Hydrocephalus and Other Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders



The ventricles arise from the lumen of the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. At approximately the sixth week of gestation, the lateral ventricles arise as extensions from the anterior-superior aspect of the third ventricle and communicate through the foramen of Monro. The lumen of the hindbrain expands to become the fourth ventricle. The cerebral aqueduct persists in the midbrain and allows communication between the third and fourth ventricles.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Physiology

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the choroid plexuses as well as the vascular ependymal cells and pia mater ( Fig. 11.1 ). The CSF circulates from the lateral ventricles → foramen of Monro → third ventricle → cerebral aqueduct → foramina of Magendie and Luschka → subarachnoid spaces along the brain and spinal cord. CSF drains through the arachnoid villi and at the spinal nerve sheaths.

Fig. 11.1, Flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid . (A) Fluid produced by filtration of blood by the choroid plexus of each ventricle flows inferiorly through the lateral ventricles, interventricular foramen, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle, and subarachnoid space and to blood. (B) Inset showing arachnoid villus, where CSF is reabsorbed into the blood of the superior sagittal sinus. (C) Simplified diagram showing flow of CSF. (From Patton KT. Anatomy and Physiology . 10th ed. Elsevier; 2019.)

Fig. 11.3, Hydrocephalus Imaging Findings . (A) Sagittal T2W image in a patient with inferior aqueductal stenosis demonstrates inferior bowing of the third ventricle ( arrow ) with dilatation of the recesses of the third ventricle and stretching of the corpus callosum. (B) Axial T2W image in a patient with meningitis demonstrates disproportionate enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles relative to the sulci and parenchymal edema. (C) Sagittal T1W image demonstrating hydrocephalus findings of inferior bowing of the third ventricle with dilatation of the recesses of the third ventricle, stretching of the corpus callosum, enlarged fourth ventricle, and an adhesion at the foramen of Magendie obstructing CSF outflow.

Fig. 11.4, Fetal Ventriculomegaly . Among the many causes for fetal ventriculomegaly include (A) myelomeningocele and Chiari II, (B) callosal agenesis with interhemispheric cyst, (C) Dandy-Walker malformation, (D) aqueductal stenosis, (E) intraventricular hemorrhage, and (F) isolated bilateral ventriculomegaly (when no additional abnormalities are present).

Fig. 11.5, Hydrocephalus Secondary to Hemorrhage . A 26-week premature infant with germinal matrix and intraventricular hemorrhage. (A to C) Axial T2W images demonstrate hypointense areas of hemorrhage within the ventricles, left caudothalamic groove, and periventricular white matter and mild enlargement of the ventricles. (D to F) Axial T2W images on 2-month follow-up MRI demonstrate hydrocephalus of all the ventricles, compressed subarachnoid spaces, intraventricular adhesions, and ventricular diverticulations from the lateral ventricles.

Fig. 11.6, Hydrocephalus Secondary to Tumor Obstruction . (A to C) Axial and sagittal T2W images in a 3-year-old with medulloblastoma with tumor compressing the fourth ventricle and obstructing CSF outflow resulting in acute obstructive hydrocephalus of the lateral ventricles and third ventricle with periventricular edema.

Fig. 11.7, Hydrocephalus Secondary to Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis . A 3-year-old with medulloblastoma found to have abnormal leptomeningeal enhancement on axial T1W+C (A) and 7 days later developed enlarged ventricles with interstitial edema seen on (B) axial head CT.

Fig. 11.8, Hydrocephalus Secondary to Meningitis . A 1-month-old with E. coli meningitis. (A) Axial DWI and (B) axial T1W+C images demonstrate intraventricular purulent material, ependymal enhancement, intraventricular adhesion in the posterior left lateral ventricle, and hydrocephalus of the lateral ventricles.

Fig. 11.9, X-linked Hydrocephalus/CRASH Syndrome/L1 Syndrome. A newborn with macrocephaly, spasticity, and adducted thumbs . (A to C) Sagittal, axial, and coronal T2W images demonstrate enlarged lateral ventricles, compressed subarachnoid spaces, fused thalami, dysmorphic midbrain, and aqueductal stenosis. This is a rare syndrome affecting 1 in 30,000 males caused by genetic mutations of the L1CAM gene and presents with prenatal hydrocephalus, aqueductal stenosis, corpus callosum hypoplasia/agenesis, adducted thumbs, spasticity, and mild to moderate intellectual disability. Additional findings can include fused thalami, abnormal brainstem, and small corticospinal tracts.

Fig. 11.10, Third Ventriculostomy Findings . (A) Sagittal T1W image demonstrates occlusion of the cerebral aqueduct due to a tectal glioma and associated obstructive hydrocephalus. (B) Sagittal T2W image demonstrates a flow jet across the third ventriculostomy, indicating patency. (C and D) Sagittal phase contrast CSF flow images demonstrate flow across the third ventriculostomy site with white signal representing cranial to caudal direction flow and black signal indicating caudal to cranial flow.

