Gallbladder and Biliary Tree

Management of Asymptomatic (Silent) Gallstones

Theodore N. Pappas, MD
Christopher R. Reed, MD


The first description of incidental gallstones probably dates back to the 14th century, a relatively recent observation in the grand scheme of pathologic observations. This has been attributed to the relative rarity of gallstone formation before modern diets. These postmortem findings preceded the first descriptions of symptomatic gallstones by about 200 years, perhaps a testament to their frequently asymptomatic nature. Without the benefits of modern ultrasonography, open cholecystectomy became the preferred treatment modality for symptomatic gallstone disease throughout the early 1900s, and it was not until the 1980s that incidental, asymptomatic cholelithiasis became a very common clinical problem.

The decreased morbidity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy introduced considerable interest in surgery for the treatment of asymptomatic gallstones. With increasing availability of and expertise with laparoscopic cholecystectomy throughout the 1990s, the surgical approach to asymptomatic gallstones became increasingly heterogeneous. This ultimately resulted in the National Institutes of Health convening of a Consensus Development group that set forth now-familiar guidelines recommending cholecystectomy only for symptomatic or otherwise complicated cholelithiasis in 1992. This guidance is the basis of the prevailing expectant approach to patients with silent gallstones for the past 30 years.

Since that time, both the natural history of gallstones and the outcomes associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy have been better described ( Fig. 1 ). Asymptomatic cholelithiasis is quite common. In a large, prospective, cross-sectional study of 11,229 asymptomatic gallbladders with ultrasonography, Festi and colleagues demonstrated an incidental cholelithiasis rate of 7.1% among Italian adults. This probably underestimates the incidence in the United States, where smaller cross-sectional studies show an incidence closer to 15%. In certain ethnic groups and geographic locations in the United States, the rate exceeds 20%, implicating a familiar myriad of demographic and environmental factors in formation of gallstones (estrogen, age, obesity, Hispanic, and Native American). Regardless of their exact incidence, asymptomatic gallstones remain a common dilemma for referring physicians and surgeons alike, and the surgical management of asymptomatic cholelithiasis should ultimately be individualized based on the risk of progression to symptomatic disease and the estimated morbidity associated with expectant management. To thoughtfully approach this predicament, a general understanding of the relative risks of expectant management versus cholecystectomy is crucial.

FIG. 1, Flowchart demonstrating the incidence of silent gallstones, symptomatic cholelithiasis, and complicated gallstone disease in an illustrative group of 1000 adults representative of the general population.


Gallstone disease is generally thought of as a sequence from asymptomatic to symptomatic cholelithiasis (i.e., stone formation initially with subsequent development of pain, infection, pancreatitis, or cancer), although the time between development of stones and symptoms is not currently estimable. Through a combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, it has been demonstrated that only a minority of patients with asymptomatic gallstones will ultimately develop symptoms. In their large, longitudinal investigation of 673 European subjects with asymptomatic cholelithiasis and a median follow-up of nearly 20 years, Shabanzadeh and colleagues found that only 20% of gallstones were ultimately found to cause any disease, which has been reiterated by smaller studies. The majority of disease was uncomplicated (i.e., biliary pain without acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, or pancreatitis).

There are some demographic and ultrasonographic characteristics that are associated with increased risk of symptoms, especially with complicated presentation. Female sex, immobility of stones, numerous stones, and large (>10 mm) or small (<5 mm) stones all are independently associated with increased incidence of symptoms and complicated presentation ( Fig. 2 ).

FIG. 2, Large gallstones are associated with increased risk of symptom development.

Over about 20 years’ follow-up, Shabanzadeh and colleagues found that about 8% of their subjects with asymptomatic gallstones ultimately presented with acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, or gallstone pancreatitis. None of the patients developed carcinoma of the gallbladder or cholangiocarcinoma during the study period. Festi et al. found a single case of gallbladder carcinoma in follow-up of their 856 patients with asymptomatic gallstones (0.12%).

These longitudinal studies may reflect some inherent bias toward identification of patients who will not develop symptoms, as only patients who were asymptomatic at the time of ultrasound were included, and the duration of cholelithiasis at the time of diagnosis was not known. Regardless, both studies clearly demonstrate that only a minority of patients with asymptomatic gallstones will have complicated gallbladder disease during their lifetime and therefore would have benefited from cholecystectomy at the time of asymptomatic gallstone identification.


A modern discussion of the management of asymptomatic gallstones should include a modern appraisal of the risks associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in comparison to potential benefits. It is worthwhile to note that consensus guidelines that recommend reserving cholecystectomy only for symptomatic or complicated gallstone disease originate from an early era of laparoscopy, which may consider additional morbidity due to the early learning curve in adopting the procedure. The overall mortality and bile duct injury rates for modern laparoscopic cholecystectomy are less than 0.1% and 0.3%, respectively. Overall significant morbidity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is about 5%, including hernia formation, bowel obstruction, and both deep and superficial surgical site infections. In the absence of acute inflammation, the morbidity associated with elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed for asymptomatic gallstones may be even lower, although there are no large, controlled studies addressing the question since cholecystectomy is so rarely performed prophylactically. Conversely, the ready availability of and low morbidity associated with procedures to treat the potential complications of cholelithiasis (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP] for choledocholithiasis, for example) mean that complications of contemporary expectant management may also be less morbid.

Given that the rate of any symptom development after identification of incidental gallstones is about 20%, complicated disease development is about 8%, and major morbidity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is roughly 5%; decisions regarding the approach to asymptomatic gallstones should be individualized to the patient, with careful consideration of the potential consequences of complicated gallbladder disease versus operative morbidity and fitness at the time of diagnosis.


Cancer Risk Reduction

Although gallbladder cancer is very uncommon in the United States (about 1 in 100,000 US adults) and only one patient in the two largest longitudinal studies of asymptomatic cholelithiasis developed this malignancy, there is undeniably a connection between gallstones and cancer. Between 75% and 90% of patients with gallbladder cancer have cholelithiasis, and many of the risk factors for gallbladder carcinoma are identical to those for gallstone formation. Therefore, the relative rarity of this malignancy in the United States probably precludes prophylactic cholecystectomy for risk reduction in the otherwise average-risk patient with gallstones. Special consideration should be given to patients who are at higher risk for this cancer, and an understanding of the risk factors for gallbladder cancer beyond silent gallstones will help inform decision making.

Mural calcification, or porcelain gallbladder, has traditionally been an indication for cholecystectomy to reduce the risk of malignancy ( Fig. 3 ). Early reports demonstrated 30% to 60% lifetime cancer risk associated with this finding. However, reexamination of malignancy risk in this special population has demonstrated much lower (but still elevated) risk of approximately 5%. There is no consensus on the management of this unusual radiographic finding in the absence of symptoms, and the approach should again be individualized to the patient, their overall condition, and risk of malignancy.

FIG. 3, Mural calcification (porcelain gallbladder) is associated with increased risk of primary gallbladder malignancy, although the lifetime risk has been historically overestimated and is probably about 5%.

Finally, very large (>3 cm) gallstones have demonstrated a small but significant increase in the risk for malignancy. Given that these stones have a higher risk of lifetime symptom development as well, special consideration should be given to cholecystectomy in otherwise appropriate patients with very large gallstones.

Weight Loss Surgery

There is no question that obesity is an independent risk factor for gallstone formation. Moreover, rapid weight loss appears to change the chemical composition of bile and promote stone formation, leading to a further increased risk of gallstone formation beyond obesity alone. This connection has been studied and is quite profound. In a prospective study involving 51 obese adults dieting for weight loss, 25% of dieting subjects had developed new gallbladder sludge or stones after 8 weeks of weight loss, whereas 0% of nondieting controls had new gallbladder abnormalities.

Cholecystectomy has historically been performed during open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for weight loss for patients with preexisting gallstones. This was justified given (1) the association between weight loss and gallstone formation, (2) historical difficulty in endoscopic management of complications from gallstones (i.e., choledocholithiasis) with Roux-en-Y anatomy, and (3) local adhesion formation causing a “hostile” and scarred environment for future cholecystectomy. With the increasing performance of sleeve gastrectomy and improved availability of push enteroscopy and other advanced endoscopic biliary management techniques, most surgeons have elected to avoid concomitant cholecystectomy for asymptomatic cholelithiasis during laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. Furthermore, performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safer and simpler in patients who do ultimately develop symptoms after they have undergone weight loss, with decreases in the size of their abdominal wall and liver.

Additional consideration should be given to patients with asymptomatic gallstones who are undergoing biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch procedures for weight loss. The additional dissection and division of the duodenum and difficulties presented in endoscopy for choledocholithiasis lead many surgeons to continue the practice of cholecystectomy for asymptomatic gallstones during performance of this procedure.


Cholecystectomy in patients with asymptomatic gallstones had been historically performed at the time of open gastrectomy (i.e., for cancer or peptic ulcer disease). However, with the emergence of laparoscopic techniques for gastric resection that effect minimal scarring and increasing availability of ERCP, most surgeons feel that concomitant cholecystectomy adds unnecessary morbidity without adequate benefit. As in the weight loss surgical population, the decision should ultimately be individualized to each patient based on their risk for complications from cholelithiasis.


After early uncontrolled studies demonstrated an increased risk of complications following surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis among diabetic patients, there was some enthusiasm for prophylactic cholecystectomy in diabetics with gallstones. However, data eventually emerged demonstrating acceptable outcomes for these patients from cholecystectomy. Most surgeons currently recommend cholecystectomy only for those patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis and diabetes, similar to those guidelines for the general population. One caveat is that mild symptoms may herald the development of both more severe symptoms as well as complications (i.e., acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis), and diabetics with early symptoms should be medically optimized and offered surgery if otherwise appropriate to prevent complications and the need for urgent cholecystectomy.

Hemolytic Anemias

Rapid bilirubin catabolism can lead to formation of pigmented gallstones, with a characteristic black appearance on gross examination. The most commonly encountered congenital hemolytic anemias are sickle cell disease (and trait) and thalassemia, both of which cause enhanced formation of gallstones. Acquired hemolytic anemias, such as immune-mediated hemolysis, may also predispose patients to gallstone formation. The management of asymptomatic gallstones in patients with hemoglobinopathy is somewhat controversial. The frequency of asymptomatic cholelithiasis in these patients (roughly 25% in a cross-sectional study), abdominal pain of other etiologies, and likelihood of symptom development make the treatment of asymptomatic gallstones among these patients distinct from the general population. In particular, sickle cell disease deserves special mention. Many surgeons perform cholecystectomy for asymptomatic gallstones at the time of splenectomy, such that cholecystitis may be excluded as a potential etiology for abdominal pain during vaso-occlusive crises. The pre- and perioperative management of patients with sickle cell disease (hemoglobin SS) in particular involves careful management of volume status, oxygenation, and analgesia. Ideally, surgery should be performed in a center with experience in the management of these patients with cooperation among surgery, anesthesia, and hematology teams.

Intestinal Insufficiency (Short Gut Syndrome)

Patients with chronic intestinal insufficiency are a highly specialized population but one with which all surgeons must be familiar nonetheless. Long-term parenteral nutrition dependence leads to biliary stasis and clearly predisposes to development of both gallstones and attendant complications. In one small but illustrative series, 5/5 (100%) patients with severe intestinal insufficiency and parenteral nutrition dependence developed symptomatic cholelithiasis or complications. It is also worthwhile to note that decreasing remaining viable bowel as well as parenteral nutritional dependence are both independent risk factors for development of symptomatic cholelithiasis. Given the relative rarity of this chronic problem as well as the likelihood of complicating factors (i.e., prior abdominal surgery, inflammatory bowel disease), the decision regarding prophylactic cholecystectomy should be individualized to the patient based on their individual risk factors for symptomatic cholelithiasis and potential morbidity from the procedure.

Asymptomatic Choledocholithiasis

Asymptomatic choledocholithiasis, typically an incidental finding on ultrasonography or CT ordered for a separate indication, presents an uncommon but important clinical dilemma to surgeons. Due to the high rate of complications associated with common bile duct stones, cholecystectomy is typically recommended in good candidates to prevent recurrence and complications. Cholecystectomy should be performed after endoscopic stone retrieval, sphincterotomy, or surgical common duct clearance procedures in appropriate surgical candidates.

Spinal Cord Injury

Perhaps through autonomic dysfunction and biliary stasis, patients with spinal cord injuries are at very high risk for the development of gallstones. Compared with age- and gender-matched controls, patients with spinal cord injuries are about three times as likely to develop gallstones in their lifetime. One of the most feared complications of apparently asymptomatic gallstones in this unique patient population is the late, complicated presentation of acute on chronic cholecystitis due to sensory neuropathy. In select patients with asymptomatic gallstones, prophylactic cholecystectomy may be reasonable to prevent a late and complicated presentation after development of cholecystitis.


