Malaria and other tropical infections in the intensive care unit

Malaria infections are classified broadly into three clinical categories: (1) asymptomatic parasitemia, which generally does not require treatment for those living in endemic areas; (2) uncomplicated malaria, defined as parasitemia (typically low, though perhaps elevated in those who are semi-immune or immune) and fever without evidence of end-organ damage or other signs of severe disease (these patients may often be treated as outpatients with oral antimalarials); and (3) severe and complicated malaria, defined as parasitemia of any value in conjunction with vital organ damage or other signs of severe disease. Patients with severe and complicated malaria require hospitalization, often in an intensive care unit (ICU), and parenteral antimalarials. This third category is the focus of this chapter.

Although the spectrum of possible “tropical” infections (i.e., infections that are prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions, especially those that are resource-poor) in a patient with exposures in tropical areas may initially seem daunting, a detailed history of the travel itinerary, activities, and exposures can often significantly narrow the differential diagnosis ( Table 123.1 ). This must include more than simply recording the countries to which the patient traveled; exposures of a traveler staying at upscale hotels and dining in fine restaurants may differ drastically from those of someone backpacking through rural areas of the same country. General knowledge of the diseases endemic to a given area and their incubation periods and drug resistance patterns is vital ( Fig. 123.1 and Table 123.2 ). In addition, most routine “nontropical” infections common in industrialized countries are also common in low-resource settings, and thus must be considered in the differential diagnosis.

