
  • Treatment of anxiety, stress, nervousness

  • Treatment of insomnia

  • Treatment of muscular aches and pains

  • Traditionally used in the South Pacific during religious and cultural ceremonies to achieve relaxation and for medicinal purposes

Perioperative Risks

  • No data exist to quantify risk of adverse effects

  • ASA recommends stopping herbal supplements as long as 2 wk prior to elective procedures.

Worry About

  • Risk of hepatotoxicity, especially when combined with other hepatotoxic drugs

  • Oversedation when combined with ethanol or other sedative drugs

  • Potential to affect hemodynamic stability and coagulation


  • Oral administration: Peak effect 1.8 h, elimination half-life 9 h, metabolized in liver by cytochrome P450.

  • Effects on various ion channels leading to decreased excitability of CNS.

  • Enhanced binding and regulation of GABA receptors, leading to anxiolysis, sedation, muscle relaxation, and anticonvulsive effects

  • Inhibition of limbic system, leading to decreased emotional excitability and mood enhancement

  • Weak Na channel antagonism, leading to potential anticonvulsant effects

  • Inhibition of calcium channels, leading to inhibition of vascular smooth muscle

  • Reduced reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine

  • Inhibition of COX, leading to antithrombotic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects

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