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An effective means of attaining an understanding of the major disorders of the neonatal motor system is to organize the approach to these disorders on the basis of the major affected anatomical site within the motor system. Thus in this chapter and in Chapter 37 , we review disorders of the neonatal motor system according to the following specific anatomical levels: levels above the lower motor neuron and at the lower motor neuron, the peripheral (and cranial) nerve, the neuromuscular junction, and, finally, the muscle.
The major unifying clinical manifestations of the disorders are hypotonia and weakness , not necessarily occurring with similar severity, as discussed later. In this chapter, all disorders, except those related to the involvement of muscle (see Chapter 37 ), are reviewed, principally in terms of clinical features, results of pertinent laboratory studies, pathological features, pathogenesis and etiology, and management.
Disorders leading to hypotonia and weakness that are secondary to the involvement of anatomical levels above the lower motor neuron are summarized in Box 36.1 . These disorders are best discussed here as a group, because most are reviewed in detail in other sections of this book. Although the group is rather diverse, three features are generally useful in establishing the locus of the hypotonia at an anatomical level above the lower motor neuron. First, in these so-called central disorders, hypotonia is usually more severe than weakness, and, indeed, some affected infants, although “floppy,” exhibit strong movements when stimulated. Second, tendon reflexes are usually preserved, although it is unusual to observe the hallmark of central hypotonia as seen after the first weeks and months of life: hyperactive tendon reflexes. Thus, as with weakness, hypotonia is more marked than is involvement of the tendon reflexes. Third, other signs of central involvement are frequently present; particular note should be made of seizures.
Hypoxia-ischemia a
a The two most common causes.
Intracranial hemorrhage
Intracranial infection
Multiple (see text)
Developmental disturbance
Cerebral a (e.g., Prader-Willi syndrome, neuronal migration disorders)
See Chapter 33
For the purposes of this section, congenital encephalopathies are defined as those with onset before or during the perinatal period and affecting principally cerebrum, brainstem, or cerebellum (see Box 36.1 ). In contrast to degenerative encephalopathies, these disorders are not progressive , although worsening may occur if infectious, metabolic, or endocrine disturbance is not corrected.
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is by far the most common cause of hypotonia in the newborn period. Other features of this disorder are described in Chapters 20 and 24 . In patients with minor degrees of this encephalopathy, hypotonia may be the principal neurological abnormality.
Intracranial hemorrhage (see Chapters 26 to 28 ) and intracranial infection (bacterial and nonbacterial; see Chapters 38 and 39 ) are relatively uncommon causes of hypotonia in the absence of other features that distinguish these disorders.
The metabolic disturbances that can result in hypotonia in the newborn period are extremely diverse. Abnormal increases or decreases in electrolyte levels, acidemia, hypoglycemia, increases in divalent cation levels, severe hyperbilirubinemia, aminoacidopathies (including syndromes with hyperammonemia), organic acid disturbances, sepsis, and intoxication of the fetus by administration (usually intrapartum) of analgesics, sedatives, or anesthetics to the mother are the most common of these metabolic disturbances (see Chapters 29 to 32 ).
Other rarer metabolic disorders should also be considered. An important category encompasses disturbances in central neurotransmission, the most common of which is aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (see Chapter 33 ). Neonatal onset occurs in more than 50% of cases, and hypotonia and feeding difficulties are prominent early findings. Diagnosis is suggested by the finding of reduced catecholamine metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and it is established by the demonstration of markedly reduced plasma aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase activity and/or confirmatory genetic testing. Subsequent findings include hypokinesia, oculogyric crises, movement disorders, and autonomic disturbances.
Hypothyroidism is an important endocrine disorder that may produce neonatal hypotonia. A large tongue; temperature instability; feeding problems; constipation; hoarse cry; dry, mottled skin; prolonged jaundice; and delayed skeletal maturation should suggest hypothyroidism. Neonatal screening of filter paper blood samples has proved superior to clinical recognition and is of considerable value in early detection of hypothyroidism. It is critical to identify and to treat hypothyroidism promptly because of the deleterious effect of the thyroid deficiency on brain development (see Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 to Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 ).
Trauma may result in hemorrhagic and nonhemorrhagic lesions of brain, which are uncommon causes of hypotonia, particularly in the absence of other features that dominate the clinical syndrome. Details are provided in Chapters 26 , 27 , and 40 .
Aberrations of brain development are relatively frequent findings among the neonatal causes of hypotonia referable to anatomical levels above the lower motor neuron. Cerebrum and cerebellum are the principal sites of involvement in these cases. Developmental disturbances of cerebrum , which may result in striking hypotonia, are reviewed in Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 . Disturbances of neuronal migration are the most prominent cerebral causes. Important examples of cerebral hypotonia are the cerebrohepatorenal syndrome of Zellweger, the oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe, and Prader-Willi syndrome. The cerebrohepatorenal syndrome of Zellweger is discussed in Chapter 6 among disorders of neuronal migration.
The oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe is an X-linked recessive disorder, characterized by ocular abnormalities (cataracts and congenital glaucoma), marked hypotonia, cryptorchidism, and renal abnormalities (proteinuria and generalized aminoaciduria). Subsequent development is markedly retarded. The cerebral abnormality has not been defined clearly.
