Multilobar Resection and Hemispherectomy in Epilepsy Surgery

Multilobar Resections

The rationale of curative surgical procedures aiming at control of focal drug-resistant epilepsy is total inactivation (by resection or disconnection) of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) (i.e., the cortical region of onset and early spread of an ictal discharge). Considering the dynamic features of an ictal discharge, and therefore its spatial-temporal structure, it is not surprising that in a number of patients the EZ may not be localized within the anatomic limits that mark the boundaries between the cerebral lobes. Moreover, the extension of an anatomic lesion that may correlate with seizures does not necessarily correspond to that of the EZ. Indeed, lesions limited to a single lobe may be associated to a multilobar EZ; in addition, anatomic abnormalities as wide as an entire hemisphere may be observed in patients with an EZ involving only a portion of a single lobe.

In patients with symptomatic focal epilepsy, the main problem consists in understanding the complex topographic and functional relationships between an anatomic (presumed to be epileptogenic) lesion and the EZ, and there is no general agreement concerning the strategy that better addresses this issue. Furthermore, in patients suffering from focal epilepsies with negative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (so-called cryptogenic epilepsies), the identification and spatial definition of the EZ must be based only on electrical and clinical findings.

Preoperative Evaluation

Noninvasive Investigations

Collection of historical and clinical information is mandatory in the evaluation of candidates to surgical treatment of drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Age at seizure onset must be assessed, as well as seizure frequency and semeiology. Chronology of ictal symptoms must be accurately defined by carefully inquiring both the patients and witnesses about subjective manifestations and objective signs occurring during seizures. The possible occurrence of loss of contact must be assessed, as well as the presence of postictal deficits. This initial step may provide crucial clues as to lateralization and/or gross localization of ictal onset.

Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is helpful in determining the side and site of epileptiform and of slow-wave abnormalities. Long-term monitoring with scalp video-EEG recording, coupled with direct intensive surveillance of the patient allowing detailed ictal clinical examination, is mandatory when electroclinical correlates are needed.

High-resolution MRI provides valuable anatomic information in these patients. The neuroradiologist must be aware of the electroclinical features of the patient to be evaluated, to tailor the study to the individual case. In patients suspected to have a temporal lobe involvement, transverse and coronal slices are oriented parallel and perpendicular to the major hippocampal axis, respectively. Images are oriented according to the bicommissural line when electroclinical data suggest an extratemporal epilepsy. Transverse double-echo, T2-weighted coronal turbo spin-echo (TSE), T2-weighted coronal TSE fluid-attenuation inversion recovery, and T1-weighted coronal inversion-recovery are acquired in all patients, with additional sequences and slices obtained when needed. By these means, in more than 90% of the patients scheduled for surgery in our center (regardless of the site of resection) an anatomic lesion may be demonstrated.

Additional information may be provided by 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ( 18 FDG-PET), magnetoencephalography, interictal and ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and high-density EEG.

In multilobar epilepsies, we often deal with highly functional areas and with cases presenting with altered anatomic patterns in eloquent regions (as often encountered in malformations of cortical development). In these cases, functional magnetic resonance (fMR) is particularly helpful in defining the limits of activated areas by, for instance, motor or speech tasks, thus allowing the surgeon to minimize the risks of unacceptable new neurologic deficits.

The correlation among anatomic, EEG, and clinical data, supported by a full neuropsychological evaluation, is then used to formulate a coherent hypothesis as to the localization of the EZ. A high degree of correlation allows us to offer surgery to a sizable number of patients (largely variable across centers, but averaging approximately 70% of surgical cases) without the need of further invasive investigations.

Invasive Investigations

When noninvasive investigations alone fail to correctly define the EZ, and/or when the EZ (or the anatomic lesion) are suspected to involve highly functional regions, invasive recording with intracranial electrodes is indicated. In many centers, subdural electrodes (arranged in strips or grids and placed through bur holes or craniotomy) are used. In our center, as well as in other institutions in Europe and North America, stereotactic placement of intracerebral electrodes (stereoelectroencephalography [SEEG]) is preferred as the invasive EEG monitoring technique of choice, and it is required in approximately 30% of cases operated on. For each patient, the strategy of intracerebral electrode placement is tailored according to previously acquired clinical, electrical, and anatomic data. An example of customized SEEG exploration is shown in Fig. 102.1 . The technical details of this methodology have been reported elsewhere.

