Physeal Fractures of the Elbow

Anatomy and Growth

The elbow joint consists of the articulating surfaces of three epiphyses: the distal humerus, the proximal ulna, and the proximal radius. At birth, each epiphysis is one mass of cartilage, each with its own growth plate (the physis). With growth, the distal humerus develops four ossification centers ( Fig. 29.1 ), the proximal ulna develops two, and the proximal radius develops one. The lateral three distal humeral ossification centers eventually unite into one bony epiphysis; the fourth, the medial epicondyle, gradually separates from the others, becomes an apophysis, and no longer participates in longitudinal growth or joint articulation. The two proximal ulna ossification centers unite to form one articulating epiphysis. Its physis provides longitudinal growth, thereby qualifying it as a true epiphysis, rather than an apophysis. Knowledge of the timing and pattern of ossification of these epiphyses, particularly the distal humerus, is essential in treating fractures of the elbow in children. The age of beginning ossification of each ossification center varies widely between and within each gender, but the sequence of ossification is always the same for both genders. Boys have an average delay of 2 years in each ossification center compared with girls.

FIG 29.1, Distal humerus epiphysis growth centers at various ages. At birth, the physis is transverse and the epiphysis is one cartilaginous mass. By age 2 years, the capitellar ossification center is usually present. 3 The physis gradually becomes more oblique medially. At ages 5 to 7 years, beginning ossification of the medial epicondyle appears. 6 Trochlear ossification begins at 8 to 9 years, is irregular with indistinct margins, and often appears as multiple fragments. At ages 10 to 12 years, a projection of metaphyseal bone separates the medial epicondyle from the major distal epiphysis, which now contains three ossification centers: capitellum, trochlea, and lateral epicondyle. 4 These three ossification centers unite with each other in the 13th year and to the humeral metaphysis by the 16th year, earlier in girls. There is wide variation in the ages of these occurrences between genders and among children, 1 but the sequence is constant.

Longitudinal growth potential of each of these three physes is approximately 20% of their respective total bone length. This paucity of growth reduces their remodeling potential, requiring that fracture of any of these epiphyses be anatomically reduced. This paucity of growth also reduces the likelihood of significant length discrepancy or angular deformity following physeal fracture, as is frequently seen in other long bones.

Knowledge of the elbow carrying angle and its variations is also important in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric elbow fractures and can conveniently be determined by examining the uninjured elbow. The carrying angle progressively increases up to age 15 years; overall the mean carrying angle for boys is 10.75 degrees and for girls is 12.88 degrees.


The incidence of fractures of physes of the elbow is not well documented. Of all elbow fractures in children, slightly more than half are supracondylar fractures ( Table 29.1 ). The vast majority of the remaining elbow fractures are physeal fractures. When studying physeal fractures at all sites, the relative frequency of elbow fractures varies widely in different series. a

a References .

The only data available from a population-based study were gathered in Olmsted County, Minnesota, from 1979 to 1988. This study reported 951 cases of physeal fracture; 47 (5%) were in the elbow. Of these, 37 (3.9%) were in the distal humerus, 6 (0.6%) in the proximal radius, and 4 (0.4%) in the proximal ulna. Because elbow fractures in children are often referred to tertiary treatment centers, these percentages will be higher in nonpopulation-based studies.

TABLE 29.1
Relative Frequency of Elbow Fractures in Children a
Adapted from Peterson HA: Epiphyseal growth plate fractures . Heidelberg, 2007, Springer, used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Year Author b Supra-condylar Lateral-condyle Inter-condyle Medial Condyle Epiphyseal Separation Medial Epicondyle Lateral Epicondyle Proximal Radius c Proximal Ulna d Total
1960 Fahey 231 54 6 1 38 3 33 20 386
1986 Landin 320 67 4 48 95 42 576
Total c 551 121 10 1 86 3 128 62 962
Percent 57.3 12.6 1.0 0.1 8.9 0.3 13.3 6.4 99.9

a Articles reporting only one or two of the three elbow bones are not included.

b The Fahey data include 300 cases reported by Maylahn and Fahey in 1958, which documents medial condyle and lateral epicondylar fractures.

c Includes both radial neck and head (physeal) fractures.

d Includes both ulnar olecranon and physeal fractures of the proximal ulna.

