Malignant Neoplasms of the Thyroid Gland

Thyroid gland malignancies account for about 3% of all cancers (13.5/100,000 population), while representing the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. In general, thyroid cancer afflicts young to middle-aged adults with environmental, genetic, and hormonal factors often playing an etiologic role. Iodine is essential for normal thyroid function and consequently, radioactive iodine can be used in treatment. Women are affected by thyroid diseases nearly four times as frequently as men. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) has contributed significantly to the assessment of thyroid nodules, especially ultrasound-detected masses, with a corresponding decline in use of nuclear scintigraphy. FNA is satisfactory or unsatisfactory, making certain to meet the adequacy criteria as established by the Bethesda system. Satisfactory lesions are then separated into benign, follicular lesion of undetermined significance, neoplasms, suspicious for malignancy, and malignant. There is a sensitivity for cancer of 65% to 98%, specificity of 72% to 100%, and a positive predictive value of 90% to 96%. The false negative rate is from 1% to 11%, while the false positive rate is less than 1%. Most of the tumors are of thyroid follicular cell derivation and, for the most part, carry an excellent long-term prognosis.

Adequacy of tumor sampling is frequently a question. It is my practice to submit at least one section per centimeter of tumor diameter, but with an attempt to submit the whole periphery of the tumor. If the tumor looks macroscopically homogeneous after being bivalved, then the center of the tumor is not as critical to examine. The tumor is serially sectioned at 2 to 3 mm. Then, only the very periphery of the tumor to capsule to parenchymal interface is embedded. As many as five sections, 3 mm thick and up to 2.5 cm long, can be placed side by side in the 2.5 cm wide cassette. With this technique, the periphery of most tumors can be entirely embedded in 4 to 8 blocks, allowing for complete evaluation of the capsule.

Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

“A malignant epithelial tumor showing evidence of follicular cell differentiation and a set of distinctive nuclear features. Either papillae or invasion are required” is a somewhat vague World Health Organization (WHO) definition of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). However, with a constellation of architectural and cytomorphologic features, accurate diagnosis of papillary carcinoma is achievable.

Clinical Features

Papillary carcinoma represents about 80% to 85% of all malignant thyroid neoplasms and occurs largely in middle-aged adults with a 3 : 1 female-to-male ratio, and a median age at presentation of 50 years. Even though rare in children, papillary carcinoma is still the most common pediatric thyroid malignancy. Whites are affected more commonly than blacks. Curiously, there is about a 20% prevalence of PTC (autopsy studies), supporting the overall excellent long-term prognosis and highlighting the difficulty in deciding appropriate patient management. There is a close link with radiation exposure, an association much more highly developed in children (especially for the solid variant of PTC). There is also a higher incidence of carcinoma in regions with high dietary iodine intake, in patients who have preexisting benign thyroid disease, and in some inherited disorders (Carney complex; familial adenomatous polyposis [FAP]). Patients present with a solitary, painless otherwise asymptomatic thyroid gland mass ( Fig. 25.1 ) or with cervical lymphadenopathy (metastatic disease in about 30%). Dysphagia, stridor, and cough are usually seen in patients with large tumors due to compression. There are many “incidental” papillary carcinomas (discussed later), which are frequently discovered during routine radiographic studies for unrelated reasons or in patients with other thyroid diseases. FNA is the initial study of choice for a thyroid nodule, with excellent positive predictive value. Thyroid function studies are not useful in the initial evaluation of patients as there is rarely functional compromise. However, serum thyroglobulin levels can be used to monitor disease status (if elevated).

Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma—Disease Fact Sheet


  • A malignant epithelial tumor showing evidence of follicular cell differentiation and a set of distinctive nuclear features

Incidence and Location

  • Thyroid malignancies represent about 3% of all carcinomas

  • 80%-85% of thyroid malignancies are papillary thyroid carcinoma

Morbidity and Mortality

  • Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage and hypoparathyroidism

  • Excellent long term outcome (> 90% 20-year survival)

Sex and Age Distribution

  • Females > > Males (3 : 1)

  • Age: 20-60 years; median: 50 years

Clinical Features

  • Associated with radiation exposure

  • Usually a palpable painless (asymptomatic) mass lesion, often with neck lymph nodes

  • Uncommonly, dysphagia or hoarseness

Radiographic Features

  • Ultrasound shows a solid or cystic mass and guides FNA

  • Computed tomography is useful to determine extent of the mass and lymph node disease

  • Nuclear scintigraphy seldom used

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Excellent long term prognosis (> 90 % 20-year survival)

  • Surgery (lobectomy or thyroidectomy) with follow-up radioactive iodine (in total thyroidectomy patients)

FIGURE 25.1, ( A ) A clinical photograph shows a large, protuberant mass at the level of the thyroid gland. ( B ) An irregular mass within the thyroid with mixed echogenicity by ultrasound, showing punctate calcifications, characteristic for a papillary carcinoma.

Radiographic Features

Ultrasound will usually establish the size and whether the lesion is solid or cystic, while also being a valuable adjunct for guiding FNA. Punctate microcalcifications are frequently present ( Fig. 25.1 ), with high central blood flow on color Doppler. While nuclear scintigraphy was widely used to demonstrate functionality (“cold” without uptake; “hot” increased uptake) in comparison to the uninvolved thyroid parenchyma, it has been almost completely replaced by ultrasound and FNA as the techniques of choice in initial evaluation of a thyroid nodule. CT or MRI scans are valuable in highlighting enlarged, cystic lymph nodes, which may suggest metastatic disease, showing increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and may reveal punctate calcifications.

Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

Most clinical tumors are discrete, ill-defined but circumscribed, often with an irregular and infiltrative border ( Fig. 25.2 ). Ranging from microscopic to 20 cm, infiltration into the surrounding thyroid parenchyma is frequently noted, along with extension beyond the thyroid gland periphery. Gritty, dystrophic calcification is common, while cystic change and hemorrhage may also be present. Multifocality is occasionally identified macroscopically. The cut surface can be shaggy to papillary, with irregular areas of fibrosis. The best sections to submit capture the “tumor-to-capsule-to-parenchyma” interface.

FIGURE 25.2, ( A ) Three separate primaries are noted, with the largest lesion in the left upper lobe. There is an infiltrative border to these sclerotic tumors. ( B ) A large, irregular, multilobular mass nearly completely replaces the thyroid lobe. Note the areas of more fleshy tumor compared to cystic areas of degeneration. This tumor fit within the columnar variant of papillary carcinoma.

Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma—Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

  • Discrete, grey-white, firm mass with irregular borders, although often circumscribed

  • Calcifications give a “gritty” cut surface

  • Extrathyroidal extension may be seen

  • Up to 20 cm; average about 3 cm

Microscopic Findings

  • Architecture: Variable growth patterns, complex papillae, elongated and twisted follicles, invasive growth, psammoma bodies, “bright eosinophilic” colloid, crystals, and giant cells in colloid

  • Cytology: Enlarged cells, increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio; nuclear enlargement, nuclear overlapping and crowding, loss of polarity; nuclear contour irregularities, grooves, folds or “crescent moons,” nuclear chromatin is cleared, pale, fine delicate to even, with intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions

  • Intratumoral fibrosis, psammoma bodies, colloid scalloping

Immunohistochemical Results

  • TTF1, thyroglobulin, PAX8, CK7, CK19

  • Panel: HBME-1, galectin-3, CITED1 positive

Fine Needle Aspiration

  • Cellular aspirate with papillary and monolayered sheets, cuboidal cells with enlarged and overlapped nuclei, powdery nuclear chromatin with nuclear grooves and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, and ropy, “bubble-gum” colloid

Pathologic Differential Diagnosis

  • Adenomatoid nodules, diffuse hyperplasia (Graves' disease), dyshormonogenetic goiter, follicular adenoma, papillary carcinoma variants, follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, metastatic tumors

Microscopic Findings

The diagnosis of papillary carcinoma is made by using an aggregate of architectural and cytologic features, with no one single feature being diagnostic. The exact number of features necessary for the diagnosis is undefined, but the nuclear features must be present to be diagnostic. Multinodular and multifocal tumors are common ( Fig. 25.3 ), seen in about 50% of cases. An irregular and invasive border is common, with both capsular and lymphovascular invasion ( Fig. 25.3 ). Extrathyroidal extension involves expansion of tumor into skeletal muscle ( Fig. 25.4 ), adipose tissue, around nerves, and adjacent to large perithyroidal vessels. Only macroscopic evidence of extrathyroidal extension, however, is evaluated in staging. The architectural features in PTC include variable growth patterns (papillary, solid, trabecular, micro- or macrofollicular, cystic); elongated and/or twisted follicles; complex, arborizing, delicate, narrow papillae; intratumoral dense acellular fibrosis; “bright,” hypereosinophilic, intense colloid (distinct from surrounding thyroid parenchyma); and psammoma bodies (concentrically laminated calcific bodies; Figs. 25.5–25.10 ). If a single tumor has many different growth patterns, suspicion for papillary carcinoma should be raised.

FIGURE 25.3, ( A ) Multiple nodules of papillary carcinoma are surrounded by dense fibrosis. ( B ) A frozen section sample just happens to have caught an area of invasion. ( C ) A mushroom of invasion through the capsule. ( D ) An area of vascular invasion, filling the lymphatic space.

FIGURE 25.4, ( A ) A PTC shows infiltration into the adjacent skeletal muscle, while growth around a large perithyroidal nerve ( B ) is also seen in these examples of microscopic extrathyroidal extension.

FIGURE 25.5, ( A ) Delicate and complex papillary fronds lined by cells with an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, disorganized placement of the nuclei within the cell, and nuclear crowding and overlap. ( B ) Nuclear overlapping and crowding with isolated papillae are seen.

FIGURE 25.6, The classic features seen in PTC: irregular placement of the nuclei around the follicle, nuclear crowding, nuclear contour irregularities, nuclear “crescent-moon” formation, nuclear grooves, nuclear folds, and nuclear chromatin clearing.

FIGURE 25.7, There is nuclear crowding and overlapping within hypereosinophilic colloid that shows peripheral scalloping. There is well-developed nuclear chromatin clearing (optical clearing: Orphan Annie nuclei).

FIGURE 25.8, Cytomorphologic features in PTC. ( A ) Nuclear crowding and chromatin clearing. ( B ) Fine, ground glass nuclear chromatin. ( C ) Nuclear overlapping, chromatin irregularities, and loss of nuclear polarity. ( D ) Pale nuclear chromatin in irregular nuclei surrounding follicles with scalloped, dense colloid.

FIGURE 25.9, Associated findings in PTC. ( A ) Giant cells within the colloid. ( B ) Crystals within the colloid. Nucleoli are noted along the nuclear membrane. ( C ) Dense fibrosis separating the tumor cells. ( D ) Squamous metaplasia (lower right corner) within a PTC.

FIGURE 25.10, ( A ) Multiple intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions contain material the same color as the cytoplasm. ( B ) Light microscopic appearance of a psammoma body with concentric laminations. ( C ) Electron micrograph of a psammoma body showing concentric lamination and crenated nuclei in the center.