Asymptomatic cholelithiasis remains a common clinical dilemma, and the lifetime risk of complicated disease from initially silent gallstones is low but not negligible (estimated at 8%). Although the relative morbidity of laparoscopic cholecystectomy continues to decline since its advent in the 1980s, there is still occasional major morbidity associated with the procedure (roughly 5%, with the majority being infectious complications). Therefore, a thorough understanding of the relative risks of the procedure versus conservative management are foundational to individualizing surgical treatment recommendations for each patient.

Suggested Readings

  • Festi D., Reggiani M.L., Attili A.F., et. al.: Natural history of gallstone disease: Expectant management or active treatment? Results from a population-based cohort study. J Gastro and Hep 2010; 25: pp. 719-724.
  • Friedman G.D.: Natural History of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Gallstones. Am J Surg 1993; 65: pp. 399-404.
  • Shabanzadeh D.M., Sørensen L.T., Jørgensen T., et. al.: A prediction rule for risk stratification of incidentally discovered gallstones: Results from a large cohort study. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: pp. 156-167. e1
  • Williams E., Beckingham I., El Sayed G., et. al.: Updated guideline on the management of common bile duct stones. Gut 2017; 66: pp. 765-782.

Management of Biliary Dyskinesia

J. Bart Rose, MD


Biliary dyskinesia is a rare diagnosis. However, up to 20% of the cholecystectomies performed annually in the United States are for a diagnosis of functional gallbladder disorder. The incidence in the United States has risen from 43 cases/million to 89 cases/million in the decade between 1991 to 2001. This is in stark contrast to the 25 cases/million noted in countries outside of the United States. This increase has been most prominent in the pediatric patient population with a sevenfold increase between 1997 and 2010. It is unclear if the discrepancy noted in incidence between the United States and other countries represents a difference in patient population or overdiagnosis.


Patients presenting with biliary dyskinesia often have vague abdominal complaints centered around recurrent episodes of abdominal pain. Biliary dyskinesia is a diagnosis of exclusion and more common causes of episodic abdominal pain should be excluded before intervention, such as irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic constipation, costochondritis, muscular skeletal disorders, coronary artery disease, or liver capsular pain in patients with cirrhosis. If these other more common entities are excluded, then biliary dyskinesia can be considered if specific pain symptoms are present as outlined in the Rome IV diagnostic criteria ( Box 1 ). These criteria have been designed by expert consensus to establish an accepted definition of biliary pain such that patients must have epigastric or right upper quadrant pain that (1) builds up to a steady level and lasts for 30 minutes or longer, (2) occurs at different intervals (not daily), (3) are severe enough to interrupt the patient’s daily activity or lead to an emergency room visit, (4) are not significantly related to bowel movements, and (5) are not related to postural changes or acid suppression. Additional supportive criteria include pain associated with nausea or vomiting, radiation of pain to the back or to the right infrasubscapular area (Boas’ sign), or pain that wakes the patient from sleep.

Diagnostic Criteria for Biliary Pain
Data from Rome IV criteria. Cotton PB, Elta GH, Carter CR, Pasricha PJ, Corazziari ES. Gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi disorders. Gastroenterology . 2016;150:1420–1429.

Must meet the following:

  • Builds to a steady level and lasts ≥30 minutes

  • Occurs at differing intervals (not daily)

  • Severe enough to disrupt daily living or requires an emergency room visit

  • Does not change in character with bowel movements, acid suppression usage, or postural changes (>20% of the time)

Pain may be associated with:

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Radiation to back and/or right infrasubscapular regions (Boas’ sign)

  • Waking from sleep

Rigler’s Triad for Diagnosing Gallstone Ileus

Dilated bowel
Transition point at location with ectopic gallstone

To be diagnosed as having a functional gallbladder disorder patients must meet all the biliary pain criteria previously mentioned and have the absence of gallstones or other structural pathology based on either imaging or laboratory analysis suggesting biliary obstruction. Supportive diagnostic criteria can be a low calculated gallbladder ejection fraction (GbEF). It is important to emphasize that cholescintigraphy is recommended only to support the diagnosis and not to make the diagnosis. When considering the use of cholescintigraphy, it is necessary to understand the history of this test. The highest level of data suggesting GbEF is useful in making treatment decisions for biliary dyskinesia is based on a study of 21 patients with abnormal cholescintigraphy randomized to either surgery or observation. This study suggested that abnormal GbEF was predictive of symptom improvement postcholecystectomy. However, these data must be interpreted cautiously as it was underpowered and did not compare surgery to medical management. A subsequent pilot study attempted to address this by randomizing patients with low GbEF to surgery or medical management with amitriptyline and found that the feasibility of a larger trial is doubtful given high crossover to the surgical arm due to clinician bias and lack of a “gold-standard” medical treatment. Reliance on GbEF to predict clinical response to cholecystectomy is problematic when considering up to 80% of patients with functional biliary pain and normal GbEF still have symptom relief after cholecystectomy.

The definition of an abnormally low GbEF can also be a moving target as reported cutoffs have ranged from <35% to <50% depending on how the test is done. Most modern series will use <35% as a cutoff, defining hypokinesis as described in a 2019 Cochran review based on standardized techniques. However, GbEFs of <35% have been reported in up to 25% of asymptomatic patients. Multiple confounders may artificially lower GbEF such as exercise, hormone replacements, anticholinergics, and proton pump inhibitors. Much of the variability in this test can be attributed to nonstandardized administration. An attempt to curb irregular test execution was undertaken by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, which defined practice guidelines to “assist nuclear medicine practitioners in recommending, performing, interpreting, and reporting the results of hepatobiliary scintigraphy in adults and children”. Their recommendations rely on the use of synthetic cholecystokinin for stimulation of GbEF as the use of fatty meals or other stimulants are nonstandardized. However, a subsequent national shortage of synthetic cholecystokinin led to a reevaluation of this recommendation and found that use of fatty meals may be adequate. These disparate recommendations again add variability to interpretation. A study looking at the reproducibility of an abnormally low GbEF when repeated a month later found that half of patients will normalize when using a standardized method ( Fig. 1 ). These many caveats are cautionary that a low GbEF should only be considered as supporting the diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia and not be utilized to make the diagnosis.

FIG. 1, Initial and repeat gallbladder ejection fraction (GbEF) results of biliary scintigraphy in 30 patients. Green lines indicate results in 14 patients in whom the GbEF test remained positive for abnormally low GbEF on retesting. Red lines show 16 patients in whom the GbEF fell into the normal range (≥35%) on retesting.

If a patient presents with symptoms of biliary colic by Rome criteria, has no other diagnosis that can explain the symptoms, and supporting data are considered carefully, only then can biliary dyskinesia can be diagnosed by exclusion. Patients meeting this recommendation are more likely to have an improvement in symptoms following cholecystectomy. The operative description of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy utilizing the “critical-view of safety” technique is described in the previous chapter. On pathologic examination there should be no evidence of gallstones or microlithiasis (i.e., sludge) if the correct diagnosis was made. Interestingly, 80% of resected specimens will show signs of chronic inflammation microscopically.

For some patients, the alternative approach of observation can be considered given this is a benign process. The natural history of biliary dyskinesia is not well studied, and it is unclear how many of these patients will improve with watchful waiting. To date, only one study has randomized patients to surgery versus observation and found that cholecystectomy was more likely to improve symptoms. However, many other retrospective series have reported outcomes in patients undergoing nonoperative therapies. An analysis of these studies showed an average of 50% of patients will improve without an operation if given time. It should be noted that the smallest improvement reported in this meta-analysis was in the aforementioned randomized study. While these limited data are hard to interpret, it is likely that we can expect some patients to improve with observation. Further work is needed to correctly identify those patients who would most benefit most from observation or cholecystectomy.

Suggested Readings

  • Bielefeldt K., Saligram S., Zickmund S.L., et. al.: Cholecystectomy for biliary dyskinesia: How did we get there?. Dig Dis Sci 2014; 59: pp. 2850-2863.
  • Cotton P.B., Elta G.H., Carter C.R., et. al.: Gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi disorders. Gastroenterology 2016; 150: pp. 1420-1429.
  • Rose J.B., Fields R.C., Strasberg S.M.: Poor reproducibility of gallbladder ejection fraction by biliary scintigraphy for diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia. J Am Coll Surg 2018; 226: pp. 155-159.
  • Yap L., Wycherley A.G., Morphett A.D., Toouli J.: Acalculous biliary pain: Cholecystectomy alleviates symptoms in patients with abnormal cholescintigraphy. Gastroenterology 1991; 101: pp. 786-793.

Management of Acute Cholecystitis

Ryan C. Broderick, MD
Bryan M. Clary, MD


Cholecystolithiasis is estimated to be present in 10% of the population, with one-third of those developing symptoms. Acute cholecystitis (AC) is most commonly a result of gallstone-mediated obstruction of the cystic duct, although acalculous cholecystitis can occur in low-perfusion states or biliary stasis in critically ill patients. Obstruction of the cystic duct by gallstones leads to mucosal inflammation and edema, distension of the gallbladder wall, and eventual ischemia. Not infrequently, untreated AC results in perforation with abscess formation or, more rarely, diffuse peritonitis.

The diagnosis of AC is based on a combination of clinical signs and symptoms with confirmatory imaging. Signs and symptoms include right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain/tenderness lasting more than 4 to 6 hours, associated nausea/vomiting, and fevers. On physical examination, patients are tender in the RUQ and/or epigastrium. Exacerbation of pain by palpating the right subcostal location in conjunction with deep inspiration may be elicited (Murphy’s sign). Abdominal ultrasound (US) of the RUQ is often performed in patients with characteristic presentations to confirm pericholecystic fluid, gallstones, and gallbladder wall thickening. Abdominal CT scans are not infrequently obtained, especially in patients presenting via the emergency room and/or with presentations that are not quite classic. Ultrasound has a higher sensitivity in visualizing gallstones and can be used to assess for pain directly overlying the gallbladder (“sonographic Murphy’s sign”). Standard treatment in low medical risk patients is early, same-admission laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Patients with equivocal presentations/imaging, or those with significant medical comorbidities, are approached with medical management and delayed cholecystectomy once the diagnosis is confirmed or the medical situation stabilized. Resolution of AC with intravenous antibiotics alone is quite common. Percutaneous cholecystostomy is performed in nonoperative patients when antibiotics alone fail. When performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for AC, anatomic difficulties such as high body mass index (BMI) or variant ductal anatomy can be exacerbated by a severe inflammatory response. Therefore, surgeons should be proficient and prepared for conversion to open cholecystectomy or utilizing bailout options described later.

Robotic cholecystectomy is becoming increasingly popular. The robot is a tool, just as laparoscopic instruments are, but it allows for more fine motor control and 3D visualization. Indocyanine green (ICG) cholangiography is also being reported more frequently. It allows for real-time anatomic verification, which may improve efficiency when used in conjunction with the “critical view of safety” technique.


Patients presenting with AC experience symptoms of upper abdominal pain (RUQ and/or epigastric) that lasts more than 4 to 6 hours. Often, careful history taking can elicit prior episodes of similar symptoms of shorter duration and less severe pain. Nausea and vomiting are often concomitant symptoms. Fever may also be present but objectively occurs less frequently. The patient may have a known history of gallstones from prior episodes or incidentally from prior imaging, allowing some focus in diagnostic workup.

The most common physical examination finding is RUQ tenderness to palpation; an inflammatory mass may also be palpated depending on body habitus and this finding often portends very difficult dissection. A classic physical finding is Murphy’s sign: inspiratory arrest with palpation over the gallbladder. This is often reported during diagnostic US as a “sonographic Murphy’s sign.” Despite these classic signs and symptoms, the presentation can be highly variable, especially in patients who are obese, diabetic, advanced in years, or immunosuppressed from various causes. There is also significant symptom overlap with other intraabdominal or thoracic causes.

The most important differentiation a surgeon makes is determining AC from other biliary disease, such as biliary colic or choledocholithiasis. AC needs immediate diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment to prevent progression of disease, while biliary colic can often be managed with symptom control and outpatient cholecystectomy. Choledocholithiasis is covered elsewhere, but treatment often initially involves other treatment modalities before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Although not typical, some patients present with both AC and common duct complications (cholangitis, pancreatitis). Many patients with chronic biliary colic arising from cholecystolithiasis may have a thickened gallbladder without other manifestations of AC. In general, such patients should undergo elective cholecystectomy unless medical comorbidities dictate otherwise. As mentioned earlier, a number of other intraabdominal processes have overlapping symptom presentations including pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, hepatitis, mesenteric ischemia, colitis, and perforated appendicitis. Extraabdominal diseases with symptom overlap include myocardial ischemia and pneumonia. History taking and physical exam should focus efforts on ruling out other sources of symptoms as well as guide laboratory and imaging studies.

There are no pathognomonic laboratory studies for AC. Mild leukocytosis is common. Leukocytosis over 18,000 per mm 3 may be a predictor of severe inflammation. Liver transaminase (AST and ALT) and alkaline phosphatase levels are often normal or slightly elevated. Serum bilirubin is generally normal. Markedly elevated alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin levels should prompt consideration of common bile duct (CBD) pathology (cholangitis, choledocholithiasis), whereas profound elevations of liver transaminase levels may reflect intrinsic liver issues (hepatitis). Serum amylase and lipase are sent to evaluate for pancreatitis.

