Multiple Gestation: Clinical Characteristics and Management

The incidence of twin deliveries has fluctuated in the United States over the past several decades with an increase in incidence through the late 20th century ( Table 37.1 ). This was followed by a brief period of stabilization and then a further increase to a peak incidence in 2014. In 1980, the twin birth rate was 18.9 per 1000 total births. In 2009, this rate had increased 76% to 33.2 per 1000 total births. While rates remained stable through 2012, twin birth rates rose again to a peak of 33.9 per 1000 total births in 2014.

TABLE 37.1
Incidence of Multiple Births in the United States
From Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJ, Driscoll AK, Drake P. Births: final data for 2016. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2019;67(1):1–55; Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJ, Driscoll AK, Drake P. Births: final data for 2017. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2018;67(8):1–50; and Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJ, Driscoll AK, Drake P. Births: final data for 2019. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2021;70(2):1-51.
Year Twins Triplets and Higher Order
2019 120,291 3286
2018 123,536 3525
2017 128,310 3917
2016 131,723 4003
2015 133,155 4123
2014 135,336 4526
2013 132,324 4700
2012 131,024 4919
2011 131,269 5417
2010 132,562 5503
2009 137,217 6340
2008 138,660 6268
2007 138,961 6427

Recently, these rates have seen a decline. In 2019 the twin birth rate in the United States was 32.1 twins per 1000 births, which represented a 2% decline from the 2018 rate of 32.6 per 1000 and a decrease of 5% from the 2014 peak.

A similarly dramatic increase in incidence of triplets and other higher order multiple births was observed between 1980 and 1998 when incidence rates increased more than 400% to a peak of 193.5 per 100,000 births. As with twin births, triplets and higher order multiple birth rates have declined gradually since the 1998 peak. In 2019, the triplet and higher order multiple birth rate was 87.7 per 100,000 births, representing a 6% decline from the previously reported incidence of 93.0 per 100,000 in 2017 and a 55% decrease from 1998.

Though ethnicity, geography, parity, and family history are contributory factors, the two major factors accounting for the increases in multiple gestations are the widespread availability of assisted reproductive technologies and social circumstances leading to an increase in maternal age at childbirth. The recent decline in the number of twin, triplet, and higher order multiple births is most likely because of voluntary limits imposed by many assisted reproduction centers on the number of embryos transferred during in vitro fertilization (IVF), the improved ability to identify healthy embryos and thus increased success rates with single embryo transfers, and the availability and acceptance of multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) procedures. ,

Because perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality are increased in multiple gestation, contemporary data about pregnancy outcomes and management options are essential. Congenital abnormalities are also increased in multiple gestations, making management decisions more complex because the fates of sibling fetuses are necessarily linked, particularly in monochorionic gestations. For these reasons, women with complicated multiple gestation are increasingly cared for under the supervision of an appropriately trained specialist. ,

Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity

Prematurity, monochorionicity, and growth restriction pose the main risks to fetuses and neonates in multiple gestations. Though perinatal deaths have decreased, the risk for prematurity has not changed significantly. Though there are variations depending on chorionicity, the mean duration of pregnancy is 35.1 weeks for twin gestations, 31.9 weeks for triplets, and 29.5 weeks for quadruplets. However, the mean gestational age at birth in multiple pregnancies can be misleading because it obscures the true incidence of extreme prematurity, which has greater clinical significance. Although the incidence of early preterm delivery (before 34 weeks’ gestation) for singletons in the United States is 2%, 20% of twin and 63% of triplet gestations are delivered before 34 weeks. The perinatal mortality rate for twins relative to singletons is controversial. In a multicenter study from Australia and New Zealand of preterm infants (gestational age ≤27 weeks), the mortality rate for multiples was higher than for singletons (25% versus 22%) from 1995 to 2009. In a multivariate analysis, multiples still had an increased risk of death (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1 to 1.3) in the neonatal period. In a recent study by Vasak and colleagues, the overall perinatal mortality rate was higher in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies, which is most likely caused by the high preterm birth rate in twins. However, during the preterm period the stillbirth rate was much lower in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies. The authors suggested that this might be partially due to closer monitoring of twin pregnancies.

