Occipitocervical and Upper Cervical Spine Fractures

Chapter Preview

  • Chapter Synopsis

  • The occipitocervical junction consists of structurally important osseous and ligamentous complexes that stabilize the skull base to the spine. Compromise of either the complex bony or ligamentous complex places the integrity of the occipitocervical junction at risk. Because of the proximity of neurovascular structures, acute loss of occipitocervical structural integrity carries a high mortality. This chapter reviews the classification system, imaging, surgical indications, and treatment options available for management of various occipitocervical injury patterns.

  • Important Points

  • Because of the complex anatomy and high degree of mobility of the occipitocervical junction, stability of this region depends on the ligamentous integrity as much as on the bony anatomy.

  • Bony and ligamentous injuries can result in a wide range of instability patterns in the occipitocervical junction.

  • Given the proximity of the neurovascular structures in this area, loss of structural integrity can result in significant morbidity and mortality.

  • Clinical and Surgical Pearls

  • Most occipital condyle factures can be managed nonoperatively; however care should be taken to ensure that they are not part of a wider instability pattern, such as occipitocervical dissociation.

  • Assessing the integrity of the transverse alar ligament is vital to determining C1-C2 stability.

  • Type II odontoid fractures are at highest risk of pseudarthrosis; however, surgical stabilization remains controversial.

  • Clinical and Surgical Pitfalls

  • A high index of suspicion is necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of occipitocervical injuries.

  • Occipitocervical dissociations may manifest with minimal bony radiographic and computed tomography findings. Careful assessment of the associated soft tissue shadows and use of magnetic resonance imaging as indicated can help identify these injuries.

  • Most traumatic isthmic spondylolistheses of C2 can be treated nonoperatively; however care should be taken to identify the IIA subtype that is at higher risk of progression of deformity and neurologic compromise.

  • If surgical stabilization is undertaken, identification of the location of the neurovascular structures, in particular the vertebral artery, can help dictate the surgical technique and approach.

The occipitocervical junction consists of structurally important osseous and ligamentous complexes that stabilize the skull base to the spine and encase vital neurovascular structures.

The high susceptibility of the occipitocervical junction to traumatic injury is largely related to the lever arm forces of the spine on the immobile skull base combined with a reliance on ligamentous rather than bony structures for stability.

This complex anatomic arrangement is maintained by specialized C1 and C2 bony segments interconnected by an incompletely understood ligamentous system that, if compromised, places the structural integrity of the occipitocervical junction at risk.

Because of the proximity of neurovascular structures, sudden loss of occipitocervical structural integrity carries a high mortality. However, improved trauma care has dramatically increased the likelihood of survival and has shifted the burden of responsibility to the spine surgeon for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of such life-threatening injuries.

This chapter focuses primarily on six upper cervical fracture types, which may coexist: (1) occipital condyle fractures, (2) occipitocervical dissociation, (3) fractures of the atlas (C1), (4) C1-C2 instability patterns, (5) odontoid (C2) fractures, and (6) traumatic spondylolisthesis (hangman fracture) of C2.

Occipital Condyle Fractures

Injury Classification

Although often stable, occipital condyle fractures may be highly unstable if they are associated with bony avulsion of major craniocervical stabilizers. Anderson and Montesano described the following classification system distinguishing mainly bony involvement, as opposed to more ligamentous involvement ( Fig. 17-1 ) :

  • Type I: Stable, comminuted axial loading injuries

  • Type II: Potentially unstable injuries caused by a shear mechanism that result in an oblique fracture extending from the condyle into the skull base

  • Type III: Unstable alar ligament avulsion fractures that result in a transverse fracture of the occipital condyle and may represent a component of occipitocervical dissociation

FIGURE 17-1, Anderson and Montesano classification of occipital condyle fractures. 1 A, Type I injuries are comminuted, stable impaction fractures caused by axial loading. B, Type II injuries are impaction or shear fractures extending into the base of the skull and are usually stable. C, Type III injuries are alar ligament avulsion fractures and represent unstable distraction injuries of the craniocervical junction.