Analyzing data of elbow fractures is further complicated by:

  • difficulties in separating supracondylar fractures from physeal fractures of the distal humerus

  • the late onset and vagaries of ossification of the multiple secondary centers of ossification of the distal humerus

  • the inclusion or exclusion of fractures of the medial epicondyle, which is an apophysis rather than an epiphysis

  • imprecise definition between olecranon and physeal fractures of the proximal ulna

  • the difficulty in distinguishing radial neck fractures from those that involve the radial physis

  • naming conventions at some institutions, which, for example, might code distal humeral fractures as trochlear, capitellar, or T-condylar, thereby omitting them from an electronic file search as a physeal fracture

When physeal fractures of the elbow are considered as a separate category (excluding supracondylar fractures), 60% occur in the distal humerus. In one series, fracture of the distal humeral lateral condyle was 26%, followed by radial head 23%, medial epicondyle 22%, proximal ulna 17%, T-intercondyle 4%, medial condyle 3%, lateral epicondyle 3%, and separation of the entire distal humeral epiphysis (typically occurring only in infants and very young children) 2%.


Many classifications of physeal fractures have been proposed. The physeal injury classification of Salter-Harris (S-H) has been the most frequently used over the past five decades. There have been no case reports of acute physeal compression injury (S-H type V) of the distal humerus, proximal radius, or proximal ulna recorded in the literature. In addition, speculation suggests that S-H type V injury of any physis is unlikely and may not exist. Distally located supracondylar fractures occasionally have fracture lines extending distally into the physis, making them type 1 Peterson physeal fractures ( Fig. 29.2A ). Fractures of the proximal radial metaphysis (neck) (see Figs. 29.7B and 29.8 ) and of the olecranon metaphysis (see Fig. 29.10B ) frequently extend proximally into the physis, also making them Peterson type 1 fractures. Therefore, the Peterson classification is used in the remainder of this chapter.

FIG 29.2, Peterson classification of distal humeral physeal fractures.


Any recent abnormality or change in a child's elbow, with or without a history of injury, deserves careful physical examination, including vascular and neurologic evaluation. This will avoid the uncomfortable situation of finding a postreduction vascular or neurologic deficit without knowing the prereduction status.

Imaging possibilities of osseous and cartilaginous structures are numerous. True anteroposterior and lateral roentgenographs of good quality are essential for evaluation of the injured pediatric elbow. Oblique views are helpful in nondisplaced or minimally displaced lateral condyle fractures. Soft tissue as well as osseous structures must be clearly discernible. An intraarticular hematoma may displace the posterior fat pad of the distal humerus (the posterior fat pad sign), which may be the only demonstrable change in an undisplaced or spontaneously reduced intraarticular fracture. Comparison radiographs of the uninjured elbow should be obtained if the presence or position of the epiphyseal or apophyseal ossification centers are in question or for comparison following manipulation of a fracture. This is particularly true in the pediatric elbow because of the wide variance in the ages at which the multiple ossification centers appear. Anteroposterior varus and valgus stress views can also be helpful.

In younger children in whom the ossification centers have not yet appeared, arthrography, b

b References .

ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) c

c References .

play important roles in defining the injury and determining the entry site for pin placement. In older children, with predominantly osseous epiphyses, tomography, computed tomography (CT), and multidirectional computed tomography, which lowers the radiation dose, may also be of value. However, these techniques are sometimes not available in the emergency room. In this case, drawing a line with a soft lead pencil on the radiograph longitudinally along the radius is helpful because in the normal elbow the line will always pass through the ossified capitellum regardless of the position in which the radiograph was taken. Drawing a line around the anticipated location of the unossified epiphysis can also be helpful.

Chapter 6 also reviews imaging techniques that aid in evaluating the anatomy, development, and pathology of children's elbows.


In a 1952 study of 698 childhood fractures in all bones, only 7.4% were treated operatively. However, fractures about the elbow were operated 50% of the time. Since that time, there has been a gradual trend to treat more children's elbow fractures operatively. The goal is to restore articular congruity and angular alignment. The emphasis is to retain elbow function rather than growth. Because the distal humeral and proximal radial and ulnar physes contribute only 20% of the growth in these bones, the goal of restoring physeal continuity is less important than at other physes. Closed and open reduction with pin fixation is frequently done. Growth problems of either progressive angular deformity or relative bone length due to premature partial or complete physeal arrest are rare at the elbow. It is paramount that physicians both study each elbow fracture carefully and keep abreast of current literature to choose the best treatment for each fracture. Surgical exposures are discussed in Chapter 11 .

