Selective Nerve Root Block, Cervical Spine



  • Selective anesthesia of cervical nerve root at level of neural foramen


  • Radiculopathy corresponding to cervical dermatome


  • Target

    • Superior articular process of same number vertebra as nerve being injected (nerve comes out 1 level above)

    • At level of superior articular facet, deflect needle anteriorly into neural foramen

    • Verify needle tip placement within neural foramen in frontal and lateral projections

  • Slowly inject iodinated contrast to confirm correct needle placement if no contraindication

    • Should see contrast track along nerve root

    • May see contrast track beneath pedicle and into epidural space (transforaminal epidural steroid injection)

    • Should not see vascular enhancement, contrast pooling, or feathering within skeletal muscle

    • Use nonparticulate steroid preparation to minimize vascular complications

  • Alternative procedure: Interlaminar epidural steroid injection

Post Procedure

  • Pain assessment

    • Note pain before, during, and after injection and whether characteristic pain was reproduced


  • Vasovagal reaction

  • Most feared complications

    • Stroke, spinal cord puncture, hematoma

Anatomy: Coronal Graphic

Anatomy: Sagittal Graphic

C6 Selective Root Block

Contrast Injection


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