Key Concepts

  • Knee dislocation often causes vascular injury to the popliteal artery. Early revascularization is crucial. Hard signs of vascular injury include absent pedal pulses, cool mottled foot, expanding popliteal hematoma, or popliteal hemorrhage. When any of these are present, angiography or emergent surgical exploration is indicated.

  • Soft signs of popliteal artery injury include asymmetric pedal pulses and foot or leg paresthesias. Computed tomography (CT) angiography or duplex ultrasound study is indicated when these are present.

  • In the absence of signs of popliteal injury, the knee dislocation patient can be observed for 24 h, with measurement of the ankle-brachial index (ABI) every 3–4 h. An ABI >0.9 over a 24-h period effectively excludes significant popliteal artery injury.

  • Tibial plateau fractures should be considered in patients with a traumatic knee injury and inability to bear weight. Fractures may be radiographically occult, so CT imaging should be considered if clinical suspicion is high. In general, if a patient is unable to bear weight after a knee injury but no acute fracture is identified in the emergency department (ED), advanced imaging should be considered.

  • Extensor mechanism injuries such as patellar and quadriceps tendon injuries are important to recognize, as delayed diagnosis is associated with substantial morbidity. A palpable defect in the quadriceps tendon or patellar tendon or over the patella and an inability to perform a straight leg raise should raise suspicion for such injuries. Knee immobilization and urgent orthopedic follow-up are advised.

  • A dislocated patella will be fixed in a position superolateral to its normal position. Reduction is performed by gentle knee extension with medially directed or valgus directed pressure on the displaced patella.

  • Injuries to the cruciate and collateral ligaments may not be detectable on initial examination because of effusion and splinting. Emergent diagnosis is not necessary, but the patient should undergo a follow-up examination by an orthopedist within a week.

  • Lipohemarthrosis is an uncommon and subtle sign of occult fracture but should be sought on radiographs of traumatized knees.

  • Compartment syndrome is a serious complication of tibial shaft fracture, usually occurring 24–48 h after injury. Orthopedic consultation or measurement of compartment pressure should be obtained when the patient’s pain is increasing despite immobilization and support of the fracture.

Knee Injuries—Foundations

Background and Importance

The critical responsibility of the emergency physician in evaluating patients with knee pain includes identifying neurovascular injuries, reducing dislocations, stabilizing fractures, and administering antibiotics when indicated. Definitive treatment of less urgent problems can be referred to the outpatient setting.

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology

The knee is a modified hinge, diarthrodial synovial joint that consists of the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints. The head of the fibula, although not part of this articulation, is closely approximated laterally and provides a site for the attachment of muscles and ligaments. Joint stability is provided primarily by ligaments, although surrounding muscles and the joint capsule contribute as well ( Fig. 48.1 ). The capsule of the knee joint is reinforced at multiple sites—anteriorly, by the ligamentum patellae; medially and laterally, by the medial and lateral patellar retinacula; and posterolaterally, by a combination of structures termed the posterolateral corner.

Fig. 48.1, Posterior and Anterior Views of the Right Knee.


The distal femur terminates in the medial and lateral condyles. A condyle is a rounded prominence at the end of a bone where it interfaces with another bone. An epicondyle is a prominence on a condyle where a ligament or tendon attaches. The femoral condyles protrude anteriorly, leaving a vertical groove between them, forming the femoral trochlea. Trochlea is the term for an anatomic structure that resembles a pulley. The patella slides up and down in the groove during knee extension and flexion. The femoral condyles articulate with the superior surface of the tibia and tibial condyles.

The Tibia

The proximal end of the tibia expands into the medial and lateral condyles. Together they make up approximately three-quarters of the proximal tibial surface, and their integrity is important for normal knee alignment, stability, and motion. The plateau normally slopes 10 degrees from anterior to posterior.

The intercondylar eminence, or tibial spine, is the central portion of the proximal tibial surface. The spine has two prominences, the medial tubercle and lateral tubercle. The medial tubercle is larger and more anterior. Two intercondylar fossae are present on the proximal tibial surface, one anterior and one posterior to the intercondylar eminence. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and anterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci attach in the anterior intercondylar fossa. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and posterior horns of the menisci attach in the posterior intercondylar fossa. The tibia is anchored to the femur by four strong ligaments, the ACL, PCL, medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL).

Cruciate Ligaments (ACL and PCL)

The cruciate ligaments are so named (Latin crus, meaning “cross”) because they cross each other between their attachments. They are the primary stabilizers for anterior and posterior displacement of the tibia on the femur. The ACL arises from the medial surface of the lateral femoral condyle and inserts on the anterior surface of the tibial plateau within the tibial intercondylar notch. The ACL prevents excessive anterior displacement of the tibia on the femur and helps to control rotation and hyperextension of the knee during twisting and turning activities. It is the most commonly injured major ligament of the knee .

The PCL originates from the medial femoral condyle and inserts on the posterior surface of the tibial plateau within the intercondylar notch. The PCL prevents excessive posterior displacement of the tibia on the femur, especially during flexion. The PCL is considerably stronger than its anterior counterpart and is thus less frequently injured than the ACL. The cruciate ligaments have a rich blood supply, and injury typically results in a hemorrhagic knee effusion.

