Key Points

  • Accurate diagnosis of parasitic infection usually depends on macroscopic or microscopic examination of specimens that have been appropriately collected and preserved. Thick and thin blood smears are useful for detecting and characterizing organisms found in the blood. Fecal specimens may be fresh (if they can be examined rapidly) or may be placed into fixatives such as formalin and polyvinyl alcohol or single-vial commercial fixatives. Examination of at least three specimens, collected on separate days, provides the optimal sensitivity for parasite detection. In general, it is not useful to examine specimens from hospitalized patients who develop diarrhea after the third hospital day since parasites are an unlikely cause of their symptoms.

  • Antigen detection methods serve as a useful adjunctive or alternative test for detecting select parasites in clinical specimens. Immunoassays are commercially available for detecting Plasmodium spp. in blood; Giardia duodenalis , Cryptosporidium spp., and Entamoeba histolytica in feces; and Trichomonas vaginalis in vaginal swabs.

  • Serologic testing (i.e., detection of parasite-specific antibodies) is an important adjunct in recognizing parasitic infections that involve deep tissues, organs, and body spaces not readily amenable to routine morphologic testing methods.

  • Molecular amplification methods generally offer high levels of sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of parasitic disease. Most are laboratory developed tests (LDTs), although commercial options are available for some parasites, including multiplex panels that detect multiple gastrointestinal protozoan pathogens and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for Trichomonas vaginalis.

  • Malaria is a protozoan parasite responsible for significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The diagnosis of malaria should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained fever with the history of travel in endemic geographic regions. Because of its high associated mortality, testing for acute disease should be done on a STAT basis. Thick and thin blood smears are complementary for detecting and identifying infecting Plasmodium spp., respectively, and are considered one of the gold standard laboratory methods. NAATs also offer high sensitivity and specificity but are rarely available on a STAT basis. Rapid antigen detection tests (RDTs) provide a quick presumptive diagnosis; however, they should be followed by more sensitive testing. Determination of parasite burden is used to direct initial therapy and monitor response to antimalarial treatment.

  • Other important protozoal infections found in blood and/or tissue include babesiosis (blood), trypanosomiasis (blood, cerebral spinal fluid, and tissue), leishmaniasis (cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral forms of disease), and toxoplasmosis. The latter often affects the central nervous system following congenital infection and in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

  • Infection with intestinal amebae is acquired via ingestion of mature cysts, resulting in infection of the colon and passage of both cysts and trophozoites in the feces. Most amebae are nonpathogens. Entamoeba histolytica is a proven pathogen that may cause amebic dysentery, amebic colitis, and liver abscess. Diagnosis of amebiasis is made by microscopic examination of stool, antigen or nucleic acid testing of stool, and by serologic testing for antibodies in serum (for invasive disease).

  • Flagellates include Giardia duodenalis , which causes diarrhea from ingestion of contaminated food or water and is diagnosed by the finding of trophozoites, cysts, and/or antigens in feces. Trichomonas vaginalis is acquired by sexual transmission and is detected in vaginal wet mounts by its characteristic motion or by more sensitive nucleic acid amplification techniques.

  • Cryptosporidium and the coccidia ( Cystoisospora and Cyclospora ) can cause diarrhea in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals. Symptoms are usually more protracted in immunocompromised individuals, such as those with AIDS. Special stains (e.g., modified acid-fast stain) are recommended for sensitive microscopic diagnosis; antigen and NAATs for Cryptosporidium spp. are also available and are more sensitive than microscopy.

  • Helminths include nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), trematodes (flukes), and acanthocephalans (thorny-headed worms). These organisms reside as adults in the gastrointestinal tract or in other locations such as the liver, lung, and venous systems. Knowledge of their life cycles and zoogeography with intermediate hosts is important for understanding the clinical presentation and preventing transmission. Depending on the organism and its location(s) in the human host, eggs, larvae, or adult forms can be recovered from stool, urine, and/or sputum.

  • Tissue helminths include filarial nematodes (adults in lymphatics, tissue and/or body cavities and larvae in blood or skin snips), Trichinella spp. (larvae are found in muscle), Strongyloides stercoralis (larvae in the lung, skin, and other organs during disseminated disease), and Echinococcus spp. (hydatidosis; cystic larval form in the liver, lungs, or other organs), among many others.

  • Arthropods cause disease through direct tissue invasion, envenomation, vesication, blood loss, transmission of infectious agents, hypersensitivity reactions, and psychological manifestations. Characteristics necessary for identification can be maintained by preserving the organisms in alcohol (ticks, mites, fleas, lice, maggots) or by drying them (winged forms) after killing them with fumes of organic solvents.


The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Thomas Fritsche, MD to this chapter.

The study of parasitology has gained renewed importance in a world made smaller by the rapid movement of people and by the appearance of emerging and reemerging pathogens in immunocompromised individuals. Humans may be infected with a broad array of protozoan, helminthic, and arthropod parasites ( Table 65.1 ). Various estimates have been put forth for the prevalence and related mortality figures of parasitic infections on a worldwide basis ( Table 65.2 ). While the true incidence of many parasitic infections is unknown due to lack of public health reporting and limitations in clinical and laboratory expertise, it is clear that parasitic infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Many important human parasitic diseases—such as malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiases, and schistosomiasis—are concentrated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, placing a tremendous burden on local health care resources while adversely affecting economic and societal development. Malaria, for example, was estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to infect 219 million people and cause 435,000 deaths in 2017 ( ). Several additional parasitic infections have been classified as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); combined, the NTDs are estimated to affect more than 1 billion people worldwide ( ). Other parasitic diseases—such as scabies, giardiasis, enterobiasis (pinworm infection), toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, and pediculosis—have a broader distribution and may be found in temperate regions of the United States, Canada, and Europe. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has targeted five neglected parasitic infections (NPIs) for public health action based on the number of individuals affected, the severity of infection, and the availability of adequate treatment and prevention modalities ( ). Regardless of geographic location, the ease and rapidity of global travel requires that clinicians and laboratorians be familiar with the array of important human parasites and their means of diagnosis.

TABLE 65.1
Taxonomic Relationships of the More Common Human Parasites
Modified from Adl SM, Bass D, Lane CE, et al.: Revisions to the classification, nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes, J Euk Microbiol 66:4, 2019; and Adl SM, Mathison BA: Taxonomy and classification of human eukaryotic parasites. In: Carroll JC, Pfaller MA, Landry ML, et al., editors: Manual of Clinical Microbiology , ed 12, Washington, DC, 2019, ASM Press.
Modern Classification∗ Representative Organisms
Excavata: Metamonada (flagellates) Giardia duodenalis , Enteromonas hominis , Chilomastix mesnili , Retortamonas intestinalis , Dientamoeba fragilis , Trichomonas vaginalis , Pentatrichomonas hominis
Excavata: Discicristata: Heterolobosea (free-living ameboflagellates) Naegleria fowleri
Excavata: Discicristata: Euglenozoa: Kinetoplastea (hematoflagellates) Trypanosoma brucei , Trypanosoma cruzi , Leishmania spp.
Amoebozoa: Discosea: Longamoebia (free-living amebae) Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris , Sappinia diploidea
Amoebozoa: Archamoeba: Entamoebida (intestinal amebae) Entamoeba histolytica , E. dispar , E. moshkovskii , E. bangladeshi , E. coli , E. hartmanni , E. polecki , Endolimax nana , Iodamoeba buetschlii
SAR: Apicomplexa: Conoidasida: Gregarinasina Cryptosporidium hominis , C. parvum
SAR: Apicomplexa: Conoidasida: Coccidia (coccidians) Cystoisospora belli , Cyclospora cayetanensis , Toxoplasma gondii , Sarcocystis spp.
SAR: Apicomplexa: Aconoidasida (malaria and babesiosis) Plasmodium falciparum , P. malariae , P. ovale , P. vivax , Babesia spp.
SAR: Ciliophora (intestinal ciliates) Balantioides coli
SAR: Stremenopiles (stremenopiles) Blastocystis spp.
Trematoda: Strigeatida (blood flukes) Schistosoma mansoni , S. haematobium , S. japonicum , S. mekongi , S. intercalatum , S. guineensis
Trematoda: Echinostomida (intestinal and liver flukes) Echinostoma spp., Fasciola hepatica , F. gigantean , Fasciolopsis buski
Trematoda: Opisthorchiida (small intestinal and liver flukes) Heterophyes heterophyes , Metagonimus yokogawai , Clonorchis sinensis , Opisthorchis spp.
Trematoda: Plagiorchiida (lung and liver flukes) Paragonimus spp., Dicrocoelium dendriticum , Nanophyetus salmincola
Pseudophyllidea (pseudophyllidean cestodes) Dibothriocephalus latus , D. nihonkaiensis , Adenocephalus pacificus , Spirometra spp.
Cyclophyllidea (cyclophyllidean cestodes) Taenia saginata , T. asiatica , T. solium , Echinococcus spp., Dipylidium caninum , Hymenolepis nana , H. diminuta
Syndermata: Acanthocephala (acanthocephalans) Moniliformis moniliformis , Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus , M. ingens
Dorylaimia: Trichocephalida (trichuroid nematodes) Capillaria philippinensis , C. hepatica , Trichinella spp., Trichuris trichiura
Chromadoria: Spururina: Ascarida (ascarid nematodes) Ascaris lumbricoides , Baylisascaris procyonis , Toxocara spp., Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova spp., Contracaecum spp.
Chromadoria: Spiruria: Oxyurida Enterobius vermicularis
Chromadoria: Spiruria: Camallanida Dracunculus medinensis
Chromadoria: Spiruria: Spirudida (spirudid and filarial nematodes) Brugia malayi , B. timori , Loa loa , Onchocerca volvulus , Wuchereria bancrofti , Mansonella perstans , M. ozzardi , M. streptocerca , Dirofilaria spp., Gnathostoma spp., Thelazia spp.
Chromadoria: Rhabditina: Rhabditida (strongyles and hookworms) Strongyloides stercoralis , Ancylostoma duodenale , A. ceylanicum , Necator americanus , Angiostrongylus cantonensis , Trichostrongylus spp.
Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Pentastomida (tongueworms) Armillifer armatus , Linguatula serrata
Arachnica: Acari (mites and ticks) Ixodes spp., Amblyomma spp., Dermacentor spp., Rhipicephalus spp., Hyalomma spp., Ornithodoros spp., Demodex spp., Sarcoptes scabiei
Hexapoda: Insecta: Hemiptera (true bugs) Cimex lectularius , C. hemipterus , Triatoma spp., Rhodnius spp., Panstrongylus spp.
Hexapoda: Insecta: Psocodea (lice) Pediculus humanus humanus , P. h. capitis , Pthirus pubis
Hexapoda: Insecta: Siphonaptera (fleas) Ctenocephalides canis , C. felis , Pulex irritans , Xenopsylla cheopis , Tunga penetrans , T. trimamillata
Hexapoda: Insecta: Diptera (myiasis-causing flies) Musca domestica , Phormia spp., Lucilia spp., Auchmeromyia senegalensis , Cochliomyia hominovorax , Chrysomya bezziana , Sarcophaga spp., Wohlfahrtia spp., Cuterebra spp., Dermatobia hominis , Cordylobia anthropophaga , Oestrus ovis

TABLE 65.2
Estimated Prevalence of Parasitic Infections Worldwide
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization ( , ), and the GBD (GBD, 2017).
Disease Estimated Global Population Involved Estimated Annual Number of Deaths
Amebiasis 28 million illnesses/year 1470
African trypanosomiasis <15,000 currently infected NA
American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) 8 million currently infected 10,000
Cryptosporidiosis 8.5 million illnesses/year 3759
Echinococcosis >1 million 19,300
Giardiasis 28 million illnesses/year 0
Leishmaniasis 1 million cutaneous illnesses/past 5 years; 300,000 cases of visceral leishmaniasis/year 26,000–65,000
Malaria 124–283 million illnesses/year 367,000–755,000
Toxoplasmosis 10.3 million illnesses/year 684
Cestodiases (including cysticercosis) 340,864 illnesses/year 36,500
Clonorchiasis/opisthorchiasis 47,935 illnesses/year 7268
Dracunculiasis 28 illnesses/year 0
Fascioliasis 10,635 illnesses/year 0
Intestinal trematodiases 18,924 illnesses/year 0
Lymphatic filariasis 120 million NA
Neurocysticercosis 2.56–8.30 million currently infected NA
Soil-transmitted helminthiases (primarily hookworm infection, ascariasis, trichuriasis) 1.5 billion >1000
Onchocerciasis 20.9 million 0
Paragonimiasis 139,238 250
Schistosomiasis >166 million 200,000
Strongyloidiasis 30–100 million NA
Trichinosis 4472 illnesses/year 4
NA, Not available.

This chapter provides an overview of the general approach used by laboratorians to recover and identify parasitic protozoa and helminths from human clinical specimens. Discussion of individual species of parasites focuses on essential clinical and biological information necessary to assist in diagnosis and management. For more extensive coverage of specific parasites, a number of excellent texts are available ( ; ; ; ; ; ; ; among others). Some of these references are older and may be less accessible; however, they discuss classic disease presentations and historic perspectives in a way that is sometimes lacking in newer literature. Parasitology atlases are also important resources for any laboratorian performing parasitology examinations and should be readily available ( ; ; ). Several texts specifically address the pathologic aspects of parasitic infections ( ; ; ; ). The DPDx website hosted by the CDC ( ) presents life cycles, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic methodologies, and image galleries for human parasitic infections. They also offer a telediagnostic service ( ) for medical and public health professionals.

Parasite Classification and Taxonomy

Parasites are traditionally placed into one of three groups: the helminths (worms), protozoans, and arthropods. Historically, parasites within each group are then classified within hierarchical levels (i.e., Phylum, Class, Order, Family, and so on) based primarily on morphologic features and phenology (life cycle events and their relation to environmental factors). Unfortunately, the conventional classification scheme is somewhat subjective and does not always reflect phylogenetic relatedness between organisms within each grouping. Recent advances in biochemical and molecular methods, including whole-genome sequencing, have led to a revision of the classification of protozoans using a system based on hierarchical ranks (e.g., Super-group, First Rank, Second Rank) that reflect phylogenetic relatedness ( ; ). Many of the familiar grouping names, such as Apicomplexa , Entamoebidae , and Trypanosomatidae —have been retained for ease of communication, but they are no longer linked to level descriptors such as Order , Class , and so on. However, this new classification is complex and used primarily in the research setting and by protozoologists studying nonparasitic organisms. While this system is gaining acceptance in the medical field for protozoa, the classic Linnaean hierarchal system of taxonomy is still commonly used for helminths and arthropods. An updated version of the traditional schemata incorporating the revised protozoan classification is presented in this chapter ( ).

Laboratory Methods

Numerous methods have been described for the recovery and identification of parasites in clinical specimens, some of which are useful for detection of a variety of organisms, whereas others detect only a particular species. It is preferable for the laboratory to offer a limited number of procedures that can be competently performed rather than a larger variety of infrequently performed tests for which competency cannot be reliably maintained provided that the laboratory is able to meet the clinical needs of the population it serves. At a minimum, most laboratories should be able to provide rapid detection of life-threatening parasitic infections such as malaria and primary amebic meningoencephalitis. Tests for detecting less serious infections may be sent to a reference laboratory if clinically applicable. As newer information becomes available on certain so-called emerging parasites, the laboratory may need to develop and use additional highly specific test methods or find competent referral laboratories where such tests are performed.

The types of specimens collected for laboratory evaluation depend on the species and stage of the parasite suspected. Knowledge of the life cycle of the parasite aids in determining the type, number, and frequency of specimens required for diagnosis. Analyses of blood and fecal specimens account for the largest share of clinician requests for parasitologic evaluation. A variety of additional specimens is submitted to the laboratory less frequently, including urogenital specimens, sputum, aspirates, and biopsy material. In addition to traditional microscopic examination, immunologic and molecular methods are useful in many instances and may be the only methods available in certain circumstances. Complete descriptions of general and esoteric laboratory procedures for the recovery and identification of parasites referred to here may be found in a variety of sources to which the reader is referred ( ; , ; , , ; ; ). This chapter will focus on those that are most relevant for routine clinical use.