Fig. 11.11, Ultrafast MRI for Shunt Evaluation . (A and B) Ultrafast axial and coronal T2 HASTE images of the brain demonstrate the decompressed ventricles and (C) echo-planar T2* image demonstrates the catheter position. Ultrafast MRI can reduce the use of CT for evaluating ventricle size and are faster than standard MRI sequences, which can reduce need for sedation.

Fig. 11.12, Shunt Malfunction . (A) Coronal head ultrasound image of a newborn with Chiari II malformation and hydrocephalus. (B) Follow-up head ultrasound following shunt placement (arrow) shows smaller ventricles. (C) Follow-up head ultrasound at 1 month of age shows interval enlargement of the ventricles, indicating a shunt malfunction.

Fig. 11.13, Shunt Malfunction . (A) Baseline axial head CT image at 4 years of age shows a right posterior approach shunt catheter and normal ventricular size. (B) At age 10 the patient presented with headache and vomiting for 3 days. Head CT image shows interval enlargement of the ventricles and mild transependymal edema, indicating a shunt malfunction.

Fig. 11.14, Shunt Malfunction . An 18-year-old with past history of prematurity, germinal matrix and intraventricular hemorrhage, and shunted hydrocephalus. (A) Coronal head CT demonstrates enlarged ventricles and disconnected shunt tubing, which is also confirmed on (B) lateral shunt radiograph (arrow) . (C) The disconnection is also seen on the localizer image of the CT, which is a reminder to view the localizer images for additional findings not covered in the CT dataset.

Fig. 11.15, Shunt Malfunction . (A) Coronal head CT, (B) 3D CT volume reconstruction, and (C) lateral shunt radiograph demonstrating shunt tubing fracture and separation (arrow) .

Fig. 11.16, Shunt Complication . (A) Axial T2W image at time of initial shunt placement. Air in the frontal horn of the left lateral ventricle is related to the shunt placement. (B) Follow-up MRI axial T1W image demonstrates an interval decrease in ventricular size, nearly slit-like, and development of a T1W hyperintense left lateral subdural hematoma caused by over shunting of CSF.

Fig. 11.17, Shunt Revision Complication . (A) Axial CT head prior to shunt revision. (B) Axial CT head with revision of the shunt and new intraventricular hemorrhage.

Fig. 11.18, Shunt Infection . (A) Axial T2W, (B) axial DWI, and (C) axial T1W+C images demonstrate disproportionate ventricular enlargement, ependymal enhancement, intraventricular septations, diffusion restricting purulent material in the atria of the ventricles, and periventricular edema.

Fig. 11.19, Trapped Fourth Ventricle . An 18-year-old with prematurity and shunted hydrocephalus. Sagittal T1W image demonstrates a distended fourth ventricle following decompression of the lateral ventricles. The fourth ventricle compresses the brainstem and cerebellum.

Fig. 11.20, Cortical Mantle Infolding Following Shunt Placement . Axial T2W image demonstrates cortical infolding in the right cerebral hemisphere.

Fig. 11.21, Slit-Like Ventricle Syndrome . Axial CT head demonstrates a slit-like right lateral ventricle and an enlarged left lateral ventricle.

Fig. 11.22, Skull Thickening and Abnormal Calvarial Shape . (A and B) Axial CT and 3D reformat CT demonstrate calvarial thickening, microcephaly, and flattening of the frontal bones due to chronic shunting in a 12-year-old patient with prematurity-related hydrocephalus. (C) Axial head CT in a 13-year-old with shunted hydrocephalus demonstrates scaphocephaly due to chronic shunting.

Fig. 11.23, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension . (A) Axial 3D T2W image with bulging of the optic discs indicative of papilledema. (B) Axial T2W image demonstrating optic nerve sheath dilatation. (C) Axial T2W image demonstrating posterior globe flattening. (D) Axial 3D T2W image demonstrating optic nerve tortuosity. (E) Sagittal T1W image with partially empty sella indicative of elevated intracranial pressure. (F) CT venogram volume rendered image demonstrating focal stenosis of the transverse sinus. (G) Axial T2W image demonstrating slit-like ventricles. (H) Sagittal T1W image demonstrating low cerebellar tonsils.

Fig. 11.24, Intracranial Hypotension. A 10-year-old with orthostatic headache. (A) Sagittal T1W image with low position of cerebellar tonsils, and enlarged pituitary gland. (B) Coronal T1W+C image and (C) Sagittal T1W+C with smooth dural thickening and enhancement along the cerebral hemispheres as well as distended transverse sinus indicated by the convex inferior margin of the transverse sinus (C). (D and G) Axial and sagittal 3D T2W image demonstrates a large epidural fluid collection in the thoracic spine (arrow) displacing the dural lining. (E, F, and H) Axial and sagittal CT myelogram images demonstrate epidural contrast indicative of active CSF leak. A focal area surrounded by contrast (small arrow) was found at surgery to be a pseudomeningocele and a source of the CSF leak. The patient was ultimately found to have Ehlers-Danlos.

