Primary Infections of the Spine

Summary of Key Points

  • Spondylodiscitis is defined as infections involving various spinal elements, including vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, the spinal canal, or paravertebral soft tissues.

  • Spinal infections are broadly classified on the basis of etiology: pyogenic, granulomatous, and parasitic. Granulomatous conditions include tubercular, brucellar, and fungal spondylodiscitis.

  • Infections reach the spine through one of the following routes: direct inoculation from the exterior, direct extension from local tissues, or hematogenous spread.

  • The most common organisms isolated from pyogenic spondylodiscitis (PS) include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus.

  • The common presenting symptoms include axial or radicular pain, neurodeficit, and constitutional symptoms.

  • The approach to diagnosing these lesions is three-pronged: laboratory workup, imaging, and tissue diagnosis. The gold standard in diagnosis is tissue sampling for microbiological, histopathological, and molecular diagnostics.

  • PS is primarily a medical disease, and most patients, especially those from whom an infectious organism has been isolated, benefit from a 6-week course of antibiotic therapy. The standard course of antibiotics includes 2 weeks of intravenous drugs followed by 4 weeks of oral drugs. The duration needs to be extended in patients with methicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections, older patients (age >75 years), patients with nonpyogenic infections, and patients without any microbiological identification.

  • Surgical intervention may be recommended in surgically fit patients with persistent or worsening neurological deficit, loss of spinal alignment or stability, significant spinal canal compromise, large or nonresolving abscesses, and failed medical treatment. Anterior-only, posterior-only, and combined anterior-posterior approaches have been described to achieve the surgical goals of decompression, debridement, stabilization, abscess drainage, and maintenance or restoration of spinal balance.

  • Spinal tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic granulomatous spondylodiscitis characterized by the presence of granuloma, which is a localized collection of macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, and caseating necrosis.

  • TB is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, with the most common species being Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Vertebral infection occurs following hematogenous spread of bacilli from a primary site of infections (most commonly the lungs).

  • Common presenting symptoms include axial or radicular pain, cold abscess, neurodeficit, and kyphosis associated with constitutional symptoms.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging is the most useful imaging modality, and the diagnosis is confirmed by tissue sampling for microbiological, histopathological, and molecular assessment.

  • Uncomplicated spinal TB is primarily a medical disease. Chemotherapy includes 2 months of intensive-phase multidrug therapy followed by a 7- to 9-month continuation phase.

  • Surgical intervention is recommended in patients with neurodeficit, deformity, instability, failed medical treatment, and failed percutaneous biopsy. Anterior-only, posterior-only, and combined anterior-posterior approaches have been described to achieve the surgical goals of decompression, debridement, stabilization, abscess drainage, and maintenance or restoration of spinal balance in active TB. In patients with healed TB presenting with significant kyphosis, three-column osteotomies are necessary.

  • In all pediatric patients, regular follow-up is necessary until skeletal maturity because progressive spinal deformity may develop in this patient population even after complete healing.

Spinal infections can be classified on the basis of etiology: pyogenic, granulomatous (tubercular, brucellar, or fungal), or parasitic. Infection involving the spine constitutes 2% to 7% of all musculoskeletal infections and may involve vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs (IVDs), the spinal canal, or paravertebral soft tissues. Despite huge advancements in medical science and antibiotics, the incidence of spinal infections has not greatly improved, especially among the elderly population. Infections can be transmitted to spine by direct inoculation, by spread from contiguous tissues, or hemotogenously. , The purpose of this chapter is to review the pathophysiology of infections involving the spinal column, the clinical presentation and evaluation of affected patients, and the evidence to support nonoperative and operative management strategies.

Pyogenic Infections: Spondylodiscitis, Vertebral Osteomyelitis, and Epidural Abscess

Definition and Clinical Significance

Spondylodiscitis (SD) is defined as infection of IVDs and osteomyelitis of the adjacent vertebrae. It can be a serious, life-threatening infection, with mortality close to 20% in inadequately treated patients. The importance of early diagnosis and treatment in preventing devastating complications cannot be understated.