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is characterized by striking neonatal hypotonia, accompanied by diminished deep tendon reflexes, poor feeding, weak cry, and often a history of fetal inactivity. Careful attention to the clinical and other features described in Box 36.2 allows diagnosis in the neonatal period before development of the complete syndrome of hyperphagia, morbid obesity, short stature, and cognitive impairment. The intelligence quotient is less than 70 in 85% of cases, most commonly (75%) in the 40 to 69 range, and is always less than 84. Normal neuromuscular studies such as muscle biopsy and the associated later clinical features (e.g., cognitive impairment) support the conclusion that the hypotonia is on a central basis. The limited neuropathological studies thus far conducted indicate frequent abnormalities of gyral development, hypoplasia of corpus callosum, and minor cerebral, brainstem, and cerebellar migrational anomalies. A careful magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study also showed gyral anomalies reminiscent of polymicrogyria. Two of the proteins deficient in PWS (i.e., NECDIN and MAGEL2) are critically involved in neuronal differentiation and axonal outgrowth. PWS results from three main molecular mechanisms, paternal deletion, maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) 15, and imprinting defect (ID). In addition to NECDIN and MAGEL2, the PWS critical region on chromosome 15 includes another three paternal-only-origin expressed genes that encode MKRN3 and SNURF-SNRPN proteins and a family of six paternal-only-origin expressed snoRNA genes as well as IPW, a noncoding RNA. The adjacent UBE3A and ATP10A genes are expressed only in the maternally derived chromosome and are involved in the pathogenesis of Angelman syndrome. The diagnosis is established by detection of a deletion involving bands 15q11.2-q13 on one chromosome 15 by high-resolution chromosome studies in conjunction with fluorescence in situ hybridization or by chromosomal microarray analysis in the 65% to 75% of patients so affected. Around 1% to 2% of affected individuals have “balanced” or “unbalanced” chromosome rearrangements (i.e., translocation or inversion) involving the 15q11.2-q13 region, which are detectable by karyotype and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The approximately 20% to 30% of patients with UPD have normal deletion studies but an abnormal DNA methylation test. DNA methylation analysis by Southern blot or methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the only methodology that will establish the diagnosis of PWS caused by all three genetic mechanisms, but it cannot distinguish the exact mechanism; DNA methylation analysis can also differentiate PWS from Angelman syndrome in deletion cases. The risk of recurrence in large interstitial 5- to 6-Mb 15q11.2-q13 deletion and pure maternal UPD (without predisposing parental translocation) is less than 1%. The 2% to 3% of cases associated with an ID are detected by DNA methylation studies; recurrence risk in this small group could be as high as 50% if the father also has an imprinting center deletion. ID without imprinting center deletion carries less than 1% recurrence risk. Other advanced DNA methylation techniques such as methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification can detect deletions, UPD, and ID in more than 99% of PWS patients; this technique can distinguish between deletion and UPD but will not distinguish UPD from ID. Various other probable disturbances of cerebral development (e.g., eponymic syndromes and chromosomal aberrations), some alluded to in Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 , may cause neonatal hypotonia, but more distinguishing features usually dominate the clinical syndrome.
a See text for references.
Syndrome a
Hypotonia with diminished tendon reflexes
Poor feeding with poor weight gain
Weak cry: often “squeaky,” not sustained
Craniofacial characteristics
Dolichocephaly, narrow bifrontal diameter
Almond-shaped eyes
Small mouth with thin upper lip and downturned corners of mouth
Hypogonadism (male: undescended testes; scrotal hypoplasia; female: absence or severe hypoplasia of labia minora and/or clitoris)
History of fetal inactivity
Normal neuromuscular studies
Neuropathological and molecular genetic studies suggesting disturbed neuronal and axonal development
Chromosomal disturbance: deletion of the proximal long arm of chromosome 15 (15q11–q13 region) in 65%–75%; uniparental (maternal) disomy in 20%–30%; imprinting defect in 2%–3%; chromosome rearrangement in 1%–2%.
Developmental disturbance of cerebellum may lead to neonatal hypotonia (see Chapter 4 ). In one carefully studied series of seven such cases, neonatal hypotonia, occasionally severe, occurred without weakness. Jerky eye movements were prominent, and truncal titubation was apparent within a few weeks. Ataxia and intention tremor appeared later in the first year. Computed tomography scans or pneumoencephalograms demonstrated a strikingly enlarged cisterna magna with symmetrical hypoplasia of the cerebellum. The combination of hypotonia, jerky eye movements, and radiographic findings was diagnostic. Pathological study showed nearly complete absence of internal granule cells, with relatively preserved numbers of Purkinje cells. I (J.J.V.) have seen several similar cases and have been impressed by the hypotonia present in early infancy with Dandy-Walker malformation and Joubert syndrome and related disorders, all disturbances of cerebellar development (see Chapter 4 ).
Most degenerative disorders of infancy manifest after the first weeks of life. However, many of these disorders may cause hypotonia in the newborn period (see Chapter 33 ).
Disorders of the spinal cord are frequently overlooked causes of hypotonia and weakness in the newborn (see Box 36.1 ). Traumatic injury is a relatively common cause, and the traumatic event may go undetected in the absence of a careful history (see Chapter 40 ). Developmental disorders (e.g., dysraphic states) are associated usually with signs restricted to lower or, less commonly, upper extremities and are recognized more readily (see Chapter 1 ).
Disorders affecting the lower motor neuron are the most frequent causes of severe hypotonia and weakness in the neonatal period. The major disorders to be distinguished are listed in Box 36.3 . Of these, type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) or Werdnig-Hoffmann disease is the most common and most important.
Spinal muscular atrophy type 1 (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease; also type 0 or type 1A)
Spinal muscular atrophy variants (anterior horn cell disorders not linked to chromosome 5q, non–5q SMAs)
Neurogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease)
Hypoxic-ischemic injury
Neonatal poliomyelitis (other enteroviruses?)