Familiarity with calibration and use of the ocular micrometer is necessary for any laboratory performing parasitologic examination, as measurement of the size of protozoal trophozoites and cysts and of helminth eggs and larvae is often required to make an accurate identification. For example, size is an important consideration for differentiating some of the intestinal protozoa (e.g., Entamoeba histolytica vs. Entamoeba hartmanni, Cryptosporidium spp. vs. Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts), and morphologically similar helminth eggs ( ; ).

Examination of Blood

Parasites that may be detected in blood specimens include the agents of malaria ( Plasmodium spp.), babesiosis ( Babesia spp.), trypanosomiasis ( Trypanosoma spp.), leishmaniasis ( Leishmania spp.) , and filariasis ( Wuchereria bancrofti , Brugia spp., Loa , and Mansonella spp.). The most important techniques to be performed in the clinical laboratory to assist in the diagnosis of blood parasites include preparation, staining, and examination of thick and thin blood films. Other techniques used less frequently include the buffy coat smear (useful for detecting trypanosomes) and various concentration techniques reserved for recovery of microfilariae ( ; ; ).

Thick and Thin Blood Films

Examination of permanently stained blood films is required to identify most blood parasites ( ). Thin films are prepared in the same manner as for hematologic differential evaluation; blood is spread over the slide in a thin layer, yielding intact, nonoverlapping cellular elements ( Fig. 65.1 ). Integrity of the blood cell membranes is important for determining the intracellular or extracellular nature of the infection and the size of the infected erythrocyte. In the thick film, blood is concentrated in a small area that is many cell layers deep. During staining, erythrocytes are dehemoglobinized and only leukocyte nuclei, platelets, and parasites (if present) are visible. The thick film is preferred for parasite detection because it contains 15 to 30 times more blood per microscopic field than does the thin film, thus increasing the chances of detecting light parasitemia and decreasing the time needed for reliable examination ( ). Although examination of thick films increases the likelihood of detecting an infection, species identification is usually performed by examination of thin films because morphology is often more definitive, especially for malarial parasites. For routine detection of malaria and babesiosis, both thick and thin films should be prepared ( ).

Figure 65.1, A, Thin blood film demonstrating a broad feathered edge (arrow) . B, Preparation of a thick blood film. Gentle pressure is used to create minute scratches in the carrier slide while spreading the blood into a 1.5- to 2.0-cm diameter film with the spreader slide. This method improves the adherence of the thick film to the carrier slide and prevents it from detaching during staining.

Preparation of Slides

Blood for examination may be obtained by fingerstick, earlobe puncture, or venipuncture. Fingerstick blood should flow freely to prevent dilution with tissue fluid, and it should not be contaminated with the alcohol disinfectant, which should be allowed to dry first. If obtained by venipuncture, the first drop of blood (anticoagulant-free) from the needle is used to prepare the films at the bedside ( ). Use of anticoagulants is discouraged when malaria is suspected because they may cause distortion of the parasites and interfere with staining. In practice, however, blood usually is submitted to the laboratory in an anticoagulant, which may be the only practical method to ensure that high-quality smears can be prepared. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-anticoagulated blood is preferred in such cases; the specimen should be transported to the laboratory within the hour to prevent deterioration of organism morphology ( ). Anticoagulants do not interfere with the staining of microfilariae.

Both thin and thick films should be prepared on clean, grease-free slides. Thick films are prepared by placing 1 to 2 small drops of blood onto a slide and spreading them into an area the size of a dime (1.5 cm) with the edge of a second slide ( ; ). The blood film is then allowed to dry flat at room temperature. Drying time may be decreased by placing the slides in a laminar flow hood. A proper thick film should be thin enough that newspaper print may be faintly readable through it ( ). If it is too thick, the film may peel from the slide. Adherence can be greatly improved by gently pushing (grinding) down with the corner of the second slide while spreading the droplet, creating minute scratches on the carrier slide that provide additional surface area for the blood film (see Fig. 65.1 ) ( ).

This method does not affect the microscopic morphology and allows the film to be stained as soon as it is dry (within 30–60 minutes). Heating the slides to decrease drying time is discouraged since excess heat may fix erythrocytes and prevent them from lysing when placed in the stain reagents ( ).


Blood begins to lose its affinity for stain in about 3 days, and the erythrocytes in older thick films do not lyse well. Therefore, slides stored for archival purposes should first be stained. Best staining results are achieved when using Giemsa stain, because host cell and parasite chromatin stains vividly while the hemoglobin in the erythrocytes is only a pale purple-red. When used at a neutral pH (7.0–7.2), this method also allows for optimal visualization of erythrocyte inclusions (e.g., Schüffner stippling, Maurer clefts) that occur with infection by certain malarial parasites ( ). Wright and Wright-Giemsa stains may also be used for thin films (as is common in the hematology lab), but they stain parasites less well than Giemsa and do not allow for visualization of erythrocyte inclusions due to the lower pH (<6.8). Because these stains incorporate alcohol as their fixative, thick films must be lysed in water before staining ( ; ).

The Giemsa staining procedure requires somewhat more attention to preparation of reagents and staining protocol than does the Wright staining procedures, which are often automated. Generally, fresh Giemsa stain must be made each day of use by diluting stock solution into phosphate-buffered water ( ). Each new lot of stock Giemsa stain must be checked to determine optimal staining time and dilution because some variation is seen from lot to lot ( ).

Examination of Smears

Both thick and thin smears are examined in their entirety under the low-power (10×) objective to detect microfilariae, which rarely occur in large numbers. In particular, the feathered edge of thin smears should be examined, as microfilariae are often carried there during preparation of the smear ( ). Examination using a 50× oil immersion objective may subsequently be used to screen blood films for protozoa, although thorough examination using the 100× oil immersion objectives still is necessary to detect the smallest parasites, such as Plasmodium and Babesia spp. The optimal location for examining the thin film is the region of the feathered edge where there is minimal overlap of cells and the erythrocytes maintain their central pallor ( ). A common mistake is to examine regions of the thin film where the blood is too thick or too thin and the parasite morphology is distorted. An experienced microscopist should examine at least 100 oil immersion fields on both the thick and thin blood film and up to at least 300 fields for immunologically naïve patients who might present with more severe symptoms at a lower parasitemia ( ).

Blood Concentration Techniques

A variety of special techniques have been described for the concentration of blood parasites—specifically, leishmaniasis, trypanosomes, and microfilariae—details of which may be found elsewhere ( ; ; ; , ).

Preparation of buffy coat smears, which most clinical laboratories can perform with existing resources, is helpful in the detection of L. donovani , trypanosomes, and microfilariae ( ). Following centrifugation of an anticoagulated blood sample, the layer of cells between plasma and packed erythrocytes is drawn off and used to prepare blood films for staining or for preparation of a wet mount to detect motile organisms ( ).

For detection of microfilariae, the Knott concentration technique or membrane filtration is helpful, particularly when the density of microfilariae in peripheral blood is very low. With the Knott concentration technique, anticoagulated blood is lysed with 2% formalin and centrifuged to concentrate the microfilariae in the sediment, which then may be examined as a wet preparation or stained with Giemsa or hematoxylin stain. In the membrane filtration procedure, blood is lysed and passed through a 5-μm membrane filter, which is subsequently stained with hematoxylin to reveal any microfilariae ( ; ; ; ).

Finally, use of the fluorochrome acridine orange in a microhematocrit centrifuge format (QBC Malaria test; Drucker Diagnostics, Port Matilda, PA) allows detection of Plasmodium spp. and other blood parasites. While it appears to be more sensitive than traditional thick and thin smears, it is not widely used due to the need for a fluorescent microscope ( ). Fluorescent attachments to traditional light microscopes may make this test more widely accessible. In positive cases of malaria or babesiosis, traditional blood films must be examined for Plasmodium spp. identification (if relevant) and calculation of parasite burden.

Examination of Fecal Specimens

The presence of intestinal parasites is primarily identified through the direct examination of feces using wet mounts, concentration techniques, and permanently stained smears. Microscopic examination of feces is commonly referred to as the “ova and parasite” exam, or O&P. Stages of helminths commonly recovered include eggs and larvae, although intact worms or portions thereof may occasionally be identified by gross examination. Intestinal protozoan infections are diagnosed by detection of trophozoites, cysts, or oocysts. Routine methods should include procedures that permit recovery of both protozoa and helminths, with the use of special procedures (e.g., stains for coccidians) limited to specific requests. Ideally, laboratories performing parasitologic examination should be capable of performing a concentration procedure and a permanent stain method, as many protozoan infections will be missed unless permanent stains are examined ( ; , , ; ).

Specimen Collection, Handling, and Preservation

Recovery and subsequent identification of parasites in fecal specimens requires proper collection and handling. Old, poorly preserved, or contaminated specimens are of little value. Additionally, specimens should not be collected for 1 week after the patient has ingested any materials that leave a crystalline residue, such as nonabsorbable antidiarrheal compounds, antacids, bismuth, barium, or antimalarial agents. Oily laxatives such as mineral oil may also interfere with examination ( ). Use of antibiotics or contrast media may decrease the numbers of organisms, especially protozoa, in the intestinal tract for several weeks ( ; , ; ).

Specimens may be submitted to the laboratory fresh or in appropriate preservatives. Fresh specimens should ideally be examined shortly after passage, with liquid specimens being examined within 30 minutes of passage, whereas semi-formed specimens should be examined within 1 hour, and solid specimens within 24 hours of passage ( ). Given that most labs cannot accommodate these time frames, it is best to place the specimen immediately into a suitable preservative to maintain parasite morphology and ensure that fragile protozoal trophozoites are not inadvertently destroyed ( ). Unpreserved specimens should be refrigerated if they cannot be examined immediately. Specimens in preservative can be stored at room temperature.

Specimens may be passed directly into clean, dry containers, or onto a specially designed wax or plastic collection sheet that is placed over the toilet bowl ( ; ). Diarrheic specimens may also be collected in clean bedpans. Containers should have tight-fitting lids and should be placed in plastic bags before transport to the laboratory. Inadvertent introduction of urine or toilet water with the specimen may readily destroy protozoal trophozoites and should be avoided. Also, contamination with water or soil may accidentally introduce free-living organisms that may prove difficult to differentiate from parasitic ones ( ).

Kits consisting of vials of preservatives appropriate for performing direct examinations, concentration procedures, and preparation of stained smears are available from a number of commercial sources at relatively low cost. Aliquots of freshly passed stool should be immediately placed into these vials and mixed thoroughly. These kits are especially helpful for those patients who are unable to bring in a fresh sample in timely fashion or for those who will be collecting several specimens over the course of several days. With the classic two-vial technique, one portion of specimen is fixed in three parts of 5% to 10% buffered formalin and another portion in three parts of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fixative. Other available preservation systems include merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF) and sodium acetate–formalin (SAF; Table 65.3 ). SAF has an advantage in that it can be used for permanent stains as well as for direct mounts and concentration procedures and it does not contain mercury, which is present in Schaudinn and PVA fixatives. In addition to being poisonous, mercury presents disposal problems in an increasing number of states. However, the quality of permanent stains when SAF is used is not as good as when Schaudinn or PVA fixative is used. Zinc sulfate–based PVA and other newer commercial products such as single-vial multipurpose fixatives are gaining popularity, and their use may be indicated when mercury chloride–based compounds cannot be used ( ; ).

TABLE 65.3
Commonly Used Stool Fixatives and Examination Techniques and Whether Fixatives are Appropriate for Antigen Detection or Molecular Assays
Direct Wet Mount Wet Mount Concentration Permanent Stained Smear Antigen Detection NAATs
None (fresh stool) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10% formalin Yes Yes No Some No
Schaudinn fluid No No Yes No No
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) No No Yes No No
Modified PVA No Yes Yes No Some
Merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF) Yes Yes No No No
Sodium acetate–formalin (SAF) Yes Yes Yes No No
Single-vial systems ∗∗ Yes Yes Yes Some Some

NAATs: Nucleic acid amplification tests.

∗∗ Many commercially available single-vial fixatives are now available, for example, TOTAL-FIX (Medical Chemical Corporation, Torrance, CA), Para-Pak EcoFIX (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, OH), ALCORFIX and APAFIX (Apacor, Berkshire, England), and may be used for both the concentration procedure and permanent stained smear as well as antigen detection and NAATs.

Copper sulfate or zinc sulfate replaces the mercuric chloride.

Smears prepared from MIF-preserved specimens may be stained with polychrome IV stain.

Examination of three specimens collected on different days over a maximum 10-day period is considered the minimum necessary to perform an adequate O&P evaluation ( ; ; ). This procedure ensures an optimum interval for recovery of those parasites known to shed diagnostic forms intermittently. However, for certain parasites, such Strongyloides stercoralis , up to seven O&P examinations may be necessary for optimal detection. Additional sensitivity may be achieved in detecting these parasites, as well as E. histolytica , using antigen detection methods, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and concentration techniques (discussed later). In general, it is not useful to examine specimens from hospitalized patients who develop diarrhea after the third hospital day since parasites are an unlikely cause of their symptoms. Once the specimens are received in the laboratory, they should undergo macroscopic and microscopic examination as detailed next.

Macroscopic Examination

Fecal specimens should be examined grossly for consistency (formed, soft, loose, or watery) and for the presence of mucus, blood, adult worms, and proglottids. Protozoan trophozoites are more likely to be found in watery or loose specimens, whereas cysts predominate in formed or soft specimens. Helminths or their eggs may be found in any type of fecal specimen. Most parasites are uniformly distributed in the stool as a result of the mixing action of the cecum, although some eggs (especially schistosomes) may enter the fecal stream in the lower colon and rectum and may be unevenly distributed, as may pinworm and Taenia spp. eggs. Protozoan trophozoites may be more numerous in the last portion of stool evacuated and should be specifically sought in mucus ( ).

Microscopic Examination

Specimens may be examined microscopically by direct wet mounts of fresh or preserved material, wet mounts of concentrated feces, or permanent stains. Each procedure has specific advantages and limitations, and not all may be routinely used in the clinical laboratory. Direct saline wet mounts of fresh feces allow detection and observation of motile protozoan trophozoites and helminth larvae. Direct mounts of preserved feces may allow detection of parasites that do not concentrate well. Concentration procedures increase the examiner’s ability to detect protozoan cysts and helminth eggs and larvae but are unsatisfactory for detecting protozoan trophozoites. Permanent stains are useful for detection and morphologic examination of protozoan trophozoites and cysts.

The circumstances under which each procedure is performed vary depending on the workflow of the laboratory. As mentioned earlier, examination of unpreserved specimens allows for enhanced detection of motile parasites. Many protozoa can also be differentiated by their characteristic motility patterns. However, examination of unpreserved stool is useful only when specimens can be examined shortly after being passed. The direct wet mount may be omitted if the specimen is submitted in a preservative. At a minimum, fixed specimens should be examined by a concentration procedure, which provides increased sensitivity for detection of parasites. However, improved yield has been demonstrated when a permanent stain is also examined, as the two preparations are complementary. Therefore, the optimal stool examination includes both a concentrated wet prep and a permanently stained preparation ( , , ; ). The following provides detailed instructions for performing the direct wet mount, concentration techniques, and permanently stained preparations.

Direct Wet Mount

The direct wet mount is one of the most easily performed parasitologic tests, although proper interpretation requires careful examination and experience in using the microscope to full advantage. The test is most useful when fresh specimens, especially liquid stools or duodenal aspirates, are examined for motile trophozoites or helminth larvae, although it can also be performed using fixed specimens. A small amount of stool is mixed with a drop of 0.85% saline and covered with a coverslip.

