrane and ME effusion but may not have pain or fever. ME effusion is generally purulent. Casselbrant and associates reported a 43% cumulative incidence of acute OME in a study of 198 newborns followed monthly until the age of 2 years. In the Greater Boston Otitis Media Study Group, infants had an average of 1.2 episodes per year, with 46% of children having had three or more episodes by the age of 3 years.

Recurrent AOM refers to frequent bouts of AOM. The child most likely had an intercurrent, persistent (chronic) OME (COME); the effusion became infected, and the child developed an AOM. Recurrent AOM is an indication for surgical intervention (see later), so documentation of the number and duration of episodes is important.

Otitis media with effusion

OME simply refers to fluid in the ME without signs or symptoms of ear infection. Asymptomatic OME can be classified as acute (<3 weeks), subacute (3 weeks to 3 months), or chronic (>3 months). Note that “acute” and “chronic” refer to the temporal course of the disease, not to severity. OME synonyms include secretory otitis media, nonsuppurative otitis media, or serous otitis media; the most commonly used is OME. As noted above, the fluid can be serous, purulent, or mucoid.

Chronic suppurative otitis media

Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a chronic (>6 weeks in this disease categorization) infection of the ME and mastoid, in which a central perforation of the tympanic membrane (or a patent tympanostomy tube) and discharge (otorrhea) are present. The infection involves both the mastoid and ME and usually drains through a central perforation. Chronic otorrhea through a nonintact tympanic membrane (perforation or ventilation tube) may or may not be caused by cholesteatoma; cholesteatoma may or may not cause CSOM. CSOM should not be confused with COME; in the latter, no perforation (and therefore no otorrhea) is present.

Idiopathic hemotympanum

The clinical hallmark of idiopathic hemotympanum (IH) is the dark blue–appearing tympanic membrane or ME space. There is usually no antecedent history of trauma, but trauma can induce this condition. IH represents a tissue response of the temporal bone mucosa to the presence of a foreign body: cholesterol crystals. Three etiologic factors are thought to be responsible: poor mastoid drainage, hemorrhage, and obstruction of ventilation. COME is the principal precursor, and cholesterol granuloma is the histopathological correlate.

These cholesterol cysts can take an aggressive course and cause bone erosion and osteitis. The treatment is generally surgical drainage (see later).


Bluestone et al. obtained aspirates of ME effusions by tympanocentesis in infants and children with AOM or OME. Thirty-five percent of aspirates from ears with AOM grew Streptococcus pneumoniae , 23% grew Haemophilus influenzae , and 14% grew Moraxella catarrhalis . Introduction of the pneumococcal vaccine significantly reduced the incidence of pneumococcal diseases, including otitis media.

The asymptomatic ME effusion (OME) was previously thought to be sterile. Newer, more sensitive cultures, and the introduction of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, have shown bacteria and bacterial DNA in asymptomatic ME effusions. These investigators found that 77% of ME effusions had PCR evidence of the three major organisms (with or without being culture positive), whereas only 28% were culture positive; the most common bacteria were H. influenzae (54.5%), M. catarrhalis (46.4%), and S. pneumoniae (29.9%). Other isolated bacteria included Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative enteric bacilli; in infants younger than 6 weeks of age, gram-negative bacilli cause about 20% of AOM episodes.

The bacteriology of CSOM, with or without cholesteatoma, is different. The most frequently isolated bacteria include Pseudomonas aeruginosa (most common), S. aureus , Corynebacterium , Klebsiella pneumoniae , and anaerobes. Given better culture techniques, anaerobes have been increasingly isolated from chronically suppurating ears; these organisms include Bacteroides spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., and Propionibacterium acnes .


Acute otitis media

Retrograde reflux of material from the nasopharynx through the eustachian tube (ET) is thought to account for the introduction of microorganisms into the ME. Bacteria colonize the nasopharynx and infect the host as a result of a breakdown in the barrier or protective factors in the nasopharynx, ET, and ME. AOM is principally a sequela of viral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs). URI impairs ciliary motility and breaks down mucosal barriers that prevent bacterial adherence and growth. Poor clearance of secretions results in stasis and allows bacteria to infect the host. Pathogenic bacteria that appear in the nasopharynx following a URI are the same as those cultured from ME effusions ( S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae ). The adenoid is a likely source of infecting bacteria in ME disease; Pillsbury and associates demonstrated higher bacterial colony counts in the adenoids of children with recurrent otitis media than in those undergoing adenoidectomies for adenoid hypertrophy without otitis media.

During a URI, sneezing, blowing the nose, and swallowing in the presence of a nasal obstruction may create a pressure differential between the nasopharynx and ME, introducing bacteria into the ME through the ET.