TABLE 123.1
Selected Tropical Diseases That May Merit Management in an Intensive Care Unit *
Disease and Organism Distinguishing Clinical Features Incubation Period Geographic Distribution Mode of Transmission and Typical Risk Factors
Nonspecific Febrile Syndromes
African trypanosomiasis, hemolymphatic stage ( Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense ) Lymphadenopathy, HSM, edema, rash, 30% have history of chancre, rarely DIC and thrombocytopenia 3–21 days Sub-Saharan Africa Tsetse fly bite; camping, safari
Babesiosis ( Babesia spp.) Hemolytic anemia, HSM 3–28 days North America, Europe, sporadic cases worldwide Tick bite, blood transfusion (rare); especially severe in asplenic persons
Brucellosis ( Brucella spp.) Subacute presentation over weeks/months, HSM, weight loss, may involve large bones, joints, spine 2–8 weeks Worldwide, especially Mediterranean, Middle East, and Latin America Ingestion of contaminated dairy products; respiratory, skin, or conjunctival inoculation from contact with farm animals; abattoir workers, butchers, farmers
Candidiasis, disseminated ( Candida spp.) May involved any organ; skin or mucosal lesions not always present 1–4 weeks Worldwide Usually in IH or after administration of long-term antibiotics or maintenance of indwelling catheters
Cat scratch disease (Bartonella henselae) Papule or eschar at site of inoculation, regional lymphadenopathy, fever may be mild, may progress to CNS involvement or endocarditis 1–2 weeks Worldwide Cat scratch or bite, severe disease most often seen in IH
Coccidioidomycosis (Coccidioides immitis) May see pneumonia with cavities, meningeal, skin, and bone involvement, eosinophilia 1–4 weeks, often RD in IH Desert areas of the Americas Inhalation of spores from soil; disseminated disease more common in black persons and those of Filipino or Hispanic descent, IH, and in pregnancy
Echinococcal cyst, leak, or rupture (Echinococcus granulosus) Allergic symptoms: urticaria, pruritus, anaphylaxis Years Worldwide Ingestion of eggs in feces of infected carnivores such as dogs and wolves; raising of domestic livestock
Ehrlichiosis ( Ehrlichia spp.) Rash (<50%), leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, HSM; may progress to GI, renal, pulmonary, or CNS involvement 7–21 days Sporadic foci worldwide Tick bite; camping, safari
Histoplasmosis, disseminated (Histoplasma capsulatum) Mucocutaneous lesions, lymphadenopathy, HSM, DIC; any organ may be involved 1–4 weeks, usually RD Tropics worldwide Inhalation of spores from soil; severe disease usually IH
Leptospirosis ( Leptospira spp.) Icterus, jaundice, conjunctival suffusion, rash, HSM; may be biphasic; may develop hepatorenal syndrome (“Weil disease”), CNS involvement, or pulmonary disease with hemorrhage 2–20 days Worldwide Contaminated urine of many types of small mammals, either directly or through soil or standing water; hunting, military exercises
Malaria ( Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae , and P. knowlesi ) See text Table 123.2 See Fig. 123.1 and Table 123.2 Mosquito bite, transfusion
Measles Conjunctivitis, coryza, cough, rash, Koplik spots 5–14 days Worldwide Person-to-person via aerosol
Melioidosis (Burkholderia pseudomallei) May develop pneumonia or local suppurative infection, shock (especially if IH) 2–21 days Southeast Asia (especially Thailand), Australia, sporadic foci in tropics worldwide Exposure to contaminated soil or infected animals, person-to-person (rare), often IH
Monkeypox (monkeypox virus) Diffuse vesicular rash resembling chickenpox but involving palms and soles, lymphadenopathy 3–21 days Central and West Africa Person-to-person and from exposure to infected small mammals and monkeys; exotic pets; rule out smallpox/bioterrorism
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare , disseminated Usually subacute, HSM, weight loss Months to years Worldwide Environmental organism causing opportunistic infection in IH
Oroya fever (Bartonella bacilliformis) Acute anemia, jaundice, HSM, lymphadenopathy 2–3 weeks Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia Sandfly bite; hiking, camping
Paracoccidioidomycosis (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) May involve lungs, bones, skin, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, or mucous membranes 1–4 weeks, often RD Tropical America Inhalation of spores from soil; more severe in IH
Talaromycosis (Talaromyces marneffei) Mucocutaneous lesions, HSM, lymphadenopathy, may have skeletal or pulmonary involvement Unknown, probably >1 week Southeast Asia Reservoir unknown, most often IH
Plague (Yersinia pestis) Localized tender lymphadenitis (“bubo”), pneumonia, shock 2–8 days Worldwide Flea bite or person-to-person; areas of heavy rat infestations, R/O bioterrorism
Q fever ( Coxiella burnetii ) HSM; may develop pneumonia, endocarditis, hepatitis, osteomyelitis, or neurologic abnormalities 2–29 days Worldwide Inhalation of organism from products of infected livestock or pets, especially birth products but also milk, urine, and feces; farmers, ranchers
Rat bite fever ( Spirillum minor or Streptobacillus moniliformis ) Peripheral rash, sometimes with desquamation, polyarthritis in S. moniliformis , eschar or ulcer at site of bite in S. minor 2–28 days Worldwide, especially Asia and North America Bite of rat or other animal that preys on rats; ingestion of food contaminated by rat
Relapsing fever ( Borrelia spp.) Recrudescent fever pattern, HSM, petechiae, epistaxis, neurologic abnormalities 4–18 days Worldwide (especially East Africa) Body louse ( B. recurrentis ) or tick bite (various Borrelia species); conditions of poor hygiene, outdoor exposures, refugee camps, camping, safari
Rickettsiosis, spotted fever group ( Rickettsia rickettsii, R. Conorii, R. Africae, R. australis, R. sibirica, R. japonica, R. honei, and R. akari ) Peripheral skin rash, eschar at site of tick bite may be seen (“tache noire”), may progress to GI, renal, pulmonary, or CNS involvement 7–14 days Worldwide (with circumscribed distributions of each specific organism) Tick bite (mite for R. akari ); camping, safari
Rickettsiosis, typhus group ( Rickettsia prowazekii, R. typhi, and R. felis ) Centripetal rash (~50%), no eschar 7–14 days Worldwide, especially cold climates Feces from infected louse ( R. prowazekii ) or flea ( R. typhi and R. felis ) rubbed into broken skin; crowding, poor hygiene, abundant rodents, refugee camps, flea-infested cats
Scarlet fever (group A Streptococcus pyogenes ) Pharyngitis, “sandpaper” rash, cervical adenopathy 1–4 days Worldwide Person-to-person via aerosolization/droplets
Schistosomiasis, Katayama fever ( Schistosoma spp., especially S. japonicum ) Lymphadenopathy, HSM, eosinophilia 1–2 months Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Middle East, South America, Caribbean Skin penetration of cercaria; swimming or bathing in contaminated water
Scrub typhus (Orientia tsutsugamushi) Centripetal rash, conjunctival suffusion, lymphadenopathy, eschar at site of chigger bite (~50%), hearing loss in one-third of cases 6–18 days Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands Chigger bite; outdoor rural or suburban exposures
Strongyloidiasis, disseminated (Strongyloides stercoralis) Abdominal pain and distension, shock, pulmonary and CNS involvement common 2–3 weeks; may be maintained via autoinfection for decades Tropics worldwide Skin contact with contaminated soil; miliary exercises; dissemination may occur in IH (AIDS, steroid treatment)
