Clinical Keys for this Chapter

  • In this chapter, the term hydrops fetalis refers to immune (or rhesus [Rh] antibody-mediated) hydrops fetalis and is synonymous with the older term erythroblastosis fetalis. Hydrops fetalis is a form of in utero heart failure. In the setting of Rh alloimmunization, it is characterized by the presence of fetal ascites, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, subcutaneous edema (best seen as scalp edema), and polyhydramnios. The Rh complex is made up of a number of antigens, including C, D, E, c, d, and e. The vast majority of cases of Rh alloimmunization are due to antibodies to the D antigen.

  • Identifying the pregnancy at risk for RhD-mediated hydrops fetalis involves two steps: (1) identifying all RhD-negative pregnant women who have a positive anti-D antibody screen and (2) determining the RhD status of the fetus, either by inference if the father is homozygous for the RhD antigen or by direct assessment of the fetal RhD antigen status through fetal DNA testing. Only pregnancies involving an RhD-negative mother sensitized to the D antigen carrying an RhD-positive fetus are at risk for RhD antibody-mediated hydrops fetalis.

  • Once a pregnancy is identified as being at risk for RhD antibody-mediated hydrops fetalis, serial maternal anti-D antibody titers should be obtained. Once titers reach a critical threshold (≥1 : 16), or if the mother has a history of a previously affected fetus, serial fetal ultrasonography should be performed to detect fetal anemia. These include Doppler studies of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and fetal imaging for evidence of placentomegaly, hepatomegaly, and hydrops fetalis.

  • Treatment and management of an affected fetus involves percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS) for measurement of fetal hemoglobin, intrauterine transfusions, betamethasone to enhance fetal lung maturity, antepartum testing, and assessment of the need for early delivery. These fetuses often require additional treatment for hyperbilirubinemia or anemia in the neonatal period.

  • RhD isoimmunization is the only form of isoimmunization that can be prevented with passive immunization. This is done by routinely administering Rh immune globulin to all RhD-negative women who are anti-D–negative at 28 weeks' gestation and within 72 hours of delivery of an RhD-positive fetus. Rh immune globulin should also be given to these women after any episode of antepartum bleeding or trauma.

Rhesus (Rh) alloimmunization is an immunologic disorder that occurs in a pregnant, Rh-negative woman who is carrying an Rh-positive fetus. The immunologic system in the mother is stimulated by fetal cells that cross the placental barrier into the maternal circulation to produce antibodies to the Rh antigen, which then cross the placenta into the fetal circulation and opsonize fetal Rh-positive red cells, resulting in their destruction in the spleen.

One of the earliest signs of fetal anemia caused by Rh alloimmunization is an elevated fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) Doppler peak systolic velocity. Other early ultrasonic signs are an increase in the size and thickness of the placenta and fetal hepatomegaly. If the hemolysis is allowed to progress untreated, it will result in severe extramedullary hematopoiesis, portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia, and the progressive development of in utero heart failure or hydrops fetalis. Figure 15-1 shows a fetus severely affected by erythroblastosis fetalis, which should now be completely preventable.

Fetal hydrops is the most serious condition associated with severe rhesus (Rh) incompatibility (erythroblastosis fetalis) between the mother and fetus. The fetal anemia caused by the blood incompatibility can lead to extramedullary hematopoiesis, portal hypertension, heart failure, and excessive fluid leakage into the extracellular space of the fetus. This can lead to subcutaneous edema, hepatomegaly, ascites, pericardial effusion, and pleural effusion. Note the increased abdominal circumference of the infant in this photograph. The placenta is also enlarged (not pictured) in this condition, and increased fetal renal output (in response to the edema) leads to an increase in amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). Fetal death is common. This condition should be very rare with preventive measures and modern management of Rh incompatibility.


The Rh complex is made up of a number of antigens, including C, D, E, c, d, e, and other variants, such as partial D antigens. More than 90% of cases of Rh alloimmunization are due to antibodies to the D antigen, and this is the only form of alloimmunization that can be prevented with Rh immune globulin prophylaxis. Therefore, this chapter is limited to a discussion of the D antigen, although the same principles apply to other antigen-antibody combinations. A person who lacks the D antigen on the surface of the red blood cells is regarded as being “RhD-negative,” and an individual with the D antigen is considered to be “RhD-positive.”

About 8% of African Americans are RhD-negative, whereas about 15% of white Americans are RhD-negative. Only 1-2% of Asian and 1-2% of Native Americans are RhD-negative. When RhD-negative patients are exposed to the RhD antigen, they may become sensitized. Most cases of sensitization are caused by a placental leak of fetal red blood cells into the maternal circulation (fetomaternal hemorrhage) during pregnancy. The fetal and maternal circulations are normally separated by the placental barrier. Small hemorrhages occur in either direction across the intact placenta throughout pregnancy. With advancing gestational age, the incidence and size of these transplacental (fetomaternal) hemorrhages increase, with the largest hemorrhages usually occurring at delivery. Most immunizations occur at the time of delivery, and antibodies appear either during the postpartum period or following exposure to the antigen in the next pregnancy.

Sensitization can also occur if an RhD-negative woman is exposed to RhD-positive blood via mismatched transfusion or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or by injection with contaminated needles. In rare cases, the “grandmother” theory has been invoked. This theory suggests that an RhD-negative woman may have been sensitized from birth by receiving enough RhD-positive cells from her mother during her own delivery (i.e., a maternal-fetal hemorrhage) to produce an antibody response.

