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The term supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) encompasses several different arrhythmias that may have different diagnostic and therapeutic requirements.
Tachycardia mechanisms may be caused by conduction reentry, enhanced automaticity, or triggered automaticity.
Isolated atrial and ventricular ectopy is common in the fetus and neonate and usually does not require any therapy.
Congenital forms of complete heart block may result in slow heart rates but may not require pacemaker implantation.
Fetal arrhythmias are rare but, when present, can result in significant hemodynamic compromise.
Management of fetal arrhythmias is complex and involves evaluation of multiple factors, including (1) severity of rhythm abnormality, (2) fetal comorbidities and signs of heart failure, (3) maternal comorbidities, and (4) gestational age at diagnosis.
The cardiac conduction system in the normal human heart enables a synchronized and orderly activation of the myocardium and chambers to provide optimal cardiac output. This sequence begins even in the earliest stages of cardiac development. However, disorders of cardiac rhythm can occur at any stage of life, from the fetus to the infant to the adult. These can range from transient and mild disturbances in rhythm to recurrent or persistent arrhythmias that can have significant hemodynamic consequences. Some abnormalities, such as isolated atrial or ventricular ectopy, can be more bothersome to the care provider than to the patient. Other disturbances, such as incessant tachyarrhythmias, can progress to heart failure and hemodynamic collapse. While the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias is increased in the setting of congenital heart disease (CHD), many of these abnormalities are commonly seen in the setting of an otherwise structurally normal heart. Knowledge of the spectrum of cardiac rhythm disturbances is important for prompt recognition, referral, and management. In this chapter, the etiology and common mechanisms of various arrhythmias, as well as differential diagnosis and treatment strategies, will be discussed in separate sections. The unique issues surrounding the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias in the fetus will also be addressed.
To properly understand the mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis, it is important to recognize the core elements of the normal cardiac conduction system. The embryogenesis of the heart and the conduction system are beyond the scope of this chapter. However, the components of the cardiac conduction system are relatively set by the second trimester of gestation and provide the substrate for many of the observed arrhythmias.
The sinus node resides in the area between the vena cava and the right atrium and is predominantly located near the superior vena cava to the right-atrial junction. However, there is no anatomic feature that is visible on gross inspection. Functional electrophysiology testing studies and animal studies have demonstrated that the nodal tissue can span the lateral wall of the right atrium, extending from the superior vena cava to the inferior vena cava.
The sinoatrial nodal tissue is histologically distinct from the atrial myocardium and has no contractile components. Electrical impulses are generated by automatic action potential behavior. Activation of the adjacent atrial myocardium by the sinus nodal tissue results in a wave of depolarization that propagates by cell-to-cell activation in a superior-to-inferior and a right-toward-left (in the structurally normal heart) fashion.
The atrioventricular (AV) node is a more organized area of conduction in the right atrium near the crux of the heart. More well-defined than the sinus node, the compact AV node is located in the posterior portion of the interatrial septum just anterior to the tricuspid valve and (in most cases) provides a singular conduction channel into the bundle of His and the distal conduction system.
The majority of the atrial propagation wave depolarizes the mass of the atria. However, impulses that reach the area of the AV node enter the transition zone of conduction “input” into the AV node. Overall conduction velocity is slowed through the compact AV node but then exits the node into the specialized conduction fibers of the His–Purkinje system.
In the normal heart, the atrial and ventricular myocardium are electrically isolated from each other by the AV rings (tricuspid and mitral annuli). The penetrating bundle of His is usually the only conductive tissue that traverses the AV rings into the ventricles. The bundle of His is insulated from the ventricular myocardium until it gives off branches. The first branch from the His bundle enables activation of the septum. Next, the bundle bifurcates into the right- and left-bundle branches. The left bundle divides into anterior and posterior fascicles. At the terminus of each of these bundle branches, the specialized conduction tracts fan into an intricate network of short Purkinje fibers that insert into numerous sites on the ventricular myocardium. Electrical impulses that are conducted through the His–Purkinje system result in activation of the ventricular myocardium in a highly organized and synchronized fashion, translating into a mechanically efficient contraction of both left and right ventricles almost simultaneously.
