Medical Management of Hormone-Secreting Pituitary Tumors


The majority of pituitary tumors are hormone-secreting. With the exception of prolactin (PRL)-secreting tumors (prolactinomas), surgery has historically been the mainstay of treatment for hormone-secreting as well as nonfunctioning pituitary tumors. In recent years, however, medical therapy has assumed an increasingly important role in the management of hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas. In addition to being the primary treatment for prolactinomas, medical therapy can serve an adjunctive role in the treatment of growth hormone (GH)-secreting tumors, refractory adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting tumors (Cushing disease [CD]), and the rare thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-secreting adenomas. In a subset of patients with acromegaly, medical therapy can be the primary treatment approach. This chapter will review the pharmacological profile, therapeutic efficacy, safety, and side effects of the most common medications used in the treatment of pituitary tumors. In addition, the role of medical therapy in relation to neurosurgical management will be emphasized.

Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors (Prolactinomas)

General Considerations

The treatment algorithm for prolactinomas is reported in Fig. 14.1 . The decision of whether to initiate medical therapy in a patient with a prolactinoma should take into account the size of the tumor, fertility status of the patient, and the presence of symptoms related to hyperprolactinemia. In general, therapy is indicated for macroadenomas. A premenopausal woman with a microprolactinoma who does not have bothersome galactorrhea and does not wish to become pregnant may be reassured and treated with estrogen replacement. Likewise, a post-menopausal woman with a microprolactinoma may not require any treatment. This conservative approach is justified by the observation that approximately 90% of microprolactinomas will not grow in size over a 4- to 6-year period. In these patients, monitoring with periodic PRL measurements and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is appropriate—it is unlikely for a prolactinoma to grow without a concurrent rise in serum PRL levels. Significant increases in serum PRL levels or evidence of growth of a microprolactinoma are indications for treatment, given the possibility that such a tumor represents one of the small minority that will grow to become a macroadenoma. Alternatively, given the high surgical cure rate of microprolactinomas (up to 75% in expert hands), surgery may be considered up front in lieu of medical treatment in those patients who are interested in permanent and immediate cure.

FIGURE 14.1, Management of prolactinomas. DA , Dopamine agonists; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging; PRL , prolactin.

In the evaluation of hyperprolactinemia, it is important to recognize the phenomenon of macroprolactinemia, a laboratory finding that does not require any treatment. Patients with elevated PRL levels who have either mild or no symptoms of hyperprolactinemia may, in fact, have large circulating complexes of the PRL protein (>150 kDa), called macroprolactin. This larger PRL protein, which can spuriously elevate serum PRL levels, can be recognized by a simple laboratory method using precipitation by polyethylene glycol. As many as 10% to 26% of patients with idiopathic hyperprolactinemia have macroprolactinemia, and this entity should be suspected particularly in patients with discordant laboratory findings and clinical symptoms. Finally, the presence of hyperprolactinemia may reflect compression of the pituitary stalk rather than secretion of PRL by the adenoma. This needs to be suspected when PRL is below 100 ng/mL in the face of a solid macroadenoma. In these cases (also called pseudo-prolactinoma) dopamine agonists promptly reduce PRL levels, but are unable to shrink the adenoma.

Dopamine Agonists

In the majority of cases, dopamine receptor agonists (DAs) are the mainstay of treatment for prolactinomas. These drugs inhibit PRL secretion by binding to the D2 receptor of tumoral lactotrophs, which leads to decreased formation of PRL secretory granules and thus reduced tumor volume. There may also be a cytopathic effect of DA on tumor cells resulting in shrinkage and fibrosis of the prolactinoma. Among these drugs, cabergoline and bromocriptine are the most commonly used in practice today, as their use is substantiated by the greatest amount of clinical experience and evidence. Quinagolide is another DA (non-ergot derivative), not available in the United States.

Pharmacologic Aspects

There are currently three DA available in the treatment of prolactinomas: cabergoline, bromocriptine, and quinagolide ( Table 14.1 ).