Toxic shock syndrome ( Staphylococcus aureus , group A S. pyogenes ) Rash, extremity or abdominal pain, skin desquamation, soft tissue infection (70%) 2–10 days Worldwide Wound or vaginal colonization with toxin-producing bacteria; history of minor trauma (often without break in skin), previous surgery, or varicella infection; staphylococcal syndrome often associated with menses
Trench fever (Bartonella quintana) Rash, HSM, shin pain, may develop endocarditis and angioma-like lesions 1–2 weeks Worldwide Body louse bite; areas of crowding or poor sanitation, more severe in IH
Trichinellosis ( Trichinella spp.) Diarrhea followed by myalgias, periorbital edema, eosinophilia, may involve heart or CNS 7–30 days Worldwide Ingestion of contaminated meat, including pork ( T. spiralis ), wild boar, horse, bear, and walrus
Tularemia, typhoidal form (Francisella tularensis) Pulse-temperature dissociation, diarrhea (~40%); may develop pneumonia 1–21 days Sporadic foci worldwide, mostly Northern Hemisphere Tick or fly bite or direct exposure to small mammals; hunting, camping, military exercises; R/O bioterrorism
Typhoid/paratyphoid fever ( Salmonella enterica serotypes typhi or paratyphi) Pulse-temperature dissociation, abdominal pain, rash, intestinal perforation and bleeding, HSM, 10% with extraintestinal manifestations 8–28 days Worldwide Fecal-oral
Vibrio infection, nonepidemic type ( Vibrio vulnificus ) Bullous skin lesions, DIC, thrombocytopenia, GI bleeding, shock 1–2 days Worldwide Contaminated saltwater or seafood; severe disease mostly in IH, history of alcoholism, liver disease
Viral hemorrhagic fever (dengue, yellow fever, Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Junin, Machupo, and Rift Valley fever viruses, many others) Capillary leak syndrome; may or may not exhibit frank hemorrhage, GI hemorrhage, shock 3–21 days, depending on specific virus Select areas worldwide Depending on specific virus: exposure to rodent excreta, infected nonhuman primates, person-to-person, tick or mosquito bite, some unknown; R/O bioterrorism
Viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E; Epstein-Barr virus; cytomegalovirus; others) HSM, light-colored stools, dark urine, jaundice 2 weeks to 5 months, depending on specific organism Worldwide Fecal-oral or ingestion of seafood from contaminated sea beds (hepatitis A, E); percutaneous (blood exposure), sexual, or mother-to-child transmission (hepatitis B, C, D); hepatitis D requires coinfection with hepatitis B virus
Visceral leishmaniasis ( Leishmania spp.) Weight loss, HSM, neutropenia Months to years Tropics worldwide, especially Indian subcontinent, Middle East, and North Africa Sandfly bite; military exercises, outdoor exposures
Gastrointestinal Syndromes
Amebic dysentery (Entamoeba histolytica) Abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes bloody, minority may develop ameboma, toxic megacolon, peritonitis, or abscesses in solid organs (usually liver) 2–4 weeks (usually longer for solid organ involvement) Worldwide Fecal-oral; may be transmitted through anal sex
Anthrax, gastrointestinal or oropharyngeal (Bacillus anthracis) Abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea, neck swelling, pharyngitis, mucosal lesions, shock 2–10 days Worldwide Ingestion of spores; exposure to domestic animals or animal by-products; R/O bioterrorism
Ascending cholangitis ( Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp.) May be recurrent and accompanied by pancreatitis Months to years Asia, former USSR Ingestion of raw infected freshwater fish; sushi consumption
Bacterial dysentery ( Shigella spp., Campylobacter spp., invasive and hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, non-typhi Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, others) Abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes bloody 10 hours to 7 days, depending on specific organism Worldwide Fecal-oral
Cholera ( Vibrio cholerae ) Copious “rice water” diarrhea, abdominal pain, severe hypovolemia, fever minimal or absent 1–3 days Tropics worldwide Contaminated water or food, especially seafood; ceviche consumption
Clostridial gastroenteritis (Clostridium difficile) Abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes with mucus or blood, toxic megacolon ≈ 1 week to months Worldwide Alteration of GI flora through previous antibiotic administration and/or GI manipulation
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (Angiostrongylus costaricensis) Mimics appendicitis or inflamed Meckel diverticulum, right lower quadrant abdominal pain and mass, eosinophilia Estimated 3–4 weeks Latin America Ingestion of larvae in undercooked mollusks, crustaceans, or frogs
Hemolytic uremic syndrome ( Escherichia coli O157:H7) Bloody diarrhea followed by hemolysis and renal failure 2–5 days Worldwide Ingestion of poorly cooked meat, fecal-oral
Neurologic Syndromes
African trypanosomiasis, meningoencephalitic stage ( Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense ) Headache, HSM, cervical lymphadenopathy, somnolence, change in mental status, extrapyramidal and cerebellar signs Months to years Sub-Saharan Africa Tsetse fly bite; camping, safari
Antiretroviral syndrome (human immunodeficiency virus-1) Usually asymptomatic or mild flulike illness, meningoencephalitis occurs rarely 2–4 weeks Worldwide Sexual transmission or percutaneous blood exposure; unprotected sex, IV drug use
Arboviral encephalitides (eastern equine, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, Murray Valley encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses, many others) Encephalitis, focal neurologic deficits, seizures, change in mental status 3–21 days Sporadic foci worldwide Mosquito bite, seasonal
Bacterial meningitis ( Neisseria meningitides, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza type B, Listeria monocytogenes , others) Petechiae, ecchymoses, and bleeding suggest N. meningitides 2–10 days, depending on specific organism Worldwide; N. meningitides more frequent in African “meningitis belt” Person-to-person, asymptomatic carrier states, seasonal fluctuations
Botulism ( Clostridium botulinum ) Bilateral cranial nerve deficits with symmetric descending weakness, fever absent 1–3 days Worldwide Toxin ingestion or wound contamination; home-canned foods, soil contamination
Brain abscess (various bacteria, fungi, and parasites) Focal neurologic signs Days to months, depending on specific organism Worldwide Varies with infecting organism
Cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans) Mild meningitis with low-grade fever, nonfocal neurologic examination, sometimes seizures or pulmonary involvement 1–4 weeks Worldwide Inhalation of spores from soil and bird and bat excreta; usually IH
Eosinophilic meningitis (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) Headache, meningitis, sometimes cranial nerve involvement, fever minimal 1–7 days Southeast Asia, South Pacific, sporadic foci worldwide Ingestion of larvae in undercooked mollusks, crustaceans, or frogs
Gnathostomiasis ( Gnathostoma spp.) Migratory skin and subcutaneous swellings, epigastric pain and vomiting, eosinophilia, may invade any organ, especially CNS Weeks to years Southeast Asia, with sporadic cases from Central and South America Consumption of raw freshwater fish, frogs, snakes, crustaceans, or poultry; sushi consumption