Examination of the entire coverslip is performed systematically under the low-power (10×) objective, with the microscope diaphragm closed down to increase contrast. Suspicious objects and those that are refractile, such as protozoal cysts, should then be examined with the high-power (40×) objective. Detection of motility of slow-moving amebae requires that an object be examined for at least 15 seconds. In the absence of suspicious objects, up to a third of the preparation should be examined using the 40× objective. The oil immersion objective usually is not used unless the coverslip has been sealed with nail polish or Valspar (a 50:50 mixture of petroleum jelly and paraffin).

A second preparation may be made in identical fashion, except that a drop of a 1:5 dilution of Lugol iodine or an equivalent preparation is added in place of the saline. Use of straight Lugol or iodine causes clumping of material and is not recommended. Iodine is helpful in enhancing the visibility of nuclear structures in protozoal cysts and in detecting glycogen inclusions. Limitations, however, include loss of trophozoite motility and cyst refractivity, as well as difficulty in recognizing chromatoid bodies.

Concentration Techniques

Concentration procedures, which may be performed on fresh or preserved specimens (see Table 65.3 ), are more sensitive than direct wet mount examination for detection of protozoan cysts and helminth eggs and larvae because they decrease the amount of background material in the preparations and, in most circumstances, actually concentrate the organisms. A wet mount of the concentrated specimen is examined as described earlier for the direct wet mount. Although a variety of methods and modifications have been described, some are useful only for specific parasites ( ; , ; ). For routine use, a method should be selected that allows reliable detection of both protozoan cysts and helminth eggs. Concentration methods are based on sedimentation or flotation principles. In sedimentation, the parasites settle to the bottom as a result of gravity or centrifugation. In flotation, the parasite cysts and eggs rise to the surface of a solution of high specific gravity. Flotation is less commonly used in the United States for human clinical specimens but is commonly used in veterinary medicine. Traditionally, concentration methods involved one or two-step processes involving formalin and ether or ethyl acetate. However, single-vial systems allow for concentration of fecal specimens, often by using less hazardous chemicals ( ).

The traditional formalin–ethyl acetate concentration is a biphasic sedimentation technique that is efficient in recovering most protozoan cysts and helminth eggs and larvae, including operculate eggs, and is moderately effective for schistosome eggs. Less distortion of protozoal cysts occurs with this technique than with zinc sulfate flotation. For proper concentration of coccidian oocysts, attention must be paid to the recommended speed and time of centrifugation ( , ; ). Despite these problems, the technique is used widely for both its simplicity and its suitability in most laboratory situations.

With the zinc sulfate flotation method, fresh stool is processed using zinc sulfate with a specific gravity of 1.18, and formalinized stool is processed with a solution of specific gravity of 1.20. Parasitic elements are recovered from the surface film of the solution following centrifugation. This method yields a cleaner preparation than is provided by formalin–ethyl acetate concentration, but it is unreliable for the recovery of nematode larvae, infertile eggs of Ascaris , and the eggs of most trematodes and large tapeworms. Problems with recovery also occur with stool specimens containing excessive amounts of fats. Use of formalinized stool specimens rather than fresh stool helps clear the specimen and prevents popping of opercula and distortion of the parasites ( ).

Permanent Stains

Use of stained slide preparations provides a permanent record of a patient’s specimen and allows review by consultants should difficulties arise in identification. These preparations are also amenable to whole-slide scanning for production of a digital image. Of the methods described for studying fecal specimens, only the permanent stain is designed for analysis using the oil immersion objective (100×). The permanent stain is most useful for detection of protozoal trophozoites and cysts, which may be recognized when direct and concentrated preparations are negative. Although they generally are not useful for detecting helminth eggs or larvae, permanent stains are inherently more sensitive for detecting protozoal infections, and their use has been recommended for every stool sample submitted for O&P examination ( ; ).

A variety of staining techniques and modifications and their advantages and disadvantages have been described. The Wheatley trichrome stain and iron-hematoxylin stain are all-purpose methods that allow detection of amebae and flagellates. Unfortunately, most coccidia are not readily detected by these stains; thus, additional special stains (see next sections) must be employed. Technical problems may arise in the performance of any staining procedure; most are related to the age of the specimen, proper smear preparation and fixation, and the quality of the reagents. Positive control slides of known staining quality should be run with each batch of slides stained or, at the very least, once daily after reagents are changed. This is especially true in the performance of more specific stains for the coccidia. Less commonly used stains, such as polychrome IV stain for use with MIF-preserved specimens and chlorazol black E stain for use with fresh specimens, are not reviewed here. Details may be found elsewhere ( ; ).

Wheatley Trichrome Stain

In the United States, the Wheatley modification of the trichrome method continues to find widespread acceptance because of its simplicity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Details of the procedure are available from a number of sources ( ; , ; ). Appropriate specimens include those that have been fixed in Schaudinn fixative or PVA fixative; SAF- or MIF-preserved specimens may be stained with trichrome, but results are less satisfactory. Specimens preserved using single-vial commercial fixatives may also be stained with this or a slightly modified protocol. For example, EcoStain (Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, OH) is a modified trichrome stain that works well with non–mercury-based fixatives.

Iron Hematoxylin Stain

The traditional iron hematoxylin stains are technically more difficult to perform than the trichrome stain; thus, they are becoming increasingly rare in the United States. However, results generally are superior owing to enhanced definition of key nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics, and most of the original descriptions of protozoan morphology are based on slides stained by these methods. A modified iron hematoxylin stain that incorporates carbol fuchsin has been described, which allows concurrent staining of acid-fast organisms such as Cryptosporidium , Cyclospora , and Cystoisospora ( , ; ). Specimens fixed in Schaudinn, PVA, or SAF fixative may be stained with iron hematoxylin stains (the preferred stain for SAF).

Modified Acid-Fast Stains

Oocysts of Cryptosporidium , Cyclospora , and Cystoisospora are difficult to recognize on concentrated wet preparations, trichrome- or iron hematoxylin–stained smears, but their presence may be detected by using an acid-fast staining technique such as the modified Kinyoun method, modified acid-fast dimethyl sulfoxide, or auramine-O or staining with safranin (hot method) ( ). Acid-fast stains are sensitive and cost-effective for detection of these protozoa, but they lack specificity. Close attention must be paid to defined morphologic criteria when these stains are used, and the use of positive control material is mandatory. For laboratories in which Cryptosporidium is rarely encountered, use of the highly specific and sensitive commercially available immunoassay reagents is recommended. Stool, sputa, biliary tract, and other appropriate specimens that are fresh, formalin fixed, or SAF fixed may be used with acid-fast stains.

Additional Techniques for Examination of Enteric Parasites

Cellulose Tape and Paddle Techniques for Pinworm

The female pinworm, Enterobius vermicularis , migrates from the cecum to the perianal skin, where she deposits typical eggs that are partially embryonated. The eggs or, occasionally, adult worms may be detected on examination of clear, adhesive cellophane tape or commercial collection kits that have been pressed on to the perianal skin ( Fig. 65.2 ).

Figure 65.2, A, Commercial collection device (Swube) for detection of Enterobius vermicularis eggs and adult females from perianal skin. The paddle (arrow) has a sticky side that is applied to the perianal skin to collect the specimen. The paddle is then placed into the accompanying tube for safe transport to the laboratory. The clear paddle functions like a glass slide and can be viewed directly under the microscope. B, Positive specimens demonstrate E. vermicularis eggs and, less commonly, adult females. Eggs measure 50 to 60 μm long by 20 to 30 μm wide and are flattened on one side (unstained, 400×).

Eggs or adults are not commonly found in stool concentrates, which is considered to be an inappropriate specimen for detection of this parasite. Specimens should be collected first thing in the morning before bathing or defecation. Several specimens taken on different days should be examined before infection is ruled out. Commercial devices such as the SWUBE (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) use an adhesive paddle for collection and greatly simplify specimen collection and examination.

Egg Studies

Estimations of worm burden were historically requested to assist in the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy, identify patients with heavy infections that warrant anthelminthic therapy, or for following rates of reinfection with intestinal nematodes ( Ascaris , Trichuris , and hookworms) or, occasionally, schistosomes. Quantification methods are less commonly used today in resource-rich settings since it is standard practice for all infected patients to be treated, regardless of the egg burden, and the currently available drugs are highly efficacious. Procedures for egg quantification include the direct smear method of Beaver, the Stoll dilution egg count, Kato thick smear, and various modifications ( ; , ). Large variations in results are inherent when these tests are performed, and levels of egg counts indicating clinical significance vary, depending on the infecting species and the person’s age and nutritional status ( ).

Nematode Culture and Recovery Techniques

Several culture techniques (coproculture) assist in the detection and identification of certain nematode infections, including the Harada-Mori filter paper strip culture, filter paper/slant culture, and charcoal culture ( ; , ; ; ). Differentiation of hookworms and trichostrongyles on the basis of egg morphology is difficult, whereas infective-stage larvae are more readily identified. Such culture techniques may also prove useful in recovery of Strongyloides larvae, which may be few in number, and in differentiating them from those of hookworms. With all culture methods, feces are incubated in a humid environment to encourage egg hatching. With the Harada-Mori and filter paper/slant techniques, larvae migrate from the feces into a water phase, where they may be readily detected. In the charcoal culture, larvae first migrate into a dampened gauze pad, which is then placed in water, allowing the larvae to settle out. These methods are most commonly used in clinical laboratories in endemic settings.

The Baermann funnel technique and agar culture methods are sensitive and reliable methods for recovery of Strongyloides and other nematode larvae from a stool specimen. In the Baermann assay, feces are placed on several layers of gauze on top of a wire screen that is suspended in a funnel. The bottom of the funnel is clamped off, and water is added to the level of the gauze. Larvae actively migrate through the gauze and settle to the bottom of the funnel, where they may be drawn off for examination. Although this method provides increased sensitivity over the traditional O&P exam, it is labor-intensive and used infrequently in the clinical laboratory. The agar culture technique provides a simpler and more sensitive means for detecting S. stercoralis in feces. With this method, feces are plated on a nutrient agar and incubated at room temperature for several days. Over time, the larvae will migrate out of the feces into the agar and carry fecal bacteria with them. Growth of the bacteria in the larval tracks facilitates identification of larvae in the specimen ( Fig. 65.3 ).

Figure 65.3, A, Stool agar culture method showing bacterial tracks (arrows) formed by migrating Strongyloides stercoralis larvae. B, Examination of the plate using a light microscope reveals multiple larvae and detail of the agar tracks (unstained, 100×).

In latent Strongyloides infection, in which few larvae are being shed, several examinations over 1 week using a concentration technique may be required to detect the infection ( , ; , ). It is important to note that filariform larvae of S. stercoralis and hookworms are highly infectious; therefore, testing must be performed using universal precautions.

Objects Resembling Enteric Parasites

A large variety of objects that closely resemble various parasite life cycle stages may be seen in feces and other specimens sent for O&P examination. Careful differentiation of these objects from real parasites is necessary to prevent inappropriate or unnecessary treatment. White blood cells, macrophages, and squamous and columnar epithelial cells may resemble amebae; yeasts and starch granules may resemble protozoal cysts or oocysts; pollen and fungal conidia may resemble helminth eggs; plant fibers may resemble nematode larvae; and pieces of vegetables or vegetable skins may resemble adult worms or proglottids. Examples of artifacts and pseudoparasites have been reviewed elsewhere ( ; ; ).

Examination of Urogenital and Other Specimens (Sputa, Aspirates, Biopsies)

Vaginal and urethral discharges, prostatic secretions, or urine may be submitted to the laboratory for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis . The most rapid and cost-effective method is the preparation of several wet mounts using a drop of specimen (urine should be centrifuged) diluted with a drop of saline, which is then covered with a coverslip. The slide is examined under the low-power (10×) objective using reduced lighting conditions for motile trophozoites, which display a jerky movement. High-power examination may reveal the beating flagella and the undulating membrane characteristic of the species. Unfortunately, wet mount microscopy is a relatively insensitive method (sensitivity 51%–65%) for detection of T. vaginalis ; use of NAATs is now recommended for optimal detection ( ). Use of culture, fluorescent antibody reagents, or a commercial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe technique also provides some improvement in sensitivity over wet mount microscopy ( ; ; ). Demonstration of metronidazole and tinidazole drug resistance requires culture of the organism ( ; ).

Urine is also an important specimen for detecting the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium and, less commonly, microfilariae ( ) . Urine can be examined directly for eggs and microfilariae; however, filtration through a membrane filter or examination of urine collected over a 24-hour period may increase the sensitivity of detection ( ). S. haematobium eggs are shed sporadically; thus, examination of multiple specimens collected on different days is recommended, with specimens optimally collected between 10 am and 2 pm ( ).

A number of protozoal and helminthic parasites may be detected in sputum; the appropriate examination technique depends on the suspected organism. Generally, the technique required to detect a parasite from its usual site of infection is applied to sputum and most commonly involves a wet mount. When amebae are suspected, permanent stains should be performed. Acid-fast or specific antibody-based stains are appropriate for detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Identification techniques for the microsporidia and Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly Pneumocystis carinii ) are described elsewhere.

Examination of aspirates requires the use of stains as appropriate for the implicated organism. In addition to the methods used for sputum, Giemsa staining is often appropriate when examining for protozoa, especially the hemoflagellates. Biopsy material should be submitted for routine histology after imprint smears are prepared for staining with Giemsa or another appropriate permanent stain. Culture for Leishmania and trypanosomes also can be performed on tissues and may be important for demonstrating those infections. This testing is usually restricted to specialty reference and public health laboratories, such as the CDC. Skin snips sent for Onchocerca or Mansonella streptocerca examination should be teased apart in saline and the saline examined after 30 to 60 minutes for microfilariae. Muscle biopsy specimens for Trichinella spp. larvae may be examined by compressing the fresh specimen between two glass slides or by submitting it for routine histology. Likewise, rectal or bladder biopsies may be examined for schistosome eggs.

Parasite Culture Techniques

Culture methods have been described for a wide variety of protozoan parasites, but few clinical laboratories undertake the task because of infrequent requests and lack of familiarity with methods. When culture requests are made, they are usually for T. vaginalis , Leishmania spp., Trypanosoma cruzi , E. histolytica , Acanthamoeba spp., or Naegleria fowleri . Methods are reviewed elsewhere ( ; , , ; ). The CDC may agree to provide this testing following consultation.

Immunodiagnostic Methods

Several immunodiagnostic methods are available to identify the parasitic antigen or the antibody that is produced in response to the parasitic infection. Some signals are amplified, and others are direct detection methods. In general, laboratory methods employed are enzyme immunoassay (EIA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), direct fluorescence antibody assay (DFA), Western blot, radioimmunoassay, and immunodiffusion, among others.

Antigen Detection

Antigen detection methods are commercially available for several parasitic diseases, including amebiasis, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, malaria, and trichomoniasis ( Table 65.4 ). These methods may be useful for initial testing or in instances in which traditional tests are negative, yet a high index of clinical suspicion remains. These tests offer the advantage of detecting current infection and can often be performed by someone other than an experienced morphologist ( ; Shimizu & Garcia, 2018).