Although pyogenic organisms are more prevalent in the developed nations, other etiological agents like tuberculosis (TB) and nonpyogenic organisms tend to predominate in the developing world. The reported incidence in the developed nations varies between 0.2 and 2.4 per 100,000 individuals per year. The infection has a bimodal age distribution, with increased occurrence in individuals younger than 20 years and between 50 and 70 years of age. Male patients are 1.5 to 2 times more frequently affected. There has been a recent surge in the incidence of SD attributed to the ageing population, advanced diagnostic technology, and the relatively greater prevalence of risk factors like diabetes, immunosuppression, and drug abuse.


The most common isolated organisms are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus . Nosocomial infections can be caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), which complicates 2% to 15% of all staphylococcal infections. Gram-negative bacilli are common in intravenous drug users. Salmonella infections can occur in sickle cell disease, whereas Pseudomonas infections may occur in immune-compromised individuals. In one-third of patients, the infective organism cannot be identified. Extremes of age, illnesses or drugs predisposing to immunological compromise, septicemia or the presence of active infective foci, and major systemic illness can predispose to spontaneous PS. ,


Knowledge of relevant structural anatomy is of utmost importance to understanding its pathophysiology. Infections reach the disc space by one of three mechanisms: (1) direct inoculation from an external source (iatrogenic); (2) direct extension from contiguous structures—like retropharyngeal space abscess, esophageal perforation, or aortic implants; and (3) hematogenous (arterial or venous) dissemination from distant sites: like the skin or the gastrointestinal or genitourinary tracts. ,

Contrary to the previous belief that metaphyseal bones and cartilaginous end plates were the starting points of infection, it is now known that the IVD is the origin of infection. In the pediatric population, there is an extensive anastomotic arterial network between the vertebral body and the central disc. , , In view of the excellent anastamoses between the discal and corporeal vasculature in pediatric patients, direct disc involvement is more common in children. However, beyond 15 years of age, the nucleus pulposus becomes avascular, and the IVDs receive nutrition through diffusion across end plates. The microvasculature of cartilaginous end plates receives circumferential blood vessels from the perichondrium and adjacent metaphysis. Therefore, in adults, septic emboli reach the end arteries and get trapped around the end plate. This results in local bony infarcts, end plate disruption, osteolysis, and vertebral compression fractures, which subsequently lead to discitis. Hematogenous spread of PS is most common in the lumbar spine (50%–60%), followed by the thoracic (30%–40%) and cervical spines (10%). ,

Clinical Presentation and Course

Clinical Symptoms

Axial back/neck pain and radicular pain are the most common presenting symptoms. There is no characteristic pain in SD, and therefore during the early stages it may be mistaken for degenerative pathology. During the initial stages, the pain symptoms are mild to moderate, continuous (often worse at night), and worse with change of posture and activities. Instability pain may also develop once spinal stability is compromised. Constitutional symptoms are not uncommon and include fever, malaise, night sweats, and weight/appetite loss. Neurological deficit may develop secondary to mechanical compression or spinal instability and has been reported in 3% to 32% of patients.

Clinical Signs

The most common physical signs include localized tenderness, sustained paraspinal spasm, and painful limitation of spinal movements. Palpable abscesses are relatively uncommon. Neurological signs may be present, based on the level and severity of involvement. Very young or very old patients and immunosuppressed patients may have relatively minimal clinical findings.

The clinical presentation is more delayed in children as compared with their adult counterparts. In children, fever is an uncommon symptom (40% incidence). Irritability (63%), refusal to bear weight (38%) and limping (38%) are common symptoms in children younger than 3 years. Children between 3 and 10 years typically present with back pain (89%), fever (59%), and abdominal pain (29%).