The cytomorphologic and nuclear features are vital in the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma and are usually constant even between the variants. These features are best assessed at the periphery of the tumor, where comparison can be made to the adjacent, uninvolved normal thyroid tissue. These features include enlarged cells with a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio; nuclear enlargement of oval to elongated nuclei; variability in size and shape, with nuclear overlapping and crowding; and loss of polarity and disorganized nuclear placement within the cell ( Figs. 25.5–25.9 ). The nuclear crowding creates a “herd,” “lake,” or “egg-basket” appearance ( Figs. 25.5 and 25.7 ). The nuclear chromatin is fine, delicate, even, and pale (“ground glass”) with chromatin margination or condensation (thick membranes) and clearing (“Orphan Annie” nuclei; Figs. 25.7 and 25.8 ). If slides are left on the heating block for too long or in an aqueous solution during processing, “false” intranuclear bubbles are created. Formalin fixation creates the clearing, since it is not seen in frozen section material nor in alcohol fixatives (SafeFix, HistoChoice). Nuclear grooves and longitudinal folds creating a “crescent moon,” triangular, angulated, or convoluted shape (“coffee bean,” “popcorn”) are characteristic ( Figs. 25.6 and 25.9 ). Nuclear envelope irregularities are more difficult to assess on frozen section material. Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (pseudoinclusions) are recognized by the contents of the inclusion having an appearance similar to the cytoplasm—and not an artifactual “vacuole” formed secondary to fixation ( Fig. 25.10 ). Nucleoli, if present, are usually small and inconspicuous and seem to touch the nuclear membrane rather than being centrally located ( Fig. 25.9 ). The cytoplasm is variable and usually not helpful in the diagnosis, although variants are named according to the cytoplasm (clear, oncocytic, hobnail, columnar). Giant cells in the colloid and the presence of crystals are “soft” criteria, also seen in other lesions ( Fig. 25.9 ). Squamous metaplasia, cyst formation, and degeneration are not uncommon, with infarction induced by FNA ( Figs. 25.9 and 25.11 ). Psammoma bodies are not the same as dystrophic calcification of colloid in the center of a follicle. Psammoma bodies (Greek for “salt-like”) represent apoptotic cells that form the nidus for concentric lamellation of calcium ( Fig. 25.10 ). Present in up to 50% of cases, they are often identified within lymphovascular channels, diagnostic of intraglandular spread. Likewise, their presence in lymph nodes is pathognomonic for metastatic disease (any papillary pattern tumor may cause psammoma bodies), although potentially excluded in staging systems.

FIGURE 25.11, ( A ) “Mummification” of the cells, at the periphery of the tumor, creating a wedge shape is an uncommon, but unique feature of papillary carcinoma. ( B ) Tumor infarction results in ghost cell outlines, still showing papillae, but no longer viable tumor cells.

Mummification (peripheral cell death) is infrequently seen, but quite characteristic for papillary carcinoma ( Fig. 25.11 ). Separation of multifocal versus intraglandular spread of PTC can be difficult. Intraglandular spread is suggested when there are psammoma bodies within the septa or when there is viable tumor within a lymphovascular channel and has no stellate fibrosis at the periphery ( Fig. 25.12 ). Intratumoral fibrosis is an acellular, sclerotic, dense, eosinophilic fibrosis found in up to 90% of cases. The fibrosis is often irregular to stellate, a feature that is useful during gross examination to select areas for microscopic examination. Papillary carcinoma is not routinely graded, as nearly all are considered well differentiated. However, when there are increased mitoses (> 3/10 high power fields; Fig. 25.13 ) and tumor necrosis, then the tumor would be considered a poorly differentiated carcinoma. Tumor necrosis is uncommon in PTC, with its detection away from an FNA tract suggesting a more aggressive (poorly differentiated or undifferentiated) component within the tumor. A heavy lymphocytic response is frequently seen both adjacent to and within the tumor ( Fig. 25.14 ). Fatty metaplasia, spindled tumor cells and limited colloid may be seen ( Fig. 25.14 ). Variants are described in the next section.

FIGURE 25.12, ( A ) Psammoma bodies are noted in this case of diffuse hyperplasia, with a microscopic papillary thyroid carcinoma noted elsewhere in the lobe. ( B ) Papillary carcinoma within a lymphatic unassociated with any fibrosis. Benign thyroid parenchyma is noted in the lower portion of the figure.

FIGURE 25.13, ( A ) Poorly differentiated carcinoma is considered in the presence of increased mitoses, necrosis, and high cellularity. ( B ) Note there are three mitoses in just this one high power field ( arrow ).

FIGURE 25.14, Uncommon features in PTC. ( A ) Fatty metaplasia. ( B ) Lymphocytes and plasma cells, sometimes referred to as “Warthin” variant of papillary carcinoma. ( C ) Tumor cell spindling. ( D ) No colloid is seen in this tumor with marked nuclear overlapping and stratification.

Ancillary Studies

Immunohistochemical Findings

Immunohistochemistry is seldom of value in diagnosing PTC, although it may play a role in metastatic disease. The neoplastic cells are strongly and diffusely immunoreactive with keratin, CK7, thyroglobulin, TTF1, and PAX8, while other markers (HBME-1 [ Fig. 25.15 ], galectin-3, S100 protein, CITED1, CK19 [ Fig. 25.15 ]) yield variable results. In challenging cases, there is good sensitivity and specificity when using a panel approach: HBME-1 (membranous), galectin-3 (nuclear and cytoplasmic), and CITED1. However, for more than 98% of cases, immunohistochemistry is unnecessary. p27 (lost) and cyclin D1 (up regulation) shows differential staining in tumors that are more likely to metastasize.

FIGURE 25.15, HMBE-1. Note the variable membrane and cytoplasmic expression in the tumor cells (heavy in A ), including an area of invasion ( B ). CK19. There is strong cytoplasmic reactivity ( C ), while in other areas it is only delicate, partial membranous staining ( D ).

