Inflammatory Disorders of the Stomach

Historical Perspective

In 1947, at the dawn of gastroscopy, Rudolf Schindler deemed gastritis “one of the most debated diseases of the human body” and predicted that its significance would be discussed “for some time to come.” From the mid-1800s, when Cruveiller exposed the inaccuracies of Broussais’s first descriptions of gastritis in autopsy material, to the early 20th century, the concept of gastritis as a disease had been virtually abandoned.

After gastritis was acknowledged as a distinct entity, the search for its cause began. Since 1870, tiny, curved bacteria within gastric mucosa have been described by human and veterinary pathologists, but the organisms were dismissed as irrelevant contaminants. Schindler claimed that the bacteriological cause of chronic gastritis had not been proved convincingly in a single case. Instead, a wide range of etiological theories were proposed, such as improper mastication, a “coarse” or “miserable” diet, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, condiments and spices, drugs, heavy metals, thermal injury, chronic infections of the tonsils and sinuses, circulatory disturbances, and psychogenic factors. Not surprisingly, researchers were successful in debunking theories put forth by their colleagues but were quite unsuccessful in proving their own.

Subsequently, accurate morphological data were gathered by pathological examination of autopsy material and from endoscopic biopsy specimens. Distinct types and patterns of gastritis were recognized, which led to the conception, presentation, dismissal, and replacement of many classification systems. Some systems were based on solid morphological information and proposed valid clinicopathological associations (e.g., peptic ulcer and gastric cancer), but the lack of therapeutic implications reduced almost all classifications to little more than an academic exercise.

In 1984, when Warren and Marshall proposed that chronic idiopathic gastritis had a bacterial cause (i.e., Helicobacter pylori ), it was not surprising that their hypothesis was met with skepticism. However, within a few years, the associations of H. pylori gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer were recognized and, ultimately, accepted. In 1990, guidelines for the classification and grading of gastritis were developed by a group of investigators in Sydney, Australia. The Sydney system correlates topographic, morphological, and etiological information with clinically useful diagnoses.

Four years after its introduction, the Sydney system was updated with the development of a consensus terminology for gastritis, improved guidelines for histological grading, and streamlined diagnostic process. Subsequently, modifications were made to improve the criteria for evaluation of atrophy. , In 2006, an international consensus was reached on a diagnostic reporting system designed to use the staging of gastritis as a tool for assessing the risk of gastric cancer. This chapter provides the terminology and diagnostic approach proposed by the updated Sydney system and its subsequent modifications.

General Pathological Features of Gastritis

Gastric mucosal injury causes a spectrum of inflammatory responses and epithelial changes that largely depends on the type of noxious events, its intensity, the location, and the duration of injury. Various degrees and types of tissue responses may occur both synchronously and metachronously. A diagnosis of “gastritis” rests on the pathological recognition of patterns of tissue responses, their intensity, and their location. It is essential to understand the normal appearance and inflammatory state of gastric mucosa before determining the type of disorder present ( Figs. 15.1 and 15.2 ; Table 15.1 ). In the following few sections, a review of the basic pathological tissue reactions of the gastric mucosa to injury is described in detail.

FIGURE 15.1, The normal superficial foveolar (neck) region of the gastric body contains rare or no mononuclear cells and no neutrophils.

FIGURE 15.2, The normal gastric antrum may contain rare lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils in the lamina propria, as well as thin strands of smooth muscle. Examination of the distal antrum reveals an extended neck region that results in a mild tortuosity and villous-like configuration of the epithelium.

TABLE 15.1
Common Histological Features in Gastritis and Their Significance
Histopathological Component Normal Setting Pathological Settings
Neutrophils Rare in lamina propria
Absent in normal epithelium
In active gastritis (Helicobacter pylori)
Near erosion or ulcer in reactive gastropathy
May be present in autoimmune gastritis (almost 50% of cases)
Mononuclear cells Scattered isolated lymphocytes and plasma cells in lamina propria (antrum > corpus), increase with age
None or rare in epithelium
In chronic gastritis ( H. pylori, autoimmune) and lymphocytic gastritis (if intraepithelial)
Lymphoid aggregates Rare aggregates, basally located in oxyntic mucosa, without germinal centers In H. pylori infection
Lymphoid follicles None In H. pylori infection
Eosinophils Scattered in lamina propria, increase with age
Not present in normal epithelium
Moderate increase in H. pylori gastritis
Autoimmune gastritis
Severe with clusters or intraepithelial in eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Edema of the lamina propria None In chemical injury, particularly bile reflux
Hyperemia, congestion None In any form of active inflammation (H. pylori), chemical injury, or vasculopathies (e.g., GAVE)
Surface epithelial degeneration None
Regular, tall cuboidal cells with distinct apical mucin droplet is normal
In H. pylori infection, reactive gastropathy
Erosions None In chemical injury (flat, not inflamed); H. pylori infection (elevated, inflamed)
Foveolar hyperplasia None In reactive gastropathy; mucosa adjacent to ulcer; H. pylori infection
Intestinal metaplasia None Antrum: H. pylori infection; chemical injury
Corpus and fundus: multifocal atrophic gastritis, autoimmune gastritis, H. pylori infection
Atrophy None
Antrum: orderly pits separated by little matrix, no fibrosis
Corpus and fundus: parallel, tightly packed oxyntic glands reaching muscularis mucosae
Antrum: H. pylori infection (rare without intestinal metaplasia)
Corpus and fundus: multifocal atrophic gastritis, autoimmune gastritis, H. pylori infection
Endocrine cell hyperplasia None; no obvious G cells on H&E staining; no clusters or nests With chronic PPI therapy; atrophy, particularly autoimmune gastritis
Parietal cell alterations No prominent protruding parietal cells; no lumen or dilations in oxyntic glands With chronic PPI therapy
Interfoveolar smooth muscle hyperplasia Scattered fibers between antral foveolae; no bundles Reactive gastropathy, GAVE
GAVE, Gastric antral vascular ectasia; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin stain; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.

Neutrophil Infiltration

The lamina propria of normal gastric mucosa may contain rare neutrophils. However, infiltration of the epithelium by neutrophils always represents a pathological response, and when present always constitutes an active component of gastritis. The term active is used to indicate an ongoing inflammatory process. In industrialized nations, active inflammation is most commonly caused by H. pylori gastritis, but many other infectious and inflammatory conditions (e.g., syphilis, Crohn’s disease ) may cause neutrophil infiltration as well.

The intensity and location of neutrophil infiltration may help differentiate various types of gastritis. For instance, the acute phase of infectious gastritis (such as phlegmonous gastritis) is likely to present with an abundant neutrophilic infiltrate, while the active phase of Helicobacter -induced gastritis may have moderate to severe levels of neutrophils, depending on a variety of factors. For instance, the density of neutrophils detected in H. pylori gastritis usually (but not universally) correlates with the density of H. pylori infection. Conversely, in cases with rare neutrophils but with features otherwise suggestive of H. pylori infection, such as a plasma cell-rich infiltrate, an intense hunt for the bacteria is usually warranted, either with or without ancillary tests. Acute hemorrhagic gastritis resulting from nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)– or alcohol-induced chemical injury often shows only a minimal neutrophilic infiltrate, unless an erosion is present. In such cases, biopsies are typically devoid of a rich background of plasma cells. Mild and focal neutrophilic infiltration can be seen in some phases of autoimmune gastritis.