Distal Humerus


Fractures of the distal humeral physes have two peculiarities when compared with injuries to other physes. The age distribution for all physeal fractures is a bell-shaped curve, with the peak at age 11 to 12 years for girls and age 14 years in boys. The distal humerus has a bimodal age distribution, with a larger peak occurring at 2 to 7 years and a second smaller peak occurring at 11 to 15 years ( Table 29.2 ). This bimodal age distribution may be related to the preponderance of supracondylar fractures, which are most common at ages 5 to 10 years.

TABLE 29.2
Physeal Fractures of the Distal Humerus by Age and Gender in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1979–1988
From Peterson HA: Epiphyseal growth plate fractures. Heidelberg, 2007, Springer, used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
Boys 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 26
Girls 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 11
Total 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 2 0 3 0 3 2 2 2 3 37

The second departure from other physes is the type of fracture. At most other sites, type 2 is the most common physeal fracture pattern. In the distal humerus more than 50% of physeal fractures are type 5 ( Table 29.3 ), due to the preponderance of lateral condyle fractures (see Table 29.1 ).

TABLE 29.3
Physeal Fractures of the Distal Humerus by Type in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1979–1988 (Peterson Classification)
From Peterson HA: Epiphyseal growth plate fractures. Heidelberg, 2007, Springer, with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Number 2 5 8 1 21 0 37
Percent 5.4 13.5 21.6 2.7 56.8 0 100.0

There are more articles published on the distal humeral physeal fracture than any other physis, despite its ranking seventh in frequency of all physeal fractures, a testament to its unique and constantly changing anatomy. The changing anatomy during growth (see Fig. 29.1 ) predisposes it to specific fractures at different ages. Although any fracture type can occur at any age, from birth to age 2 years the most common fracture is epiphyseal separation (type 3). After age 2, type 3 fractures become less common and types 2, 4, and 5 become more common. By age 6 to 10 years, shear type 2 and 3 fractures are rare and type 5 fractures, particularly of the lateral condyle, predominate. During ages 10 years to maturity, type 5 fractures crossing the physis and avulsion fractures of the medial epicondyle are the most common. These patterns provide a basis for presenting the fractures by age.

Newborn to 2 Years

The epiphysis of the distal end of the humerus is one large cartilaginous mass during the first 2 years of life (see Fig. 29.1 ). The capitellar ossification center usually appears radiographically during the 2nd year of life. The physis is linear and transverse. Therefore, transverse, shear-type fractures totally within the physis are the most common fracture in the newborn and in infants. d

d References .

These fractures tend to be reported separately and not in case series of all elbow fractures (see Table 29.1 ). They are typically types 2 and 3 (see Fig. 29.2 ). The entire epiphysis usually is displaced posteromedially, but may be displaced medially, anteriorly, posteriorly, or laterally, depending on the mechanism of the injury. Rotatory malalignment may accompany displacement or occur alone. This can predispose to cubitus varus. Type 2 and 3 fractures are frequently misdiagnosed as elbow dislocations. e

e References .

Type 4 and 5 fractures are theoretically possible, but at this age they are more difficult to diagnose because the epiphysis is cartilaginous. Fracture with mild displacement may go undetected in abused children who present late for medical attention. Arthrography, f

f References .

ultrasonography, and MRI aid in establishing the correct diagnosis in these young children. Neurovascular damage is unusual at this age.

Treatment of type 1, 2, and 3 fractures consists of aligning the epiphysis with the metaphysis. Precise anatomic reduction is desirable but not necessary. Usually, this can be obtained by closed manipulation or traction. g

g References .

Immobilization with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and forearm pronation for 3 weeks is usually adequate. Since the entire physis usually remains with the epiphysis, damage to the germinal cell layer of the physis is uncommon, and the potential for resumption of normal growth is good. The prognosis in these cases is favorable; minor malalignment usually corrects itself with normal growth and development, and physeal growth arrest is uncommon. Closed reduction followed by percutaneous pin fixation has been used. Open reduction is rarely necessary. Only four cases have been reported in which open reduction and internal fixation were performed late because of severe malalignment or interposition of soft tissue.

Long-term results are not commonly reported, but residual cubitus varus deformity and avascular necrosis of the medial condyle have been reported.

