Mitochondrial Hepatopathies: Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation and the Respiratory Chain

Defects In Fatty Acid Oxidation

Fatty acid oxidation (FAO) provides an important source of energy during fasting and physiologic stress, especially in childhood when glycogen stores are limited. Hepatic FAO produces ketone bodies, which are an important secondary energy source for many tissues, including the brain. Defects in any of the proteins in this pathway may lead to disease, and more than 20 individual defects have been recognized to date. The combined incidence of all FAO disorders (FAOD) is approximately 1/9000 live births, with a wide ethnic variation in the distribution of specific defects. All have autosomal recessive inheritance. The principles of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment will be discussed.


The first step in fatty acid metabolism is lipolysis in response to fasting, resulting in circulating free fatty acids (FFAs). FFAs are then transported across the plasma membrane by specific FFA transporters and are activated to coenzyme A (CoA) esters in the cytosol by acyl-CoA synthetases before entry into the mitochondria through the carnitine cycle for further metabolism. Long-chain acyl-CoA esters must first be conjugated to carnitine before active transport across the mitochondrial membrane and, once in the mitochondria, then are freed as acyl-CoA esters in the mitochondrial matrix, where the four step cycle of β-oxidation occurs. The carnitine cycle results in return of the freed carnitine moiety to the cytoplasmic pool. Carnitine itself is transported into cells by a dedicated transporter. Approximately half of the carnitine stores in the body are synthesized endogenously, and half are obtained by the diet. It tends to be low in pregnant women, and therefore newborns, but is sufficiently supplied in breast milk and newborn formulas to replenish levels in babies. Low carnitine levels in blood imply increased losses, usually urinary. Defects have been recognized in each of these steps.

β-Oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix is a four-step, cyclical process whereby fatty acids are sequentially shortened, with release of a molecule of acetyl-CoA with each cycle. The first two cycles of β-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids take place at the inner mitochondrial membrane using very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) and the associated mitochondrial trifunctional protein (MTP). This complex contains the other three enzymes needed to complete a cycle, including long-chain 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD). Reducing equivalents are generated from two of the reactions of FAO, which are shuttled to the electron transport chain by electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and its dehydrogenase (ETFDH).

Medium- and short-chain fatty acids can cross the mitochondrial membrane independent of carnitine or long-chain transporters, which provides the rationale for the use of medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) in long-chain defects. Whether of dietary origin or a product of β-oxidation, these are then oxidized within the mitochondrial matrix by length-specific enzymes.

Within the liver, acetyl-CoA is used for ketone body production or as a substrate for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Once lipolysis occurs, there should be accompanying ketone production. Hence, finding significant FFAs with a disproportionally low 3-OH butyrate level in the context of fasting is a useful diagnostic clue. Defects at any stage in the FAO pathway will result in local failure of energy production, inadequate ketone body production, and hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia results from both reduced hepatic glucose production through gluconeogenesis and increased peripheral consumption. , When β-oxidation is defective, abnormal and potentially toxic metabolites may accumulate.

Depending on the site of the block, differing acylcarnitines will accumulate proximally, and their pattern detection in blood and urine can help to localize the defect. Similarly, differing urinary organic acid profiles may help to characterize the site of the block. FFA may undergo ω-oxidation in microsomes, thereby producing dicarboxylic acids. Some of these metabolic signatures may be manifest only at the time of metabolic instability, whereas in some defects they can be persistent.

Clinical Features and Diagnosis

The clinical presentation of FAOD is dependent on the enzyme defect and age of the patient. , The most common presentation in infancy and early childhood is hypoketotic hypoglycemia and encephalopathy, with or without hyperammonemia, and can be seen in both long- and medium-chain disorders. Lactate is often mildly elevated in long-chain defects. Symptoms may be provoked by fasting or intercurrent infection. The first 24 to 48 hours postnatally can be particularly dangerous in breastfeeding mothers until an adequate mild supply is established. Hepatomegaly, elevated transaminases, and modest hyperammonemia occur in more than 80% of cases, with cholestasis in up to one-third. True acute liver failure (ALF) is uncommon but has been described in most of the long-chain defects. Prior to access to adequate diagnostic techniques, patients were often classified as having Reye syndrome and represented as many as 15% to 25% of sudden unexpected deaths. Rhabdomyolysis can occur at any age but is more common in older children, adolescents, and adults. In these patients, muscle cramps and pain may herald the onset of a full episode or rhabdomyolysis or be isolated without evidence of muscle breakdown. Cardiac symptoms include cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias and can occur at any age. Neurologic symptoms other than hypoglycemic encephalopathy or seizures are uncommon. A retinopathy is unique to LCHAD deficiency. A summary of clinical and biochemical features is shown in Table 71.1 .

