Key Points

  • Neuropsychological assessment is a method of evaluating behavior that relies on administration of norm-referenced, standardized tests.

  • A major goal of neuropsychological assessment is to determine whether, and to what extent, a patient's cognitive status has been altered. This information can provide important diagnostic information, and helps guide clinical management.

  • Neuropsychological evaluations assess a broad range of cognitive functions, including intelligence, and attention, as well as executive, memory, language, visuospatial, sensory-perceptual, motor and emotional functions.

  • Within each of the individual domains assessed, the neuropsychologist determines the extent and nature of the impairment in order to address questions regarding the integrity of central nervous system (CNS) function.

  • The nature of a neuropsychological assessment allows for more precise observations of behavior than can be accomplished through a bedside examination.


Neuropsychological assessment is a formalized method of observing and evaluating patients' behaviors. It distinguishes itself from other methods of inquiry regarding behavior in its goals and its methodologies. The core method that neuropsychologists utilize is the administration and interpretation of standardized tests. These tests assess a patient's level of function within different cognitive domains and provide information regarding which aspects of behavior are impaired and which are spared. Based on a patient's performance on these tests, the neuropsychological evaluation provides clinically-relevant information regarding etiologies underlying behavioral impairment, as well as information that can inform patient care and treatment. In this chapter, we present an overview of the practice of clinical neuropsychology, including its definition, goals, the types of patients referred for assessments, the domains of cognitive function assessed, and the types of measures administered.

The science of neuropsychology is dedicated to the study of brain–behavior relationships. Our understanding of how behavior is organized in the brain has been informed by observations of patients with focal brain lesions by studies of cognitive impairment associated with different underlying disease processes, and most recently, by neuroimaging techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and magneto-encephalography Data from these different sources inform our understanding of the neurological underpinnings of behavior and are utilized by clinical neuropsychologists in linking a patient's neuropsychological test performance with underlying brain dysfunction.

In assessing behavior, the clinical neuropsychologist focuses primarily on cognitive domains that include attention, executive function, language, visual perception, and memory. Examining the nature of a patient's cognitive impairment, as well as the pattern of impaired and spared behaviors, is helpful in distinguishing different underlying neurological conditions, differentiating neurological from psychiatric conditions, and discriminating normal from abnormal performance. A patient's cognitive behaviors are specifically measured or quantified, allowing the neuropsychologist to determine whether a patient is performing “normally” within a particular cognitive domain and, if not, to determine the extent of impairment. The neuropsychologist utilizes the data obtained to address practical questions regarding patient care, including a patient's prognosis and ability to manage various aspects of his or her life (e.g., to live independently, to return to work, to comprehend and to follow medical instructions, and to comprehend legal documents), and to recommend possible treatments, interventions or strategies from which a patient might benefit. Finally, as the information provided is quantified, repeat neuropsychological assessments are used to track the course of a patient's disease.

Referrals for neuropsychological evaluation typically originate from a patient's treating physician (most often a neurologist, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist, or internist), but patients or their family members can also initiate a referral. Referred patients may have known neurological disease or damage, or may display or complain of cognitive dysfunction due to an unknown or unclear etiology. Patients assessed include those with acquired impairments or developmental impairments. Developmental impairments (e.g., learning disabilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], autism spectrum disorder) arise when the brain fails to develop normally, with the cause often unknown. For children with developmental impairments, the neuropsychological evaluation can play an important role in determining diagnosis and in guiding interventions. For adults, it is often the case that a diagnosis has already been assigned, and the neuropsychologist is asked to address questions regarding the impact of the patient's impairment on his/her ability to function within a more challenging setting, for example, in higher education or work settings. This information can help determine whether specific accommodations might help address the areas of difficulty. Acquired impairments (e.g., stroke, head injury, or dementing illnesses) result from neurological disease or damage that often occurs after a period of normal development. The presentation of acquired impairments in childhood often differs from that in adulthood, with localized cerebral pathologies more common in adults and generalized insults to the central nervous system (CNS) more common in childhood. Study findings differ regarding whether the recovery profiles of children are better than those of adults, due to greater brain plasticity, or whether children's developing brains are more vulnerable to the effects of neurological insults than are adults' mature brains.

