Proximal Radius Fractures in Children


Pediatric fractures of the proximal radius account for 1% of all fractures in children and 4% to 10% of pediatric elbow injuries. These injuries are more likely to occur at the radial neck because of the biomechanically weaker physis in comparison to the fibrocartilaginous nature of the radial head. With increasing age and ossification of the physis, radial head injuries become more common in the pediatric and adolescent population. This chapter will focus on pediatric radial neck fractures, as treatment of radial head fractures in the older child and adolescent is analogous to that of the adult.

The incidence of proximal radius fractures is nearly equivalent between genders, with a potential slight predominance in girls. The average age range of pediatric radial neck fractures is 4–14 years, with the majority occurring between 9 and 12 years of age.

Pathoanatomy and Applied Anatomy Related to Mechanism of Injury

The pediatric elbow matures in a predictable manner with the appearance of secondary ossification centers occurring in a known sequence. Between 1 and 2 years of age, the capitellum is the first secondary ossification center to appear. Subsequently, the radial epiphysis appears between ages 2 and 4 years, the medial epicondyle appears between ages 4 and 6 years, the trochlea appears between 8 and 11 years of age, the olecranon between 9 and 11 years of age, and the lateral epicondyle between 10 and 11 years of age ( Table 30.1 ). Understanding the normal anatomic locations of these secondary ossification centers will aid in the interpretation of a pediatric elbow radiograph.

TABLE 30.1
Age of Appearance of Secondary Ossification Centers About the Elbow
Secondary Ossification Center Age of Appearance
Capitellum 1–2 years
Radial head 2–4 years
Medial epicondyle 4–6 years
Trochlea 8–11 years
Olecranon 9–11 years
Lateral epicondyle 10–11 years

The mechanism of radial neck fractures typically involves a valgus-directed force onto an outstretched hand. In the pediatric population, this commonly occurs during a fall while running or during falls off monkey bars. As a valgus-directed force is applied, stress is transferred from the cartilaginous radial head abutting the lateral condyle of the humerus to the radial neck, resulting in a fracture and/or an elbow dislocation. Fractures of the proximal radius can also occur with concomitant posterior elbow dislocations or during reduction maneuvers performed to reduce the dislocated elbow. As the proximal radial epiphysis is posteriorly displaced, the capitellum can impact the proximal radius during reduction of the elbow, resulting in a fracture of the proximal radius.

Stress injuries can also occur when repeated rotational and longitudinal forces are exerted about the elbow. High-performance athletes who perform activities such as repetitive throwing and pitching motions can suffer from these injuries, which result in growth disruption and deformity. Furthermore, there are many associated injuries that can occur including medial epicondyle avulsion fractures, medial collateral ligament injuries, olecranon fractures, and elbow dislocations.

Fracture Classification

There are several classification systems used when describing pediatric and adolescent radial head and neck fractures. The Salter-Harris classification is most commonly used when describing fractures of the proximal radius involving the physis ( Box 30.1 ). Salter-Harris type II fractures are the most common type.

Box 30.1
Salter-Harris Classification

Type I Fracture traverses the physis
Type II Fracture traverses the physis and exits through the metaphysis
Type III Fracture traverses the physis and exits through the epiphysis
Type IV Fracture traverses the epiphysis, physis, and metaphysis

An alternative classification system has been proposed by O’Brien ( Box 30.2 ). This system uses the degree of angulation of the fracture for classification types and proposes treatment parameters dependent on the classification type.

Box 30.2
O’Brien Classification

Type I Angulation <30°: immobilization only
Type II Angulation 30–60°: closed reduction followed by immobilization
Type III Angulation >60°: open reduction of the fracture

Judet and colleagues proposed another classification system ( Box 30.3 ). This system has been utilized when assessing the feasibility of performing various treatment modalities. Type I and II Judet fractures are treated with closed reduction and casting, while type III and IV fractures require operative intervention.

Box 30.3
Judet Classification

Type I Minimal displacement
Type II Lateral displacement <50% shaft diameter; angulation <30°
Type III Lateral displacement <100%; angulation 30–60°
Type IV Complete displacement; angulation >60°

The Wilkins classification, which combines the Jeffrey and Newman systems, describes the mechanism of injury and attempts to correlate it to the degree of injury and prognosis ( Box 30.4 ).

Box 30.4
Wilkins Classification

Type I Valgus fracture
Subtype 1A Salter-Harris I and II fractures
Subtype IB Salter-Harris III and IV fractures
Subtype IC Isolated radial metaphysis fracture
Type II Radial neck fracture with an elbow dislocation
Subtype D Fracture during reduction of elbow
Subtype E Fracture associated with posterior elbow dislocation

Lastly, the Bado classification is used to assess radial head and neck injuries associated with proximal ulna and/or olecranon fractures (Monteggia fracture/dislocations) ( Box 30.5 ). Additionally, Monteggia variants exist, which typically involve a fracture of the ulna shaft or olecranon with a concomitant radial neck fracture as opposed to a dislocation.

Box 30.5
Bado Classification

Type I Fracture of the proximal or middle third of the ulna with an anterior dislocation of the radial head
Type II Fracture of the proximal or middle third of the ulna with a posterior dislocation of the radial head
Type III Fracture of the ulna metaphysis with a lateral dislocation of the radial head
Type IV Fracture of the proximal or middle third of the ulna and radius with a dislocation of the radial head in any direction

Assessment of Injury

Signs and Symptoms

The clinical presentation of a radial neck fracture in children is predicated on the severity of the initial injury. Pain can be localized to the elbow region without visible deformity or an obvious joint effusion. When an associated posterior elbow dislocation is present, deformity may be evident if the elbow did not spontaneously reduce.

The physical examination is a vital component during the diagnostic workup of a child with a suspected elbow fracture. The skin should be examined for any open wounds, swelling, lacerations, or abrasions. Additionally, the hand color should be noted to ensure adequate perfusion is present. Lastly, spontaneous movement performed by the child may aid in obtaining information regarding potential nerve injuries.

Patients will have localized tenderness to palpation along the radial head and neck region. It is imperative to purposefully palpate the various aspects of a child's elbow in order to determine the location of maximal tenderness, as this has been shown to be sensitive in diagnosing acute elbow injuries including radial neck fractures. Furthermore, associated injuries may be present about the elbow, such as a medial epicondyle fracture or an olecranon fracture. Passive range of motion may elicit pain in both flexion and extension, but the most substantial pain is typically present with forearm rotation. A systematic exam of the wrist and shoulder is also necessary to look for associated injuries, such as a scaphoid fracture.

Although neurovascular injuries are uncommon in association with proximal radius fractures, an assessment of the neurovascular structures should always be performed. Neurovascular injuries are more likely to be associated with elbow dislocations, especially posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) injuries.

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