In the United States, perinatal mortality rates for twins, triplets, and quadruplets in 2013 were 24.4, 61.1, and 137.4, respectively, per 1000 live births. Mortality rates are significantly higher among same-gender twins compared with discordant-gender twins, indicating that prematurity and complications of monochorionicity explain much of the increased mortality in twin gestations. On average, the risk that twins will weigh less than 1500 g at birth is 10 times the risk for singletons. These increased risks are more pronounced in male-male pairs, in Black infants, and in infants of younger mothers. Perinatal outcome data for higher order multiple gestations (triplets or greater) are limited. Stillbirth rates increase from 5.7 per 1000 for singletons to 14.1 per 1000 for twins and to 30.5 per 1000 for triplets. , The incidence of preterm delivery before 28 weeks’ gestation in triplet pregnancies is 14%, with a perinatal mortality rate of approximately 100per 1000 to 150per1000. , Perinatal mortality in triplet gestations is significantly worse in dichorionic than in trichorionic pregnancies. In addition, the rate of spontaneous loss before 24 weeks for triplet pregnancies with confirmed cardiac activity is as high as 30%. Once cardiac activity is confirmed at 10 to 14 weeks in a triplet pregnancy, the risk for pregnancy loss before 24 weeks is 4.9%. In 2015, as in previous years, more than 1 of every 2 twins and more than 9 of every 10 triplets were born preterm or of low birth weight. Some series suggest that quadruplet pregnancies have perinatal mortality rates ranging from 0 to 67 per 1000 quadruplet births. , However, caution is needed when interpreting studies of higher order multiple gestations, because often only pregnancies reaching viability are included, producing an overly positive view of perinatal outcome.

Perinatal morbidity is also more likely in multiple gestations. Although multiple gestation accounts for only 3.5% of all births in the United States, infants of multiple gestations comprise almost one-quarter of very-low-birth-weight infants. The incidence of severe disability among neonatal survivors of multiple gestation is also increased: 34.0 and 57.5 per 1000 twin and triplet survivors, respectively, compared with 19.7 per 1000 singleton survivors. Twins account for 5% to 10% of all cases of cerebral palsy in the United States. The risk of producing at least one infant with cerebral palsy from one pregnancy has been reported to be 1.5% for twin, 8% for triplet, and 43% for quadruplet gestations. The risk of cerebral palsy is increased among multiple pregnancies, given that exacerbating risk factors are often present. These include low birth weight, prematurity, congenital anomalies, cord entanglement, and abnormal vascular connections. Indeed, in the United States, mean birth weight in 2015 was significantly lower for twin neonates (2347 g) and triplet neonates (1651 g) than for singletons (3303 g). Similarly, the infant mortality rate in 2014 was 5.1 per 1000 in singleton births compared with 23.4, 63.0, and 126.0 per 1000 live births for twins, triplets, and quadruplets, respectively.

Neurodevelopment may be impacted in multifetal gestations as well. In the French EPIPAGE study, a population-based cohort study of very preterm infants (gestational age less than 32 weeks), adjusted analysis of 5-year follow-up data showed that children from twin births, compared with those from singleton births, had a lower survival rate (adjusted OR = 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.5) and a lower score on mental processing composite testing without severe neurodevelopmental impairment (mean difference, −2.4; 95% CI, −4.8 to 0.01).

Though earlier evidence had suggested that twin or triplet neonates have outcomes similar to those of gestational age–matched singletons, this has not been confirmed by more contemporary data. ,

Maternal Mortality and Morbidity

Given the low rate of maternal mortality in developed countries and the small sample sizes in published series, the incidence of maternal death in contemporarily managed multiple gestations is uncertain. The study of twin gestations in countries where maternal mortality is high is limited because such countries have traditionally poor access to fertility treatments and, although parity is often very high, maternal age at childbirth is traditionally low.