Type 1 SMA or Werdnig-Hoffmann disease refers to the severe, infantile, hereditary form of anterior horn cell disease. This disorder is autosomal recessively inherited. The earliest descriptions of hereditary degeneration of anterior horn cell with onset in infancy were by Werdnig in Austria and Hoffmann in Germany from 1891 to 1900. Although the original cases described by Werdnig and Hoffmann did not have their onset in the first weeks of life, the severe, early onset form of SMA type 1 is often referred to as Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. This severe form of SMA (i.e., type 1) is defined by onset before 6 months of age, failure to develop the ability to sit unsupported, and death usually by less than 2 years of age without disease-modifying therapy (see later discussion). (This definition contrasts with that for SMA type 2, which is defined as onset less than 18 months of age, ability to sit unsupported, failure to develop the ability to walk, and death after 2 years of age, and with that for SMA type 3, which is defined as onset after 18 months of age, ability to stand and walk, and almost normal life span.)
The recognition of several very severe cases of SMA with clear prenatal onset, multiple joint contractures, ventilatory compromise at birth, early deficits of facial movement, bone fractures, and death by 3 months led to the recognition of an additional type, termed type 0 or type 1 A. Although these cases occur rarely, it is critical to recognize that the diagnosis of SMA is not excluded by the findings of overt arthrogryposis, respiratory failure at birth, or bone fractures. SMA type 1 has been further divided into type 1B with onset of symptoms prior to 3 months of age and type 1 C with onset between 3 and 6 months of age.
The acute, early-onset, type 1 form of SMA (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) and the rare, very severe type 0 form and the later-onset, chronic forms (types 2 and 3) are all related to a genetic defect that involves the q13 region of chromosome 5. The SMA region consists of a large (500-kb) duplication containing two copies of the gene deleted (or mutated) in SMA (i.e., the survival motor neuron [ SMN ] gene; Fig. 36.1 ). Thus on each chromosome 5 there are two copies of SMN: telomeric ( SMN1 ) and centromeric ( SMN2 ) copies. The deletions involve the telomeric copy. Homozygous deletions involving exon 7 of the SMN1 gene occur in approximately 95% of cases of SMA, regardless of type with the remaining cases harboring a deletion in one allele and a heterozygous point mutation in the other allele (compound heterozygotes) ( Table 36.1 ). The nearly identical SMN2 gene, which contains a single nucleotide change in exon 7 (a C-to-T transition) that profoundly influences splicing, produces primarily 90% to 95% of a truncated nonfunctional SMN protein and only approximately 5% to 10% of the normal full-length protein. Because of the genomic instability of this duplicated region of chromosome 5, SMN2 copy number may increase or decrease in the presence of the deleted SMN1 gene. The importance of this phenomenon in this context is that abundant evidence in animal models and now in humans shows that the copy number of SMN2 is the most critical determinant of the severity of the SMA phenotype . Children with SMA carry various SMN2 copy numbers: of patients with SMA type 1, 80% to 96% carry one or two SMN2 copies (more than 70% carry two SMN2 copies) and 4% to 20% have three copies; of patients with SMA type 2, 82% have three copies of SMN2; and of patients with SMA type 3, 96% to 100% have three or four copies of SMN2 ( Fig. 36.2 ). However, SMN2 copy number is not always an accurate predictor of phenotype. Other contributing factors may include modifier genes affecting the motor neurons and mutations in the SMN2 gene that alter the amount of full-length SMN protein it produces. Even among family members who carry the same number of SMN2 copy numbers, variation is observed, suggesting that modulators of SMN2 splicing and other modifier genes may be involved.
Homozygous deletion of exon 7 a |
~95%–98% |
Targeted mutation analysis combined with SMN1 gene sequence analysis c | 2%–5% |
SMN2 copy number d | Quantitative PCR analysis and other methodologies e | N/A |
a Testing for exon 8 deletion is not necessary.
b Small intragenic deletions/insertions and nonsense, missense, and splice site mutations.
c Whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected.
d SMN2 copy number ranges from 0 to 5.
e Methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, long-range PCR, chromosomal microarray that includes the SMN1, SMN2 chromosomal segment.
The biological functions of SMN1 and its relationship with SMA have been elucidated. The SMN protein interacts with other proteins in a multimolecular complex and appears to be involved principally in messenger RNA (mRNA) metabolism. The most critical function of SMN is in the assembly of the ribonucleoproteins of the so-called spliceosome, which is critically involved in the removal of introns from pre-mRNA and splicing together of exons in mature mRNA, for many proteins. The biological functions potentially affected are many, but most recent work suggests that axonal growth and maintenance are key roles. Spinal cord motor neurons are selectively vulnerable to decreased SMN protein. These neurons (as well as others) have long axons and many targets, particularly in large muscles, and may heavily depend on axonal mRNA transport; SMN protein plays a role in axonal mRNA trafficking. Whether the pathogenesis of SMA is due to a splicing defect due to SMN protein deficiency, disruption of an additional axonal SMN function, an unknown function, or a combination of the above is still unknown. Absence of SMN protein in cells is embryonic lethal in mice and other organisms. Why partial SMN deficiency specifically affects motor neurons remains unclear.
SMA type 1 is clinically apparent at birth or in the first several months of life. In one large series, clinical onset was at birth in 35%, in the first month in 16%, in the second month in 23%, and from the end of the second month to the sixth month in 26%. The finding of onset before 6 months with a median age of onset of 1 to 2 months is consistent. Onset in utero is supported by the observation that in most patients with SMA type 1 presenting at birth or in the early neonatal period , decreased and weak fetal movements in the last trimester are reported by the patients’ mothers. Neuropathological data (see later) have documented prenatal onset. In particularly severely affected infants, neonatal asphyxia or respiratory distress may occur. As just noted, some particularly severely affected infants (type 0) also may exhibit early deficits of facial movement, arthrogryposis, severe diffuse weakness, and early death. In those infants whose disease is not apparent at birth, onset in the first weeks is often acute. Indeed, clinical progression to severe disability characteristically occurs over a time course measured in days to a week or so. These clinical findings have a correlate from electrophysiological studies that show marked deterioration of motor function over a 1- to 2-week period postnatally.
