Hair Disorders in Systemic Disease

Key Points

  • Hair loss in the setting of systemic disease may occur through one of five mechanisms: telogen effluvium, anagen arrest, hair miniaturization, scarring alopecia, and hair shaft disorders.

  • The most common cause of hair loss is telogen effluvium, which can be divided into five subtypes depending on which portion of the hair cycle is pathologically lengthened or shortened.

  • Anagen arrest occurs when there is a sudden halt in mitotic activity of the hair matrix cells.

  • Hair miniaturization is caused by a complex interplay of genetic and hormonal influences.

  • Scarring alopecia results in permanent injury to hair follicles and may be primary or secondary in origin.

  • Trichorrhexis nodosa is the most common hair shaft abnormality.

  • Systemic disease may cause excess hair in the form of hirsutism or hypertrichosis.

Hair disorders are commonly associated with systemic disease although they may be overlooked by clinicians and dismissed as unimportant, particularly in comparison with the patient’s underlying systemic illness. This is an unfortunate reality since hair can be perceived as a critical indicator of health, prosperity, and even social status. One retrospective review on the psychologic impact of alopecia on patients (regardless of cause) indicated that such patients are more likely to suffer from psychiatric illness, low self-esteem, and poor quality of life. Likewise, Americans have been estimated to spend over $2 billion annually on the removal of unwanted hair. In diagnosing and treating diseases that are associated with hair disorders, it is imperative that clinicians are mindful of the unique needs and sensitivities inherent to this group of patients.

Follicular Biology

In order to understand the behavior of the hair follicle in the setting of systemic disease, it is first important to appreciate normal follicular biology. At the time of birth, there are approximately 150,000 hair follicles on the scalp. Each undergoes a continuous cyclic pattern of changes (the follicular lifecycle) during the person’s lifetime. The first two cycles of hair growth occur synchronously in utero and then shortly after birth. After that, each follicle seems to have a growth cycle independent of those around it.

The duration of hair growth cycles is dependent on varying factors, including location of the hair, the individual’s age, nutritional habits, hormonal factors, and health status.

In healthy individuals, scalp hair grows approximately 0.35 mm/day (1 cm per month). It should be noted, however, that data suggest that African textured hair grows more slowly, at approximately 0.77 cm per month. Growth rates are also influenced by the type and anatomic location of hairs. Vellus hairs are widely distributed throughout the body, rooted in the upper dermis. They are nonpigmented, lacking melanin and a medulla, and are finely textured, measuring 0.03 mm or less in diameter and less than 1 cm in length. Growth rates for vellus hairs range from 0.03 to 0.13 mm/day. Hormonal influences at puberty induce vellus hairs to be replaced by terminal hairs in hormone-sensitive areas such as the axillae and pubis. Terminal hairs are medullated and contain melanin and thus are pigmented. They are anchored more deeply in the dermis.

Each hair follicle passes through three cycles: anagen (growth), catagen (involution), and telogen (rest) ( Fig. 43-1 ). A latency or exogen phase is noted in up to 80% of hair cycles. In exogen, the hair shaft is shed without regrowth, and a new anagen phase is turned on. Hair length is determined by the rate and duration of the anagen phase, which is terminated by an internal biologic “clock” built into every follicle. On average, anagen duration on the scalp varies from 2 to 6 years. The catagen phase marks the termination of the growing phase.

FIGURE 43-1, The hair cycle.

Catagen, a transitional phase of acute follicular regression, is irreversible and of relatively short duration, lasting only 2 to 3 weeks. The completion of catagen is marked by formation of the keratinized and depigmented club hair. Only 1% to 2% of scalp hairs are in catagen at any one time.

Telogen, the resting phase, begins when catagen is complete. With an average duration of 3 months, approximately 15% of scalp hairs are in telogen at any given time. Telogen hairs account for the 50 to 100 scalp hairs shed normally each day. The percentage of hairs in the telogen phase, called the telogen count, varies between individuals and even between parts of the scalp. The telogen hair (club hair) is shed during the exogen phase, which may or may not coincide with the new anagen phase. The next anagen phase begins anew from the reservoir of follicular stem cells residing in the bulge area, near where the arrector pili muscle inserts into the hair follicle. These stem cells proliferate rapidly downwards to form a new anagen hair.

Hair Disorders in Systemic Disease

The well-oiled machinery that drives the hair cycle can easily be disrupted by systemic disease. In many cases, hair loss (alopecia) is the result, although excess hair growth may also occur.