Table 14.1
Dopamine Agonists Used for the Treatment of Prolactinomas
Dopamine Agonist Brand Name Dosage Forms Typical Starting Dose Dosing Frequency Titration Schedule Mean Effective Dose Maximum Dosage
Cabergoline Dostinex Tablet: 0.5 mg 0.25 mg/1–2 times weekly Once or twice weekly (preferably with food and at bedtime, to reduce side effects) Increase by 0.25 mg increments at 2- to 3-month intervals 0.5–2 mg weekly 4.5 mg weekly (doses up to 11 mg/week are reported)
Bromocriptine Parlodel Tablet: 2.5 mg
Capsule: 5 mg
1.25 mg/day One to three times daily (preferably with food or at bedtime, to reduce side effects) Increase by 1.25 mg weekly 7.5 mg daily 10–30 mg daily
Quinagolide (not available in the United States) Norprolac Tablet: 0.025 mg
Tablet: 0.05 mg
Tablet: 0.075 mg
0.025 mg/day × 3 days, then 0.05 mg/day × 3 days Once or twice daily (preferably with food and at bedtime, to reduce side effects) Increase by 0.025 mg increments weekly 0.075–0.4 mg daily 0.9 mg daily
Side effects of dopamine agonists:

  • Most frequent: nausea (more common with bromocriptine than cabergoline), postural hypotension, brain fogginess.

  • Other possible side effects: vomiting, constipation, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, somnolence and sudden sleep onset episodes, syncope, nasal stuffiness, depression, Raynaud phenomenon (not quinagolide).

  • Dopamine agonists can be associated with exacerbation of preexisting psychosis (rarely), impulse control disorders, and dyskinesias (high-dose treatment). The start of a dopamine agonist in patients taking anti-psychotics should be monitored closely in conjunction with a psychiatrist. Furthermore, patients and caregivers should be made aware that behavioral symptoms of impulse control disorders including pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating, and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists.

  • Cardiac valve abnormalities have been described in patients receiving high-dose ergot-derived dopamine agonists. Low-dose dopamine agonists do not seem to be associated with an increased risk of valvular heart disease. Echocardiographic screening and follow up (e.g., every 2 years) should be planned in patients receiving higher than typical doses of dopamine agonists (e.g., >2 mg weekly). Quinagolide is a non-ergot dopamine agonist and is not associated with an increased risk of cardiac valve abnormalities.

The semisynthetic ergot derivative, bromocriptine, a D2 agonist and weak D1 antagonist, was the first available medical treatment for prolactinomas. Administered orally, bromocriptine has a relatively short half-life (7 hours), often necessitating two to three daily doses, although once daily dosing may occasionally be effective. The standard dosage is 2.5 to 15 mg/day, and most patients are successfully treated with 7.5 mg or less. Since gastrointestinal side effects are common, it is usually recommended to start with very low doses (1.25 mg/day) and gradually titrate upward by 1.25 mg increments weekly until an effective dose is reached. In resistant patients, doses as high as 20 to 30 mg/day may be necessary.

Cabergoline, a preferential D2-receptor agonist, has largely supplanted bromocriptine as the first-line treatment of prolactinomas due to its superior efficacy, longer half-life, and greater tolerability. Its half-life of 2.5 to 4.5 days allows for once- or twice-weekly administration. The typical starting dose of cabergoline is 0.25 mg orally once or twice weekly, with escalation of dosing by 0.25-mg increments at 2- to 3-month intervals if plateau effect is reached, until PRL levels normalize. In most patients, the therapeutic dose range is 0.5 to 3.5 mg weekly. A study found that more than 95% of patients are able to achieve normal PRL levels with high-dose treatment (from 6 to 11 mg/week).

Quinagolide is a non-ergot derivative D 2 -receptor agonist commonly used to treat prolactinomas in Europe and Canada. The half-life of quinagolide is 22 hours, which allows for a once-daily dosing regimen. As with cabergoline, the simpler dosing regimen and reduced side effect profile of quinagolide allows for better patient compliance compared with bromocriptine. Typical doses are 0.075 to 0.4 mg daily, and most patients are effectively treated with 0.1 mg/day. This drug can be rapidly titrated to therapeutic doses in just 7 days: a starting dose of 0.025 mg is given for 3 days and is titrated by 0.025 mg every 3 days until a dose of 0.075 mg is achieved.