The neurological features are highly consistent and striking ( Box 36.4 ). Hypotonia is severe and generalized. Unlike the situation with disorders of the cerebrum and other central causes of hypotonia, weakness is similarly severe. Most infants exhibit generalized weakness, but when it is possible to make a distinction between proximal and distal muscles, a proximal more than distal distribution is discernible. Only minimal movements at hips and shoulders may be elicited in the presence of active movements of hands and feet. The lower extremities are affected more severely than the upper extremities. Involvement of the axial musculature of the trunk and neck is particularly severe, and the resulting deficits are obvious with vertical suspension and pull-to-sit maneuvers ( Figs. 36.3A, B, and C ). Muscle atrophy is also severe and generalized, although the severity may be difficult to appreciate fully in the newborn. Indeed, the replacement of atrophied muscle by connective tissue may further hinder the appreciation of atrophy. Fasciculations of limbs are observed rarely, but an analogous phenomenon may be the characteristic fine rhythmic “tremor” of the extended fingers ( polyminimyoclonus ) most commonly observed in SMA types 2 and 3. Total areflexia is the rule, although rarely some reflex response, albeit depressed, can be elicited.
Hypotonia: severe, generalized (“floppy infant”)
Weakness: severe, generalized, or proximal > distal
Characteristic posture
“Bell-shaped” thorax, “paradoxical” or “see-saw” breathing
Weak cry
Difficulty sucking and swallowing
Relatively preserved facial movements
Normal extraocular movements
Preserved sensory function and sensorium
Normal sphincter function
The pattern of weakness of limbs leads to a characteristic posture, characterized particularly by a frog-leg posture with the upper extremities abducted and either externally rotated or internally rotated (“jug handle”) at the shoulders ( Fig. 36.4 ). The chest is almost always anteriorly collapsed and bell shaped, with an associated distention of the abdomen and intercostal recession during inspiration (see Fig. 36.4 ), known as “paradoxical” breathing. These features relate to weakness of the intercostal muscles and the relatively preserved diaphragmatic function. Contractures of the limbs, usually only at wrists and ankles, are evident in 10% to 20% of infants with onset in utero or in the first month of life.
Involvement of cranial nerve nuclei is less striking than of anterior horn cells, at least early in the clinical course. Thus extraocular movements are normal, and facial motility is relatively well preserved. Indeed, the picture of a bright-eyed, nearly totally paralyzed infant is characteristic of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. Sucking and swallowing are affected early in the course in approximately half of cases. Fasciculations and atrophy of the tongue, clinical signs in anterior horn cell disorders of slightly later onset, are apparent in only about one-third to one-half of patients with the disease occurring at birth or in the first month.
Particularly noteworthy differential diagnostic features in the neurological examination include the presence of normal sphincter and sensory functions . Both of these functions would be expected to be affected with major spinal cord disease and sensory function with peripheral nerve disease. The patient’s alert state with normal visual and auditory responses rules against a central disorder. Total areflexia and absence of ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, and facial weakness rule against a variety of primary diseases of muscle. Distinction from type II glycogen storage disease (Pompe disease) can be most difficult, but this much less common disease is usually accompanied by prominent involvement of the heart and enlargement of the tongue.
Several rare genetic variants of infantile SMA should be distinguished from SMA type 1 just described. These SMA variants and their mode of inheritance include the association of SMA with (1) diaphragmatic SMA or SMA with respiratory distress 1 (SMARD1) (autosomal recessive), (2) pontocerebellar atrophy (type 1 pontocerebellar atrophy; see Chapter 33 ) (autosomal recessive), and (3) congenital arthrogryposis, both with and without bone fractures (autosomal recessive and X-linked, respectively). None of these disorders is linked to the genetic region on chromosome 5 involved in SMA type 1 (see later discussion).
The course of SMA type 1 is a close function of the age of onset. Infants with clear prenatal onset of very severe disease with respiratory failure at birth, marked diffuse weakness, and early deficits of facial movement (i.e., SMA type 0) usually die by 3 months of age. Those infants with clinical onset in the first 2 months of life have a range of median age at death of 4 to 8 months, with maximum survival rarely exceeding 12 to 18 months. Infants with clinical onsets after 2 months of age have clearly longer median and maximum survival times. In a natural history study of 34 children with SMA type 1 conducted by the Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network between 2005 and 2009, the median age at which the combined endpoint of death or permanent ventilation was reached was 13.5 months (interquartile range = 8.1–22 months), and it was 10.2 months in infants with two SMN2 copies ( Table 36.2 ). Authors use various methodologies to report survival in patients with SMA type 1, as seen in Table 36.2 . Survival has improved with aggressive pulmonary care and nutritional support and, of course, with disease-modifying treatments. The very high survival rates noted in certain groups of patients with SMA type 1 (see Table 36.2 ) may be related specifically to invasive ventilation via tracheostomy and aggressive “proactive” care; however, these rates may also be related to the small number of patients in the reports.
1 YEAR | 2 YEARS | 4 YEARS | 5 YEARS | 10 YEARS | 20 YEARS | |
Zerres 1995 | 32 | 18 | 8 | 0 | ||
Farrar 2013 | 40 | 25 | 6 | 0 |
AGE AT DEATH: MEDIAN (range, unless otherwise noted) |
Cobben 2008 | 6 m (95% confidence interval, 5–7 m) |
Ge 2012 | 7.0 m |
a Age of all patients at death/permanent ventilation.
b Age at death or requiring >16 hours of bilateral positive airway pressure per day for a minimum of 14 continuous days in the absence of an acute reversible illness.
