Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia


  • May be seen in ICU pts and is indistinguishable from paroxysmal SVT

  • Digitalis toxicity, acute lyte or acid-base imbalance

  • Incidence of 2% in the periop period (excluding AF)

  • No racial prevalence and all age groups

  • May be seen with mitral valve prolapse, especially in females

Perioperative Risks

  • Rapid heart rate impairs LV filling and may adversely affect LV function in pts with LV failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and aortic or mitral stenosis.

  • Cerebrovascular disease.

Worry About

  • Syncope ∼15% on initiation or abrupt termination of rapid SVT.

  • Syncope may also indicate AF and rapid conduction over an accessory pathway.

  • Hypotension in pts with systolic or diastolic dysfunction.

  • Chest pain in pts with CAD.

  • ST-T segment changes common with rapid rates and reduced coronary filling even with normal coronaries.

  • VF in WPW pts who develop AF.

  • Digoxin level, lyte, and acid-base status.

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