TABLE 65.4
Select Antigen-Based Detection Assays for Parasites
Target Organism(s) Test System Manufacturer/Distributor Format FDA Approval/Clearance
Cryptosporidium spp. Xpect Cryptosporidium Remel (Thermo Scientific) LFA Yes
Crypto Cel CeLLabs DFA Yes
ProSpecT Cryptosporidium Remel (Thermo Scientific) EIA plate Yes
Cryptosporidium II Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
RIDASCREEN Cryptosporidium R-Biofarm EIA No
PARA-TEC Cryptosporidium Medical Chemical Corporation EIA No
UNI-GOLD Cryptosporidium Trinity Biotech LFA Yes
Crypto-Strip C-1005 (CRYPTO UNISTRIP, CRYPTO-CIT) Coris BioConcept LFA No
CRYPTO (card and blister formats) CerTest Biotec LFA No
Stick Crypto Operon LFA No
Giardia duodenalis Xpect GIARDIA Remel (Thermo Scientific) LFA Yes
Uni-Gold Giardia Trinity Biotech LFA No
Stick Giardia Operon LFA No
Giardia (dipstick and cassette) Coris BioConcept LFA No
Giardia lamblia (Giardia) CerTest Biotec LFA No
ProSpecT Giardia EZ Remel (Thermo Scientific) EIA plate Yes
Giardia Cel CeLLabs DFA Yes
ProSpecT Giardia Remel (Thermo Scientific) EIA plate Yes
RIDASCREEN Giardia R-Biopharm EIA plate No
PARA-TEC Giardia Medical Chemical Corporation EIA plate No
GIARDIA II Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
Giardia CELISA CeLLabs EIA plate Yes
Giardia lamblia II Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
Entamoeba histolytica E. histolytica QUIKCHEK Tech-lab LFA Yes
Entamoeba CELISA PATH CeLLabs EIA plate Yes
ProSpecT Entamoeba histolytica Remel (Thermo Scientific) EIA plate Yes
E. histolytica II Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
Cryptosporidium/Giardia Xpect Giardia/Cryptosporidium Remel (Thermo Scientific) LFA Yes
ImmunoCard STAT! Cryptosporidium/Giardia Meridian Bioscience LFA No
RIDA Quick Cryptosporidium/Giardia Combi (dipstick or cassette) R-Biopharm LFA No
MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia Meridian Bioscience DFA Yes
Crypto Giardia DFA IVD Research Inc. DFA Yes
Crypto/Giardia Cel CeLLabs DFA Yes
PARA-TECT Cryptosporidium/Giardia Medical Chemical Corp. DFA No
ColorPAC Giardia/Cryptosporidium Becton Dickinson (BD) LFA Yes
Giardia/Cryptosporidium CHEK Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
Giardia/Cryptosporidium QUIKCHEK Tech-lab LFA Yes
ProSpecT Giardia/Cryptosporidium Remel (Thermo Scientific) EIA plate Yes
Giardia duodenalis , Cryptosporidium spp., and E. histolytica/dispar combination Alere Triage Parasite Panel Alere LFA Yes
TRI-COMBO Parasite Screen Tech-lab EIA plate Yes
RIDA Quick Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi (dipstick or cassette) R-Biopharm LFA No
Plasmodium spp. BinaxNOW Malaria Alere LFA Yes
First Response Malaria Ag Premier Medical Corp. LFA No
CareStart Malaria COMBO Apacor LFA No
SD BIOLINE Malaria Ag Alere LFA No
Wuchereria bancrofti BinaxNOW Filariasis Alere LFA No
Filariasis Ab CELISA CeLLabs EIA plate No
Trichomonas vaginalis Light Diagnostic T. vaginalis Nippon Chemicon DFA No
OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test Sekisui Diagnostics LFA Yes
XenoStrip-Tv Xenotope Diagnostics LFA No
DFA, Direct fluorescence antibody assay; Dipstick, dipstick enzyme immunoassay; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; LFA, lateral flow assay.

Many antigen detection tests are commercially available for Plasmodium spp. The tests listed here scored highly for detection of P. falciparum by the World Health Organization and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) product testing ( ). Tests listed detect both P. falciparum and Pan- Plasmodium antigens.

Antigen detection in stool samples is usually performed using fecal immunoassays. A number of published studies have suggested that these assays have good or superior sensitivity and specificity when compared with routine ova and parasite examination ( ; ). These immunoassays are easy to use and rapid, permit batch processing, and do not require experienced microscopists. Given the current shortage of medical technologists and individuals with specialized training in parasitology, use of immunoassays appears to be an attractive alternative. However, laboratories that use rapid cartridge-based immunoassays should be aware of potential problems with false-positive results and should closely monitor test performance. Currently, fecal immunoassays are marketed for G. duodenalis , C. parvum / C. hominis , the E. histolytica / E. dispar group, and E. histolytica . Antigen detection tests using blood or serum are also available for Plasmodium spp. and W. bancrofti . A latex agglutination test for T. vaginalis antigen detection in vaginal swabs has also been introduced. Immunoassays are usually available in three formats: EIA, DFA, and lateral flow (immunochromatography) cartridges. Fresh or preserved stool samples are appropriate for most antigen detection kits ( ). Although each kit has unique operating characteristics, most are generally comparable in performance ( ; ).

Rapid antigen detection tests (RDTs) developed for malaria may detect histidine-rich protein II (HRP-II), parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH), parasite aldolase, or a combination of these antigens in peripheral blood. HRP-II tests are specific for Plasmodium falciparum , and pLDH and aldolase tests detect all four human Plasmodium spp. These assays have highly variable performance characteristics, but in general are adequate for detecting moderate to heavy infections with Plasmodium falciparum . They are often significantly less sensitive for detecting lower levels of P. falciparum infection and infections with other Plasmodium spp. At the time of this writing, only the BinaxNow (Abbott Diagnostics, Chicago, IL) is cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical diagnosis of malaria in the United States ( ).

Trichomonas vaginalis antigens from vaginal samples may also be detected using rapid antigen tests such as the OSOM Trichomonas Rapid Test (Sekisui Diagnostics, Burlington, MA), which is an FDA-cleared, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)–waived test for detecting T. vaginalis antigen in vaginal swabs. These tests can be used for rapid detection of T. vaginalis infection in the clinical setting and may replace wet mount examinations, which generally have lower sensitivities (75%–96%) compared with NAATs ( ).

Most EIAs are available in microwell format ( ). Antigens from frozen, fresh, or 10% formalin–preserved stool samples are suitable for testing by this method. Concentrated or PVA samples are not suitable for testing with EIA kits. Parasite antigen is captured by immobilized antibodies coated on microwells and is detected by an enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody that is capable of producing a colored reaction following the addition of substrate. Although the colored wells can be read visually or with the use of a spectrometer, the latter seems to be the preferred option because of occasional ambiguous results obtained with some kits ( ). In general, EIA tests have good sensitivities and specificities. Garcia and colleagues evaluated nine immunoassay kits for detection of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in comparison with a reference DFA test that visualizes the parasite directly in the sample. Investigators found that all kits had high sensitivities, ranging from 94% to 99%, and 100% specificities ( , ). This is in contrast to first-generation EIAs, which had been previously reported to produce false-positive results, resulting in their recall ( ). Hence, a strong quality control (QC) pro and participation in proficiency test pros are required to ensure high-quality test results. Local epidemiology of the parasitic infection can help to determine whether additional confirmatory testing is required; consultation with local public health authorities may prove useful in characterizing which infections are being seen locally. Additionally, for some diseases such as giardiasis, examination of two specimens by EIA or microscopy may be necessary to achieve diagnostic sensitivity greater than 90% ( ).

Lateral flow cartridges are a popular format of immunoassay because of their ease of use and the minimal performance time required. These kits can be stored conveniently at room temperature and may be used in single or batch processing. The parasite antigen in the sample migrates through the membrane and binds to specific capture antibodies. Use of a secondary reagent results in development of a colored reaction. These kits also have an internal control to ensure that the colloidal dye conjugates used in the assay are intact and that proper capillary flow has occurred. To ensure complete migration of the specimen, only the supernatant of a well-mixed stool sample is used, and some samples may be diluted to a liquid state before testing. Any color visible at the reagent test zone (usually a band) is interpreted as positive. Some studies have demonstrated that cartridge assays are somewhat less sensitive than a microwell EIA plate assay ( ; ). When lack of sensitivity is a concern, it may be necessary to perform alternative O&P or NAAT studies if the patient’s symptoms persist.

DFA testing allows direct visualization of the parasites in stool specimen using antibodies conjugated to fluorescent dyes. These assays are easy to perform and to interpret, permitting rapid screening of slides when compared with some of the traditional stains used in parasitology ( ). A fluorescence microscope is necessary for this procedure, which is a limiting factor in some laboratories. Currently, kits are available for detection of cysts of G. duodenalis and oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp. Fixed stool specimens may be used for this procedure (10% formalin, SAF, or one of the mercury- or formalin-free products) ( ). Although fresh stool samples can be tested directly, the sensitivity of the assay can be improved by performing the test on centrifuged stool (500 g for 10 minutes). Occasionally, fluorescing bacteria and yeasts may be seen, but these are readily distinguished from Giardia and Cryptosporidium on the basis of their size and shape. The edges of the wells should be carefully examined to avoid missing the rare parasite in light infections. Given the relatively recent recognition of additional Cryptosporidium spp. that may infect humans, commercial assays currently available may not be adequate for detection of all infections.

Antibody Detection

Tests that are available from public health, hospital, or commercial laboratories to detect immunologic reactivity to parasitic diseases are summarized in Table 65.5 . Historically, serologic procedures for parasitic diseases have been plagued by low sensitivity and specificity, primarily owing to the complex antigenic nature of parasites and the possibilities for cross-reactions from related species. However, newer test methods combined with the use of more highly defined antigenic components has provided more accurate results with greater predictive values. Many of the newer tests use the EIA or immunoblot (Western blot) format, although IFA, indirect hemagglutination (IHA), and complement fixation (CF) are still in use ( ).

TABLE 65.5
Examples of Serologic Assays for Parasites Available from Reference Laboratories
Disease Organism Specimen Type Assay
Amebiasis Entamoeba histolytica Serum EIA, ID, IHA
Baylisascariasis Baylisascaris procyonis Serum, CSF IB
Babesiosis Babesia microti , Babesia sp. WA1 Serum IFA
Chagas Trypanosoma cruzi Serum IFA, EIA, CF, IB
Cysticercosis Taenia solium Serum, CSF EIA, IB
Echinococcosis Echinococcus granulosus Serum EIA, IB, IHA, IFA
Fascioliasis Fasciola hepatica Serum IB
Filariasis Wuchereria bancrofti Serum EIA
Leishmaniasis Leishmania braziliensis , Leishmania donovani , Leishmania tropica Serum IFA, EIA, CF
Malaria Plasmodium spp. Serum IFA
Paragonimiasis Paragonimus westermani Serum EIA, IB
Schistosomiasis Schistosoma spp. Serum EIA, IB
Strongyloidiasis Strongyloides stercoralis Serum EIA
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii CSF, serum IFA, EIA
Trichinellosis Trichinella spiralis Serum EIA, BF
BF, Bentonite flocculation; CF, complement fixation; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; IB, immunoblot; ID, immunodiffusion; IFA, indirect immunofluorescence assay; IHA, indirect hemagglutination.

In general, serologic diagnosis of parasitic infection is used as an adjunct to the usual diagnostic modalities or in special situations in which identification of the parasite itself or its antigen or nucleic acid from host tissue or excreta is not possible ( ). For example, parasitic infections such as toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis reside in deep tissues and cannot be readily diagnosed by morphologic means. Others such as cysticercosis and echinococcosis develop in organs, where invasive studies that may be required are not recommended in the initial patient evaluation. Additional conditions—such as filariasis, schistosomiasis, and strongyloidiasis—may remain subclinical because of light infections or because the clinical evaluation occurred during the prepatent period (interval from infection to demonstration of symptoms or recovery of organism). In these settings, serologic testing may be invaluable for making a presumptive diagnosis in correlation with the accompanying clinical and radiographic features. Other circumstances in which serologic evaluation may prove useful include diagnosis of extraintestinal amebiasis (e.g., amebic liver abscess), trichinellosis, and chronic stages of trypanosomiasis. Lastly, serologic studies serve as a powerful tool in enhancing our understanding of the epidemiology of diseases such as schistosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, amebiasis, Chagas disease, malaria, and babesiosis, and for screening blood donors for select infections (e.g., malaria, Chagas disease) ( ).

Interpretation of serologic testing may be challenging. Detection of antibodies, especially immunoglobulin (Ig) G, provides evidence of infection but may not be able to differentiate active from past exposure. High antibody levels are useful for diagnostic purposes if they occur in a patient with no previous exposure to the parasite and no recent history of travel to an endemic area. Unfortunately, positive antibody levels in persons living in endemic areas often do not help in the clinical diagnosis. In some parasitic diseases, levels of antibodies may decline slowly following successful therapy or self-cure and thus may be useful for monitoring response to treatment ( ).

Serologic tests for parasitic diseases generally evaluate IgG levels with the exception of toxoplasmosis and babesiosis, in which IgM- and IgA-specific antibodies may be helpful for determining the age of infection ( ). Unfortunately, IgM and IgA may persist for as long as 2 years after the primary infection, thus limiting their utility for differentiating acute from past infection. When Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies are detected, avidity testing may also be useful to distinguish recent from past infection, particularly during pregnancy ( ; ; ). This testing is based on the principle that the initial host response results in the production of low-avidity antibodies. Over time, the antibodies gain higher avidity as the host immune response is enhanced.

Because serologic tests for most parasitic diseases are requested infrequently, specimens generally are submitted to public (CDC) or private reference laboratories. Some of the more commonly requested tests are available as commercial kits. However, many of these assays are developed in-house and, hence, lack correlation with universal standards. Interpretive criteria are established by reagent manufacturers or by the center performing the test; these criteria often vary from institution to institution. Individuals requesting such tests should inquire about the performance characteristics, including sensitivity and specificity, and should be aware that cross-reactions may occur. For example, antibody tests for Chagas disease are known to cross-react with antibodies produced in response to Leishmania infections. However, reactivity to homologous antigen is greater, and this test is useful in diagnosing chronic stages of the disease when parasitemia is generally low. Usually, serology for chronic Chagas disease correlates well with molecular diagnostic methods ( ). Helminthic parasites are well known to cross-react in serologic assays that use crude antigen preparations because of phylogenetic, hence antigenic, similarities.

Several factors that may influence the test performance of serologic assays include disease manifestation, test format, reagents used, and parasite viability, to name a few. The sensitivity of the test is increased in patients with invasive amebiasis but may be weak in intestinal amebiasis with minimal tissue invasion and absent for asymptomatic carriers. The type of serologic assay format may also determine the sensitivity, as in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis ( ). The double-sandwich IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is known to be more sensitive and specific than IgM immunofluorescence for detecting recently acquired and congenital toxoplasmosis. IHA has been the primary test for serodiagnosis of amebiasis. The sensitivity of the assay is also dependent on the type or stage of parasite antigen used. For example, the sensitivity of cutaneous leishmaniasis can be improved by using amastigote antigens in place of promastigote antigens in the IFA test. Finally, serologic assays are also affected by parasite viability; hydatid cysts occurring in the lung and dead or calcified cysts are less frequently detected than active cysts in the liver. This also holds true for neurocysticercosis (larval infection with the cestode Taenia solium ), in which sensitivity is low when only a single parenchymal cyst or calcified lesions are present ( ).

Molecular Diagnostic Methods

Diagnostic methods using DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) amplification and nucleic acid probe techniques have been described for most of the common parasitic diseases and, in general, offer high levels of sensitivity and specificity. For more complete details on this topic, the reader is referred to more recent publications ( ; ). Molecular methods offer some unique advantages, such as high sensitivity and specificity, and the ability to detect and differentiate species variants—all independent of the patient’s underlying immune status, which is a potentially limiting feature of serologic assays. On the other hand, molecular amplification techniques—particularly those using “open” formats in which amplified nucleic acid is manipulated, are prone to cross-contamination if proper processing precautions are not strictly enforced.

The availability of molecular tests has been greatly enhanced by the introduction of multiple commercial assays, some of which are FDA cleared for in vitro diagnostic use ( ; ). Among the FDA-cleared tests are assays for T. vaginalis , G. duodenalis , Cryptosporidium spp., E. histolytica , and Cyclospora cayetanensis . Laboratory-developed NAATs have also been developed for parasites such as Plasmodium spp., Babesia spp., Leishmania spp., T. gondii , and Trypanosoma spp. and are available through specialized reference and public health laboratories ( Table 65.6 ). Most assays today are available in real-time format, wherein the kinetics of the nucleic acid amplification reaction is recorded and analyzed by computer algorithms to allow detection of amplicons ( ). The introduction of this technology has allowed for rapid detection and has lessened the risk for amplicon cross-contamination due to the closed nature of the steps involved in postamplification analysis. Isothermal methods—such as strand displacement amplification, transcription-mediated amplification, and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) have also been described for some parasites and allow for rapid and highly sensitive detection of parasite nucleic acid. Because the innate nature of molecular methods is genotypic, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays have the ability to accurately detect to the species level depending on the gene being targeted, and may also be used for strain typing and outbreak investigation ( ). Molecular methods may also allow for detection of mutations associated with drug resistance ( ; ; ).