Although infants who ultimately prove to have SMA type 2 have a peak age at onset between 8 and 14 months, an occasional infant exhibits onset before 6 months and has a chronic course, including attainment of sitting independently and standing or even walking with support, with prolonged survival. This portion of the SMA type 2 cases usually can be distinguished from SMA type 1 in the early stages of the disease because of a more insidious onset and slower initial deterioration. Death in SMA type 1 usually relates to intercurrent respiratory complications. These complications are caused by aspiration because of defective swallowing, hypoventilation because of impaired intercostal muscle function, and impaired clearing of tracheal secretions secondary to weak or absent cough because of weak abdominal muscles.
The creatine kinase (CK) level is usually normal in SMA type 1 or slightly elevated.
The electromyogram (EMG) may be difficult to perform in the young infant, but with patience the major features of anterior horn cell disease are usually observed (see Table 34.4 ). Thus at rest, fibrillation potentials are apparent. With muscle contraction, one sees a reduced number of fast-firing motor unit potentials that are usually of normal amplitude and duration because of failure to reinnervate efficiently in SMA type 1. In general, although no simple relationship exists between features on the EMG and outcome, one study showed a strong correlation between the degree of depression of the compound muscle action potential and functional outcome.
Motor nerve conduction velocities are usually normal, although in particularly severe disease, a slight reduction may be observed. This finding suggests a disproportionate loss of anterior horn cells that give rise to the largest, fastest conducting fibers. The compound muscle action potentials have very low amplitude because of significant loss of anterior horn neurons and/or axons. In contrast, the sensory nerve action potentials are normal, which underscores the motor neuron nature of the disease. Nevertheless, some patients with particularly severe cases of SMA type 1 have exhibited signs of severe motor and sensory neuropathy.
The muscle biopsy of a patient with Werdnig-Hoffmann disease with clinically apparent findings at birth or in the first month usually exhibits advanced changes of denervation (see Chapter 34 ). Characteristically, pronounced atrophy of all fibers of both types within entire fascicles of muscle (i.e., panfascicular atrophy ) or large group atrophy occurs ( Fig. 36.5 ). The early signs of denervation (i.e., loss of checkerboard appearance, type grouping, or small group atrophy; see Chapter 34 ), features of anterior horn cell disease later in childhood, are nearly absent ( Fig. 36.6 ). This virtual absence of signs of terminal axonal sprouting and reinnervation (see Chapter 34 ) is probably indicative of the severe, fulminating process involving anterior horn cells that causes widespread elimination before such compensatory attempts can occur. A consistent increase in connective tissue is associated with the marked atrophy of muscle (see Fig. 36.6 ). Hypertrophy of predominantly type I fibers, often in clusters, is an additional characteristic feature. The finding that these hypertrophic fibers often occur in clusters suggests the possibility of reinnervation. The distribution of the histopathological findings parallels the generalized pattern of muscle weakness; the diaphragm is conspicuously less affected. Diagnosis by genetic testing has obviated the need for muscle biopsy in almost all cases (see later).
The identification of the q11.2-13.3 region of chromosome 5 as the site of the genetic defect in Werdnig-Hoffmann disease led to the development of molecular diagnostic techniques (see “Pathogenesis and Etiology” earlier). Radiographs of the chest are useful in demonstrating the chest deformity, the thin ribs characteristic of severe congenital neuromuscular disease, and the marked atrophy of muscle. In the rare, very severe type 0 disease, long bone fractures may be observed.
Studies with real-time ultrasonography of limbs have demonstrated several types of changes (i.e., an increase in the intensity of echoes from muscle and the degree of muscle atrophy, fasciculations). The echogenicity of muscle correlates well with the severity of histopathological changes observed in biopsy specimens.
The major neuropathological changes are confined to the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and the motor nuclei of cranial nerves ( Box 36.5 ). The essential cellular changes in infantile cases are (1) depletion of the number of neurons, (2) degenerative changes of neurons, (3) neuronophagia, and (4) infiltration with microglia and astrocytes ( Fig. 36.7A,B ). Enhanced apoptosis of anterior horn cell neurons is the most prominent feature during fetal life. Some workers also described cytological findings indicative of immaturity of neurons and suggested impaired development, as well as degeneration, of neurons. The depletion of neurons may be so marked that few, if any, remain in an anterior horn or cranial nerve nucleus. The degenerative changes consist particularly of central chromatolysis, characterized by rounded and distended neuronal cell bodies with eccentric nuclei and Nissl substance displaced to the periphery. Neuronophagia is not prominent, although it is readily demonstrated. The glial response consists of both microglia and astrocytes and is particularly prominent in the ventral aspect of the anterior horns.
In severe Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, anterior horn cells are affected diffusely, with a particularly prominent affection of the ventromedial group. Cranial nerve nuclei involved invariably and markedly are of cranial nerves VII, IX, X, XI, and XII. The motor nucleus of nerve V is affected in approximately 70% of cases, and the abducens nucleus is involved in fewer than 50% of cases.
Other areas of the motor system are not consistently involved. Hypoxic changes are occasionally observed in hippocampal neurons and Purkinje cells of cerebellum. As noted later, associated degenerative changes in pontocerebellar structures are a feature of an SMA variant that is genetically distinct from SMA type 1.
The motor nerves exhibit the changes expected from a loss of anterior horn cells (i.e., a decrease in number of myelinated fibers particularly and an increase in connective tissue). Striking atrophy with glial proliferation may be apparent in the proximal anterior roots. Indeed, the glial proliferation may be so conspicuous that some workers have attributed to it a pathogenetic role. The view that the glial infiltration is a secondary event is more widely accepted. Perhaps of greater interest is the demonstration of changes typical of axonal neuropathy in some severe cases. Such changes have led to the suggestion that the anterior horn cell degeneration is a secondary phenomenon, although the most prevalent view is that the neuropathic abnormalities are secondary. Kariya et al. also demonstrated structural and functional abnormalities at the level of the neuromuscular junction that precede overt symptoms in mice, as well as structural abnormalities in the neuromuscular junctions of humans with SMA, and hence proposed that SMA may be a “synaptopathy.”