Alopecia has traditionally been subdivided into three main categories: scarring (cicatricial), nonscarring (noncicatricial), and hair shaft disorders. In addition, Solomon proposed the term “biphasic alopecia” to describe forms of alopecia that are nonscarring early in their course, yet result in scarring later in their course. Examples of biphasic alopecia include patterned hair loss and traction alopecia. Another proposed classification scheme divides hair loss into permanent and nonpermanent alopecia. For the purposes of our discussion, we will continue to use the terms scarring and nonscarring, as they are widely accepted and firmly entrenched in the literature.

Hair loss in the setting of systemic disease may occur through one of five mechanisms ( Table 43-1 ): telogen effluvium, anagen arrest, and hair miniaturization (all forms of nonscarring alopecia); scarring alopecia; and hair shaft disorders. An important concept in the evaluation and diagnosis of hair disorders is that more than one mechanism may be operating at a given time. This can amplify the degree of hair loss, modify its pattern, and complicate the clinical picture.

TABLE 43-1
Five Mechanisms for Alopecia in Systemic Disease
Telogen effluvium
Anagen arrest
Androgenetic alopecia/hair miniaturization
Scarring alopecia (cicatricial alopecia)
Hair shaft disorders

Telogen Effluvium

The most common cause of hair loss associated with systemic disease is telogen effluvium (TE). This form of nonscarring alopecia manifests with diffuse, nonscarring hair shedding, often with an abrupt onset. The shedding is a result of disruption of the normal hair cycle such that a large number of hairs synchronize their growth cycles reaching a catagen and subsequent telogen phase around the same time. This can be triggered by a metabolic or hormonal stress or by drugs (severe illness, infections, medications, surgical procedures or anesthesia, and endocrinopathies). About 3 to 4 months (the time it takes for a hair to move through catagen and the early stages of telogen), after a precipitating event, normal-appearing club hairs begin to fall out in large numbers. Often the patient may recall one of the precipitating events listed in Table 43-2 .

TABLE 43-2
Causes of Telogen Effluvium
Injury or physiologic stress
Postfebrile state (extremely high fevers, e.g., malaria)
Severe infection, including HIV
Severe chronic illness
Following a general surgical procedure
Hypothyroidism and other endocrinopathies
Extreme dieting and/or weight loss
Heavy metals
Physiologic effluvium of the newborn
Postpartum state
Early stages of androgenetic alopecia

According to Headington, telogen effluvium can be further divided into five subtypes, depending on which portion of the hair cycle is pathologically lengthened or shortened. These subtypes are immediate anagen release, delayed anagen release, short anagen, immediate telogen release, and delayed telogen release. There is much overlap between the types, and it is often impossible to distinguish one from another in the clinical setting.

Immediate Anagen Release

Immediate anagen release accounts for most cases of telogen effluvium. Most drugs and physiologic stressors including febrile illness trigger hair loss by this mechanism. As the name suggests, the anagen phase is cut short, and hairs prematurely enter the telogen phase. Immediate anagen release has a rapid onset, usually about 3 to 5 weeks after the inciting event.

Delayed Anagen Release

Delayed anagen release occurs when hairs are retained in the anagen phase longer than usual and then move on to the catagen and telogen phase around the same time. A classic example of delayed anagen release is postpartum telogen effluvium. Metabolic and endocrine changes during pregnancy prolong the anagen phase. Upon normalization of these factors after delivery, hairs enter telogen, and new mothers experience heavy hair shedding. This also accounts for the loss of lanugo hairs in a newborn, which occurs in a synchronous molt shortly after birth. This neonatal shedding is sometimes referred to as a physiologic effluvium.

Short Anagen

Idiopathic shortening of the anagen cycle may result in a mild but persistent increased shedding. Because the duration of anagen is a major factor in determining hair length, short anagen precludes growth of long hair. Some believe that this is the mechanism underlying chronic telogen effluvium. Notably, shedding is typically not noticed until the duration of anagen is reduced by 50%.

Immediate Telogen Release

Immediate telogen release results from a shortening of the normal telogen cycle. There is good evidence that drugs such as minoxidil exert their effect via immediate telogen release, with affected follicles promptly stimulated to enter anagen. Telogen release typically begins within days of the insult, which accounts for the increased shedding some patients experience in the first days and weeks of minoxidil use.

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