Indications for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: Renal Replacement Versus Renal Support


This chapter will:

  • 1.

    Explain and describe the main clinical indications for starting continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

  • 2.

    Consider renal and nonrenal indications of CRRT.

  • 3.

    Provide theoretical support for the early application of CRRT to control fluid overload, remove solutes, and improve patient survival.

  • 4.

    Illustrate some nonrenal indications for the use of CRRT and to review recent literature about the new CRRT applications in treatment of patients with such conditions as sepsis, acute brain injury, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is a key component of management of critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). In current practice, the decision to dialyze is based most often on clinical features of volume overload and biochemical features of solute imbalance. Nevertheless, in the context of AKI, appropriate timing has not been defined, and what constitutes “early” versus “late” initiation has not been established. The timing of RRT initiation is a potentially modifiable factor that may affect patient survival.

The question of when to select CRRT over other types of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in critically ill patients with AKI is still a matter of passionate debate among nephrologists. In current clinical practice, modality selection is driven by the availability of treatment, local expertise, and patient characteristics (mainly hemodynamic status and fluid overload).

Although there is usually no hesitation in offering RRT in the presence of life-threatening situations, there is also a tendency to avoid RRT as long as possible. This thought process reflects the decisions made for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), in whom the initiation of RRT is associated with dialysis dependency. In AKI, classic or renal indications for RRT include severe acidemia, fluid overload with oliguria that does not respond to the use of diuretics, hyperkalemia, and signs of uremia, which in turn also could be related to the concept of “late” dialysis. The approach of waiting for AKI complications may delay dialysis initiation. Nonrenal indications focus on removing various dialyzable substances from the blood, such as cytokines in a patient with sepsis. Some of these “nonrenal” indications could be related to the concept of “early” dialysis.

We favor a strategy to avoid uremic, acid-base, electrolytes, and volume overload complications, considering RRT as renal support instead of renal replacement, and aiming to maintain normal acid-base, electrolyte, and fluid status.

In this chapter we discuss the traditional or classic indications for RRT, the concept of renal support, and if it potentially could modify outcomes.

Traditional Indications for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: Renal Indications

In current practice, the decision to initiate RRT is based most often on clinical features of volume overload and biochemical features of solute imbalance (e.g., azotemia, hyperkalemia). However, the best approach to evaluate timing for RRT initiation would be based on clinical criteria, including presence and degree of other organs' dysfunction, rather than biochemical evidence of uremia. Early intervention would allow for better control of fluids and solutes and promote return of renal function.

The benefits of supporting other organs depend on the balance between the current load associated with the clinical conditions and the ability of the kidneys to manage fluid and the metabolic load, which means that kidneys have a finite capacity. Consequently, the initiation of RRT should be prompted by the ability of the kidneys to meet the demands being placed on them. Although there are no randomized controlled trials for dialysis initiation for life-threatening indications, in current clinical practice there are accepted indications for starting RRT in AKI patients. These include refractory fluid overload; hyperkalemia (plasma potassium concentration >6.5 mEq/L) or rapidly rising potassium levels; signs of uremia such as pericarditis, neuropathy, or an otherwise unexplained decline in mental status; and severe metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.1). In the absence of these life-threatening indications, clinicians tend to delay initiation of RRT when they suspect patients will recover on their own, and because of the concerns associated with the RRT procedure such as hypotension, arrhythmias, and complications with the vascular access and the use of anticoagulation. Another concern with “early” RRT initiation is that it could delay renal recovery because of some factors mentioned earlier, such as hemodynamic instability, and vascular catheter-related bacteremia and sepsis. Table 163.1 describes the indications for CRRT from the absolute versus relative indications perspective.

TABLE 163.1
Absolute and Relative Renal Indications for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Metabolic disorders
  • BUN > 100 mg/dL

  • Hyperkalemia > 6 mEq/L with ECG abnormalities

  • Hypermagnesemia >8 mEq/L with anuria and absent deep tendon reflexes

  • BUN > 76 mg/dL

  • Hyperkalemia> 6 mEq/L

  • Hypermagnesemia > 8 mEq/L

  • Dysnatremia

  • pH < 7.15

  • Lactic acidosis related to metformin use

pH > 7.15
Oliguria/anuria AKIN class 1, 2, or 3
Fluid overload Diuretic resistant Diuretic sensitive
AKIN, Acute Kidney Injury Network; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; ECG, electrocardiogram.