Given that the goal of a neuropsychological evaluation is to determine whether behavioral function has been altered (and if so, to what extent), a critical issue that arises when characterizing the cognitive status of a patient with an acquired impairment is the determination of his or her pre-morbid level of function. The importance of baseline testing has recently received attention in determining the effects of concussive injuries. Many athletic teams, including professional and school teams, now mandate that players undergo pre-season baseline cognitive evaluations, often using a computerized cognitive screening measure. Repeat testing conducted following an injury is then compared to a player's baseline performance to determine if there has been a change in cognitive functioning. This information is used to monitor a player's recovery and to guide return-to-play decisions. However, in many other contexts, baseline neuropsychological data are not available, and the neuropsychologist consequently has to rely on indirect methods to estimate a patient's pre-morbid level of intellectual function. These include consideration of historical and observational data (such as level of education and occupational history, previous relevant medical history, and examination of a patient's performance on specific cognitive tests). Specifically, certain classes of learned information (for example, knowledge of word meanings, factual information, and word reading are highly correlated with pre-morbid intelligence and are generally resistant to the effects of neurological disease. The neuropsychologist also considers the patient's pattern of performance across an array of cognitive measures, with higher scores typically reflective of pre-morbid function, and lower scores generally indicating impairment, although the role of normal variability (further discussed below) is also taken into account.

While an estimation of pre-morbid level of function is necessary for the interpretation of normally-distributed behaviors ( Figure 8-1 ), for behaviors that are more even across individuals (i.e., “species-wide” behaviors), such methods are unnecessary (with any behavioral dysfunction indicative of impairment).

Figure 8-1, A normative curve which displays the distribution of scores around the mean. The figure shows the relationships between different normative scores, with each having a different mean and standard deviation.

Within the class of normally-distributed behaviors, individuals display a range of abilities. For these behaviors, the neuropsychologist compares a patient's performance (i.e., raw score) to that of a normative sample. Tests that are most reliable are those for which there is a large normative sample against which a patient's performance can be compared, and for which the normative sample is stratified according to age, level of education, and sometimes gender. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to developing test instruments and normative data that are appropriate for the specific patient's cultural background. In interpreting a patient's test performance, the neuropsychologist converts a patient's raw scores to “standard scores,” expressed according to the normative mean and standard deviation (see Figure 8-1 ). Scores vary in the types of standard scores expressed (e.g., standard scores, T-scores, scaled scores, or Z-scores). Scores that fall within the mean of the normative sample are considered to fall within the “average” range, while those that fall significantly above or below the mean are considered areas of strength or weakness, respectively. Scores that fall two or more standard deviations below the mean are generally considered “impaired” (see Figure 8-1 ). In interpreting test scores, the neuropsychologist considers how the patient's performance compares not only to the mean but also to the patient's own profile of scores. A patient who scores well above the mean on most tests, and below the mean on selective measures may be considered to exhibit “impaired” performance ( relative to the patient's pre-morbid level of function), even though level of performance may not fall strictly in the “impaired” range on any measure. While the neuropsychologist considers differences in patient scores as a means to identify impairment, the neuropsychologist also considers normal variability. Specifically, because neuropsychological evaluations typically yield a large quantity of scores, it is important to consider the extent to which variable performances are typical vs. atypical. In fact, research on this topic finds that it is not uncommon for healthy adults to obtain some low test scores and, moreover, that individuals with higher IQ levels display greater variability among scores than do those with lower IQ levels. For this reason, the neuropsychologist considers the patient's pattern of performance within the context of his/her history, behavior, and diagnosis when determining what aspects of performance are clinically relevant.

Neuropsychological tests are also characterized by standardized administration, with all patients presented with test questions in the same way, and with patients' responses to stimuli scored in a standardized manner. Given that the neuropsychologist relies on normative data to interpret patients' performances, this interpretation is meaningful only if the examiner adheres to standardized test administration and scoring procedures.

While patients' performances (i.e., “scores”) on a set of neuropsychological tests are the core set of data obtained from a neuropsychological evaluation, their behavior on tests can only be understood within the context of their developmental and medical history, as well as their current cognitive complaints. In addition, test data also need to be interpreted within the context of clinical (i.e., qualitative) observations regarding the patient's mood, motivation to perform, attention-to-task, and comprehension of task instructions. In interpreting test behavior, a neuropsychologist relies not only on the specific score that a patient obtains on a test, but also on the patient's response style (for example, whether it is very slow, impulsive, concrete, or perseverative in nature). This careful analysis of patient behavior provides the most meaningful information regarding a patient's level of competence, as well as how different performance variables impact a patient's ability to express that competence. These observations are of particular importance when assessing the validity of test performance (especially when assessing questions of possible malingering). In considering performance validity, the neuropsychologist relies on the administration of specific “symptom validity tests” as well as embedded measures of effort. These methods typically involve examining patterns of performances that are rarely seen in neurological or psychiatric patients (e.g., performance at or below chance on a forced-choice recognition memory measure). In cases where effort is less than optimal, test scores are interpreted cautiously, if at all.

