Skeletal Muscle Diseases

Essential Features: Myopathic Versus Neurogenic Changes


  • Myopathic changes are seen in disorders that primarily affect muscle

  • Neurogenic changes in skeletal muscle result from disorders of innervation: peripheral nerve, motor neuron disease, or neuromuscular junction

Clinical Features


  • Depends on the specific disease process


  • Myopathies usually present with the following:

    • Proximal muscle weakness, usually symmetric

    • Malaise and fatigue

    • No sensory complaints or paresthesias

    • Atrophy and hyporeflexia are late findings

    • Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels are usually elevated

    • Electromyography (EMG) shows “myopathic” changes

  • Neurogenic muscle disorders present with the following:

    • Usually distal muscle weakness

    • Sensory complaints and paresthesias

    • Atrophy and hyporeflexia early in the disease course

    • Serum CK levels are usually normal

    • Electromyography shows “neurogenic” changes

Prognosis and Treatment

  • Depends on the specific disease process

Imaging Characteristics

  • There are no specific imaging findings that help differentiate between myopathic and neurogenic muscle changes



  • Myopathic features include the following:

    • Variability in fiber size and shape with rounded myofibers

    • Large and small myofibers are randomly and diffusely distributed

    • Type 1 fiber predominance

    • Increased internal nuclei (more than 3%) and nuclear chains

    • Myofiber necrosis (pale staining or hyaline fiber) and phagocytosis

    • Regenerating (basophilic) myofibers

    • Fiber splitting

    • Increased endomysial connective tissue and deposition of adipose tissue

    • Endomysial, perimysial, or perivascular infiltrates of T lymphocytes and macrophages are prominent in some myopathies

    • Myofibrillar architectural changes such as moth-eaten fibers, ring fibers, lobulated and whorled fibers

    • Sarcoplasmic inclusions and vacuoles are characteristic of some myopathies

  • Neurogenic features include the following:

    • Variability in myofiber size and shape with angulated fibers

    • Two populations of myofibers are seen in denervated muscle: atrophic fibers (denervated) and normal or hypertrophied fibers

    • Atrophic fibers are generally clustered in groups (small group atrophy)

    • Large group atrophy occurs when an entire fascicle becomes atrophic

    • Fiber type grouping (groups of both types have to be identified in the biopsy)

    • Hypertrophic myofibers are usually type 1

    • Atrophic angulated myofibers are of both types

    • Pyknotic nuclear clumps

    • Atrophic angulated myofibers stain intensely with oxidative stains

    • Myofiber architectural changes including target fibers and targetoid fibers

Immunopathology/Special Stains

  • Oxidative enzymes such as NADH-TR highlight myofiber architectural changes in both myopathic and neurogenic muscle

  • Specific immunostudies (inflammatory stains, sarcolemmal proteins) depending on the histologic features and clinical impression

Main Differential Diagnoses

  • Myopathic changes are seen in a wide range of acquired and inherited disorders including inflammatory myopathies, metabolic disorders, muscular dystrophies, and toxic exposure, among others

  • Neurogenic changes are seen in numerous inherited and acquired clinical disorders caused by defects in upper or lower motor neurons or the peripheral nerve including, but not limited to, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSN), and inflammatory peripheral neuropathies

Fig 1, Myopathic features. H&E-stained section reveals marked variation in myofiber diameter with both large and small rounded myofibers. In addition, there is increased endomysial connective tissue and fatty replacement.

Fig 2, Myopathic features. Necrotic (pale staining) myofibers undergoing phagocytosis by macrophages.

Fig 3, Myopathic features. Basophilic (regenerating) myofibers show central nuclei with prominent nucleoli.

Fig 4, Myopathic features. Oxidative stains (NADH-TR) highlight lobulated fibers.

Fig 5, Myopathic features. Ring fibers show abnormal orientation of myofibrils at the periphery of the fiber running at right angles from the main body of the fiber.

Fig 6, Myopathic features. Oxidative stains (NADH-TR) highlight whorled fibers.

Fig 7, Neurogenic features. H&E stain shows small groups of small, angulated myofibers (small group atrophy).

Fig 8, Neurogenic features. Target fibers reveal three distinct zones: a clear central zone without oxidative enzyme stain, an intermediate zone with increased oxidative enzyme activity, and a relatively normal staining peripheral zone.

Fig 9, Neurogenic features. ATPase stain reveals myofiber type grouping.



  • Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy with associated characteristic cutaneous findings

Clinical Features


  • Rare disease with an estimated incidence of 9.63 cases per million people

  • More common in women (women-to-men ratio of 2 : 1)

  • Adult-onset dermatomyositis has peak onset age of 50 years

  • Juvenile dermatomyositis affects children, usually between 5 and 10 years


  • Heliotrope (violaceous) skin rash over the upper eyelids

    • Skin findings usually antedate muscle manifestations

  • Groton papules or scaly erythematous eruptions over the extensor surfaces of the knuckles, elbows, or knees

  • Progressive symmetric proximal limb muscle weakness with insidious onset, myalgia, tenderness, and dysphagia

    • Neuromuscular symptoms similar to polymyositis

  • Involvement of organ systems such as the lung, heart, and kidneys may occur

  • Strong association with the development of malignancies

  • Juvenile dermatomyositis

  • Variable muscle weakness

  • Associated with general symptoms of malaise, fever, lethargy

  • Calcinosis in chronic cases

  • Laboratory abnormalities include increased serum creatine kinase (CK) usually 5 to 50 times the reference range, increased serum aldolase, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and myoglobulinuria

  • Antibodies may be detected in the serum, including antinuclear antibodies (ANA), myositis-specific antibodies, and anti-RNA antibodies such as Jo-1 and Mi-2 antibodies

  • Electromyography (EMG) reveals a combination of spontaneous fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, and polyphasic, short duration potentials on voluntary contractions indicative of irritable myopathy

Prognosis and Treatment

  • Muscle disease responds to corticosteroid therapy

  • Other immunosuppressive agents (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine) may be used in patients unresponsive to corticosteroids and to treat skin disease

  • Prognosis is generally favorable; however, recovery may be slow and incomplete

Imaging Characteristics

  • MRI findings are nonspecific and reveal increased signals in areas of edema and inflammation

  • May be used to select the site of biopsy



  • Perifascicular myofiber atrophy

  • Inflammation is focal and predominantly perivascular and perimysial

  • Inflammatory infiltrates are composed predominantly of macrophages, B cells, and CD4+ T lymphocytes

  • Decreased capillary density especially in the perifascicular region, which may lead to myofiber infarction

  • Electron microscopy reveals tubuloreticular inclusions in endothelial cells of intramuscular arterioles and capillaries


  • Humoral mediated immune reaction against capillaries with activation of complement, deposition of C5b-9, lysis of endothelial cells, and loss of capillaries with resulting ischemia

Immunopathology/Special Stains

  • Immunostudies demonstrate a predominance of B cells and CD4+ cells (both T lymphocytes and dendritic cells) in the inflammatory infiltrate

  • Deposition of the membrane attack complex of complement (C5b-9) in capillaries is an early event

  • Aberrant sarcolemmal expression of major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I) may be seen, especially in the perifascicular region

Differential Diagnosis

  • Connective tissue disorders with muscle and skin involvement such as systemic lupus erythematosus

Fig 1, Dermatomyositis. Perivascular inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and macrophages aggregate near intramuscular capillaries.

Fig 2, Dermatomyositis. Perifascicular myofiber atrophy ( top ) is a characteristic feature of dermatomyositis.

Fig 3, Dermatomyositis. Perifascicular atrophy is well demonstrated in this ATPase (pH 9.4) histochemistry.

Fig 4, Dermatomyositis. This immunohistochemical study illustrates that T lymphocytes are primarily of the CD-4 type.



  • Idiopathic inflammatory disease that affects predominantly the skeletal muscle; may occur in setting of systemic inflammatory/autoimmune disease

Clinical Features


  • Rare disease with an incidence of 0.5 to 8.4 cases per million people

  • More common in women (women-to-men ratio of 2 : 1)

  • Peak incidence between 45 and 60 years; it rarely affects children


  • Progressive symmetric proximal limb muscle weakness with insidious onset

  • Myalgia and tenderness may be present

  • Dysphagia is present in one third of patients

  • Extraocular muscles are usually spared

  • Involvement of organ systems such as the lung, heart, and kidneys is uncommon

  • Laboratory abnormalities include increased serum creatine kinase (CK) usually 5 to 50 times the reference range, increased serum aldolase, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and myoglobulinuria

  • In some cases, antibodies may be detected in the serum, including antinuclear antibodies (ANA), myositis-specific antibodies, and anti-RNA antibodies such as Jo-1 and signal recognition particle (SNP) antibodies

  • Electromyography (EMG) reveals a combination of spontaneous fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves, and polyphasic, short duration potentials on voluntary contractions indicative of irritable myopathy

  • Polymyositis may be associated with other connective tissue diseases

Prognosis and Treatment

  • Majority of cases respond to corticosteroid therapy

  • Other immunosuppressive agents (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine) may be used in patients unresponsive to corticosteroids