When the normal sequence of cardiac activation is disturbed, the result can be an irregularity in the cardiac rhythm. However, in many cases, these disturbances will only be detected on electrocardiography or rhythm monitoring and have no manifestations on physical examination or otherwise. AV block can occur at any level of the conduction pathway if anything impedes the propagation of the impulse through that conduction segment. This can be functional (because of negative vagal stimulation) or anatomic (as can be seen following cardiac surgery).
Any conduction delay that prolongs the PR interval beyond the normal range for age is considered a first-degree AV block. By definition, impulses must still be conducted such that a 1:1 AV relationship persists. In the neonate, the normal PR interval is generally between 80 and 120 ms, up to 140 ms in the first few months of life, and up to 160 ms in the first 6 months of life. In general, first-degree AV block is benign and does not require any special treatment. It can be a normal variant or may be the result of influences that prolong the overall conduction time through the AV node and His–Purkinje system. Increased vagal tone is a common cause of PR prolongation. In the newborn, this can be a manifestation of vagal stimulation caused by a nasogastric or orogastric tube stimulating the oropharynx. More pathologic causes of PR prolongation can include neonatal lupus syndrome or myocarditis. Although there is evidence that significant PR prolongation has a negative impact on cardiac output in the adult heart, there is no indication that this is true in the neonate with a structurally and functionally normal heart. Even when the PR interval is extremely prolonged, there is usually no hemodynamic impact, and the cardiac examination remains essentially unchanged.
Second-degree AV block is ascribed when there is incomplete conduction from the atrium to the ventricle; that is to say, not every P wave is conducted to a QRS complex. This usually manifests as a skipped beat on physical examination or on cardiac monitoring. Mobitz type I conduction block, also known as the Wenckebach pattern , describes a pattern wherein the AV conduction becomes progressively prolonged with each successive beat. The PR interval becomes gradually longer, and after a number of beats (usually two or three, although this can certainly be longer), there is failure to conduct for a single beat. The subsequent P wave is then conducted with a normalized PR interval, and the cycle begins anew. Mobitz type II conduction block is present when there is a cyclical lack of conduction; however, the progressive PR prolongation seen in the Wenckebach pattern is lacking. Mobitz type I conduction can be seen in conditions of increased vagal tone (as described previously), whereas Mobitz type II is practically unheard of in the neonate in the absence of any other heart disease.
Third-degree, or complete AV block, occurs when there is a complete lack of conduction between the atria and the ventricles. In most situations of complete AV block, there is an escape depolarization mechanism, either junctional or ventricular in origin, which ensures that cardiac output is maintained. Complete AV block can be congenital or acquired. Congenital complete AV block is a particularly challenging entity and is described in a subsequent section. The most common causes of acquired complete heart block are infections or neonatal myocarditis. In addition, acquired complete heart block can occur as a complication of neonatal cardiac surgery in 1% to 3% of cases that involve surgical intervention near the interventricular septum.
Ventricular preexcitation occurs when the ventricular myocardium is activated abnormally, usually by an accessory bypass tract. The ventricular depolarization pattern is thus a combination (fusion) of early activation of a portion of the ventricles through an accessory pathway and the remainder of activation occurring via the normal His–Purkinje system. In general, these bypass tracts bridge the AV groove that typically separates the atria from the ventricles and result in an anomalous electrical connection to the ventricles.
There are three electrocardiographic features that define this “Wolff–Parkinson–White” pattern: (1) short PR interval, (2) a slurred “delta wave,” and (3) widened QRS duration. How evident this pattern is on electrocardiogram (ECG) can vary depending on the location of the accessory pathway (and thus how early the preexcited portion is activated) and how quickly the ventricles are also activated by the His–Purkinje system. In the newborn heart, the rapid transit time through the AV node and His–Purkinje system can result in a very minimal amount of preexcitation being evident, and appreciation of the presence of the Wolff–Parkinson–White pattern can be delayed, sometimes for years. Usually, this diagnosis is made only when the newborn patient experiences a tachyarrhythmia (as discussed later).