SMA type 1 that is apparent at birth or in the first month of life is usually accompanied by serious disturbances of sucking and swallowing early in infancy. Frequent aspiration of the oropharynx is needed, and usually cessation of oral feedings and institution of tube feeding are required before long to ensure adequate nutrition. Indeed, when dysphagia becomes severe enough to preclude reasonable nutrition and is complicated by frequent aspirations, many clinicians recommend gastrostomy or gastrojejunostomy feeding. This maneuver is carried out not to prolong life but to improve the patient’s quality of life and particularly to reduce parental anxiety associated with attempts at oral feeding. Surveillance for respiratory infection must be diligent, because this complication is the usual mode of demise for these babies. The intensity of therapy (e.g., antibiotics, chest physical therapy, postural drainage, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, and even tracheostomy and long-term mechanical ventilation) sometimes is difficult to determine decisively. Tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation have been associated with survival into childhood, although longer survival occurs, albeit rarely, without such invasive intervention. The quality of life in such bedridden infants and children is a grave concern. More important, range-of-motion exercises are used to prevent contractures and, I feel (J.J.V.), to help the parents “do something” for their infant. In severe Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, my approach is foremost to provide emotional support to the parents and to ensure as much comfort as possible for the infant. I indicate to the family our current understanding of the dire outcome and recommend careful attention to oral-pharyngeal secretions, measures to ensure adequate nutrition, and diligent therapy of respiratory infections. I discuss the complex issues related to long-term mechanical ventilation. Most important, perhaps, the issues related to disease-modifying treatments are addressed (see next section).
The clinical trials pipeline for SMA over the past 20 years has been mostly successful in developing several therapeutic agents. With the goal of increasing SMN transcript, histone deacetylase inhibitors (such as valproic acid and sodium phenylbutyrate) were tested in randomized trials, but neither was effective ; nonhistone deacetylase inhibitors (such as hydroxyurea) were ineffective in a randomized trial. Starting in 2011, Ionis Pharmaceuticals in conjunction with Biogen, Inc. conducted phase 3 clinical trials of an intrathecally delivered antisense oligonucleotide (SMNRx, or nusinersen) targeting SMN2 exon 7 inclusion. Analysis of a phase 3 nusinersen early-onset SMA study (ENDEAR) showed that infants receiving the medication intrathecally experienced a statistically significant improvement in the acquisition of motor milestones compared with a control cohort; positive results were also obtained in a phase 3 nusinersen study for later-onset SMA (CHERISH) ; these two and other open-label studies led to the approval of nusinersen (Spinraza) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December 2016. Other clinical trials have tested orally administered small molecules that modulate SMN2 alternative splicing to increase the inclusion of exon 7 in the SMN transcripts. Roche-PTC-SMA Foundation partnership has also conducted multiple clinical trials for a small molecule, RG7916 (risdiplam), which led to approval by the FDA for all types of SMA in August 2020 (for patients older than 2 months) and in May 2022 for infants with SMA under the age of 2 months. Gene replacement therapy trials (START, STR1VE) using a scAAV9/ SMN1 gene construct in infants with SMA type 1 have shown positive results in terms of motor function improvements and milestone acquisition; in May 2019, they led to the approval by the FDA of onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi (Zolgensma) for the treatment of pediatric patients under the age of 2 years ( Table 36.3 ). The goal of enhancing muscle function is on the horizon with new potential therapeutic targets such as myostatin, follistatin, and other molecules.
Compound | 18-mer antisense oligonucleotide | Adeno-associated virus 9 with human coding SMN1 | Small molecule |
Mechanism of action | Increases amount of full-length SMN protein from SMN2 | Gene replacement therapy. Production of SMN protein from SMN1 | Increases amount of full-length SMN protein from SMN2 |
Administration route | Intrathecal (four loading doses and maintenance dose every 4 months) | Intravenous (single infusion) | Oral (daily) |
Cost |
US$2.125 million (one dose) |
Treatment of newborns with SMA | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Approval | All SMA types (FDA 2016, EMA 2017) | Age <2 years: FDA 2019. Type 1 up to three SMN2 copies: EMA 2020 | All SMA types: FDA 2020. All SMA types including newborns: FDA 2022 |
As of this writing, 46 states in the United States have implemented newborn screening (NBS), enabling earlier diagnosis and treatment, and 97% of infants with SMA are diagnosed during the first week of life. Similar NBS programs have been implemented in other countries or regions around the world. These programs detect homozygous deletions of SMN1 exons 7 and 8 or only exon 7 in 95% of newborns with SMA. The remaining 5% consists of compound heterozygotes that may not be detected by certain NBS programs. Early treatment clinical trials in presymptomatic infants with two or three copies of SMN2 (NURTURE for nusinersen, SPR1NT for gene therapy, and RAINBOWFISH for risdiplam ) have shown successful prevention of most of the motor function manifestations of SMA (see Table 36.3 ). However, real-world experience thus far has shown that 20% to 30% of infants identified by NBS may in fact be symptomatic at the time of treatment, particularly if the treatment is delayed for days to a few weeks. A higher percentage of treated newborns with two SMN2 copies may have residual deficits, presumably due to intrauterine onset of their disease; in a recent series, 47% of children with two SMN2 copies had overt or subtle signs of the disease at a few days or weeks of life, and although their motor function improved, the acquisition of motor milestones was delayed. The truly presymptomatic ones (53%) who were treated with nusinersen from age 14 to 39 days (as the early symptomatic cohort) had remained symptom-free at last examination and acquired motor milestones normally. This situation underscores the importance of treating NBS-identified newborns as early as possible . In general, newborns with SMA with three or four SMN2 copies have been shown to do well with treatment, but the need to treat infants with four copies has been contested. Cure SMA’s Working Group published its recommendation that infants with NBS-identified SMA with four SMN2 copies receive immediate treatment. Some clinicians, however, are reluctant to treat these infants with gene therapy or any disease-modifying therapy or recommend nusinersen or risdiplam only. In the absence of a reliable biomarker that could pinpoint accurately the onset of neurodegeneration, I (B.T.D.) am of the opinion that newborns with four copies should be treated to prevent irreversible loss of spinal cord motor neurons, which would render these treatments ineffective or only partially effective when symptoms or signs of SMA emerge.