TABLE 65.6
Examples of Nucleic Acid Amplification Assays for Parasites
Parasite Common Target(s) Specimen Type FDA-Approved/Cleared Assay Available (Assay, Manufacturer)
Leishmania spp. rDNA, kinetoplastid DNA, ITS1 and ITS2 genes Whole blood, skin scrapings, tissue Yes (SMART Leish PCR, U.S. Army)
Plasmodium spp. rDNA Whole blood No
Toxoplasma gondii RE and B1 genes Amniotic fluid, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue, whole blood, ocular fluid No
Entamoeba histolytica rDNA Stool Yes (FilmArray GI panel, BioMerieux; xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel, Luminex Corporation; BD MAX Enteric Parasite Panel, BD)
Giardia duodenalis rDNA, β-Giardia gene Stool Yes (FilmArray GI panel, BioMeriux; xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel, Luminex Corporation; BD MAX Enteric Parasite Panel, BD)
Cryptosporidium spp. rDNA Stool Yes (FilmArray GI panel, BioMerieux; xTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel, Luminex Corporation; BD MAX Enteric Parasite Panel, BD)
Cyclospora cayetanensis rDNA Stool Yes (FilmArray GI panel, BioFire Diagnostics)
Trichomonas vaginalis rDNA, β-Tubulin gene Vaginal, cervical and urethral (male) samples, urine, semen Yes (Aptima Trichomonas vaginalis assay, Hologic; Xpert TV, Cepheid; Solana Trichomonas assay, Quidel; BD Max CT/GC/TV, BD)
FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; rDNA, ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid.

Restricted to U.S. Department of Defense use.

Component of multiplex assays for gastrointestinal pathogens.

Only FDA-approved assay for testing both males and females.

Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Safety

A quality assurance program for the parasitology section of the laboratory is similar to that for the other laboratory sections. It covers all essential aspects of the operation, including, among others, a well-written and complete procedure manual that is reviewed annually, guidelines for maintaining all specimen and test result records, a complete QC program with appropriate technical supervision and review, and participation in an approved proficiency testing program. Laboratories also need to focus on customer satisfaction using a variety of available measures and should participate in the team approach to identifying problems and generating solutions as part of a continuous quality improvement process ( ).

The performance of individuals responsible for the parasitology section should be monitored periodically with both internal and external unknown specimens, and competency assessments should be up-to-date, especially for those laboratories that encounter positive specimens infrequently. A variety of reference materials should be readily available for use at the laboratory bench, including positive slides and fecal specimens, printed atlases, and slide atlases.

Unpreserved specimens for parasitologic examination should be considered potentially infectious. Thus, all blood and body fluids should be handled according to Standard Precautions as defined by the Final Rule on Blood-borne Pathogens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as published in the Federal Register . In addition to blood-borne viral pathogens, malarial parasites and hemoflagellates may remain infective. A variety of parasites may remain infective in fresh stool specimens, including cysts of enteric protozoa; eggs of Taenia solium , E. vermicularis , and H. nana ; and filariform larvae of S. stercoralis . Trichuris trichiura , Ascaris lumbricoides , and hookworm eggs may remain infective in older specimens, and Ascaris eggs can survive and embryonate while in 5% formalin. Fecal specimens also may contain pathogens such as Salmonella , Shigella , or viruses. Strict observance of proper specimen handling techniques and disposal is essential. Personal attention to hand washing is also necessary.

Blood and Tissue Protozoa

Plasmodium Spp. (Malaria)

Malaria (from the Italian mal’ aria, meaning “bad air”) is an acute and sometimes chronic infection of the bloodstream characterized clinically by fever, anemia, and splenomegaly, and is caused by apicomplexan parasites of the genus Plasmodium . The defining clinical features of a malarial attack or paroxysm consist of, in order, shaking chills, fever (up to 40°C or higher), and generalized diaphoresis, followed by resolution of fever. The paroxysm occurs over 6 to 10 hours and is initiated by the synchronous rupture of erythrocytes with the release of new infectious blood stage forms known as merozoites ( Fig. 65.4 ). The disease generally occurs throughout the tropics and subtropics and is spread exclusively by female anopheline mosquitoes. The four main species of Plasmodium causing human malaria are P. vivax , P. falciparum , Plasmodium malariae, and Plasmodium ovale . P. falciparum infection occurs principally in tropical areas worldwide, whereas P. vivax infections occur in both tropical and temperate zones, including the east horn of Africa, Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. P. malariae also occurs worldwide but to a much lesser extent than P. falciparum or P. vivax . Plasmodium ovale occurs primarily in western Africa and Southeast Asia; interestingly, P. ovale is the only species to date not to have been introduced to the Americas. Recently, human infection with P. knowlesi , a malarial parasite of Old World monkeys, has been described in several regions of Southeast Asia. These infections are potentially life-threatening but are difficult to distinguish from P. malariae microscopically, leading to misidentification. Use of PCR may be required to make the correct differentiation ( ).

Figure 65.4, Life cycle of Plasmodium spp. Infection occurs when an infected female anopheline mosquito injects infectious sporozoites while taking a blood meal (1). Sporozoites are carried to the liver via the bloodstream, where they infect a hepatocyte (2) and divide asexually to form a hepatic schizont (3). The schizont ruptures (4), releasing infectious merozoites into the bloodstream that infect erythrocytes (5) and initiate the erythrocytic cycle. The early stage of the parasite is a “ring-form” trophozoite. As the trophozoite matures, it takes one of two pathways: it can become an erythrocytic schizont (6) that perpetuates the erythrocytic cycle or it can become a male or female gametocyte (microgametocyte or microgametocyte, respectively), (7). The gametocyte is a dead-end stage in the human host and is taken up by a mosquito when it takes a blood meal (8) to initiate the sexual cycle. In the mosquito host, microgametocytes (males) form microgametes and exflagellate, releasing the individual microgametes. A microgamete will fertilize a macrogamete (female) (9), resulting in the formation of an ookinete (10). The ookinete matures and becomes an oocyst in which proliferation of sporozoites occurs (11). The mature oocyte ruptures, releasing infectious sporozoites (12) which migrate to the salivary glands of the mosquito. The cycle continues when a female mosquito takes her next blood meal and injects sporozoites into the human host.

Because infection with falciparum malaria is potentially life-threatening, its presence must be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained fever, and history of travel in endemic geographic areas should always be sought. In an era of increasing world travel, the risk for acquiring malaria is not insignificant, and the rapid spread of drug-resistant strains poses particular problems when appropriate prophylaxis or therapy is considered.

Laboratory evaluation of patients suspected of having malaria continues to rely on timely examination of thick and thin blood films to demonstrate the intraerythrocytic parasites. Although they are straightforward in their approach, performance of these techniques may be problematic. Reliable identification of organisms requires continuous training to maintain expertise; therefore, those laboratories that rarely see positive specimens may choose to refer specimens to reference laboratories provided that processing and reporting are timely.

NAATs for detection of parasite-specific DNA ( ) provide enhanced sensitivity and specificity but generally are not appropriate or available for smaller laboratories. They are also not typically performed on a STAT basis, as is necessary for detection of acute disease.

Within the past decade, antigen detection methods have become widely available for use in endemic and nonendemic settings (see Laboratory Methods section earlier in this chapter). They are now used in many moderate- to large-sized laboratories in nonendemic settings for rapid malaria diagnosis in resource-limited settings, particularly when skilled and experienced microscopists are not available (e.g., night shift). They are also an integral part of the WHO’s malaria control efforts; an estimated 276 million malaria RDTs were sold worldwide in 2017, with an additional 245 million RDTs distributed at no cost by the National Malaria Programme ( ). The WHO estimates that 75% of malaria tests conducted in malaria-endemic regions in sub-Saharan Africa were via RDTs ( ). Most commercially available tests utilize a lateral flow format and detect Plasmodium -specific antigens such as lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, and/or P. falciparum HRP-II. While they generally provide a high degree of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of falciparum malaria, most suffer from inadequate sensitivity for detection of lower parasite loads and non– P. falciparum infections. The sensitivity, specificity, and invalid rates vary widely among the malaria RDTs. The WHO has performed 7 rounds of product testing on commercially available RDTs, the results of which are freely available online ( ). It is generally recommended that antigen-based assay testing be followed by confirmatory conventional thick and thin film examination ( ; ).

Life Cycle

Plasmodium spp. have a complex life cycle involving a mosquito definitive host and a vertebrate intermediate host (see Fig. 65.4 ). Human infection is initiated when a female Anopheles mosquito takes a blood meal and injects infectious sporozoites into the bloodstream. Sporozoites are carried to the liver and invade hepatic parenchymal cells, initiating a proliferative phase known as extraerythrocytic sporogony . Eventually, these hepatic schizonts rupture, releasing merozoites into the bloodstream, which infect erythrocytes. Developing parasites are known as trophozoites . Early trophozoites are usually characterized by a thin or thick vacuolated cytoplasm and one or two chromatin dots and are referred to as rings or ring-form trophozoites . Hemozoin pigment, a breakdown product of hemoglobin, is characteristic of erythrocytes containing mature stages of malarial parasites but is not usually evident in ring forms. As the trophozoites mature, they take one of two pathways.

In one pathway, trophozoites become erythrocytic schizonts that produce merozoites and perpetuate the erythrocytic cycle. The erythrocytic cycle takes approximately 48 hours (tertian periodicity) for P. falciparum , P. ovale , and P. vivax infections, and 72 hours (quartan periodicity) for P. malariae infection. Clinical symptoms of fever spikes are ties to the rupturing of erythrocytic schizonts. In the second pathway, trophozoites become macro- (female) or microgametocytes (male). Gametocytes are a dead-end stage in the human host; their sole purpose is to be picked up by a mosquito host to initiate the sexual cycle. In the mosquito host, microgametocytes exflagellate and the released microgametes fertilize a macrogamete, resulting in the formation of a motile ookinete . Ookinetes migrate outside the gut wall of the mosquito and become an oocyst. Within the oocyst, sporogony results in the formation of infectious sporozoites. The mature oocyst ruptures into the body cavity, releasing sporozoites, which then migrate through the tissues to the salivary glands, from which they are injected into the vertebrate host as the mosquito feeds. The time required for development in the mosquito ranges from 8 to 21 days.

Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale are unique in that true disease relapses may occur weeks to months following subsidence of previous attacks. This occurs as a result of renewed extraerythrocytic and, eventually, erythrocytic schizogony from latent hepatic parasite forms known as hypnozoites . Recurrences of disease due to P. falciparum or P. malariae , called recrudescences , arise from increased numbers of persisting blood stage forms to clinically detectable levels and not from persisting liver stage forms. Liver cells are infected only by sporozoites from the mosquito; thus, transfusion-acquired P. vivax or P. ovale infection does not relapse ( ).


Endemic transmission of malaria requires a reservoir of infection, an appropriate mosquito vector, and a susceptible host. Control of malaria is directed at elimination of mosquito hosts, treatment of active cases, and prophylaxis of susceptible persons. However, the emergence of mosquitoes resistant to insecticides, the development of resistance to prophylaxis and therapy by P. falciparum and P. vivax ( ) and lack of adequate funding have made control difficult in endemic areas. Fortunately, renewed global efforts have dramatically decreased the morbidity and mortality of malaria worldwide, although further efforts are needed to achieve full control and elimination ( ).

A number of hereditary erythrocyte genotypes offer some degree of protection against severe P. falciparum malaria, including sickle cell trait, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, hereditary ovalocytosis, and thalassemia ( ; ). Alterations of erythrocyte cell membrane surface proteins may interfere with parasite invasion and confer a protective effect against malaria infection and severe disease. Individuals who lack the Duffy blood group antigen, for example, have a decreased likelihood of P. vivax infection since this is the primary protein used by P. vivax to bind and invade erythrocytes ( ). Alternate binding pathways have recently been identified for P. vivax , providing an explanation for the numerous reports of P. vivax malaria in Duffy blood group–negative individuals ( ).

Transfusion-acquired malaria may occur when blood donors have subclinical malaria and may prove fatal for the recipient. Similarly, congenital malaria may occur in infants born to mothers from endemic areas. The infant acquires the infection at birth as a result of rupture of placental blood vessels leading to maternal-fetal transfusion. Neither transfusion nor congenital malaria is expected to relapse because exoerythrocytic schizogony does not occur. The number of cases of malaria reported in the United States averages about 1700 cases per year ( ). The most recent surveillance summary from the CDC reported 1517 total cases in 2015 ( ). Species causing infection were P. falciparum (67.4%), P. vivax (11.7%), P. ovale (4.1%), P. malariae (3.1%), and undetermined (12.9%), with less than 1% having infection with two species. Of reported cases, 17.1% were associated with severe disease, including the 11 persons who died. Only 4.7% of patients with malaria reported adhering to a CDC-recommended chemoprophylaxis malaria regimen. Patients acquired the infection in Africa (84.7%), Asia (8.6%), the Western Hemisphere (4.6%), or Oceania (2 cases). In patients for whom the reason for travel was known, the majority (68.4%) were visiting friends and relatives (VFRs). These individuals have long been known to be at higher risk for acquiring malaria than other travelers since they often do not seek pre-travel counseling, do not take malaria chemoprophylaxis, travel to more rural areas, and often stay for longer periods of time.

Clinical Disease

Most patients who develop P. falciparum infection become symptomatic within 1 month of exposure, whereas a delay of up to 6 months or more may be seen with the other Plasmodium species. Common presenting symptoms of malaria include chills and fever, which often are associated with splenomegaly. In the early stages of the disease, febrile episodes occur irregularly but eventually become more synchronous, assuming the usual tertian ( P. vivax , P. falciparum , and P. ovale ) or quartan ( P. malariae ) periodicity. Patients with malaria may develop anemia and may have other manifestations, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, and muscle aches and pains. Plasmodium falciparum malaria can result in high rates (50%) of parasitemia, which can lead to severe hemolysis with hemoglobinuria and profound anemia. Erythrocytes infected with growing trophozoites and schizonts of P. falciparum become sequestered in small vessels of the body, which may lead to occlusion of these vessels, causing symptoms related to capillary obstruction and tissue anoxia. Involvement of the brain is known as cerebral malaria, in which the patient becomes disoriented, progressing to delirium, coma, and often death.

The course of untreated malaria depends on the species. Most fatal cases of malaria are due to P. falciparum , although P. knowlesi can also cause fatalities. In nonfatal cases, the febrile paroxysms become less severe with time and the disease gradually subsides. Patients with P. vivax or P. ovale infection may have relapses after many months or, occasionally, years. Persons with P. falciparum and P. malariae infection may have symptom-free periods but suffer from sporadic recrudescences owing to persisting low-grade parasitemia. Relapses and recrudescences may be associated with changes in the host’s defense mechanisms or possibly with antigenic changes in the infecting organisms.

Peripheral smears may show leukocytes that contain malaria pigment (hemozoin). Increased reticulocyte counts occur commonly and are associated with rapid erythrocyte turnover. The presence of greatly enlarged platelets may be noted on peripheral blood films and may occur as a result of their rapid turnover secondary to splenic sequestration. Malarial infection may interfere with certain serologic tests, producing false-positive results, especially those for syphilis.