Collateral Ligaments (MCL and LCL)

The medial stabilizers of the knee include the joint capsule, MCL, and the semimembranosus and pes anserinus. These structures resist valgus laxity and medial rotary instability. Like the ACL and PCL, the MCL is made up of two distinct entities, the long superficial fibers and the deep capsular fibers. The MCL originates from the medial femoral condyle and inserts onto the medial tibia. The deep capsular bundle inserts at the medial meniscus, further stabilizing this structure.

Lateral knee stability is anatomically similar to the medial aspect of the knee, with the LCL and the lateral joint capsule serving as the main restraints to varus deformity. The LCL originates from the lateral femoral condyle and inserts onto the fibula. Additional stability is provided by the iliotibial (IT) band, the biceps tendon, and portions of the posterolateral corner, particularly the popliteus tendon. Resistance to varus stress is provided mainly by the LCL. The lateral ligaments are under tension during standing and walking, when they are at or near maximal extension.

Knee Compartments

Functionally, the knee joint can be divided into three compartments—patellofemoral, medial tibiofemoral, and lateral tibiofemoral. These compartments, defined anatomically by the articulation of the bones, are contained within the same joint capsule. The patellofemoral compartment, located anteriorly, contains the quadriceps tendon, which envelops the patella, continues inferiorly as the patellar tendon, and inserts on the tibial tubercle. The fibers of the medial and lateral retinacula are found on either side of the patella, originating from the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis.

The medial tibiofemoral compartment is located on the medial aspect of the knee and consists of the medial femoral condyle, concave medial tibial condyle (plateau), medial meniscus, MCL, adductor tubercle, and pes anserinus.

The lateral tibiofemoral compartment encompasses the lateral half of the knee joint and includes the lateral femoral condyle and epicondyle, lateral tibial condyle (plateau), LCL, lateral meniscus, and popliteus tendon. The fibular head can be palpated posterolaterally and inferiorly to the joint line but is not usually considered a structure of the lateral tibiofemoral compartment.


The fabella, present in some patients, is a sesamoid bone located in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle and should not be mistaken for an intra-articular loose body or fracture fragment.

Popliteal Fossa

A hollow in the posterior aspect of the knee, the popliteal fossa is bound laterally by the biceps femoris tendon, medially by the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles, and inferiorly by the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. Found within the popliteal space are the popliteal artery, popliteal vein, and peroneal and tibial nerves.

Popliteal Artery

The popliteal artery is the continuation of the femoral artery beyond the adductor hiatus. It descends across the posterior aspect of the knee joint and terminates at the level of the tibial tubercle, where it divides into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The peroneal artery then branches from the posterior tibial artery. Together, the three arteries are termed the trifurcation of the popliteal artery. The popliteal artery is anchored firmly at the proximal and distal ends of the popliteal fossa, which explains the high incidence of arterial injury with knee dislocations. Blood supply to the knee joint comes from the popliteal artery by way of the geniculate arteries.

Tibial Nerve

The tibial nerve, along with one of its branches, the common peroneal nerve, is responsible for innervation of the knee. The tibial nerve joins the artery and vein in the popliteal fossa. The common peroneal nerve wraps around the head of the fibula and continues inferiorly as the deep and superficial peroneal nerves. Common peroneal nerve injury may occur in association with tibiofemoral dislocation or injury to the head of the fibula or may be caused by prolonged compression.

Extensor Mechanism

The quadriceps muscles, quadriceps tendon, medial and lateral retinacula, patella, patellar tendon, and tibial tubercle comprise the extensor mechanism of the knee ( Fig. 48.2 ). The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the body. It is held in place by the quadriceps tendon, patellar tendon, and medial and lateral retinacula. As an integral part of the extensor mechanism, the patella increases the effective lever mechanism of the quadriceps by providing anterior displacement of the quadriceps tendon. The quadriceps tendon is a continuation of the quadriceps femoris muscle, which consists of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedius, which extend the knee.

Fig. 48.2, Parasagittal section (lateral to midline) of the knee showing extensor mechanisms and relevant structures.


The medial and lateral menisci are crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous cushions that sit on the superior articular surface of the tibia and provide a gliding surface for the femoral condyles. They function as shock absorbers and aid in the distribution of stress across the joint surface by providing a larger area of contact. They also act as secondary stabilizers by deepening the tibial plateau. Normal tibiofemoral articulation and function depend on meniscal integrity. Meniscal damage or loss may lead to osteoarthritis. The medial meniscus is firmly attached anteriorly and posteriorly to the joint capsule. The lateral meniscus is less firmly attached to the capsule and more mobile. The menisci move slightly forward with extension and backward with flexion. Because of its greater mobility, the lateral meniscus is less vulnerable to injury. The meniscus is avascular except at the peripheral third, which has the greatest potential to heal after injury.

The Iliotibial band

The IT band is a fascial bundle that originates on the iliac crest and inserts on the lateral tibial tubercle. It connects the lateral femoral condyle and lateral tibia and stabilizes the knee joint in extension.

The Popliteus

The popliteus is a small flat muscle that originates on the lateral femoral condyle and inserts on the posteromedial tibia, capsule, and lateral meniscus. It passes beneath the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. Its tendon is surrounded by a bursa that separates it from the fibular collateral ligament, femoral condyle, and capsule. Functionally, it prevents external rotation of the tibia and withdraws the lateral meniscus during flexion to prevent impingement between the femur and tibia. A third function, along with the quadriceps and PCL, is to stabilize the knee by preventing forward displacement of the femur on the tibia.