Ages 2 to 6 Years

After age 2 years, the physis gradually becomes more oblique, the medial side more distal (see Fig. 29.1 ). This obliquity of the physis may account in part for the frequent lateral displacement of the epiphysis and the difficulty of maintaining accurate reduction. The ossification center of the capitellum may appear radiographically as early as 6 months and always by 2 years of age (see Fig. 29.1 ). This ossification center is initially oval and provides valuable orientation for alignment with the radial diaphysis. In the normal elbow roentgenograph, a line drawn along the radial diaphysis normally passes through the capitellar ossification center in any projection. This aids in differentiating elbow dislocation from fracture. In a distal humeral epiphyseal separation, the capitellar ossification is aligned with the radius, regardless of the degree of displacement but is not properly positioned on the humerus. If the radius does not align with the capitellar ossification, there is radiohumeral subluxation or dislocation. Type 2 and 3 fractures are common. With increasing age, type 2 and 3 fractures become progressively less common, presumably due to a more irregular and stable physis. Dissolution of the trochlea 3 to 6 weeks post fracture, though rare, can result in permanent void of the trochlea.

Type 4 fractures are not common at this age but are a source of frequent complication, usually nonunion. They may occur in the medial condyle (trochlea), which when not ossified makes diagnosis by routine roentgenographs very difficult ( Fig. 29.3 ). When there is significant swelling medially and normal osseous contour, supplemental imaging is necessary. Soft tissue enhancement techniques and stress views are valuable, but if they are not diagnostic, ultrasonography, arthrography, or MRI should be considered.

FIG 29.3, A boy aged 5 years and 1 month with type 4 fracture of the unossified right medial condyle (trochlea). (A) Anteroposterior roentgenogram of both elbows (the right elbow is the image on the left). Patient had swelling and tenderness medially. There is mild medial displacement of the radius on the capitellum and of the ulna on the humerus on the right as compared with the left. (B) Lateral view of both elbows (the right elbow is the image on the left) shows more soft tissue swelling, and less distance between the ulna and humerus on the right elbow. The roentgenograms were interpreted as showing no osseous injury, and no treatment was given. (C) Anteroposterior and lateral views at age 8 years. The patient had no pain or functional impairment. Note slight cubitus varus. (D) At age 18 years and 1 month, the patient continued to have no pain or functional impairment, and the cubitus varus had not increased. The small ossified body medially probably represents the medial epicondyle. (E) At age 31 years and 5 months, 26 years after fracture, the patient returned with ulnar sensory neuropathy. The nonunion persists, and the cubitus varus is unchanged. Note overgrowth of the head of the radius. (F) Patient lacks the final 10 degrees' extension and 30 degrees' flexion. At the time of the original injury, the presenting clinical findings and subtle roentgenographic changes were sufficient to warrant further evaluation. Better quality routine roentgenograms, varus–valgus stress views, an arthrogram, or today, magnetic resonance imaging should have resulted in a diagnosis of a type 4 fracture of the unossified trochlea. Open reduction and internal fixation would have been indicated.

Type 5 fractures are common at this age, and their differentiation from type 2 fractures is difficult and important because displaced type 5 fractures frequently develop nonunion if left untreated ( Fig. 29.4 ). h

h References .

Supplemental imaging, such as arthrography, ultrasonography, or MRI, should be considered. A coronal plane transcondylar fracture pattern has been described. All displaced type 5 fractures require anatomic reduction and maintenance of reduction, with the goal being to avoid nonunion, rather than to avoid premature physeal closure. Attempts to accomplish this with immobilization in a cast frequently lead to subsequent displacement of even nondisplaced or minimally displaced fractures of the lateral condyle. This contributes to significant complications. Because so much of the distal humerus is cartilaginous, closed reduction with percutaneous pinning is also not routinely advised for displaced fractures. The bone and pins can be visualized roentgenographically, whereas the cartilage cannot. Open reduction and internal fixation (usually smooth wires) should be considered for any displaced physeal fracture at this age.