Therapeutic Efficacy

Bromocriptine is 75% to 80% effective at normalizing PRL levels and shrinking tumor mass for microprolactinomas, whereas the success rate is around 70% for macroprolactinomas. , , The improvement in headaches and visual field defects (mass effect of the pituitary tumor) is rapid and dramatic in most patients, occurring within a few days after the first dose. These changes often precede radiographic evidence of tumor shrinkage. Likewise, gonadal and sexual function may improve even before complete normalization of serum PRL levels, although sometimes normalization of testosterone may require several months of normal PRL levels. The degree of tumor shrinkage seen with bromocriptine does not necessarily correlate with the nadir PRL level or the extent of decline in PRL levels. Although most prolactinomas remain responsive to bromocriptine over time, the drug is generally not curative, as hyperprolactinemia and tumor growth will often recur after withdrawal of therapy. Prolonged use of bromocriptine has been associated with perivascular fibrosis and increased tumor consistency in prolactinomas that ultimately are surgically removed; the extent of fibrosis seems to correlate with the duration of presurgical treatment with bromocriptine and may affect the technical ease of surgical resection. ,

Early studies found cabergoline to be 80% to 95% effective at normalizing PRL levels, with varying degrees of tumor reduction seen in 70% to 90% of patients. , Although there is considerable variability among studies with respect to tumor shrinkage, a large study showed a significant (>50%) tumor shrinkage in 80% of patients, and complete disappearance of the tumor mass in 57% of patients. Cabergoline is able to induce tumor shrinkage more effectively in DA naïve patients compared with those who have received prior DA treatment. Furthermore, cabergoline offers the potential for cure after several years of treatment, allowing for withdrawal of therapy. ,

The beneficial effects of cabergoline on gonadal function are well documented in both sexes. Compared with bromocriptine, cabergoline is more effective at normalizing PRL levels and restoring ovulation and is associated with fewer, milder, and shorter-lived side effects. Serum testosterone levels have been shown to normalize in the majority of male patients, with concurrent improvement in sperm count and parameters.

Quinagolide normalized PRL levels in 70% to 100% of patients with microadenomas and 65% to 88% of patients with macroadenomas. , Significant tumor reduction was seen in 22% to 55% of patients with microadenomas and 25% to 75% of patients with macroadenomas. ,

Tolerability and Side Effects

The most common side effects of DA include gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neurologic symptoms (see Table 14.1 ). In general, if a patient cannot tolerate the first DA administered, a trial of a second drug should be given.

Among the DA, bromocriptine is the least well-tolerated, with up to 12% of patients being unable to tolerate therapeutic doses. Up to one-third of patients will experience nausea and vomiting, an effect that can be minimized by initiating a low dose and uptitrating very slowly. Taking the medication with a small snack may also reduce these symptoms. A gradual dose titration and taking the medication at bedtime may also help reduce postural hypotension and dizziness experienced by as many as 25% of patients. Syncope is rare but has been reported even with small initial doses. Tolerance to postural hypotension usually develops rapidly. Drowsiness, headache, and nasal congestion are common complaints as well. The safety of bromocriptine in psychiatric patients has not yet been established; there are case reports of onset or exacerbation of preexisting psychosis. Other psychiatric symptoms associated with high doses of bromocriptine include anxiety, depression, insomnia, paranoia, and hyperactivity. At higher doses used in the treatment of Parkinson disease, reversible pleuro-pulmonary changes and retroperitoneal fibrosis have been reported, but these changes are unlikely to occur at the doses used to treat prolactinomas.

While cabergoline and bromocriptine have similar side effect profiles, cabergoline has been shown to be better tolerated in several large comparative studies. , Compared with bromocriptine, the side effects of cabergoline are generally less frequent, milder, and of shorter duration. Nausea and vomiting are most commonly observed, followed by headache and dizziness. In a multicenter randomized trial of hyperprolactinemic women, 3% could not tolerate cabergoline compared with 12% who had to stop taking bromocriptine. It has been proposed that fluctuations in concentrations of DA are the main cause of side effects; cabergoline would be better tolerated due to its long half-life and relatively steady plasma concentration.

Quinagolide has also shown better tolerability compared with bromocriptine. In a double-blind comparative study of 47 hyperprolactinemic patients, quinagolide was tolerated by 90% of patients versus 75% of patients treated with bromocriptine. As with the other DA, the most frequent side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. These effects are transient and occur within the first few days of starting therapy or during dose adjustments.