The knee has several bursae, which decrease friction between moving structures. They usually are thin but, with repeated stress, may become thickened and fluid filled. The prepatellar bursa is located between the patella and skin. The superficial infrapatellar bursa is located between the tibial tubercle and skin. The deep infrapatellar bursa is located between the posterior margin of the distal part of the patellar tendon and anterior aspect of the tibia. The suprapatellar bursa is not a true bursa but rather is an extension of the tibiofemoral joint capsule. Therefore it expands in conditions that cause knee effusion. The prepatellar bursa is anterior to the patella and does not communicate with the tibiofemoral joint.

The anserine bursa separates the pes anserinus from the distal portion of the MCL and medial tibial condyle. Pes anserinus means “goose foot” and anserine means “related to the pes anserinus.” The term pes anserinus derives from the fact that the bursa underlies the anserine tendon, a three-forked structure constituting the insertion of the gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus muscles.

Knee Injuries Clinical Features

The initial assessment of a painful knee includes a history and physical examination. On history, immediate deformity noted by the patient, hemarthrosis, or instability after a traumatic injury suggests an intraarticular fracture, cruciate ligament injury, vascular injury, or dislocation. A complaint of giving way may indicate instability or involuntary muscle inhibition secondary to pain. This is a nonspecific symptom and may be reported in association with arthritis or patellofemoral disorders when inhibition of quadriceps function occurs in association with episodic pain.

The knee examination should be focused on specific locations of tenderness to palpation, visible deformity, abnormalities in range of motion (ROM), stability of the joint, and signs of external trauma such as effusion and ecchymosis, in addition to signs of infection such as warmth, swelling, erythema and purulent drainage. The femur, hip, and tibia should also be examined as pain from injuries to these regions may be referred to the knee. Patients with radiculopathy of the third, fourth, or fifth lumbar roots also may report knee pain. Children with a slipped capital femoral epiphysis, toxic tenosynovitis, toddler’s fracture, or septic hip frequently complain of knee pain as well.

Physical Examination

Proper examination of the knee requires the patient to be supine, with both legs exposed. Examination of the knee begins with visual inspection ( Box 48.1 ), followed by palpation. On initial inspection, localized swelling should be distinguished from the presence of a joint effusion. If a large joint effusion is present, the patella is elevated from the femur by fluid. Loss of the medial peripatellar concavity may be the only sign of a small knee effusion. Swelling in the prepatellar bursa or infrapatellar bursa, termed bursitis, is found just beneath the skin, superficial to or just inferior to the patella, respectively. Bursitis should not be confused with a knee effusion, because they have different etiologies and treatments.

BOX 48.1
Examination of the Knee

  • 1.

    Assess neurovascular integrity of the foot.

  • 2.

    Determine whether a knee effusion is present, and assess for gross deformity or open wounds.

  • 3.

    Identify signs of infection—redness, warmth, and effusion out of proportion to mechanism of injury.

  • 4.

    Localize tenderness.

  • 5.

    Assess for range of motion, stability, and the integrity of the extensor mechanism.

Inspection should also include assessing for erythema of the joint, which may suggest an inflammatory or infectious process. Obvious deformities or open wounds should also be noted during visual assessment. The posterior aspect of the knee should be examined for fullness.

After inspection, palpation of the knee should be performed ( Fig. 48.3 ). The bony prominences of the knee (patella, tibia, fibula) should be palpated to assess for fracture or overuse injuries. The quadriceps tendon and the patellar tendon should be palpated for palpable defects that might suggest tendon rupture. The joint line should be palpated for tenderness. The posterior aspect of the knee should be palpated for tenderness or palpable defects. The vascular integrity of the knee should be assessed with the dorsalis pedis (DP) and posterior tibial (PT) pulses in the foot.

Fig. 48.3, Sites for Palpation of Tenderness in the Knee.

Accurate diagnosis of knee injuries based on examination alone is challenging in the acute phase because of pain and swelling. Thus the main goals are to relieve pain, ensure proper location and stability of the joint, assess for neurovascular injury, determine the need for radiography, and identify infections and inflammatory conditions.

A number of maneuvers have been developed to aid the emergency clinician in diagnosing ligamentous and meniscal injuries using only the physical examination (see later). However, interpretation of these maneuvers is limited by pain, splinting, or effusion and has been found to be variably accurate when compared with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arthroscopy findings. Accuracy of these maneuvers is improved if they are done after pain and swelling have resolved. The primary goals in emergency care are to identify whether fracture, dislocation, or vascular injury is present, ensure weight-bearing status, and refer for reevaluation by a primary care provider or orthopedist in a timely manner.

Knee Injuries—Differential Diagnoses

Differential diagnoses for patients presenting with knee pain is vast and varies depending on history as well as location of pain. Tenderness in specific regions can be suggestive of different etiologies (see Fig. 48.1 and Table 48.1 ). Focal bony tenderness in the absence of x-ray findings should raise suspicion for a stress fracture or occult traumatic fracture depending on history. Associated fractures of the femoral neck, hip dislocation, and acetabular fractures should always be considered in traumatic knee pain as well.

