Principles and Components of Upper Limb Orthoses

Key Points

  • Upper limb orthotics is a challenging and dynamic segment of orthotic practice because of the complexity of coordinated movements of the arm and the hand.

  • Devices are tailored to the individual's functional need, and customized devices are often recommended to appropriately contour to the limb and provide the desired function.

  • Upper limb anatomy and biomechanics differ significantly from other segments of the body, having less soft tissue, lower force requirements, faster movements, increased sensory requirements, and more precision movement than other limb segments.

  • Each of these subtle differences combine to emphasize the need for a rigorous, team-based approach. The best outcomes occur when the prescribed orthoses are designed to the needs of the patient, are comfortable to wear, and when proper training and education is provided for patient success.

Clinical Principles of Upper Limb Orthotic Management

Upper limb orthotic care has much higher variability than most other areas of orthotic practice. Achieving the best results requires a team-based approach from multiple members of the health care team, including orthotists, occupational or physical therapists, and physicians. Simultaneous multidimensional movement of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand across a spectrum of 26 degrees of freedom adds complexity and unique challenges that all need to be considered when developing and implementing the prescription criteria. The formulation of the complete prescription for an upper limb orthosis should only be done after consideration of the following clinical principles: patient goals and expected outcomes, underlying pathology, neurosensory conditions, functional state and opportunities, upper limb biomechanics, contralateral involvement and dominance, and expected prognosis and rehabilitation trajectory.

Because of the unique presentation of the upper limb, each of these elements should be considered individually and applied throughout the medical treatment of the affected segments. In many cases, these criteria are applied differently in the upper limb than in other anatomical segments or structures of the body.

Patient Goals and Outcomes

When considering orthotic recommendations for the upper limb, particular care must be taken to properly understand and address each of the patient's goals through a thorough interview process. This has added complexity and importance over lower limb interviews, because many of the available devices are designed and maintained for a specific set of grasping patterns or activities. Patient goals may include gross motor position of the arm and hand in space or may be more focused on fine motor movements of the hand, wrist, or fingers. Particular designs should drive toward independent completion of activities of daily living, eating, toileting, food preparation, and so on. Additional functional goals of the orthosis may be to reduce pain, reduce weight, or improve cosmesis. Because use of an upper limb orthosis can be obtrusive, or more conspicuous than its lower limb counterparts, care should be taken to understand the user's psychosocial well-being and overall “gadget tolerance.” For proper implementation, each goal should be discussed with the team to ensure alignment and agreement. The orthotist should then be able to interpret these goals and requirements to better understand and formulate the treatment plan.

Underlying Pathology

In addition to patient goals and outcomes, the therapeutic intent of the upper limb orthosis must be considered. Therapeutic intent can be further classified into the treatment of three principle factors. The efficacy of the orthosis may be measured by the reduction of the effects of the three Ps: paralysis, pain, and position.


Although the underlying pathophysiology of individuals with upper limb involvement is only discussed briefly in this chapter, it is worth highlighting paralysis because of the functional impact it has on upper limb function. Although many paralytic conditions have resulted in upper limb deficits, the last generation has witnessed a significant shift in how these individuals are diagnosed and treated and ultimately where their care typically begins. One profound example of this change is the near-eradication of poliomyelitis through the use and prevalence of targeted polio vaccines. Just over 50 years ago this condition reached its peak, with between 22,000 and 27,000 cases of permanent paralysis resulting annually. Treatment of individuals with related pathologies resulting from symptoms of polio and postpolio syndrome throughout the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries has been commonplace for many orthotists. In recent years this population has diminished. Current trends show a rise in different underlying pathologies, with most reported incidents of paralysis resulting from cerebral vascular accidents (CVA, or stroke) or trauma. By the numbers, the leading causes of these paralytic conditions in the United States by incidence is stroke (28.7%), spinal cord injury (22.8%), multiple sclerosis (16.8%), cerebral palsy (7.4%), postpolio syndrome (4.9%), traumatic brain injury (4.3%), neurofibromatosis (3.8%), and other (11.3%). In less-developed areas of the world, underlying conditions differ, with a higher incidence of polio and postpolio syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and neurotoxic snake bites, which may require an alternative treatment or adaptation to some of the orthotic recommendations made in this text. As noted earlier, paralysis is one of the primary underlying presentations that require upper limb orthoses for functional use. Paralysis can be localized or widespread in the way it affects the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The patient-specific design should be considered carefully, because the individual limb can present in thousands of different ways. In many cases, these individuals require very customized devices tailored for their specific needs and related underlying sensory challenges.

Paralysis is common in the presence of spinal cord or spinal root injury in the cervical spine. A brief description of motor function loss by spinal cord level is presented here to provide an anatomical and physiologic context for the clinical solutions presented later in this chapter.

