Renal Arteriovenous Malformations And Arteriovenous Fistulas

Renal arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) have the common characteristic of one or more abnormal channels between an intrarenal artery and vein, allowing the blood to bypass the glomerular capillaries. A communication between the renal artery and the renal vein can be demonstrated by color Doppler sonography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and the diagnosis is confirmed by renal arteriography. The clinical significance, natural history and optimal therapy of the asymptomatic arteriovenous communications remain inadequately defined.


According to their pathogenesis, renal lesions with an abnormal communication between the renal artery and the renal vein can be classified as congenital AVMs (developmental) and acquired AVFs (traumatic, spontaneous, or neoplastic).

AVFs account for 70% to 80% of abnormal renal arteriovenous communications. Traumatic AVFs may be extrarenal or intrarenal. Extrarenal AVFs involve the main renal artery and renal vein and are often caused by nephrectomy or by penetrating injury. Intrarenal AVFs can involve the segmental, interlobar, and arcuate renal arteries and are most commonly caused by renal biopsy or by trauma, either blunt or penetrating. Spontaneous fistulas may be associated with renal artery disease, such as renal artery aneurysm and arterial fibrodysplasia.

AVMs are congenital, are characterized by an arteriovenous communication at the arteriole and venule level, and are usually supplied by multiple feeding arteries ( Figures 1 and 2 ). These malformations are either cirsoid, with multiple arteriovenous communications, or cavernous, with well-defined arterial and venous channels. In contrast, the acquired AVF usually has a single feeding artery supplying a direct communication between an artery and a vein ( Figure 3 ).

FIGURE 1, Congenital arteriovenous malformations of the right kidney seen in a right renal angiogram in a 39-year-old woman with gross hematuria. A, In the arterial phase, a cluster of abnormal tortuous, coiled vessels (arrows) is demonstrated in the upper pole. Contrast medium is beginning to fill the renal vein (RV). No contrast medium accumulation is present within the lesion. B, In the late arterial phase, early venous drainage is noted in the renal vein (RV) and inferior vena cava (IVC). A few dilated veins are seen near the main renal vein.

FIGURE 2, Control of hematuria by selective embolization in a 57-year-old woman with congenital arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). A, Computed tomography scan section done after injection of intravenous contrast medium shows an enhancing lesion with a cluster of abnormal vessels (arrow). B, Digital subtraction arteriogram of the left upper pole segmental artery (arterial phase) demonstrates a cluster of abnormal, tortuous arteries (arrow) in the upper pole of the kidney, already filling the renal vein (RV). C, Repeat renal arteriogram following selective arterial embolization of the lesion with embospheres (300–500 μm and 500–700 μm). The AVM and feeding artery are occluded without filling the lesion. The left renal vein was not visualized after the embolization.

FIGURE 3, Control of hematuria by superselective arterial embolization in a 28-year-old man with kidney failure and gross hematuria following percutaneous renal biopsy. A, Carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ) left renal digital subtraction angiography (arterial phase) demonstrates a communication between the distal interlobar artery and the interlobar vein, where a small pseudoaneurysm (arrow) is present. The renal vein (RV) and inferior vena cava (IVC) are densely opacified by CO 2 . B, A repeat arteriogram with injection of CO 2 following embolization with microcoils demonstrates occlusion of the fistula (arrow). Because of the lack of nephrotoxicity, CO 2 was used as an alternative contrast agent to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy.


The true incidence of abnormal renal AV communications is unknown. In a review of 9500 renal arteriograms over a period of 13 years in 1978, Cho and Stanley found 21 patients with nonneoplastic abnormal arteriovenous communications. The lesions included four patients with congenital AVMs, 11 patients with traumatic AVFs, and six patients with spontaneous AVFs, including renal arterial aneurysmal rupture (three patients), arterial fibrodysplasia (two patients) and suspected arteritis (one patient). The types of trauma were blunt abdominal trauma, percutaneous renal biopsy, and open wedge biopsy.

Clinical Features

Clinical manifestations of renal AVMs and acquired AVFs depend on their size, location, and cause. Although nontraumatic and nonneoplastic AV communications are usually silent clinically, they have been alleged to cause hematuria, hypertension, spontaneous rupture, and heart failure. Symptomatic congenital AVMs usually manifest with hematuria varying in severity and uncommonly present with hypertension. Rarely, massive hematuria occurs with hypotension requiring blood transfusion. Hematuria is the most common presentation in traumatic fistulas. A large AVF can increase the size of the renal arteries and lead to high-output heart failure and renal insufficiency. Most patients with spontaneous AVFs associated with renal artery disease are hypertensive and rarely have hematuria. Decreased renal perfusion distal to the fistula is speculated to be a cause of renovascular hypertension, but a definite cause-and-effect relationship has not been well established.

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