TABLE 48.1
Differential Diagnoses for Various Knee Injuries
Injury Differential Diagnostic Conditions
Knee dislocation Patellar dislocation, distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture
Distal femur fracture Tibial plateau fracture, knee dislocation, quadriceps tendon rupture
Tibial plateau fracture Distal femur fracture, knee dislocation, patellar fracture, patellar dislocation, tibial spine fracture, patellar tendon rupture
Tibial spine fracture Tibial plateau fracture, patellar tendon rupture, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury
Osteochondritis dissecans Distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture, meniscal injury
Osteoarthrosis Distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture, meniscal injury, chronic ACL deficiency, osteochondritis dissecans

Injury Differential Diagnostic Conditions
Quadriceps/patellar tendon injury Patellar fracture, patellar dislocation, distal femur fracture, tibial spine fracture, tibial plateau fracture
Patellar fracture Patellar dislocation, quadriceps/patellar tendon rupture
Patellar dislocation Patellar fracture, quadriceps/patellar tendon rupture
Cruciate ligament injury Meniscal injury, collateral ligament injury, distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture, tibial spine fracture
Collateral ligament injury Posterolateral corner injury, meniscal injury, cruciate ligament injury, distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture
Meniscal injury Collateral ligament injury, cruciate ligament injury, osteochondritis dissecans, distal femur fracture, tibial plateau fracture
Overuse syndromes Cruciate ligament injury, collateral ligament injury, osteochondritis dissecans


A patient presenting with a history of self-reduced knee “dislocation” may have suffered an actual knee dislocation or a patellar dislocation. It is imperative to clarify both the mechanism of injury and what the patient observed to ascertain whether the patella or knee was dislocated, because these two diagnoses have very different management but may self-reduce prior to arrival.


Differential diagnoses for patients presenting with a large effusion in the setting of trauma include a distal femur fracture, an ACL or a PCL injury, dislocation, and a tibial plateau or spine fracture. Examination in these patients is often difficult, so the mechanism of injury as well as the location of tenderness and x-ray findings may help the clinician to differentiate between these entities. An atraumatic knee effusion commonly results from osteoarthritis. A focused history and physical examination are important as the differential diagnoses includes insufficiency fracture, septic arthritis, inflammatory arthritis (e.g., gout), hemarthrosis or lipohemarthrosis from occult fracture, avascular necrosis, a ruptured Baker cyst, or possible malignancy. Arthrocentesis may be used for diagnosis.

Anterior Knee Pain

Patellofemoral pain is one of the most common causes of anterior knee pain in children and adults but is usually not associated with bony tenderness. Tenderness over the tibial tubercle in a pediatric patient may indicate Osgood-Schlatter disease, but underlying fracture should be considered in the setting of acute trauma. In an adolescent, pain along the femoral or tibial epiphysis after trauma may represent a Salter-Harris type I fracture, a fracture through the physis. Tibial tenderness in an adult may suggest a tibial plateau fracture.

Gradual-onset pain over the anterior femoral condyle in pediatric patients should raise suspicion for osteochondritis dissecans (OD). The anterior knee should also be inspected for any sign of septic or aseptic bursitis over the prepatellar bursa. Acute onset, traumatic pain over the anterior aspect of the knee should raise suspicion for an extensor mechanism injury, such as patellar tendon rupture, quadriceps tendon rupture, or patellar fracture. A straight leg raise is useful in assessing the integrity of the extensor mechanism. More insidious onset of pain over the patellar or quadriceps tendon may be more suggestive of tendinitis.

Medial and Lateral Pain

Acute-onset medial or lateral joint line pain after a twisting mechanism should raise suspicion for a meniscus injury. Differential diagnoses for meniscal tears are extensive and include loose bodies, osteochondrotic lesions, and tibial fractures. Medial knee pain is also seen with medial tibial stress fractures, proximal medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), pes anserine bursitis/tendinopathy, or MCL strain. Lateral knee pain is typically associated with LCL strain, IT band dysfunction, popliteal tendinitis, or proximal fibular stress fracture.

Posterior Knee Pain

Baker cysts are a common cause of posterior knee pain. However, differential diagnoses should include a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), hamstring injury, or popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm.

Knee Injuries—Examination Maneuvers

Anterior Drawer/Lachman Test

The anterior drawer test seeks to identify tears of the ACL. The test is performed with the patient in a supine position, hip flexed at 45 degrees, and knee flexed at 90 degrees. While stabilizing the patient’s foot, the examiner places his or her thumbs over the joint line while pulling the tibia forward. The thumbs are used to palpate for any translation of the tibia relative to the femur. A positive test result is defined as greater anterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur as compared with the other knee. The test is poorly sensitive but fairly specific. The Lachman test is a more accurate test for ACL injuries, with a high sensitivity and specificity. The Lachman test is done with the knee flexed 20 to 30 degrees while the examiner uses one hand to grasp and stabilize the femur. The tibia is then pulled anteriorly, and the examiner notes tibial excursion. The examiner records “firmness” or a “soft end point.” The end point can be graded as 1+ (0 to 5 mm more displacement than on the normal side), 2+ (5 to 10 mm), or 3+ (>10 mm). The PCL must be intact for the test results to be valid.

Posterior Drawer Test

The posterior drawer test assesses for PCL injury. The posterior drawer test can be accomplished with the patient’s knee flexed at 90 degrees and the foot stabilized by the examiner. A smooth backward force is applied to the tibia. Posterior displacement of the tibia more than 5 mm, or a soft end point, indicates injury to the PCL. The posterior drawer test result may be positive in only 85% of patients with PCL insufficiency documented operatively. The affected knee should be compared with the normal knee because patients may have increased laxity at baseline.