Lower amount of fracture displacement, greater degree of apposition, and larger fragment size have been proposed as criteria for healing of occipital condylar fractures. Overall, occipital condyle fractures are usually benign. Nonetheless, any occipital condyle fracture should be considered a possible component of occipitocervical dissociation.

Radiographic Evaluation

Occipital condyle fractures are difficult to visualize on plain radiographs. They are most easily characterized with computed tomography (CT) imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a role primarily in establishing whether type III odontoid fractures are associated with extensive ligamentous injury and occipitocervical instability.

Indications for Surgery

Operative treatment of occipital condyle fractures is generally reserved for type III injuries that represent alar ligament avulsions and result in occipitocervical instability ( Fig. 17-2 ). Surgical indications are therefore equivalent to those described later for occipitocervical dissociation ( Table 17-1 ).

FIGURE 17-2, Type III occipital condyle fracture as a component of craniocervical dissociation. The lateral cervical spine radiograph ( A ) shows dislocation of the atlanto-occipital joints in a 48-year-old man involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision. The coronal computed tomography image ( B ) illustrates an associated avulsion fracture of the left occipital condyle ( arrow ), resulting in functional incompetence of the attached alar ligament.

Table 17-1
Occipital Condyle Fractures
Injury Type Distinguishing Characteristics Significance and Treatment
I Comminuted fracture Usually stable injury treated with cervical collar or possibly halo vest for severe collapse
II Extension of basilar skull fracture Cervical collar unless associated with occipitocervical dissociation
III Avulsion fracture of alar ligament insertion Cervical collar unless associated with occipitocervical dissociation

Treatment and Outcomes

Type I and most type II occipital condyle fractures are treated nonoperatively, with a rigid cervical collar. Because type I injuries can result in considerable articular incongruity, the outcome often depends on the presence or absence of symptomatic posttraumatic arthritis, which may result in neck pain, occipital headaches, restricted occipitocervical motion, and torticollis. Palsy of closely associated cranial nerves (IX, X, XI, XII) has also been described. Type II and isolated type III injuries generally pose less risk of posttraumatic arthritis because of the lower likelihood of articular incongruity. However, if these injuries are components of craniocervical or occipitocervical dissociation, the prognosis is worse (see later).

Occipitocervical Dissociation


Traynelis and associates identified three occipitocervical dissociation patterns based on the direction of displacement of the occiput relative to the cervical spine ( Fig. 17-3 ). However, the extreme instability of these injuries renders the position of the head relative to the neck completely arbitrary and more dependent on external forces than on any intrinsic injury characteristic. A directionally based classification therefore seems to have little inherent value.

FIGURE 17-3, The Traynelis classification of craniocervical dislocation. A, Normal atlanto-occipital alignment. B, Type I: anterior displacement. C, Type II: distraction injury. D, Type III: posterior displacement.

A classification that reflects injury severity and quantifies the stability of the occipitocervical junction would provide greater clinical significance with regard to treatment and prognosis. Signs of instability are translation or distraction of more than 2 mm in any plane, neurologic injury, and concomitant cerebrovascular trauma. However, patients with minimally displaced occipitocervical injuries may have less easily recognized unstable occipitocervical dissociative injuries and therefore must be segregated into the following two groups: (1) patients with relatively stable injuries who can be treated nonoperatively and (2) patients with highly unstable but partially reduced injuries who require operative stabilization in spite of a misleadingly low degree of displacement. Distinguishing between these two possible clinical situations by the use of manual traction testing (see later) can be useful in patients with minimally displaced injuries with evidence of extensive occipitocervical injury (ligamentous injury, soft tissue swelling, neurologic or cerebrovascular abnormalities). Surgical stabilization can be reserved for patients with type II and III injuries of the occipitocervical junction, which are defined as dissociations according to the Harborview classification system ( Table 17-2 ).