A recent case control study in France found that, compared to women with singleton pregnancies, women with twin pregnancies have a fourfold increased risk for severe maternal complications both before and after delivery. The population-based incidence of severe acute maternal morbidity was 6.2% in twin pregnancies and 1.3% in singletons. The increase in maternal morbidity in mothers with multiple gestations is related to the fetal number. A key difference between maternal and neonatal morbidities is that, although women carrying twins are at higher risk for some adverse outcomes than women carrying singletons, chorionicity does not appear to impact maternal risk in most studies. However, selective termination or intrauterine demise of a single fetus in a dichorionic twin pregnancy has been noted to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia. No differences in the frequency of complications were noted between spontaneous triplets and those arising from ovulation induction or IVF. Preterm birth occurs in nearly all quadruplet pregnancies, and the risk for gestational hypertension ranges from 32% to 90%. , In addition, preeclampsia in higher order multiple gestations occurs at an earlier gestational age, is more severe, and is more likely to have an atypical clinical presentation than preeclampsia in singleton gestations. , , Other maternal disorders observed more often in women with multiple gestations include pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP), intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, acute fatty liver, iron deficiency anemia, hyperemesis gravidarum, and thromboembolic events. The increased risk of thrombosis relates, at least in part, to the increased prevalence of cesarean delivery and bed rest in these pregnancies. Twin pregnancies are associated with significantly higher risks for hypertension and placental abruption, in addition to higher risks for preterm labor (78%); preeclampsia (26%); hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP syndrome) (9%); anemia (24%); preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM) (24%); gestational diabetes (14%); acute fatty liver (4%); chorioendometritis (16%); and postpartum hemorrhage (9%).

Maternal Adaptations

The normal maternal physiologic adaptations seen in singleton pregnancy are exaggerated in multifetal gestation. , Differences in these changes are more pronounced between twins and singletons than between twins and higher order multiples. Serum levels of progesterone, estradiol, estriol, human placental lactogen, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and alpha fetoprotein (AFP) are all significantly higher in multiple than in singleton gestations.

Heart rate and stroke volume are significantly increased in gravidas with twins during the third trimester, leading to a significant increase in cardiac output and cardiac index compared with singleton pregnancies. In one study of 119 twin pregnancies, stroke volume was increased by 15%, heart rate by 4%, and cardiac output by 20%, compared with singletons. These increases most likely occur because of increased myocardial contractility and blood volume in the setting of multiple gestation. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures mirror the changes seen during singleton pregnancy, with an even greater drop in pressures noted during the second trimester in twin pregnancy. However, at term, mean maternal blood pressures are significantly higher in multiple compared with singleton pregnancies. Depending on the number of fetuses, plasma volume increases by 50% to 100%. This increase in plasma volume increases the risk of pulmonary edema when other risk factors are also present. Physiologic anemia is common, even though red cell mass increases more in twin than in singleton pregnancies.

Uterine volume increases rapidly in multiple gestation. A 25-week twin-gestation uterus is equal in size to a term singleton uterus. Uterine blood flow increases significantly, related to increased cardiac output and decreased uterine artery resistance due in part to increased estradiol concentrations. In multiple gestations, the normal pregnancy-related increase in tidal volume and oxygen consumption is probably increased further, which may lead to an even more alkalotic arterial pH than in singleton gestations. Similarly, the normal increase in glomerular filtration rate and size of the renal collecting system is probably more pronounced in women with multiple gestations.

Recommendations for maternal weight gain for twin pregnancy increase from 37 to 54 lb in the setting of normal weight, 31 to 50 lb for overweight, and 25 to 42 lb for obese patients. Although specific recommendations like those of the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) for twin pregnancies have not been issued, ideal weight gain for higher order multiple gestations is probably greater than that for twin gestations, with a suggested weight gain goal of 1.5 lb per week during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasonography in Multiple Gestation

Routine prenatal ultrasonography is valuable for early detection of multiple gestation. It is only after identification of a multiple gestation that steps can be taken to reduce the perinatal and maternal morbidity associated with the condition later in pregnancy. Prenatal ultrasonography in multiple gestation is useful for the following:

  • Confirming a diagnosis of multiple gestation

  • Determining chorionicity and placental location

  • Detecting fetal anomalies

  • Guiding invasive procedures

  • Evaluating fetal growth

  • Measuring cervical length

  • Confirming fetal well-being

  • Evaluating fetal circulation and amniotic fluid

  • Assessing fetal position and presentation

  • Preparing for the delivery, including providing emotional reassurance for the patient