Posterior Sag Sign Test

The posterior sag sign test is a second method of determining PCL integrity. Sensitivity in the acute phase is 79%. To perform this test, the patient is placed in a supine position, and a pillow is placed under the distal thigh for support while the heel rests on the stretcher. The knee is flexed to 45 or 90 degrees. If the tibia sags backward, the test result is considered to be positive, indicating PCL insufficiency. It is possible to obtain a false-positive result on the anterior drawer test if the examiner fails to recognize the posterior sag sign, as the tibia will translate forward across the femur simply because its starting position is more posterior. Posterior sag also may be appreciated during passive elevation of the leg in a fully extended position, with the examiner applying the elevating force at the ankle. As the leg is elevated, the tibia may fall back on the femur if the PCL is ruptured.

Collateral Ligament Stress Test

The collateral ligament stress test is used to test the integrity of the MCL and LCL. With the patient lying supine, the examiner applies varus and valgus stress with the knee at 0 and 30 degrees of flexion. Joint line opening is the amount of movement produced between the tibia and femur; this can be palpated and estimated in millimeters. The normal knee should be subjected to the same amount of valgus and varus stress; the joint line opening is then compared with that in the injured knee. Isolated collateral ligament tears are detected only with the knee in slight flexion because, in extension, the cruciate ligaments, capsule, and lesser ligaments of the knee provide significant lateral stability. Laxity in full extension implies complete collateral ligament tear and also injury to the cruciate ligaments or other structures. Laxity may be graded as grade I (some laxity), grade II (marked laxity), and grade III (total laxity).

Assessing for Meniscal Tears

McMurray Test

The McMurray test is used to help identify meniscal tears. The patient is placed in a supine position with the knee hyperflexed. The examiner grasps the foot with one hand and the knee with the other. The examiner flexes and extends the knee while simultaneously internally and externally rotating the tibia on the femur and providing slight varus and valgus stress. A positive test is the occurrence of clicking palpable along the joint line, pain, or locking of the knee.

Apley Test

This test also aids in diagnosing meniscal tears. With the patient prone, the knee is flexed to 90 degrees, and the leg is internally and externally rotated with pressure applied to the heel. Pain elicited by downward pressure suggests meniscal pathology. The pain should be relieved with distraction of the knee and rotation of the leg back to a neutral position. Although relatively specific, the Apley test is not sensitive.

Knee Injuries—Diagnostic Testing

Radiologic Evaluation

X-rays can be used to assess for radiopaque foreign bodies, subluxation, dislocation, fracture, and joint space narrowing. Note that on a straight anteroposterior (AP) view, the anterior and posterior portions of the normal tibial plateau may not appear to be at the same level.

Some plain film findings may be suggestive of ligamentous injuries as well. An effusion can be seen as a radiolucent area (with density similar to that of fat) distending the joint capsule. The presence of a linear interface between two different densities within an effusion suggests lipohemarthrosis ( Fig. 48.4 ), in which the effusion contains not only blood but also fat. This feature results from the entry of marrow fat into the joint cavity and is suggestive of fracture.

Fig. 48.4, Lipohemarthrosis.

Clinical decision rules help to decrease unnecessary radiography. The Ottawa Knee Rules and the Pittsburgh Knee Rules are the most commonly used (see Table 48.2 ). Patients meeting any listed criteria should have knee x-rays performed. The Ottawa Knee Rules are meant to be applied only to acute injuries (<7 days old).

TABLE 48.2
Clinical Decision Rules for Knee Injury
Ottawa Knee Rules Pittsburgh Knee Rules
Age >55 Age <12 or >50
Isolated patellar tenderness Inability to walk 4 steps
Isolated fibular head tenderness
Flexion <90 degrees
Inability to weight bear 4 steps immediately after injury or in the emergency department
98.5 sensitivity, 49% specificity 100% sensitivity, 79% specificity

When the two rules are compared, both are more than 95% sensitive, but the Pittsburgh rule may be more specific, allowing fewer radiographs to be done without sacrificing sensitivity. Compliance with knee rules is poor in academic emergency departments (EDs) for various reasons. We recommend considering the use of either decision rule as support in evaluating patients with knee pain in the ED. However, neither rule is meant to supersede clinical judgment, because neither rule is 100% sensitive or specific for fracture.

In the evaluation of knee trauma, knee x-rays should include a standard AP, lateral, and “sunrise” view. Tunnel views, which image the intercondylar notch, are used to detect tibial spine fractures and loose bodies within the notch. Oblique views can be helpful in identifying tibial plateau fractures. Sunrise views are essential in evaluating for patellar fractures.

Because the sensitivity of radiographs for acute knee injuries is low, we recommend computed tomography (CT) or knee immobilization and urgent orthopedic referral reevaluation when fracture is suspected and plain films are negative. MRI may also be used to detect fractures and is the imaging gold standard (comparable with arthroscopy findings) for soft tissue injury but is rarely indicated in the evaluation of knee and leg trauma in the ED.

Vascular Imaging

CTA has largely replaced catheter-based angiography in assessing for popliteal artery injury after knee dislocations because it carries less risk without sacrificing a high sensitivity and specificity in detecting arterial injury. MR angiography and duplex ultrasonography can also be used for evaluation of the popliteal artery after tibiofemoral dislocation, but their roles in the ED setting are less well defined.