Fine Needle Aspiration

FNA is considered the test of choice for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules, having an excellent sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value. An initial pass using a 25-gauge needle—without suction—yields excellent material uncontaminated by blood. In general practice, about 70% of thyroid FNAs are benign, 10% are indeterminate, 15% are unsatisfactory, and 5% are malignant.

Aspirates from papillary carcinomas are usually diagnostic, meeting the adequacy criteria (at least 6 follicular groups with greater than 10 follicular cells per group) and are characteristically cellular, with monolayered sheets (syncytium) and three-dimensional clusters of enlarged cells ( Fig. 25.16 ). The nuclei are enlarged and overlapped with irregular borders, but with a powdery/dusty, delicate nuclear chromatin on alcohol fixed preparations. Nuclear folds or grooves and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions are also common. The cytoplasm is often pale or foamy, but not distinctive on FNA. Colloid is often scant and thickened (“chewing gum” or ropy), with occasional multinucleate giant cells and, rarely, psammoma bodies. The features of papillary carcinoma are best appreciated with alcohol-preserved Papanicolaou preparations rather than with air-dried material. With noninvasive follicular pattern tumors now recognized separately, they may show the nuclear features of papillary carcinoma. Thus, the definitive diagnosis of PTC on FNA material should be limited to those smears that show three-dimensional papillary structures and/or psammoma bodies.

FIGURE 25.16, ( A ) Three-dimensional clusters in a cellular smear with psammoma bodies noted (Diff-Quik). ( B ) A syncytium of cells with enlarged nuclei and nuclear grooves (alcohol fixed, Papanicolaou stain). ( C ) A psammoma body is characteristic of papillary carcinoma (Diff-Quik). ( D ) Three-dimensional papillae around a central fibrovascular core showing nuclei with intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (air dried, Diff-Quik stain).

Molecular Findings

Results are quite dependent on technique and the specific histologic variant. Most genetic alterations are mutually exclusive, with a majority of cases activating the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In general, point mutations (such as BRAF V600E, NRAS ), gene fusions, or gene copy number variations account for the usual molecular findings. Point mutations in the BRAF gene are identified in up to 60% of papillary carcinomas (valine-to-glutamate substitution at residue 600: V600E), while other BRAF mutations (K601E) account for a minority of lesions. RAS gene ( NRAS , HRAS , KRAS ) mutations are seen in up to 15% of tumors, but almost exclusively in follicular patterned tumors. EIF1AX is also seen in follicular patterned tumors. Fusion genes often involve RET gene, while NTRK3 , NTRK1 , ALK , and others are also recognized. TERT mutations seem to be associated with higher risk of recurrence, distant metastases, and tumor-related mortality. Each mutation/fusion/rearrangement has distinct phenotypic and biologic properties. While not necessary for diagnosis, there may be value in inherited papillary carcinoma syndromes, such as FAP coli or Cowden syndrome, for genetic studies to help in patient management.

Differential Diagnosis

The principal differential diagnosis includes a number of disorders with papillae, including adenomatoid nodules ( Figs. 25.17 and 25.18 ), diffuse hyperplasia (Graves disease, Fig. 25.17 ), and dyshormonogenetic goiter, while follicular adenoma (FA), follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC), medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), and metastatic tumors are also considered. In general, the papillae of all of these other lesions are short, simple, nonbranching, and often “thick.” The nuclei are round, regular, basally located, and hyperchromatic. Intracytoplasmic hemosiderin pigment is nearly always lacking in PTC. Although a nuclear feature or two may be present in these other lesions, there is both a qualitative and quantitative difference in their appearance. Many lesions that have oncocytic cytoplasm may induce nuclear enlargement, but other features of PTC are lacking. It is worth noting that noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features is included in the differential diagnosis of follicular patterned tumors, and will be further discussed in the chapter on benign neoplasms.

FIGURE 25.17, ( A ) Adenomatoid nodule ( lower half ) and papillary carcinoma ( upper half ) frequently co-exist. There are differences in architecture and cytology, even at this low magnification. ( B ) A papillary carcinoma ( right upper ) has a completely different appearance than the background of diffuse hyperplasia.

FIGURE 25.18, ( A ) An adenomatoid nodule has small cells in an orderly arrangement around the follicles with coarse/heavy nuclear chromatin distribution. ( B ) Papillary carcinoma has large cells with an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, irregular placement of the nuclei, nuclear contour irregularities, nuclear grooves and folds, and delicate to fine nuclear chromatin distribution (same magnification).

Prognosis and Therapy

Papillary carcinoma spreads preferentially by lymphatic channels, with the regional lymph nodes affected most commonly, and in a significant proportion of cases ( Fig. 25.19 ). Intraglandular spread, including the contralateral lobe, is common. However, the prognosis is excellent, with greater than 90% 20-year survival rate and a less than 0.2% mortality rate. Macroscopic extrathyroidal extension into the adjacent fat or skeletal muscle places the tumor in the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage pT3b (2017 criteria), but microscopic extension does not change stage. Age (<55 years) and sex (female) are the most important prognostic factors, although tumor size (> 4 cm), gross extrathyroidal extension, and metastasis are significant for patients ≥55 years. Surgery is the treatment of choice, although the extent of surgery (lobectomy, subtotal, or total thyroidectomy) remains controversial. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage and hypoparathyroidism are known surgical complications. Radioablative iodine therapy is incorporated after a total thyroidectomy. However, the tumor needs to show uptake of the radiolabeled iodine to be therapeutically sensitive. Lymph node sampling is advocated only if there is clinical or radiographic enlargement.