The optimal choice of imaging depends on the likelihood of cholecystitis as well as study sensitivity, availability, and cost of the study. US, CT, hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) are all capable of diagnosing AC, each with advantages and weaknesses. For patients with a typical presentation of AC, US is the diagnostic test of choice. It is inexpensive, widely available, and has adequate sensitivity/specificity. Findings on US that suggest AC include pericholecystic fluid, gallbladder wall thickness over 4 mm, gallbladder distension, a gallstone lodged in the cystic duct/neck of the gallbladder, and a sonographic Murphy’s sign. Although US is 90% sensitive at diagnosing gallstones, it is only 60% to 70% sensitive for identification of objective signs of AC. It is common for a patient to present with classic history and laboratory findings of AC and an US showing gallstones but with no other objective findings. In this setting, abdominal CT may be useful to rule out other abdominal conditions, although for surgically low risk patients, proceeding straight to laparoscopy with anticipation of cholecystectomy is appropriate. It is not uncommon for surgeons to be consulted after CT imaging has already been obtained. CT is more sensitive than US at evaluating objective signs of AC including pericholecystic fluid, inflammation, and gallbladder thickening. If the CT scan has characteristic findings of AC, then it is not necessary to perform an US even when stones are not radiographically visible.

Another common scenario is the patient with an atypical presentation and US findings without clear evidence of cholecystitis. A full review of the patient and available data are needed, and the surgeon must decide whether there is significant likelihood of an alternate diagnosis not involving the biliary tract; at this point, CT of the abdomen and pelvis can be obtained to rule out other intraabdominal pathology and potentially rule in AC. It should be noted, however, CT scan is less sensitive in milder disease of the gallbladder and should not be used as the initial/gold standard study in uncomplicated AC.

In the unusual case where US and CT imaging are inconclusive, an HIDA scan may be informative. An HIDA showing nonvisualization of the gallbladder is consistent with cholecystitis from an obstructing gallstone, but it should be noted that false positives are possible in fasting patients. HIDA imaging is highly sensitive and specific for cholecystitis but provides no useful information for other sources of symptoms in the event of a negative study. We use HIDA very rarely, most commonly in patients with atypical presentations, significant comorbidities, and inconclusive US and CT scans. MRI is highly sensitive for AC but is more expensive and less expeditious. MRI/MRCP is typically reserved for patients with significant elevations in either bilirubin or alkaline phosphatase levels to rule out choledocholithiasis and malignancy, which may necessitate significantly different treatment approaches.


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for AC. Early, index admission cholecystectomy in most patients has been proven to be clinically advantageous. Surgery treats the current episode of complicated gallstone disease, and potential subsequent episodes of AC or biliary tract complications related to gallstones are eliminated or minimized, respectively. All patients diagnosed with AC should be started on appropriate antibiotics at diagnosis. Antibiotics are directed to treatment of common pathogens in bile cultures including E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter , and Bacteroides species.

The decision regarding the appropriate treatment strategy, surgery or medical management depends on the overall medical condition of the patient plus the severity and duration of symptoms. Patients with minimal medical comorbidity presenting early in the disease process should generally be managed with surgery. Those with significant, optimizable comorbidities but mild cholecystitis may merit a trial of medical therapy or “cool down” period followed by cholecystectomy after 6 to 12 weeks. Those who are critically ill or with severe comorbidities and severe AC are often best managed with early percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement in conjunction with antibiotics and delayed cholecystectomy once their medical condition is satisfactory.

It is widely accepted that cholecystectomy should be completed as soon as feasible following diagnosis during the index hospitalization. No demonstrable difference is found in mortality rate, major bile duct injury, postoperative pain, or other significant complication in patients treated with early or delayed cholecystectomy. Multiple studies have shown the safety and efficacy of early, same-admission cholecystectomy in the management of cholecystitis. The practice of “cooling off” until there is an opening in the operating room convenient for the surgeon is specifically unwarranted as is a general practice of treating with antibiotics to facilitate discharge and surgery in an elective setting. These approaches serve only to extend hospitalization unnecessarily and place patients at risk for ongoing symptoms or complications from their stone burden. While laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the procedure of choice, surgeons must be familiar with laparoscopic and open approaches as the average conversion rate in AC is 10%.

Robotic cholecystectomy, as an extension of the laparoscopic toolset, is preferred by some surgeons. Robotic port placement and technique is theoretically equivalent to laparoscopic cholecystectomy, as the robot is a laparoscopic device. Three-dimensional visualization and wristed instrument movement are described as advantages by frequent robotic users. Additionally, the latest iterations of the DaVinci robot have fluorescent cholangiography (FC) capability.

ICG cholangiography during minimally invasive cholecystectomy allows for real-time identification of biliary structures during cholecystectomy and in the current era is straightforward to perform. Selective intraoperative intraluminal contrast cholangiogram (IOC) can also be useful in confirming difficult anatomy, and its timing of use is discussed later.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the approach of choice in AC for most patients. Those with significant prior open upper abdominal surgery can be approached laparoscopically with expectations of a higher rate of conversion. Multiple studies have demonstrated less morbidity, shorter length of hospital stay, lower cost, and faster recovery to normal function compared with the open approach. Surgical technique is the same as for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with biliary colic, although with more difficult target anatomy due to acute inflammation; the addition of more trocars or other techniques for improving visualization may be needed.

The patient is positioned supine with an arm tucked to allow for potential intraoperative cholangiogram, although some prefer both arms out. The abdomen and lower chest should be prepped and draped in a manner that can accommodate a retractor system of choice in the event of conversion to an open procedure. In addition, the patient should be well secured to the bed to allow for steep reverse-Trendelenburg positioning. The gallbladder fundus is grasped and retracted cephalad and the region of the infundibulum retracted laterally to provide exposure for dissection of the cystic structures until a critical view of safety is obtained. Intraoperative cholangiogram should be considered when the anatomy is unclear. Given the potential presence of cystic duct obstruction, intraluminal contrast cholangiograms require injection of the dye directly into the cystic duct and not via the gallbladder. Intraoperative ICG (fluorescence cholangiography) is now available in most centers and allows for real-time identification of anatomy including the CBD and cystic duct, although tissue thickness and inflammation may limit near-infrared (NIR) light penetration. Additionally, it is possible only part of the cystic duct is visible with fluorescent view in the setting of a gallstone obstructing the duct.

Although crucial for safe anatomic dissection, grasping the fundus of an inflamed, distended gallbladder may prove difficult in practice. This can often be improved with decompression. The use of either a laparoscopic needle-aspirator attached to a syringe or insertion of a 14-gauge angiocatheter through an RUQ stab incision can usually facilitate decompression. If neither of these options is successful, a 5-mm trocar can be driven directly into the fundus of the gallbladder and a laparoscopic suction device used to aspirate its contents. Spillage of gallbladder contents must then be prevented from the cholecystostomy with Endoloop or suture placement. Stones escaping the field must be searched for and retrieved so as to prevent the development of late perihepatic abscesses.

A very inflamed gallbladder, even with decompression, may not be amenable to grasping with routine laparoscopic devices. Inability to retract via the fundus results in poor visualization during the dissection of the cystic structures, placing the patient at greater risk of bile duct injury. In this scenario, claw or rat-tooth graspers may prove useful. Alternatively, a dome-down approach with the assistant instrument grasping the inflamed peritoneum and lifting the liver cephalad while the surgeon retracts the gallbladder may be necessary. Significant care and attention must be directed to gallbladder anatomy during this dissection as loss of bearings medially can lead to high injury of the common hepatic duct. If a dome-down approach is being considered as a result of significant inflammation of the infundibulum, one should also consider alternative bailout techniques.

Once the fundus of the gallbladder is grasped and retracted, the dissection begins. It is common to have adjacent organs such as omentum, duodenum, and colon adherent to the gallbladder; these organs should gently be peeled down bluntly. This is best done by identifying the plane where the organs meet the gallbladder and peeling downward and parallel to the gallbladder wall (rather than outward/perpendicular). A plane just deep to the serosa of the gallbladder is the better choice when the gallbladder and adjacent organs are too difficult to separate. Adhesions to the adjacent liver capsule may be difficult to dissect bluntly, and a low threshold to divide these sharply, without cautery, should be used to prevent capsular tears that could make the dissection more difficult in a bloody field. We have found that energy sealing devices are excellent options in dissecting the gallbladder fundus away from the liver bed when approaching in a dome-down manner, especially when a plane just deep to the cystic plate in the liver parenchyma is taken. If this plane is chosen during a dome-down approach, a transition to a plane superficial to the cystic plate (or in the wall of the gallbladder) must be entered once the lower region of the gallbladder fossa is reached, so as to avoid injury to the hilar structures and CBD.

Once the gallbladder is exposed, dissection at the infundibulum begins. The peritoneum and fatty tissue surrounding the infundibulum and cystic duct are divided with cautery and blunt dissection. A high dissection at the infundibulum should be utilized. If the node of Calot is visible, then limiting the line of peritoneal/serosal division to the upside (gallbladder side) of this structure helps to minimize the risk of CBD injury. With rare exceptions, this lymph node lies immediately on top of the cystic artery and thus serves an important role in identifying the cystic artery and cystic duct. Calot’s lymph node is often not appreciable in AC and care should be taken to avoid injury to the portal structures. After the peritoneum is divided high along the infundibulum, the dissection is carried at an upward angle toward the cystic plate on the medial gallbladder; if dense inflammation is encountered, lateral dissection may be needed first to improve mobility of the infundibulum and facilitate medial dissection. A combination of electrocautery and blunt dissection may be needed as the tissue edema can limit cautery at times. It is critical to maintain the same standards of visualization as in elective cholecystectomy. A firm critical view of safety should be obtained before ligation and division of any structures. Blind clipping for hemostasis should be avoided to prevent major bile duct injury.

Occasionally, the cystic duct may be foreshortened and/or thickened due to inflammation. If it is too large to close with clips, an Endoloop or laparoscopic surgical stapler may be necessary. In either case, when a duct appears too large to clip, the surgeon should be absolutely sure of the anatomy before using these devices. In this situation, extended dissection or cholangiography is needed to confirm anatomy. When used, the stapler should be positioned so as not to narrow the CBD. The stapler should be long enough to divide the duct with one staple load and use 2.5-mm staples. Once the cystic structures are ligated and divided safely, the gallbladder is dissected away from the remainder of the liver bed. Care should be taken to maintain dissection in the appropriate plane and not deviate course into the liver parenchyma unless necessary, as this can lead to bleeding and bile leak complications.

If any of the previously discussed techniques are not successful in aiding dissection, or the anatomy cannot be clearly defined, there should be no hesitation to convert to open cholecystectomy or perform a bailout maneuver. Inadequate exposure and persistent attempts to perform surgery laparoscopically can lead to a severe CBD or vascular injury, the likelihood of which can be minimized in experienced hands by converting to open exposure.

Indocyanine Green Use in Cholecystectomy

ICG is a green dye injected by the intravenous route preoperatively and is excreted exclusively in the bile. The standard dose of ICG at our institution is 7.5 mg administered IV at least 45 minutes, and up to 3 hours, before incision. Protein-bound ICG fluoresces when illuminated with NIR light and allows for FC. FC offers a potential detailed anatomic mapping of extrahepatic biliary structures and can be a useful adjunct to the critical view of safety technique. As the NIR light is built into the laparoscopic or robotic camera and processor equipment, FC can be performed without the need for additional equipment, supplies, or personnel in the operative theater. It has the added benefit of not requiring cannulation of the biliary tree, such as with IOC. No substantial contraindication for use of ICG exists, and it has been used safely in patients with iodine allergy. Anaphylactic reaction has been reported at a rate of 0.003%. Our group avoids use of ICG dye in patients with a history of anaphylactic reaction to shellfish or iodine out of an abundance of caution.

Although current firm recommendations are limited by published sample size, early data suggest both reduced operative time and conversion to open surgery in FC cases for both inflamed and noninflamed pathology. Whether FC significantly moves the needle on reducing major CBD injury remains to be confirmed with further collation of data and use in practice. Our institution routinely uses ICG in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Examples of ICG use in practice are seen in Figures 1 and 2 .

FIG. 1, (A) Bright light/traditional laparoscopic view; instrument points to cystic duct. (B) Fluorescence cholangiography with “overlay” mode for the same patient as in (A) ; instrument points to cystic duct with cystic/common duct junction noted inferior to instrument.

FIG. 2, Fluorescence cholangiography with grayscale mode. Grasper is retracting infundibulum while cystic duct and common bile duct are visible before peritoneal dissection.

