Mental Status Scales

10 Select Mental Status Scales Pages
SHORT (≤5 minutes)
Clock Drawing Test
Six-Item Screener
Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire
Short Test of Mental Status
MODERATE (5–15 minutes)
Mini-Mental State Examination
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale
Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination
LONG (15–30 minutes). Full scales not included here
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-III (ACE-III) is available from The University of Sydney—Diagnostic Dementia Tests; as a representative of the ACE-III, the Mini-Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (M-ACE) is included here.

The Clock Drawing Test


General setup: Equipment required includes a blank sheet of paper, a sheet of paper, a second paper with the drawing of a clock, a pen, and a chair/table for ease of drawing.

Patient Instructions (Rouleau et al., 1992):

PART A, Clock Drawing: The following instructions are given:

“I would like you to draw a clock, put in all the numbers, and set the hands for 10 after 11.”

PART B, Clock Copy: Following the drawing, the patients should be instructed to copy, as accurately as possible, a clock from a model. The model should contain all the numbers on the clock, be 3 inches in diameter, and located on the upper part of an 8.5 × 11-inch sheet of paper. The hands on the model should be set for 10 after 11. The patient is then instructed to copy the model on the lower part of the same sheet of paper.

  • Instructions can be repeated if necessary.

  • Patients may use their nondominant hand for drawing the clock.

Name: __________

Date: __________


Name: __________

Date: __________



Name: __________

Date: __________

Step 1: Three Word Registration

Look directly at person and say, “Please listen carefully. I am going to say three words that I want you to repeat back to me now and try to remember. The words are [select a list of words from the versions below]. Please say them for me now.” If the person is unable to repeat the words after three attempts, move on to Step 2 (clock drawing).

The following and other word lists have been used in one or more clinical studies. For repeated administrations, use of an alternative word list is recommended.

Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6
Banana Leader Village River Captain Daughter
Sunrise Season Kitchen Nation Garden Heaven
Chair Table Baby Finger Picture Mountain

Step 2: Clock Drawing

Say: “Next, I want you to draw a clock for me. First, put in all of the numbers where they go.” When that is completed, say: “Now, set the hands to 10 past 11.”

Use preprinted circle (see next page) for this exercise. Repeat instructions as needed, as this is not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within 3 minutes.

Step 3: Three Word Recall

Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: “What were the three words I asked you to remember?” Record the word list version number and the person’s answers below.

Word List Version: __________

Person’s Answers: __________

TOTAL SCORE __________

Word Recall: (0–3 points) 1 point for each word spontaneously recalled without cueing.
Clock Draw: (0 or 2 points) Normal clock = 2 points. A normal clock has all numbers placed in the correct sequence and approximately correct position (e.g., 12, 3, 6, and 9 are in anchor positions) with no missing or duplicate numbers. Hands are pointing to the 11 and 2 (11:10). Hand length is not scored.
Inability or refusal to draw a clock (abnormal) = 0 points.
Total Score: (0–5 points) Total score = Word Recall score + Clock Draw score.
A cut point of <3 on the Mini-Cog has been validated for dementia screening, but many individuals with clinically meaningful cognitive impairment will score higher. When greater sensitivity is desired, a cut point of <4 is recommended as it may indicate a need for further evaluation of cognitive status.

Clock Drawing for Mini-Cog

Name: __________

Date: __________

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