FIGURE 25.19, ( A ) A predominantly cystic metastasis can sometimes simulate a lymphangioma or branchial cyst. ( B ) Almost “normal” appearing follicles within a lymph node. However, this represented metastatic disease from an ipsilateral primary papillary carcinoma. ( C ) Papillary projections and colloid of metastatic papillary carcinoma in a lymph node.

Histological Variants of Papillary Carcinoma

Variants of papillary carcinoma have specific features that may be associated with a different patient outcome or cause difficulty with the differential diagnosis. In general, the changes should be the dominant finding to qualify as a histologic variant.

Histologic Variants of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Encapsulated Variant

  • Classical histologic and architecture features of papillary carcinoma but in an entirely encapsulated tumor with only limited invasion

Follicular Variant

  • Most are encapsulated or very well circumscribed

  • Almost exclusively small follicles with scant, bright colloid

  • Classic nuclear features of papillary carcinoma

  • No tumor necrosis, increased mitoses, or dominant solid or other pattern

  • Invasion used to separate from noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclei

Macrofollicular Variant

  • Enlarged follicles with remaining features similar to follicular variant although nuclei are often flattened

  • Abortive, rigid papillae may be seen

  • Separation from adenomatoid nodule is imperative

Oncocytic Variant

  • 30%–70% papillary architecture (criteria vary by study)

  • Enlarged cells with abundant oncocytic, glassy cytoplasm, apically-oriented enlarged nuclei with papillary features, increased number of intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions

  • Degenerative changes common

Clear Cell Variant

  • Clear cytoplasm, although occasionally oncocytic and clear cells are combined

  • Must be separated from medullary and metastatic renal cell carcinoma

Spindle Cell Variant

  • Focal to diffuse tumor cells spindling of proven epithelial cells (keratin and/or TTF1) that lack pleomorphism increased mitoses and necrosis

  • Follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, paraganglioma, hyalinizing trabecular tumor, amyloid goiter, undifferentiated carcinoma, metastatic tumor, lymphoma

Diffuse Sclerosing Variant

  • Diffuse, bilateral involvement, extensive fibrosis, innumerable psammoma bodies, extensive intravascular growth and extrathyroidal extension, florid squamous metaplasia, dense lymphocytic thyroiditis, solid or papillary growth of papillary carcinoma cells

  • Nearly all have extensive lymph node metastases

Tall Cell Variant

  • 30%–70% of tumor area composed of cells that are at least three times as tall as they are wide, usually oncocytic cytoplasm, sharply defined cellular borders, increased intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, centrally placed nuclei within the cell

  • Papillary structures and parallel elongated follicles with limited colloid

Columnar Cell Variant

  • Prominent papillary growth, parallel follicles (“railroad tracks”), scant colloid, syncytial architecture with prominent nuclear stratification, coarse nuclear chromatin, subnuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization, squamous metaplasia as “morules,” and increased mitotic figures

  • CDX2 and TTF1 reactive

Solid/Insular Variant

  • Solid or insular pattern with nuclear features of papillary carcinoma

  • More common in children

  • Must lack features of another variant

  • Lacks increased mitoses and necrosis

Cribriform-Morular Variant

  • Almost exclusively in female patients with FAP

  • Multiple encapsulated tumors, mixed patterns, cribriform dominant

  • Morules or whorls of squamous cells without keratinization, showing optical clearing

  • Columnar cells often have grooves and folds

  • Nuclear ß-catenin strong and diffuse; TTF1 and thyroglobulin: weak, focal and patchy

Hobnail Variant

  • At least 30% of cells must have hobnail appearance, with protrusion into the colloid, apically placed nuclei with prominent nucleoli

  • Higher association with extrathyroidal extension, lymphovascular invasion, necrosis, and increased mitoses

Size Variation

  • Incidentally found, ≤ 1 cm papillary carcinoma with a proclivity for thyroid subcapsular location—designated “microcarcinoma” when not the reason for the surgery

Encapsulated Variant

Classical architecture and nuclear features of papillary carcinoma in a tumor that is totally encapsulated ( Fig. 25.20 ) with only limited evidence of invasion. In these cases, “encapsulated variant with invasion” is used to qualify the type of invasion. This tumor is separated from FA with papillary hyperplasia by the presence of classical papillary nuclear features. The papillary structures exclude a noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP).

FIGURE 25.20, There is a very thin and delicate fibrous connective tissue capsule completely surrounding this classical papillary carcinoma without invasion.

Follicular Variant

Usually encapsulated, the tumor must be predominantly composed of small, tight follicles with scant, hypereosinophilic colloid. Papillae are absent or less than 1% of the tumor volume ( Figs. 25.21 and 25.22 ). There are two types: encapsulated with invasion and infiltrative . By definition, invasion is present, otherwise the tumor would be considered as a NIFTP. The infiltrative form is sclerotic with easily identified invasion. The encapsulated with invasion type shows either capsular or lymphovascular invasion. The nuclear features determine the diagnosis in this variant. Specifically, the nuclei are large with pale to powdery to cleared nuclear chromatin and an increased number of nuclear grooves and folds ( Fig. 25.22 ). Internal sclerosis or fibrosis is seen ( Fig. 25.49 ). This variant has a similar outcome to conventional PTC.

FIGURE 25.21, (A and B) A very thick capsule surrounds a tumor that shows a monotonous follicular tumor with hypereosinophilic colloid. Note the areas of invasion in both tumors.

FIGURE 25.22, ( A ) Small, tight follicles with hypereosinophilic colloid in this follicular variant of papillary carcinoma. ( B ) Nuclear chromatin clearing and overlap with small tight follicles and limited colloid production. ( C ) The nuclei are irregular in shape and size and misplaced around the follicle. Tumoral fibrosis separates the follicles. ( D ) Nuclear features of papillary carcinoma can be isolated to just a few follicles at a time. The whole tumor is still papillary carcinoma.