Finally, ET dysfunction (ETD) also accounts for OME. The ET has three functions: (1) clearance of secretions from the ME into the nasopharynx, (2) protection of the ME from nasopharyngeal pathogens, and (3) equalization of pressure between the atmospheric pressure (in the nose and ear canal) and ME pressure. The ME is an aerated “sinus.” It too must be ventilated and cleared of secretions, and the ET serves this capacity.

In children, the ET is short, horizontal, and relatively flaccid. As a result, the protective function of the tube is compromised, and retrograde reflux of secretions from the nose into the ME may occur. During an acute infection, ciliary function is also compromised, leading to the stasis of secretions and persistent effusion.

Chronic otitis media with effusion

Two theories have been proposed to account for the persistence of ME effusions in the absence of acute infection. As demonstrated by the Boston Collaborative Group, persistent effusion is a natural sequela of acute ME infection: ME effusion persists for 1 month in 40% of children after an episode of AOM, 2 months in 20%, and 3 or more months in 10%. Because pathogenic bacteria and bacterial DNA have been recovered from “nonacutely infected” fluid in the ME, , the ET obstruction and retained secretions in these cases appear to be the result of the acute infection rather than the cause.

Meanwhile, ETD may be a primary disorder that causes acute and chronic OME. Primary ETD results in poor ventilation of the ME space. This leads to negative pressure in the ME, and the resultant transudation of fluid. Negative ME pressure also causes hypoxia and hypercapnia of the ME mucosa, resulting in goblet cell hyperplasia and hypersecretion. The result is a sterile fluid that becomes secondarily infected. The fluid accumulation resolves only after adequate ventilation is restored, either by the return of ET function or by placement of alternative ventilation, such as a ventilation tube.

According to Gates, the available evidence lends support to the theory that the secretory changes in the ME that exist in COME are histological sequelae of a chronic infection rather than a separate pathological disorder. The majority of COME cases begin as acute infections of the ME; postinflammatory alterations in the mucosa of the ME and ET lead to persistent effusion. Obstruction of the ET is, therefore, secondary to infection and not the cause of it. ET obstruction then prevents clearance of secretions, impedes ventilation and drainage, and perpetuates the inflammatory process.

Allergic rhinitis has been recognized as a risk factor in the development of COME. The actual prevalence of “allergic” COME has been reported in the literature, with a very broad range of 10% to 90%.

The nasal mucosa, ME space, nasopharynx, and ET (the ME system) could each potentially serve as the target organ of an allergic reaction, resulting in the production of COME. Not only have allergic effector cells been isolated in each area, but the intimate anatomic relationships also ensure that disruption of the normal functions in one area (i.e., nose) may have an undesirable effect in another (ear).

Idiopathic hemotympanum

Long-standing cases of COME that develop granulomatous deposits in the ME and mastoid can lead to IH. The symptoms of IH are similar to those of OME, namely hearing loss with a plugged or pressure sensation in the ear. IH is more common in adults than in children, and is characterized by a dark blue–appearing tympanic membrane; fluid at myringotomy is dark brown and oily in consistency. Histologically, cholesterol crystals are observed; hence, the pathological term is cholesterol granuloma. A small mucosal hemorrhage, in the absence of adequate ventilation and drainage, is theorized to result in the deposition of hemosiderin, iron, and blood breakdown products into the submucosa. The contents can occupy the ME space or be walled off, resulting in cyst development. The cyst then slowly expands, causing bone thinning and erosion.

Treatment And Patient Selection

Acute otitis media and recurrent acute otitis media

For a single episode of AOM, antimicrobial therapy targets the most common offending pathogens: S. pneumoniae , H. influenzae , and M. catarrhalis . We recommend a 10-day course of amoxicillin as a first-line empiric therapy. Clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics argue for observation without antibiotic therapy in select patients with AOM ( Table 5.1 ). Studies have shown a rise in β-lactamase-producing organisms ( H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis ); β-Lactamase renders the organism that produces it resistant to penicillin (and ampicillin). Persistent or recurrent AOM may be secondary to a β-lactamase-producing organism and requires a broader-spectrum antibiotic; good choices in this setting include cefuroxime, erythromycin-sulfisoxazole, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin-clavulanate, or cefaclor. Antipyretics, but not aspirin, are also indicated for children with AOM.

A child (or adult) with an infectious complication of otitis media demands more aggressive therapy, including intravenous antibiotics and possible surgical intervention (see Chapter 18 ).