Mononuclear Infiltration

Antral mucosa normally contains a few mononuclear cells in the lamina propria (i.e., lymphocytes and plasma cells), whereas normal corpus mucosa contains virtually none. However, the density of “normal” mononuclear cells in the lamina propria of patients without disease varies considerably according to a number of factors, such as their geographic location and ethnicity, their age, and, of course, their diet and medication profile, among others (see Fig. 15.2 ). It is generally recommended that “gastritis” not be diagnosed unless there are at least several clusters of about five or more mononuclear cells in the lamina propria, or the infiltrate is diffuse and bandlike. In general, if the epithelium is healthy and does not reveal either regenerative or degenerative changes, then it is unlikely that a mononuclear infiltrate in the lamina propria is considered “pathological” or abnormal. In the corpus and fundus, rare single mononuclear cells in the lamina propria are considered a normal finding. Under normal conditions, intraepithelial lymphocytes are not present anywhere in the gastric epithelium.

Mucosal infiltration by plasma cells, lymphocytes, and often some eosinophils and mast cells is characteristic of chronic H. pylori gastritis. This infiltrate is typically bandlike and located mainly in the superficial portion of the lamina propria. It usually starts in the antrum, but it may progress proximally in the stomach, particularly in patients receiving proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and without proper antibiotic therapy. In autoimmune gastritis, the corpus and fundus of the stomach are selectively involved, the infiltrate is more diffuse (usually centered around the deep portions of the mucosa), and the infiltrate consists mainly of lymphocytes rather than plasma cells.

Lymphoid Aggregates and Follicles

Normal gastric mucosa, particularly the corpus, may contain occasional, small lymphoid aggregates, usually basally located close to the muscularis mucosae. In contrast, lymphoid follicles (i.e., with germinal centers) are rare in normal gastric mucosa of H. pylori –negative adults. In studies with extensive biopsy sampling, lymphoid follicles or aggregates have been detected in almost all individuals with H. pylori gastritis. Subsequently, detection of lymphoid follicles is highly suggestive of H. pylori infection ( Fig. 15.3 ). In H. pylori –infected children and young adults, lymphoid follicles may be quite numerous, and it may in fact produce an endoscopic appearance of nodularity that is often referred to as follicular gastritis . ,

FIGURE 15.3, Antral mucosa with well-developed lymphoid follicle in a patient with Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Neither lymphoid aggregates nor follicles are found in the normal antrum.

Eosinophil Infiltration

Rare, scattered eosinophils may be present in the gastric mucosa of normal healthy patients, particularly in individuals who live in a suboptimal public health environment. However, prominent eosinophilic infiltration usually represents a pathological process, such as eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis. , Eosinophil infiltration may occur in a wide variety of disorders, such as gastric anisakiasis and other granulomatous or parasitic infections of the stomach as well.

In H. pylori gastritis, if detected, eosinophil infiltration is usually mild. However, a greater eosinophilic component of the inflammatory infiltrate may manifest in children with H. pylori infection ( Fig. 15.4 ). After H. pylori eradication, eosinophils may persist for a long time, similar to mononuclear cells. Eosinophils can be a prominent component of the inflammatory infiltrate in autoimmune gastritis as well.

FIGURE 15.4, Eosinophils may compose some portion of the inflammatory infiltrate in Helicobacter pylori gastritis.

Mucosal Hyperemia

Mucosal hyperemia (congestion) is frequently an indicator of chemical injury. Interestingly, a significant correlation has been reported between the degree of hyperemia and the concentration of bilirubin within gastric fluid. However, congestion may also be detected in many other conditions, such as H. pylori gastritis, and may be related to an increased infiltration of mast cells ( Fig. 15.5 ). ,

FIGURE 15.5, An increase in the number of mast cells may be seen in many types of gastritis, particularly those caused by Helicobacter pylori (tryptase stain).

Surface Epithelium Regeneration and Degeneration

Surface epithelium regeneration and degeneration (or both) represents a nonspecific cellular response to a variety of injuries to the mucosa. For instance, degenerative changes may result in the emergence of cuboidal (rather than columnar) cells and depletion of mucin. Regenerative changes are particularly prominent in a variety of conditions, such as chemical gastropathy (resulting from bile reflux, ethanol, or NSAIDs), vascular gastropathies, and H. pylori gastritis as well. When prominent, epithelial regeneration in H. pylori gastritis may result in the accumulation of tufts and buds of cells at the surface of the mucosa ( Fig. 15.6 ).

FIGURE 15.6, Surface epithelial degeneration (i.e., mucin-depleted epithelial cells) is typically found in Helicobacter pylori –infected stomachs, even in areas where bacteria are rare or absent. Focal loss of cells (i.e., microerosions) is evident. Bacteria occupy the empty spaces created by dropout of individual cells and areas of mucin depletion (silver triple stain).

Surface Erosion

Surface erosions are the result of severe epithelial injury that leads to necrosis. By definition, erosions are ulcers that do not extend beyond the muscularis mucosae. Chemically-induced flat surface erosions are characterized by a relatively paucicellular lamina propria, neutrophilic infiltration, hyalinization of the lamina propria, and a withering pit and gland epithelium, giving the mucosa an ischemic appearance. They often result from the acute effects of drugs, alcohol, bile reflux, or ischemia ( Fig. 15.7 ). , Elevated surface erosions are typically associated with H. pylori gastritis. These erosions are usually characterized by a superficial layer of fibrinopurulent debris (i.e., fibrinoid necrosis, neutrophils, and cellular debris) associated with a plasma cell–rich lamina propria infiltrate and hyperplastic, regenerative-appearing epithelium at the margins ( Fig. 15.8 ).

FIGURE 15.7, Typical appearance of a flat surface erosion with homogeneous eosinophilic necrosis resulting from an acute toxic injury, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, alcohol, or bile reflux.

FIGURE 15.8, Superficial erosion in Helicobacter pylori gastritis. A superficial layer of nonhomogeneous fibrinoid necrosis that contains granulocytes and cell debris may be found in severe cases of H. pylori gastritis.

Foveolar Hyperplasia

Foveolar hyperplasia is defined as proliferation, elongation, and tortuosity of gastric pits that results in a corkscrew configuration to the pits. It is a regenerative phenomenon. It represents a compensatory tissue response to increased exfoliation of the surface epithelium, and it is a visual surrogate for increased cell proliferation and cell turnover ( Fig. 15.9 ). Foveolar hyperplasia may be diagnosed readily when several cross-sections of the same gastric pit are visualized in a single, well-oriented gastric biopsy specimen. , Other features of foveolar hyperplasia include hyperchromatic nuclei, high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, upper pit mitoses, mucin depletion, and cuboidalization of the epithelial cells.

FIGURE 15.9, Reactive (chemical) gastropathy shows marked foveolar hyperplasia (i.e., elongated and coiled gastric pits), vascular congestion, and smooth muscle bundles that extend upward into the superficial lamina propria.

Foveolar hyperplasia is a characteristic feature of reactive gastropathy, including bile reflux and NSAID gastritis, particularly in long-term users. , , The degree of foveolar hyperplasia (together with smooth muscle hyperplasia and congestion) has been used to score the severity of reactive gastropathy. A mild degree of foveolar hyperplasia is common in patients with H. pylori gastritis; however, marked hyperplasia often indicates coexistent chemical injury ( Fig. 15.10 ). Foveolar hyperplasia may also be prominent in autoimmune gastritis, sometimes with the development of hyperplastic polyps. Finally, the use of PPIs can also lead to foveolar hyperplasia.