Herpes encephalitis (various herpesviruses) Encephalitis, focal neurologic deficits, seizures, change in mental status, may show vesicular eruption 2–20 days, depending on specific virus Worldwide; herpes B virus via monkey exposure in Asia and North Africa (wild monkeys) or captive monkeys worldwide Person-to-person, often more severe in IH; herpes B virus via bite or other exposure to monkeys of the genus Macaca ; person-to-person transmission reported; researchers, animal handlers
Mucormycosis (various fungi from the order Mucorales) CNS infiltration with loss of consciousness, black exudate around mucous membranes of face, pulmonary infiltrates 1–7 days Worldwide Inhalation of spores from soil, traumatic inoculation of wound; usually IH (diabetes mellitus or steroid use)
Neurocysticercosis (Taenia solium) Seizures, headache, change in mental status, muscle pain Years Worldwide, especially Latin America and India Ingestion of cysticerci in contaminated pork; areas where pigs roam freely
Paragonimiasis, cerebral ( Paragonimus spp.) Meningoencephalitis, often accompanied by pulmonary disease Years Sporadic foci worldwide, especially East Asia, Peru, Ecuador, West Africa Ingestion of raw infected crustaceans; sushi consumption
Poliomyelitis (poliovirus) Acute flaccid paralysis, meningeal signs, muscle pain 9–12 days Sporadic foci in Africa, Asia, and eastern Mediterranean Fecal-oral
Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (Naegleria fowleri) Fulminant meningoencephalitis 3–7 days Sporadic foci worldwide Entry of trophozoite through the nose; swimming in contaminated fresh warm water; hot springs
Rabies (rabies virus) Change in mental status, autonomic instability, photophobia, aerophobia, paralysis 20–90 days Worldwide Animal bite or bat exposure; spelunking, caring for injured animals
Schistosomiasis, CNS ( Schistosoma spp.) Encephalopathy, meningoencephalitis, transverse myelitis, seizures Weeks to months Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Middle East, South America, Caribbean Skin penetration of cercaria; swimming or bathing in contaminated water
Tetanus ( Clostridium tetani ) Diffuse muscle spasms, opisthotonos, trismus, autonomic dysfunction 3–21 days Worldwide Soil contamination of wound, commonly involves umbilical stump in neonates
Tickborne encephalitis (tickborne encephalitis virus) Encephalitis, focal neurologic deficits, seizures 7–14 days Central and East Asia, Europe, North Africa, North America Tick bite
Toxoplasmosis, cerebral (Toxoplasma gondii) Meningoencephalitis, HSM, focal neurologic deficits, seizures, change in mental status Usually RD Worldwide Ingestion of cysts in undercooked meat or oocysts from exposure to cat feces; usually IH
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (prion) Change in mental status, myoclonus, spasticity, rigidity, extrapyramidal and cerebellar signs and symptoms, occasionally seizures Months to years United Kingdom, with sporadic cases elsewhere in Europe, Canada, and United States Recipients of cadaveric transplants or injections of biomedical products derived from infected patients, contaminated surgical apparatuses, person-to-person(?), ingestion of contaminated beef or lamb(?)
Visceral larva migrans (Toxocara canis) Cough, wheezing, HSM, eosinophilia; may develop CNS or other solid organ involvement Weeks to years Worldwide Ingestion of eggs in puppy feces
Pulmonary Syndromes
Anthrax, inhalation (Bacillus anthracis) Pulmonary infiltrates with widened mediastinum, shock, CNS involvement 2–60 days Worldwide Inhalation of spores, exposure to domestic animals or animal by-products; R/O bioterrorism
Aspergillosis ( Aspergillus spp.) Pulmonary “fungus ball,” (aspergilloma), transient infiltrates and allergic symptoms in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 1–4 weeks Worldwide Inhalation of spores from soil
Bacterial pneumonia ( Streptococcus pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, Chlamydophila spp., others) Extrapulmonary findings frequent in Legionnaires’ disease and psittacosis 2–21 days, depending on specific organism Worldwide Person-to-person spread; Legionnaires’ disease associated with colonized air/water systems; psittacosis associated with bird exposure
Blastomycosis (Blastomyces dermatitidis) Subacute pneumonia; bone, skin, and GU tract involvement 1–4 weeks, usually RD Sporadic foci worldwide Inhalation of spores from soil
Diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) Low-grade fever, cough, pharyngitis, oropharyngeal membrane, neck swelling, mucosal bleeding, myocarditis, polyneuritis 3–7 days Worldwide, especially temperate areas Person-to-person through respiratory route and breaks in the skin
Eosinophilic pneumonia (various parasites, helminthes and filaria) Eosinophilia, asthma-like condition, elevated IgE Days to weeks, depending on specific organism Worldwide, depending on specific organism Lung passage of larvae or adult helminthes, mosquito bite (filaria), filarial disease occurs primarily in those living in endemic areas with continued exposure
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (various hantaviruses) ARDS, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, hemoconcentration, circulating immunoblasts 1–5 weeks Americas Contaminated rodent urine or feces; outdoor exposures
Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis) Low-grade fever, coryza, rhinorrhea, paroxysmal dry cough 5–21 days Worldwide Person-to-person; adults vaccinated as children are susceptible to milder disease
Pneumocystosis (Pneumocystis jiroveci) Dyspnea, dry cough, hypoxemia, often only mild findings on pulmonary auscultation and CXR Usually RD Worldwide Inhalation; usually IH
Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) Upper lobes infiltrates and cavities; miliary TB, meningitis, and GU involvement all also common Usually RD Worldwide Person-to-person via aerosol/droplet; increased frequency and likelihood of extrapulmonary involvement in IH
Tularemia, pneumonic form (Francisella tularensis) Pulse-temperature dissociation, diarrhea (~40%) 1–21 days Sporadic foci worldwide, mostly Northern Hemisphere Tick or fly bite, or direct exposure to small mammals; hunting, camping, military exercises, R/O bioterrorism
Viral pneumonia (influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial, and SARS coronavirus, many others) May be complicated by bacterial suprainfection Days to weeks, depending on specific organism Worldwide, depending on specific organism Person-to-person spread and zoonotic, depending on specific virus; contact with farms or live animal markets, birds, or pigs (zoonotic influenzas); civet cats suspected to be a reservoir of SARS coronavirus
Localized Infections
Mycetoma (various fungi and bacteria) Chronic swollen limb with nodules, sinus tracts, drainage of pus and “grains” Weeks to months Tropics worldwide Traumatic implantation of organism into skin; soil exposure
Necrotizing fasciitis (group A strep S. pyogenes, Clostridia spp., S. aureus ) Rapid progression of edema, erythema, tenderness, bullae, necrosis, and gangrene ~24 hours Worldwide Posttraumatic or surgical
ARDS, Acute respiratory distress syndrome; CNS, central nervous system; CXR, chest x-ray; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; HSM, hepatosplenomegaly; IH, immunocompromised host; IV, intravenous; RD, reactivation disease; R/O, rule out; TB, tuberculosis.

