Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome


  • Unknown true incidence. Few studies of very specific regions outside USA report prevalence between 0.48 and 3.42 per million.

  • 60–84% of LEMS patients have SCLC.

  • LEMS mostly affects middle-aged adults, with rare occurrence in children.

Perioperative Risks

  • Increased risk for fall when ambulating, due to proximal lower extremities weakness

  • Hypotension due to autonomic dysfunction

  • Prolonged emergence secondary to persistent muscle weakness

  • Respiratory compromise or collapse after extubation

Worry About

  • Failing extubation, necessitating unplanned ICU admission.

  • Exacerbation of muscle weakness postoperatively.

  • Concomitant presence of SCLC may complicate respiratory function.


  • Autoimmune disorder affecting the presynaptic NMJ.

  • Most patients present with slow progressive lower extremities muscle weakness.

  • LEMS is different from MG:

    • LEMS affects the proximal lower extremities more than MG.

    • Primarily affects presynaptic mechanisms, whereas MG primarily affects postsynaptic mechanisms.

    • Muscle weakness transiently resolves with activities in LEMS.

    • LEMS is strongly associated with SCLC.

  • Pathophysiology: Antibodies attack VGCC, diminishing the release of calcium and subsequent reduction in the release of acetylcholine in the presynapse.


  • LEMS is an autoimmune disease. IgG antibodies target the P/Q type VGCC at the presynaptic endplate of the NMJ.

  • The strong prevalence of SCLC in patients with LEMS suggests the presence of the same antigen in SCLC and at the presynaptic NMJ.

  • Cerebellar degeneration may be present in some patients with LEMS. This is likely due to the presence of the P/Q type VGCC in the cerebellum.

  • Acetylcholine is necessary for the autonomic function and its reduction in LEMS may result in autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

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