FIGURE 15.10, Foveolar hyperplasia is commonly seen in Helicobacter pylori gastritis, but the marked elongation shown herein suggests the possibility of coexistent chemical injury.

Intestinal Metaplasia

Intestinal metaplasia is defined as replacement of gastric-type foveolar epithelium with intestinal cells (i.e., goblet cells, enterocytes with brush border, and Paneth cells) ( Fig. 15.11 ). Two types of intestinal metaplasia (I and II) have been described. Metaplastic epithelium that closely resembles normal small intestinal epithelium, containing acid mucin–producing goblet cells and absorptive enterocytes with a brush border, is considered complete metaplasia (type I). Incomplete metaplasia (type II) shows a disorderly mixture of irregularly shaped goblet cells (intestinal and immature intermediate mucous cells) that contain acidic sialomucins and sulfomucins. Although the clinical importance of their distinction has long been debated, a recent meta-analysis reemphasized that incomplete intestinal metaplasia is associated with a higher risk of gastric cancer. Incomplete metaplasia is further subdivided into type IIa and type IIb (also referred to as type III) by the presence of sulfomucins within nongoblet (mucinous) cells in the latter. Although type IIb has been shown to be associated with an even higher increased cancer risk, the practicability of subtyping incomplete intestinal metaplasia is limited in clinical practice. In fact, most patients with intestinal metaplasia have a mixture of the incomplete and complete types when extensive areas of mucosa are sampled, and the degree of incomplete intestinal metaplasia (including type IIb) parallels the extent of intestinal metaplasia in general. Furthermore, one meta-analysis indicated that intestinal metaplasia in the antrum and corpus is associated with a higher cancer risk than when it is limited to the antrum, which underscores a positive correlation between the extent of any type of intestinal metaplasia and risk of progression to carcinoma.

FIGURE 15.11, In the high-power photomicrograph of metaplastic gastric mucosa stained with a triple stain (hematoxylin and eosin, Alcian blue, and a modified Steiner stain), the goblet cells are bright blue. Helicobacter pylori organisms adhere only to the nonmetaplastic portions of the epithelium.

Intestinal metaplasia can be identified and its extent evaluated with the use of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain, although specific mucin histochemical stains can be used to highlight metaplastic areas. For instance, the Alcian blue/periodic acid–Schiff (AB/PAS) stain at pH 2.5 is an excellent method for demonstrating the type and extent of intestinal metaplasia, particularly when used in combination with a hematoxylin counterstain ( Fig. 15.12 ). Mucin histochemical stains, some of which reported are potentially toxic (e.g., high-iron diamine), which were traditionally used to determine the specific type of intestinal metaplasia by helping to detect sulfated mucins, have been largely replaced by immunohistochemical stains that identify proteins associated with particular mucin-encoding genes. Although more than 20 such mucin genes have been identified, only a few (i.e., MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC6 ) are commercially available, and even these are used mainly in the research setting ( Table 15.2 ).

FIGURE 15.12, The Alcian blue stain, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stain, and hematoxylin counterstain highlight the acid mucin-producing goblet cells (purple) and neutral mucin-containing foveolar cells. The purple color results from a combination of acid mucins (blue) and neutral mucins (red) within goblet cells.

TABLE 15.2
Mucin Immunohistochemistry in the Stomach
Mucin Expressed Normal Gastric Epithelium Intestinal Metaplasia Type I Intestinal Metaplasia Type II Intestinal Metaplasia Type III
MUC1 ++ (foveolar epithelium; chief and parietal cells) ++ ++ +++ +++
MUC2 +++ ++ + ++ ±
MUC5AC +++ (foveolar epithelium; all mucous neck cells) ++ ++ ++ ++
MUC6 + (antral glands; mucopeptic cells of neck zone in corpus) ± ± ±
C, Columnar or absorptive cells; G, goblet cells.

Expression of the most common mucin proteins in the normal stomach and the three types of intestinal metaplasia is detected by immunohistochemical staining. Because the intensity of the staining and the percentages of cells assessed as positive vary and interpretation is highly subjective, the use of these stains to determine the type of intestinal metaplasia and any inference of cancer risk in individual patients is strongly discouraged.

Intestinal metaplasia may develop in a variety of pathological settings, but its presence always indicates an underlying chronic, and often atrophic, gastritis. Intestinal metaplasia occurs frequently in patients with H. pylori gastritis. , Because H. pylori organisms do not normally adhere to intestinal-type epithelium (see Fig. 15.11 ), they commonly disappear in mucosa with extensive intestinal metaplasia and atrophy. Intestinalized epithelium may provide additional defense against H. pylori through changes in the composition of the gastric mucus resulting from metaplasia.

Intestinal metaplasia is also frequently found in the corpus of patients with autoimmune gastritis, and this is usually associated with pseudopyloric metaplasia as well. Foci of intestinal metaplasia are common in patients with reactive gastropathy after Billroth II surgery. Metaplasia can be detected in individuals with an otherwise completely normal stomach.


Gastric atrophy is defined as loss of gastric glands. , Atrophy is a histological finding, not a nosological entity. When the gastric mucosa is damaged, regardless of the cause, it may (1) regenerate to normal (restitutio ad integrum) or (2) undergo an adaptive reparative change with replacement of native glands with other types of tissue (i.e., metaplasia) ( Fig. 15.13 ). When injured glands fail to regenerate, the stromal space they previously occupied may be replaced by fibroblasts and extracellular matrix (i.e., fibrosis) ( Fig. 15.14 ). Ultimately, the result of metaplasia and fibrosis is loss of functional epithelium (i.e., atrophy).

FIGURE 15.13, Atrophic oxyntic mucosa with pyloric or pseudopyloric metaplasia as well as focal intestinal and pancreatic acinar metaplasia as observed in autoimmune gastritis.

FIGURE 15.14, Nonmetaplastic atrophy in the antrum, which is associated with long-standing Helicobacter pylori infection or prolonged chemical injury, is uncommon. However, when associated with H. pylori infection and severe atrophic gastritis, the condition can predispose to gastric cancer.

Diffuse atrophy of the corpus and fundus typically occurs in autoimmune gastritis as a consequence of immune-mediated destruction of oxyntic epithelium. Less severe and more focal atrophy, which is usually limited to the antrum, may also occur in reactive gastropathy. H. pylori gastritis usually triggers multifocal atrophy in the antrum, which spreads to the oxyntic mucosa in the advanced stages of the disease.

The updated Sydney system recognizes multifocal atrophic gastritis (MAG; referred to as environmental atrophic gastritis in the pre– H. pylori era) as an entity distinct from nonatrophic gastritis and autoimmune atrophic gastritis. , The distinction between gastritis with focal atrophy and atrophic gastritis has not been well defined ( Fig. 15.15 ). This issue is important because scattered foci of intestinal metaplasia are found in the antrum of most patients with H. pylori gastritis and in a small percentage of noninfected adults. It is not appropriate to classify these individuals with “atrophic” gastritis, a diagnosis that implies altered gastric function and an increased risk of cancer. In the absence of established guidelines, we suggest that a diagnosis of MAG should be made only when there is evidence of atrophy either with or without intestinal metaplasia in at least 50% of a generously biopsied stomach (i.e., minimum of two samples from the antrum and two from the corpus or fundus).