FIGURE 102.1, Example of a stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) exploration. Coverage with intracerebral electrodes includes the frontal, central, and opercular-insular regions of the right hemisphere. Brain cortical surface reconstruction of the lateral (A) and mesial (B) aspects of the right hemisphere was obtained from the T1 three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) structural images (software FreeSurfer, ). Solid circles, labeled by upper case letters, indicate the cortical entry points of each intracerebral electrode on the dorsolateral surface (A). For electrodes reaching the midline the target points on the mesial surface are shown in (B). The intracerebral electrode trajectories are visible through the transparent cortical surface in (C). From (D) to (H): blended images of T1 3D MRI and coregistered postimplantation volumetric computed tomography, where single contacts of intracerebral electrodes are easily recognizable. The potential of SEEG electrodes to cover both lateral, mesial, and intrasulcal intermediate cortical targets is evident. (G): suprasylvian and infrasylvian opercula are targeted by these two electrodes. (H): transopercular trajectories allow placing recording contacts in the insular cortex.

This method can reveal that in some cases the ictal discharges do not respect the anatomic limits of a single cerebral lobe, therefore allowing the diagnosis of multilobar epilepsy. This is a frequent occurrence in patients investigated by SEEG: for instance, more than 40% of the patients operated on after SEEG in our center received a multilobar resection, as opposed to only 10% of cases evaluated by noninvasive investigations.

Presurgical Planning

At difference with most standard unilobar resections (e.g., anterior temporal lobectomy), planning a multilobar resection may be a challenging task, in particular when the EZ, as frequently occurs in epilepsies originating from a wide cortical area, is close to or overlaps with highly eloquent areas. Modern procedures of neuroimage postprocessing allow integrating several morphologic and functional information in a common three-dimensional anatomic space by image coregistration, thus providing the surgeon with an extremely useful tool for surgical planning. Indeed, recent evidence has suggested that the use of multimodal image coregistration in the presurgical planning may both reduce the need for invasive EEG recording and improve seizure outcome. A number of diagnostic elements may be incorporated in the same multimodal scene ( Fig. 102.2 ), including cortical morphology, lesions, vessels, subcortical fascicles, areas of activation at fMR imaging, intracranial electrodes, and PET scan findings , which are rendered available for planning of both SEEG implantations and surgical resections. The extent of the presumed EZ, of the resection area and their relationships with functionally critical structures are therefore more easily evaluated, and this contributes to minimizing surgical risks. By identifying usable anatomic landmarks, including cortical and vascular anatomy, the surgeon may choose the best surgical approach. Datasets resulting from multimodal image postprocessing and coregistration may be also imported in the neuronavigation equipment for intraoperative guidance.

FIGURE 102.2, Example of multimodal scene for presurgical planning. (A–C): T2-weighted fluid-attenuation inversion recovery sequences in the three anatomical planes, revealing a right-sided, postcentral epileptogenic cortical malformation (focal cortical dysplasia type IIb according to ILAE classification at histology). Tractography of the corticospinal tract (CST) is contoured in light blue (A and B). The reconstruction of the cortical surface obtained from a three-dimensional (3D) T1 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence (software Free-Surfer, D) may be integrated with additional anatomic and functional elements (E and F): in this case, reconstruction of the anatomic lesion (in red) , modeling of the CST (light blue) and vessels resulting from postprocessing of phase-contrast MRI angiography (heavy blue) . Preoperative availability of similar anatomofunctional information in an interactive scene (3D-Slicer: ) facilitates the choice of possible surgical approaches.

Anesthetic Considerations

Resective surgery for treatment of focal epilepsy does not require anesthetic approaches substantially differing from those commonly used in other intracranial procedures. In our center, resections are performed under general anesthesia, with the patient positioned according to the site of surgery. When resections are performed in areas at risk for motor impairment, intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring is performed by cortical and subcortical electrical stimulations. In those cases, intravenous anesthesia with propofol and opioids is usually preferred to optimize recording of muscle motor evoked potentials. Prophylactic antibiotics (1 to 2 g of cephamezine given intravenously) are administered at anesthesia induction. Candidates for surgical treatment of severe partial epilepsy are commonly in optimal physical conditions, and their interictal intracranial pressure (ICP) is not elevated. Careful anesthesiologic management (mostly hyperventilation, diuretics, or barbiturates) can be helpful when the volume of the exposed brain suddenly increases. This transitory increase in ICP may suggest the occurrence of an epileptic seizure, the clinical symptoms of which are masked by anesthesia. Except for this infrequent, transitory, and easily controlled incident, no other major intraoperative complications are usually expected in epileptic patients.