Open Cholecystectomy

Open cholecystectomy for AC occurs as a conversion from laparoscopic approach and is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of mature surgical decision making. There are several risk factors requiring conversion to open cholecystectomy including prior upper abdominal surgery, obesity, long duration of symptoms, cirrhosis, and male sex. Both upper midline and right subcostal incisions are appropriate; we favor use of right subcostal for exposure and include placement of a wound protection device. A fundus-down technique is used after appropriate abdominal wall and viscera retraction is in place. The fundus and peritoneum at the apex of the gallbladder are grasped and countertraction applied. Electrocautery is used to dissect the posterior wall of the gallbladder off the liver bed. When this plane is too challenging, a plane behind the cystic plate can be taken and developed with an advanced energy device. One can safely be in this plane until halfway down the gallbladder fossa, at which point reentry into a plane superficial to the cystic plate must occur to preclude injury to the adjacent hilar structures. The medial and lateral peritoneum overlying the gallbladder and infundibulum are dissected with cautery again taking a line on the left side of the gallbladder above the node of Calot, if visible. When the infundibulum is exposed, lateral retraction is used to expose the cystic duct and artery to facilitate ligation. It is not uncommon to find substantial inflammation of the fundus, body, and infundibulum, while at the same time the region of the cystic duct is generally normal. In these instances, it may be preferable to begin the procedure at the base of the gallbladder and proceed retrograde. Blunt dissection with the thumb and index finger to thin out the tissue overlying the cystic duct and artery is often useful in patients with marked thickening in the duodenohepatic ligament.

Bailout Options

Some gallbladders cannot be removed safely. Such situations are not reliably predicted on preoperative imaging as some markedly thickened gallbladders are easily removed. In situations where one cannot safely progress, open or laparoscopic bailout options must be considered. As surgical training features fewer open cholecystectomy operations, surgeon comfort with conversion to open is declining. It is becoming more common to see laparoscopic bailout options used in the setting of severely inflamed hepatocystic triangle anatomy. If inability to safely perform dissection is recognized early in an operation and the gallbladder is mostly intact, or if the patient becomes clinically unstable, a cholecystostomy tube is a good option. A pigtail catheter may be placed under direct view from a subcostal location into the gallbladder and secured in place.

If the gallbladder is firmly adherent to the liver with no identifiable tissue planes and dissection results in repeated parenchyma disruption raising concern for bleeding or bile leak, the back wall of the gallbladder may be left in place. The mucosa of the remnant gallbladder is then cauterized extensively to reduce the risk of mucocele. A drain is left in the surgical bed for postoperative monitoring and management.

If the cystic structures cannot be safely dissected from the portal structures but the gallbladder is no longer intact or if it is gangrenous, a partial/subtotal cholecystectomy can be performed. The gallbladder is surgically divided high on the infundibulum, all stones are removed, and the infundibulum left in situ. The infundibulum is then oversewn with permanent suture in full-thickness fashion or the cystic duct is sewn internally through the infundibulum if tissue is friable. Alternatively, suturing can be omitted if this is not feasible. Again, a closed suction drain is placed in the surgical bed due to high risk of bile leak. Such approaches are associated with high rates of subsequent intervention for bile leak (e.g., transampullary stenting). Patients left with substantial gallbladder remnants should be considered for completion cholecystectomy at a later date, especially in relatively young and healthy patients.

Complications and Postoperative Care

Postoperative care should focus on early advancement of diet and discontinuation of antibiotics in most patients. Postoperative antibiotics are discontinued often immediately after surgery, but some patients require longer duration for sustained systemic inflammatory response. For patients in which a drain was placed in the operative bed, bile leak is assessed early. If there no evidence of bile leaks, the drain is often removed on postoperative day 1 or 2; however, high-risk patients may be discharged home with the drain. In cases that had to be converted to open cholecystectomy, pulmonary complications are common as a function of splinting inspiratory effort; pain control is crucial to aid in respiratory mechanics and airway clearance.

The most common intraabdominal complications following laparoscopic cholecystectomy for AC are abscess formation, bleeding, and bile leak. These complications can usually be managed with the assistance of interventional radiology rather than return to the operating room; however, in the setting of a bile leak causing diffuse peritonitis, operative washout and drain placement is indicated. Bile and gallstone spillage are common in cases of acute inflammation. Bile should be irrigated and aspirated, and efforts should be made to retrieve all dropped gallstones. Larger dropped stones can result in abscess formation, so every effort should be made to retrieve them. In the scenario of a patient who returns 1 or 2 weeks after surgery with imaging findings of fluid collection in the surgical bed, one must determine if a drain should be placed. If the patient is having systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or presents with concerning lab and imaging findings, a drain should be placed. If the patient appears well, has normal labs, and has simple fluid on CT scan, the fluid may represent seroma and a drain may not be necessary.

Most bile leaks postoperatively are not related to major CBD injury but are due to leakage from the cystic duct or small subcapsular ducts (ducts of Luschka). When a patient is deemed to be higher than average risk of leak, a closed suction drain should be left in the operative field. Examples of when to leave in a drain are a gallbladder that is exceptionally adherent to the liver parenchyma, poor cystic duct quality, or if bailout techniques have been employed. Leaks may not be immediately apparent in many instances. As stated previously, it is our practice to remove the drain before discharge on postoperative day 1 or 2 if there is no evidence of a leak. If a small leak is present, it will usually heal on its own. In patients who return to the ER with an unanticipated biloma, percutaneous drainage by interventional radiology is used. While it is true that many bile leaks following cholecystectomy for AC are cystic stump leaks, the default assumption should be that of a bile duct injury unless clinical findings suggest otherwise. Patients with abnormal liver function test, high volume leaks, upward trending drainage volumes, and those with signs of sepsis should undergo endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for delineation of the anatomy and possible stent placement (for those patients with leaks whose CBD is still in continuity).

CBD injury is the most feared and morbid complication of cholecystectomy. Identification and management of CBD injury is discussed extensively elsewhere in this book. The key to minimizing the likelihood of an injury is complete dissection of connective tissue so only two structures are seen entering the gallbladder, the lower third of the gallbladder is dissected free from the liver bed, and a hepatocystic window is clearly identified before ligation of these two structures. Judicious use of cholangiogram should be used to help delineate anatomy. If common duct injury does occur, the key is recognizing it. Partially visualized clipping to control bleeding should be avoided, but if it is done, a careful postclip inspection of anatomy is necessary. After completion of cholecystectomy, the area should be examined for any bile leakage and the source identified. Although techniques to repair bile duct injury are discussed elsewhere, if the operative surgeon is not comfortable performing bile duct repair or reconstruction, early identification, wide drainage, and transfer to a center of expertise can limit morbidity. If at a center with expertise, intraoperative consultation should be considered.


Patients with moderate to severe medical comorbidities (ASA>3, CCI>6) and mild cholecystitis may be managed medically with possible interval cholecystectomy. Antibiotics should empirically cover the most common organisms: enteric gram-negatives (E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter), anaerobes (Bacteroides, Clostridium), enterococci, and streptococci. Duration of antibiotics is generally 7 to 14 days. Analgesia is also needed during the inflammatory response; regimens include aggressive multimodal nonnarcotic medications (acetaminophen, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) and opiates as needed. Supportive IV fluids are used until pain is controlled, laboratory tests begin to show improving trends, and the patient tolerates a diet. When patients clinically worsen or do not improve within 72 hours, percutaneous drainage should be considered. An 85% response rate to medical therapy is observed in AC, with most patients not experiencing recurrent issues in short term follow-up.


Percutaneous cholecystostomy is reserved for patients who do not respond to medical therapy, are clinically unstable with multiple comorbidities, have comorbidity that precludes general anesthesia, have atypical prolonged duration of symptoms (over 4 days), or already have associated abscess.

Cholecystostomy is 90% effective in alleviating symptoms and is performed under local anesthesia or light sedation by interventional radiology. Minor complications, such as catheter dislodgement or blockage, occur in 15% of cases and may require repeat IR intervention. Serious complications such as bleeding or bile leak are rare. If the patient is a surgical candidate, we leave the drain in place and perform interval cholecystectomy in 6 to 12 weeks. If comorbidities preclude surgery, IR cholecystogram is performed after a minimum of 6 weeks; if there are no stones present and cystic duct is patent, the tube can be removed or sequentially capped, symptoms monitored, and then removed. A more detailed description of cholecystostomy tube management can be found elsewhere in this book.


Endoscopic management of cholecystitis is rare but can be helpful in highly select patients. There are limited reports of treating AC via ERCP with placement of a transampullary stent into the gallbladder via the cystic duct. Transmural drainage can also be performed by puncturing the gallbladder via the duodenum under endoscopic US guidance, dilation of the tract, and placing a stent. This may be a long-term solution in the case of a patient who is not a surgical candidate, although it is used very rarely.


Acalculous Cholecystitis

Acalculous cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder not due to gallstones. It is a result of gallbladder stasis and ischemia from various sources classically seen in the critically ill patient. Duration of cholecystitis is often difficult to ascertain in these critical patients, especially if intubated or mental status is diminished. In this setting, early percutaneous cholecystostomy is advised. This is often definitive therapy as gallstones are not the source of cholecystitis, and the drain can frequently be removed 6 weeks after placement if the cystic duct is patent.

Cholecystitis in Pregnancy

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is as safe as medical management of cholecystitis in all trimesters of pregnancy. First trimester surgery from general anesthetic may affect fetal organ development, though this is considered low risk. Third trimester surgery may induce preterm labor or be physically challenging to perform due to size of the fetus. We use same-admission cholecystectomy in first- and second-trimester patients with low risk (short duration of symptoms, limited comorbidity). In the third-trimester patient, we usually attempt medical management followed by percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement if needed. Subsequent cholecystectomy is performed after delivery.

Suggested Readings

  • Broderick R.C., Lee A.M., Cheverie J.N., et. al.: Fluorescent cholangiography significantly improves patient outcomes for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc 2020 Oct 14; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33052527
  • Cao A.M., Eslick G.D., Cox M.R.: Early Cholecystectomy Is Superior to Delayed Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis: a Meta-analysis. J Gastrointest Surg 2015; 19: pp. 848-857.
  • Dip F., Lo Menzo E., White K.P., Rosenthal R.J.: Does near-infrared fluorescent cholangiography with indocyanine green reduce bile duct injuries and conversions to open surgery during laparoscopic or robotic cholecystectomy? A meta-analysis. Surgery 2021; 169: pp. 859-867. Epub 2021 Jan 18. PMID: 33478756
  • Shenoy R., Mederos M.A., Ye L., et. al.: Intraoperative and postoperative outcomes of robot-assisted cholecystectomy: a systematic review. Syst Rev 2021; 10: pp. 124.
  • Strasberg S.M., Pucci M.J., Brunt L.M., Deziel D.J.: Subtotal Cholecystectomy-"Fenestrating" vs "Reconstituting" Subtypes and the Prevention of Bile Duct Injury: Definition of the Optimal Procedure in Difficult Operative Conditions. J Am Coll Surg 2016; 222: pp. 89-96.

Proper Use of Cholecystotomy Tubes

Ashwyn K. Sharma, MD
Jason K. Sicklick, MD

Cholecystostomy tube placement has traditionally been considered for the treatment of acute calculous cholecystitis and acalculous cholecystitis when definitive treatment with cholecystectomy is deemed high risk or contraindicated secondary to high morbidity/mortality potential resulting from patient factors, comorbid conditions, or underlying intraabdominal disease. In these cases, cholecystostomy tube placement is an effective strategy for achieving source control. In recent years, the Tokyo Guidelines were developed to create a classification system for the severity of cholecystitis and to offer consensus recommendations for cholecystostomy tube placement. However, once inserted, recommendations for long-term management of cholecystostomy tubes have not been standardized, although consensus on removal focuses on the presence or absence of cystic duct patency and the patient’s surgical risk. For appropriate surgical candidates, definitive treatment with cholecystectomy is recommended following tube placement. However, cholecystectomy rarely occurs in practice, leading to multiple tube-related complications and recurrent gallbladder pathology. Therefore, clearer indications for the use of cholecystostomy tubes and their subsequent management are imperative. This chapter reviews the current literature on cholecystostomy tube placement and provides the most up-to-date recommendations based on current evidence.


Gallstone disease is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders encountered by general surgeons. Moreover, older patients who have severe cholecystitis and associated physiologic decompensation resulting from comorbidities and gallbladder pathology are increasingly more common. Ultimately, the preferred definitive treatment for patients with acute cholecystitis is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, there are situations in which emergent cholecystectomy is not always safe, including when cholecystitis leads to sepsis and hemodynamic instability, when cholecystitis causes acute decompensation of underlying comorbid illnesses, or when underlying comorbid conditions increase the patient’s surgical morbidity risk (e.g., severe cardiac disease, severe pulmonary disease, and/or metastatic malignancies). In these cases, cholecystostomy tube insertion should be considered as a less invasive treatment that avoids general anesthesia and provides infectious source control.


Despite moving toward early cholecystectomy in all patients presenting with acute cholecystitis, there remain patients with high surgical risk either because of severe cholecystitis, the advanced nature of their comorbid conditions, or both. It is in these subsets of patients that cholecystostomy tube placement may be indicated.