FIGURE 15.15, Spectrum of atrophy (pink) and metaplasia (blue).

Several pathology workshops have been devoted to the development of a reproducible method for grading atrophy in mucosal biopies. , Pathologists have recommended that atrophy be evaluated according to its two subtypes: nonmetaplastic or metaplastic . The subtype known as nonmetaplastic atrophy (see Fig. 15.14 ) is an area of mucosa with true glandular loss, replaced by stromal elements (usually fibrosis). In metaplastic atrophy (i.e., metaplasia equals atrophy), the native glands that are physiological for that site may be replaced by those with a pyloric phenotype (i.e., pyloric or pseudopyloric metaplasia) or an intestinal phenotype (i.e., intestinal metaplasia) comprising goblet cells and absorptive cells (either with or without a brush border) (see Fig. 15.13 ). Intestinal metaplasia may develop anywhere in the stomach, whereas pyloric (pseudopyloric) metaplasia occurs in the corpus or cardia. In both types of atrophy, the degree of gland loss may be broadly graded as mild, moderate, or severe, which corresponds to a scale of 1 to 3 ( Fig. 15.16 ).

FIGURE 15.16, The types and degrees of atrophy are based on the Atrophy 2000 classification.

Problems may arise when gastric biopsies are labeled as “stomach” or “antrum-body,” in which case it may be difficult to determine whether there is true pyloric metaplasia or the biopsy is simply representative of the antrum or antral-fundic transition. In this instance, immunohistochemical staining for gastrin-positive endocrine cells can help identify mucosa derived from the antrum. However, this method is not fool-proof because gastrin-positive cells may, on occasion, be present in metaplastic and atrophic areas of the fundus. Thus it is not just the finding of a gastrin-positive cell that should be considered, but also its quantity and location in the epithelium and its association with other mucosal structures. The algorithm depicted in Figure 15.17 summarizes an approach to the evaluation of atrophy in gastric biopsies.

FIGURE 15.17, Algorithm for the diagnosis of atrophy in biopsy specimens obtained from the gastric corpus.

Endocrine Cell Proliferation

Endocrine cell hyperplasia develops as a consequence of functional changes in the stomach and is most prominent in autoimmune atrophic gastritis. In this condition, hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria may lead to antral G-cell hyperplasia and a secondary elevation of serum gastrin levels. , Hypergastrinemia causes histamine-producing enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells within oxyntic mucosa to proliferate. Neuroendocrine cell proliferation can be detected in patients with advanced atrophic gastritis and in biopsies of patients who take PPIs. Although antral G-cell hyperplasia can be detected easily on H&E–stained tissue sections ( Fig. 15.18 ), hyperplasia of ECL cells in oxyntic mucosa is best visualized and quantified with specific immunostains ( Fig. 15.19 ).

FIGURE 15.18, Gastrin-producing endocrine cell hyperplasia can be suspected on routine staining by the grouping of cells with distinct pale cytoplasm and central dark nuclei (i.e., fried egg appearance). Antigastrin immunohistochemical stain can be used to confirm this finding.

FIGURE 15.19, Example of linear G-cell hyperplasia in the antral mucosa by immunohistochemical staining.

The most widely used classification system of ECL cell hyperplasia consists of simple or diffuse, linear, micronodular, and adenomatoid hyperplasia; ECL cell dysplasia; and neoplasia (i.e., neuroendocrine tumors). These are reviewed later in this chapter in the Autoimmune Gastritis section and in Table 15.3 . A mild to moderate degree of ECL cell hyperplasia may occur in patients who use PPIs for extended periods. However, in these patients, the oxyntic mucosa is not atrophic and commonly displays parietal cell hypertrophy and oxyntic gland dilation, both frequently seen in chronic PPI users. Alternatively, in the setting of atrophic gastritis, identification of ECL cell hyperplasia (particularly micronodular type) is a diagnostic feature of corporal autoimmune atrophic gastritis.

TABLE 15.3
Classification of Enterochromaffin-Like Cell Proliferations
Data from Solcia E, Fiocca R, Villani L, et al. Hyperplastic, dysplastic, and neoplastic enterochromaffin-like cell proliferations of the gastric mucosa: classification and histogenesis. Am J Surg Pathol . 1995;19(suppl 1):S1–S7
Diagnosis Criteria for Increased Endocrine Cells Common Disorders
Simple or diffuse hyperplasia >2 × standard deviations (age and gender matched) ZES, Early AIG, PPI therapy
Linear hyperplasia Linear groups of five or more cells inside the glandular BM ZES, Early AIG, PPI therapy
Micronodular hyperplasia Clusters of five or more cells within epithelium measuring <150 μm in diameter Autoimmune atrophic gastritis
Adenomatoid hyperplasia Aggregates of five or more micronodules in lamina propria Autoimmune atrophic gastritis, MEN-ZES
Dysplasias Autoimmune atrophic gastritis, MEN-ZES
Enlarged micronodules >150 μm
Adenomatous micronodules Collections of at least five closely adherent micronodules, intervening BM only
Fused micronodules Adenomatous micronodules with no intervening BM
Microinfiltrative lesions Infiltration of the lamina propria
Neuroendocrine tumor (type 1) Autoimmune atrophic gastritis, MEN-ZES
Intramucosal Expansile or infiltrative nodules > 0.5 mm
Invasive Any size tumor within submucosa
AIG , autoimmune gastritis; BM , basement membrane; MEN, multiple endocrine neoplasia; ZES, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome..

Parietal Cell Alterations

Apocrine-like protrusion and pseudohypertrophy of oxyntic cells are frequently attributed to chronic use of PPIs ( Fig. 15.20A ). , However, identical histological changes have been reported in other clinical settings; therefore the findings are not pathognomonic. Use of PPIs may lead to dilation of oxyntic glands, which in extreme cases may produce multiple fundic gland–type polyps that impart an appearance of the gastric mucosa that inspired the picturesque description of gastric acne . , Cytoplasmic vacuolation of parietal cells has been reported in patients using PPIs as well as rare cases with pseudo–signet ring cell morphology ( Fig. 15.20B ). Because most chronic users of NSAIDs also take PPIs to reduce the risk of NSAID-induced ulceration, oxyntic gland alterations are frequently seen in conjunction with reactive (chemical) gastropathy. , ,

FIGURE 15.20, Proton pump inhibitor therapy–related changes. Mild glandular dilation with parietal cell apocrine-like blebs (A) and more pronounced dilation with oxyntic cell hypertrophy (B). C, Clear cell changes can also be observed in the glandular component of the transitional mucosa.