Elderly patients are prone to develop chronic infections and have a strong predisposition to develop neurological paralysis as compared with the younger individuals.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnoses include primary and metastatic malignant spinal tumors, fractures, ankylosing spondylitis or inflammatory arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, infections in adjacent structures like the hips, abdominal or genitourinary structures, or psoas musculature, activated osteochondrosis, metabolic bone disease, and vertebral hemangioma.

Diagnostic Modalities and Imaging

The approach to diagnosing these lesions is three-pronged: laboratory workup, imaging, and tissue Diagnosis

Blood Investigations

Initial blood investigations include assessment of white blood cell (WBC) count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP). , Among them, CRP is the more sensitive parameter, and elevated CRP is noticed in 90% of patients. It helps us to understand the response to therapy, as there is a favorable reduction in CRP value within 5 to 7 days after the initiation of medications. ESR is less sensitive and less specific than CRP in diagnosing PS. Persistently elevated ESR beyond 1 month of medical therapy may indicate poorer response. Elevated WBC is noticed in two-thirds of patients. Procalcitonin assessment plays a minor role because it is more cost intensive and has no prognostic advantage. Blood cultures may be positive in two-thirds of patients and should be obtained in all patients before starting antibiotics. , Additionally, urine cultures may be helpful in identifying a possible underlying infectious focus, especially in elderly patients with previous history of urinary tract infection and evidence of current urinary symptoms (like burning micturition, incontinence, or prostatism).

Radiological Imaging

Plain radiograph is the first radiological investigation, with a low sensitivity and specificity of 82% and 57%, respectively. The earliest changes are evident between 2 and 8 weeks after symptom onset. During the early stages, vertebral body haziness, disc height reduction, and end plate irregularity are the most typical findings. As bone and disc involvement progressively increase, variable degrees of bony destruction, progressive spinal instability, and loss of alignment become evident. , , Griffiths et al. classified bone destruction radiographically into three stages: early (disc space narrowing), destructive (vertebral collapse), and osteosclerotic (new bone formation).

Computed tomography (CT) is a more sensitive modality than plain radiographs for evaluating bony changes. The involvement of anterior (vertebral body sclerosis/lysis/scalloping secondary to mechanical pressure from abscess, end plate changes, etc.) and posterior (spinous process, pedicle, and laminar lesions) spinal elements are clearly evident on CT. , , Additionally, soft tissue lesions can be indirectly noted on radiographs and CT as abnormal psoas shadow, obliteration of paravertebral fat, or mediastinal and retropharyngeal widening. CT also offers a significant advantage in the planning of surgical intervention (either biopsy or definitive surgery), as the true bony involvement, site, pattern, and extent of vertebral destruction are best delineated by this modality.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive (92% for noncontrast sequences and 95.4% for gadolinium-enhanced sequences) and specific (96%) imaging modality for evaluating PS. The most useful MRI sequences include T1-weighted imaging (T1), T2-weighted imaging (T2), short tau inversion recovery (STIR) imaging, and contrast-enhanced imaging. On T1-weighted imaging, bony and soft tissue lesions are visible as hypointense regions or masses over the vertebral body, end plate, IVD, spinal canal, or paraspinal regions. On T2-weighted imaging, the lesions are evident as hyperintense regions. Fat suppression sequences (especially STIR images) have the highest sensitivity for increased water content within the infected bone and surrounding soft tissues. The bony and soft tissue lesions demonstrate increased tissue enhancement on contrast-enhanced imaging, whereas abscesses demonstrate mass lesions with peripheral enhancement. Additionally, pre- and postcontrast fat-suppressed T1-weighted imaging aid in differentiating between vascularized or hyperemic tissues and avascular/necrotic or sequestrated lesions. On MRI, Uchida et al. proposed a five-stage classification system: stage 1—bruise with localized radiolucency in the vertebral end plate, stage 2—marrow edema and fluid collection confined to the vertebral body, with poor demarcation of the lesion, stage 3—irregularly increased signal intensity with confinement of the lesion to the subligamentous (posterior longitudinal ligament) compartment, stage 4—evident fluid collection in the IVD with extensive end plate destruction and high-signal lesions in the vertebral body, along with transligamentous abscess extension into the epidural space at multiple levels, and stage 5—obvious disappearance of disc space, vertebral collapse with nonhomogenous enhancement, and extension of the lesion into the epidural space, posterior vertebral elements, and paravertebral ligaments, as well as the musculature. Broadly, stages 1 to 3 were classified as confined or contained lesions, and stages 4 and 5 were noncontained lesions. MRI is extremely useful in differentiating PS from tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TBS). Although more significant discal involvement, disc hyperintensity, and small abscesses with irregular, thick rim enhancement favor the diagnosis of PS, greater vertebral destruction, multilevel involvement, and larger, thin, smooth-rimmed abscesses with calcification are seen in TBS ( Table 44.1 ). Figs. 44.1 and 44.2 demonstrate the major imaging findings during the early and later stages of PS, respectively.