Therapy and prophylaxis of malaria have become highly complex topics because of the widespread appearance of resistance by P. falciparum to chloroquine and other antimalarials and, to a lesser extent, resistance by P. vivax to chloroquine. Artemisinin combination therapy is now recognized as the preferred treatment by the WHO for treatment of P. falciparum infection and chloroquine-resistant P. vivax infection ( ). Persons with P. vivax or P. ovale malaria should receive treatment with primaquine phosphate or tafenoquine in addition to standard primary treatment in order to eradicate hepatic hypnozoites and to prevent relapse. Use of primaquine or tafenoquine may be dangerous in patients who have G6PD deficiency. Screening of at-risk patients before therapy is initiated may be necessary ( ; ). Exchange transfusion may decrease morbidity and mortality in severe cases of P. falciparum infection in which the parasitemia is ≥10% ( ). While exchange transfusion is no longer recommended in this setting by the CDC ( ), it is still supported in cases of severe malaria with high parasitemia by the American Society for Apheresis ( ).


Malaria should always be included in the differential diagnosis of fever in patients who have a history of travel to or residence in endemic areas ( ). Given the potentially life-threatening nature of infection, testing must be performed on a STAT basis. Diagnosis usually is established by demonstrating parasites in thick and thin blood films. Blood specimens ideally are collected just before the next anticipated fever spike or at the onset of fever. Specimens drawn several hours apart sometimes may be required to demonstrate infection or to diagnose the species because the number and morphologic stage of parasites vary during the cycle. Careful examination of thick films should reveal the presence of the parasites in almost all patients with clinically apparent malaria.

Identification of malarial parasites on thin blood films requires a systematic approach. Three major factors should be considered: appearance of infected erythrocytes, appearance of parasites, and stages found. Table 65.7 summarizes diagnostic characteristics of the species, which are illustrated in Figures 65.5 and 65.6 . The size of the infected erythrocyte is a particularly useful feature for determining the infecting species; erythrocytes infected by P. vivax or P. ovale parasites often appear enlarged compared with adjacent uninfected cells, whereas P. malariae and P. falciparum parasites are usually found in erythrocytes of normal size. Erythrocytes infected with P. ovale are often oval or fimbriated (having irregular, usually polar or bipolar, projections of the cell margins), a feature rarely observed with P. vivax . Schüffner stippling, noted as numerous small uniform pink granules in the erythrocyte, is usually seen in cells infected with P. vivax and P. ovale , although it may not be evident in cells infected with early ring forms or on slides that have not been stained at the appropriate pH, such as the Wright-Giemsa stain, used widely in hematology laboratories (see the Laboratory Methods section earlier in the chapter). The presence of Schüffner stippling is helpful because it is not seen in P. malariae or P. falciparum infection.

TABLE 65.7
Comparison of Plasmodium Species Affecting Humans
Modified from Ash LR, Orihel TC: Atlas of human parasitology, ed 5, Chicago, 2007, ASCP Press.
Species Erythrocyte Size Cytoplasmic Inclusions Parasite Cytoplasm Parasite Pigment Number of Merozoites Stages Found in Circulating Blood
Plasmodium vivax Enlarged; maximum size (attained with mature trophozoites and schizonts) may be 1–2 times normal erythrocyte diameter Schüffner dots; all stages except early ring forms Irregular and pleomorphic, ameboid in trophozoites; may have band forms Golden brown 12–24; average is 16 All stages; wide range of stages may be seen on any given film
Plasmodium malariae Normal to small Ziemann dots rarely seen Rounded, compact trophozoites with dense cytoplasm; band-form trophozoites occasionally seen Dark brown, coarse, conspicuous 6–12; average is 8; “rosette” schizonts occasionally seen All stages; wide range of stages usually not seen; relatively few rings or gametocytes generally present
Plasmodium ovale Enlarged; maximum size may be 1.25 to 1.5 times normal red blood cell diameter; infected red blood cells may be oval and/or fimbriated (border has irregular projections) Schüffner dots; all stages except early ring forms Rounded, compact trophozoites; occasionally slightly ameboid; growing trophozoites have large chromatin mass Dark brown, conspicuous 6–14; average is 8 All stages
Plasmodium falciparum Normal; multiply infected red blood cells are common Maurer clefts occasionally seen Young rings are small, delicate, often with double chromatin dots; gametocytes are crescent or elongate Black; coarse and conspicuous in gametocytes 6–32 Rings and/or gametocytes; other stages develop in blood vessels of internal organs but are usually not seen in peripheral blood except in severe infection

A pH of 7.0–7.2 is optimal for visualization of cytoplasmic inclusions.

Figure 65.5, A, Plasmodium vivax . 1, Normal-size erythrocyte with marginal ring-form trophozoite. 2, Young ring form (early trophozoite) in an enlarged erythrocyte (macrocyte). 3, Slightly older ring form trophozoite in macrocyte showing Schüffner stippling. 4, Polychromatophilic macrocyte containing late-stage trophozoite with pseudopodia (i.e., “ameboid” form). 5, Ring form of trophozoite showing pigment in macrocyte with Schüffner stippling. This stippling does not appear in all cells containing the growing and older forms of Plasmodium vivax , but it can be found with any stage from the fairly young ring form onward. 6 and 7, Ameboid trophozoite forms. 8, Three ameboid trophozoites. 9 to 13, Older ameboid trophozoites in the process of development. 10, Two ameboid trophozoites in one cell. 14, Mature trophozoite. 15, Mature trophozoite with chromatin apparently in process of division. 16 to 19, Schizonts showing progressive steps in division (early segmenting schizonts). 20, Mature schizont. 21 and 22, Developing gametocytes. 23, Mature microgametocyte. 24, Mature macrogametocyte. (From Wilcox A: Manual for the microscopical diagnosis of malaria in man, Bulletin No. 180, Bethesda, MD, 1942, National Institutes of Health.) B, Plasmodium malariae. 1, Young ring form (early trophozoite). 2 to 4, Young trophozoite forms of the parasite showing gradual increase in chromatin and cytoplasm. 5, Developing ring form of trophozoite showing pigment granule. 6, Early band form of trophozoite—elongate chromatin, some pigment apparent. 7 to 12, Some forms that the developing (late-stage) trophozoite of P. malariae may take. 13 and 14, Late-stage trophozoites— 13 shows a thick band form. 15 to 19, Phases in the development of the schizont (early segmenting schizonts). 20, Mature schizont containing a central hemozoin pigment granule and peripheral merozoites (“rosette” or “daisy head” arrangement). 21, Immature microgametocyte. 22, Immature macrogametocyte. 23, Mature microgametocyte. 24, Mature macrogametocyte. (From Wilcox A: Manual for the microscopical diagnosis of malaria in man, Bulletin No. 180, Bethesda, MD, 1942, National Institutes of Health.) C, Plasmodium falciparum. 1, Very young ring form (early trophozoite). 2, Double infection of single cell with young trophozoites—one a “marginal” or “applique” form, the other a “signet ring” form. 3 and 4, Young trophozoites showing double chromatin dots (“headphone” forms). 5 to 7, Developing trophozoite forms. 8, Three late-stage trophozoites in one cell. Although these forms are not generally seen in freshly obtained peripheral blood with P. falciparum infection due to sequestration in the peripheral capillaries, they may be seen when there is a delay between collection and examination. 9, Trophozoite showing pigment in a cell containing Maurer dots. These intracytoplasmic inclusions can be differentiated from the stippling seen with P. vivax and P. ovale infection in that the Maurer dots are larger and fewer in number. 10 and 11, Two late-stage trophozoites in each of two cells, showing variation in forms that parasites may assume. 12, Late-stage trophozoite showing haze of pigment throughout cytoplasm. Maurer dots are also present. 13, Unusual slender forms of P. vivax . 14, Mature trophozoite, showing clumped pigment. 15, Parasite in the process of initial chromatin division to form a schizont (schizonts are not usually found in the peripheral circulation in P. falciparum infection). 16 to 19, Various phases of development of the schizont (early segmenting schizonts). 20, Mature schizont. 21 to 24, Successive forms in development of the gametocyte—usually not found in the peripheral circulation. 25, Immature macrogametocyte. 26, Mature macrogametocyte. 27, Immature microgametocyte. 28, Mature microgametocyte. (Courtesy of United States Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health.) D, Plasmodium ovale. 1, Young ring form (early trophozoite). 2 to 5, Older ring-shaped trophozoites. 6 to 8, Older trophozoites, some with ameboid features reminiscent of P. vivax infection. Generally, P. ovale late-stage trophozoites have a more compact appearance than those of P. vivax. 9, 11, and 12, Doubly infected cells, trophozoites. 10, Doubly infected cell, young gametocytes. 13, Early segmenting schizont with only 2 merozoites. 14 to 19, Schizonts, progressive stages. 20, Mature gametocyte. (Free translation of legend accompanying original plate in Guide pratique d’examen microscopique du sang appliqué au diagnostic du paludisme by Georges Villain. Reproduced with permission from Biologie Medicale Supplement, 1935. Courtesy of Aimee Wilcox, National Institutes of Health Bulletin No. 180, United States Public Health Service.)

Figure 65.6, A, Plasmodium falciparum in Giemsa-stained thick blood film showing thin, delicate rings and a “headphone” form (arrow) (1000×). B, Plasmodium falciparum in Giemsa-stained thin blood film; note high parasitemia, multiply infected red blood cells, and delicate ring forms with appliqué and headphone forms (1000×). C, Babesia microti in Giemsa-stained thin blood film; note high parasitemia, multiply infected red blood cells with irregular forms, and Maltese cross configuration (arrow) (1000×). D, Trypanosoma brucei in thin blood film; note nucleus, small kinetoplast (arrow) , anterior flagellum, and undulating membrane (Giemsa stain; 1000×). E, Trypanosoma cruzi in thin blood film; note nucleus, large kinetoplast (arrow) , anterior flagellum, and undulating membrane (Giemsa stain; 1000×). F, Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes in a cardiac biopsy; individual amastigotes with a small nucleus and rod-shaped kinetoplast (arrow) are visible (hematoxylin and eosin [H&E], 1000×). G, Leishmania sp. amastigotes in an impression smear of lymph node (Giemsa stain; 1000×). H, Pseudocyst (left) and free tachyzoites (arrows) of Toxoplasma gondii in brain tissue (H&E; 1000×). I, Intracellular and free T. gondii tachyzoites in an impression smear of brain tissue from an immunocompromised patient with reactivated disease (Giemsa; 1000×).

As trophozoites grow in the infected cells, the amount of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte decreases and hemozoin pigment accumulates. The amount and appearance of the pigment vary among species. Ring forms of all parasites may have a similar appearance, and if only occasional ring forms are found, the species may not be identifiable. Young rings of P. falciparum tend to be smaller than those of the other species (one-sixth the diameter of the red blood cell compared with one-third the diameter of the red blood cell for the other species). Rings of P. falciparum that have grown are similar in size to those of the other species. Trophozoites that appear to be lying on the surface of the erythrocyte or protruding from it are called appliqué or accolé forms, most often seen in P. falciparum infection. Doubly infected cells and double chromatin dots in ring trophozoites occur most commonly in P. falciparum infection but can occur with the other species as well.

Growing trophozoites of P. vivax have irregular shapes and are termed ameboid . Those of P. malariae and P. ovale tend to remain compact, although vacuolated forms can occur (with P. malariae , these can take on a characteristic shape called the “basket-form” trophozoite). Mature trophozoites and schizonts of P. falciparum are usually sequestered in capillary beds secondary to cytoadherence to endothelial cells and are not seen in the peripheral blood except in very severe cases of infection. When schizonts are identified in the peripheral blood, determining the number of merozoites is helpful in identifying the various species. Gametocytes of P. falciparum are readily identified by their characteristic sausage shape. Gametocytes of P. vivax , P. malariae , and P. ovale have a similar shape. Thus, they are difficult to differentiate, although characteristics of infected red blood cells can aid in identification.

The varieties of developmental stages in the peripheral blood aid in diagnosis. In P. falciparum infection, ring forms predominate; finding numerous ring forms without more mature stages is highly suggestive for P. falciparum infection. In P. vivax , P. malariae , and P. ovale infections, various stages of parasites are found with some predominance of one stage depending on the phase of the cycle.

Thick films are preferred for detecting malarial infections because a greater quantity of blood is examined (see the Laboratory Methods section earlier in the chapter). Ring forms often have the appearance of punctuation marks rather than complete rings, and the presence of red chromatin and blue cytoplasm should be required to identify them as parasites (see Fig. 65.6A ). Schüffner stippling still may be a helpful identifying characteristic, which may be recognized around growing trophozoites as a pink halo rather than as distinct granules seen in thin films. The ameboid character of P. vivax trophozoites is not as evident in thick films, but the number of merozoites in mature schizonts is helpful. Gametocytes usually cannot be differentiated. The distinctive sausage shape of P. falciparum gametocytes is still evident, although they may appear stubbier than in thin films. Gametocytes of the other species can be detected and are easily differentiated from host cell nuclei by the presence of refractile hemozoin pigment.

Mixed infections occur occasionally, but caution should be used in making such a diagnosis unless definite evidence reveals two separate populations of parasites. The most common mixed infections are P. falciparum and P. vivax . Finding gametocytes of P. falciparum in a person obviously infected with P. vivax is diagnostic, for example.

Multiple artifacts may be confused with malarial parasites on thick and thin films. The most common artifacts on thin films are blood platelets superimposed on red blood cells. These platelets should be readily identified because they do not have a true ring form, do not show differentiation of the chromatin and cytoplasm, and do not contain pigment. Clumps of bacteria or platelets may be confused with schizonts. At times, masses of fused platelets may resemble gametocytes of P. falciparum but do not show the differential staining or the pigment. Precipitated stain and contaminating bacteria, fungi, or spores may also be confused with these parasites.

Species-specific serologic tests for malaria are not useful for diagnosis of acute infection but may be useful for epidemiologic surveys and detection of infected blood donors ( ). Such tests do not reliably differentiate current from past infection, however. Sensitive and specific IFA tests using antigens from the four human species are available from the CDC. Assays for the direct detection of malarial antigens in blood are especially useful (see the Laboratory Methods section earlier in the chapter) ( ).

Babesia Spp. (Babesiosis)

Similar to malarial parasites, etiologic agents of babesiosis are apicomplexan protozoa found nearly worldwide that infect erythrocytes, often producing febrile illness of variable severity. Unlike malaria, babesiosis is transmitted by ticks, is found in a variety of animal species that serve as reservoirs, and is primarily a disease of temperate regions. Less commonly, babesiosis is transmitted by blood transfusion and transplacentally.

Human infection in the United States occurs predominantly in the northeastern and Midwestern states, where the rodent parasite Babesia microti is responsible for infection. The Ixodes scapularis -complex , the “black-legged” or “deer ticks,” are the usual vectors. Babesia duncani causes a smaller number of infections in northern California, Oregon, and Washington and is thought to be transmitted by the Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus ( ). In Europe, babesiosis is caused primarily by Babesia divergens , with a smaller number of cases attributed to Babesia venatorum and B. microti. Infection with these agents is transmitted by Ixodes ricinus . Reports of B. divergens and B. divergens –like ( Babesia MO-1) infections in the states of Kentucky, Missouri, and Washington expand the range of known human cases in the United States ( ). Other means of acquiring infection include blood transfusion and, rarely, congenital transmission. The FDA has approved the Imugen (Oxford Immunotec, Oxfordshire, UK) Babesia microti– arrayed fluorescent immunoassay for detecting B. microti antibodies in human plasma samples as well as the Imugen Babesia microti nucleic acid test for detection of DNA in whole blood ( ).

The spectrum of babesiosis varies from latent, subclinical infection to fulminant, hemolytic disease. Fatalities have been reported, especially in splenectomized or immunocompromised individuals. Immunocompetent persons may experience symptoms similar to those of malaria, including fever, chills, malaise, and anemia, although without recognizable periodicity. Investigation of an outbreak caused by B. microti on Nantucket Island in New England showed that some symptomatic patients harbored the parasite for months and others showed serologic evidence of infection without a history of clinical disease. Other evidence indicates that chronic subclinical infections may not be uncommon ( ). While asymptomatic infections in immunocompetent patients generally do not require treatment, symptomatic patients, including those at risk for severe disease (e.g., asplenic individuals), are generally treated using atovaquone plus azithromycin or clindamycin plus quinine ( ).