In general, two exposures to the RhD antigen are required to produce any significant sensitization, unless the first exposure is massive. The first exposure leads to primary sensitization, whereas the second causes an anamnestic response leading to the rapid production of immunoglobulins. The initial response to exposure to the RhD antigen is the production of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies (which cannot cross the placenta) for a short period of time, followed by the production of IgG antibodies that are capable of crossing the placenta. If the fetus has the RhD antigen, these antibodies will coat the fetal red blood cells, causing them to be destroyed, or hemolyzed, in the spleen. If the hemolysis is mild, the fetus can compensate by increasing the rate of erythropoiesis. If the hemolysis is severe, it can lead to profound fetal anemia, resulting in extramedullary hematopoiesis, portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and heart failure (hydrops fetalis), as well as intrauterine fetal death. High bilirubin levels can damage the central nervous system and lead to neonatal encephalopathy and kernicterus. Before the widespread use of RhD immune globulin for prevention of RhD isoimmunization, kernicterus was one of the leading causes of cerebral palsy and sensorineural deafness.

If a pattern of mild, moderate, or severe disease has been established with two or more previous pregnancies, the disease tends either to be of the same severity or to become progressively more severe with subsequent pregnancies. If a woman has a history of fetal hydrops with a previous pregnancy, the risk of hydrops with a subsequent pregnancy is about 90%. Hydrops usually develops at the same time as or earlier than in the previous pregnancy.


Although fetomaternal hemorrhage is very common, the incidence of RhD immunization within 6 months of the delivery of the first RhD-positive, ABO-compatible infant is only about 8%. In addition, the incidence of sensitization with the development of a secondary immune response before the next RhD-positive pregnancy is 8%. Therefore, the overall risk of immunization for the second full-term, RhD-positive, ABO-compatible pregnancy is about one in six pregnancies. The risk of RhD sensitization following an ABO-incompatible, RhD-positive pregnancy is only about 2%. The protection against immunization in ABO-incompatible pregnancies is due to the destruction of the ABO-incompatible cells in the maternal circulation and the removal of the red blood cell debris by the liver.

Fetomaternal hemorrhage may also occur before delivery. Establishment of the fetal circulation occurs at approximately 4 weeks' gestation, and the presence of the RhD antigen has been demonstrated as early as 38 days following conception. Consequently, RhD isoimmunization can occur at any time during pregnancy, from the early first trimester onward. In the first trimester, the most common causes of fetomaternal hemorrhage are spontaneous or induced abortions. The incidence of immunization following spontaneous abortion is 3.5%, whereas that following induced abortion is 5.5%. The risk is low in the first 8 weeks, but it rises to significant levels by 12 weeks' gestation. The risk of immunization following ectopic pregnancy is about 1%. Fetomaternal hemorrhage can also occur in the setting of second- or third-trimester vaginal bleeding, after invasive procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, after abdominal trauma, or after external cephalic version. If necessary, the amount of fetal blood entering the maternal circulation after an episode associated with fetomaternal hemorrhage can be estimated using the Kleihauer-Betke test (described in the next section of this chapter). All pregnant RhD-negative women who are not sensitized to the D antigen should routinely receive prophylactic Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks' gestation, within 72 hours of delivery of an RhD-positive fetus, and at the time of recognition of any of the problems cited above that are associated with fetomaternal hemorrhage.

Detecting Fetomaternal Hemorrhage

The Kleihauer-Betke test is dependent on the fact that adult hemoglobin is more readily eluted through the cell membrane in the presence of acid than is fetal hemoglobin. The maternal blood is fixed on a slide with ethanol (80%) and treated with a citrate phosphate buffer to remove the adult hemoglobin. After staining with hematoxylin and eosin, the fetal cells can readily be distinguished from the maternal cells. All cells are then counted. The percentage of fetal cells present on the slide is determined and can be used to estimate the extent of the fetomaternal hemorrhage (measured in milliliters of whole blood) on the basis of the following equation:

Percentage of fetal cells × 5000 ( estimated maternal blood volume in milliliters )

As an example, if the Kleihauer-Betke is reported as 0.2%, then the estimated volume of fetal blood in the maternal circulation would be 0.002 × 5000, or 10 mL of fetal whole blood. There are a number of different formulas available for estimating the degree of fetomaternal hemorrhage, and all should be viewed as estimates based on their underlying assumptions regarding maternal and fetal blood volume. However, they are of value in determining the amount of Rh immune globulin to administer to prevent sensitization of an RhD-negative woman who is suspected of having a fetomaternal hemorrhage (refer to the “Prevention of RhD Alloimmunization” section later in this chapter).

Recognition of the At-Risk Pregnancy

A blood sample from every pregnant woman should be sent at the first prenatal visit for determination of the blood group and RhD type and for antibody screening. In RhD-negative patients whose anti-D antibody titers are positive (i.e., those who are RhD-sensitized), the RhD status of the father of the baby should be determined.

Paternal RhD Genotyping

If the father is RhD-negative, the fetus will be RhD-negative and hemolytic disease will not occur, so further monitoring is unnecessary. If the father is RhD-positive, his Rh genotype should be determined using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. If he is homozygous for the D antigen, the fetus will be RhD-positive and potentially affected. In this case, the pregnancy must be monitored closely for hemolytic disease. If the father is heterozygous, the fetus has a 50% chance of being RhD-positive, indicating the need for fetal RhD genotyping. Approximately 56% of RhD-positive whites are heterozygous for the RhD antigen. If it is not possible to test the D antigen status and zygosity of the father, it must be assumed that he is D antigen–positive.

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