Surgical Technique

As compared with classical approaches for unilobar epilepsies, those adopted for multilobar excisions are tailored according to the site and extension of the region involved in the procedure. The supine position is usually preferred even when surgery is performed on the posterior portions of the hemisphere, with the operating table being tilted and the head rotated to obtain a comfortable access to the surgical field. The prone position is mainly used when surgery involves the mesial aspects of the parietal or occipital lobes. Both skin incision and bone flap are designed to fully expose the region to be removed as well as the surrounding cortical areas. In some instances, when a two-step procedure is likely, the surgeon must take into account the possible subsequent step when fashioning skin and bone flaps. In patients who have been previously evaluated by SEEG, the tracks of electrodes can be easily identified on the bone surface, and they are used as landmarks to plan the extent of the bone flap. While opening the dura mater, if a SEEG has been previously performed, care should be taken to separate the adhesions between the inner aspect of the dura and the cortical surface at the electrode entry points. Once the dura is opened, it is very useful to match the vascular surgical anatomy with the stereoscopic angiograms obtained preoperatively, which provide an exquisite three-dimensional view of the sulcal and gyral pattern of the region. Careful inspection of the exposed cortex enables the surgeon to identify the entry points of intracerebral electrodes, which are used to draw the borders of resection.

Neuronavigation is helpful in optimizing accuracy and safety of the procedure, and it is routinely used in epilepsy surgery. Once a volumetric T1-weighted MRI sequence is obtained preoperatively and entered in the neuronavigational module, different anatomic and functional elements can be incorporated in the plan of navigation, including the volume of the lesion as it appears in other MRI sequences, the electrodes trajectories of a previous SEEG, and the volume of cortical areas activated at functional MRI, as well as those of major subcortical bundles detected at DTI-fiber tracking ( Fig. 102.3 ).

FIGURE 102.3, Plan of neuronavigation, including structural volumetric neuroimaging, tractography of the corticospinal tract, three-dimensional model of the cortical surface, and trajectories of some electrodes of previously performed stereoelectroencephalography exploration.

With the aid of the surgical microscope, resection is accomplished according to a few simple rules:

  • Vessels crossing the region of resection but tributary of, or draining from, regions outside its borders must be identified on the stereoscopic angiograms, isolated, and left intact;

  • Subpial dissection should be preferred ( Fig. 102.4 ), especially in mesial regions and along the main fissures, to protect vascular and extra-axial nervous structures (e.g., those in the prepeduncular cistern during mesial temporal removal);

    FIGURE 102.4, Subpial resection. (A) Intraoperative visualization of the cortical surface. (B) Bipolar coagulation of the cortical surface. The coagulation is parallel and close to the sulcus chosen as a limit of the resection. (C) Incision of the coagulated surface. (D) “En-bloc” subpial removal of the cortex. The cortex is gently separated from the pia by means of a curette. The integrity of the sulcus is displayed. (E) Subpial removal stage at the bottom of the sulcus. (F) Final visualization of the surgical field, with the complete removal of the targeted cortex. Bridging veins are spared.

  • Suction and bipolar coagulation should be avoided whenever possible, to obtain as many unaltered tissue specimens as possible available for histopathologic evaluation.

Like hemispherectomy, which has progressively evolved into hemispherotomy (described later) to minimize the risks of hydrocephalus, hemosiderosis, and intraoperative blood losses, extended multilobar resections may be replaced with disconnective techniques. In our experience, disconnections have been particularly helpful in procedures involving the posterior quadrant of the hemisphere, when the EZ extends to the temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes. In these cases, pure disconnective techniques can be used, as well as a combination of resection and disconnection. In the latter instance, unlike other authors, we prefer to remove the occipital and parietal lobes, and to disconnect the temporal lobe, which may exert a sort of “push-up” effect if left in place, thus limiting residual brain dislocation into the resulting surgical cavity ( Fig. 102.5 ). Like other disconnective techniques, posterior hemispheric disconnections are not indicated if neoplastic pathologies are suspected. A drawback of disconnective approaches is the limited availability of resected tissue, which may prevent a reliable etiologic diagnosis and restrict the access of basic scientists to pathologic specimens.