Interfoveolar Smooth Muscle Hyperplasia

In the normal stomach, smooth muscle fibers are generally confined to the muscularis mucosae, where they run parallel to the mucosal surface. Several studies have shown that reactive (chemical) gastropathy is often associated with proliferation of smooth muscle fibers that run perpendicular to the muscularis mucosae within the interfoveolar lamina propria (see Fig. 15.9 ). The changes may be caused by the pulling effect of prolapsing mucosa, similar to that seen in solitary rectal ulcer syndrome and other prolapse-type polyps. Another proposed mechanism is the release of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a known smooth muscle stimulant, as a result of epithelial damage. However, smooth muscle hyperplasia is not specific for NSAID-induced gastritis and may be seen in a variety of other conditions, such as gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE), bile reflux gastritis, and even in simple reactive mucosa adjacent to ulcers. ,

Updated Sydney System

The updated Sydney system provides guidelines for generating systematic, uniform diagnostic reports. The goal of the system is to enhance consistency so that pathologists issue clinically relevant and precise diagnoses, and allow clinical studies to be performed and evaluated in an unambiguous manner. To create a pathology report suggested by the updated Sydney system, at least five biopsy specimens should be evaluated and the findings synthesized ( Fig. 15.21 ). The system ( Table 15.4 ) classifies chronic gastritis into three broad categories on the basis of topography, morphology, and when possible, on the basis of cause as acute, chronic, or special (distinctive). The latter category includes entities of uncertain pathogenesis and gastropathies. This system also separates chronic gastritis into atrophic and nonatrophic forms ( Fig. 15.22 ).

FIGURE 15.21, The five biopsy sites (circles) recommended by the updated Sydney system.

TABLE 15.4
Sydney System Classification of Gastritis
Type of Gastritis Etiological Factors Gastritis Synonyms
Nonatrophic Helicobacter pylori Superficial
Other factors (?) Diffuse antral gastritis (DAG)
Chronic antral gastritis (CAG)
Type B
Autoimmune Autoimmunity Type A
H. pylori (?) Diffuse corporal
Multifocal atrophic gastritis (MAG) H. pylori Pernicious anemia–associated
Environmental factors Type B, type AB
Atrophic pangastritis
Progressive intestinalizing pangastritis
Special forms
Chemical Chemical irritation Reactive
Bile Reflux
Other agents (?)
Radiation Radiation injury
Lymphocytic Idiopathic (?) Varioliform
Autoimmune mechanisms (?) Celiac disease associated
Gluten (?)
Drugs (e.g., ticlopidine)
H. pylori (?)
Noninfectious granulomatous Crohn’s disease Isolated granulomatous
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Foreign substances
Idiopathic (?)
Eosinophilic Food sensitivity Allergic
Other allergies (?)
Other infectious gastritides Bacteria (other than H. pylori ) Phlegmonous, syphilitic, others
Viruses Cytomegalovirus
Fungi Anisakiasis
CAG, Chronic antral gastritis; DAG, diffuse antral gastritis; MAG, multifocal atrophic gastritis; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

FIGURE 15.22, The Sydney system separates chronic gastritis into atrophic and nonatrophic forms, each representing one of the extremes of the spectrum of gastritis.

Biopsy Protocol

The biopsy protocol depicted in Figure 15.21 is recommended to obtain satisfactory mucosal sampling. Specimens from three compartments (i.e., antrum, incisura angularis, and corpus) should be separately designated when submitted to the pathology laboratory. Proper specimen orientation is critical for optimal evaluation and is best accomplished at the time of tissue embedding. Unfortunately, in routine clinical practice, gastroenterologists do not often adhere to such a rigorous sampling and labeling protocol (see Reporting Gastritis in the Absence of a Complete Biopsy Set), and this limitation is not addressed by the Sydney classification.

Evaluation of Histological Variables

Each mucosal biopsy specimen should be assessed for its suitability for pathological examination. An acceptable slide is one that shows several well-oriented sections with the mucosal surface and the muscularis mucosae visible. Each relevant pathological feature (e.g., density of H. pylori , intensity of neutrophilic and mononuclear inflammation, atrophy of the antrum and corpus, intestinal metaplasia) should be graded on a standardized visual analogue scale ( Fig. 15.23 ). Each feature is assigned a numeric or descriptive value: 0 for absent, 1 for mild, 2 for moderate, and 3 for marked or severe. The values of each specimen are determined separately for each anatomic compartment (i.e., antrum and corpus). A minimum of two specimens from the antrum, one from the incisura angularis, and two from the corpus, should be evaluated.

FIGURE 15.23, The visual analogue scale proposed in the updated Sydney system.

Determination of Gradient of Inflammation

After evaluation of the histological variables, the next step in the Sydney system is to document the degree of inflammation in the two main gastric compartments to determine whether the inflammation is similar in intensity (i.e., pangastritis) or more severe in the antrum (i.e., antrum-predominant gastritis) or the corpus (i.e., corpus-predominant gastritis). To conclude that inflammation in one compartment is predominant, the difference in the inflammatory variables should be at least two grades. This helps minimize the effect of interobserver variability. The degree of atrophy and metaplasia can also be assessed according to the Atrophy 2000 guidelines. The last step in the Sydney classification is to decide whether focal atrophy or diffuse atrophy (metaplastic or nonmetaplastic) is present.


The final diagnosis according to the Sydney system represents a synthesis of the observations outlined previously, including information regarding possible cause. Examples of diagnostic reports are “ H. pylori antrum-predominant gastritis” and “corpus-restricted atrophic gastritis without H. pylori infection, suggestive of autoimmune gastritis” ( Fig. 15.24 ).

FIGURE 15.24, Examples of diagnoses generated according to the recommendations of the updated Sydney system. Areas of gastritis (red), intestinal metaplasia (blue), and atrophy (gray) are indicated.

Reporting Gastritis in the Absence of a Complete Biopsy Set

The Sydney system guidelines can be applied only when a full set of biopsy specimens is available (see Fig. 15.21 ). In routine practice, pathologists are usually asked to make a diagnosis based on only one or two biopsies and often from unspecified sites. In these cases, an empiric approach is recommended.

Most types of gastritis, including those caused by H. pylori, can be diagnosed without extensive tissue sampling. In contrast, assessment of the degree of atrophy requires adequate sampling and knowledge of the site of origin of each specimen to distinguish MAG from autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis. A diagnosis of gastritis based on only a few nonrepresentative or inadequately identified biopsy specimens should not include any statements regarding topographic distribution of disease. If a specimen labeled as “corpus” contains pyloric-appearing glands and lacks parietal and chief cells, suggesting that it may be derived from the antrum, an immunostain for gastrin can help resolve the issue. The finding of numerous gastrin-positive cells, typically in the midgland region, is evidence in favor of the antrum, whereas atrophic pyloric-type glands from metaplastic corpus may contain either rare, scattered, or no gastrin-positive cells at all. In addition, recognition of nodular ECL-cell hyperplasia will raise the possibility of autoimmune gastritis. If uncertainty persists, a less-specific diagnosis (e.g., chronic inactive gastritis with atrophy and intestinal metaplasia) may be used, along with a comment regarding the differential diagnosis, including a suggestion that a more extensive sampling would be helpful to determine an exact etiology. Other information, such as clinical evidence of pernicious anemia, hypergastrinemia, achlorhydria, and the presence or absence of circulating anti–parietal cell antibodies, may help establish a precise diagnosis of autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis.

Olga and Olgim Systems

Building on the current knowledge of the natural history of gastritis and its associated cancer risk, the Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) staging system has been proposed. , The system places the histological phenotypes of gastritis on a scale of progressively increasing gastric cancer risk, from the lowest (stage 0) to the highest (stage IV).

Use of a well-defined biopsy sampling protocol (Sydney system) is considered the minimum requirement for reliable staging of chronic gastritis. The stage of gastritis is determined by a combination of the extent of atrophy (scored histologically) with its topographic location (resulting from the mapping protocol). Consistent with the Sydney recommendations, OLGA staging system reporting includes information about the likely cause of gastritis (e.g., H. pylori , autoimmune).