Dopamine Agonists and Valvular Heart Disease

The safety of DA has been brought into question after two large population-based studies showed an increased risk of cardiac valvular disease in Parkinson disease patients being treated with high doses of these drugs, and particularly cabergoline and pergolide. , It is now recognized that one of the off-target effects of ergot-derived DA is activation of the serotonin (5-HT) receptor, of which there are seven distinct subtypes. High concentrations of the subtype 5-HT2B receptor are found on cardiac valves and the pulmonary arteries. Both pergolide and cabergoline have been implicated in the development of cardiac valvular fibrosis because of their agonist effects at the 5-HT2B receptor. Bromocriptine, which is only a partial agonist at the 5-HT2B receptor, had not been thought to pose an increased risk of cardiac valvular disease. However, some authors have questioned this and suggested that bromocriptine may, in fact, be equally associated with the development of cardiac valvulopathy at high cumulative doses. ,

Several studies have examined the effect of cabergoline on cardiac valvular disease in patients with prolactinomas. These patients typically receive much lower doses (10 to 20 times less) than in Parkinson disease. One study reported an increased risk of moderate tricuspid regurgitation in patients who had received cumulative cabergoline doses greater than 280 mg. However, in another study, patients receiving cabergoline (0.25 to 4 mg/week) for 3 to 4 years (mean cumulative dose of 311 mg) had no increased prevalence of clinically significant valvular heart disease. Even in patients treated with cabergoline for 8 years who received cumulative doses as high as 1728 mg, there was no increased risk of clinically relevant heart disease. Other reports suggest that treatment with cabergoline in prolactinomas may correlate with the development of subclinical cardiac valvular disease, although a recent meta-analysis on the use of DA in patients with hormone-secreting pituitary tumors (prolactinomas, acromegaly, and CD) did not confirm this association.

In conclusion, conventional doses of cabergoline and bromocriptine used in prolactinomas may be associated to a slightly increased prevalence of clinically insignificant cardiac valve fibrosis and insufficiency. , However, it may be prudent to monitor patients requiring higher doses of ergot-derived dopamine agonists with serial echocardiograms (e.g., cabergoline > 2 to 3 mg/week, or bromocriptine > 10 mg/daily). If valvulopathy develops, it may be reasonable to switch to quinagolide, which is non-ergot derived and has low affinity for the 5-HT2BR. If quinagolide is not available, a reasonable option would be to switch from cabergoline to bromocriptine, which has a lower affinity for the 5-HT2B receptor. Alternatively, surgical resection may be appropriate. This issue underscores the importance of using the smallest effective dose and attempting withdrawal from cabergoline treatment in patients who achieve normalization of PRL levels and significant tumor shrinkage to minimize their cumulative lifetime exposure to the drug.

Dopamine Agonist Resistance

A subset of patients with PRL-secreting pituitary tumors demonstrate “biochemical” resistance (failure to normalize PRL levels) or “mass” resistance (absence of tumor shrinkage) to DA. Resistance to DA occurs in both micro- and macroadenomas and is believed to be mediated by the down-regulation of pituitary D2 receptors. Biochemical resistance has been estimated to occur in approximately 10% to 20% of patients on DA. Mass resistance has been estimated to occur in approximately 30% to 40% and 15% of patients taking bromocriptine and cabergoline, respectively. , The prevalence of resistance to quinagolide is unclear given the lack of data regarding its use in DA-naïve patients.

Most tumors resistant to bromocriptine will respond to cabergoline. When switched to cabergoline, 85% of patients resistant to bromocriptine and quinagolide achieved normal PRL levels, and 70% had some change in tumor size. A large study showed that cabergoline normalized PRL levels in 61% and 50% of bromocriptine-resistant microprolactinomas and macroprolactinomas, respectively.

Therapeutic options in the management of DA-resistant prolactinomas include (1) increasing the dose of the DA, (2) switching to an alternative DA, (3) trans-sphenoidal surgery, and (4) radiation therapy (RT). In most cases, the resistance to DA is partial, and a response can be achieved by progressively increasing the dose of the medication. A study showed that in more than 95% of patients resistant to bromocriptine PRL normalized with individualized high-dose cabergoline treatment (mean dose 5.2 mg/week). Bromocriptine-resistant patients generally require higher doses of cabergoline and have less tumor shrinkage compared to treatment-naïve patients. In general, switching from cabergoline to bromocriptine is unlikely to be effective.

While trans-sphenoidal surgery is almost never a first-line treatment for macroprolactinomas (see below), it remains an important option for patients who cannot tolerate DA or when medical therapy is ineffective at controlling symptoms or restoring reproductive function. There is little long-term outcome data regarding patients with macroprolactinomas treated with DA who subsequently proceed to surgery. In a study of 72 patients, 35% of subjects required trans-sphenoidal surgery due to resistance and/or intolerance to DA. This study, which is an outlier given the disproportionately high number of DA-resistant patients, showed that additional tumor shrinkage was achieved in 57% of operated patients, while only 22% were able to attain normoprolactinemia without DA following surgery. Surgery was associated with a high incidence of hypopituitarism regardless of whether patients received subsequent RT.