Babesia parasites multiply in erythrocytes by binary fission, producing morphologically indistinguishable trophozoites and gametes. Although trophozoites of many species may be highly variable in size and shape, those of B. microti usually appear as delicate ring forms that may be easily confused with those of malarial parasites, especially P. falciparum (see Fig. 65.6C ) ( ). Babesia can be differentiated from those of malarial parasites by the presence of a tetrad (Maltese cross) formation of the merozoites and the absence of large ameboid trophozoites and morphologically distinguishable gametocytes; extracellular forms may be seen in heavy infections. Also, Babesia species usually have a heterogeneous appearance with round, oval, spindled, and “racket” forms coexisting on the same peripheral blood smear. Finally, Babesia -infected cells lack hemozoin pigment, which is present in Plasmodium -infected cells. History of residence in or travel to endemic areas, or of a recent tick bite, might suggest Babesia infection. NAATs for Babesia species are available from the CDC on referral from state health departments and from some commercial laboratories. Serologic tests (e.g., IFA) may also be available but are generally not useful for detection of acute disease. However, they may be useful for screening blood donors in endemic settings. Serology tests for malaria are negative in babesiosis, although patients with malaria may cross-react in the Babesia serologies ( ; ).


The hemoflagellates of humans and animals are members of the group Kinetoplastea and are characterized by the presence of a kinetoplast, a complex of abundant circular DNA within a large mitochondrion, which can be seen by light microscopy when treated with Giemsa stain. Two genera important in human disease are Trypanosoma and Leishmania . Members of both genera are transmitted by arthropod vectors and have animal hosts that serve as reservoirs.

Kinetoplastids assume different morphologic forms depending on their presence in vertebrate hosts, including humans, or in their insect vectors ( Fig. 65.7 ). The amastigote stage is spherical, 2 to 5 μm in diameter, and displays a nucleus and kinetoplast. By definition, an external flagellum is lacking, although an axoneme (the intracellular portion of the flagellum) is apparent at the ultrastructural level. Amastigotes may be found in human or animal hosts infected with T. cruzi or Leishmania spp., where they multiply exclusively within cells, but not with T. brucei . The promastigote is an elongated and slender organism with a central nucleus, an anteriorly located kinetoplast and axoneme, and a free flagellum extending from the anterior end. This stage occurs in the insect vectors of Leishmania and is the stage detected in culture but is not detected in clinical specimens unless there is a substantial delay in processing. The epimastigote is similar to the promastigote, but the kinetoplast is found closer to the nucleus and has a small undulating membrane that becomes a free flagellum. All species of Trypanosoma that infect humans assume an epimastigote stage in the insect vector or in culture. Neither the promastigote nor epimastigote are seen in humans. In the trypomastigote, the kinetoplast is found at the posterior end and the flagellum forms an undulating membrane that extends the length of the cell, emerging as a free flagellum at the anterior end. Trypomastigote forms occur predominantly in the bloodstream of mammalian hosts infected with various Trypanosoma spp. Infectious stages found in appropriate insect vectors following transformation from the epimastigote form are known as metacyclic trypomastigotes .

Figure 65.7, Morphology of hemoflagellates commonly infecting humans.

Trypanosoma spp. (African and American Trypanosomiasis)

Infections with trypanosomes include those caused by Trypanosoma brucei (African trypanosomiasis) and T. cruzi (American trypanosomiasis, or Chagas disease). Both are of great importance in endemic areas. A third species, Trypanosoma rangeli , has been described in humans in the Americas but does not cause clinical illness. Bloodstream trypomastigotes of the T. brucei group (see Fig. 65.6D ) are up to 30 μm long with graceful curves and a small kinetoplast. Those of T. cruzi are somewhat shorter (20 μm) and display a larger kinetoplast. Also, dividing forms may be seen in blood films with T. brucei but not T. cruzi , as the latter replicates only in the amastigote stage in the human host.

African Trypanosomiasis

In equatorial Africa, parasites of the T. brucei group infect both animals and humans and are transmitted by the bite of tsetse flies in the genus Glossina . Multiplication of organisms at the bite site often produces a transient chancre. East African trypanosomiasis is caused by T. brucei rhodesiense , which has a number of animal reservoir hosts. The disease is characterized by a rapidly progressive acute febrile illness with lymphadenopathy. Patients may die before central nervous system (CNS) involvement is prominent.

The infection in western Africa is caused by T. brucei gambiense , which is responsible for classic African sleeping sickness. The disease has a more chronic course that begins with intermittent fevers, night sweats, and malaise. Lymphadenopathy, especially of the posterior cervical lymph nodes (Winterbottom sign), may be pronounced. Involvement of the CNS becomes prominent with time. Somnolence, confusion, and fatigue progress, leading to stupor, coma, and eventual death. Humans are the primary reservoir for this disease ( ).

Treatment varies by stage of infection (hemolymphatic vs. late disease with CNS involvement) and is potentially toxic. The organoarsenic compound melarsoprol is the only drug available for treating T. b. rhodesiense late-stage disease and carries an associated 1% to 5% mortality rate ( ; ). Consultation with the CDC or other public health experts is indicated in nonendemic settings.

The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of geographic history and clinical findings. Patients show high total IgM levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Pleocytosis occurs with 50 to 500 mononuclear cells per microliter in CSF. The diagnosis is established by demonstrating the parasites on thick and thin films of peripheral blood, buffy coat preparations, or aspirates of lymph nodes or bone marrow, or in spun CSF that is stained with Giemsa ( ). Culture or animal inoculation may be helpful if it is available; a number of molecular methods have also been described.

American Trypanosomiasis

American trypanosomiasis, or Chagas disease, is caused by T. cruzi . In its sylvatic form, the parasite occurs in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and most of South America. Human infections are common in parts of Mexico and Central and South America, where they are transmitted by kissing bugs in the family Reduviidae. In contrast, only rare cases of locally acquired Chagas have been documented in the United States. However, Chagas is now recognized as an important parasite in the United States due to the large number of immigrants that the country receives from endemic areas. As such, it has been designated as an NPI targeted for public health action ( ). The CDC and WHO estimate that more than 8 million individuals are infected worldwide and that greater than 300,000 infected individuals currently live in the United States ( ).

Genera and species of reduviid bugs involved in transmission vary from one country to another and among different ecologic niches. Some reduviids are responsible for maintaining the sylvatic cycle in animal reservoirs, whereas others are adapted to an anthropophilic life in which they infest poorly constructed houses, usually in rural areas. At the time of feeding, the reduviid bug defecates. The bug feces contain infective trypomastigotes that, as a result of scratching or rubbing, enter the body at the bite site or through intact mucosa of the mouth or conjunctiva. Infective forms actively enter nearby tissue cells, where they transform into dividing amastigotes. When the infected cell is filled with amastigotes, transformation to trypomastigotes occurs, followed by cell rupture. Trypomastigotes are released into the peripheral blood and reach distant tissues, where they transform into amastigotes and start the reproductive cycle de novo. Other important means of infection are vertical transmission, blood transfusion, organ transplantation from an infected donor, and, rarely, laboratory accident and through ingestion of contaminated food or drink ( ). Given the risk of transmission via blood transfusion, blood donor units are routinely screened in the United States for T. cruzi using FDA-approved serologic tests .

Chagas disease may cause acute or chronic infection. Acute disease is most common in children younger than 5 years of age and is characterized by malaise, chills, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and myocarditis. Swelling of the tissues around the eye (Romaña sign) may be present if inoculation of the organisms occurs on the face. Swelling of tissues at other locations following the bite of an infected reduviid is called a chagoma . In older individuals, the acute course is milder and often asymptomatic, and the patient remains infected for life. Chronic manifestations of the infection, including megaesophagus, megacolon, and alterations in the conduction system of the heart, are related to destruction of the effector cells of the parasympathetic system by autoantibodies. Infection can be transmitted by blood transfusion, and quiescent infections may be exacerbated by immunosuppression.

Diagnosis of Chagas disease can be challenging. The trypomastigotes ( Fig. 65.6E ) can be observed in peripheral blood or CSF only during the acute stage of the disease or during reactivation. Amastigotes can also be identified in heart biopsies ( Fig. 65.6 F) , although this method is not commonly employed. Molecular diagnosis may be employed when morphologic diagnosis is inappropriate; examples of such clinical scenarios include (1) a person with a bug bite who has emigrated from or returned from an endemic area within 2 months, (2) monitoring organ transplant recipients after initial serologic testing, (3) laboratory accidents (e.g., accidental inoculation), and (4) suspected congenital cases. Often, more than one molecular assay is performed as different assays have different molecular targets ( ). Diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease is best achieved by antibody detection. Other clinical scenarios that may warrant antibody detection include (1) screening of blood and organ donors, (2) symptomatic patients with appropriate travel or exposure history, (3) initial transplant recipients with appropriate epidemiologic history or who received donated organs from an individual with appropriate epidemiologic history, and (4) possible congenital cases. No single serologic assay is sensitive and specific enough to be relied on alone. Therefore, per current recommended guidelines and the CDC, serologic confirmation of chronic T. cruzi infection requires reactivity on two tests using two different methodologies and/or two different T. cruzi antigen preparations. When results are discordant, a testing by a third assay is recommended to resolve the initial results or repeat testing on a new sample may be required. The CDC performs an ELISA (Chagatest, Wiener Laboratories, Rosario, Argentina) and a Trypomastigote-Excreted Secreted Antigen (TESA) immunoblot (LDT, CDC) for primary testing and an LDT immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for discordant results. A TESA blot can also be obtained commercially (BioMérieux, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) ( ; ). In endemic areas, xenodiagnosis (examination of the gut contents of laboratory-raised reduviids that have been allowed to feed on a patient) may be used. In the chronic stage, serodiagnosis is the method of choice.

Management and treatment of Chagas disease is complex and varies with the age of the patient and stage of infection ( ; ). Antiparasitic therapy using nifurtimox or benznidazole is indicated for all cases of acute and reactivated disease and is also recommended for cases of chronic infection in children ≤18 years of age. Antiparasitic treatment is also strongly recommended for adults up to 50 years old with chronic disease in which advanced-stage cardiac involvement is not present. The potential benefits and risks of treatment for older individuals and those with advanced cardiomyopathy must be individually weighed prior to offering therapy ( ; ).

Leishmania spp. (leishmaniasis)

Leishmaniasis is a disease of the reticuloendothelial system caused by kinetoplastid protozoa of the genus Leishmania . All species that infect humans have animal reservoirs and are transmitted by sand flies belonging to the genera Phlebotomus in the Old World and Lutzomyia in the New World. The parasites assume the amastigote form in mammalian hosts and the promastigote form in insect vectors. Species of Leishmania cannot be differentiated by examination of amastigotes or promastigotes. Leishmaniasis may assume many different clinical forms; cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral diseases are best known. The form and severity of disease vary with the infecting species, the particular host’s immune status, and prior exposure ( ).

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis occurs in southern Europe, northern and eastern Africa, the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, India, and southern Russia. Infections are caused by Leishmania tropica , Leishmania major , and Leishmania aethiopica , although L. donovani and Leishmania infantum may also produce cutaneous lesions. The lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis may be variable in appearance, with “wet,” “dry,” and warty appearances. Locally, they may be referred to by a variety of names such as oriental sore, Aleppo boil, desert boil, and Delhi boil. Leishmania tropica produces the “urban” dry ulcer, which is more long-lived than the “rural” wet ulcer of L. major . Ulcers caused by these species usually develop on an exposed area of the body and heal spontaneously. Infection produces long-lasting immunity. L. tropica may become viscerotropic, as was demonstrated in military personnel who participated in Operation Desert Storm ( ). Leishmania aethiopica causes a more aggressive cutaneous infection, which in some individuals metastasizes to produce mucosal lesions or diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, the latter of which is characterized by multiple skin nodules resembling lepromatous leprosy.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis of the New World is caused by many species, including Leishmania mexicana , Leishmania braziliensis , Leishmania amazonensis , Leishmania venezuelensis , Leishmania peruviana , Leishmania panamensis , and Leishmania guyanensis , among others ( ). Lesions produced by L. mexicana often involve the earlobe (Chiclero ulcer), are self-limiting, and are not known to metastasize to the mucosa. However, L. mexicana and L. amazonensis may produce diffuse cutaneous lesions similar to those produced by L. aethiopica . A focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis exists in the southern part of Texas, where infections are caused by one or more species ( ). Leishmania peruviana , which has been found on the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes, causes an infection called uta, a benign cutaneous lesion that occurs predominantly in children. L. peruviana is acquired in the home, where the main reservoirs are domestic dogs. This epidemiologic situation contrasts with other cutaneous leishmaniases, which usually are acquired in forests and have wild animals as reservoir hosts. Treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis is based on the causative species and location and extent of disease. In endemic settings outside of the Americas, where there is no risk of mucosal dissemination, cosmetically unimportant lesions may be treated topically (e.g., cryotherapy) or allowed to self-heal. For individuals at risk of aggressive, disfiguring, or disseminated disease, systemic therapies with sodium stibogluconate, meglumine antimoniate, miltefosine, or paromomycin may be used ( ). Topical paromomycin may also be used.

Mucocutaneous (Mucosal) Leishmaniasis

Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (espundia) is caused primarily by L. braziliensis and species in the Viannia subgenus, which produce typical cutaneous lesions that generally are more aggressive, last longer, and often disseminate to mucous membranes, especially in the nasal, oral, or pharyngeal areas. In these locations, they may produce disfiguring lesions secondary to erosion of soft tissues and cartilage. L braziliensis is distributed in Mexico and Central and South America. Treatment is with sodium stibogluconate, meglumine antimoniate, amphotericin, or miltefosine ( ).

Visceral Leishmaniasis

Visceral leishmaniasis of the Old World occurs sporadically over a wide geographic area and is caused by L. donovani or L. infantum . L. donovani predominates in Africa, India, and Asia, and L. infantum (syn. L. chagasi ) occurs in the Mediterranean region, Middle East, Central Asia, and Central and South America. New World visceral leishmaniasis is caused by L. chagasi and occurs sporadically throughout Central and South America. On occasion, some species that cause cutaneous disease have been responsible for visceral disease, as demonstrated in some troops who participated in Operation Desert Storm ( ). In some areas, humans may serve as the disease reservoir, although a variety of animals, including dogs and cats, usually assume this role.

The infection is usually benign and often subclinical, although some individuals, especially young children and malnourished individuals, have marked involvement of the viscera, especially liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. In some cases, death occurs after months to years unless it is treated appropriately. The infection is called kala-azar in India in reference to the darkening of the skin. Treatment is liposomal amphotericin B, sodium stibogluconate, meglumine antimoniate, miltefosine, amphotericin, or paromomycin ( ). Visceral leishmaniasis is an opportunistic infection in individuals with concurrent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); the condition responds poorly to therapy in such circumstances ( ).

Diagnosis of Leishmaniasis

The diagnosis usually is established by visualization of amastigotes in smears, imprints, or biopsies, or by growth of promastigotes in culture. In integumentary leishmaniasis, the border of the most active lesion should be biopsied and the fresh biopsy should be used to make imprints. The CDC provides instructions for specimen collection at . Both the imprints and smears should be stained with Giemsa. Biopsies should be examined by histopathology and/or submitted for culture. Specimens that may be submitted when visceral leishmaniasis is suspected include buffy coat preparations, lymph node and bone marrow aspirates, spleen and liver biopsies, and antibody detection ( ).