The OLGA system is based on the atrophy score. Atrophy is scored as a percentage of the atrophic glands. Nonmetaplastic and metaplastic subtypes are considered together. At each biopsy sample level (irrespective of the area from which it originates), atrophy is scored by using a four-tiered scale: atrophy absent (0%) = 0, mild (1% to 30%) = 1, moderate (31% to 60%) = 2, and severe (>60%) = 3. The OLGA gastritis stage (I to IV) is determined by combining the overall antrum score with an overall corpus score for atrophy ( Table 15.5 ). Details on how to apply the OLGA scores in clinical practice are provided in a well-illustrated step-by-step tutorial. ,

TABLE 15.5
Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) Staging System
Antrum Corpus
No Atrophy (Score 0) Mild Atrophy (Score 1) Moderate Atrophy (Score 2) Severe Atrophy (Score 3)
No atrophy (score 0), including incisura angularis Stage 0 Stage I Stage II Stage III
Mild atrophy (score 1), including incisura angularis Stage I Stage I Stage II Stage III
Moderate atrophy (score 2), including incisura angularis Stage II Stage II Stage III Stage IV
Severe atrophy (score 3), including incisura angularis Stage III Stage III Stage IV Stage IV

A subsequent modification of the OLGA staging system that only considers intestinal metaplasia rather than atrophy as the main parameter for assessment of gastric cancer risk (i.e., Operative Link for Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia [OLGIM]) has been proposed. This scheme may be less vulnerable to interobserver variability because intestinal metaplasia can be recognized and quantified more reliably than atrophy, especially for general pathologists. , However, considering that pseudopyloric metaplasia is often the dominant phenotype of atrophy in patients with autoimmune gastritis, a substantial proportion of potentially high-risk individuals can be missed when using the OLGIM system.

A recent meta-analysis has underscored the significant association between advanced OLGA/OLGIM stages (i.e., stages III and IV) and risk of gastric cancer. The conclusion is already reflected in the European guidelines for the management of gastric precancerous lesions, which recommends endoscopic surveillance every 3 years for patients with high-risk OLGA/OLGIM stages.

Acute And Subacute Mucosal Injury (Acute Gastritis)

This section describes acute conditions that typically present with sudden onset and rapid evolution, and often result from an imbalance between acute mucosal injury and tissue repair. Histologically, acute gastritis is defined as any form of gastritis that shows acute (“active”) features of epithelial injury and inflammation, but without well-established features of chronicity. For instance, it may represent the initial phase of H. pylori infection or of an acute bacterial (suppurative) gastritis, such as phlegmonous gastritis, which is much less common. Acute hemorrhagic gastritis is a common form of an acute gastritis that is usually caused by ingestion of large quantities of alcohol or medications including NSAIDs or antibiotics. Corrosive acidic and alkaline substances can cause extensive, severe necrotic lesions that are usually not biopsied. Unless perforation develops, the lesions typically heal, sometimes with scarring and organ deformity. An acute manifestation of autoimmune enteropathy has been reported in the stomach. This condition is briefly discussed in the differential diagnosis section of Autoimmune Gastritis later in this chapter and more extensively in Chapter 11 .

Acute Hemorrhagic Gastritis

Clinical Features

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis (also known as acute hemorrhagic erosive gastropathy ) is defined as acute gastritis associated with hemorrhage and congestion of the mucosa and/or deeper layers of the stomach. It is most often characterized by diffuse mucosal hyperemia associated with bleeding, erosions, and ulcers.

Ingestion of large doses of toxic chemical substances, including various medications such as aspirin, other types of NSAIDs, iron (ferrous sulfate) pills, and less frequently, a variety of other drugs (e.g., doxycycline), may cause acute mucosal injury ranging from edema and hyperemia to frank erosion and ulceration. These lesions may occur suddenly, without prior pain or discomfort, in both first-time and chronic NSAID users. Similar, but usually less severe, changes may be caused by ingestion of large quantities of alcohol. Because alcohol and aspirin act synergistically to alter mucosal defenses, many cases of hemorrhagic gastritis are caused by alcohol users who consume aspirin to prevent hangover sickness. More specifically, NSAIDs act by interfering with prostaglandin synthesis, whereas alcohol causes direct damage to the gastric mucosa.

Pathological Features

Grossly, acute hemorrhagic gastritis is characterized by hyperemic edematous-appearing mucosa, surface erosions, and active bleeding ( Fig. 15.25 ). The damage is usually centered on the antrum. The clinical history (e.g., shock, burns, ingestion of large doses of NSAIDs) rather than the pathological features helps determine the precise cause. In addition, multiple subepithelial petechiae may develop after large quantities of strong alcoholic beverages are consumed over a short period. ,

FIGURE 15.25, Two views showing the endoscopic appearance of acute hemorrhagic gastritis.

Microscopically, acute hemorrhagic gastritis, regardless of its cause, is characterized by dilation and congestion of mucosal capillaries, edema, and interstitial hemorrhage within the lamina propria. Surface erosions are typically usually small and appear ischemic, showing superficially hyalinized lamina propria. Aggregates of fibrin and neutrophils replace eroded epithelium and often project above the mucosal surface to form small, elevated clumps of necrotic debris ( Fig. 15.26A ). The foveolar epithelium underneath and adjacent to erosions and ulcers show regenerative changes reminiscent of epithelial “withering” observed in ischemia, but also elongation, increased tortuosity, and mucin depletion. Enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei and increased mitoses are common features and should not be misinterpreted as dysplasia. Recalling the location of the normal regenerative zones in the antrum (i.e., gland base) and corpus (i.e., mucous neck cell region) can help mitigate an overdiagnosis of dysplasia. In the absence of concurrent H. pylori infection, unaffected areas of the stomach do not usually show increased chronic inflammation. In the setting of H. pylori infection, the pathologist may see chronic active inflammation in the mucosa, which may obscure or worsen the changes caused by NSAIDs or alcohol.

FIGURE 15.26, A, Superficial erosion in the corpus mucosa of a patient with acute hemorrhagic gastritis. B, Rare example of emphysematous gastritis with distinct pneumatosis of the lamina propria in addition to active inflammation with focal erosion .

Natural History and Treatment

The prognosis of acute hemorrhagic gastritis depends on the type and amount of noxious chemical agents ingested. Cases without deep ulcers are usually self-limited, although severe damage may lead to perforation or healing with distorting scars in rare cases. In extreme cases, erosion of an underlying large blood vessel may cause catastrophic hemorrhage and death. The mainstay of treatment is cessation of ingestion of the offensive corrosive agent. Suppression of acid secretion with PPIs helps reduce the severity of mucosal damage and facilitates mucosal healing.

Stress-Induced Gastritis

Clinical Features and Pathogenesis

This subtype of acute gastritis occurs in patients with major physiological distress, such as severe trauma, especially brain injury with increased intracranial pressure; burns; severe hypothermia; shock; sepsis; coagulopathy; severe liver and renal insufficiency; and prolonged mechanical ventilation. Gastric mucosal damage may develop in up to 75% of these patients; however, improvements in critical care have led to a decline in mortality. For instance, the development of clinically important gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in critical care units has recently decreased from 25% to 0.6% to 4%.