FIG 29.4, A right-dominant boy aged 2 years and 7 months fell off a bunk bed, injuring his left elbow. (A) Oblique roentgenogram shows fracture of the lateral metaphysis. This was regarded to be a type 2 injury, with good prognosis for union and subsequent growth. Note, however, that this could be a type 5 injury (see Fig. 29.2 ), with intraarticular fracture and a poor prognosis. The best way to differentiate these fractures is by arthrography or MRI. (B) Lateral view shows no abnormality. A cast was applied and multiple roentgenograms in the cast over the next month showed maintenance of position. (C) After cast removal 6 weeks later the fragment was ununited and displaced laterally. Motion was begun. (D) Fifteen months after injury; established nonunion. Lateral and proximal displacement of the fragment suggests that this was an intraarticular type 5 injury. (E) Two years and nine months after injury, the patient was referred for treatment. The chief complaint was increasing valgus deformity. No pain or functional impairment. (F) Five weeks after surgical osteosynthesis. (G) Age 6 years and 10 months: union with persistent cubitus valgus. (H) Three weeks postoperative arcuate varus osteotomy. Note fracture of the proximal two Crowe pins ( arrows ) from stress of pins holding the osteotomy. The pins were removed. A cast was applied for an additional 3 weeks. (I) Age 10 years and 3 months: union of lateral condyle with physeal closure. (J) Right elbow comparison. (K) Lateral normal right elbow. (L) Lateral left elbow. Elbow motion; right 5 degrees' hypertension to 145 degrees' flexion; left 5 to 145 degrees. Type two fractures may heal uneventfully at this age, type 5 fractures rarely do. A definitive diagnosis at the time of injury is always important.

Ages 6 to 10 Years

By 6 years of age, the physis gradually becomes irregular and obliquity increases (see Fig. 29.1 ). A projection of metaphyseal bone begins to separate the medial epicondyle from the trochlea, adding greater stability to the physis. Therefore, shear-type injuries, such as type 2 and 3 fractures, become less common.

On transverse section, the physis remains irregularly oval, whereas the metaphysis becomes wider in the coronal plane and thinner in the sagittal plane. Thus, the strength of the metaphysis is, at this age, less than the strength of the physis. Most injuries in this age group are, therefore, supracondylar fractures. The decreased area and elongated contour of bone contact in supracondylar fractures facilitate rotation and subsequent tilting of the distal fragment (cubitus varus). Because the area of fracture contact is greater with physeal fractures, rotation, tilt, and subsequent cubitus varus are less likely than for supracondylar fractures.

At this age, fractures of the physis are usually longitudinal or oblique type 5 of either the lateral or the medial condyle.

Lateral Condyle Fracture

Fractures of the lateral condyle (capitellum) constitute 10% to 15% of all fractures in the region of the elbow (see Table 29.1 ). They are the most common physeal fracture of the elbow. They occur in children between the ages of 2 and 16 years but are most common between 6 and 10 years of age. i

i References .

The mechanism of injury is usually a fall with the elbow in extension, producing a valgus stress. The lateral condyle may also fracture during elbow dislocation. Less commonly, preexisting cubitus varus may predispose to fracture of the lateral condyle.

Type 5 fractures predominate in this age group (see Fig. 29.2 , Table 29.3 ). The portion of metaphyseal bone attached to the capitellar and lateral epicondylar epiphysis may be large or small. The most important consideration is that this fracture is both intraarticular and transphyseal. The epiphyseal portion of the fracture may traverse the ossification center of the capitellum but at a young age may be entirely through cartilage and therefore not visible roentgenographically. MRI is of great help in determining the nature and extent of the fracture.

Because this fracture involves both the articular surface and the physis, anatomic reduction is necessary and must be maintained until the fracture has united. Only the truly nondisplaced should be treated nonoperatively. If the fracture is undisplaced and stable, external immobilization by a long arm cast with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion for 4 to 6 weeks will suffice. Closed reduction of significantly displaced fractures and a cast is occasionally successful. A percutaneous K wire can be used as a joystick to reposition the fragment followed by pinning. Frequent roentgenographic follow-up to assess maintenance of the reduction is essential. A radiograph taken out of cast within 5 days found a 10% incidence of displacement requiring open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) in one study. Further “late” displacement did not occur. If a displaced fracture can be reduced closed, pins inserted percutaneously may be used for fixation to prevent redisplacement. Arthrography or arthroscopy can be used to ensure a congruent joint surface before proceeding with percutaneous pinning. In many instances, however, open reduction and accurate replacement by direct vision is necessary. The reduction must be held by firm internal fixation, preferably metal rather than suture. Smooth metal pins, small in diameter, are the standard. j

j References .

The use of threaded wires and screws has some advocates. The use of biodegradable pins needs more review. Insertion of fixation devices from metaphysis to metaphysis and from epiphysis to epiphysis is preferred. However, because the trochlear cartilage is not ossified and not visible on roentgenographs, the pins may necessarily pass from epiphysis to metaphysis, crossing the physis obliquely. These pins should be removed within 3 weeks to prevent premature partial growth arrest, followed by a long arm cast for 3 weeks. Pins not crossing the physis should remain in situ until there is roentgenographic evidence of fracture healing, which occurred after approximately 6 weeks in one study. Fractures with early pin removal can be protected with an additional long arm cast. Threaded pins have a predisposition to premature partial physeal arrest and should not be used across a physis. Skeletal traction for elbow physeal fractures is used most advantageously only temporarily in children with multiple injuries.