As discussed above, the therapeutic landscape for the treatment of presymptomatic and early symptomatic newborns diagnosed with SMA by newborn screening now includes three approved treatments, which, if administered within the first few weeks of life, can be fully or partially effective in preventing the disease. However, there are a number of ethical and medical issues surrounding the treatment options. First, physicians and parents are not aware of the durability, long-term risks, or benefits of the three treatments or of the possible emergence of treatment-modified phenotypes. Second, there are no head-to-head clinical trials comparing one treatment to another. Third, the cost of these treatments is substantial and ultimately burdens society and taxpayers, but the ethical and medical care costs of withholding treatment are equally high.
Physicians need to clearly inform parents of infants with SMA regarding all that is known about the three treatments and help parents make informed decisions, with the understanding that answers to many of their questions will come only with the passage of time.
At least four disorders with primary involvement of anterior horn cells, clinical presentation at birth, and subsequent course of progressive deterioration (or severe static disability) mimic SMA in the neonatal period. However, these disorders are not linked to chromosome 5q and do not involve SMN . Thus the term SMA variants or non-5q SMAs seems most appropriate until the molecular bases are further clarified. At least four disorders should be distinguished ( Table 36.4 ).
SMA with respiratory distress type 1 (SMARD1) | Mild hypotonia, weak cry, distal contractures initially; respiratory distress from diaphragmatic paralysis 1–6 mo, progressive distal weakness; autosomal recessive, locus 11q13.3, gene: immunoglobulin mu-binding protein 2 ( IGHMBP2 ) |
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1 (PCH1), subtypes PCH1A, 1B, 1 C, 1D, 1E | Arthrogryposis, hypotonia, weakness, bulbar deficits early; later, microcephaly, extraocular defects, cognitive deficits: pontocerebellar hypoplasia; molecular defect unknown; autosomal recessive, genes VRK1, EXOCS3, EXOCS8, EXOCS9, SLC25A46 |
X-linked infantile SMA with arthrogryposis ± bone fractures (SMAX2) | Arthrogryposis, hypotonia, weakness, congenital bone fractures, respiratory failure, lethal course as in severe SMA type 1: most cases X-linked (Xp11.1-3, gene UBA1 ); a few cases likely autosomal recessive |
Congenital SMA with predominant lower limb involvement | Congenital arthrogryposis, hypotonia, weakness, especially distal lower limbs early; nonprogressive but severe disability; autosomal dominant, recessive, or sporadic; locus 12q24, gene TRPV4 |
SMA with respiratory distress type 1 ( SMARD1 ) is a striking disorder. From the first days of life, intrauterine growth retardation, mild hypotonia, weak cry, and mild distal contractures are noted. Between 1 and 6 months of age, respiratory distress secondary to diaphragmatic paralysis becomes obvious, and progressive primary distal lower limb weakness ensues. Motor, sensory, and autonomic disturbances develop; these infants become ventilator dependent. A report from the Netherlands of 10 patients with SMARD1 noted significant phenotypic variability and no clear phenotype-genotype correlations. CK is usually normal; there is no cardiac involvement. Life expectancy in children with SMARD1 is limited without invasive ventilation; however, patients rarely can have only mild sleep hyperventilation. The responsible gene ( IGHMBP2 ) encodes immunoglobulin mu-binding protein 2, the function of which is unclear. AAV9-based gene therapy in an animal model of SMARD1 suggested that it is a viable strategy for treatment.
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1 (PCH1) is an unusual phenotype wherein a characteristic brain malformation combines with abnormalities of spinal cord motor neurons; it manifests clinically at birth with arthrogryposis, hypotonia, weakness, and bulbar deficits (swallowing difficulty, stridor). Subsequent features include progressive bulbar deficits, nystagmus, tongue fasciculations, microcephaly, and cognitive deficits. Brain imaging shows pontocerebellar hypoplasia and cerebral atrophy. There are different subtypes of PCH1. PCH1A is linked to mutations in the VRK1 gene. PCH1B is caused by mutation in the EXOSC3 gene. EXOCS3 was sequenced in a cohort of 27 families with PCH1; mutations were found in 37%. A common c.395 A>C, p.D132A mutation was present in about half of these families. PCH1C is linked to mutations in the EXOSC8 gene, and PCH1D and PCH1E are caused by mutations in the EXOSC9 and SLC25A46 genes, respectively. Despite some variation in clinical features, phenotype-genotype correlation underscores the continued usefulness of PCH1 as a clinical category.
X-linked infantile SMA with arthrogryposis ± congenital fractures (SMAX2) manifests clinically in the neonatal period with arthrogryposis, hypotonia, areflexia, and weakness. Congenital fractures of long bones and ribs are common. Respiratory failure and progressive weakness lead to death in the first days to weeks in most infants. Anterior horn cell loss is marked. Approximately 80% of cases have been in male infants, and linkage to Xp11.3 has been shown. However, some cases with predominance of bone fractures likely are autosomal recessive. The lethal X-linked form of SMA (SMAX2) can be confused with SMA type1A; mutations in the UBA1 gene have been detected in this group of patients. A clinical and pathological study of a UBA1 gene mutation-positive SMAX2 case showed white matter abnormalities on MRI, prominent motor and sensory system disturbance, as well as cerebellar involvement and widespread inflammatory changes on muscle biopsy.