Table 17-2
Harborview Classification of Craniocervical Injuries
Stage Description of Injury
1 MRI evidence of injury to craniocervical osseoligamentous stabilizers
Craniocervical alignment within 2 mm of normal
Distraction of ≤2 mm on provocative traction radiograph
2 MRI evidence of injury to craniocervical osseoligamentous stabilizers
Craniocervical alignment within 2 mm of normal
Distraction of >2 mm on provocative traction radiograph
3 Craniocervical malalignment of >2 mm on static radiographic studies
MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging.

These injuries are defined as craniocervical dissociation.

Radiographic Evaluation

Lateral Cervical Spine Radiography

Injuries to the upper cervical spine are notoriously difficult to detect with plain radiographs, for several reasons. Because the x-ray beam is directed toward the midcervical spine, the parallax effect at the occipitocervical junction precludes proper visualization of the upper cervical articulations. Other structures, such as the mastoid air cells, may also obscure the relevant upper cervical anatomy. Because of the rarity of occipitocervical injuries relative to other types of cervical spine injuries, decreased vigilance is also likely to be a factor.

Various radiographic lines have been established in an attempt to measure occipitocervical alignment indirectly. Of these, the Harris lines have been the most useful in helping to identify occipitocervical dissociation injuries ( Fig. 17-4 ). Either a basion-dens interval (BDI) or a basion-axial interval (BAI) greater than 12 mm is highly likely to represent an occipitocervical distraction injury. These lines are not as specific as they are sensitive, and a study demonstrated that one third of patients in a series of 48 consecutive survivors of occipitocervical dissociation had normal BAI and BDI values. An additional clue may be provided by examining the soft tissue shadows because patients with occipitocervical dissociation invariably have a large amount of soft tissue injury and extensive prevertebral swelling extending up to the occipitocervical junction.

FIGURE 17-4, Harris radiographic lines for assessing occipitocervical alignment: If either the basion-dens interval (BDI) or the basion-axial interval (BAI) is greater than 12 mm long on sagittal computed tomography or lateral radiographic measurement, occipitocervical dissociation should be suspected. Because these measurements are more sensitive than they are specific, normal parameters do not exclude the presence of occipitocervical dissociation. PAL, Posterior axial line.

Computed Tomography

CT, now commonly used as a routine screening test for cervical spine injury, also allows for more accurate Harris line measurements and has the advantage of enabling the examiner to visualize the occipitocervical and atlantoaxial joints directly to assess for subluxation. Even the slightest asymmetry or distraction of the atlanto-occipital joints should be viewed with suspicion because these joints usually have a displacement tolerance of 2 mm or less.

An additional clue to the presence of an unstable occipitocervical injury can be provided by detecting avulsion fractures of the alar ligament, which along with the tectorial membrane, serves as one of the two primary stabilizers of the occipitocervical junction. These avulsion fractures generally consist of bony avulsions from the origin of the alar ligament on the inferomedial aspect of the occipital condyle and are classified as type III occipital condyle fractures according the classification of Anderson and Montesano (see Fig. 17-1 ). Avulsion fractures may also occur at the alar ligament insertion on the odontoid process and are classified as type I odontoid fractures according to Anderson and D’Alonzo.

Distraction is often seen at both the occiput-C1 and C1-C2 joints because the primary stabilizers of the occipitocervical junction extend from the occiput to C2. Highly unstable occipitocervical injuries can have an unsettlingly benign appearance on CT imaging. Once again, extensive soft tissue swelling can generally be seen on CT evaluation and should provide an important clue. Any finding suggestive of a significant occipitocervical injury should be further evaluated with MRI.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI generally demonstrates increased T2-weighted signal intensity within the occiput-C1 and C1-C2 articulations. Definitive evidence of disruption of the alar and tectorial ligaments can sometimes be seen, although making this determination may be difficult. Evaluation of the spinal cord and brainstem parenchyma may reveal injuries ranging from mild edema and increased T2-weighted signal intensity to the presence of intraspinal hematoma or even transection. Epidural fluid collections representing hematoma or cerebrospinal fluid are commonly seen, as is the presence of subdural hematoma. Extensive soft tissue swelling extending to the occipitocervical finding is a universal finding and is easily identified on MRI.