Stress-induced gastritis is usually precipitated by a sudden imbalance between injurious agents and protective factors involved in the maintenance of mucosal integrity. The putative pathogenesis is mediated by hypotension–related stasis, the release of vasoconstrictive substances, increased vascular permeability, and reperfusion injury. The luminal acidity is also known to be essential, exerting its noxious effect by inhibiting and causing loss of integrity of mucosal defense mechanisms (e.g., mucus-bicarbonate barrier). The role of concurrent H. pylori infection in severe stress-induced mucosal injury has also been postulated.

Pathological Features

Stress-induced gastritis usually affects the oxyntic mucosa with edema, ecchymoses, and multiple superficial erosions. Ulcers are usually more than 0.5 cm in diameter and form well-delineated craters of various depths. , Stress-induced gastritis is microscopically indistinguishable from acute hemorrhagic gastritis caused by toxic chemicals. The lamina propria shows hemorrhage and congestion without notable inflammatory infiltrate. Regenerative atypia of the epithelium is common and may be severe. Ischemic features with withering pit epithelium are also not uncommon. Erosions are frequently covered by a fibrinopurulent exudate.

Natural History and Treatment

The 90-day mortality rate of intensive care patients with clinically important GI bleeding is up to 55%, significantly exceeding the mortality rate of similar patients without overt GI bleeding (25%). Enteral nutrition, PPIs, and histamine 2 receptor antagonists are recommended as prophylactic measures in critically ill patients. ,

Phlegmonous and Emphysematous Gastritides

Clinical Features

Phlegmonous and emphysematous gastritis are rare types of acute gastritis that commonly affect patients with severe comorbidities and conditions that cause delayed gastric emptying. Rare examples have developed after endoscopic fine-needle aspiration and endoscopic resection of gastric neoplasms. , Infection by gas-forming microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas species are associated with the phlegmonous variant, whereas emphysematous gastritis is most frequently caused by Proteus and Clostridium species. CT imaging can be diagnostic by revealing gastric wall thickening and pneumatosis.

Pathological Features

Endoscopic features include hyperemic and swollen edematous gastric folds and multiple erosions or ulcers coated with a purulent-appearing discharge. Microscopic evaluation can show a spectrum of alterations ranging from various degrees of reactive epithelial changes, to erosions and ulcerations association with fibrin deposition, severe and diffuse, sometimes transmural neutrophilic infiltration, abscess formation, and necrosis. In addition, emphysematous gastritis shows characteristic expansion of the mucosa by gas bubbles of various sizes ( Fig. 15.26B ).

Differential Diagnosis

Phlegmonous gastritis can be differentiated from other forms of gastritis by the presence of severe neutrophilic infiltration of the gastric wall that usually spreads both longitudinally and vertically. The differential diagnosis of emphysematous gastritis includes gastric pneumatosis (on imaging studies) and pseudolipomatosis at the microscopic level resulting from air that becomes trapped in the mucosa through a mucosal defect incurred during gastroscopy. Rarely, the entrapped gas may lead to mucosal elevation suspicious for a neoplastic process.

Natural History and Treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential. Emphysematous gastritis is frequently associated with a fulminant clinical course with a mortality rate up to 60%. Gastric strictures develop in one-fourth of surviving patients. Management of these patients can be either conservative (i.e., antibiotic therapy covering anaerobes and gram-negative bacilli) or surgical (i.e., gastrectomy) in severe cases.

Reactive (Chemical) Gastropathy

General Comments and Definition

The Sydney system defines chemical gastropathy as “the constellation of endoscopic and histological changes caused by chemical injury to the gastric mucosa.” Implicit in this definition is the absence of independent specific endoscopic or histological features in patients with a history of endogenous or exogenous chemical damage to the stomach. Nevertheless, compared with chronic gastritis, the lamina propria is devoid of a significant inflammatory infiltrate and shows dominantly regenerative mucosal (both epithelial and stromal) architectural changes. Bile reflux gastritis was the first recognized form of reactive gastropathy. , Subsequently, it was determined that NSAID use may cause similar mucosal lesions, and the term chemical gastritis was introduced. Additional synonyms include reactive gastropathy, type C gastritis, and chemical gastritis . Morphologically identical alterations may occur in mucosa adjacent to ulcers of any kind, mass lesions, and vascular disorders, such as portal hypertensive gastropathy and GAVE. Thus the feature of reactive gastritis must be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical and endoscopic information of the patient.

Clinical Features

Several chemical agents, including numerous medications, are commonly associated with damage to gastric mucosa. Although some agents cause acute destructive and ulcerating lesions, others may induce only subtle and mild changes of reactive gastritis. Before the discovery of H. pylori as a cause of gastritis, several types of food items, such as caffeine and hot peppers, were also thought to cause gastritis. However, the role of many of those food items was eventually discounted. Most patients with mild reactive gastritis are asymptomatic. Severe cases may be associated with dyspepsia, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Upper GI tract bleeding or perforation can develop in cases with deep ulcers.

Etiological Factors and Pathogenesis

Duodenopancreatic (Bile) Reflux

Historically, bile reflux gastritis was initially recognized as a complication of partial (Billroth II) gastrectomy, which was a procedure used for benign conditions such as peptic ulcer disease. With the discovery of H. pylori as the principal cause of peptic ulcer disease and with the use of effective medical treatment, Billroth II antrectomies for benign disease have become increasingly uncommon. Subsequently, the prevalence of anastomotic and stomal gastropathy is expected to decline. Some patients have developed polypoid growths at the anastomotic site and gastric outlet obstruction when the lesions attain a large size, prompting endoscopic assessment.

Reflux of bile, or other luminal components of the duodenum, into a normal, nonoperated stomach is difficult to demonstrate in clinical practice, and the relevance of this condition needs further clarification. However, reactive gastritis, in the absence of known NSAID therapy or any other specific cause, is most commonly induced by duodenogastric bile reflux. Some degree of bile reflux is believed to occur in most healthy individuals and particularly those who smoke and have a duodenal ulcer, or those who have chronic respiratory disease, suffer from alcohol abuse, or are postcholecystectomy. Gastric mucosa chronically exposed to bile may undergo pathological changes similar to those that occur in a gastric stump. Patients with bile reflux documented by 24-hour ambulatory monitoring of intragastric bilirubin absorbance and pH values were found to have significantly more active and chronic inflammation, intestinal metaplasia, atrophy, and H. pylori infection (particularly in the corpus and incisura) than dyspeptic patients without bile reflux. A high prevalence of H. pylori infection was reported for antrectomized patients in Israel. , These data contrast with previous observations that bile reflux tends to eliminate, or suppress, H. pylori infection. ,

Duodenogastric reflux with alkaline pancreatic and duodenal secretions, acids, bile salts, and lysolecithin results in disruption of the mucosal barrier and direct chemical damage to gastric surface epithelium. Loss of this barrier allows back-diffusion of hydrogen ions and secondary injury. This combined injury leads to accelerated exfoliation of surface epithelium and a histamine-mediated vascular response that manifests histologically as edema and hyperemia. Persistent epithelial damage promotes the release of other proinflammatory agents, such as PGDF, which stimulates smooth muscle and fibroblastic proliferation.


The most commonly used drugs and drug categories that can damage gastric mucosa when consumed at therapeutic doses are listed in Table 15.6 . The most common pattern of drug-induced gastric mucosal injury is reactive gastritis ( Fig. 15.27 ), although some drugs induce other patterns of injury. The most common forms of drug-induced gastritis are discussed in more detail in the next dedicated section.