A culture is desirable because it is more sensitive than microscopic examination and allows determination of the species or subspecies, a practice that may help in clinical management of the patient. Biopsy or aspirate specimens collected aseptically are cultured in Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle medium or in Schneider’s Drosophila medium supplemented with fetal calf serum. Cultures usually begin to show promastigotes in 2 to 5 days but should be held for 4 weeks. The CDC provides culture collection kits after consultation and will perform culture and species identification using PCR and sequencing analysis ( ).

Amastigotes found in imprints, smears, and tissue sections are recognized by their size (2–4 μm) and the presence of delicate cytoplasm, a nucleus, and a kinetoplast (see Fig. 65.6G ). In tissue sections, they may appear smaller because of shrinkage during fixation. Amastigotes must be differentiated from other intracellular organisms, including yeast cells of Histoplasma capsulatum and trophozoites of T. gondii . Leishmania spp. have a kinetoplast and do not stain with Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) or periodic acid–Schiff (PAS). In contrast, Histoplasma lack the kinetoplast, and the cell wall stains with PAS and GMS. According to one study ( ), the sensitivity of histologic sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) is 14%; imprints 19%, cultures 58%, and all methods combined, 67%. It should be noted that the amastigotes of Leishmania spp. and T. cruzi are morphologically indistinguishable.

Toxoplasma Gondii (Toxoplasmosis)

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite of the Apicomplexa clade that has a worldwide distribution in humans and in domestic and wild animals, especially carnivores. Infection in immunocompetent persons is generally asymptomatic or mild, but immunocompromised patients may experience serious complications. Infection in utero may result in serious congenital infection with sequelae or stillbirth ( ). The CDC estimates that more than 40 million individuals in the United States alone are infected with this parasite and have identified it as one of five NPIs targeted for public health action ( ).

The sexual stage in the life cycle of this coccidian parasite is completed in the intestinal epithelium of cats and other felines, which serve exclusively as definitive hosts. During this enteroepithelial cycle, asexual schizogony and sexual gametogony occur, leading to the development of immature oocysts that are passed in the feces. Oocysts mature to the infective stage (which contain two sporocysts with four sporozoites each) in the environment in 2 to 21 days. Ingestion of infective oocysts may lead to infection of a wide variety of susceptible vertebrate hosts in which actively growing trophozoites (tachyzoites) may infect any nucleated cells. Proliferation of tachyzoites results in cell death and injury to the host during acute infection. Once immunity has developed, the organisms form tissue cysts that may eventually contain hundreds or thousands of slowly growing bradyzoites. The presence of tissue cysts is characteristic of chronic infection. All stages of the life cycle occur in felines, but only trophozoite and cyst stages occur in humans and other intermediate hosts.

Humans acquire infection with T. gondii by ingestion of inadequately cooked meat, especially lamb or pork, that contains tissue cysts or by ingestion of infective oocysts from material contaminated by cat feces. Outbreaks have occurred from inhaling contaminated dust in an indoor riding stable ( ) and from drinking contaminated water or unpasteurized goat’s milk ( ; ; ). Transmission via blood transfusion, organ transplantation, and transplacentally to the developing fetus also can occur.

Most acute infections are asymptomatic or mimic other infectious diseases in which fever and lymphadenopathy are prominent, such as infectious mononucleosis and acute HIV infection. Congenital infection may occur when the mother develops acute infection during gestation. The risk for infection to the neonate is unrelated to the presence or absence of symptoms in the mother, but severity of infection depends on the stage of gestation at which it is acquired. Intrauterine death, microcephaly, or hydrocephaly with intracranial calcifications may develop if infection is acquired in the first half of pregnancy. Infections in the second half of pregnancy are usually asymptomatic at birth, although fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and jaundice may appear. Chorioretinitis, psychomotor retardation, and convulsive disorders may appear months or years later ( ). Given the risks of congenital toxoplasmosis, expectant mothers are advised against handling cat feces (e.g., cleaning the cat litter box) if the cat spends times outdoors and eating undercooked meat.

In immunosuppressed individuals, especially those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), infection with T. gondii usually manifests with CNS involvement. Other possible clinical and pathologic manifestations include pneumonitis, myocarditis, retinitis, pancreatitis, or orchitis ( ). Toxoplasmosis may be difficult to diagnose clinically and is often discovered at autopsy. These infections usually result from reactivation of a latent infection acquired months or years before but occasionally result from a primary infection. Treatment is based on numerous factors, including the immune status of the host and form of infection. Treatment is indicated for congenitally infected neonates and immunocompromised patients but not typically for acute infection in immunocompetent adults. Pyrimethamine is the standard therapy along with leucovorin to protect against bone marrow suppression ( ; ). Management during pregnancy varies with treatment center. Spiramycin may be administered to prevent spread to the fetus or when infection is diagnosed prior to 18 weeks’ gestation; however, pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and leucovorin are recommended when infection of the fetus is suspected or when diagnosed at or after 18 weeks’ gestation ( ; ).

Serology remains the primary approach in establishing a diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in immunocompetent hosts ( ; ; ). The Sabin-Feldman dye test and the IFA test are standards against which other methods are compared, although the former is performed in only a few centers. EIA tests are commercially available and generally provide results similar to those of the IFA. Antibodies appear in 1 to 2 weeks, and titers peak at 6 to 8 weeks. Tests for IgM-specific antibodies are especially useful for diagnosis of congenital and acute infection, but knowledge of test limitations, specifically the occurrence of false-positive reactions, is extremely important. The persistence of IgM-specific antibodies, sometimes for 1 year or longer, also is problematic and must be interpreted in conjunction with IgG antibody results. Because many persons have had asymptomatic infection, low IgG titers have little significance. Titers in patients with chronic ocular infection may also be low. Immunocompromised patients, such as those with AIDS who have active Toxoplasma infection, almost always have preexisting specific IgG antibodies, although titers may be low and IgM antibodies are infrequently detected. As discussed in the Serologic Diagnosis section earlier in the chapter, IgG avidity testing may be useful for differentiating between acute and remote infection. Interpretation of IgG and IgM antibody titers varies by test method and by manufacturer. The laboratory performing the test should provide the necessary interpretive criteria ( ).

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis may also be established by examination of tissues, blood, or body fluids ( ). Demonstration of tachyzoites or tissue cysts is definitive but may prove difficult to demonstrate in H&E-stained sections; fluorescence or immunohistochemical stains, if available, are useful. Giemsa is good for staining smears of body fluids and tissue imprints. Organisms may be demonstrated by inoculating appropriate material into tissue culture or uninfected mice, although this method is not widely available. Recovery in routine viral cultures also has been described but requires extended incubation. Isolation of organisms from blood or body fluid serves as evidence of acute infection, whereas recovery from tissues may reflect chronic infection. In smears, tachyzoites are crescent-shaped or oval, measuring approximately 3 × 7 μm; cysts measure up to 30 μm in diameter and are usually spherical, except in muscle fibers, where they appear elongate ( ) (see Figs. 65.6H and 65.6I ).

In recent years, PCR has been increasingly used to detect toxoplasmic encephalitis, disseminated disease, and intrauterine infection. Testing is available from most reference laboratories, the CDC, and select research laboratories. PCR is now an important component of testing for pregnant women, neonates, and immunocompromised hosts ( ).

Opportunistic Free-Living Amebae

Amebae of the genera Naegleria , Acanthamoeba , and Balamuthia are inhabitants of soil, water, and other environmental substrates, where they feed on other microscopic organisms, especially bacteria and yeasts. All three genera have been associated with opportunistic infection of the CNS, and Acanthamoeba spp. can also cause keratitis ( ; ). There has also been a single report of Paravahlkampfia francinae being detected in the CSF of a patient with primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) ( ), and Sappinia pedata in a left temporal lobe brain biopsy in a patient with amebic encephalitis ( ; Gelman et al., 2001; ).

PAM, caused by the ameboflagellate Naegleria fowleri , typically affects children and young adults who have been swimming, jumping, or diving in warm freshwater lakes or pools, or people of any age by the improper use of nasal irrigation systems. The ameboflagellate enters the brain via the cribriform plate and olfactory bulbs and reaches the frontal lobes, where it produces an acute hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis that is usually fatal within 1 week of onset of symptoms. The disease has an extremely poor prognosis, despite vigorous therapeutic intervention, including induction of therapeutic coma. Drugs that have been used with limited success include amphotericin B, rifampin, fluconazole, azithromycin, and miltefosine ( ). Antemortem diagnosis is made occasionally by identifying typical trophozoites in CSF on direct wet mounts, in stained preparations ( Fig. 65.8A ), or in culture. However, diagnosis is usually established at autopsy examination by the finding of trophozoites (only) in tissue sections ( Fig. 65.8B ). Trophozoites measure 10 to 35 μm; have a large, round, central karyosome; and if exposed to warm distilled water, convert to flagellated forms in 1 to 2 hours. Cysts are not seen in clinical specimens. Culture usually is performed on nonnutrient agar plates (1.5% agar, 0.5% sodium chloride, pH 6.6–7.0) seeded with a lawn of heat-killed or living Escherichia coli ( , ). Amebae ingest the bacteria, leaving tracks in the bacterial lawn, which may be seen under low-power magnification using reduced light.

Figure 65.8, A, Naegleria fowleri trophozoites in the cerebrospinal fluid in a case of primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Note the pale nucleus with large karyosome (arrow) (Giemsa; 1000×). B, Naegleria fowleri trophozoites in an H&E-stained brain section in a case of PAM; note the small nucleus with large central karyosome (arrow) (1000×). C, Acanthamoeba sp. trophozoites and cysts on an agar culture (1000×). D, Acanthamoeba sp. cysts (left) and trophozoite (right) in contact lens fluid in a case of acanthamebic keratitis. There are abundant bacteria also present (H&E; 1000×). E, Double-walled cysts of Acanthamoeba sp. within corneal stroma (H&E; 1000×). F, Trophozoites in brain tissue in a case of Balamuthia mandrillaris granulomatous amebic encephalitis. The small nucleus with central large karyosome is highlighted (arrow) (H&E; 400×).

Granulomatous amebic meningoencephalitis (GAE) may be caused by several species of Acanthamoeba , including A. castellani , A. culbertsoni , A. polyphaga , and A. astronyxis , among others ( ). It is usually a subacute or chronic opportunistic infection of chronically ill, debilitated, and immunosuppressed individuals, leading to death weeks to months following onset of symptoms. Infection is thought to spread hematogenously from primary foci in skin, the pharynx, or the respiratory tract. Systemic infections occur in individuals with AIDS and may present as ulcerative skin lesions, subcutaneous abscesses, or erythematous nodules ( ). Exposure to fresh water is not necessary because cysts of Acanthamoeba readily become airborne and may be recovered from the throat and nasal passages ( ). The pathologic reaction in tissues is necrosis with acute inflammation. Despite the name of the disease, granulomas are not commonly seen but may be present in immunocompetent hosts. Trophozoites, and less commonly cysts, are seen within brain parenchyma, skin, and, rarely, lung sections. Organisms are commonly clustered around blood vessels, reflecting their hematogenous origin. Diagnosis usually is established at autopsy, but organisms may be recognized in brain biopsies or recovered using the culture technique described for Naegleria . Therapeutic drugs that have been used with some success are pentamidine, sulfadiazine, flucytosine, fluconazole, and miltefosine ( ).

Acanthamoeba trophozoites are somewhat larger than Naegleria , measuring 15 to 45 μm, and display needlelike filamentous projections from the cell known as acanthopodia . Cysts measure 10 to 25 μm and are double-walled, displaying a wrinkled outer wall (ectocyst) and a polygonal, stellate, or round inner wall (endocyst). Identification to the species level is problematic and reflects uncertainty as to the validity of the 18 or more described species, although it is usually not required for clinical management. Currently, genotyping is the preferred approach used in differentiating types of Acanthamoeba ( ). Immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques may prove useful in identifying and differentiating species and are available from the CDC ( ).

GAE may also be caused by the leptomyxid ameba, Balamuthia mandrillaris ( ). Treatment and prognosis are similar to GAE caused by Acanthamoeba spp. Morphologically, Balamuthia cannot be easily differentiated from Acanthamoeba by routine histology, although differences may be detected at the ultrastructural level. These organisms are antigenically distinct and may be identified using specific monoclonal or polyclonal antisera in DFA or immunoperoxidase assays ( ). Balamuthia does not grow on agar plates used for Naegleria and Acanthamoeba but can be recovered in tissue culture using mammalian cell lines.

Acanthamoeba keratitis is an increasingly recognized painful infection of the cornea that is most likely to occur in persons who use daily-wear or extended-wear soft contact lenses or who have experienced trauma to the cornea. Incomplete or infrequent disinfection and use of homemade saline and multipurpose solutions are known risk factors for acquiring the infection ( ). The disease is characterized by development of a paracentral ring infiltrate of the corneal stroma, which progresses to ulceration and possible perforation, with loss of the eye. The infection may be confused with fungal, bacterial, or herpetic keratitis but is characteristically refractory to commonly used antimicrobials. Optimal treatment varies based on the extent of disease, with topical biguanides and diamidines for uncomplicated disease ( ; ). Keratoplasty is required in cases of extensive and refractory disease.

Diagnosis usually is established by demonstrating amebic trophozoites or cysts in corneal scrapings or biopsies ( Fig. 65.8E ). A variety of permanent stains can be used to highlight the organisms, including Giemsa, PAS, and trichrome. Use of the fluorochrome Calcofluor white is especially helpful in recognizing amebic cysts ( ). While cultures (described earlier, Fig. 65.8C ) provide increased sensitivity over staining methods and are often available from clinical laboratories, the sensitivity achieved by PCR may equal or exceed that of culture ( ).

Intestinal and Urogenital Protozoa

Protozoa inhabiting the intestinal tract of humans include amebae, flagellates, ciliates, and coccidia, many of which are considered nonpathogens. Microsporidia also inhabit the human intestinal tract. They were historically grouped with the intestinal protozoa but are now known to be highly specialized fungi and are discussed elsewhere. Infection rates vary widely by population tested and the method employed. Most intestinal infections with protozoa are thought to be acquired by fecal-oral contamination directly from food handlers or indirectly via contaminated water.

For most laboratorians, identification of intestinal protozoa can be one of the more difficult aspects of parasitology. These organisms are small, and pathogenic species must be differentiated from nonpathogenic species and from inflammatory cells, epithelial cells, yeasts, pollen, and other confusing objects. Numerous characteristics assist in identifying intestinal protozoa. Motility patterns are classically described for many amebae, flagellates, and the ciliate Balantioides coli, but these are appreciated only when wet mount examination of fresh material is available. More importantly, features such as size, shape, and nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics are used for identification in wet mounts of concentrated specimens and permanently stained preparations.

Size is an important feature ( Figs. 65.9 and 65.10 ); thus, a properly calibrated ocular micrometer must be available for routine diagnostic use. Shape is also a helpful feature; flagellates generally are elongated and tapered, with a nucleus or nuclei at one end, whereas amebic trophozoites are rounded to oval with occasional pseudopod projections. Other important identifying morphologic features are the number and size of nuclei and the pattern of chromatin distribution, best seen in permanent stained preparations, and cytoplasmic structures such as fibrils in flagellates, ingested materials in amebic trophozoites, and glycogen masses and chromatoid bodies in amebic cysts.

Figure 65.9, Amebae found in human stool specimens. ( Dientamoeba fragilis is a flagellate but morphologically similar to amebae.)

During examination by any method, both nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics should be assessed from a number of individual organisms to complete the identification. When reporting the presence of two or more species in a sample, the observer should be able to define distinct populations of organisms to prevent confusion with an occasional organism with an atypical appearance.

As mentioned in the previous section on Laboratory Methods, trophozoites typically predominate in liquid stool but degenerate within 30 minutes to 1 hour after passage unless the specimen is placed into a fixative. Cysts typically predominate in formed stool and are more resistant to degeneration. Formalin does not preserve trophozoites well; thus, parasites may be missed from formalin-based preparations unless permanent stained smears are also prepared and examined. Therefore, as mentioned previously, a complete stool examination should include examination of both a concentrated wet prep and permanently stained slide.

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