  • Assessment during delivery

Diagnosis of Multiple Gestation

Positive sonographic diagnosis of multiple gestation can be made by visualizing multiple gestational sacs with yolk sacs by 5 weeks’ gestation and multiple embryos with cardiac activity by 6 weeks. If two gestational sacs are seen on early ultrasound studies, the chance of delivering twins is 57%; this increases to 87% if two embryonic poles with cardiac activity are visualized. If three gestational sacs are seen on early ultrasound, the chance of delivering triplets is 20%, increasing to 68% if three embryonic poles with cardiac activity are visualized. In addition to twins, the early sonographic visualization of two intrauterine fluid collections may represent a singleton in a bicornuate uterus, a singleton with a subchorionic hemorrhage, or a “vanishing twin,” in which an initially obvious second gestational sac or embryo does not continue after the first trimester.

Ultrasound evaluation is fundamental for the diagnosis of multifetal gestation. The Routine Antenatal Diagnostic Imaging with Ultrasound Study (RADIUS) of over 15,000 pregnant women reported that 38% of twin pregnancies remained unrecognized until after 26 weeks’ gestation in women who did not have a routine second-trimester ultrasound examination, and 13% of twins were not diagnosed until delivery. The Helsinki Ultrasound Trial reported similar findings: approximately 25% of twin pregnancies were not identified until after 21 weeks’ gestation.


Because 20% of twins are monochorionic and such pregnancies are associated with a higher perinatal mortality risk that may be influenced by obstetric care, accurate determination of chorionicity is essential for clinical management. In most women, sonographic assessment can accurately determine chorionicity. Sonographic determination of chorionicity should be sought for all multiple gestations and is best performed in the first trimester. Before 8 weeks’ gestation, visualizing clearly separate gestational sacs, each surrounded by a thick echogenic ring, is suggestive of dichorionicity. If separate echogenic rings are not visible, monochorionicity is likely. In such situations, counting the number of yolk sacs may assist in establishing amnionicity. Two fetal poles with two yolk sacs in a monochorionic gestation suggests diamnionicity, whereas the presence of two fetal poles with only one yolk sac suggests a monoamniotic gestation. However, the specificity of this finding for monoamnionicity is uncertain. The sensitivity of first- and second-trimester ultrasound for predicting monochorionicity is approximately 90%; the specificity falls from 99% for first-trimester sonography to 95% in the second trimester ( Table 37.2 ). Later in gestation, if the fetuses are discordant for sex or two distinct placentas are seen, a dichorionic gestation can be confirmed with confidence ( Fig. 37.1 ). In the absence of these findings, monochorionicity is possible, and other sonographic features should be assessed.

TABLE 37.2
Accuracy of Antenatal Prediction of Monochorionicity by Ultrasound
From Lee YM, Cleary-Goldman J, Thaker HM et al. Antenatal sonographic prediction of twin chorionicity. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;195:863.
Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Predictive Value (%)
Positive Negative
Overall 88.9 97.7 92.6 96.5
First trimester 89.8 99.5 97.8 97.5
Second trimester 88 94.7 88 94.7

Figure 37.1, Dichorionic gestation.

The visualization of only one placental mass has a positive predictive value for monochorionicity of only 42%, because many dichorionic gestations can develop apparent fusion of separate placentas as pregnancy progresses. Counting the number of layers in the dividing membrane, near its insertion into the placenta, is 100% predictive of dichorionicity but is not as reliable in predicting monochorionicity. When this method is used, it is assumed that the placentation is monochorionic if only two layers are present, with the presence of three or four layers suggesting dichorionicity. Although there is no consensus on the definition of a thin or thick dividing membrane, the use of a membrane thickness cutoff value of 2 mm has also been reported to correctly assign chorionicity in more than 90% of cases, but the reproducibility of this measurement has been questioned. Given that the difference in membrane thickness is less obvious later in pregnancy, accounting for the reduction in sensitivity when ultrasound is taken in the second trimester, first-trimester visualization and diagnosis are optimal. Visualization of a triangular projection of placenta between the layers of the dividing membrane (known as the twin-peak or lambda sign) is also useful in diagnosis of dichorionicity, but its absence is not as reliable for predicting monochorionicity. Although each of these sonographic features individually has a poor positive predictive value for monochorionicity, use of a composite sonographic approach (i.e., one placenta, sex concordance, thin dividing membrane, and absence of the twin-peak sign) may yield a positive predictive value for monochorionicity of 92%.

