Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
First pancreas transplant was performed in 1966 at the University of Minnesota.
More than 25,000 US and 10,000 worldwide pancreas transplants have taken place since the original operation.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of blindness (25×), kidney disease (17×), gangrene (20×), heart disease (2×), and stroke (2×) compared with patients without DM.
Insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetics who show C-peptide deficiency, although some insulin-independent (type 2) diabetics may be considered
“Brittle diabetics”: patients who are insulin dependent and suffer from wide fluctuations in glucose levels
Urgency increases with “hypoglycemic unawareness,” in which hypoglycemic episodes are not recognized by the patient.
Patients with end-stage or impending renal disease secondary to diabetes
Simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplant—80% of pancreas transplants
Patients with concurrent DM and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Provides a dialysis-free and insulin-independent life
Advantage—insulin control protects longevity of renal allograft.
Lowest incidence of pancreas graft thrombosis (5%) and immunologic graft loss (2%)
Pancreas after kidney (PAK) transplant—15% of pancreas transplants
Patients with prior renal transplant and difficult-to-control diabetes
Limits damage of poorly controlled diabetes on renal allograft
Higher rates of graft thrombosis (8%) and immunologic graft loss (5.5%) than with SPK
Pancreas transplant alone (PTA)—5% of pancreas transplants
Nonuremic, labile diabetics with hypoglycemic unawareness
Consider when risk of secondary complications from DM outweighs the risk of surgery and immunosuppression
Similarly, higher rates of graft thrombosis (7%) and immunologic graft loss (6.6%) than with SPK
Almost all are performed from cadaveric donors. In addition to standard criteria for donor selection, specific contraindications to pancreas donor eligibility at most centers include:
Presence of DM or first-degree relative with DM
Chronic pancreatitis
Pancreatic damage secondary to trauma
History of alcohol abuse
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