Spinal cord injury scale and muscle function

The most commonly used scale for measuring spinal cord injury is the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale. This scale breaks down the severity of the injury into five categories labeled A through E. In addition, functional grades define residual muscle activity in terms of their functional capacity over a 6-point numerical scale of 0 to 5 (see Tables 12.1 and 12.2 ).

TABLE 12.1
American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale
American Spinal Injury Association Classification Spinal Cord Lesion
A Complete: No sensory or motor function preserved in sacral segments S4–5.
B Incomplete: Sensory but no motor function is preserved below neurologic level through sacral segment S5.
C Incomplete: Sensory and motor function is preserved below neurologic level, with most key muscles having a functional grade less than 3.
D Incomplete: Sensory and motor function is preserved below the functional level, with most key muscles having a functional grade of 3 or better.
E Normal: Sensory and motor functions are normal.

Stroke types

Stroke can be classified into four main types:

  • Ischemic: Obstruction of the blood vessel or vascular system that prevents blood flow to the brain; this is the most common form of vascular accident and accounts for 9 out of 10 diagnosed cases.

  • Hemorrhagic: This is classified by a rupture of weakened blood vessels; common names include aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).

  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA): This is evidenced by a temporary or mini obstruction of the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. Although the complications from this type are typically less severe and resolve over time, they are predictive of more significant problems.

  • Cryptogenic: These are unclassified, in which the immediate cause of the stroke is unknown.


Pain can often be pervasive in individuals who have lost function or experienced trauma or an accident and must be managed alongside other therapeutic considerations. In other cases, a reduction of pain is the principal therapeutic benefit of the orthosis itself. When considering the design of the orthosis, the practitioner should take care to ensure comfort of the device and appropriately position the limb segment to aid in healing and an ultimate reduction in the pain response.


The position of the limb in all cases is absolutely critical to function. With most devices discussed in this chapter, the entire functional goal is to provide correct and appropriate positioning of the limb to achieve the desired goal. In some cases, the position of the orthosis is fixed, and it will be used postoperatively to maintain optimal position for healing and reduction of potential reinjury. When designing the orthosis, the practitioner must ensure that proper positioning of the limb is attainable and that the orthosis does not unnecessarily limit the positioning of unaffected limb segments.

Neurosensory Conditions

Partial or complete neurosensory deficits are common in this population and may manifest as pain, numbness, tingling, or complete sensory deficit. This poses unique functional challenges but may also have compounding concerns when considering the distribution of forces over the body by the orthosis. Additionally, upper limb segments often lack the benefit of underlying subcutaneous tissue, which would be used for padding and dissipation of forces in other areas of the body, including the lower limbs and torso. In each case, consideration must be given to protect the limb, reduce shear force across skin layers, and ensure even and broad distribution of forces when stabilization or loading is required.

Functional Deficits and Opportunities

In any case in which an upper limb orthosis is required, the patient has lost some degree of expected function compared with an unaffected limb segment. This loss of function forms the foundation of the orthotic prescription and subsequent treatment plan. Every effort is made to maximize function and opportunities for mobility and independence. Currently no orthoses perfectly mimic the complex movements of the nonaffected upper limb, so when considering orthotic management, clinicians and patients must prioritize function and activity in the context of the patient goals and expected outcomes. Well-designed orthoses restore, support, or augment the remaining function of affected joints or limb segments and position the limb to make better use of more distal segments such as the wrist and the hand. This is accomplished by encouraging the patient to use all available range of motion (ROM) and available muscle power, without limiting or impeding critical movements through the orthotic design. Functional deficits should be carefully and objectively quantified where possible through the use of validated outcome measures or other available clinical tools such as goniometers, length gauges, or other measurement devices. Validated clinical measures help the clinician to objectively quantify the current state and long-term efficacy of the prescribed treatment. Measures in this space can take multiple forms and formats and range from user-reported survey instruments through objective performance measures.

Upper Limb Biomechanics

Biomechanics is quite simply the application of forces and their effects on the biologic system. In the human body these are the effects of the application of forces to the human body. In the case of the upper limb this could include internal or external forces. Knowing and understanding the range of forces that are unique in the upper limb will help the health care team to appropriately create the intended design and treatment plan. In the case of the upper limb, muscles are typically attached close to joints, favoring efficiency, speed, and fine motor movements. For the most part, internal muscles of the upper limb such as the lumbricals, triceps, biceps, and flexor digitorum are optimized for fine quick movements over a larger ROM. Correctly designed orthoses should consider the internal forces of the limb segments being treated and the application of external forces that will be applied to the limbs as required by the patient's environment, chosen profession, or activities of daily living. See Chapter 11 for more detailed information on the topic of upper limb biomechanics.