The decision to forgo cholecystectomy and perform a cholecystostomy tube placement is mainly driven by two factors, namely gallbladder pathology and patient-related factors. Gallbladder pathology is primarily described by (1) the presence or absence of gallstones (calculous or acalculous cholecystitis), (2) the severity of inflammation (with or without gangrene), (3) the duration of symptoms, (4) the presence of sepsis and/or hemodynamic instability, and (5) the presence of underlying intraabdominal malignancy. Patient-related factors are a combination of objective and more subjective factors including, but not limited to, underlying neurologic, cardiac, respiratory, renal, hepatic, and other systemic diseases that increase surgical risk. Such comorbid conditions, in the setting of otherwise manageable acute cholecystitis, may lead to physiologic decompensation. As a result, cholecystostomy tube placement is generally performed in critically ill, debilitated, and/or high–surgical risk patients with acute cholecystitis.


Calculous or Acalculous Cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis is most often related to gallstones. Complications from gallstones include acute calculous cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, cholangitis, and gallstone pancreatitis. The pathophysiology of acute cholecystitis results from obstruction of the cystic duct by an impacted gallstone, which then leads to transmural gallbladder edema and inflammation with potential necrosis. When indicated, cholecystostomy tube placement allows for gallbladder decompression in the setting of cystic duct obstruction and can be performed under ultrasound guidance with local anesthetic and minimal sedation. Decompression of the gallbladder reduces the inflammatory process, allowing the patient to recover from the infection and any underlying systemic inflammatory response. Further, cholecystostomy tube placement may provide a bridge to definitive therapy with interval cholecystectomy in selected patients.

In contrast to cholecystitis associated with cholelithiasis, acalculous cholecystitis primarily occurs in patients who are critically ill and cannot tolerate surgical intervention. Given the lack of gallstones, this is not considered an obstructive process. Numerous studies have reported cholecystostomy tube placement in patients with acalculous cholecystitis ( Table 1 ). But, given the fact that acalculous cholecystitis often occurs in already critically ill patients, mortality remains relatively high, with 30-day and in-hospital mortality rates ranging from 9% to 21% following percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement. Despite lower morbidity rates of cholecystostomy tube placement versus cholecystectomy in this patient population, mortality rates were reported to be similar in a large retrospective study of 1725 patients with acalculous cholecystitis undergoing cholecystostomy tube placement or cholecystectomy. Although these data propose cholecystostomy tube placement as definitive treatment for patients with acalculous cholecystitis who cannot tolerate cholecystectomy, one-third of these patients eventually underwent definitive treatment with cholecystectomy ( Table 2 ).

Studies Primarily Reporting Outcomes in Patients with Acalculous Cholecystitis Who Undergo Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Placement
Study Total AAC (N) Study Design Outcomes
Horn (2015) 278 Retrospective 30-day mortality was 4.7%; 54.7% of patients were definitively treated with PC with a follow-up of 5 years; 23.5% of patients were readmitted for recurrently cholecystitis; 28% underwent an LC at some point in the study period.
Kirkegard (2015) 56 Observational 30-day mortality was 10.7%, with 80.4% being definitively treated with PC; 9% underwent LC at some point in the study period.
Anderson (2014) 4329 Retrospective Decreased mortality in patients undergoing cholecystectomy versus PC (hazard ratio, 0.29, P < .001).
Simorov (2013) 704 Retrospective Compared with LC and OC, those who underwent PC had decreased LOS, morbidity, ICU stay, and cost. No difference in mortality.
Chung (2012) 57 Retrospective In-hospital mortality was 21%, and 49% were managed nonoperatively; 31% underwent cholecystectomy; 7% had recurrent cholecystitis.
ICU, Intensive care unit; LC, laparoscopic cholecystectomy; LOS, length of stay; OC, open cholecystectomy; PC, percutaneous cholecystostomy.

Tube-Related Complications, Readmission, and Cholecystectomy Rates Associated with Cholecystostomy Tube Placement
Study Total (N) Tube-Related Complications (%) Readmission Rates (%) Recurrent Cholecystitis (%) Cholecystectomy (%)
Kim (2017) 144 21.4 NR 9.7 27.9
Papis (2017) 39 0 15.4 15.4 30.7
Boules (2016) 380 NR 3.7 NR 32.9
Pang (2016) 71 28 NR NR 45
Wang (2016) 279 NR NR 9.2 33
Bala (2015) 257 31 15 NR 63.4
Jang (2015) 93 3.2 NR 19.3 33
Khasawneh (2015) 245 NR NR NR 83
Cha (2014) 82 NR 0 0 54.8
Chang (2014) 60 9.8 NR 11.7 5
Al-Jundi (2012) 30 9 NR NR 36.7
Horn (2014) 278 35.2 23.5 23.5 28.4
Hsieh (2012) 166 16.3 NR 13.8 31.9
Joseph (2012) 106 5 NR NR 27
McKay (2012) 68 14.7 41 41 30
Kortram (2011) 27 3.7 NR 19.7 16
Nasim (2011) 62 1.6 NR 9.7 37
Saeed (2010) 41 25 NR NR 22
Wisemen (2010) 86 21 NR NR 54.6
Paran (2006) 54 33 19 * NR 51.8
Basaran (2005) 18 5.6 NR NR 42.8
Byrne (2003) 45 2 NR NR 37.8
Hatzidakis (2002) 63 5 NR NR 25
Spira (2002) 55 16 19.2 19.2 56.4
Berber (2000) 15 13 NR NR 80

* Percent of patients who had a percutaneous cholecystostomy and never underwent surgery because they were deemed unfit

Unknown denominator. NR , Not reported.

Severity of Inflammation and Duration of Symptoms

In recent years, consensus recommendations have been created to provide formal guidelines regarding the diagnosis and management of cholecystitis. The Tokyo Guidelines (TG) were developed in 2007 (TG07) and subsequently revised in 2013 (TG13) and 2018 (TG18). The TG07 and TG13 created a classification system for the severity of cholecystitis ( Table 3 ). Based on this, an algorithm for cholecystostomy tube placement was derived. Earlier versions of the Tokyo Guidelines recommended utilization of cholecystostomy tubes for (1) patients with grade II cholecystitis who have symptoms lasting more than 72 hours and fail to respond to antibiotic therapy, or (2) patients with grade III cholecystitis ( Fig. 1 ). The updated TG18 guidelines now recommend percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement in cases of grade II and grade III cholecystitis in high–surgical risk patients following failure of antibiotics and supportive care ( Fig. 2 ).

Tokyo Guidelines Definition of Acute Cholecystitis Based on Disease Severity
Grade Definition
I (Mild)
  • No findings of organ dysfunction and acute cholecystitis (does not meet criteria for grades II–III)

  • Cholecystectomy is deemed low risk and safe

  • Duration of symptoms <72 hours

II (Moderate)
  • Degree of inflammation is likely associated with operative difficulty if cholecystectomy is to be undertaken

  • Associated with any one of the following:

  • Elevated white blood cell count (>18,000/mm 3 )

  • Palpable tender mass in the right upper quadrant

  • Symptoms >72 hours

  • Marked local inflammation (i.e., gangrenous cholecystitis, pericholecystic abscess, hepatic abscess, biliary peritonitis, emphysematous cholecystitis)

III (Severe)
  • Cholecystitis with associated organ dysfunction to include any of the following:

  • Circulatory failure (hypotension requiring treatment with dopamine >5 µg/kg/min, or any dose of norepinephrine

  • Neurologic disturbance (decreased level of consciousness)

  • Respiratory failure (partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio <300)

  • Renal failure (oliguria, creatinine >2.0 mg/dL)

  • Hepatic failure (international normalized ratio >1.5)

  • Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000/mm 3 )

FIG. 1, Tokyo Guidelines 2013 algorithm for the management of acute calculous cholecystitis. Cholecystostomy tube placement is recommended in grades II and III disease when antibiotics and supportive care do not provide source control. Delayed elective cholecystectomy is recommended after tube placement.

FIG. 2, Tokyo Guidelines 2018 algorithm for the management of patients with acute calculous cholecystitis. Cholecystostomy tube placement is now recommended in patients with grade II disease only if they fail antibiotics and supportive care and are not candidates for cholecystectomy based on poor performance status as measured by a Charlson Comorbidity Index ≥6 or American Society of Anesthesiologists class ≥3. In grade III disease, cholecystostomy is recommended in patients who (1) do not respond to antibiotics and supportive care, (2) have respiratory and/or neurologic dysfunction, and (3) do not rapidly resolve their cardiovascular and renal dysfunction. After cholecystostomy tube placement, cholecystectomy is recommended unless the Charlson Comorbidity Index is ≥4 and life expectancy is short, in which case patients can be observed. These management protocols assume advanced centers that include intensive care unit treatment, appropriate surgical expertise, and advanced endoscopy.

Sepsis and/or Hemodynamic Instability

In some cases, the degree of inflammation in cholecystitis can worsen and thereby lead to sepsis, septic shock, and hemodynamic instability. For patients who present with severe cholecystitis, mortality rates in some studies have been shown to be as high as 35%. Along with supportive care and broad antibiotic therapy, early source control is crucial and has been demonstrated to be a major factor for reducing mortality in this population. However, hemodynamic instability and/or shock may preclude operative interventions, including cholecystectomy, as a viable option for source control. Cholecystostomy tube placement in patients with severe cholecystitis is easy to perform, effective, and provides adequate source control for patients with cholecystitis.

Underlying Intraabdominal Malignancy Precluding Definitive Surgical Intervention

A small subset of patients with underlying malignancies, such as pancreatic adenocarcinoma or cholangiocarcinoma, may develop acalculous cholecystitis from an obstructive process secondary to either the malignancy or a therapeutic intervention (e.g., biliary stenting to relieve a common bile duct obstruction). In both situations, the tumor and/or stent can occlude the cystic duct leading to cholecystitis. However, the underlying malignancy may preclude a safe cholecystectomy; therefore cholecystostomy tube placement can be offered if antibiotics are insufficient at treating the cholecystitis. Consistent with this approach, multiple case reports and one retrospective series have shown that the use of a cholecystostomy tube allows patients to recover more quickly and potentially proceed or return to their cancer therapy. In these cases, cholecystostomy tube management requires a multidisciplinary approach because patients may not be able to undergo definitive interval cholecystectomy. In contrast, for patients with resectable cancers, the gallbladder can be addressed at the time of definitive surgical intervention.


Multiple studies in the United States have evaluated the utilization of cholecystostomy tube decompression in the setting of acute calculous cholecystitis ( Table 4 ). As discussed earlier, although gallbladder pathology is an important factor when cholecystostomy tube placement is considered, these studies demonstrated that the primary indications for tube placement are independent of the severity of cholecystitis, and rather are largely based on patient-related factors including patient comorbidities that make the risk of anesthesia and an operation prohibitive (see Table 4 ). Some studies are nonspecific, simply recommending cholecystostomy in “poor surgical candidates” without clear definition. Others report specific patient-related factors as indications for cholecystostomy tube placement. In a retrospective analysis of 424 cholecystostomy tube patients published in 2017, Boules et al. reported that it was at the attending surgeon’s discretion whether a patient was considered a high-risk surgical candidate; review of the data identified six risk factors driving cholecystostomy tube placement: (1) cardiac surgery within 2 months of symptom onset, (2) pulmonary infection, (3) end-stage liver disease (ESLD) with cirrhosis, (4) new diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE), (5) use of systemic anticoagulation, and (6) hemodynamic instability. Other retrospective reviews have reported cholecystostomy tube indications such as terminal stage IV cancer and coronary artery disease.