The use of transvaginal sonography in the first trimester, together with this composite approach, produces correct assignment of chorionicity and amnionicity in almost 100% of cases. If the initial ultrasound examination is not performed until the second trimester, its precision in assigning chorionicity declines. Although sensitivity is not perfect, specificity for monochorionicity is almost 100% when this approach is used in the first trimester, falling to 95% in the second trimester. As stated earlier, because different types of twin pregnancies require different counseling and follow-up, it is important to provide a comprehensive ultrasound evaluation, ideally in the first trimester, by a trained professional with experience in the diagnosis of multifetal gestations.

Detection of Fetal Anomalies

Detailed sonographic survey of fetal anatomy is indicated in multifetal pregnancies, because the risk for congenital anomalies is increased. The accuracy of ultrasonography for detecting congenital fetal anomalies in multiple gestations has not been adequately studied in large series. Smaller, single-center series have tried to establish the predictive value of prenatal ultrasound for the detection of anomalies in multiple gestations. In a series of 24 anomalous fetuses in twin gestations, serial ultrasonography at a specialist center achieved an 88% detection rate, with 100% specificity, for the prenatal diagnosis of anomalies. An 83% rate of detecting fetuses with Down syndrome in twin pregnancies was achieved by combining risks derived from maternal age and nuchal translucency thickness measurement at 10 to 14 weeks’ gestation, with a 5% false-positive rate. The finding of increased nuchal translucency in one fetus of a monochorionic pair may also presage the development of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).

Evaluation of Fetal Growth

Serial ultrasonography is the most accurate method to assess fetal growth in cases of multiple gestation. Intrauterine growth of twins is similar to that of singletons until 30 to 32 weeks’ gestation, when the abdominal circumference measurements of twins begin to lag behind those of singletons. The landmark study by Grantz and colleagues was a prospective cohort of 171 women with twin gestations. Its objective was to define the trajectory of fetal growth in dichorionic twins empirically using longitudinal two-dimensional ultrasonography and to compare the fetal growth trajectories for dichorionic twins with those based on a growth standard that was developed for singletons. The patients were recruited from eight US sites from 2012 to 2013. After an initial sonogram at 11 0/7 to 13 6/7 weeks’ gestation during which dichorionicity was confirmed, women were assigned randomly to one of two serial ultrasonography schedules. The comparatively asymmetric growth pattern in twin gestations, initially evident at 32 weeks’ gestation, is consistent with the concept that the intrauterine environment becomes constrained in its ability to sustain growth in twin fetuses. Near term, nearly 40% of twins would be classified as small for gestational age based on a singleton growth standard.

Composite assessments of fetal weight appear to be superior to individual biometric parameters (e.g., abdominal circumference, femur length) for predicting growth discordance. Although individual growth curves for twin and triplet gestations have been described, singleton fetal weight standards are still commonly used to assess growth in multiple gestation. Because growth restriction is a dynamic process and sibling fetuses are immediately available for comparison, we consider it reasonable to assess growth in multiple gestation with serial evaluations, based on singleton growth curves, using as many biometric parameters as possible and comparing sibling estimated fetal weights for discordance.

Similarly, until recently, there was uncertainty regarding the degree of intertwin growth discordance that was considered clinically significant. The ESPRIT trial prospectively followed 1028 unselected twin pregnancies with detailed serial sonographic assessment. Perinatal morbidity increased only when the degree of growth discordance exceeded 18%, a threshold that surprisingly was the same regardless of chorionicity. Growth discordance greater than 20% has also been shown to be an important predictor for adverse perinatal outcomes, even when individual fetal sizes are appropriate for gestational age.

It is unclear whether adverse outcomes seen with significant weight discordance are related to continuation of pregnancy in a “potentially hostile” intrauterine environment or to iatrogenic prematurity. We use significant weight discordance as an indication for close fetal surveillance rather than an indication for immediate delivery. Decisions regarding delivery are then made based on the results of tests of fetal well-being, together with gestational age, rather than solely based on significant weight discordance.

