Propylthiouracil—Antithyroid Drugs


  • RX for hypothyroidism. In USA, 7.5% of pregnant women plus an additional 500,000 people per y develop hyperthyroidism.

  • Rx for goiter associated with hyperthyroidism; second drug to methimazole due to greater side effects with PTU except in pregnancy (methimazole has greater side effects on fetus during pregnancy).

  • Definitive Rx for control of hyperthyroidism in anticipation of spontaneous remission.

  • Rx for hyperthyroidism in conjunction with 131 I or 125 I to hasten recovery while awaiting effects of radiation therapy.

  • Secondary Rx for hyperthyroidism to control disorder in preparation for surgery.

Perioperative Risks

  • Side effects of drug: Hypothyroidism; liver failure, especially in pts with liver transplants; be careful in pregnancy.

Worry About

  • Agranulocytosis (less than 0.5% of treated pts develop this side effect) and liver problems


  • Antithyroid drug: Absorbed within 20–30 min; effect begins to decrease in 2–3 h (half-life of methimazole estimated to be 6–13 h).

  • Drug and metabolites cleared by renal excretion.

  • Antithyroid drugs cross placenta, can be found in breast milk.

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