Studies Reporting Various Indications for Cholecystostomy Tube Placement
Study Sample Size Study Design Reported Indications
Joseph (2018) 952 Retrospective Patient’s general condition, comorbidities, and fitness for anesthesia, rather than the grading and acute disease process itself
Kim (2018) 144 Retrospective No specific indications, except for decision for tube placement was in a “multidisciplinary manner”
Boules (2017) 380 Retrospective Cardiac surgery within 2 months of symptom onset
Pulmonary infection
End-stage liver disease
New diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
Use of systemic anticoagulation
Hemodynamic instability
Pang (2016) 71 Retrospective Declined surgery
Severe sepsis/shock
Gallbladder perforation
Multiple comorbidities
Wang (2016) 279 Retrospective Patient preference
Failure to respond to initial medical management
Impending rupture of severely distended gallbladder
Severe sepsis/septic shock
Bala (2015) 257 Retrospective Physician discretion and either the presence of comorbid conditions and/or lack of clinical improvement with antibiotic therapy alone
Horn (2015) 278 Retrospective High burden of comorbidity
Prolonged symptom duration reported as >5 days
Khasawneh (2015) 245 Retrospective Calculous cholecystitis
Acalculous cholecystitis
Sepsis likely from a biliary source
Cha (2014) 82 Retrospective Patient comorbidities
Chang (2014) 60 Retrospective Failure to respond to initial medical treatment in patients with high perioperative risk
Impending rupture of a severely distended gallbladder that may cause clinical deterioration
Suspected gallbladder necrosis or perforation in patients with severe comorbidities and no other treatments available
Hsieh (2012) 166 Retrospective Septic shock/severe sepsis
Gallbladder rupture
Failed conservative treatment after 48 hours
Joseph (2012) 106 Retrospective Poor surgical candidates
McKay (2012) 68 Retrospective Surgeon discretion
Kortram (2011) 27 Retrospective A component of one or more of the following:

  • Age

  • ASA


  • Comorbidity

Nasim (2011) 62 Retrospective ASA grade II/IV
Significant sepsis resulting in hemodynamic instability
Patients deemed moderate or high risk for general anesthesia
Saeed (2010) 41 Observational case series Calculous cholecystitis
Acalculous cholecystitis
Gallbladder perforation and/or empyema
Paran (2006) 54 Prospective Poor surgical candidate secondary to comorbidities and/or symptoms >72 hours
Basaran (2005) 18 Retrospective Medical comorbidity including terminal cancer, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, CAD, HTN, CHF, ARF
Byrne (2003) 45 Retrospective Medical comorbidities including cardiovascular disease and malignancy
Hatzidakis (2002) 63 Prospective Randomized to cholecystostomy tube group, but patients were referred to surgical team for possible tube placement
Spira (2002) 55 Retrospective Biliary sepsis
Septic shock
Severe comorbidities
Berber (2000) 15 Retrospective High risk for general anesthesia secondary to comorbidities and/or chronic illness
Inflammation too severe during attempted laparoscopic cholecystectomy
APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; ARF, acute renal failure; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; HTN, hypertension.

The 2018 Tokyo Guidelines (TG18) attempted to further define high-risk patients for early operative intervention by including the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and American Society of Anesthesiologists’ (ASA) Physical Status Classification System. In addition, the TG18 guidelines established predictive factors that have been associated with increased surgical mortality risk on multivariate analyses, including jaundice (total bilirubin ≥2 mg/dL) with coexisting neurologic dysfunction or respiratory dysfunction.

  • 1

    For grade II cholecystitis, TG18 recommends cholecystostomy tube placement in patients with CCI ≥ 6 and/or ASA class ≥ III, as well as local inflammation resistant to systemic antibiotic therapy.

  • 2

    For grade III cholecystitis, TG18 recommends cholecystostomy tube placement in patients who, (1) fail supportive care with antibiotics, (2) are jaundiced and have neurologic or respiratory dysfunction, and (3) have organ system failure not rapidly reversible with therapy. However, even when antibiotics and supportive care are effective, as well as when cardiovascular and/or renal organ system failure are reversed in grade III disease, a cholecystostomy tube is still recommended if the patient has a poor performance status (CCI > 4 and/or ASA class ≥ III) (see Fig. 2 ).


The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on emergent and elective surgical services. Half of patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection develop pulmonary complications, which are associated with high mortality. In addition, multicenter studies have shown that COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk for serious perioperative morbidity and mortality. Moreover, a substantial number of patients with COVID-19 are not identified until after surgery.

At the start of the pandemic, the American College of Surgeons recommended nonoperative management of surgical diseases, including cholecystitis, when possible, for patients who had confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection. Because of the morbidity and mortality risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, the possibility of transmission to hospital staff, and resource shortages caused by the pandemic, many centers transitioned to conservative and nonoperative management of acute cholecystitis. Published data for treatment of SARS-CoV-2–positive patients with acute cholecystitis comes from only a few single-institution retrospective studies. Although based on limited data, some studies suggest that percutaneous cholecystostomy is safe and effective compared with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the setting SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, other studies have raised concerns about this approach, with approximately 35% of patients who underwent cholecystostomy tube placement experiencing a complication and up to 43% requiring readmission. Thus, each treatment recommendation must be thoroughly discussed with patients with COVID-19 and their other comorbidities in mind.


The majority of cholecystectomy tubes are placed via a percutaneous approach. However, these tubes can also be surgically placed via an open or laparoscopic approach. Success rates of tube placement exceed 90% in most studies.

Percutaneous Approach

Percutaneous cholecystostomy is most often performed by interventional radiologists but can also be placed by a surgeon trained in the procedure. After localization by computed tomography (CT) or ultrasound ( Figs. 3 and 4 ), the gallbladder is accessed percutaneously with radiologic guidance via either a transhepatic or transperitoneal approach. Traditionally, the transhepatic approach is preferred to prevent bile spillage or bile leakage, especially in the setting of severe cholecystitis and a potentially necrotic gallbladder wall. In practice, however, there is the possibility of hepatic abscess and transient bacteremia with the transhepatic approach because of the direct connection with hepatic sinusoids. The transperitoneal approach is an alternative method that works best when the gallbladder wall is extremely inflamed and thickened because it is more likely to seal and more likely to tolerate a coiling wire without rupturing.

FIG. 3, Ultrasound placement of a cholecystostomy tube. (A) Gallbladder is visualized. (B, C) Gallbladder is accessed with a Yeah needle. (D, E) Pigtail catheter is placed into the gallbladder lumen.

FIG. 4, Computed tomography placement of a cholecystostomy tube. (A, B) Gallbladder is visualized. (C) Computed tomography markers are placed on the abdominal skin on the right upper quadrant to help with guidance. (D–F) Verification of pigtail catheter placement in the gallbladder lumen.

Under image guidance, a long, hollow Yeah sheathed needle is placed through the liver and into the gallbladder until bile is aspirated ( Fig. 3C,D ). In many cases, the cystic duct is obstructed, and this fluid will be clear secondary to resultant hydrops. Once the gallbladder is accessed, a wire (short 75-cm Amplatz or Rosen curved tip wire) is placed through the needle and into the gallbladder lumen ( Fig. 3C,D ). A dilator is placed over the wire, and an 8-Fr pigtail catheter is then advanced and coiled in the gallbladder lumen using the Seldinger technique ( Fig. 3E and Fig. 4D–F ). At the end of the procedure, CT and/or ultrasound should be utilized to confirm the proper position of the drainage tube ( Fig. 4D–F ). The catheter is then secured to the skin by a suture or proprietary adhesive device.

Operative Approach

A cholecystostomy tube can also be placed surgically via laparoscopic or open approach. These options should be kept in mind when the surgeon begins the operation with the intent of performing cholecystectomy but finds inflammation so severe that the dissection is deemed unsafe or the patient becomes unstable during the operation. In either situation, the gallbladder is visualized by the surgeon and the tube can be inserted under direct vision through a small cholecystotomy made in the gallbladder or transhepatically using the Seldinger technique. If placed directly into the gallbladder, the drain can be secured to the gallbladder wall to prevent bile leakage around the tube. If the gallbladder wall is necrotic, a fenestrating partial cholecystectomy with removal of stones along with wide drainage may be an alternative option if cholecystectomy is deemed unsafe or unfeasible.


Although cholecystectomy tube placement is often not difficult and allows for poor surgical candidates to avoid an operation, both immediate and long-term complications can occur. Data on complications are largely derived from single-institution retrospective studies.

Immediate Complications

Immediate complications from cholecystostomy placement include continuation/progression of acute cholecystitis, biliary peritonitis, sepsis, bleeding, biliary leak, and tube dislodgement. Overall, complications specifically related to cholecystostomy tube placement range from 5% to 33% across studies, but most are related to the latter three issues (i.e., bleeding, biliary leak, or tube dislodgement). To prevent bleeding, especially with the transhepatic approach, the interventional radiologist and/or surgeon should ensure that any coagulopathy is corrected before tube placement. Bile leakage can occur if the tube is dislodged or the gallbladder wall is necrotic and the bile leaks around the tube itself. This can lead to sepsis, diffuse biliary peritonitis, and/or a biloma/abscess in the right upper quadrant if the leakage is contained and localized. This should be suspected when a patient’s leukocytosis worsens or does not improve after tube placement as well as when symptoms initially improve but the patient subsequently develops sepsis, hemodynamic instability, fever, worsening leukocytosis, or worsening abdominal pain.

Later Complications

In the long-term, both readmission to the hospital and recurrence of acute cholecystitis are common after cholecystostomy tube placement when delayed definitive therapy with cholecystectomy is not performed. There is significant cost associated with frequent hospital visits, radiologic interventions, and overall increased hospital days, stressing the importance of definitive cholecystectomy when at all possible. Recurrence of acute cholecystitis after cholecystostomy tube placement ranges from 9% to 41% in small series, and readmissions rates are as high as 40%. Readmissions are mostly related to inadvertent tube dislodgement or removal, tube occlusion, recurrent cholecystitis, or catheter-site related pain.

Ineffective Placement

Although placement of cholecystostomy tubes is 90% to 100% effective in most studies, some patients will not resolve their cholecystitis as measured by ongoing sepsis, leukocytosis, and/or right upper quadrant pain. Cha and colleagues reported a technical success rate of 100% in 82 patients undergoing cholecystostomy tube placement, and a clinical success rate of 98% with one patient dying of cholecystitis-related complications. But, in a study by Joseph et al., 32% of critically ill patients who had a cholecystostomy tube placed did not improve or declined clinically after tube placement.


The management of cholecystostomy tubes after initial treatment remains somewhat controversial. There are no broadly accepted guidelines regarding definitive tube management. Across studies, 5% to 63% of patients eventually undergo definitive cholecystectomy, but this is not well defined. However, the TG18 recommends delayed cholecystectomy after tube placement, regardless of initial grade of the cholecystitis. In the literature, several authors have proposed different algorithms for the management of cholecystostomy tubes, many of which involve cholangiography to assess the patency of the cystic duct and biliary tree. In a study by Cha and colleagues, patients underwent a cholangiogram through the cholecystostomy tube to evaluate for patency of the cystic duct and biliary tract once the patient’s symptoms and clinical status improved. This was done during the index hospitalization. If patency was demonstrated via contrast emptying into the duodenum, the catheter was clamped. If patients developed recurrent cholecystitis after clamping, worsening laboratory values (e.g., leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia, transaminitis), or worsening symptoms, the catheter was placed back to external drainage for 7 days, after which patients were reassessed. If the patient tolerated clamping and had continued clinical improvement, the cholecystostomy tube was removed during the initial admission. If the cystic duct was not patent, patients were discharged with the cholecystostomy tube placed to an external drainage bag. Zarour and colleagues reviewed outcomes of 119 patients who underwent cholecystostomy tube placement for acute cholecystitis. In their study, all patients who underwent tube placement were discharged with the tube in place and draining externally. Follow-up cholangiogram was performed 2 to 3 weeks later; if the duct was patent and the patient was deemed an appropriate surgical candidate, the tube was clamped and left in place, and the patient subsequently underwent interval cholecystectomy. In patients who were not deemed fit but had biliary tract patency, the tube was removed.

In the absence of prospective data, (1) the duration of recommended tube drainage, (2) the need for definitive cholecystectomy, (3) the timing of tube removal, and (4) the timing of cholecystectomy remain topics of debate. The reported median length of time that the tube remained varies widely in the literature and depends on whether definitive cholecystectomy was performed. Times ranged from 10 days in those who eventually underwent cholecystectomy to 70 days in patients who did not undergo definitive treatment with cholecystectomy. Most studies recommend drainage for 3 to 6 weeks because this allows a tract to develop. Others recommend earlier removal and early definitive cholecystectomy. In contrast, separate studies recommend a longer period of tube drainage in patients with uncontrolled diabetes, persistent infection, malnutrition, and/or those on steroids because these conditions may hinder the healing process.

Ultimately, tube removal is dependent on resolution of the patient’s symptoms, the presence or absence of cystic duct obstruction, and whether the patient is a candidate for cholecystectomy. This is determined on a case-by-case basis through evaluation of laboratory values, abdominal examination, and the patient’s report of resolved abdominal pain.

In our opinion, if the patient’s acute cholecystitis has resolved and he or she is a candidate for cholecystectomy, tube evaluation is not necessary. Cholecystectomy should be scheduled, and the tube should be left in situ and draining externally until the operation is performed. This can be done laparoscopically or open, though conversion rates in this setting are higher than normal and should not be unexpected. If the patient’s clinical status improves and he or she is not a candidate for cholecystectomy, the patient should undergo a tube cholangiogram, and tube removal should only be considered if there is patency of the patient’s cystic duct. This is because the likelihood of recurrent episodes of cholecystitis is extremely high if the cystic duct remains obstructed. The timeline in which a cholangiogram is done in these patients varies in the literature, but we recommend 3 to 6 weeks to allow for a track to form before tube removal. If a cholangiogram demonstrates a patent cystic duct, the next step is clamping of the cholecystostomy tube, with removal in the absence of recurring symptoms after clamping. It is important to note that the criterion of cystic duct patency does not necessarily apply to patients with acalculous cholecystitis as the pathophysiology is different from calculous cholecystitis. But patients should at least undergo clamping trials before removal to reduce the risk of having recurrent symptoms after tube removal that may lead to an additional procedure.