Arthroscopy is a nonemergent but useful modality in the diagnosis and treatment of knee injuries, including injuries of the meniscus, cruciate ligaments, articular cartilage, capsule, and synovium. Arthroscopy is superior to MRI for the diagnosis of meniscal tears and other soft tissue injuries, and the diagnosed problem can be repaired immediately. The need for arthroscopy need not be determined in the emergent setting as long as appropriate and timely referral to an orthopedist is made.

Joint Injection

An open joint is considered a surgical emergency. When violation of the joint capsule is suspected but not obvious, studies suggest that CT imaging performs better than the sterile saline load test in identifying traumatic knee arthrotomies. The sterile saline load test involves the injection of 200 mL of sterile saline into the joint capsule while observing the laceration to see if the saline emerges from the laceration. Methylene blue has not been shown to be more accurate than saline, can interfere with arthroscopy, and may cause an inflammatory reaction; therefore it is not advised. For open joints, we recommend orthopedic consultation, emergent antibiotics, and CT imaging to confirm diagnosis. Of note, there is mounting literature that CT imaging is sensitive for an open joint and less painful than infusing a saline load into the involved joint.


Aspiration of fluid from the knee joint can be diagnostic as well as therapeutic by reducing pressure from an effusion. Arthrocentesis may be performed if the injured knee is greatly distended with a tight effusion and can be useful to perform if the cause of the joint effusion is unclear. Analysis of the aspirate can differentiate simple effusion, hemarthrosis, lipohemarthrosis, rheumatologic conditions, and septic arthritis and often provides significant relief of pain for the patient. Arthrocentesis should be avoided in the setting of overlying cellulitis .

Specific Knee Injuries

Knee Dislocations—Foundations

Knee dislocation refers to tibiofemoral dislocation and should not be confused with patellofemoral dislocation, a relatively minor injury. Knee dislocation is a limb-threatening emergency due to the risk of popliteal artery injury. Knee dislocations are always associated with significant ligamentous injury. The joint capsule is disrupted, with accompanying trauma to the muscles and tendons. Injury to the popliteal artery is the most severe complication and is the primary cause of morbidity and limb loss.

Knee dislocation is relatively uncommon but should be considered in the setting of an appropriate injury mechanism because many dislocations spontaneously reduce before the patient arrives in the ED. Importantly, reduction before ED arrival does not lessen the likelihood of vascular injury, and these patients should be evaluated for vascular injury, particularly if the patient is obese, has an associated distracting injury, or if the injury involved in a high-energy mechanism.

The neurovascular bundle, which is composed of the popliteal artery, popliteal vein, and common peroneal nerve, runs posteriorly behind all bony and ligamentous structures in the popliteal fossa. The popliteal artery is fixed in the fibrous tunnel of the adductor magnus hiatus proximally and traverses the fibrous arch of the soleus and interosseous membrane distally. In essence, it is tethered to the femur and tibia, and its inherent immobility renders it susceptible to injury during dislocation. Because of the parallel course of the popliteal vein and peroneal nerve, they are often injured simultaneously.

Anatomically, dislocations are described according to the displacement of the tibia relative to the femur. They are classified into five types—anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, and rotary. Most knee dislocations are anterior and result from hyperextension. Posterior dislocations are the second most common type and usually result from high-velocity direct trauma to the flexed knee, often in association with vehicular trauma (e.g., automobile dashboard impact).

Knee Dislocations—Clinical Features

The diagnosis of knee dislocation is based on the mechanism of injury and clinical and radiographic findings. When a dislocation is present and has not reduced spontaneously, it is usually clinically obvious. However, there may be no effusion after reduction because the ruptured capsule allows blood and joint fluid to escape into the thigh and leg.

Popliteal artery injury most commonly occurs with posterior dislocations. The collateral geniculate arteries around the knee also may be damaged directly or may be secondarily compressed by hematoma formation after the dislocation. Direct arterial injury, decreased collateral circulation, and elevated compartment pressures all may compromise limb perfusion.

Findings associated with peripheral vascular injury and management approaches are described in Chapter 40 . The PT and DP pulses should be evaluated, but popliteal artery injury may still be present in some patients with palpable pulses.

Isolated intimal tears are not detectable on physical examination and are seen only angiographically or with duplex ultrasound. Although these tears are usually managed nonoperatively, a vascular surgeon should be consulted when identified. Injuries to small branches of the popliteal artery can be managed by observation and serial examinations.

As with all limb injuries, neurologic integrity should be assessed and documented. The peroneal nerve is at risk for injury, especially in posterolateral dislocations. Peroneal nerve function is evaluated by determining sensation of the dorsum of the foot and by having the patient dorsiflex the ankle. Less commonly, the posterior tibial nerve may be injured, which causes diminished plantar sensation and inability to flex the foot. Complete nerve palsy in the acute setting is associated with a poor prognosis for recovery.

Delayed complications associated with traumatic knee dislocations include DVT, compartment syndrome, pseudoaneurysm, and arterial thrombosis. Compartment syndrome may develop within 24 to 48 hours of the initial injury. Pseudoaneurysms are rare but may form several hours to months after popliteal artery injury. Heterotopic ossification is a poorly understood syndrome of calcification of the soft tissues of the knee. It has been observed in uninjured knees of patients who have sustained major trauma. In its most severe form, heterotopic ossification can cause severe decrease in knee mobility. Almost half of dislocated knees are found to have subsequent heterotopic ossification.