Macrofollicular Variant

This is an uncommon variant that is difficult to recognize as it has an architectural resemblance to adenomatoid nodules or hyperplastic nodules ( Fig. 25.23 ). The tumor is composed of predominantly large/macrofollicles with a subtle increased cellularity, often accentuated at the periphery ( Fig. 25.24 ). The colloid is often scalloped or vacuolated. The nuclei are often flattened and hyperchromatic, although classic papillary nuclei are scattered throughout the tumor ( Fig. 25.25 ). Abortive, “rigid” or straight papillary structures will extend into the center of the colloid-filled follicle, usually lined by the atypical cells. This variant seems to metastasize less frequently than classic papillary carcinoma, but otherwise is similar in treatment and outcome.

FIGURE 25.23, This macrofollicular variant of papillary carcinoma is surrounded by a capsule, compressing the peripheral parenchyma. The low power resemblance to adenomatoid nodule is deceiving.

FIGURE 25.24, Large follicles are lined by flattened to atypical follicular cells with scalloped colloid in this macrofollicular variant of papillary carcinoma. Inset demonstrates an area of increased cellularity and the cytologic features of papillary carcinoma.

FIGURE 25.25, The nuclear features are well demonstrated in this macrofollicular variant of papillary carcinoma. A crystalloid is seen in the center. Nuclear grooves, nuclear contour irregularities, and nuclear chromatin clearing is accentuated.

Oncocytic Variant

The macroscopic appearance is of a deep brown (“mahogany”) encapsulated neoplasm, which tends to be large and has cystic change. Lymphocytic infiltrate is common. More than 70% of the tumor should have complex, arborizing papillary structures ( Fig. 25.26 ), with fibrovascular stromal cores lined by enlarged cells with abundant oncocytic (oxyphilic, Askanazy, Hürthle) cytoplasm. Some authors use a lower cutoff, but this tends to dilute the category, with a few even suggesting a follicular oncocytic variant. The oncocytic cytoplasm is compact and “glassy” with a fine granularity, representing an increased number of mitochondria. The enlarged nuclei tend to be apically oriented and slightly more hyperchromatic than classic papillary carcinoma ( Fig. 25.27 ), with numerous intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (the latter a common finding in any tumor with abundant cytoplasm). Psammoma bodies are occasionally present. Degenerative changes are common. The cells are frequently immunoreactive with CK19, but this finding is nonspecific ( Fig. 25.27 ). The diagnosis by FNA is very difficult, but clear nuclei with grooves and inclusions may help to separate it from a follicular neoplasm. Oncocytic cells can be seen in the tall cell variant of papillary carcinoma, from which it should be separated. The patient outcome and management for the oncocytic variant is identical to classical papillary carcinoma.

FIGURE 25.26, ( A ) Complex, arborizing papillary structures are composed of oncocytic cells in this oncocytic PTC variant. Hemorrhage and degeneration are noted. ( B ) Tumor nuclei show apical polarization on the papillary fronds with deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm in this oncocytic variant of PTC.

FIGURE 25.27, ( A ) Oncocytic cells within a papillary architecture. Note that the nuclei are luminal. ( B ) CK19 is known to be positive in the oncocytic variant of PTC but is not specific or sensitive.

Clear Cell Variant

This is a very uncommon variant that is predominantly composed of cells with clear cytoplasm ( Fig. 25.28 ). Papillary or follicular patterns may predominate. Occasionally, a mixture of oncocytic and clear cells may be seen, as clearing results from degeneration of the oncocytic cells. Separation from metastatic renal cell carcinoma or medullary thyroid carcinoma can be made by the presence of colloid, but may require the use of TTF1, thyroglobulin ( Fig. 25.28 ), calcitonin, and CAIX. The treatment and prognosis are identical to classic papillary carcinoma.

FIGURE 25.28, Clear cell papillary thyroid carcinoma shows the nuclear features of PTC but in a tumor whose cytoplasm is cleared ( A ). The neoplastic cells are immunoreactive with thyroglobulin ( B ), PAX8 ( C ), and TTF1 ( D ).

Spindle Cell Variant

Exceedingly rare, this variant shows focal to diffuse spindle cell proliferation not adjacent to a previous FNA site. The cells must be proven to be epithelial by cytokeratin and TTF1. The cells are bland, lacking increased mitoses and necrosis ( Fig. 25.14 ). This allows for separation from an undifferentiated carcinoma where there is profound pleomorphism, necrosis, and increased mitoses.

Diffuse Sclerosing Variant

Usually developing in young patients (mean, 18 years), the tumor is characterized by diffuse involvement of one or both lobes with nearly 100% of patients demonstrating cervical lymph node metastasis at the time of presentation, while up to 25% develop distant metastases. The gland is firm, with white streaks and a gritty cut consistency, and an ill-defined border, if a dominant mass is noted. The histology shows an exaggeration of features of PTC, with extensive fibrosis, innumerable psammoma bodies, extensive intravascular and extrathyroidal extension, florid squamous metaplasia, and a background of dense lymphocytic thyroiditis (LT) ( Figs. 25.29 and 25.30 ). Nuclear features of papillary carcinoma are present, often identified in papillary or solid groups of cells within vascular spaces ( Fig. 25.31 ). Total thyroidectomy, lymph node dissection, and radioablative therapy will yield an excellent long-term prognosis despite the “biologically” aggressive clinical presentation. Lung metastases occur in up to 25% of patients, necessitating close and careful patient follow-up.

FIGURE 25.29, A low magnification demonstrating innumerable psammoma bodies in clusters with lymphocytic thyroiditis. Many of the psammoma bodies are in lymph-vascular spaces.