Cholecystectomy remains the only definitive treatment for patients with acute cholecystitis. In individuals who undergo cholecystostomy tube placement, the TG18 recommend delayed-interval cholecystectomy after tube placement (see Figs. 1 and 2 ), except for patients with initial grade III disease, poor performance status, and limited predicted life expectancy. These recommendations apply to calculous cholecystitis, but other reports on patients with acalculous cholecystitis agree that cholecystectomy may not be necessary. The recurrence of acute cholecystitis in those who do not undergo definitive therapy ranges from 11% to 41%. Therefore, definitive therapy should be considered if the patient’s clinical status allows.

Despite the recommendation for cholecystectomy in the Tokyo guidelines, cholecystectomy rates vary widely, with 15% to 80% of patients undergoing cholecystectomy after cholecystostomy tube placement across many retrospective series. Ideally, cholecystectomy should be performed in the elective setting after the patient’s clinical status has improved. Cholecystectomy may be needed more urgently if cholecystostomy tube placement fails to control local inflammation and systemic sepsis or if inflammation recurs acutely. However, data from Medicare beneficiaries undergoing cholecystostomy tube placement for grade III cholecystitis demonstrate that only one-third of these patients undergo definitive treatment with a delayed cholecystectomy.

The timing for delayed cholecystectomy is also a topic of deliberation. In a study by Hung et al., there is some evidence that optimal timing for laparoscopic cholecystectomy is 9 to 10 weeks after placement of a cholecystostomy tube. In another retrospective study by Woodward et al., increased complications occurred when interval cholecystectomy was performed less than 1 month after cholecystostomy tube placement. However, patients with tubes in place for greater than 8 weeks demonstrated higher rates of tube-related complications, leading the authors to suggest that the most favorable timing for interval cholecystectomy is between 4 and 8 weeks after cholecystostomy tube placement. A retrospective analysis of the New York SPARCS database involving 9728 patients suggested that early cholecystectomy (≤8 weeks after cholecystostomy tube placement) was associated with a higher risk of complications and longer hospital length of stay. Ultimately, the timing of delayed cholecystectomy should be delayed at least 4 to 6 weeks after tube insertion, but there are no prospective analyses to determine this timing.


The proper use of cholecystostomy tubes includes temporary treatment for patients with calculous or acalculous cholecystitis who cannot tolerate surgery according to the TG18 guidelines. The severity of cholecystitis and the duration of symptoms are not absolute contraindications for cholecystectomy, and they do not mandate cholecystostomy tube placement in isolation. Potential reasons for a patient’s inability to tolerate surgery include severe systemic disease, including cardiovascular disease, underlying terminal malignancy, and/or any condition that precludes general anesthesia.

The TG18 algorithm for management of patients with acute cholecystitis (see Fig. 2 ) notes that initial evaluation should include assessment of the patient’s clinical status and the severity of the gallbladder disease. If patients are hemodynamically stable and able to tolerate a general anesthetic, cholecystectomy should be performed as soon as possible during the index admission, regardless of the Tokyo grade. Cholecystostomy tubes should be reserved for patients who are not candidates for cholecystectomy because of underlying comorbidity and/or physiologic decompensation resulting from acute illness and for those who do not rapidly respond to antibiotics and supportive care. In cases of grade III disease, if a patient improves with antibiotics and organ support, reevaluation should be undertaken during the index hospitalization for possible cholecystectomy. If not performed on the index admission, then delayed or elective cholecystectomy should be performed in patients who have a life expectancy of greater than 1 year as cholecystitis recurrence rates are high. As with all interventions, surgeons must consider the risks and benefits of this procedure and its long-term consequences with each individual patient in mind.

Suggested Readings

  • Altieri M.S., Yang J., Yin D., Brunt L.M., Talamini M.A., Pryor A.D.: Early cholecystectomy (</= 8 weeks) following percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement is associated with higher morbidity. Surg Endosc 2020; 34: pp. 3057-3063.
  • COVIDSurg Collaborative: Mortality and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international cohort study. Lancet 2020; 396: pp. 27-38.
  • Hung Y.L., Chen H.W., Tsai C.Y., et. al.: The optimal timing of interval laparoscopic cholecystectomy following percutaneous cholecystostomy based on pathological findings and the incidence of biliary events. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2021; 28: pp. 751-759.
  • Knisely A., Zhou Z.N., Wu J., et. al.: Perioperative morbidity and mortality of patients with COVID-19 who undergo urgent and emergent surgical procedures. Ann Surg 2021; 273: pp. 34-40.
  • Okamoto K, Suzuki K, Takada T, et al. Tokyo Guidelines 2018: flowchart for the management of acute cholecystitis. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2018;25(1):55–72.
  • Peckham-Cooper A., Coe P.O., Clarke R.W., Burke J., Lee M.J.: The role of cholecystostomy drains in the management of acute cholecystitis during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. What can we expect?. Br J Surg 2020; 107: pp. e447.
  • Woodward S.G., Rios-Diaz A.J., Zheng R., et. al.: Finding the most favorable timing for cholecystectomy after percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placement: an analysis of institutional and national data. J Am Coll Surg 2021; 232: pp. 55-64.
  • Yokoe M, Hata J, Takada T, et al. Tokyo Guidelines 2018: diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2018;25(1):41–54.
  • Zarour S, Imam A, Kouniavsky G, et al. Percutaneous cholecystostomy in the management of high-risk patients presenting with acute cholecystitis: Timing and outcome at a single institution. Am J Surg. 2017;214(3):456–461.

Management of Common Bile Duct Stones

Artem Shmelev, MD
Shirali T. Patel, MD
Steven C. Cunningham, MD

Common bile duct stones (CBDS), or choledocholithiasis, is simply the presence of stones in the common bile duct (CBD) and may present as an incidental finding on imaging or with symptomatic biliary obstruction, including various sequelae, such as acute pancreatitis and ascending cholangitis. Surgeons should maintain a high index of suspicion for CBDS when managing patients with other biliary pathology and should collaborate closely with gastroenterology colleagues for CBD clearance, which is most commonly achieved with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). However, all general surgeons should be familiar with the operative management of CBDS as well, as ERCP is unsuccessful in as many as 10% to 20% of cases.


The true incidence of CBDS in the general population is poorly known, as most cases are asymptomatic. CBDS are present in 10% to 15% of patients undergoing evaluation for cholelithiasis and are identified in 10% to 12% of intraoperative cholangiograms (IOC) when performed routinely during cholecystectomy (CCY). Similarly, the incidence of CBDS is approximately 10% to 20% in patients undergoing CCY for symptomatic cholelithiasis or acute cholecystitis.


Classification of CBDS by their point of origin is important for understanding their recurrence. The majority of CBDS in the Western population are secondary stones originating in the gallbladder and indicate the need for CCY to prevent recurrence. Primary CBDS, by contrast, form in bile ducts and are more common in Asian populations and patients with abnormal ducts. Primary CBDS recur after endoscopic CBD clearance in 4% to 24% of patients, and subsequent CCY may, in fact, increase risk of CBDS recurrence in Asian populations, possibly by increasing CBD stasis in the absence of periodic flushing of the CBD from gallbladder contractions.

Symptomatic CBDS typically present with episodes of epigastric or right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain. CBDS may cause biliary obstruction and subsequent jaundice, typically with pain, unlike neoplastic causes of jaundice. As intraductal pressure increases, disruption of epithelial tight junctions leads to cholangiovenous reflux as bacteria or endotoxins translocate from the biliary to the vascular system. Obstruction resolves with stone passage into the duodenum in more than half of patients but may lead to ascending cholangitis with Charcot’s triad of fever, RUQ pain, and jaundice in 15% to 20% of patients or even progress to septic shock with altered mental status, comprising Reynold’s pentad, and requiring emergent biliary decompression. In addition, biliopancreatic reflux from impacted distal CBDS or ampullary edema from passing CBDS is a cause of 30% to 50% of cases of acute pancreatitis.


The initial evaluation of patients with suspected symptomatic cholelithiasis, acute pancreatitis, or cholangitis includes transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) and a liver panel, but the accuracy of TAUS and a liver panel for the diagnosis of asymptomatic CBDS is low. Factors associated with CBDS include clinical symptoms of cholangitis, dilation of the cystic and CBDs, and elevated serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT). A patient with several of these factors has a high pretest probability for CBDS ( Fig. 1 ) and warrants preoperative ERCP or preparedness for intraoperative management with IOC and/or CBDE. A patient with none of these factors and no CBDS seen on imaging has a very low probability of CBDS and can proceed simply to CCY. Patients with intermediate CBDS probability require additional imaging (e.g., magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography [MRCP] or endoscopic ultrasound EUS]) or IOC/IOUS during CCY. The sensitivity and specificity of common diagnostic tests for CBDS are listed in Table 1 .

FIG. 1, Management algorithm of suspected CBDS. *Depends on surgeon’s expertise and availability. ⊖ no CBDS detected; ⊕ CBDS detected. CBDE, Common bile duct exploration; CCY, cholecystectomy; ERCP±S, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ± sphincterotomy; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; IOUS, intraoperative ultrasound; LCBDE, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration; LERV, laparoendoscopic rendezvous (IOC+ERCP); PTBD, percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage; TAUS, transabdominal ultrasound.

Performance of Laboratory and Imaging Tests in Diagnosing CBDS
Diagnostic Test % Sensitivity (95% Confidence Interval) % Specificity (95% Confidence Interval) Reference
Total bilirubin >1.3 mg/dL 84 (64–94) 91 (86–94) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Total bilirubin >twice the normal limit 42 (22–63) 97 (95–99) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) >125 IU/L 92 (74–99) 79 (74–84) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Alkaline phosphatase >twice the normal limit 38 (19–59) 97 (95–99) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) >95.5 IU/L 90.8 83.6 Mei, 2019
(PMID: 30705891)
GGT >95.5 IU/L and ALP >151.5 IU/L 93.5 85.1 Mei, 2019
(PMID: 30705891)
Transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) 73 (44–90) 91 (84–95) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) 93 (87–96) 96 (90–98) Giljaca, 2015 (PMID: 25719224)
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) 95 (91–97) 97 (94–99) Giljaca, 2015 (PMID: 25719224)
Intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) 99 (83–100) 99 (95–100) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)
Laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS) 90 (87–92) 99 (99–99) Jamal, 2016 (PMID: 26985813)
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 83 (72–90) 99 (94–100) Gurusami, 2015 (PMID: 25719223)

Liver Panel Changes in Patients with CBDS

A cholestatic pattern in the liver panel (e.g., elevated ALP and bilirubin) may be a useful test in the right clinical settings to support a diagnosis of CBDS. A direct consequence of biliary obstruction is conjugated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia resulting from reflux of bile components into hepatic sinusoids from pressurized bile ducts. Biliary obstruction stimulates the biliary epithelium to release ALP, which has a half-life of 1 week. GGT elevation is also reasonably accurate for biliary obstruction due to CBDS, especially when ALP is also elevated (see Table 1 ). A low ratio or alanine transferase to ALP (<2.0) also correlates with biliary obstruction and can help to distinguish it from hepatocellular injury.

Useful Diagnostic Imaging Modalities

TAUS is an inexpensive, noninvasive, and common modality for initial evaluation but poorly visualizes CBDS. In the presence of a cholestatic liver panel, CBD dilation on TAUS is very suggestive of CBDS. (The upper limit of normal for CBD diameter is controversial but is approximately 4 mm to 6 mm in middle-aged adults and increases 0.2 mm to 1 mm per decade of life before CCY; following CCY, it is normal to have a dilated CBD.) Computed tomography (CT) and MRCP are also commonly used to evaluate patients with suspected biliary pathology. CT may overestimate CBD diameter compared with TAUS or MRCP. EUS and MRCP both have high accuracy for revealing CBDS. In patients with an intermediate likelihood of CBDS (see Fig. 1 ) and a tentative plan for CCY, both IOUS and IOC are acceptable options with high accuracy in skilled hands.


General Considerations

All CBDS that have not passed into the duodenum spontaneously need to be evacuated. Timing is dictated by severity of symptoms. In general, more symptomatic cholangitis warrants more urgent clearance of the obstructing CBDS, and patients with grade II or III cholangitis according to the 2018 Tokyo Guidelines need emergent drainage. Selection of management strategy is largely dependent on availability of local surgical and endoscopic instruments, expertise, and accessible referral centers. ERCP is most commonly used and provides CBD clearance in more than 90% of patients.

Data from recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses comparing a two-stage approach (pre- or postoperative ERCP with CCY) versus single-stage procedure (CCY with CBDE) vary. Both approaches share comparable morbidity (13%–16%), mortality (0.7%–1%), and failure rates. The single-stage approach may have a shorter length of hospitalization, fewer reinterventions, and reduced costs but a higher rate of postoperative bile leak.

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTC) and biliary drainage (PTBD) serve as a last resort when the biliary tree cannot be drained endoscopically or surgically to stabilize the patient with cholangitis, alleviate biliary obstruction, and temporize for transfer to a referral center with available expertise and resources. An alternative to PTBD is endoscopic ultrasound-guided choledochoduodenostomy, which, however, is rarely used in nonmalignant CBD obstruction.