FIGURE 102.5, Surgical options in multilobar epilepsy of the posterior quadrant. (A and B): Exclusively resective approach of the left temporal, occipital and parietal lobes. (C–E): Exclusively disconnective approach to the right temporal, occipital and parietal lobes. (F and G): Combined resective and disconnective techniques, with removal of temporal lobe and disconnected occipital lobe left in place. (H and I): Combined resective and disconnective techniques, with removal of occipital lobe and disconnected temporal lobe left in place (see also text).

In past years, it was a standard practice in our institution to administer a prophylactic loading dose of intravenous phenytoin (10 to 15 mg/kg body weight) at dural closure. We have subsequently abandoned this protocol owing to side effects of phenytoin, which often delayed the postoperative mobilization of the patient, and we have replaced it with the immediate reintroduction of the patient’s habitual therapy via nasogastric tube as soon as he or she is moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) after surgery. In selected cases, especially those receiving resections close to the rolandic region, intramuscular phenobarbital may be added at the end of surgery and continued orally for several days postoperatively.

The anatomofunctional basis of morbidity in multilobar resections does not differ substantially from that of unilobar resections, and it is strictly dependent on the site of surgery. Morbidity may include transient motor impairment, akinesia, and mutacism after removal of the supplementary motor area, transient speech disturbances following resections involving the neocortex of the dominant temporal lobe, and contralateral superior quadrantanopia in anterior temporal lobectomies. The risk of larger contralateral visual field defects is higher following resections in the posterior portion of the hemisphere. When removal is contiguous to the rolandic region, the risk of motor-sensory impairment is usually increased, and functional mapping by either intracerebral electrical stimulations at SEEG, as well as functional MRI or intraoperative cortical and subcortical neurophysiologic monitoring, is helpful to minimize the chances of unwanted postoperative deficits.

Outcome on Seizures

The reported rate of patients achieving seizure freedom after a multilobar resection is highly variable across series, ranging from 24.5% to 92% ( Tables 102.1 and 102.2 ). This variability is probably ascribable to several factors, which include, for instance, different selection criteria of surgical candidates, presurgical diagnostic work-up, and etiologic substrates. Although it has been observed that in children with normal MRI there is no difference in seizure outcome between patients receiving unilobar or multilobar resections, the general opinion is that patients with multilobar epilepsies have less chances to obtain seizure freedom after surgery compared with unilobar cases. Notably, multilobar resections seem to provide better results when performed in the posterior hemispheric quadrant compared with other locations. However, it must be stressed that, although multilobar epilepsy represents a complex epileptologic situation which could hardly be improved by further drug regimens, a substantial number of patients can be cured or improved (Engel classes I to III, approximately 86% in our series) by surgical treatment.

Table 102.1
Results on Seizures in 1098 Unilobar and 346 Multilobar Resections a
Class Unilobar Resections Multilobar Resections
I 876 (79.8%) 211 (61.0%)
Ia+c 764 (69.6%) 177 (51.1%)
II 83 (7.6%) 46 (13.3%)
III 75 (6.8%) 42 (12.1%)
IV 64 (5.8%) 47 (13.6%)
Total patients 1098 (100%) 346 (100%)
a Results are according to Engel J Jr. Outcome with respect to epileptic seizures. In: Engel J Jr, ed. Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies . New York: Raven Press; 1987:553–571.