Table 44.1
Major Differentiating Features Between Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis and Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Modified from Lee KY. Comparison of pyogenic spondylitis and tuberculous spondylitis. Asian Spine J. 2014;8(2):216-223.
Feature Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis
Para- or intraspinal abscess Present Absent
Abscess wall Thin-walled and smooth Thick-walled and irregular
Postcontrast paraspinal abnormal signal margin Well-defined Ill-defined
Abscess with postcontrast rim enhancement Intraosseous abscess Discal abscess
Vertebral body enhancement Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Vertebral body involvement Multiple level involvement Involvement of ≤2 vertebral bodies
Commonly involved level Thoracic spine Lumbar spine
Degree of disc preservation Normal to mild disc destruction Moderate to complete disc destruction
Bony destruction greater than half Frequent and more severe Infrequent and mild to moderate

Fig. 44.1, Imaging findings in early spondylodiscitis. A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral plain radiographs with fairly normal anatomical structures. C to E, Midsagittal, coronal, and axial magnetic resonance imaging (at the level of pedicle) sections of T2-weighted sequences showing hyperintense L1–L2 and L2–L3 disc spaces and hyperintense marrow regions on the left L2 vertebral body extending to the left pedicle and transverse process, with some collection over the left psoas musculature. F, Midsagittal computed tomography sections showing some reduction in the L2–L3 disc space and osteopenia and focal lytic regions in the L1, L2, and L3 vertebrae.

Fig. 44.2, Imaging findings in late spondylodiscitis (same patient as Fig. 44.1 ). A to D, Midsagittal, coronal and axial magnetic resonance imaging (at the level of pedicle) sections of T2-weighted sequences at the L2 and L3 levels showing hyperintense L1–L2 and L2–L3 disc spaces and hyperintense marrow regions on the L1, L2, and L3 vertebral bodies, with significant vertebral body destruction around the paradiscal regions and significant abscess collections over the left psoas musculature and extending into the epidural region. E and F, Midsagittal and coronal computed tomography sections showing significant reductions in the L1–L2 and L2–L3 disc spaces, osteopenia, significant vertebral body destruction, and larger focal lytic regions in the L1–L2 and L2–L3 paradiscal vertebral regions.

Nuclear Scans

In an ideal, current-day scenario, nuclear imaging has been almost completely replaced by MRI in the diagnosis of PS. It is a good alternative in patients with poor or delayed access to MRI, those with contraindications to contrast-enhanced CT/MRI (e.g., renal failure), and those with non–MRI-compatible pacemakers/cochlear implants or metallic implants causing serious artifacts. Nuclear scans, including gallium-67 citrate and technicium-99m scans, are more sensitive than plain radiographs during early SD. , Currently, among the available scintigraphy scans, fluoro-18 deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET-CT) is probably the most useful adjunct to imaging in acute and chronic PS. It demonstrates a relative lack of specificity in differentiating neoplasia, posttraumatic bony edema, and infection, and therefore has been recommended in combination with MRI.