The remission rate for surgery when used as second-line treatment for macroprolactinomas is quite low (around 20%). Surgery often plays only a “debulking” role, and therefore should be reserved for patients who, despite maximal medical therapy, have progressive tumor enlargement and are at risk of visual compromise or neurological deficits.

Conventional fractionated RT should be considered a last-line option in the management of DA-resistant prolactinomas given the delayed treatment effects and the high rate of hypopituitarism.

Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal

The optimal duration of therapy for patients with prolactinomas is uncertain. Until recently, DA treatment had been considered a “lifelong” requirement. However, after a landmark study by Colao et al. demonstrated disease remission in a considerable proportion of patients following withdrawal from cabergoline, attention shifted toward defining selection criteria for withdrawal and identifying predictors of long-term remission. , Defining the optimal timing and appropriate candidates for withdrawal is difficult because of the heterogeneity of studies that have examined this issue, which differ with respect to the causes of hyperprolactinemia (idiopathic vs. micro/macroprolactinoma), the type and duration of DA treatment, and the treatment prior to the start of DA therapy. Despite the inherent difficulty in extrapolating from these disparate studies, criteria for withdrawal include (1) normoprolactinemia and (2) tumor absence or markedly reduced tumor volume after a minimum of 2 years of DA treatment. A study tested the applicability of these criteria and found a recurrence rate of 54% after withdrawal of long-term cabergoline treatment. In this study, most patients had recurrence of disease within 1 year of discontinuation, and a similar recurrence rate (52% vs. 55%) was seen in patients with microprolactinomas and macroprolactinomas. The size of the tumor remnant prior to withdrawal appears to be predictive of recurrence risk. A meta-analysis showed that long-term remission occurs in only 21% of patients following DA withdrawal.

A retrospective analysis of 213 patients with prolactinomas evaluated which factors predict a satisfactory response to DA treatment and the recurrence rate after discontinuing DA using the above criteria. Thirty-seven percent of patients were able to discontinue DA treatment; those with smaller tumor diameter, no extrasellar extension, and rapid reduction of PRL levels after initiating DAs were more likely to achieve withdrawal. However, hyperprolactinemia recurred in 75% of cases, with most cases recurring within 5 years. Patients who did not have cavernous sinus invasion at presentation and those with more pronounced PRL reduction immediately after starting DA were more likely to maintain long-term remission. These results emphasize that recurrence of hyperprolactinemia is common after discontinuing DA and patients with prolactinomas require long-term follow-up. Moreover, patients who are likely to need life-long DA treatment could be identified soon after diagnosis. This could allow for tailored management, e.g. considering surgery early in the management of patients with DA-related cardiac abnormalities, psychiatric symptoms, and behavioral changes.

The best chance for a long-term remission is seen in patients treated with cabergoline for more than 2 years, whereas remission is seen in only 20% of patients withdrawn from bromocriptine. Considering the financial burden, occasional problems with tolerability, and potential risk of valvulopathy with long-term DA treatment, it is reasonable to attempt withdrawal in patients who have been on a DA (particularly if cabergoline) for 2 years or more. Kwancharoen et al. tried to stop cabergoline a second time in a patient who previously failed withdrawal. In those who received an additional 2-year course of low-dose cabergoline (≤1 mg/week), persistent normoprolactinemia was observed in 35% of patients after withholding the medication.

Surgery as a First-Line Option in Microprolactinomas

Medical treatment with DA is the mainstay in the primary management of macroprolactinomas and symptomatic microprolactinomas. However, surgery may be considered as a first-line treatment in selected patients, including:

  • 1.

    Patients taking antipsychotic medications: DA can cause exacerbation of the preexisting psychosis, and if the medical treatment is started the patient has to be followed up closely by the psychiatry service as well;

  • 2.

    Women with large macroprolactinomas wishing to become pregnant. In fact, these patients (even if they are likely to respond to DA) would have to withhold medical treatment after conception and the adenoma may increase in size during pregnancy;

  • 3.

    Patients with symptomatic hyperprolactinemia not willing to receive long-term medical treatment.