Table 71.1
Individual Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects
Defect Clinical Phenotype Other Features Metabolic Abnormalities Diagnosis Confirmation
CTD H, C, M Low free carnitine EM
CPT1 H, R, M RTA High free carnitine EM
CACT H, C, M Early death C16 and 18 species EM
CPT2 H, C, M RTA C16 and 18 493C>T
VLCAD H, C, R, M C14, 16, and 18
MCAD H, C, R, M C8 DCA 985A>G in 90% symptomatic cases
LCHAD/MTP H, C, M Retinopathy, Neuropathy C16 and 18 species DCA 1528G>C
SCHAD H Hyperinsulinism C4-OH urinary ethylmalonic acid EM
MAD H, C, M Congenital malformations, Renal cysts, RTA C6, 8, 10, and 12 urinary ethylmalonic, glutaric, and adipic acids
C, Acylcarnitine species; C, cardiomyopathy or arrhythmia; CACT, carnitine/acyl carnitine translocase; CPT, carnitine palmitoyl transferase; CTD, carnitine transporter deficiency; DCA, dicarboxylic aciduria; EM, enzyme measurement in cultured fibroblast; H, acute hepatic presentation; LCHAD, long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; M, myopathic presentation; MAD, multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; MCAD, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; MTP, mitochondrial trifunctional protein; R, rhabdomyolysis; RTA, renal tubular acidosis; SCHAD, short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; VLCAD, very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase.

A fascinating aspect of this group of disorders is the association with maternal illness during pregnancy. This association was first noted when a mother with acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) delivered an infant with LCHAD deficiency. However, it has become clear that this association is not limited to fetal LCHAD deficiency but may occur in a mother carrying a fetus with any FAOD. The maternal illness may be part of a spectrum ranging from AFLP to the HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome. The mechanism of this process is unclear but presumably results from limited ability of the heterozygote maternal liver to detoxify metabolites produced by the fetus in combination with the metabolic stress of pregnancy. Efforts to detect metabolic abnormalities in maternal blood during affected pregnancies have been largely uninformative, but recently long-chain hydroxyacyl carnitine species were detected in a carrier of LCHAD deficiency at 31 weeks of pregnancy during AFLP, supporting the concept of metabolic intoxication. The incidence of AFLP in pregnancies where the fetus has an FAOD is significant, but the converse is not true. At most, FAOD account for 20% of AFLP and probably less. Given the implications for the child and future pregnancies, it is still crucial that all children born after pregnancy affected by AFLP are systemically screened for FAOD and, if necessary, prospectively treated until results are available.

All of the disorders of FAO can be identified by newborn screening, although late-onset variants may be normal. With the advent of newborn screening, a broader category of milder and even asymptomatic phenotypes is increasingly recognized. , Carriers are typically asymptomatic (although occasional reports of expressing heterozygotes appear infrequently in the literature), and thus carrier testing is typically through molecular analysis once a gene defect is identified in an affected child.


The best diagnostic yield will be through blood acylcarnitine profiling and urinary organic acid analysis at the time of metabolic instability. , Both tests may normalize when patients are well. It is important that all institutions caring for children have established protocols for the structured investigations of acutely unwell children with hypoglycemia.

Typical biochemical investigations reveal:

  • hypoketotic hypoglycemia

  • elevated transaminases

  • low plasma carnitine and abnormal acyl carnitine profile

  • elevated plasma FFAs/3-hydroxybutyrate ratio

  • increased urinary dicarboxylic acids

  • mild to moderate hyperammonemia and hyperlactic acidemia

  • moderate hyperuricemia

  • elevated plasma creatinine kinase

Abdominal ultrasound shows a bright echogenic liver suggestive of steatosis during acute illness. If undertaken, liver histology shows microvesicular steatosis. Steatosis resolves when patients are well.

Biochemical confirmation of the individual defect may be difficult due to the variety of potential enzyme defects and lack of clinical availability of enzyme testing in many countries. Molecular testing is more generally available and thus the follow-up diagnostic test of choice, leaving functional testing to assess novel variants of unknown significance. All characterized defects are expressed and can be assayed in skin fibroblasts. In vitro analysis with labeled myristate, palmitate, and oleate are useful for diagnostic screening, and in vitro acylcarnitine profiling can provide specific diagnostic information. Common mutations causing carnitine palmitoyl transferase types 1 (CPT1) and 2 (CPT2), medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD), VLCAD, and LCHAD deficiency have been described. In VLCAD deficiency, a common c.243V>A mutation is associated with a mild phenotype. Loading tests with medium-chain or long-chain triglyceride are dangerous and should not be performed.

There remains a group of patients who have a phenotype suggestive of FAOD but in whom no specific defect can be demonstrated. Notwithstanding that there may yet be unrecognized pathways; the concept of synergistic heterozygosity has been proposed, where two heterozygous defects at different steps in FAO might result in functional effects. , A similar mechanism could account for some of the significant phenotypic variability seen even in recognized defects.

Fatty Acid Transport Defects

The mechanism for transport of long-chain fatty acids into the cell remains uncertain. Two children with liver failure who had defective fatty acid uptake measured in patient fibroblasts have been described, but molecular analysis failed to find a causative mutation in candidate genes. Although their illness had many other features of FAOD there was conspicuously little steatosis. Both underwent successful liver transplantation and no further cases have been described.