Measurement of Cervical Length

Several strategies have been proposed to prevent preterm deliveries in twins: tocolytics, bed rest, hospitalization, home uterine activity monitoring, cerclage, and, most recently, progesterone. Unfortunately, none has proven effective in multiple gestations. Whether to perform universal cervical length screening in twins remains controversial. A randomized controlled trial by Gordon and associates of 125 twin pairs without prior preterm birth (<28 weeks) showed that routine second-trimester transvaginal ultrasound assessment of cervical length was not associated with improved outcomes when incorporated into the standard management of otherwise low-risk twin pregnancies. However, ultrasound surveillance of cervical length in multiple gestations can identify those at increased risk for preterm delivery. The largest study of cervical length assessment in this setting followed 1163 twin pregnancies after cervical length measurement at 22 to 24 weeks’ gestation. The median cervical length was 35 mm, and in only 8% of twin pregnancies was the cervix less than 20 mm long. A recent meta-analysis by Lim and coworkers concluded that second-trimester cervical length is a strong predictor of preterm birth in twins. However, the authors cautioned that, in the absence of effective preventive strategies, routine cervical length measurement in this population may not be warranted.

The technique of sonographic measurement of cervical length in multiple gestations does not differ from that described for singleton gestations. The optimal interval at which to perform sonographic assessments of cervical length during multifetal gestation is unclear. Our practice has been to measure cervical length every 2 weeks from 16 to 24 weeks’ gestation in the cases of multiple gestation deemed to be at highest risk for preterm delivery (e.g., higher order multiple gestations, maternal history of a preterm singleton birth). For all other multiple gestations, it may be reasonable to perform sonographic assessment of cervical length at the time of sonography for fetal anatomy or growth.

Confirmation of Fetal Well-Being

Ultrasonography is useful to confirm fetal well-being in multiple gestations. The nonstress test (NST) in multiple gestation is discussed in Chapter 32 . The biophysical profile may also be of benefit in multiple gestation if an NST is abnormal or when an NST is impractical to perform, as it may be in cases of higher order multiple gestation. There is no evidence that routine biophysical profile testing in the absence of specific additional high-risk factors has any benefit in multiple gestations. In a study of 539 twin pregnancies by Booker and coworkers, the use of the sonographic biophysical profile for routine antenatal surveillance had a low false-positive rate, with a very low incidence of fetal death. The authors concluded that the sonographic biophysical profile should be considered as a primary mode for antenatal surveillance in twin pregnancies, with a reflex NST for an abnormal biophysical score, although efficacy remains uncertain.

Doppler velocimetry may also be used to evaluate fetal well-being in multiple gestations. Umbilical artery systolic-to-diastolic ratios are similar in singleton and twin gestations. A decrease in this ratio may occur before the sonographic detection of growth restriction. Normal Doppler velocimetry indices of other fetal vessels, such as the middle cerebral artery and the descending aorta, are similar for singleton, twin, and triplet fetuses. We employ Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery whenever multiple gestation is complicated by significant growth restriction or discordance. Monitoring monochorionic-diamniotic pregnancies usually begins at 16 to 18 weeks’ gestation by assessment of amniotic fluid volume (AFV) and fetal bladder in both twins for early detection of TTTS. Furthermore, it may be reasonable to begin measurement of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity in both fetuses of a monochorionic-diamniotic twins at 26 to 28 weeks for early detection of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS). There are inadequate data to determine the optimal frequency of such monitoring, but measurement once a week seems reasonable, with more frequent monitoring if abnormalities are detected (e.g., discordant AFVs that do not yet meet criteria for stage I TTTS).

Sonographic measurement of AFV is an important tool to evaluate fetal well-being. In a dye-dilution study of diamniotic twin pregnancies, the AFV in each amniotic sac was noted to be independent of the volume in the neighboring sac and was similar to singleton fluid volumes. There is no agreement on the optimal sonographic method to assess AFV in multiple gestations. Methods in use include the following , :

  • A single overall amniotic fluid index without reference to the dividing membrane

  • Individual amniotic fluid indices for each sac

  • Largest two-diameter pocket in each sac

  • Single deepest pocket in each sac

  • Subjective assessment of the relative distribution of fluid between sacs

No one method, however, has been shown to be optimal for predicting perinatal outcome in multiple gestation. A systematic review by Ippolito and colleagues of over 13,000 twins found sonographic measurements of AFV in twin pregnancies to be reproducible and not dependent on sonographer experience. However, sonographic estimation of AFV (using the amniotic fluid index, two-diameter pocket, or single deepest pocket) has high specificity but poor sensitivity for detecting abnormal AFV (oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios). These discrepancies among methods for AFV assessment in identifying abnormal fluid volumes suggest that caution should be exercised when interpreting data characterizing AFV in normal and complicated pregnancies. Our own practice, however, is to focus on deepest vertical pocket when quantifying AFV in multiple gestations.