The latter scenario is gaining increasing attention in recent years, especially in terms of surgical approach to symptomatic microprolactinomas in patients with a long life expectancy. In fact, while macroprolactinomas are rarely surgically curable, trans-sphenoidal surgery can provide a safe, effective, and definitive cure in patients with microprolactinomas. On balance, successful surgery can avoid long-term medical treatment with DA, which are potentially associated with adverse events, albeit very rare. Trans-sphenoidal surgery for microprolactinomas leads to normal PRL in 71% to 100% of patients, with low rates of postoperative hypogonadism and permanent diabetes insipidus (0% to 6%) and minor neurosurgical complications (0% to 2%). The long-term recurrence of hyperprolactinemia in patients with normal postoperative PRL is around 10%. A recent cost analysis suggested that surgery may be a more cost-effective treatment for prolactinomas than medical management, although the cost difference was not impressive.

In conclusion, initial surgery can be an option in selected patients. The risks and benefits of surgery should be discussed extensively with the patient, provided that an experienced neurosurgeon is available. ,


Temozolomide is an alkylating agent used for several high-grade brain tumors. It has been proven to be effective in improving residual disease control in patients with locally aggressive or malignant prolactinomas and other aggressive pituitary tumors. This drug should be administered with the supervision of an expert neuro-oncologist.

Management of Prolactinomas During Pregnancy

Two principal considerations arise in the management of women with prolactinomas who either desire fertility or become pregnant: (1) the risk of tumor growth due to physiologic stimulation of tumoral lactotrophs induced by pregnancy, and (2) the effects of DA on fetal development. These two considerations should be weighed against each other on an individualized basis, taking into account the initial size of the pituitary tumor, response to DA treatment, and the patient’s ability to tolerate side effects of treatment. It has been estimated that the risk for significant tumor enlargement during pregnancy is 1.6% to 5.5% in microprolactinomas and 10% to 36% in macroprolactinomas. , ,

Due to the low risk of tumor growth (especially in patients with microprolactinomas), discontinuation of dopaminergic therapy is generally recommended at the time of diagnosis of pregnancy. PRL does not need to be measured during pregnancy, as it is expected to rise physiologically. Similarly, routine MRI during pregnancy is not recommended. On the other hand, close clinical follow up should be arranged during pregnancy (every 3 months, or even earlier for larger macroadenomas). Clinicians should assess signs and symptoms consistent with pituitary tumor enlargement (visual disturbances, unremittent headache) and instruct the patient to report if any symptoms arise in between the visits. Visual fields should be arranged at baseline and every 3 months for large adenomas abutting the optic chiasm or in those patients complaining of visual disturbances. If the patient develops abnormal visual fields and/or severe headache, a pituitary MRI should be arranged. DA should be resumed and titrated up rapidly if there is MRI evidence of significant tumor growth. If DA treatment is necessary, we advise restarting the same medication that was prescribed prior to conception.

For patients with macroadenomas, especially those in close proximity to the optic chiasm or cavernous sinuses, contraception should be encouraged while attempting to reduce the size of the tumor prior to pregnancy. If a patient with a macroprolactinoma becomes pregnant, there are several different therapeutic approaches that can be offered: (1) DA may be stopped after conception with neuro-ophthalmological exams performed throughout pregnancy, (2) DA may be continued throughout pregnancy, (3) trans-sphenoidal surgery may be performed in later stages of pregnancy if the enlarged tumor does not respond to resumption of DA, or (4) delivery if tumor growth cannot be controlled and the pregnancy is advanced enough.

Bromocriptine has conventionally been the drug of choice in women with prolactinomas who desire fertility or who become pregnant. There is substantial evidence showing that exposure to bromocriptine at the time of conception does not cause birth defects or increase the risk of spontaneous abortions, ectopic pregnancies, trophoblastic disease, or multiple pregnancies. However, evidence is also accumulating to show that cabergoline may have an equally good safety record in terms of pregnancy outcomes. A 12-year prospective study of cabergoline use in 329 pregnancies showed no increased risk of miscarriage or fetal malformation.

Breastfeeding does not seem to increase the risk of growth of prolactinomas. Therefore, if the tumor size remained stable during pregnancy and the patient did not experience visual disturbances, women can breastfeed, and DA can be withheld up to the end of breastfeeding.

Finally, it is interesting to note that many women have spontaneous remission of hyperprolactinemia after delivery. , Therefore, PRL levels should be re-checked 2 to 3 months after delivery or cessation of lactation before restarting DA.

Growth Hormone-Secreting Pituitary Tumors (Acromegaly)

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