Carnitine Transporter Deficiency

The usual presentation of carnitine transporter deficiency is with heart failure accompanied by muscular weakness and cardiomyopathy in preschool children. Acute presentation includes hypoglycemia, hyperammonemia, and cardiomyopathy. Very low free and total carnitine levels are diagnostic. Treatment with lifelong oral carnitine is life-saving.

Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 1 Deficiency

CPT1 deficiency is a disorder caused by a defect in the CPT enzyme at the outer mitochondrial membrane. This defect prevents mitochondrial uptake of long-chain fatty acyl-CoA, the rate-limiting step in fat oxidation. The highest incidence is in the Inuit population, where a mild variant in the CPT1A gene is usually asymptomatic but occasionally presents with acute disease. In other populations, presentation in infancy is common with acute hypoketotic hypoglycemia and occasionally with cholestasis. Unique to this disorder of FAO, cardiomyopathy is not seen.

Investigations demonstrate the typical features of FAOD except:

  • plasma carnitine may be normal or increased,

  • acylcarnitine profile is normal, and

  • muscle biopsy may show accumulation of glycogen and lipid but is not necessary for diagnosis

The diagnosis is usually confirmed by molecular analysis, but enzyme assay in cultured fibroblasts is possible.

The prognosis in early-onset patients is poor with repeated life-threatening episodes of metabolic decompensation.

Carnitine-Acylcarnitine Translocase Deficiency

This rare disease is usually associated with early hepatic onset, but cardiac involvement and ALF have been described. There is a very high neonatal mortality. Cardiac arrhythmias are common and may lead to asystole. Secondary intellectual impairment may occur.

Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 2 Deficiency

Early-onset CPT2 deficiency mimics CPT1 and carnitine/acyl carnitine translocase (CACT) deficiencies, with similarly poor prognosis. Identification by newborn screening may improve outcome. Later-onset muscular phenotype with recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis is more common.

Very-Long-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme a Dehydrogenase Deficiency

In VLCAD deficiency, the most common presentation is a late-onset muscular phenotype without major hypoglycemia. , Less frequently, patients may present with hypoglycemia and cardiomyopathy in infancy. Universal neonatal screening can identify patients before they become symptomatic; a majority of patients with the c.243V>A mutation remain asymptomatic.

Long-Chain 3-Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme a Dehydrogenase and Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein Deficiencies

The enzyme LCHAD is a component of the MTP complex of the inner mitochondrial membrane that also includes 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase and 2-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase. These enzymes have optimal activity for C 12 to C 16 chain length fatty acids. Isolate deficiencies of LCHAD is approximately tenfold more frequent that of the whole MTP complex. A common mutation, c.1528G>C, has been recognized, accounting for 70% of abnormal alleles in isolated LCHAD deficiency.

Isolated LCHAD deficiency usually presents with early-onset hypoglycemia with or without hyperammonemia. , A small proportion of patients develop cholestasis and progressive liver disease. Cardiomyopathy may occur at any age. With time, myopathic features predominate and pigmentary retinopathy develops. MTP deficiency is more variable, ranging from a severe, often lethal neonatal presentation with cardiomyopathy to a less common myopathic presentation in adulthood. Maternal AFLP may develop when a heterozygote mother carries a fetus with LCHAD deficiency, particularly but not exclusively if the fetus carries the c.1528G>C mutation.

Diagnosis is confirmed either by mutation detection or by specific enzymatic analysis from cultured fibroblasts or fresh lymphocytes.

Medium-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme a Dehydrogenase Deficiency

MCAD deficiency is by some distance the most common FAOD in Caucasians, but its incidence differs in other ethnic groups. The incidence is approximately 1:10,000 in the United Kingdom and Northern Europe and approximately 1:20,000 in the United States, with a single mutation (c.985A>G) accounting for 75% of abnormal alleles in symptomatic cases. The disorder is much less common in Southern Europe, Asia, and Africa. The presentation is usually a hepatic phenotype in infancy, but asymptomatic cases are common, especially since the advent of newborn screening. The risk for metabolic decompensation decreases with age and is uncommon in adults. De novo presentation in later childhood or as an adult is rare but can be fatal.

Historically, up to 25% of patients died of their acute illness, with some survivors having neurologic sequelae. Newborn screening for MCAD deficiency was introduced in the United Kingdom in 2009 and has been a part of the newborn screening program in the United States for more than 20 years. Death in these patients is near zero. Of interest, a second variation (c.199C>T) is more common in screened subjects and may be protective from symptoms in combination with the common mutations.

Short-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme a Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency has been reported in a variety of clinical settings. However, long-term follow-up from newborn screening programs and siblings of affected individuals make it clear that SCAD deficiency is a biochemical phenotype without clinical consequence. , As a result, neonatal screening is not indicated, and the finding of SCAD deficiency in a patient with clinical problems should be considered a coincidence and not a diagnosis.

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