  • Prognosis is generally favorable; however, recovery may be slow and incomplete

Imaging Characteristics

  • MRI findings are nonspecific and reveal increased signals in areas of edema and inflammation

  • May be used to select the site of biopsy



  • Myopathic features

  • Evidence of myofiber necrosis, phagocytosis, and regeneration

  • Prominent endomysial inflammatory infiltrates composed predominantly of T lymphocytes and macrophages

  • T lymphocytes also surround and invade non-necrotic myofibers

  • Inflammatory infiltrates can be small and multifocal


  • Evidence suggests an antigen-directed and MHC-I restricted cytotoxicity mediated by CD8+ T cells

Immunopathology/Special Stains

  • Immunohistochemical studies for CD3 (T lymphocytes) and CD68 (macrophages) are useful for identification and localization of inflammatory cells

  • CD8+ T lymphocytes predominate

  • Major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I) is abnormally up-regulated on the sarcoplasm of myofibers even in areas devoid of inflammation

Main Differential Diagnoses

  • Inclusion body myositis

  • Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

  • Toxic or drug-induced myopathies (alcohol, statins)

Fig 1, Polymyositis. H&E-stained section of skeletal muscle reveals prominent endomysial inflammatory infiltrates that focally invade non-necrotic myofibers.

Fig 2, Polymyositis. CD8-immunoreactive T lymphocytes are the predominant component of the inflammatory infiltrate.

Inclusion Body Myopathy and Myositis


  • Most common myopathy in adults over 50 years old, characterized by inflammatory myopathy with rimmed vacuoles

Clinical Features


  • Accounts for 16% to 28% of inflammatory myopathies in North America

  • Affects individuals older than 50 years (mean age of onset is 56 to 60 years)

  • Men are more commonly affected than women (ratio of 3 : 1)

  • Hereditary inclusion body myopathies:

    • Hereditary group of disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness

    • Most are of late onset, but congenital and childhood forms have been described

    • Muscle biopsy reveals rimmed vacuoles with accumulation of the same proteins as in sporadic inclusion body myositis but no inflammatory infiltrate

    • Several genetic defects have been identified


  • Insidious onset of proximal leg and distal arm weakness with marked asymmetry

  • Dysphagia is present in a majority of patients

  • May be associated with autoimmune disorders (systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], Sjögren syndrome, and sarcoidosis, among others)

  • Strong association to MHC antigens HLA-DR3, DR52, and B8

  • Serum creatine kinase (CK) may be normal or elevated (up to 10 times the upper normal limit)

  • Myositis-associated autoantibodies are usually not found

  • Electromyography (EMG) reveals increased insertional activity and short duration polyphasic motor unit potentials

  • Nerve conduction studies are consistent with superimposed peripheral neuropathy

Prognosis and Treatment

  • Refractory to immunosuppressive therapy

  • Prognosis is that of slow progression to disability

Imaging Characteristics

  • MRI is of limited diagnostic value



  • Myopathic features

  • Small angulated myofibers may be scattered through the biopsy or in clusters

  • Endomysial mononuclear cell inflammatory infiltrate with invasion of non-necrotic myofibers

  • Gomori trichrome stain reveals rimmed vacuoles and ragged-red areas

  • Intracellular amyloid deposits (Congo red positive)

  • Eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions

  • Occasional cytochrome oxidase (COX) negative fibers

  • Electron microscopy reveals 15- to 21-nm tubulofilaments in the sarcoplasm and structurally abnormal mitochondria

Immunopathology/Special Stains

  • Inflammatory infiltrate is predominantly composed of CD8+ T lymphocytes

  • MHC-I expression in the sarcolemma

  • The vacuoles may be immunoreactive for β-amyloid, β-amyloid precursor protein, ubiquitin, α-synuclein, phosphorylated tau, TDP-43, and prion protein, among others


  • Unknown

  • Immune-mediated causes and degenerative processes have been proposed

Main Differential Diagnoses

  • Polymyositis

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Fig 1, Inclusion body myositis. Prominent myopathic features with focal endomysial inflammation. Myofibers with vacuoles are also seen.

Fig 2, Inclusion body myositis. Gomori trichrome stain reveals rimmed vacuoles.

Fig 3, Inclusion body myositis. Ubiquitin immunostudy reveals ubiquitin-positive inclusions within the vacuoles.

Dystrophinopathies (Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies)


  • Inherited neuromuscular disorders (muscular dystrophy) caused by mutations in the Dystrophin gene

Clinical Features


  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscular dystrophy

  • Prevalence of 1 in 3500 live male births worldwide (63 cases per million)

  • Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) has a prevalence of approximately 24 cases per million

  • Almost exclusively affects males because of X-linked inheritance pattern

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