FIGURE 25.30, Dense fibrosis separates the tumor into nodules. Lymphovascular invasion is noted with tumor cells within a vascular space, associated with squamous metaplasia.

FIGURE 25.31, ( A ) Papillary carcinoma with squamous metaplasia associated with a psammoma body. There is lymphocytic thyroiditis. ( B ) Psammoma bodies and papillary carcinoma are noted within a lymph-vascular channel. There is well developed lymphocytic thyroiditis and fibrosis.

Tall Cell Variant

There is controversy as to whether the “tall cell” is a variant or just a pattern of growth within papillary carcinoma. When this cell type is the dominant finding in the neoplasm (range from 30% to 70%, but greater than 30% of the tumor area yields the most consistent correlation with outcome), the patients tend to be older (> 60 years), with an increased proportion of men, and the tumor tends to be large (> 5 cm), showing extrathyroidal extension. However, microscopic tumors may occur. Papillary structures and elongated parallel follicles with scant or no colloid are common ( Fig. 25.32 ), along with intratumoral fibrosis. By definition, a tall cell is at least three times as tall as it is wide (plane of section must be taken into consideration). There is usually abundant, granular cytoplasm, resulting in an increased number of intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions and nuclear grooves ( Fig. 25.32 ). Intercellular borders are sharply demarcated. The nuclei are enlarged with a central position of the nucleus rather than at the luminal aspect as seen in the oncocytic variant ( Fig. 25.33 ). This variant stains positive with napsin, confounding when metastatic lung tumors are considered in the differential diagnosis ( Fig. 25.32 ). There is a high association with BRAF and TERT mutations, and also a high de-differentiation rate to undifferentiated carcinoma. There is an increased incidence of lymph node metastasis and hematogenous spread to bone and lung, with a tendency for local recurrence and invasion into adjacent structures. Surgery and adjuvant therapy are necessary, with a worse prognosis than classic papillary carcinoma.

FIGURE 25.32, Various patterns seen in tall cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. ( A ) No colloid is seen with elongated follicles creating the papillary projections. ( B ) The cells are each at least three times taller than they are wide with prominent cellular borders. ( C ) The cytoplasm ranges from oncocytic, amphophilic, basophilic, and clear. Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions are common. ( D ) The neoplastic cells are highlighted with napsin.

FIGURE 25.33, ( A ) Columnar variant with pseudostratification of nuclei with no colloid present. ( B ) Tall cell variant with oncocytic cells, intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, and cells three times as tall as they are wide.

Columnar Cell Variant

Men and women are equally affected by this rare variant. Tumors are usually large (> 5 cm) and encapsulated, but have intra- and extrathyroidal spread. There is prominent papillary growth with markedly elongated, parallel follicles (“railroad tracks”), which are separated by scant colloid ( Fig. 25.34 ). The cells are tall with a syncytial arrangement. There is prominent nuclear stratification of elongated nuclei with coarse and heavy chromatin deposition, distinctly different from classic papillary carcinoma. Subnuclear or supranuclear vacuolization of the cytoplasm is common ( Fig. 25.35 ). Squamous metaplasia is common (“endometrioid pattern”; Fig. 25.36 ). Mitotic figures may be present, along with necrosis in a few cases. There is often CDX2 immunoreactivity, but TTF1 is also seen. If the patient is older with a large tumor that has extrathyroidal extension, more aggressive surgery and radioablative therapy may be necessary. The prognosis is worse than for classic papillary carcinoma, although it may be more a feature of infiltration than cytologic variant. Some examples of columnar variant histologically overlap with the more indolent cribriform-morular variant (discussed below). In these very uncommon and unusual histologic variants, performing selected immunohistochemistry studies (such as β-catenin in cases with squamous metaplasia) may be of value.

FIGURE 25.34, Columnar cell variant of PTC. ( A ) Papillary structures arranged in markedly elongated, parallel follicles (tram-tracks). There is scant colloid, with marked nuclear stratification ( B ).

FIGURE 25.35, Columnar cell variant of PTC. ( A ) A syncytial architecture predominates in this tumor. Nuclear stratification with subnuclear vacuoles are noted. ( B ) The tumor cell nuclei have an elongate shape and demonstrate pronounced pseudostratification. Prominent subnuclear vacuoles are seen in cells arranged in a cribriform architecture. Central comedonecrosis is present.

FIGURE 25.36, ( A ) Squamous metaplasia may be seen in the columnar cell variant of PTC. ( B ) The pseudostratified, elongated nuclei may have more coarse chromatin.

Solid Variant

Papillary carcinoma may have a solid or insular pattern, with oval nests or islands with scant colloid, and cells with a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio ( Fig. 25.37 ). It is seen more often in children. This term is applied when the tumor is predominantly solid, trabecular, or nested, and does not show features of another variant. Sometimes the pattern is classified as poorly differentiated, but if the nuclear features of papillary carcinoma are present, then this pattern does not influence the management or the outcome. It is only when increased mitoses and necrosis are present that the tumor moves to the poorly differentiated category ( Fig. 25.13 ).

FIGURE 25.37, An insular architecture can be the predominant pattern in any thyroid tumor. ( A ) Classic papillary carcinoma with an insular architecture. ( B ) Small, tight trabeculae that create an insular appearance. ( C ) A strong and diffuse thyroglobulin reaction to confirm thyroid follicular cell origin.

