Principles of good fluoroscopy and radiation protection

Many interventional radiology procedures remain dependent on X-ray guidance. It is important to have good technique in order to minimize the radiation dose to the patient, yourself and the staff.


Fluoroscopy or screening

Real-time imaging is essential for catheter and guidewire manipulation. Whenever using fluoroscopy consider how to balance image quality with radiation dose. There are several factors which will come into play and different stages of the procedure may have different imaging requirements.

There are a couple of issues to bear in mind, the most important and perhaps least remembered is: it is easy to lapse into a fugue state with your foot on the pedal while considering what to do next, only screen when necessary.


Get into the habit of regularly taking stock and considering the parameters you are using and ensuring you are optimizing them.

Image quality

There are only two settings to consider here:

Continuous fluoroscopy (high dose)

Used when optimal image quality is required, e.g. embolization therapy with particles/liquids.

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