TABLE 15.6
Drug-Induced Gastric Injury
Drug or Drug Family Predominant Morphology of Gastric Injury
NSAIDs, aspirin, alcohol Erosions, ulcers, reactive gastropathy
Proton pump inhibitors Parietal cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, fundic gland cysts and polyps
Iron Reactive gastropathy and erosions with Fe 2+ deposits
Doxycycline Reactive gastropathy and erosions; characteristic eosinophilic necrosis of the wall of superficial capillaries with luminal microthrombi and neutrophils
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate sorbitol (Kayexalate) Crystal deposition (i.e., rhomboid or triangular, nonpolarizable, basophilic crystals adherent to the surface epithelium or within sloughed inflammatory exudates)
Cholestyramine Crystal deposition (similar to Kayexalate crystals)
Colchicine or taxane-based chemotherapy Abundant metaphase mitoses (especially ring mitoses), epithelial pseudostratification, loss of polarity, increased apoptosis in pit epithelium
Chemotherapy Mucosal sloughing, enlarged gland cells with normal N:C ratio, gland loss
Immune checkpoint inhibitors Chronic active gastritis with increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis and prominent apoptosis or focally enhanced gastritis
HAIC or SIR-Spheres therapy Ulceration with nuclear atypia; numerous enlarged, bizarrely shaped nuclei with vesicular chromatin and large, irregular nucleoli
Bisphosphonates (e.g., alendronate) Ulcerations (rare in the stomach, most common in the esophagus)
Corticosteroids Possibly increased acid secretion, synergistic ulcerogenic effect with aspirin and NSAIDs
Fe 2+ , Ferrous iron ion; HAIC , hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy; N:C ratio, nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio; NSAIDs , nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; SIR-Spheres , selective internal radiation microspheres.

FIGURE 15.27, Stomal gastropathy (after Billroth II chronic gastritis) showing sparse chronic inflammation and marked foveolar hyperplasia, mucin depletion, vascular congestion, edema, and smooth muscle hyperplasia.

Pathological Features

In patients with duodenogastric bile reflux, the gastric mucosa may exhibit congestion, edema, and surface erosion. In postgastrectomy patients with bile reflux, gross examination of the anastomotic site may also reveal polypoid lesions. , Nonspecific superficial erosions may occur in the more proximal areas of the gastric stump.

Microscopically, reactive gastritis is characterized by a variable degree of foveolar hyperplasia distinguished by tortuosity of the surface epithelium, regenerative changes including mucin depletion, thinning and loss of the columnar shape of the foveolar epithelium (i.e., cuboidalization), increased mitoses, nuclear hyperchromasia, occasional superficial erosions (see Fig. 15.7 ), and congestion, edema, and smooth muscle proliferation in the lamina propria. , Although a diagnosis of chemical gastritis can be suspected when these features are detected, a firm diagnosis necessitates correlation with supportive clinical data (e.g., medication history) and exclusion of H. pylori infection. The algorithm in Fig. 15.28 provides a common-sense approach to the evaluation of reactive gastritis. Usually, the features of reactive gastritis (see Fig. 15.27 ) are limited to the antrum. The corpus of previously nonoperated stomachs only rarely show findings of reactive gastritis. However, corpus mucosal biopsies are usually the only ones available for study from patients who have had Billroth II surgery.

FIGURE 15.28, Diagnostic algorithm for reactive (chemical) gastropathy.

Between 10% and 30% of patients who undergo a partial gastrectomy will develop mucosal lesions adjacent to the anastomosis or stoma site. These cystic lesions are formed from dilated, irregular, and cystic foveolae that frequently show regenerative changes ( Fig. 15.29 ). When the lesion forms a polyp, it is referred to as gastritis cystica polyposa; when the lesion is predominantly inverted, forming a prominent submucosal lesion or mass, the term gastritis cystica profunda is used (see Chapter 20 for details).

FIGURE 15.29, Gastritis cystica polyposa in a patient with chronic atrophic gastritis. Notice the lobular configuration of the submucosal epithelium and the rim of normal lamina propria.

Differential Diagnosis

Differentiating drug-induced reactive gastropathies from other causes is difficult and may be impossible without knowledge of the patient’s medication history. One feature that should always raise the possibility of drug-induced mucosal injury is the presence of ischemic-like erosions including the presence of withering pits and hyalinized lamina propria. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation (particularly when it is moderate or severe), either with or without neutrophils, tends to obscure the features of chemical gastritis. Furthermore, H. pylori infection may induce some of the features traditionally considered characteristic of chemical gastritis as well (see Fig. 15.9 ). Although a combination of reactive gastritis with a chronic lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate is not necessarily indicative of multiple etiologies, a combination of their deleterious effects is not uncommon because agents that cause mucosal injury (e.g., NSAID use or H. pylori infection) affect a large population of patients. In a large Central European study, more than 5% of patients diagnosed with gastritis showed a combination of different histological patterns of injury.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, changes identical to those of chemical gastritis may occur in the mucosa adjacent to ulcers, mass lesions, and a variety of other disorders, such as portal hypertensive gastropathy and GAVE.

Natural History and Treatment

Identification and discontinuation of the offensive noxious agent(s) usually leads to mucosal healing without further treatment. Focal intestinal metaplasia may develop in reactive gastritis if ingestion is chronic, but this does not normally progress into antrum-restricted atrophic gastritis or to corpus atrophy; therefore it does not increase gastric cancer risk. Conversely, because the gastric stump is considered to be at increased risk for dysplasia and carcinoma, , regular endoscopic surveillance starting a maximum of 10 years after surgery is recommended in patients with a history of partial (Billroth II) gastrectomy. Increasing evidence suggests that bile reflux may also play a role in mucosal injury of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ). In fact, one recent study showed an association between antral reactive gastritis and intestinal metaplasia at the GEJ.

Drug-Induced Gastritis and Other Iatrogenic Mucosal Changes

The list of medications known to cause injury to gastric mucosa is ever-increasing. Some of these medications (e.g., NSAIDs) are available over the counter in many countries. In addition to NSAIDs, other agents, such as iron, potassium, gold, and corticosteroids may cause gastric mucosal damage, with some associated with more distinctive histological findings. The most commonly used drugs and drug categories that can damage gastric mucosa when consumed at therapeutic doses are listed in Table 15.6 . Although the most common pattern is reactive gastritis (see Fig. 15.27 ), some drugs induce other patterns of injury as well. For example, immune checkpoint inhibitors most frequently cause active chronic gastritis, or rarely, focally enhanced gastritis. A graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)–like pattern of injury, with increased apoptosis, may be observed in patients treated with mycophenolate, immune checkpoint inhibitors, colchicine, or taxane-based chemotherapy ( Fig. 15.30 )

FIGURE 15.30, Immune checkpoint inhibitor gastritis.

Confirmation of the etiology of a suspected iatrogenic gastritis may be impossible without knowledge of the patient’s medication history. However, some histological feature such as ischemic-like erosions, brisk apoptotic activity, and ring mitoses should prompt a review of the patient’s prescribed drugs. In a minority of cases, the specific drug (e.g., Kayexalate resin) itself may be microscopically identified based on its characteristic morphology ( Fig. 15.31 ).

FIGURE 15.31, A and B, Rhomboid, purple, platelike crystals are characteristic of the side effects of Kayexalate given for the treatment of hyperkalemia in uremic patients.

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