Fig. 11.25, Benign Enlargement of Subarachnoid Spaces . (A and B) Axial head CT images with enlarged extraaxial spaces. (C and E) Axial and coronal T2W, (D and F) axial and coronal FLAIR, and (G) sagittal T1W images with enlarged subarachnoid spaces as indicated by the cortical vessels closely opposed to the inner table of the calvarium. FLAIR images are useful in this setting for increasing sensitivity for detection of a subdural fluid collection.

Fig. 11.26, Pitfall in Diagnosis of Benign Enlargement of Subarachnoidal Spaces in Infancy (BESSI): Subdural Fluid Collections . (A) Axial head CT with enlargement of the extraaxial spaces along the frontal lobes, which are proven to be bilateral subdural fluid collections using MRI with (B) axial T2W, and (C) axial FLAIR images that demonstrate the cortical vessels displaced inward, visible dural lining of the subdural collection, and the subdural fluid has higher signal intensity than normal CSF on FLAIR image. These finding should raise concern for potential abusive head trauma.

The CSF volume in the CNS is approximately 50 mL in neonates, 60 to 100 mL in children, and 130 to 150 mL in adults. CSF is produced at a rate of 0.35 mL/min, and in children the daily turnover is 10 to 15 mL/kg compared to 500 mL in adults. CSF pressure is affected by age, positioning, elasticity of the brain, skull, and meninges, and arterial and venous pressure. CSF pressure is approximately 3 to 7 mm/Hg in neonates, 6 to 15 mm Hg in infants, and 10 to 20 mm/kg in adults.

There is a monoexponential relationship between the change in CSF volume and intracranial pressure ( Fig. 11.2 ). The same added volume of fluid at a lower total CSF volume causes a smaller change in intracranial pressure versus a larger change in intracranial pressure when the total CSF volume is high. Disorders affecting CSF physiology discussed in this chapter will include hydrocephalus, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, intracranial hypotension, and benign enlargement of subarachnoid spaces.

Fig. 11.2, Relationship of Intracranial Pressure and Volume .


  • 1. Tortori-Donati P.: Pediatric Neuroradiology.2005.Springer
  • 2. Barkovich A.J., Raybaud C.: Pediatric Neuroradiology.2019.Wolters-KluwerPhiladelphia


Key Points


  • Hydrocephalus refers to increased CSF volume in the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces.

  • Current understanding of the pathogenesis of hydrocephalus is explained by the bulk flow model and the hemodynamic model. The bulk flow model is the classic explanation, in which hydrocephalus is caused by CSF overproduction, obstruction of CSF flow, or abnormal CSF resorption at the arachnoid granulations. The hemodynamic model proposed by Greitz et al suggests that pathologic processes reduce the normal arterial pulsations → greater pressure transmitted to the brain → larger transmantle cerebral pressure → ventricular dilatation.

  • Most common etiologies of hydrocephalus include intraventricular hemorrhage, infection, myelomeningocele, aqueductal stenosis, tumor, and others. Rare causes of hydrocephalus can include CSF overproduction from a choroid plexus papilloma and hydrocephalus from a spinal tumor possibly through increased CSF protein causing high CSF viscosity, tumoral obstruction of the foramen magnum, or subarachnoid spaces in the thecal sac.

  • Categorization: Hydrocephalus is divided into noncommunicating (obstructive) and communicating hydrocephalus.

    • Obstructive hydrocephalus occurs when there is obstruction of the CSF pathways. The CSF pathways proximal to the obstruction become distended and the elevated intracranial pressure leads to periventricular interstitial edema. Etiology can be due to tumors, cysts, adhesions from infection or hemorrhage, and malformations.

    • Communicating hydrocephalus occurs when there is no visible obstruction of the CSF pathways and is presumed to be caused by a failure of CSF absorption typically at the arachnoid granulations. Etiologies include meningitis, hemorrhage, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, and venous hypertension. Communicating hydrocephalus demonstrates enlargement of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, although the fourth ventricle may only be mildly enlarged.

  • Enlarged ventricles in a fetus may not be associated with macrocephaly and instead are termed ventriculomegaly. Causes of fetal ventriculomegaly include malformations (most commonly myelomeningoceles, aqueductal stenosis, callosal anomalies), hemorrhage, and isolated ventriculomegaly when no etiology is found. Ventriculomegaly in a fetus is defined as measuring >10 mm at the level of the atrium of the lateral ventricles. Between a 10- and 12-mm diameter is defined as mild ventriculomegaly, and the outcome is normal in 93%. Between 12 and 15 mm is defined as moderate ventriculomegaly and has a 21% to 25% probability of resulting in developmental delay. More than 15 mm is defined as severe ventriculomegaly and has a 40% probability of developmental delay.