Dimensions of Behavior Assessed

In the following sections, we describe the domains that are typically assessed within a neuropsychological evaluation. It should be noted that these descriptions are by no means exhaustive, but instead are presented as an overview of the types of questions and methodologies that are employed in a neuropsychological evaluation in addressing questions regarding diagnosis and patient care.

Intellectual Function

In order to interpret behavior within specific cognitive domains, a neuropsychological evaluation nearly always includes a measure of intellectual function. Intelligence can be estimated by tests that tend to correlate highly with overall intellectual function (i.e., tests of single word reading, such as the National Adult Reading Test, the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading or the Test of Premorbid Functioning ), or by administration of specific batteries of tests designed to assess intelligence (including the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test ). An intelligence quotient (“IQ”) is a derived score based on a patient's performance on a number of different subtests. The Wechsler intelligence subtests are divided into different domains that yield Index scores in the areas of Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed. In addition to yielding summary scores, including a Full Scale IQ and Index scores, a patient's performance on the individual subtests that comprise each of these domains can also provide important information or “clues” for the neuropsychologist as to where a patient's area of difficulty might lie, and help guide the assessment itself. However, IQ alone is not diagnostically informative for neurologically-impaired individuals, as it is sometimes insensitive to the selective cognitive impairments that can result from focal lesions (e.g., anterograde memory impairments). Nonetheless, IQ can play an important role in understanding the nature and extent of an individual's deficits, and can be critical in understanding whether deficits are more global in nature.


The domain of “attention” is highly complex. It includes the ability to orient to a stimulus, to filter out extraneous information, and to sustain focus on a particular stimulus or activity. Its functions cannot be localized to a single anatomic brain region. Instead, attention is subserved by combinations, or “networks,” of brain structures. At the most basic level, specific midbrain structures (such as the reticular activating system), play a fundamental role in alertness and arousal. Subcortical structures (such as certain thalamic nuclei), play a role in selective attention, in that they serve as a gatekeeper for both sensory input and motor output. Limbic system structures (including the amygdala), also play an important role in designating the motivational significance of a stimulus. Finally, a number of cortical regions are involved in various aspects of attention, including spatial selective attention (the inferior parietal cortex), behavioral initiation and inhibition (orbital frontal region), sustained attention (anterior cingulate), task-shifting (dorsal lateral region), and visual search (frontal eye fields).

In light of the many brain structures involved in attentional processing, it is not surprising that impairments in attention are among the most common sequelae of brain damage. Some of the more common disorders in which attentional disturbances can be significant include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, dementing conditions (e.g., Alzheimer's disease or frontotemporal dementia), and hydrocephalus. In addition to various neurological disorders, diminished attentional capacity is a common secondary feature of most psychiatric conditions, including affective and psychotic disorders.

The assessment of an individual's attentional capacity is accomplished not only through the administration of standardized attentional tests, but also via clinical observation. In observing a patient's behavior within the clinical interview and the evaluation itself (i.e., test administration), the clinician obtains information regarding the patient's level of attention (for example, whether he or she is attending to examination questions or is distracted by noises outside of the examination room).

Table 8-1 provides a summary of common measures used to assess various aspects of attention within a neuropsychological evaluation. “Attentional capacity,” which is also referred to as attention span, short-term memory span, or short-term memory capacity, denotes the amount of information that the individual's attentional system can process at one time. This function is typically measured by span tests, where the patient is presented with increasingly larger amounts of information and is asked to repeat back what was presented auditorilly or visually. Two of the most frequently used measures include Digit Span, where the patient repeats increasingly longer sequences of digits, and the visual analogue of this task, Spatial Span, where the patient repeats increasingly longer tapping sequences on randomly arrayed blocks. Working memory, or the ability to manipulate information in short-term storage, is also typically assessed. For example, the patient may be asked to reverse digits or tapping sequences of increasing length, to re-arrange randomly presented sequences into a specific order, or to mentally compute solutions to orally-presented arithmetic problems. Information regarding a patient's working memory capacity can potentially shed light on an individual's deficits in other cognitive realms, such as the ability to successfully comprehend or encode complex information (e.g., an orally-conveyed story, or a written passage).

