Lateral patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for medial patellar iatrogenic instability


Chapter synopsis

Important points


  • Patients with medial patellar subluxation or dislocations

  • Patients with excessive lateral patellar laxity undergoing medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction

Relative contraindications

  • Unaddressed symptomatic patellofemoral chondral damage

Surgical technique

  • Soft tissue-based reconstruction with a semi-tendinosis allograft

  • Along the extensor mechanism, the graft is fixated through the distal aspect of the quadriceps tendon and proximal aspect of the patellar tendon

  • The graft is fixated through the iliotibial (IT) band adjacent to the lateral epicondyle on the femur

Clinical/surgical pearls

  • Check for patellar eversion and tilt after inserting one suture into both the proximal and distant bundles of the LPFL graft, the tension of the graft can be adjusted accordingly

  • When suturing the graft, sutures should be placed near the patella or femur to prevent entrapment of the capsule

Clinical/surgical pitfalls

  • Failure to correct other concerning pathoanatomy or cartilage pathology

  • Overtensioning the LPFL graft can lead to lateral patellar maltracking and lateral patellar chondral damage

  • Restriction of flexion postoperatively

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