Fluid Overload

Fluid overload may occur as a complication of acute kidney injury or as a complication of other critically clinical syndromes such as congestive heart failure, iatrogenic fluid overload in shock, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. There is increasing evidence that fluid overload in critically ill patients with AKI is associated with adverse outcomes as shown in Table 163.2 . With most of the data coming from observational studies, the question if a positive fluid balance has a direct causative effect on patient outcome or if it is a marker of clinical severity remains to be answered. Nevertheless, one randomized controlled trial in patients with acute distress respiratory syndrome provided evidence of a causal relationship.

TABLE 163.2
Studies That Showed an Association of Positive Fluid Balance and Adverse Outcomes in Adult Population
Payen et al. (2008) 3147 Secondary analysis of a multicenter observational cohort study (SOAP study), all patients were adult Mean positive fluid balance was an independent risk factor for 60-day mortality
Bouchard et al. (2009) 618 Secondary analysis of a prospective multicenter observational study (PICARD study) A >10% positive fluid balance was associated with significantly higher mortality within 60 days of enrollment. The adjusted odds ratio for death associated with fluid overload at dialysis initiation was 2.07
Fulop et al. (2010) 81 Retrospective single-center observational study Volume-related weight gain of ≥10% and oliguria were associated with significantly increased odds ratio for mortality
Grams et al. (2011) 1000 Retrospective analysis of a randomized controlled trial (FACTT study) Post AKI positive fluid balance was associated significantly with mortality in crude and adjusted analysis
Vaara et al. (2012) 283 Prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study in 17 Finnish intensive care units Fluid overload was associated with an increased risk for 90-day mortality (odds ratio 2.6)
Bellomo et al (2012) 1453 Retrospective analysis of a prospective randomized controlled trial A negative mean daily fluid balance during study treatment was independently associated with a decreased risk of death, with increased survival time, with significantly increased renal replacement-free days, and with intensive care unit–free days
Heung et al. (2012) 170 Retrospective single-center observational study A higher degree of fluid overload at RRT initiation predicts worse renal recovery at 1 year
Dass et al. (2012) 94 Retrospective analysis of a single-center randomized controlled study (Nesiritide study) Positive fluid balance in the immediate postoperative period was associated with risk of AKI in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery
Kambhampati et al. (2012) 100 Prospective observational single-center study Progressive positive fluid balance was associated with higher risk of AKI
Teixeira et al. (2013) 601 Secondary analysis of a multicenter observational study Higher fluid balance and a lower urine volume were associated with 28-day mortality of AKI patients

In terms of type of RRT to be used in patients with fluid overload, CRRT offers some advantages over intermittent hemodialysis (IHD). Bouchard et al. showed that patients on CRRT were more likely to progress with a lower percentage of fluid accumulation compared with patients treated with IHD. In that observational study, mean fluid accumulation in patients treated with CRRT on the tenth day of treatment was lower than 10%, as compared with patients treated with IHD, in whom mean fluid accumulation on the tenth day was higher than 15% (with an increment from baseline mean fluid accumulation). The study also showed that the adjusted odds ratio for death associated with fluid overload at RRT cessation was 2.52 (95% CI 1.55–4.08). Another study that compared IHD with CRRT found similar results: median cumulative total fluid balances during the first 3 days of therapy were −4005 mL for patients treated with CRRT and +1539 mL for patients treated with IHD, and this negative did not correlate with a decrease in urine output. Furthermore, for IHD patients during the treatment there was a significant decrease in the mean arterial blood pressure from baseline, whereas for CRRT patients the mean arterial blood pressure remained unchanged from baseline.

CRRT allows continuous and slow fluid removal to at least match fluid inputs; on the other hand IHD fluid removal goals must be met in 3 to 4 hours of therapy that leads to transient intravascular underfilling, intradialytic hypotension, and recurrent injury to kidneys, which increases the risk of nonrecovery of renal function. Likewise, a systematic review of 16 studies has found a higher rate of dialysis dependence among survivors who initially received IHD as compared with CRRT (RR 1.99, 95% CI 1.53–2.59).

Fluid removal is an important goal and often is the major goal of RRT for AKI. Although the interpretation of the studies assessing the relationship between fluid overload and mortality is difficult, because sicker patients may receive more fluids, and more severe AKI is often oliguric, CRRT should be considered for patients not achieving adequate fluid balance in IHD techniques.

To optimize fluid overload managing patients' goals for fluid management must be defined initially and adjusted according to the patient's clinical condition as recommended by a recent Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus. A proposed approach to achieve the target fluid balance using CRRT (replacement fluid technique) is to set a fix net ultrafiltration rate and use a variable replacement fluid rate. With this method, fluid balance is achieved by adjusting the amount of replacement fluids, the output is fixed to achieve a solute clearance goal, and replacement fluid rates are changed to allow flexibility in reaching net fluid balance goals. This method allows for constant solute clearance and dissociates clearance parameters from fluid balance. However, one of the disadvantages of this method is that it requires hourly calculations of the amount of replacement fluid to be given with risk for fluid imbalance if rate is not calculated correctly.