Knee Dislocations—Diagnostic Testing

The diagnostic evaluation begins with an understanding of two crucial facts. First, half of all tibiofemoral dislocations are reduced before presentation, and injury to the popliteal artery should be assumed with tibiofemoral dislocation regardless of spontaneous reduction. Therefore the diagnostic strategy is applied to all patients with known knee dislocation, multiligament knee injury, or high-force trauma to the knee. The intubated or unresponsive multitrauma patient with ecchymosis around the knee may harbor an occult popliteal injury.

Popliteal artery injury can be assessed by measurement of the ankle-brachial index (ABI) with serial physical examinations, CTA, and duplex ultrasonography. Formal angiography is rarely used. Of note, increased body mass index (BMI) is associated with a greater risk of vascular injury after knee dislocations. Serial palpation of the pedal pulses is not sufficiently sensitive for an injury with such potentially devastating consequences. Adding measurement of the ABI improves sensitivity. The ABI is the ratio of the systolic blood pressure measured in the standard humeral location relative to the systolic pressure measured at the ankle. An ABI more than 0.9 has a negative predictive value for popliteal artery injury, approaching 100% in knee dislocation. There is recent evidence that palpable dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses combined with an ABI of 0.9 or greater is 100% sensitive in detecting clinically relevant popliteal artery injuries after knee dislocations ; however, the diagnostic strategy depends on the patient’s presentation. In a patient with hard signs of vascular injury (see Table 48.3 ), emergent surgical exploration is warranted. If the patient has asymmetric pulses or distal pulses are present but ABI is less than 0.9, then CTA is warranted. If the distal pulses are both present and ABI is greater than 0.9, we advise admission for serial neurovascular examinations every 3 to 4 hours for at least 24 hours. An algorithm for management is depicted in Fig. 48.5 .

TABLE 48.3
Hard and Soft Signs of Vascular Injury
Hard Signs of Vascular Injury Soft Signs of Vascular Injury
Lack of distal pulses Decreased pulse relative to uninjured side
Palpable thrill
Pulsatile hemorrhage Significant hemorrhage at time of injury
Expanding hematoma Nonexpanding hematoma
The classic 5 Ps (pain, pallor, paresthesia, poikliothermia, paralysis) Peripheral nerve deficits

Fig. 48.5, Algorithm for the Management of Knee Dislocation.

Knee Dislocations—Management and Disposition

The dislocated knee should be reduced at the earliest opportunity during the secondary survey. The neurovascular status documented before and after reduction. For patients being transferred from a nontrauma center to a trauma center, reduction should be attempted prior to transfer. Reductions usually can be accomplished with simple traction-countertraction, almost always requiring procedural sedation in the alert patient. Lateral pressure may be required. For an anterior dislocation, the femur can be pushed posteriorly while the tibia is pulled anteriorly, with special care taken not to apply undue pressure to the popliteal fossa. Posterolateral dislocations may not be reducible because the medial femoral condyle and MCL may secure the dislocated joint in place, in which case emergent open reduction in the operating room is indicated. Because many reductions are unstable, the limb should be immobilized in a long leg posterior splint with the knee in 15 to 20 degrees of flexion after reduction; serial neurovascular assessments will be necessary, warranting admission.

Disability is minimized by expedient revascularization and primary arterial repair, and thorough wound débridement. Open joints require prophylactic antibiotics, such as intravenous (IV) cefazolin 2 g. If the neurovascular structures remain intact after dislocation, the knee joint is reduced, splinted, and allowed to rest for 2 to 3 days before reconstruction of the torn ligaments.

Distal Femur Fractures—Foundations

Distal femur fractures are uncommon and usually result from a high-energy mechanism. An isolated fracture of the femoral condyle may occur, or the fracture may extend in a T or Y pattern to include the intercondylar or supracondylar region of the femur. Condylar fractures are intraarticular and may result in disruption of the articular surface, with subsequent arthritis. See Chapter 47 for more detailed discussion of femoral shaft and proximal femur fractures.

Distal Femur Fractures—Clinical Features

Patients with condylar or intercondylar fractures have pain and swelling in the distal femur and suprapatellar region and often are unable to bear weight. Examination may reveal shortening, rotation, and angulation of the extremity and tenderness to palpation along the medial or lateral joint line. Acute hemarthrosis is common and may be caused by intra-articular extension of the fracture or associated ligamentous injury. Distal neurovascular status should be documented. Any laceration in the region of the fracture represents an open fracture until proven otherwise. Distal femur fractures may be associated with thrombophlebitis, fat embolus syndrome, delayed union or malunion if reduction is incomplete or not maintained. Intra-articular or quadriceps adhesions if the fracture is intraarticular, angulation deformities, and osteoarthritis, particularly in the patellofemoral articulation are some potential long-term complications.

Distal Femur Fracture—Diagnostic Testing

Routine AP and lateral views should be obtained and usually show the fracture pattern and any significant displacement of fragments. In high-energy injuries, radiographs of the ipsilateral hip and tibia are recommended to exclude associated fractures. Occasionally, CT imaging or MRI may be required to diagnose a nondisplaced fracture. If signs of vascular impairment are present, consultation for angiography or surgical exploration should be obtained emergently.