  • For infants younger than age 2, hydrocephalus is associated with macrocephaly, abnormal rate of increase in head circumference, and abnormal eye movement. Children older than age 2 present with morning headache, vomiting, and papilledema.

  • Hydrocephalus can ultimately lead to histopathologic changes of choroid plexus degeneration and sclerosis, ependymal cell loss and microlacerations, subependymal fibrosis, white matter gliosis, and axonal degeneration. With shunting, axons can regenerate and lead to improved white matter volume after shunting.


  • Prior to the 1950s, before shunting was performed, the prognosis of hydrocephalus was poor: 49% of patients died by the end of a 20-year observation period, and only 38% of survivors had an IQ greater than 85.

  • Treatment includes addressing the cause of ventricular obstruction and potential placement of a temporary or permanent ventricular catheter(s), depending on the long-term requirement for CSF shunting. Shunts result in reduced morbidity and mortality.

  • Long-term shunting typically drains CSF distally into the peritoneal cavity or less commonly the right atrium of the heart or pleura.

  • Third ventriculostomy is an alternate treatment of hydrocephalus when there is obstruction at the cerebral aqueduct but is less effective in children younger than 2 years of age due to immature arachnoid granulations.

  • There is no consensus regarding the management of obstructive hydrocephalus in children with posterior fossa tumors before, during, or after surgery. Approximately 30% of children with posterior fossa tumors will require shunting. Children with symptom duration less than 3 months, larger Evan's index (>0.33), and larger frontal occipital horn ratio (>0.46) were found to correlate with need for postoperative shunting. Children with midline tumors, medulloblastomas, and ependymomas were more likely to require shunting.


  • Imaging of hydrocephalus can be performed with ultrasound, CT, and MRI.

  • Imaging findings indicative of hydrocephalus include disproportionate enlargement of the ventricles relative to the sulci, inferior bowing of the third ventricle, enlarged anterior or posterior recess of the third ventricle, and periventricular interstitial edema/transependymal edema.

  • Imaging is also helpful in conjunction with the clinical history for determining the cause of hydrocephalus through identification of additional findings such as evidence of hemorrhage, malformation, tumor, or infection.

  • Ultrasound of the head is the modality of choice for following ventricular size in neonates as it is fast, widely available, does not require sedation, and does not have ionizing radiation. Ultrasound can also measure the resistive index, which has shown value in hydrocephalus:

    • The resistive index (RI) = (peak systolic velocity – end diastolic velocity)/peak systolic velocity and is increased with increased intracranial pressure (>0.8 in neonates and >0.65 in infants). The change in RI between compression and noncompression at the anterior fontanelle (ΔRI = 100 × (compression RI – baseline RI) / baseline RI) showed the best correlation with elevated intracranial pressure (r = 0.8), and infants with a ΔRI > 45% required ventricular drainage.

  • MRI is often performed for better assessment of the etiology of the hydrocephalus, including infections, malformations, and tumors. Specific MRI additions to help diagnosis include the following:

    • Thin section (1 mm) 3D T2W is useful for assessing stenosis or web at the cerebral aqueduct and patency of a third ventriculostomy.

    • Phase contrast CSF flow imaging is useful for demonstration of flow across the cerebral aqueduct and third ventriculostomy.

    • Ultrafast MRI using T2W and T2* sequences can allow for imaging of the ventricles and shunt catheter in approximately 30 seconds per sequence. This allows for reduction in CT imaging and may reduce the need for sedation.

    • New areas of MRI research into hydrocephalus include measuring cerebral blood flow with arterial spin label perfusion (ASL), assessment of white matter with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and measurement of the venous sinus diameter. Hydrocephalus decreases the cerebral blood flow, and ASL has shown that CBF increases after alleviation of obstructive hydrocephalus. DTI has shown axonal degeneration with hydrocephalus and changes in fractional anisotropy and perpendicular and parallel diffusion within white matter lateral to the ventricles.

  • CT of the head has been a mainstay for imaging hydrocephalus because it is fast, widely available, and generally free from artifacts. Because of the ionizing radiation involved, reducing radiation dose for head CTs evaluating shunts is recommended.

  • Several measurements for hydrocephalus that can be performed, although most assessments for hydrocephalus can be done qualitatively. The frontal occipital horn ratio (FOHR) is one measurement that can be used to assess ventricular enlargement. FOHR = (frontal horn distance + atrium distance)/(2 × biparietal distance). The normal FOHR value is 0.37 and is independent of age.

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