Prenatal Diagnosis

Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling are especially important in the management of multiple gestations because of the higher risk for fetal anomalies in multifetal gestation and the positive association between twinning and maternal age, itself an independent risk factor for aneuploidy.

In dizygotic twin pregnancies, each fetus has its own independent risk for aneuploidy such that there is an additive increased risk for at least one abnormal fetus. Furthermore, both monozygotic and dizygotic pregnancies have increased risk for structural anomalies. Because postzygotic nondisjunction can result in heterokaryotypic twins, monozygotic twins may not necessarily be concordant for chromosomal abnormalities. Because of this phenomenon, and because the diagnosis of monochorionicity is rarely made with certainty, consideration should be given to sampling each gestation separately whenever prenatal diagnosis is indicated.

The role of ultrasonography to detect fetal anomalies in multiple gestations has been discussed previously.

Risks of Chromosomal Abnormalities

Monozygotic twins are thought to have the same Down syndrome risk per pregnancy as maternal age–matched singletons, and dizygotic twin pregnancies are thought to have twice the risk of at least one affected fetus as maternal age–matched singleton pregnancies. After correction for different rates of dizygosity based on maternal age and race, it has been suggested that invasive prenatal diagnosis should be offered to women in the United States with twin gestations who are 31 years of age or older ( Table 37.3 ). In a triplet gestation, the same calculus applies: The chance that a 28-year-old woman will have at least one fetus with Down syndrome is similar to that of a 35-year-old woman with a single fetus. These alterations in risk assessment for chromosomal abnormalities are important because invasive prenatal diagnosis may be considered at an even earlier maternal age for gravidas with higher order multiple gestations.

TABLE 37.3
Risk of at Least One Chromosomal Abnormality in White Singleton and Twin Gestations Based on Maternal Age at the Time of Amniocentesis
From Meyers C, Adam R, Dungan J et al. Aneuploidy in twin gestations: when is maternal age advanced? Obstet Gynecol. 1997;89:248. Reprinted with permission from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Maternal Age (Year) Singleton Gestation Twin Gestation
Down Syndrome All Chromosomal Abnormalities Down Syndrome All Chromosomal Abnormalities
25 1/885 1/1533 1/481 1/833
26 1/826 1/1202 1/447 1/650
27 1/769 1/943 1/415 1/509
28 1/719 1/740 1/387 1/398
29 1/680 1/580 1/364 1/310
30 1/641 1/455 1/342 1/243
31 1/610 1/357 1/324 1/190
32 1/481 1/280 1/256 1/149
33 1/389 1/219 1/206 1/116
34 1/303 1/172 1/160 1/91
35 1/237 1/135 1/125 1/71
36 1/185 1/106 1/98 1/56
37 1/145 1/83 1/77 1/44
38 1/113 1/65 1/60 1/35
39 1/89 1/51 1/47 1/27
40 1/69 1/40 1/37 1/21
41 1/55 1/31 1/29 1/17
42 1/43 1/25 1/23 1/13
43 1/33 1/19 1/18 1/10
44 1/26 1/15 1/14 1/8
45 1/21 1/12 1/11 1/6

All women, regardless of age, should be made aware of the relative advantages and disadvantages of screening versus diagnostic tests for fetal aneuploidy. Women with multiple gestations who are concerned about aneuploidy risk should be counseled and supported to make their own personal decision about choosing a screening test, a diagnostic test, or no testing at all. As per American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines, invasive genetic testing by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling should be offered to any woman with a multiple gestation who desires definitive genetic testing.

First-Trimester Screening for Aneuploidy

With the availability of late first-trimester MFPR procedures in higher order multiple gestations, interest in first-trimester screening tests for fetal abnormalities has increased. First-trimester screening now encompasses noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in the form of cell-free fetal DNA or analyte screening.

