Postirradiation Vertebral Marrow



  • Transformation of cellular vertebral marrow into fatty marrow following therapeutic irradiation


  • Sharp demarcation between irradiated and untreated marrow (margins of radiation port)

    • Corresponds to site of irradiation and extent of radiation field

  • Marrow signal intensity within radiotherapy portal similar to subcutaneous fat on T1WI

  • May demonstrate associated compression fractures

Top Differential Diagnoses

  • Normal fatty marrow

  • Vertebral hemangioma


  • Marrow changes on MR dependent on radiation dose, fractionation, and time elapsed after treatment

  • Complications include osteopenia, osteoporotic compression fracture, osteonecrosis, residual/recurrent metastases, and postradiation myelitis

Clinical Issues

  • Usually asymptomatic

  • Development or worsening of pain and neurologic complaints worrisome for radiation necrosis, insufficiency fracture, or tumor recurrence or progression

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Homogeneous fatty marrow sharply delineated from untreated vertebral marrow diagnostic of postirradiation change

  • MR is modality of choice for marrow imaging

    • T2WI FS MR or STIR and T1WI C+ FS MR to evaluate for residual or recurrent marrow disease

Sagittal T1WI (for metastatic intracranial glioblastoma with “drop metastases”) shows typical postradiation “bright” fatty marrow conversion following whole-spine radiation

Sagittal T2WI in the same case again demonstrates diffuse postradiation fatty marrow replacement with uniformly “bright” vertebral bodies
. Multiple metastatic nodules can be seen within the cauda equina



  • Transformation of cellular vertebral marrow into fatty marrow following therapeutic irradiation


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