Computed Tomography Angiography and Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Evaluation of a large series of survivors of occipitocervical dissociation demonstrated a high likelihood of vertebral artery or internal carotid injury with occipitocervical distractive injury; this combination affected approximately two thirds of patients. Although most of these injuries among survivors were thought to be asymptomatic, prior knowledge of an existing vascular injury may help dictate perioperative management of the patient or the fixation strategy used for definitive stabilization. For example, the surgeon may consider the use of lower-risk C2 fixation, such as the use of translaminar screws, if preoperative vascular evaluation suggests the presence of contralateral vertebral artery compromise. The treatment of asymptomatic vascular injuries in this region remains controversial, with proponents for observation alone, for aspirin therapy, and for anticoagulation with warfarin.

Dynamic (Traction) Views

Traction views under specific, controlled conditions have been advocated by some investigators for a selected group of patients in whom the diagnosis of occipitocervical dissociation is uncertain. Although these patients have generally been identified as having upper cervical spine injuries, they are generally noted to have minimal displacement of the occiput-C1-C2 articulations with only equivocal evidence of true occipitocervical dissociation.

The authors’ preference is to perform traction testing in the operating room by using live fluoroscopic evaluation with electrodiagnostic monitoring. This test is treated as a precursor to definitive fixation. Therefore, the patient is given general anesthesia, with preparations made to proceed with posterior occipitocervical fixation in the event of a positive test result. Mayfield or Gardner-Wells tongs are applied after baseline electrodiagnostic signals have been obtained. The C-arm is oriented to obtain a true lateral view of the upper cervical spine. Guided by live fluoroscopy, the surgeon applies gradually increasing manual traction to the cranial tongs. Some surgeons prefer applying progressive 5-pound weights to the tongs, but manual traction provides important proprioceptive feedback.

Whether a traction test result is negative or positive is not usually in question. With a negative test result, a firm end point is felt almost immediately by the surgeon performing the distraction. Progressively greater amounts of traction cause only minimal distraction of no greater than 2 mm. The occipitocervical junction is therefore deemed stable, and surgical intervention is aborted in favor of treatment with external immobilization.

In the event of a positive test result, distraction greater than 2 mm occurs quickly and with minimal traction. No semblance of an end point can be detected by the surgeon applying traction. Obviously, continuing the distraction beyond the minimum necessary required to demonstrate occipitocervical instability has little value. Once occipitocervical dissociation is confirmed, the surgeon proceeds with posterior occipitocervical instrumented arthrodesis.

Indications for Surgery

Displacement of greater than 2 mm at the atlanto-occipital joint, either on static imaging studies or with provocative traction testing ( Fig. 17-5 ; see Table 17-2 ), and the presence of neurologic injury are indications for occipitocervical stabilization. Particularly in the presence of neurologic deficits, stabilization is performed as early as reasonably possible.

FIGURE 17-5, Provocative traction radiographs for staging of craniocervical instability. A, Lateral cervical spine fluoroscopic view shows minimal (1-mm) subluxation with increased signal intensity at the atlantoaxial joints on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively (not shown). Note extensive soft tissue swelling anterior to the occipitocervical junction. B, Manual traction using cranial tongs under live fluoroscopy demonstrates greater than 2 mm of widening of the atlantoaxial joints ( double arrow ) with no obvious sensation of a solid end point. This positive traction test result confirms an unstable occipitocervical ligamentous injury that requires operative stabilization, defined as Harborview type II occipitocervical dissociation.

Treatment and Outcomes

Because occipitocervical dissociation is fatal in most cases, few meaningful descriptions of treatment results are available. More recent series suggest that one of the primary challenges is to make an accurate and timely diagnosis; reports note delayed diagnosis in 30% to 50% of patients and a higher likelihood of preoperative neurologic worsening in patients with diagnostic delay. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, the focus is shifted toward provisional stabilization until definitive surgical intervention can be performed.

