Occupation and the skin

Skin disorders, after stress and musculoskeletal problems, are the commonest reported cause of occupational disease and are responsible for much lost productivity. An occupational dermatosis is defined as a skin condition that is primarily due to components of the work environment and would not have occurred unless the individual were doing that job.


Proving a work association can be difficult. The following give clues:

  • Contact with a known noxious agent

  • Similar skin disease in other workers

  • Consistent exposure-to-onset time course

  • Attacks appear with exposure, improve on withdrawal

  • Site and type of eruption consistent with exposure

  • Corroboration by patch testing.

Contact dermatitis is the most common work-related skin disease and is more often irritant than allergic. Contact urticaria, particularly to latex, is now well recognized. Other occupational dermatoses are listed in Table 74.1 . Certain infections, e.g. anthrax (p. 64), orf (p. 66) and tinea corporis (p. 72), may be occupational. Heat, cold, ultraviolet radiation, vibration and X-rays can cause industrial disease.

Table 74.1
Rarer occupational skin disorders
Condition Presentation Occupational exposure
Argyria ( Fig. 74.1 ) Slate-grey pigmentation on face, hands, sclerae Industrial processes, e.g. silver smelters
Chloracne ( Fig. 74.2 ) Multiple open and closed comedones on cheeks and behind ears Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g. contamination during manufacture
Occupational vitiligo (p. 92) Symmetrical pigment loss on face and hands Substituted phenols or catechols in oils, e.g. at coking plant
Tar keratoses ( Fig. 74.3 ) Small keratotic warts on face and hand, premalignant Tar and pitch, e.g. road work or coking plant; UV is a co-carcinogen
Vibration white finger (p. 88) Blanching and pain in digits, later swelling and impaired fine movement Hand-held vibrating tools, as used by rock drillers or chainsaw operators

Contact dermatitis

It is often difficult to differentiate between allergic and irritant causes.


Many industrial substances are irritants and some are also allergens (p. 48). Water, detergents, alkalis, coolant oils and solvents are important irritants. Common allergens include chromate, rubber chemicals, preservatives, nickel, fragrances, epoxy resins and phenol-formaldehyde resins ( Table 74.2 ).

Table 74.2
Contact dermatitis hazards in selected occupations
Occupation Irritants Allergens
Bakers Flour, detergent, sugar, enzymes Flavouring, oil, antioxidant
Building-trade workers Cement, glass wool, acid, preservatives Cement (Cr, Co), rubber, resin, wood
Caterers, cooks Meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, detergent, water Vegetables, fruit, cutlery (Ni), rubber gloves, spice
Cleaners Detergent, solvent, water, friction Rubber gloves, nickel, fragrance
Dental personnel Detergent, soap, acrylate, flux Rubber, acrylate, fragrance, mercury
Electronics assemblers Solder, solvent, fibreglass, acid Cr, Co, Ni, acrylate, epoxy resin
Hairdressers Shampoo, bleach, perm lotion, soap, water, friction Para-phenylenediamine dye, rubber, fragrance, thioglycolate
Metal workers Cutting fluid, cleanser, solvent Preservative, Ni, Cr, Co, antioxidant
Office workers Paper, fibreglass, dry atmosphere Rubber, Ni, dye, glue, copying paper
Textile workers Solvent, bleach, fibre, formaldehyde Formaldehyde resin, dye, nickel
Veterinarians, farmers Disinfectant, animal secretion Rubber, antibiotics, plants, preservative

Irritant dermatitis frequently results from cumulative exposure to multiple types of irritant. An irritant dermatitis increases epidermal penetration by allergens and, because of this, it predisposes to superimposed contact sensitization. Similarly, allergic contact dermatitis renders skin vulnerable to attack by irritants.

Fig. 74.1, Blue discolouration of the nails due to argyria in a silver smelter.

Fig. 74.2, Chloracne showing comedones in a man exposed to dioxin contaminants.

Constitutional factors, especially atopic eczema, predispose to contact dermatitis. Environmental factors such as physical friction, occlusion, heat, cold, dry air from air-conditioning or sudden swings in air temperature or humidity also have an effect.

Fig. 74.3, A tar keratosis in a coking plant worker.

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