Culture/Sensitivity and Molecular Diagnostics

Obtaining tissue diagnosis is fundamental before initiation of antibiotics unless the clinical picture is complicated by the presence of ongoing septicemia. Percutaneous biopsy may be performed under CT or fluoroscopy guidance. If core biopsy fails to identify the organism, an open biopsy is necessary. In scenarios involving vertebral instability necessitating spinal stabilization, impending/existing or progressive neurological deficits, or any progressive deformities, biopsy may be obtained at the time of definitive surgery.

All specimens must be sent for gram stain, aerobic, anaerobic, fungal, and mycobacterial cultures, and molecular evaluation (geneXpert or polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). As the age-old dictum goes: “all tissue samples requiring histopathological evaluation must also be cultured; and all samples which require culture and sensitivity testing should also undergo histopathological assessment.” Thus, both microbiological and histopathological evaluations must be carried out for all patients. Iwata et al. reported the greatest diagnostic accuracy when both microbiology and histology were combined in the tissue diagnosis of PS. Molecular biological investigations (tissue PCR) can be helpful in situations where cultures are negative even after 48 hours or incubation. Species-specific tissue PCR for S. aureus infections provides a much better yield (with 46.7%–62.9% detection rates) than conventional PCR (26.7% detection rate). If there is suspicion of any other infectious foci (e.g., urological or pulmonary infection), additional cultures (say, urine or sputum cultures) may need to be procured.

Classification System

Being a heterogeneous condition, there has been no standard consensus on an ideal classification system for prognosticating or determining the treatment algorithm for patients with PS. In 2017, Pola et al. proposed a classification system for PS based on the known clinical and radiological factors. Major types A, B, and C were classified based on primary criteria, including bone destruction or segmental instability, epidural abscesses, and neurological deficit. Secondary criteria for the classification included involvement of paravertebral soft tissues and intramuscular abscesses. They defined biomechanical instability as 25% or greater change in segmental kyphosis at the level of infection. Type A included all patients without biomechanical instability or acute neurological impairment or epidural abscesses. Type B SD included all patients without any epidural abscesses or neurodeficit, but with significant biomechanical instability or bone destruction. Type C patients had positive epidural abscess or neurological impairment. Type A was further subclassified into type A1 with simple discitis, type A2 SD (confined to the disc and vertebra), type A3 with limited involvement of paravertebral soft tissues, and type A4 with intramuscular abscesses. Type B patients were subclassified into B1 with destructive SD, B2 with destructive SD and paravertebral extension, and B3 with biomechanical instability and segmental kyphosis. Type C patients were further classified into four subtypes: C1 with epidural abscess alone, C2 with epidural abscess and segmental instability, C3 with epidural abscess and acute neurological impairment, and C4 with epidural abscess, acute neurological deficit, and segmental instability.


The management of spinal infections is based on the following major principles: (1) identifying the correct pathogen (including percutaneous or open biopsy, as required); (2) eradicating the infection by treatment with appropriate antimicrobial agents; (3) eliminating the bulk of the infective load through extensive tissue debridement (whenever necessary); (4) performing additional surgical procedures, including instrumented stabilization or fusion, or decompression of the spinal canal for neurological status recovery; (5) appropriately managing other systemic factors which may predispose to infection risk (diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, immunosuppression, etc.).

Nonoperative Treatment

The mainstay of treatment of spinal infections is administration of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Patients with intact or maintained neurological status, stable spinal alignment or absence of any evidence of instability, absence of significant spinal canal compromise or impending neurological deficit, small or resolving abscess cavities, and those who are systemically unable to tolerate surgical interventions are ideal candidates for nonoperative treatment. Yashimoto et al. reported resolution of neurological symptoms in 72.7% of SD patients within 10 months following antibiotic therapy alone. de Graeff et al. reported that weekly assessment of clinical status and inflammatory parameters is necessary to promptly identify treatment failure in high-risk patients (diabetes mellitus, concomitant abscess, or osteomyelitis). They recommended repeat MRI in patients with suspected treatment failure, which was defined as absent clinical improvement or any additional radiological deterioration after 4 weeks of treatment.