Cardiovascular Instability

When applied to hemodynamically unstable patients, CRRT generally is viewed as superior to IHD techniques based on several studies comparing changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and other hemodynamic parameters. However, CRRT-associated hypotension remains a frequent problem in intensive care unit (ICU) settings. Several physiologic mechanisms have been described. In the early phase of CRRT (within 12 minutes after connection to the extracorporeal circuit), bradykinin release has been shown to be associated with the induction of temporary hypotension. Another determinant of hemodynamic stability during CRRT is the ultrafiltration (UF) rate. Although the UF rate in CRRT is 5 to 6 times slower when compared with IHD, it may nonetheless lead to hypotension if the UF rate exceeds the rate of interstitial fluid movement into the plasma and depletes the intravascular compartment volume. Similarly, rapid removal of urea with high UF rates may decrease plasma osmotic pressure, further decreasing the rate of interstitial fluid movement into the plasma. In the neonate there is an increased risk of hemodynamic instability if more than 10% of the neonate's blood volume is in the extracorporeal circuit. As a result, most neonates weighing less than 8 to 10 kg require blood priming to mitigate this hypotension.

Solute Removal: Uremic Symptoms and Signs

In critically ill patients, uremic syndrome is characterized by multiple-organ deterioration. The most serious consequences are observed in the cardiovascular, neurologic, hematologic, and immunologic systems. Critically ill patients with AKI have an increased protein catabolic rate with negative nitrogen balance and variable urea water distribution. An early and aggressive approach to hyperazotemia is an important therapeutic goal, because the reduction of the level of plasma urea could reduce the rate of complications of acute kidney injury and improves survival because higher blood urea nitrogen also was associated with mortality in logistic regression models. For example, early initiation of CRRT based on blood urea nitrogen levels (<60 mg/dL) in patients with posttraumatic acute kidney injury had a better survival rate as compared with patients with a late CRRT initiation (blood urea nitrogen > 60 mg/dL).

After the initial prescription of CRRT, it is important that providers frequently reassess the response to prescribed CRRT dose using quality measures focused on CRRT dose, such as delivered clearance; ratio of delivered to prescribed dose; effective treatment time; and other measures of solute control. CRRT prescription may require additional modifications, which is why it is important that solute control should be adapted to the changing clinical needs of critically ill patients.

Metabolic Acidosis

In AKI, metabolic acidosis is the most common acid-base abnormality and is due to reduced regeneration of bicarbonate and failure to excrete ammonium ions. Acidosis is related to increased mortality resulting from myocardial electrical and contractility alterations. Severe refractory metabolic acidosis, usually defined as a pH value less than 7.10 or 7.15, is considered a standard indication for RRT. Under most circumstances, RRT can correct abnormal blood pH within 24 to 48 hours. Specific physiologic end points of acid-base intervention with RRT in the critically ill population have not been defined. A complete correction of blood pH is not necessary nor a rapid correction in most if not all critically ill patients.

Four different buffers have been used to correct acidemia in RRT (i.e., bicarbonate, lactate, citrate, and acetate). The most widely used buffer solution is bicarbonate. In IHD, bicarbonate concentrations usually vary between 31 and 39 mEq/L and in commercial solutions used for CRRT, between 25 and 35 mEq/L. Despite a lower concentration, bicarbonate levels more often are normalized with continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) than with IHD (71.5% vs. 59.2%, p = .007). When using CRRT for treating acidosis, clinicians must consider that different modalities also may cause different acid-base disturbances. In a retrospective study, continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) was associated with a lower incidence of metabolic acidosis than CVVHDF (13.8% vs. 34.5%; p < .0001) and a higher incidence of metabolic alkalosis (38.9% vs. 1.1%; p < .0001).

CRRT can be effective to manage patients with lactic acidosis. In one of the largest series, six patients with metformin-associated lactic acidosis were treated with either CVVH (n = 3) or CVVHDF (n = 3). Metabolic acidosis, as well as metformin plasma concentrations, were reduced dramatically in the first 24 hours and/or normalized on the second day in every case with no rebound in acidosis.

When the acidosis is severe or not controlled during dialysis, the highest concentration of bicarbonate levels should be used, and the therapy can be optimized to accommodate the patient's needs. Initiation of CRRT leads to increased bicarbonate and is the preferred modality in this setting, if tolerated, because it provides a greater rapid clearance, whereas CRRT offers more continuous and sustained correction of metabolic acidosis.

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