Children with recurrent AOM may exhibit normal ME examinations between episodes or may retain persistent effusions and also fall into the category of COME. The goal of any treatment for a patient with recurrent AOM is the long-term prevention of further episodes of otitis media.

The placement of tympanostomy tubes is an effective treatment for preventing recurrent otitis media. Many authorities accept four episodes of AOM within 6 months as a criterion for tympanostomy tube placement. Gebhart was the first to demonstrate a reduction in the number of new episodes of AOM following the insertion of tympanostomy tubes.

The role of adenoidectomy in the treatment of recurrent AOM is controversial. Although Paradise et al. found significant reductions in the incidence of AOM during the first (28% reduction) and second (35% reduction) years following adenoidectomy. A formal study examining the role of adenoidectomy in the treatment of recurrent AOM has not been conducted. The results of studies on COME and adenoidectomy may or may not be applicable for patients with recurrent AOM. In contrast, adenoidectomy is an appropriate surgical treatment for patients with recurrent AOM and persistent ME effusion (see below).

Chronic otitis media with effusion

As mentioned, 10% of children with AOM have persistent ME effusion 3 or more months after resolution of the acute infection. Because most children clear the effusion within 1 to 2 months, these patients need no further therapy. The minority who retain fluid in the ME for more than 3 months, however, are at risk for other sequelae, including hearing loss, language delay, vertigo or imbalance, tympanic membrane changes (including atelectasis and retraction pockets), further ME pathology (including ossicular problems and adhesive otitis), and discomfort with nighttime wakefulness and irritability.

A number of treatment strategies have been proposed for COME, including antimicrobial therapy, antihistamines and decongestants, corticosteroids, tympanostomy tubes with or without adenoidectomy, and mastoidectomy. Updated clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery do not recommend antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, or corticosteroids for the treatment of COME. These modalities, as well as allergic strategies, will be briefly reviewed.

Antimicrobial therapy

More sensitive techniques (e.g., PCR) have demonstrated bacterial DNA in ME effusions once thought to be “sterile” or culture negative. Prolonged antibiotic therapy theoretically eradicates the organism and eliminates the chronic source of effusion; some studies have shown the efficacy of antibiotics in OME. , Despite these studies, however, both theoretical and practical arguments can be made against their use in patients with COME. Clinical experience indicates that the utility of antibiotics is reduced as the number of treatment courses increases. Children receiving four or more courses of antibiotics over a 3- to 4-month period will most likely not resolve their effusion with medical management. Other adverse effects of prolonged antimicrobial therapy include development of anaphylaxis and allergic reactions, hematologic disorders, and the emergence of resistant organisms (a serious worldwide problem best demonstrated by the development of penicillin resistance by S. pneumoniae ). Finally, Rosenfeld and Post found that, through a large meta-analysis of existing studies, the benefit of antimicrobial therapy in COME is slight.

Antihistamines and decongestant therapy

Oral antihistamines and decongestants, alone or in combination, have not been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of COME. The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery clinical practice guidelines do not recommend these agents for COME.

A possible exception may be in adult patients with allergen-induced ETD. Stillwagon et al. investigated the effects of pharmacotherapy on allergen-induced ETD. In this study, adults with a history of seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR) caused by ragweed pollen received either a combination of antihistamine and decongestants or placebo for 7 days, followed by an intranasal challenge with ragweed pollen. ET obstruction occurred in fewer patients receiving active treatment than in those receiving placebo. They concluded that preexposure treatment with antihistamines in patients with AR may help decrease the risk of developing ETD.

To date, there have not been any studies on the possible role of intranasal antihistamines in the treatment of COME.


Antileukotrienes have not been well studied for their possible role in the treatment of COME. However, Combs found a significant decrease in the duration of ME effusion in otitis-prone children treated with montelukast following AOM, compared with a control group. The reader is advised to consider the paucity of research and the expense of this relatively safe medication when debating its possible merit in treatment.

Corticosteroid therapy

The use of steroid therapy for COME is controversial. Lambert found no difference in outcomes between a steroid group and a control group with COME. At this time, the clinical practice guidelines do not recommend steroid therapy for COME.

Food allergy

The younger the child with suspected allergies, the more likely the antigen will be ingested rather than inhaled. Juntti et al. found that 34% of children with AR or asthma who also had a cow’s milk allergy also had recurrent OME, compared with 13% of children who had AR but no diagnosed milk allergy.

A suspicion of food allergies in young children with OME or recurrent AOM is usually obtained from a detailed history, including a family history of allergy, and the frequent association of rhinitis with or without asthma and/or eczema. Objective confirmation may be obtained following in vitro or skin testing to a panel of food antigens, followed by an oral food challenge or elimination diet, as needed.