Alterations in the normal cardiac rhythm can occur by one of several mechanisms and sometimes in combination. These include: (1) enhanced automaticity, (2) reentry mechanisms, and (3) triggered automaticity.
Certain areas of the heart have a tendency to exhibit spontaneous automaticity, such as the sinus node and the AV junction. Sometimes an abnormal cluster of cells can have a particular tendency toward this behavior. Gradual depolarization of the tissue during phase 0 of the action potential (electrical diastole) eventually crosses the action potential threshold, resulting in the depolarization–repolarization sequence, after which it returns to electrical diastole until the gradual depolarization occurs again. After the action potential begins in the abnormal ectopic focus, the adjacent myocardium is also depolarized, which then propagates a wavefront outwards from that locus. Automatic rhythms tend to exhibit “warm-up” and “cool-down” behavior, gradually (although sometimes briskly) accelerating and then decelerating back to normal. Even when persistent, there tends to be beat-to-beat variability, and the rate can also be influenced by external influences such as autonomic tone, metabolic states, or hormonal influences. In addition, automatic rhythms can be “overdrive” suppressed when driven by a faster rhythm from another source.
Triggered automaticity occurs when excitable tissue spontaneously depolarizes to the activation threshold, beginning an action potential in that cell or cells that are then perpetuated to the adjacent myocardium. This can occur in fairly normal tissue but can be particularly enhanced by conditions of acidosis, mechanical stimulation, myocardial injury, or inflammation. Increased automaticity is often observed in the presence of certain drugs, such as inotropic medications like dopamine or epinephrine or stimulant medications like caffeine.
Reentry rhythms are some of the more instantly recognizable tachyarrhythmias in neonates and young infants. In contrast to the gradual nature of automatic rhythms, reentry has a very abrupt onset and termination. During the rhythm, the rate tends to be fairly stereotyped and consistent. Reentrant rhythms require several prerequisites to perpetuate. First, there must be an arrhythmia “circuit” present with both antegrade conducting and retrograde conducting limbs. Next, there must be differential conduction between the limbs of the arrhythmia circuit, whereupon one limb must exhibit slowing or unidirectional block. Finally, all elements of the arrhythmia circuit must be able to support a repetitive rhythm at a fixed rate.
Isolated atrial ectopy is commonly seen in children and, in particular, during the newborn period. There are no ethnic predilections toward ectopy. Premature atrial complexes can be observed during fetal monitoring and have been reported to occur in up to 25% to 50% of normal newborns; however, in the vast majority of cases, this resolves within the first few months of life. Premature atrial complexes are caused by an early triggered depolarization of the atria from an ectopic focus that is separate from the sinus node. On surface ECG this manifests as a P wave that is earlier than would be expected from the preceding rhythm, and the ectopic P wave has a very distinct axis and morphology from the normal sinus P wave. In this manner, one can differentiate the premature atrial complex as originating from a location separate from the sinus node.
Most atrial ectopy in the neonate is conducted normally, meaning that the premature atrial complex is followed by a normal-appearing QRS complex. The PR interval may be measured as different from normal, which is more a reflection of the atrial depolarization beginning in an abnormal location (and thus either closer or further than the sinus node) rather than indicating any defect in AV conduction. When a premature atrial complex is closely coupled to the preceding beat, the conducted QRS complex may have an abnormal appearance. This “aberrant conduction” may just be slightly wider than normal, or it may have the appearance of a complete bundle branch block. This is caused by the early impulse failing to conduct, as the refractory period for that segment has been exceeded. Aberrantly conducted premature atrial complexes are often mistaken for premature complexes because of their wider appearance but can be distinguished by the presence of a preceding P wave. Blocked premature atrial complexes can occur if the ectopic beat occurs early enough after the preceding beat. While this effect is more pronounced where this is impaired AV conduction, it is most commonly observed in the setting of normal nodal conduction and results from the early atrial impulse failing to conduct because of the refractory period of either the AV node or the His–Purkinje system. Blocked premature atrial complexes are identified by the presence of the ectopic P wave (usually with the T wave of the preceding beat) that has no QRS complex following. Often, there will be a sinus pause before the next normally conducted sinus return beat. In most instances, isolated premature atrial complexes in the newborn do not require any treatment.
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