Empirical Antibiotic Therapy. The initial, empirical anti-microbial therapy should involve broad-spectrum antibiotics and account for common organisms present in the community (especially S. aureus ). The initiation of antibacterial treatment should not be performed before obtaining appropriate tissue samples for biopsy, unless florid septicemia complicates the clinical picture, necessitating immediate control of infections. In patients with sepsis, initial coverage is essential for both S. aureus and gram-negative bacilli.

Definitive Antibiotic Therapy. It is of utmost importance to obtain tissue samples to identify the offending pathogen. Once the etiological agent is identified, the appropriate antibacterial therapy is administered based on the sensitivity analysis. In patients with culture-negative SD, the antibiotic administered should actively cover the most common pathogens, including S. aureus , streptococci, and Escherichia coli . The response to therapy is monitored by evaluating the clinical response (including resolution of pain or neurological symptoms, improvement in the general systemic status like fever resolution, weight gain, improvement in appetite, general wellbeing, etc.), complete blood count (CBC), and recovery of acute-phase reactants like ESR and CRP.

Duration of Antibiotic Therapy. The general consensus regarding the duration of medical treatment has been to administer intravenous antibiotics for 6 to 8 weeks, followed by oral antibiotics, until disease eradication is confirmed by complete clinical recovery and normalization of laboratory parameters, including ESR and CRP. In situations where the patient is toxic/septicemic or when the tissue diagnosis is broadly unyielding of definitive results, long-term antibiotic therapy must cover both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Any failure of resolution of symptoms or persistent elevation of laboratory parameters during the course of treatment should be taken seriously, and necessitate an immediate and detailed reevaluation of the patient, including procurement of repeat tissue samples (percutaneous or open), as required. However, more recently there have been growing concerns with regard to long-term antibiotic therapy, including adverse reactions, health care–related infections, treatment costs, and antibiotic resistance. , ,

With these concerns in the background, there has been a paradigm shift toward shorter duration of parenteral antibiotic therapy and earlier shift to oral medications over the past few years. The Infectious Diseases Society of America proposed guidelines for antibiotic treatment of SD. They state that 6 weeks of therapy is adequate and that oral therapy (drugs with good bioavailability, including quinolones, clindamycin, and cotrimoxazole) is a reasonable alternative to intravenous treatment. Recently, Bernard et al. published the results of a multicenter, randomized controlled trial designed to determine the ideal duration of antibiotic therapy. Based on these results, they also recommended a 6-week total duration of antibiotic therapy in PS (where culture sensitivity is known), with an initial parenteral course of antibiotic treatment for no more than 2 weeks. A longer course of antibiotic treatment (12 weeks’ duration) may be necessary in patients with MRSA infections, older patients (age >75 years), nonpyogenic infections, and those without microbiological identification. Closely-monitored, home-administered, ambulant antibiotic therapy, with additional brace support as needed, is the most common nonoperative strategy employed by most experts.

Recurrent Infections after Conservative Management of PS. Park et al. performed a retrospective study of risk factors for disease recurrence following antibiotic treatment for SD. The mean time to relapse was around 5 weeks, and the major risk factors for recurrence included MRSA, persistent paravertebral or psoas abscesses, and renal failure. Box 44.1 lists the major factors that may predict failure of response to conservative management in patients with PS.

Box 44.1
Factors Predicting the Failure of Conservative Measures

Patient-Related Factors Disease-Related Factors
Extremes of age
Diabetes mellitus
Immunocompromise secondary to either medications or illnesses
Drug abuse
Associated medical comorbidities
Poor compliance with medications
Concomitant infective focus elsewhere or bacteremia
Poor general condition and poor ambulatory status
Low socioeconomic status
Resistant bacterial strains (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus )
Advanced disease pathology or severe bony destruction
Large paravertebral or psoas abscess
Persistent, significant instability

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