Contralateral Function and Dominance

Occasionally clinicians become focused on maximizing or attempting to restore function of the affected segment without looking holistically at the entirety of upper limb function. In the case of unilateral involvement, users will often retrain their unaffected side for all activity and function. The design of an orthosis must ensure that orthotic care aids in this transition process. This often results in the orthosis being specifically designed to position the affected segments of the body to provide functional assistance to the now-dominant unaffected side.

Expected Prognosis and Rehabilitative Trajectory

Use of upper limb orthoses can range widely from acute to permanent use. In many conditions, use of the orthosis is expected to be time limited to aid the user in progressing through the appropriate stages of rehabilitation. In all but the most chronic conditions, experts in the field are beginning to look at orthoses as therapeutic devices that are designed to carry the patient to the next stage of the rehabilitative process, at which point devices should be modified or replaced to better position the patient for the subsequent rehabilitative milestone.

Design Principles for Upper Limb Orthoses

Once clinical information has been gathered and synthesized, clinical decisions about the specified orthosis and treatment plan are formulated. The following underlying design principles guide specific decisions, components, material selection, shapes, and contours:

  • 1

    Fine motor movement is key to successful outcomes of the upper limb orthosis.

  • 2

    Loading patterns of an upper limb orthosis differ significantly from other areas of the body.

  • 3

    The work and movement envelope of the upper limb is significantly greater than other body segments.

  • 4

    Upper limb tasks often require simultaneous mobilization or immobilization of multiple joint segments.

  • 5

    Upper limb anatomy is characterized by shorter limb segments and minimal subcutaneous padding.

  • 6

    If ROM cannot be fully preserved, the positioning of the wrist and hand in the functional position (wrist extended to approximately 30 degrees, with the axis of the thumb lying parallel and in line with the radial axis see upper image in Fig. 12.4 ) will provide the best position for completion of most manual tasks.

Nomenclature and Terminology

Orthoses can be described or presented based on a variety of different paradigms such as by pathology, segmentally by joint or segment treated, or by its objective. Modern convention and associated International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards name orthoses by the joint segment or section of the limb that they interface with. Common abbreviations of upper limb orthoses are as follows:

  • Finger orthosis (FgO)

  • Hand orthosis (HdO)

  • Wrist–hand orthosis (WHO)

  • Elbow orthosis (EO)

  • Shoulder orthosis (SO)

To remain consistent with ISO standards, this nomenclature will be used throughout the chapter when describing specific orthoses or designs. For the purposes of this chapter it would be difficult to catalog each of the recommended orthoses by the underlying pathology, as specific pathologies could present with very distinct functional deficits depending on severity or involvement. Where possible and when supported by the literature, examples of common, associated pathologies are provided. Furthermore, the devices are categorized as static or dynamic devices. For consistency, static orthoses in this text are defined as fixed positioning devices or static progressive devices. Static progressive devices allow manual manipulation of a joint angle to increase ROM, typically achieved through a ratchet or dial mechanism. When the orthosis is moved to a specific position, the joint mechanism is fixed and holds that position unless manually adjusted to an alternate joint angle. Although static orthoses are often fixed, they still provide significant utility and may be required to position the hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder most optimally for the required task. Dynamic orthoses, on the other hand, create, assist, or resist specific movements. Dynamic orthoses are further subdivided based on the desired dynamic feature of the orthosis. Dynamic orthoses apply a constant load that may be graded based on the angle or intrinsic strength of the underlying musculature. Typical applications of dynamic orthoses include constant low-load stretching and coupled movements (in which force or excursion is transferred through gearing or levers from one joint to another). An additional category that is introduced near the end of this chapter is powered upper limb orthoses, typically controlled through myoelectric inputs, brain–machine interfaces, manual switches, or physical patient feedback. This burgeoning field often refers to these devices as robotic or exoskeletal.

In most cases of significant impairment, orthoses may be highly customized, with specific components designed for specific activities or function. Examples of these adaptations are discussed based on the motion that is created or resisted by these additions. Previous editions of this text have broken down orthoses further into functional or therapeutic parameters, but in looking at the expanded definition of these elements, there is general recognition that all orthoses should provide both a functional and therapeutic benefit to fulfill their intended purpose.

Components and Applications of Upper Limb Orthoses

Finger Orthoses


Static FgOs immobilize one or more of the digital joints from the metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joint through the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. Static orthoses in this space are often prefabricated and include splints made of moldable soft metals with foam interfaces, rigid foams, or thin thermoplastics. FgOs of this style are typically used for acute injuries of the digits but may also be used for temporary immobilization after a soft tissue injury. In some less common cases static FgOs are helpful in limiting progression of contractures or progressive deformities caused by related disease states. These orthoses are often secured with a hook and loop material, Coban, or specific medical adhesives and are often removable and replaceable for maintenance and hygiene. Pathologies may include stable fractures, joint inflammation, and ligamentous or tendon damage, among others.

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