* Only diseases that typically have acute or subacute presentations and may cause severe disease are included. Diseases are classified by the most typical associated severe syndrome. In practice, significant variation may exist.

Initial infection is usually asymptomatic or mild. Reactivation with severe disease may occur years later, usually in immunocompromised hosts.

Fig. 123.1
Population at risk in malaria-endemic countries in the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. The risk of malaria may vary within specific regions of each country.

(From the World Health Organization [2020]. Available at .)

TABLE 123.2
Features of the Five Species of Malaria Known to Cause Disease in Humans
Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium malariae Plasmodium knowlesi
Incubation period (days) 6–25 8–27 8–27 16–40 12–13
Asexual cycle (hours) 48 (tertian) 48 (tertian) 48 (tertian) 72 (quartan) 24 (tertian)
Relapse No Yes * Yes * No No
Chloroquine resistance Yes Rare § No No No
Characteristic on thin blood film Rings predominate, multiply infected RBCs, high parasitemia, rings with threadlike cytoplasm, double nuclei, banana-shaped gametocytes Enlarged RBCs, Schüffner dots, trophozoite cytoplasm ameboid, 12–24 merozoites in mature schizont Oval RBCs with fringed edges, Schüffner dots, trophozoites cytoplasm compact, 6–16 merozoites in mature schizont Trophozoite cytoplasm compact (band forms), 6–12 merozoites in mature schizont, RBC unchanged Similar to P. malariae , 8–10 merozoites in mature schizont, often in rosette pattern with central clump of pigment

* Relapses may appear months to years after initial infection because of dormant hypnozoites in the liver.

Although relapse does not occur, P. malariae can produce persistent infections that remain below detectable limits in the blood for 20–30 years or more.

P. falciparum resistance to sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, mefloquine, halofantrine, and artemisinin has also been reported in some areas, along with partial resistance to quinine and quinidine.

§ P. vivax resistance to chloroquine now reported in some areas of Southeast Asia, Oceania (Ethiopia, Madagascar), and South America.

Chloroquine-resistant P. malariae has also been reported in south Sumatra, Indonesia.

Of all tropical diseases potentially manifesting as acute, life-threatening illness, malaria is the most prevalent globally and should be considered in any patient reporting travel in malaria-endemic areas or with exposure to unscreened blood products (“transfusion malaria”) or blood-contaminated needles. Increased travel and migration over the past several decades have resulted in increases in imported malaria in most industrialized countries.

Patients at risk of malaria can be divided into three groups: (1) nonimmune persons, either because they have no history of exposure to malaria—primarily nonexpatriate travelers—or because immunity has waned, such as in young children, regardless of geographic origin, after the waning of maternal antibodies (around age 6 months). Pregnant women, who are transiently relatively immune-suppressed, are also included in this category. (2) Immune or semi-immune persons residing in malarious areas who are repeatedly exposed. (3) Those originally from malaria-endemic countries but now residing elsewhere who, in the absence of continued exposure, have waning immunity. The degree of immunity may exert profound effects on the clinical presentation and severity of illness. For example, a returning traveler may develop severe malaria at a relatively low parasitemia, whereas a resident of an endemic area in sub-Saharan Africa who has had repeated infection may have the same degree of parasitemia but be asymptomatic. Various human genetic traits relate to mutations in red blood cells (RBCs) and confer resistance to malaria, such as reduced susceptibility to Plasmodium vivax in populations across Africa because of genetic absence of the Duffy antigen, which serves as a key P. vivax receptor, or the relative protection from severe malaria of any species afforded to those carrying the sickle cell trait or with thalassemia. Parasite strain differences may also play a role in the ultimate course of any given malaria infection.