Cribriform-morular Variant

Seen almost exclusively in females, there is a high association with FAP, with a diagnosis of this variant prompting colonic examination and possibly genetic testing for germline APC mutation. In syndrome cases, there are often multiple encapsulated tumor nodules, showing a mixed pattern of growth: cribriform, trabecular, solid, papillary, and follicular ( Fig. 25.38 ). Colloid is scant to absent. There are often whorls or morules composed of spindle cells without keratinization, showing an optically clear nucleus. The nuclear features of papillary carcinoma are rare, taking more of a columnar shape, but still containing grooves and folds ( Fig. 25.38 ). TTF1 and thyroglobulin staining is weak, patchy, and focal, while a strong nuclear β-catenin accumulation ( Fig. 25.38 ) and immunoreactivity to ER and PR are characteristic.

FIGURE 25.38, ( A ) There is a cribriform to elongated pattern to this cribriform morular variant, with numerous squamous morules easily identified in a background that lacks colloid. ( B ) The squamous morules are whorls, juxtaposed to the elongated and partially stratified nuclei. ( C ) There is a strong nuclear expression of β-catenin.

Hobnail Variant

This is an uncommon variant, requiring at least 30% of the cells to have hobnail features although this percentage is a source of debate. The variant shows complex papillary and micropapillary structures. These structures are lined by follicular cells that have a hobnail appearance, with apically placed nuclei showing prominent nucleoli. The cells tend to be dyscohesive. This variant has necrosis, mitoses, and frequent extrathyroidal extension and lymphovascular invasion.

Papillary Carcinoma-size Variation

Any of the papillary carcinoma variants may be less than 1 cm in size, which is referred to as microscopic papillary carcinoma, or occult, incidental, or microcarcinoma ( Fig. 25.39 ). This qualification should only be applied when the tumor is found incidentally in a thyroid gland removed for other reasons. The tumor has a proclivity to develop in the subcapsular region and is frequently sclerotic with a radiating “scar-like” infiltration into the surrounding parenchyma. The term “microcarcinoma” should be used for adult patients, since children with small tumors may still have biologically aggressive neoplasms. Separation from intraglandular metastasis may be difficult, although the intravascular location, lack of capsule and sclerosis, and lack of “stellate” growth supports intraglandular metastasis. Most of these tumors are less than 2 mm in size and are of limited clinical consequence, with an outcome indistinguishable from the general population. Therefore, no additional therapy is necessary for tumors of this size. The noninvasive tumors may qualify as the newly recognized noninvasive follicular thyroid tumor with papillary-like nuclear features, but by definition, they are tumors > 1.0 cm.

FIGURE 25.39, (A-D) Microscopic papillary carcinomas are distinct from the surrounding tissue and have both papillary architecture and show typical nuclear features. The tumors are frequently only a few follicles large. C is a low-power magnification, whereas D is a high power of the same tumor.

Follicular Carcinoma

Follicular carcinoma (FC) is the second most common malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland, defined by invasive growth of an encapsulated follicular epithelial-derived cell that lacks the nuclear features of papillary carcinoma. There is a familial association in up to 4% of FC in the U.S., with PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (Cowden disease, Werner syndrome) and Carney complex the most common ( Fig. 25.40 ). Iodine deficiency, radiation exposure (5.2 times relative risk), and pre-existing thyroid disease are known risk factors. Specifically, FA may be a direct precursor (similar genetic mutations may be seen, although lower frequency) since the histology is identical except for invasion, and patients with FC are about a decade older than patients with adenoma.

Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma—Disease Fact Sheet


  • A malignant epithelial neoplasm with follicular cell differentiation, invasive growth, and lacking the nuclear features of papillary carcinoma

Incidence and Location

  • Up to 10% of thyroid malignancies

  • Increased in iodine-deficient areas and in patients with pre-existing thyroid disease or syndrome association (PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, Carney)

Morbidity and Mortality

  • Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage and hypoparathyroidism

  • Excellent long-term outcome (~90% 20-year survival depending on type)

Sex and Age Distribution

  • Females > males (2 : 1)

  • Usually in the 5th-6th decades

  • Oncocytic tumors occur in patients about a decade older

Clinical Features

  • Usually an asymptomatic, palpable mass

  • Rarely dysphagia or hoarseness

Radiographic Features

  • Ultrasound shows a solid or cystic mass, a capsule, and is used to guide fine needle aspiration

  • Computed tomography is useful to determine extent of the mass and lymph node disease

  • Nuclear scintigraphy rarely used

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Excellent long-term prognosis (~90% 20-year survival)

  • Surgery (lobectomy or thyroidectomy) with radioactive iodine

FIGURE 25.40, This thyroid gland neoplasm is surrounded by a very thin and delicate capsule (A) , showing a strong PTEN immunohistochemistry reaction (B) .

Clinical Features

Up to 10% of thyroid carcinomas are FCs, reflecting a downward trend as the recognition of the follicular variant of papillary carcinoma has increased. FC is more common in women than men (about 2 : 1), with a peak incidence in the 5th and 6th decades, although recently the sex difference is not as distinct. The oncocytic type tends to occur in patients about a decade older. Patients usually present with an asymptomatic solitary, painless thyroid mass, which is usually solid on radiographic imaging. Hoarseness, dysphagia, dyspnea, and stridor are rare. FC tends to be larger than papillary carcinoma. Thyroid function tests are almost always normal. Lymph node metastasis is uncommon, although slightly more common in the oncocytic variant, as hematogenous spread is more common than lymphatic spread. Distant metastasis is seen in up to 20% of patients (lung and bone). Imaging cannot reliably distinguish between benign and malignant lesions. Iodinated contrast is to be avoided as it delays 131 I therapy. Ultrasound may demonstrate a solid versus cystic lesion, and show a nonechogenic halo (capsule). Turbulent intratumoral blood flow is seen more often in carcinoma.

Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma—Pathologic FEATURES

Gross Findings

  • Solitary, encapsulated mass

  • Invasion usually difficult to see on gross examination

  • Usually < 5 cm

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