Many studies have suggested that more than 70% of children with COME are considered atopic, based on skin tests or in vitro testing.

Immunotherapy for inhalant allergies has been found to be very efficacious for both symptom reduction and for reducing the progression of allergic diseases. Unfortunately, there have not been any studies, to date, of the same rigor on the possible role of immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic ME disease. Studies reporting a very high (75%+) rate of resolution of OME with immunotherapy or dietary elimination virtually never have a sufficient (or any) control group with varying definitions of both allergy and mode of diagnosis, unlike studies that have been published on the role of immunotherapy in the treatment of AR. ,

While desensitizing young children using injectable immunotherapy is challenging, these studies will need to be done to define the role this modality should play in our evidence-based practices in the future. In the future, sublingual immunotherapy may allow the design of clinical trials involving young atopic children. However, to date, studies have not evaluated the role of this therapeutic modality in the management of COME.

Surgical therapy

In 1954, Armstrong introduced ventilation (also termed tympanostomy and pressure equalization) tube placement as a treatment for OME. The ventilation tube acts as an artificial ET, aerating the ME, equalizing ME pressure with atmospheric pressure, and eliminating any negative pressure caused by ETD. The pathophysiology of COME involves both ETD and the reflux of nasopharyngeal organisms; ventilation tubes are intended to correct the former. Children with tubes in place can still develop otitis media, although the acute infection will not be painful because the infected effusion is allowed to pass through the tube and out of the ME. The effusion will also not be associated with hearing loss; correction of hearing loss is one of the most important goals of surgical therapy. Tube insertion with or without adenoidectomy has been shown to improve conductive hearing loss secondary to OME and to decrease the amount of time spent with ME effusion. The placement of tubes is often a clinical judgment, based on experience, and is addressed on a case-by-case basis. Nevertheless, clinical practice guidelines offer evidence-based recommendations for tympanostomy tube placement ( Box 5.1 ).

Box 5.1
Indications and Contraindications

Tympanostomy Tube Placement


  • Documented 3 months of persistent middle ear effusion with associated conductive hearing loss

  • Structural change in the tympanic membrane


  • Single episode of otitis media with effusion

  • Normal hearing


Nasopharyngeal reflux of secretions and microorganisms into the ME plays a major role in the pathophysiology of COME. As such, adenoidectomy is designed to remove the source of the infecting microorganisms. Three landmark studies have demonstrated the efficacy and low morbidity associated with adenoidectomy. , , Adenoidectomy is an effective treatment for COME and significantly reduces its morbidity, and the effect is independent of adenoid size. In fact, the small “smoldering” adenoid is argued to harbor bacteria chronically and is a major contributor to OME. The decision to perform an adenoidectomy should be based on the severity and persistence of the ME disease rather than on the size of the adenoid. Nasal obstruction with adenoid hypertrophy stands alone as an indication. Paradise and Bluestone have argued for adenoidectomy only in recurrent cases, given the increased cost and slightly increased risk to the patient.

Much of the literature published on the role of adenoidectomy in OME has involved children 4 to 8 years of age. Nevertheless, adenoidectomy has been shown to be safe in children older than 18 months and may be effective in younger, high-risk children. In the San Antonio study, the effect of adenoidectomy was greater for younger children. We recommend adenoidectomy for patients with recurrent disease, in which the child (>4 years of age) needs a second set of tubes.


Rarely, mastoidectomy is required for patients with COME. The continuously draining ear with secretory tissue in the mastoid (serous mastoiditis) benefits most from opening the aditus ad antrum and facial recess to increase aeration of the ME and mastoid air cell system. Removal of secretory tissue or granulation tissue and exenteration of diseased mastoid air cells are the goals of surgery. Because of the rare necessity for mastoidectomy in patients with COME, no systematic study has been undertaken to prove its efficacy. The decision to proceed with mastoid surgery is based on clinical experience and judgment. We often leave a small Penrose drain in the mastoid and externalize it through the postauricular incision. The drain is removed once drainage has stopped. Mastoidectomy should be reserved for cases with abnormal mucosa or cholesterol granuloma in the mastoid; it is more commonly indicated for IH ( Box 5.2 ).

Box 5.2
Indications and Contraindications

Cortical Mastoidectomy


  • Chronic suppurative otitis media (persistent [>3 months] otorrhea from a tympanic membrane perforation or tympanostomy tube) unresponsive to medical management

  • Cholesteatoma

  • Idiopathic hemotympanum

  • Approach to the middle ear or skull base for neoplastic diseases (e.g., vestibular schwannoma, paraganglioma)

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