In returning travelers, knowledge of pretravel vaccinations and both prescribed and taken chemoprophylaxis (which often turn out not to be the same) is imperative. Both physicians and patients frequently err in the prescribing of and adherence to appropriate prophylactic regimens. , Furthermore, these preventive measures do not confer 100% protection and should not be used to discard a given entity from the differential diagnosis. There is also increasing evidence that failure of prophylaxis may occur because of malabsorption of oral medications rather than resistance. Chemotherapy, complete or partial, may prolong the incubation period or alter the presentation of the illness. Those initially from tropical countries are often less likely to seek pretravel medical advice before making a visit home and also often have considerably more exposures to tropical pathogens during their visit than do short-term travelers from industrialized countries.

People living in resource-constrained tropical countries may be more likely to have complicating health problems but less likely to have them previously diagnosed or controlled. Underlying diabetes, hypertension, malnutrition, chronic anemia, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or hepatitis virus infection may be discovered at the time of the acute illness. , Infection with multiple tropical pathogens is common in those living in endemic areas. Thus the finding of a given pathogen cannot automatically be assumed to be causally related to the patient’s current illness.


Malaria parasites are spread to humans by the bite of anopheline mosquitoes. Five species of Plasmodia commonly cause malaria in humans: Plasmodium falciparum , P. vivax , P. ovale , P. malariae, and P. knowlesi (see Table 123.2 ). Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that there may be distinct species of P. ovale. vivax. Simultaneous infections with multiple strains of P. falciparum are common in some areas of sub-Saharan Africa and also occur with P. vivax in Southeast Asia and Latin America.

The most prevalent and dangerous form of malaria is that due to P. falciparum . The risk of acquiring P. falciparum is highest in sub-Saharan Africa, in particular West Africa, and in New Guinea; moderate in India; and comparatively low in Southeast Asia and Latin America. There is increasing recognition that P. vivax, the second most common cause of malaria and previously considered to be benign, can also cause severe disease and death. , P. vivax malaria is especially frequent in travelers returning from Oceania, although the parasite exists in all malaria-endemic regions except Haiti and the Dominican Republic. , The dormant liver stage parasites (hypnozoites) that characterize P. vivax sometimes result in primary disease or relapse even years after infection. P. knowlesi is found in rainforests of Southeast Asia, including parts of Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. , P. knowlesi is now the most common cause of malaria in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia. Although quite rare, deaths resulting from P. ovale or P. malariae infection have been reported. ,

Although rare, malaria has been reported in persons without documented travel, usually resulting from the carriage of malaria-infected passengers (who may be asymptomatic) or anopheline mosquitoes on aircraft arriving from endemic areas. The parasite may then be secondarily transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes endemic in some industrialized countries, including the United States, Canada, and Southern Europe.


P. falciparum accounts for the vast majority of severe malaria because of (1) its ability to infect RBCs of all ages, resulting in overwhelming parasitemia (up to 70% of RBCs); (2) its induction of adherence of parasitized RBCs to the microvascular wall, with consequent obstruction; (3) its induction of severe metabolic derangements, both directly through glucose consumption and lactate production and indirectly through the induction of cytokines; and (4) the high prevalence of chloroquine and multidrug resistance to P. falciparum in many parts of the world (see Table 123.2 ). Unlike the other species of malaria, P. falciparum causes decreased RBC deformability and the production of small protrusions, or “knobs,” on parasitized RBC membranes that mediate their adhesion to the venular endothelium ( Fig. 123.2 ). These knobs are high-molecular-weight (>200 kD), strain-specific molecules displayed on the surface of infected RBCs. The best described of these is P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 that plays a critical role in malaria pathogenesis, including in evasion of the host immune system. , The rupture of schizont-stage parasites exposes glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors on the parasite and RBC surface that induce macrophages and other inflammatory cells to release a host of inflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factors, interleukin-1, and various kinins and reactive nitrogen intermediates. These cytokines play a role in up-regulation and activation of endothelial adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and E-selectin, enhancing cytoadherence of parasitized cells and mediating pathologic processes such as hypoglycemia, lactic acidemia, shock, gut mucosal damage, and increased permeability and neutrophil aggregation in the lung.

Fig. 123.2, Pathogenesis of severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. GPI, Glycosylphosphatidylinositol; RBC, red blood cell; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

The sum total of this cascade is sequestration of parasitized RBCs in the microvasculature, where they are not only sheltered from removal but cause sluggish flow and obstruction, resulting in impaired oxygen delivery and organ dysfunction. , The most profound effects are usually on the cerebral capillaries, although a host of tissues may be affected, including the kidney, liver, spleen, placenta, intestine, lung, bone marrow, heart, and retina. Histopathologic changes are usually minimal, but ring hemorrhages and perivascular infiltrates sometimes develop at the sites of obstructed vessels, perhaps facilitated by thrombocytopenia because of splenic sequestration of platelets. Although subendocardial and epicardial hemorrhages have been noted at autopsy, myocarditis does not occur, and primary cardiac events are relatively rare in malaria.