Noninvasive Prenatal Screening

In singleton pregnancies, cell-free DNA analysis of maternal blood provides effective screening for trisomies 21, 18, and 13. It is the most sensitive and specific test for screening for the common aneuploidies. ACOG now recommends offering cell-free DNA analysis to all pregnant women regardless of maternal age or baseline risk. However, ACOG recognizes that no method of aneuploidy screening is as accurate in multiples as it is in singletons.

Noninvasive prenatal screening for Down syndrome using cell-free fetal DNA may be challenging with multiple gestations because cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal circulation is derived from each fetus. Because it is impossible to determine which twin is abnormal based on cell-free fetal DNA analysis alone, results are reported for the entire pregnancy, and invasive testing is required to distinguish which twin, if any, is affected. An additional challenge in twin pregnancy is that the amount of cell-free fetal DNA contributed by each twin is lower than in singleton pregnancies and may be quite different for the two fetuses in cases of dizygotic twins. Nonetheless, there is mounting evidence that screening test performance of cell-free fetal DNA in multiples is similar to that reported in singleton pregnancies and is superior to that of the first-trimester combined test or second-trimester analyte screening.

Gill and colleagues reported a systematic review and meta-analysis of cell-free fetal DNA in 1272 twin pregnancies. They found the detection rate for trisomy 21 was 99% and the false positive rate was less than 0.1%, with the reported number of twin pregnancies with trisomies 18 and 13 being too small for accurate assessment of the predictive performance of the cell-free fetal DNA test. This was confirmed in an updated meta-analysis and cohort study by the same group. As cell-free fetal DNA is obtained via a serum sample, it does not negate the need for a first-trimester ultrasound, which is invaluable in confirming chorionicity, assessing viability, and evaluating the nuchal translucency measurement, which is a marker for both genetic and structural abnormalities.

Cell-free fetal DNA in twin pregnancy is associated with a higher failure rate or “no call result” rate than in singleton pregnancies. This is due to the use of an estimation of fetal fraction for each twin of at least 4% that is used to minimize the risk of a false-negative result. Galeva and colleagues sought to determine predictors of failure in obtaining a result with first testing in twins. They found that increasing maternal weight, race, parity, earlier gestational age, mode of conception, dichorionicity, and serum-free beta hCG and PAPPA levels likely related to a small placental mass were independent predictors of cell-free fetal DNA test failure. When an insufficient fetal DNA result is first obtained, most women will subsequently obtain a result on the second sampling, although those with a higher pretest probability of failure should be informed as such. The decision to repeat the test or move to invasive genetic testing should be individualized.

First-Trimester Combined Screening

First-trimester combined screening for aneuploidy with nuchal translucency, free β-hCG, and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) was previously considered the standard of care in the United States for singleton pregnancies. However, data remain insufficient to generate recommendations for the widespread use of this combined screening for multiple gestations. First-trimester free β-hCG and PAPP-A levels are about twice as high in twin pregnancies as in singleton pregnancies. Chorionicity and the use of assisted reproductive techniques have a significant impact on first-trimester maternal serum marker levels, making their interpretation in the setting of multiple gestations more complex. PAPP-A and free β-hCG levels are significantly lower in monochorionic than in dichorionic twin pregnancies, and PAPP-A levels are lower in pregnancies from IVF than in those spontaneously conceived. Data supporting combined screening in twin pregnancies are limited, with insufficient numbers of affected pregnancies to allow robust data interpretation. In one study of 448 twin gestations, this form of combined screening was estimated to have an 88% detection rate for Down syndrome, with a 7.3% screen-positive rate. In another series of 24 multiple gestations and 79 singleton control subjects, the distribution of nuchal translucency measurements, including 95th percentile values, was similar in all cases, implying that this form of screening could be implemented using established normative data from singleton populations. Care needs to be taken when interpreting nuchal translucency measurements in monochorionic twins, because an increased measurement in only one fetus may represent early TTTS rather than elevated aneuploidy risk. One of the main benefits of nuchal translucency measurement in multiple gestations is that, if MFPR is being planned, this measurement can be useful in deciding which fetus or fetuses to target for reduction.

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