Assessment of Attention
Component Assessed Measure Example of Specific Test
Attentional capacity Digit span forward WAIS-IV; WMS-3; i or RBANS Digit Span
Short-term memory span Spatial span forward WMS-3 Spatial Span; Corsi Block Test ii
Working-memory Digit span backward WAIS-IV; WMS-3; or RBANS Digit Span
Spatial span backward WMS-3 Spatial Span; Corsi Block Test
Letter-number sequencing WAIS-IV or WMS-3 Letter-Number Sequencing
Complex visual search and scanning Symbol substitution WAIS-IV Coding; Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) iii
Visual search/symbol discrimination WAIS-IV Symbol Search
Visuomotor tracking Trail-Making Test-Part A
Sensory selective attention Cancellation Visual Search and Attention Test; iv Letter and symbol cancellation tasks v
Visuomotor tracking Trail-Making Test-Part A
Line bisection
Drawing and copying
Sustained attention and task vigilance Cancellation (see above)
Vigilance Conners' Continuous Performance Test (CPT-II) vi
Selective/divided attention Sustained and selective serial addition Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) vii
Selective auditory tracking Brief Test of Attention (BTA)
Selective attention and response inhibition Stroop Color and Word Test; D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test

i Wechsler D. Wechsler Memory Scale , ed 3, The Psychological Corporation, 1997, San Antonio, TX.

ii Milner B. Interhemispheric differences in the localization of psychological processes in man. Br Med Bulletin 27:272–277, 1971.

iii Smith A. Symbol Digit Modalities Test. Manual . Western Psychological Services, 1982, Los Angeles.

iv Trenerry MR, Crosson B, DeBoe J, et al. Visual Search and Attention Task . Psychological Assessment Resources, 1990, Odessa, FL.

v Diller L, Ben-Yishay Y, Gerstman LJ, et al. Studies in cognition and rehabilitation in hemiplegia . (Rehabilitation Monograph 50). New York University Medical Center Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1974, New York, NY.

vi Conners CK. Conners' Continuous Performance Test Computer Program (version 2) . Multi-Health Systems Inc., 1992, North Tonawanda, NY.

vii Gronwall DMA. Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task: A measure of recovery from concussion. Perceptual and Motor Skills 44:367–373, 1977.

The assessment of attention also includes measures of a patient's ability to orient to stimuli around them. Patients with lateralized lesions, such as those involving the parietal or temporal lobe, may display a hemi-inattention phenomenon whereby perceptual information that is presented on the side of the body contralateral to the lesion is ignored. A parietal lobe lesion may result in a unilateral visual and/or tactile inattention phenomenon, whereas a temporal lobe lesion or lesion to the central auditory pathways may cause unilateral auditory inattention. For example, visual hemi-inattention, also referred to as unilateral visual neglect, typically results from lesions to the right posterior cortex (although it has also been reported following frontal lesions) and involves reduced awareness of visual information in the left side of space. The presence of visual inattention can be striking acutely following neurological insult. Over time, the severity of neglect diminishes, and patients are left with a more subtle deficit in the registration of information in the left side of space when the stimuli are complex or when there is competing information on the right. Within a neuropsychological assessment, the most commonly used tests of visual inattention are cancellation tasks, where the patient is asked to detect targets in an array of visually-similar stimuli. Other tests of visual neglect include line bisection tasks, drawing and copying tests (e.g., a clock face with numbers or a daisy), and reading tests (particularly useful when the elicitation of a motor response is not possible, for example, due to hemiparesis).

Vigilance, or the patient's ability to sustain attention over time, is also assessed. Deficits in this aspect of attention are often observed in individuals with ADHD. The most commonly used testing paradigms involve the presentation of stimuli over time, with the patient instructed to respond when a pre-specified stimulus (“target”) is presented. These tasks are also sensitive to impulsivity, as the patient must also inhibit a tendency to respond to non-target stimuli.

Finally, measures that assess the patient's ability to divide attention between competing stimuli are frequently given. In these tasks, the patient is typically presented with more than one type of stimulus (e.g., numbers and letters) and is asked to keep track of only one of the stimuli. For example, the Brief Test of Attention (BTA) requires the patient to listen to strings of randomly-ordered numbers and letters and to only keep track of how many numbers (or letters) he or she hears.

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