In P. falciparum infection, acute pulmonary hypertension can be precipitated by nitric oxide consumption by free plasma hemoglobin released from intravascular hemolysis. Endothelial injury leading to increased alveolar permeability and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema also contributes. Autopsy studies have shown increased markers of endothelial activation (vWF and ANG-2) in patients with acute malaria-associated respiratory distress syndrome (MA-ARDS) compared with infected and uninfected controls. Interstitial edema and inflammatory cell infiltrates are seen at autopsy, but sequestration of parasitized RBCs in the lung is not common. There is evidence, however, that P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 interaction with host endothelial cell receptors (e.g., ICAM-1 and endothelial protein C receptor) plays a role in cytoadherence and pathogenesis of MA-ARDS.

Parasitemia usually reaches a lower level in P. vivax infection because of a strong predilection for reticulocytes. Chronic exposure to P. vivax parasites may be sufficient to destroy the new reticulocytes and, over time, to reduce the population of mature RBCs, thereby contributing to severe anemia. This, combined with a lack of cytoadhesive properties of the infected cells, results in reduced microvascular obstruction and suggests different pathogenetic mechanisms to severe infection. , The main pathogenesis of P. vivax is the result of higher cytokine production and endothelial activation caused by an increased guanine-cytosine DNA content in its genome and a higher associated content of Toll-like receptor 9-stimulating GpG motifs.

The returned traveler exposed to P. vivax for a short period will rarely present with a severe or fatal infection unless there is an underlying condition. However, in endemic regions, children with prolonged P. vivax infection resulting from frequent exposures and relapsing infections from the liver hypnozoites can present with profound anemia with subsequent high morbidity and mortality, particularly in the presence of malnutrition and other causes of anemia. P. vivax anemia is exacerbated by splenic removal of uninfected RBCs, which occurs at a higher proportion compared with P. falciparum, although the removal mechanism is not well understood. , ,

In P. vivax infection, a cytokine-mediated inflammatory response in the pulmonary microvessels leads to increased alveolar permeability and fluid buildup. Because of a lower parasitic biomass, the effect of the hemolysis-associated nitric oxide depletion on pulmonary pressures is minimal. , There is greater inflammatory and endothelial activation per parasite in P. vivax compared with P. falciparum infections, and this likely contributes to MA-ARDS in the absence of other risk factors specific to P. falciparum . In addition to the acute hemolytic destruction of parasitized RBCs, the more chronic processes of removal of parasitized cells from circulation by the spleen and cytokine inhibition of erythropoiesis may contribute.

Clinical presentation

Malaria classically produces three stages of symptoms that progress over an 8- to 12-hour period, comprising a “paroxysm.” These correspond and are attributable to the period of schizont rupture and appearance of ring forms (merozoites) in the blood, accompanied by the release of numerous host inflammatory mediators. The paroxysm classically begins suddenly with a “cold stage” in which the patient experiences rigors and chills, often accompanied by headache, nausea, and vomiting. Intense peripheral vasoconstriction may result in pale, goosepimpled skin and cyanosis of the lips and nail beds. Within a few hours, the “hot stage” ensues, with high fever, flushed skin, throbbing headache, and palpitations. The paroxysm concludes with the “defervescent stage,” consisting of a drenching sweat and resolution of the fever. The exhausted patient often then sleeps. Clinical deterioration with P. falciparum usually appears 3–7 days after onset of fever.

Although a classic periodicity is described for the different malaria species (see Table 123.2 ), this occurs only when the infection has persisted untreated long enough to allow for synchronization of schizont rupture. Furthermore, schizont rupture tends to be asynchronous in P. falciparum and in most primary infections of any Plasmodium species. Therefore malaria may often result in persistently spiking fevers difficult to distinguish from fever produced by many other infections, and the absence of a classic paroxysm and periodicity should not be used to exclude the diagnosis. Paroxysms may be accompanied by cough, sore throat, myalgias, back pain, postural hypotension, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. These flulike symptoms are more common in children and may lead to misdiagnoses. Rash and lymphadenopathy are not typical of malaria and suggest another diagnosis.

Severe and complicated malaria

Although all species of malaria may produce severe consequences in a debilitated patient, potentially fatal malarian which merits attention in an ICUn can be grouped into three categories: (1) severe complications of P. falciparum and, less commonly, P. vivax and P. knowlesi in nonimmune children and adults; (2) splenic rupture, which occurs most frequently with P. vivax; and (3) chronic nephrotic syndrome caused by immune-complex nephritis associated with P. malariae, usually seen in children and often complicated by overwhelming bacterial infection. The first category is responsible for the vast majority of severe disease worldwide ( Box 123.1 ). There is emerging evidence that P. knowlesi can also cause severe fatal malaria and should be treated in an ICU setting.

BOX 123.1
(From World Health Organization. (2012). Management of severe malaria: a practical handbook, 3rd ed.. World Health Organization.
Clinical and Laboratory Features That Classify a Patient as Suffering From Severe Plasmodium falciparum Malaria * According to the World Health Organization

Clinical features

Impaired consciousness (including unarousable coma); Glasgow Coma Score <11 in adults or a Blantyre coma score <3 in children

Prostration: generalized weakness so that the patient is unable walk or sit up without assistance

Multiple convulsions (more than two episodes in 24 hours

Pulmonary edema: radiologic evidence or oxygen saturation <92% on room air with a respiratory rate >30/min

Respiratory distress (severe acidosis): rapid, deep, labored breathing

Circulatory collapse or shock, systolic blood pressure <80 mm Hg in adults and <70 mm Hg in children, with evidence of impaired perfusion (cool peripheries or prolonged capillary refill)

Clinical jaundice plus evidence of other vital organ dysfunction

Abnormal spontaneous and significant bleeding

Laboratory findings

Hypoglycemia (blood glucose <2.2 mmol/L or <40 mg/dL)

Metabolic acidosis; base deficit of >8 mEq/L, plasma bicarbonate <15 mmol/L, or venous plasma lactate >5 mmol/L.