Although there are more than 100 publications on the topic of lateral condyle fractures in children, evidence regarding the optimal surgical technique to treat displaced fractures remains limited to case series and expert opinion. Surgical approach and placement, number, and optimum configuration of pins varies considerably by author. A recent study states that “biomechanical stability of lateral condyle fractures is greater with divergent pin configurations and with three pins compared with two pins.”

Postoperatively an initial rapid recovery in elbow motion can be expected after lateral humeral condylar fracture in a child, regardless of whether the treatment was nonoperative, closed reduction and percutaneous pinning, or open reduction and internal fixation, with progressive improvements for up to 1 year after the injury.

Untreated and inadequately treated cases are frequently complicated by malunion or nonunion, which often cause deformity, loss of motion, degenerative arthrosis, and tardy ulnar neuropathy. k

k References .

The greater the initial displacement, the greater the risk of complication. There is no agreement on the management of these complications, although many authors recommend corrective osteotomy, combined with osteosynthesis, as early as possible for significant deformity. l

l References .

Lateral prominence and cubitus varus are the most common residual deformities. Lateral prominence (spurring, overgrowth) of the elbow occurs following half of all lateral condyle fractures ( Table 29.4 ). The development of a prominence correlates with initial displacement and treatment. Neither the presence nor the size of the lateral spur seems to influence the final outcome. Although frequently cosmetically visible, this rarely is troublesome and usually requires no treatment.

TABLE 29.4
Lateral Elbow Prominence Following Lateral Condyle Fracture
Updated from Peterson HA: Epiphyseal growth plate fractures. Heidelberg, 2007, Springer, with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Year Author a No. Cases No. Prominence Percent
1975 Jakob 20 2 10.0
1985 Rutherford 36 8 22.2
2001 Hasler 32 13 40.6
2001 Skak 28 28 100.0
2001 Thomas 104 25 24.0
2002 Wattenbarger 9 5 55.5
2009 Weiss 158 16 10.1
2010 Koh 175 135 77.1
2012 Pribaz 212 155 73.1
Total 774 385 50.0

a All articles have more than one author; see reference list. The variable percentage numbers may be due to differences in patient and physician awareness, and differing criteria of a “prominence.”

Varus or valgus deformity is also common ( Table 29.5 ) and may be due to malposition of the fragment or to true overgrowth of the capitellum and its physis. Overgrowth is an interesting phenomenon and occasionally occurs even following successful management of a lateral condyle fracture. Although this may produce measurable cubitus varus, functional impairment is rare, and treatment is often for cosmetic improvement. Treatment is a choice between wedge or dome osteotomy.

TABLE 29.5
Varus/Valgus Deformity Following Lateral Condyle Fracture
Updated from Peterson HA: Epiphyseal growth plate fractures. Heidelberg, 2007, Springer, with permission of Mayo Medical Foundation for Education and Research.
Year Author a No. Cases Varus (<0°) Percent Valgus (>15°) Percent
1942 Kini 7 2 29 1 14
1971 Hardacre 23 1 4 4 17
1974 Holst-Nielsen 39 23 59 4 10
1974 Loyd 34 4 12 0 0
1985 Foster 43 2 5 0 0
1985 Rutherford 26 8 31 0 0
1985 So 14 5 36
1988 Dhillon 14 6 43 5 36
1988 Morin 40 12 30 6 15
1988 Van Vugt 10 3 30
1989 Jeffrey 24 4 17 1 4
1989 Kröpf 16 6 38 0 0
2001 Skak 21 5 24 2 10
2001 Thomas 63 9 14 3 5
2010 Koh 175 17 10 3 2
Total 549 107 19.5 29 6.0 b

a Most articles have more than one author; see References.

b 29 of 483 cases in articles in which valgus deformity was recorded.

Premature physeal closure has been noted in up to 20% of lateral humeral fractures and is more often complete than partial. Complete physeal closure causes no angular deformity, and because the distal humeral physis provide only 20% of humeral growth, functional or cosmetic impairment is unusual. Premature partial lateral closure sufficient to cause progressive cubitus valgus is uncommon for the same reason.

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