Table 102.2
Main Recent Studies Reporting Multilobar Resections
Author, Year Patients Invasive EEG Prevalent Etiologies Seizure Free Cases Comments
Daniel et al., 2007 13 (temporoparietooccipital epilepsy) ECoG Prenatal ischemia 54% 92% Similar results using resective or disconnective techniques
Elsharkawy et al., 2008 15 (extratemporal) NA NA 6 months: 46.7%
14 years: 44.4%
Seizure outcome 2 years after surgery predicts long-term outcome
Jayakar et al., 2008 33 (negative MRI, children) NA NA 43% (approximate) No difference in seizure outcome between ML and UL resections.
Hemb et al., 2010 51 (children) NA NA 55% Seizure outcome worse in ML than UL resections
Sarkis et al., 2012 63 (most PQ) 56% MCDs 46%
Scars 38%
6 months: 71%
10 years: 41%
Best outcome in occipital-plus cases.
Chugani et al, 2014 23 (sub-total hemispherectomy) All MCDs, gliosis 74% Consider subtotal hemispherectomy in patients with minimal or no motor deficit
Alsemari et al., 2014 26 NA NA 1 year: 45%
3 years: 41.7%
Worse outcome in ML compared with UL resections
Cho et al., 2015 90 (most PQ) All FCDs 55.6% At last FU: 52.2% Posterior ML resections better outcome than other ML
Nilsson et al., 2016 57 (26 PQ, 20 AQ, 11 “diffuse”) 36.8% MCDs 28.1%
Gliosis 26.3%
24.5% Seizure outcome in ML resections is much worse than in other resection types
AQ , Anterior quadrant; ECoG , electrocorticography; EEG , electroencephalography; FCDs , focal cortical dysplasias; FU , follow-up; MCD , Malformations of cortical development; ML , multilobar; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging; NA , not available; PQ , posterior quadrant; UL , unilobar.

Illustrative Case

This right-handed young girl was 11 years old at surgery. Delivery occurred at term, and it was complicated by umbilical cord wrapping around her neck and by a left clavicle fracture. In the first months of life a left upper limb underutilization became evident. The first seizure occurred at 15 months; 2 years thereafter the child presented a status epilepticus, controlled with valproate. Seizures continued despite several attempts with antiepileptic drugs. A brain MRI disclosed diffuse right hemispheric atrophy, with ipsilateral ventricle enlargement and hyperintense white matter and hippocampus, which were ascribed to a possible perinatal hypossic etiology ( Fig. 102.6A–C ). At referral, the neurologic exam disclosed a mild left hemiparesis, and a visual field evaluation documented a left complete hemianopia. She presented with weekly seizures, characterized by a prolonged sensation of fear, nausea or disgust, no clear loss of contact, inconstant late oral automatisms, and, occasionally, speech impairment. Interictal scalp EEG revealed epileptiform abnormalities over the temporoparietooccipital regions of the right hemisphere (see Fig. 102.6F ), and video-EEG recording showed ictal electrical modifications over the same areas, with distinct contralateral propagation in some instances. 18 FDG-PET indicted decreased metabolism in the right temporal and parietal regions (see Fig. 102.6D and E ). To better define the area to be resected, a SEEG exploration, covering the right temporal lobe, as well as the ipsilateral occipital and parietal regions, was performed ( Fig. 102.7A–F ). Depth recording revealed that ictal onset occurred in the mesiotemporal structures, with subsequent propagation to the parietal and occipital regions (see Fig. 102.7G ). Basing on SEEG evidence, the patient underwent the surgical disconnection of the right temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes ( Fig. 102.8A–D ). Histologic examination of the small amount of tissue removed for disconnection was positive for gliosis. During the first 6 months after surgery, the patient presented rare left-sided motor seizures, and she was then seizure free for the following 2 years of follow-up (Engel class Ic).

FIGURE 102.6, Illustrative case, presurgical evaluation. (A–C) Brain magnetic resonance imaging, fluid attenuation inversion recovery sequencies in coronal (A and B) and axial (C) planes. Right hemispheric atrophy, as well as ipsilateral ventricular enlargement and hippocampal hyperintensity are visible. (D and E) 18 Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, showing distinct right parietocentral (D) and temporal (E) hypometabolism. (F) At interictal scalp electroencephalography a subcontinuous spiking activity is recorded over the right posterior temporal and parietal leads.

FIGURE 102.7, Illustrative case, stereoelectroencephalography evaluation. (A and B) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) postprocessing and three-dimensional reconstruction of the cortical surface with electrode entry points (A, solid circles labeled by letters) and electrode trajectories (B). In C to F coregistration of preimplantation MRI and intraoperative computed tomography scan shows how the exact position of single electrode contacts can be identified. (G) Depth electroencephalography recording of an ictal event, showing the propagation of the ictal discharge from the mesial temporal structures to the posterior cortical regions.

FIGURE 102.8, Illustrative case, postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T1-weighted volumetric MRI sequences, where the plane of disconnection developed to isolate the temporal, occipital and parietal lobes of the right hemisphere is clearly visible in sagittal (A and B) and coronal (C and D) slices.

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