Severe normocytic anemia (hemoglobin ≤5 g/dL, hematocrit ≤15% in children <12 years of age (<7 g/dL and <20%, respectively, in adults) with a parasite count >10,000/μL;

Jaundice: plasma or serum bilirubin >50 μmol/L (3mg/dL) with a parasite count >100,000/μL

Hyperparasitemia: >10%

Renal impairment: serum creatinine >265 μmol/L (3mg/dL) or blood urea >20 mmol/L)

* For severe P. vivax malaria, the same criteria are used as for P. falciparum malaria but with no parasite density thresholds. Likewise, severe P. knowlesi malaria is defined as for falciparum malaria but with two differences: (1) P . knowlesi hyperparasitemia: parasite count >100,000/μL and (2) jaundice and parasite count >20,000/μL.

Cerebral malaria

Cerebral malaria is the most frequent severe complication of plasmodium infection, accounting for most fatalities and chronic sequelae. It is most frequent in children of 3–5 years of age. Strictly defined, cerebral malaria implies unarousable coma caused by P. falciparum. Hyperpyrexia and febrile convulsions in young children may produce transiently altered mental status without true involvement of the cerebral microvasculature and do not constitute cerebral malaria. However, in clinical practice, seizures or persistent changes in sensorium that cannot be attributed to other disease processes should be considered cerebral malaria until proven otherwise. Although cerebral malaria is classically attributed to cytoadhesion and microvascular obstruction in the brain, other ongoing processes, including hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and impaired oxygenation caused by anemia and pulmonary edema, also contribute.

The altered sensorium of cerebral malaria may develop gradually within a few days of onset of illness or manifest as persistent coma after a generalized convulsion. Compared with adults, children with cerebral malaria have a shorter history of fever before progressing to coma (average about 2 days). The most common neurologic picture is of a diffuse symmetric encephalopathy with hypertonia and hyperreflexia. Pupils are usually symmetric with intact pupillary, corneal, oculocephalic, and oculovestibular reflexes. Gag reflex is usually intact. In severe cases, clonus, opisthotonos, disconjugate gaze, nystagmus, sixth nerve palsy extensor Babinski responses, occasional signs of frontal lobe release such as a pout reflex or bruxism, and decorticate or decerebrate posturing can occur. , Mild neck stiffness may occur, but meningismus, severe neck rigidity, photophobia, and papilledema are almost never seen.

Seizures may occur in up to 50% of cases of cerebral malaria. Among children ages above 3–4 years, seizures are increasingly likely to represent cerebral malaria rather than febrile convulsions. Although generalized seizures are typical, partial motor seizures, with or without secondary generalization, may occur. Electroencephalogram (EEG) studies may sometimes reveal underlying status epilepticus even when it is not clinically evident.

Pulmonary edema and malaraia-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome

Pulmonary complications occur in up to 30% of patients with severe malaria, especially pregnant women, nonimmune persons, and patients already suffering from other complications. The onset may be any time during the course of illness, even if the patient appears to be improving and parasitemia has decreased. Symptoms include dyspnea and cough, with rapid progression to hypoxia and respiratory distress. Pulmonary edema, which may progress to MA-ARDS, is frequent and typically the most lethal of the complications of malaria globally. MA-ARDS is most commonly associated with P. falciparum, P. vivax, and P. knowlesi , but has been seen with all malaria species. , Pulmonary complications are seen in about 5% of hospitalized patients with P. vivax infection.

Anemia and hematologic perturbations

Although some degree of anemia is common in all types of malaria, severe anemia (hemoglobin less than 5 g/100 mL) occurs mostly with P. falciparum and P. vivax . In P. falciparum infection, it is most common and often severe in pregnant women and young children (<1 year), in whom it may be the presenting sign. , In addition to the acute hemolytic destruction of parasitized RBCs, the more chronic processes of removal of parasitized cells from circulation by the spleen and cytokine inhibition of erythropoiesis may contribute. Nonimmune subjects may develop anemia within days after infection, but usually more slowly in those who are semi-immune.

In P. vivax infection, profound anemia is seen in young children from high-endemic areas and results from several pathogenic processes, including frequent hemolysis because of relapsing infection, increased fragility of infected and uninfected reticulocytes, high splenic removal rate of uninfected RBCs (four times higher than in P. falciparum ), and recrudescence of chloroquine-resistant parasites.

The degree of anemia generally correlates with bilirubin level and level of parasitemia. It may be exacerbated by underlying glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in the setting of administration of oxidant antimalarial drugs (e.g., quinine, sulfadoxine) and iron-deficiency anemia resulting from malnutrition or soil-transmitted helminthiases. Delayed hemolytic anemia can also occur in patients treated with parenteral artesunate. Significant jaundice and hemoglobinuria may result. Thrombocytopenia, although frequent, is not usually associated with bleeding or correlated with disease severity. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) has been reported, but in less than 10% of severe cases.

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