Nasoenteric feeding tube insertion

Before procedure


  • Inability to maintain volitional intake (in the setting of a functional gastrointestinal tract) and :

  • Critical illness expected to require an intensive care unit (ICU) stay of more than 2 days

  • Poor nutritional status

  • Weight loss and nutrient depletion

  • Multiple comorbid conditions

  • Failure to eat for more than 7 days


  • Inability to tolerate enteral nutrition:

  • Mechanical bowel obstruction

  • Peritonitis

  • Hemodynamic compromise (e.g., starting or escalating dose of vasopressor[s] in a previously stable patient)

  • Short gut (relative contraindication)

  • Severe cranial or facial fracture(s) or deformity

  • Esophageal obstruction or recent surgery

  • Esophageal or gastric varices

  • Coagulopathy (relative contraindication)

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