The most appropriate form of provisional stabilization is controversial and depends on many factors, including the timing of surgery, the degree of initial displacement, and the patient’s neurologic status, body habitus, and associated injuries. Possible options include one or more of the following: rigid cervical collar immobilization; halo immobilization; taping of the head to sandbags on both sides; and the use of Trendelenburg positioning, if tolerated, to minimize distraction. Finally, definitive surgical intervention generally consists of posterior occipitocervical instrumented fusion, which is done as early as reasonably possible, taking into account the patient’s physiologic condition.

Posterior occipitocervical fixation, extending from the occiput to at least C2, is the definitive treatment for occipitocervical dissociation. The authors recommend the use of electrodiagnostic monitoring with prepositioning baselines and the use of Mayfield tongs for turning patients with this highly unstable injury into the prone position. Rigid craniocervical fusion techniques using screw and plate constructs with suboccipital- and sublaminar-cabled structural graft have resulted in fusion rates approaching 100%; the largest reported series of patients treated in this manner showed no incidence of hardware failure or need for revision surgical procedures for reasons of instability. Potential technical problems include the following: malreduction, which may result in neurologic worsening; possible penetration of the inner cortex of the skull, which can lead to injury to neural or vascular structures; and vertebral artery injury.

Treatment outcomes in survivors of occipitocervical dissociation depend on the type and severity of associated injuries (particularly intracranial injuries and cerebrovascular injury), the severity of neurologic deficits, and the timeliness with which the diagnosis of craniocervical dissociation is recognized and treated.

Fractures of the Atlas (C1)


Atlas fractures (C1) can occur in isolation or in conjunction with other injuries, typically of the axis, in 40% to 44% of cases. Instability invariably equates with the presence of transverse alar ligament (TAL) insufficiency, which can be diagnosed either by direct means, such as by identifying bony avulsion on CT scan or ligament rupture on MRI, or indirectly by identifying widening of the lateral masses with a 7-mm or greater lateral overhang relative to the lateral masses of C2 on the open-mouth anteroposterior (AP) view on plain radiographs ( Fig. 17-6 ).

FIGURE 17-6, C1 Jefferson fracture with transverse alar ligament (TAL) injury in a 71-year-old woman. Axial ( A ) and coronal ( B ) computed tomography images demonstrate a four-part C1 ring fracture with initially 4 mm of combined overhang of the C1 lateral masses. The subsequent upright open-mouth anteroposterior radiograph ( C ) demonstrates an increase in combined lateral mass overhang to 16 mm, thus indicating rupture of the TAL. The recommended treatment is C1-C2 posterior arthrodesis.

Levine and Edwards described a useful four-part classification system: (1) posterior arch fractures, (2) lateral mass fractures, (3) isolated anterior arch fractures, and (4) bursting-type fractures. As mentioned earlier, the extent of lateral mass separation, which reflects the integrity of the TAL, is more relevant than the number of fracture fragments.

Particular fracture orientations within the fracture subdivisions described by Levine and Edwards can manifest in an atypical fashion. Although the horizontal anterior arch fractures of C1 are typically stable, Vilela and co-workers reported a series of five atypical cases in which this fracture was a subtle sign of more severe occipitocervical instability. Bransford and associates also reported that patients with sagittally oriented unilateral lateral mass fractures are at risk of delayed deformity and severe pain. The authors show good results with the technique of direct fixation of the C1 ring for stabilization of these fractures ( Fig. 17-7 ).

FIGURE 17-7, Direct repair of C1 lateral mass fracture. A, Axial computed tomography (CT) image of a right lateral mass fracture with an associated posterior arch fracture (not seen on this image) in a young male patient who had survived an airplane crash. B, Postoperative axial CT image shows direct repair of the C1 fracture with C1 lateral mass screws connected by a transverse bar. The indications for this procedure have not been well established, but the primary benefit appears to be in sagittal plane fractures of the lateral mass adjacent to the insertion of the transverse alar ligament in association with posterior arch fractures.

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