Distal Femur Fractures—Management and Disposition

Distal femur fractures are extremely painful. Ultrasound-guided femoral nerve blocks can be considered to reduce the need for opiates. After the initial examination, the leg should be splinted to prevent excessive motion and reduce pain at the fracture site. Emergent orthopedic consultation is advised. In a stable patient with an uncomplicated fracture dislocation, reduction may be done with skeletal traction, followed by immobilization. Intraarticular fractures generally are treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Virtually all patients with distal femur fracture require admission.

Tibial Plateau Fractures—Foundations

Tibial plateau fractures often are intra-articular. The most common mechanism of injury is a strong valgus force with axial loading. Severe high-energy tibial plateau fractures occur primarily in younger patients often after motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) or falls from heights. These fractures may be open and occur in concert with other associated injuries. Fatigue stress fractures of the tibial plateau occur mostly in older and obese adults. These low-energy fractures are the result of compression forces in osteoporotic bones.

The Segond fracture represents a bone avulsion of the lateral tibial plateau ( Fig. 48.6 ). The avulsion occurs at the site of attachment of the lateral capsular ligament. On radiographs, an oval-shaped fragment can be seen adjacent to the lateral tibial plateau. Segond fractures are usually accompanied by ACL disruption. Most Segond fractures are caused by sports injuries; the mechanism is almost always knee flexion with excessive internal rotation and varus stress.

Fig. 48.6, Segond Fracture.

Tibial Plateau Fractures—Clinical Features

Tibial plateau fractures cause pain, tenderness, ecchymosis, soft tissue swelling, and hemarthrosis when intra-articular. A valgus or varus limb deformity may be present and usually indicates a depressed fracture or concomitant leg fracture. The most important aspect of the initial examination is assessment of neurovascular status. Many tibial plateau fractures cause vascular complications. The popliteal artery may be injured by fragments from bicondylar or comminuted fractures involving the subcondylar area. Displaced fractures of the lateral condyle may cause peroneal nerve paralysis or anterior tibial artery injury. Stretch of the peroneal nerve is the usual cause of injury. Ligamentous injuries frequently accompany tibial plateau fractures, most often involving the ACL and MCL. Of note, these patients are also at high risk for compartment syndromes.

Tibial Plateau Fractures—Diagnostic Testing

Lipohemarthrosis, seen as a fat-fluid level on a plain film, suggests an occult fracture and is caused by entry of marrow fat into the joint space (see Fig. 48.4 ). Lipohemarthrosis may also be detected on aspiration of a joint effusion. All knee radiographs should be examined closely for avulsion fragments from the fibular head, femoral condyles, and intercondylar eminence because these may indicate ligamentous injury. Widened joint spaces associated with a fracture of the opposite condyle also may indicate concomitant ligamentous injury.

CT imaging and MRI are more sensitive than plain radiography and quantify the amount of depression in displaced fractures and extent of articular surface involvement in comminuted fractures. In a patient with acute traumatic knee pain characterized by tibial tenderness to palpation and inability to bear weight, a CT scan should be done to rule out fracture if x-rays are nondiagnostic.

Tibial Plateau Fractures—Management and Disposition

All patients with a tibial plateau fracture should be referred for evaluation by an orthopedist, which often occurs with direct consultation in the ED. Absolute indications for emergent orthopedic consultation would include joint instability, open fracture, neurovascular compromise, and compartment syndrome. If orthopedic consultation is not obtained in the ED, acute fractures should be immobilized in a noncircumferential splint such as a knee immobilizer and the patient should not bear weight on the limb until evaluated by an orthopedist, preferably within the week. Patients should be given strict return precautions for compartment syndrome. Stable nondisplaced fractures may be treated with immobilization alone, but instability or significant depression or disruption of the joint surface requires surgical management. CT scanning is often required for surgical planning, even when indications for surgery are evident based on the clinical examination and x-ray.

Prolonged immobilization can result in DVT. Prophylactic treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin can reduce the risk of DVT but remains controversial. According to a Cochrane review, there is moderate-quality evidence that low-molecular-weight heparin could reduce the incidence of DVT following immobilization of the leg. However, both the heparin and placebo groups exhibited a wide range of venous thromboembolism (VTE) across studies. A recent randomized controlled trial failed to show evidence that heparin reduced the incidence of VTE after casting of the lower leg. Given the controversy surrounding this topic, we suggest that the decision to anticoagulate patients requiring lower limb immobilization be made on an individual basis after engaging in shared decision making with the patient and orthopedic specialist. Scoring systems have recently been developed to assist the physician in deciding whether to anticoagulate when immobilizing the lower extremity but have not been externally validated.

Fractures of the Intercondylar Eminence (Tibial Spine)—Foundations

A fracture of the anterior tibial spine usually is associated with an ACL rupture. Tibial spine fractures are more common in children than in adults because the ligaments are stronger than the adjacent physeal plates in the immature skeleton. This fracture may be an isolated injury in the presence of open physes.

Most tibial spine fractures occur as a result of abrupt knee twisting, hyperflexion, hyperextension, or valgus-varus forces generated during MVCs or athletic activities. Tibial spine fractures occur by twisting knee movements, whereas hyperextension or hyperflexion forces may cause avulsion of the intercondylar eminence or cruciate ligaments from their tibial attachments.

Tibial Spine Fractures—Clinical Features

After a tibial spine fracture, the patient reports pain and swelling of the knee and may be unable to bear weight on the affected extremity. The examination confirms an acute hemarthrosis which may impair full knee extension. Tense effusion will limit ROM, hinder physical examination, and mask ligament disruption. ACL laxity is expected.

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