Process of Evaluation of Trauma Patients

Algorithm: Evaluation of trauma patients (ATLS guidelines)

Must-Know Essentials: Process of Evaluation of Trauma Patients

Primary Survey (A, B, C, D, E) and Resuscitation

  • A: Airway and cervical spine protection

  • B: Breathing and ventilation

  • C: Circulation and control of hemorrhage

  • D: Disability: Neurological status

  • E: Exposure and environmental protection

Secondary Survey

  • After primary survey and management of life-threatening injuries, include:

    • AMPLE history (A: Allergy, M: Medication, P: Past medical history, L: Last meal, E: Event or environment related to injury).

    • Complete examination of the patient (head to toe).

    • Specific imaging based on clinical findings.

      • Plain x-rays

      • CT scans

      • MRI, etc.

    • Lab tests including CBC, electrolytes, coagulation, drug levels, and alcohol levels.

    • Identification of other injuries.

Definitive Care

  • Management of specific injury

    • Operative management

    • Nonoperative

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