Congenital distal SMA predominantly affecting the lower limbs is the only autosomal dominant disorder of this group. Presentation at birth is with talipes equinovarus and lower limb hypotonia or severe arthrogryposis. EMG and muscle biopsy show signs of anterior horn cell disease. The subsequent course is marked by severe weakness of the lower extremities, although it is generally nonprogressive. The disorder is linked to chromosome 12q24.11, and the molecular defect involves mutations in the TRPV4 gene. Homozygous mutation in this gene may present with congenital arthrogryposis.
The term neurogenic has been applied to cases of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita secondary to involvement of either anterior horn cell or peripheral nerve (see Chapter 35 ). Obvious overlap exists with SMA type 0 and with the SMA variants just discussed. I prefer to use the term neurogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita for the clearly nonprogressive forms of arthrogryposis related to anterior horn cell or peripheral nerve disease. By far the most common variety is amyoplasia congenita, probably related in most cases to a dysgenetic disturbance of anterior horn cells, described in Chapter 35 . Thus because this and other generalized forms of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita secondary to anterior horn cell have been discussed, I consider in this section only the localized forms.
A group of infants with a cervical form of anterior horn cell disease and arthrogryposis was described. The striking findings in the neonatal period were signs of severe symmetrical lower motor neuron deficit in the upper extremities in the absence of a history suggestive of traumatic injury of spinal cord or brachial plexus. Atrophy and flaccid weakness of upper extremities and the proximal and distal muscle groups were marked, and flexor contractures at the elbow and interphalangeal joints were apparent. Bulbar muscles were not affected. Lower extremities were normal. The course was nonprogressive. Onset in utero was suggested by the presence of flexion contractures, and onset in the first trimester was suggested by the presence of poorly formed palmar creases. The nature of the intrauterine insult to cervical anterior horn cells was not clear. One patient with a clinically similar case had intramedullary telangiectasia.
A caudal form of anterior horn cell disease with arthrogryposis was described as an apparently sporadic disorder with involvement localized to the lower extremities. Weakness, hypotonia, areflexia, and multiple joint contractures were the major features. A few patients later developed signs in the upper extremities and fasciculations of the tongue after several years. Whether these cases represent a different disorder from the SMA variant with predominant lower limb weakness described earlier (see Table 36.4 ) or are related to intrauterine infections of the anterior horn cells is unknown.
EMG and muscle biopsy in both the generalized and local forms of neurogenic arthrogryposis multiplex congenita may demonstrate signs of denervation (see Chapter 34 ). Frequently, however, it becomes very difficult to interpret the EMG findings because of secondary nonspecifc changes related to muscle degeneration and fibrosis. The diagnostic yield of a muscle biopsy is also very low for similar reasons. In the localized forms, the possibility of a correctable structural lesion of the cervical cord or the lumbosacral cord and cauda equina should be ruled out by appropriate imaging studies. Once a structural lesion(s) has been excluded, given the high frequency of cases with genetic etiology, genetic testing in the form of an arthrogryposis gene panel and probably a non-5q SMA panel should be pursued. Nevertheless, if SMA type 0 is suspected clinically, 5q SMA/ SMN gene testing should be ordered first. Rapid exome sequencing might be an option also, if available.
Type II glycogen storage disease, Pompe disease , is an inherited disorder, transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. The disease is associated with glycogen deposition in anterior horn cells (as well as in skeletal and cardiac muscle, liver, and brain) and with striking weakness and hypotonia in early infancy.
Onset of Pompe disease may be apparent in the first days of life, although the median age at symptom onset in the largest series ( n = 168) was 2.0 months.
Initially, the weakness and hypotonia may be so severe that SMA type 1 is considered as the probable diagnosis. The concurrence of fasciculations of tongue and difficulty sucking, crying, and swallowing further mimics this primary anterior horn cell degeneration. However, several clinical features help distinguish Pompe disease from Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. First , cardiac involvement, resulting from accumulation of glycogen, is prominent in Pompe disease; radiographs demonstrate an enlarged globular heart, and electrocardiograms demonstrate evidence of myocardiopathy with shortened PR interval, giant QRS complexes, and inverted T waves. Second , the tongue, although weak and perhaps even fasciculating, is usually large in Pompe disease because of the glycogen accumulation, unlike the small, atrophic tongue of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. Third , the skeletal muscles, although weak, are usually prominent in Pompe disease, because of glycogen accumulation (i.e., a true hypertrophy), and they have a characteristic rubbery feel. This finding is unlike the atrophy of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. Fourth , the liver usually is enlarged and readily palpable in Pompe disease. Tendon reflexes are variable in glycogen storage disease. Most patients have preserved tendon reflexes early in the clinical course and later have total areflexia.
A recent report described a delay in myelination, determined by MRI, in five patients with infantile-onset Pompe disease. The clinical correlates of this disturbance remain to be clarified. Deposition of glycogen is a feature of human oligodendroglial development.
Without enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), the clinical course is malignant. Infants require ventilatory support at a median age of 6 months, and death in one large series ( n = 168) occurred at a median age of approximately 9 months. In another series ( n = 153), the median age at death was 6 months. Survival rates at 12 months of age are approximately 25%, with only 17% ventilator free; at 18 months, the respective values are 12% and 7%. Death is usually related to a combination of cardiac involvement and respiratory complications caused by thoracic muscle weakness and bulbar paralysis.
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