Endoscopic CBD Clearance

Conventional ERCP is performed with a side-viewing duodenoscope and, in expert hands, successfully clears the CBD in 90% of cases. After papilla identification, the CBD is cannulated and cholangiography detects CBDS or sludge, which may be cleared with a sphincterotomy and sweeping of the CBD with a balloon catheter. In cases of distal CBD strictures or hematologic contraindications to sphincterotomy, balloon dilation may be useful. Larger stones may require retrieval by endoscopic basket or fragmentation by lithotripsy.

Factors associated with failure of endoscopic CBD clearance include impacted, large (>15 mm) or multiple (>4) stones, periampullary diverticula, distal CBD strictures, altered gastric or duodenal anatomy, and advanced age.

Recurrence of CBDS, as well as calculous cholecystitis, cholangitis, and biliary colic, are all expected consequences of failure to perform CCY after endoscopic clearance of secondary CBDS, and thus CCY is recommended within 2 to 4 weeks post-ERCP, ideally during the same admission. However, sphincterotomy, especially a generous sphincterotomy, may protect patients from further cholangitis or pancreatitis for several weeks to months, allowing for outpatient elective CCY in reliable patients. In high-risk patients with advanced comorbidities or limited life expectancy, sphincterotomy alone may be considered reasonable destination therapy.

Early complications of ERCP and sphincterotomy include acute pancreatitis (1%–7%), hemorrhage (0.3%–2%), duodenal or biliary perforation (<1%), and mortality (<1%); delayed complications include papillary stenosis. Postprocedure acute pancreatitis is the Achilles heel of ERCP but may be mitigated by temporary pancreatic duct stents and rectal indomethacin. In some instances, retrograde passage of a guidewire through a ductotomy in the cystic duct (CD) in the rendezvous approach may allow for smooth CBD cannulation and significantly reduce the risk of pancreatitis.

ERCP in Patients with Altered Anatomy

Patients with surgically altered anatomy (e.g., Billroth II gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass [RYGB]) preclude standard access to the duodenum. ERCP in this population requires advanced expertise and use of special endoscopic equipment such as single- or double-balloon enteroscopy or spiral enteroscopy. Alternatively, laparoscopically assisted, transgastric ERCP (LATG-ERCP is a useful option. Choledocholithiasis following RYGP is one of the most common such scenarios.

LATG-ERCP may be performed with four ports: three 5-mm ports across the midabdomen (a camera port and two working ports) and a 12- to 15-mm port in the left upper quadrant for the duodenoscope. Retraction of the liver segments 2/3 with a Nathanson retractor or sutures may be needed. After the excluded gastric remnant is identified and dissected from adhesions, two to three stay sutures are placed in the anterior wall and pulled through the abdominal wall with a laparoscopic suture-passer. A purse-string suture may be placed around the area of future gastrotomy, which is made with an energy device. Pneumoperitoneum is then decreased, and a 12- to 15-mm port (one with a balloon tip for better anchoring and seal is useful) is placed through the gastrotomy while pulling on the stay sutures for good apposition of the excluded stomach and abdominal wall. If a CCY is also being performed, a guidewire may be passed through a cystic ductotomy into the duodenum to facilitate smooth CBD cannulation in a laparoendoscopic rendezvous (LERV) approach (see earlier and later discussions). After the ERCP, the gastrotomy is closed with sutures or a stapler.

Laparoendoscopic Rendezvous Approach

LERV is a relatively novel, single-stage approach to CBD clearance, facilitating endoscopic cannulation of the CBD by a guidewire passed through the CD into the duodenum during CCY. According to a recent meta-analysis, the LERV approach is associated with significantly decreased morbidity than a two-stage approach with ERCP then CCY (7.5% vs. 14.5%), decreased incidence of acute pancreatitis (1.5% vs. 6.4%), and shorter hospital stay (mean difference 3.5 days). The LERV and the two-stage approaches were equivalent in CBD clearance (90%–95%), conversion to open (5%–8.4%), postoperative cholangitis (1.6%–2.6%), bleeding (1.2%–1.9%), and bile leak (1.9%–2.1%).

Surgical CBD Clearance

Surgical clearance of CBDS and CCY may also be done with a single- or two-stage approach. Single-stage CBD clearance (CCY + CDBE) offers shorter length of hospitalization and is likely cost-effective, while sharing similar morbidity and mortality with the two-stage approach (isolated CCY with pre- or post-CCY ERCP). The choice is up to the surgeon and based on available resources, expertise, and logistics. A minimally invasive surgery CBDE (MIS-CBDE) shares the same contraindications as any other MIS. CDBE should be avoided in patients with a small (<3 mm) CBD. Additionally, the single-stage approach is contraindicated in patients with suspected malignant process, unless appropriate staging workup has been completed, the case has been discussed in a multidisciplinary tumor-board setting, and the surgeon is prepared for an oncologically sound operation. Otherwise, patients should be referred to a surgeon with the relevant expertise.

Equipment and materials used for IOC/IOUS/MIS-CDBE include a fluoroscopy-compatible operating table, a fluoroscopic system, 3- to 5-Fr cholangiocatheters, Olson or Kumar or similar cholangiography clamps, water-soluble contrast, a hydrophilic 0.035” guidewire, 8-mm × 40-mm over-the-wire dilation balloon with high-pressure inflation capability, nitinol wire basket, Fogarty balloon catheters, and a choledochoscope (pediatric ureteroscopes and disposable bronchoscopes work well). Depending on available expertise, mechanical, electrohydraulic, or laser lithotripsy may be used for fragmentation of large CBDS.

Intraoperative Imaging

IOC or IOUS is a key step in any patient undergoing CCY and suspected of having CBDS at the time of operation. IOC is particularly useful as part of an MIS-CDBE ( Fig. 2 ). IOUS compares favorably to IOC but is best done before dissection, as dissection may obscure otherwise clear sonographic windows. After obtaining a critical view of safety, IOC may be done via the gallbladder, the CD, or, as a last resort, the CBD. Commonly, the CD is dissected, a locking clamp placed on the gallbladder for retraction, and another locking clamp or clip is placed on the CD cholecystad to the planned ductotomy to prevent filling of the gallbladder with contrast. A transverse 1- to 2-mm ductotomy is performed, and stones and debris are milked from the duct. A cholangiocatheter is passed through midclavicular port or via a 14- to 16-gauge, transabdominal, sheath trocar placed in the RUQ, and secured, ideally with an Olson or Kumar clamp, to the ductotomy. Digital subtraction on the C-arm and holding respirations may both improve image quality. A live, real-time (as opposed to still-image) cholangiogram is ideal. Contrast may be used full-strength, or, more commonly, diluted 50/50 in saline, as full-strength contrast is more likely to obscure small filling defects. The number and size of filling defects should be noted (the 5-mm diameter of the cholangiogram clamp may be used as a size reference). Smaller (≤3 mm) stones have a higher chance of being flushed into the duodenum, which is facilitated by administration of 1 mg to 2 mg intravenous glucagon to relax the sphincter of Oddi. Once the location, number, and size of stones, as well as CBD diameter, are determined, an optimal treatment strategy may be selected. To confirm the biliary tree free of stones by IOC, it is essential to visualize contrast opacification of both the duodenum and the intrahepatic biliary tree, both right and left sides.

FIG. 2, Intraoperative cholangiogram showing filling of the common bile duct and the left and right hepatic ducts, but absent filling of the duodenum due to a distal stone obstructing the duct, with a meniscus sign (arrow).

Minimally Invasive Surgery CBDE

MIS-CBDE may be performed transcystic and transcholedochal. The transcystic approach is a reasonable initial choice, particularly with a large (>5 mm) nontortuous CD, a lateral insertion into the CBD, and small CBDS. The transcystic approach is contraindicated with multiple (>5–8) or large (>∼7 mm) stones or stones hepatad of the CD insertion to the CBD.

Transcystic Approach

In patients with a long and tortuous CD, a ductotomy closer to the CD–CBD junction may be made with care. If CBDS cannot be cleared during IOC by flushing, then MIS-CDBE may proceed by fluoroscopically advancing a soft-tipped, 0.035”, hydrophilic guidewire through the CD, the CBD, and well into the duodenum. The introduction catheter is removed and exchanged over the wire for a 12-Fr introducer sheath to provide better support and facilitate instrument exchange.

The CD is dilated to facilitate passage of instruments through the spiral valves and extraction of stones ( Fig. 3 ). This may be performed with an 8-mm × 40-mm (5-Fr), over-the-wire, dilation balloon filled with half-strength contrast under fluoroscopy, over 2 to 3 minutes, using an inflation device. Care should be taken to not overdilate the CD.

FIG. 3, Balloon dilation of the cystic duct in preparation for transcystic common bile duct exploration and stone extraction. See text for details.

Stone clearance can be achieved by nitinol baskets or Fogarty-balloon catheters. The basket is passed collapsed beyond the target stones, deployed, and slowly withdrawn ( Fig. 4 ). Baskets, as opposed to balloon catheters, are less prone to cause inadvertent migration of CBD stones proximally into the common hepatic duct. It is important to advance and withdraw instruments along the CBD axis. If available, a flexible choledochoscope (see earlier) may be used for direct visualization of CBD and controlled retrieval of stones. The choledochoscope should ideally have video with an integrated light source and picture-in-picture capabilities. With available expertise and equipment, MIS-CDBE may be coupled with mechanical, electrohydraulic, or laser lithotripsy. An endoscopic retrieval bag and/or gauze sponge close to the ductotomy may facilitate collection of debris.

FIG. 4, Transcystic stone extraction with basket.

After a satisfactory completion IOC, the CD is transected and closed, preferably with an endoscopic loop. If a transcystic approach fails to achieve CBD clearance or is otherwise inappropriate, the surgeon may proceed with a transcholedochal MIS-CBDE, convert into open CBDE (OCBDE), or plan for postoperative ERCP or PTBD.

Transcholedochal Approach

Unlike a transcystic CBDE, transcholedochal CBDE provides access to both the CBD and the hepatic ducts. However, transcholedochal CDBE is associated with a higher risk of biliary strictures and postoperative bile leaks, and is contraindicated when CBD diameter is <7 mm and with hostile porta hepatis, as may occur with severe inflammation.

After exposing the anterior surface of the CBD, a ∼10-mm, longitudinal choledochotomy is made sharply. Fine-needle aspiration or indocyanine green cholangiography may be done to confirm the identity of the CBD if needed. Stay sutures on either side of the choledochotomy are useful to elevate the duct and maintain easy access to the ductotomy but are not used by all surgeons. The CBD is flushed via a cholangiocatheter, and stones are evacuated with a grasper, if possible. If not, CBDS may be retrieved with baskets and balloon catheters.

The choledochotomy is closed longitudinally with interrupted or running fine (4-0 or 5-0), absorbable suture on a tapered needle. An additional 5-mm port may be placed in the right-to-midabdomen to facilitate choledochotomy closure. Historically, it was standard practice to close the choledochotomy over a T-tube, which allows sustained access to the biliary tree, reliable decompression, and stenting of the CBD to possibly reduce risk of stricture. However, recent literature has supported primary closure instead, which has the advantage of avoiding tube-related discomfort and complications, with apparently similarly favorable outcomes. If a T-tube is left ( Fig. 5 ), it should fit loosely, not snugly, and the ductotomy should be closed hepatad of the tube to prevent tension on the suture line upon removal. The T-tube should remain for at least 3 weeks to allow maturation of the tract, to avoid bile leakage upon removal, after a normal tube cholangiogram. Typically, with or without a T-tube, a closed-suction drain is left near, but not touching, the ductotomy and removed after a few days if no bile is present in the drain. Before closure, a completion IOC should be performed.

FIG. 5, Closure of the ductotomy over a T-tube. When trimming the T-tube, it is common to excise part or all of the back wall to facilitate extraction. The ductotomy should be closed as described in the text.

Because papillary edema is not uncommon after MIS-CDBE, some surgeons prefer to leave a plastic biliary stent across the ampulla before choledochotomy closure to assure decompressed biliary tree and to decrease risk of postoperative bile leak from the choledochotomy.


The proportion of patients with CBDS managed with OCBDE has decreased over the last decade from 30% to 5%. OCBDE is now performed mainly when less invasive techniques have failed or are not available. OCBDE may also be performed for patients with significant inflammation in Calot’s triangle or the porta or when the patient requires open CCY for other reasons. The CBD diameter for OCBDE should be >5 mm, and it is contraindicated if the CBD diameter is ≤3 mm.

The abdomen is entered through an upper midline or right subcostal incision, and the liver is retracted superiorly. An IOC should be performed before CBDE. After IOC and characterization of the CBD and contents, the duodenum is Kocherized and all portions of CBD are gently palpated. IOUS may be useful to identify CBDS. Stay sutures are placed and a stab choledochotomy is made between them with an #11 blade at the level of cystic duct insertion, slightly to the left of the longitudinal CBD midplane. Once the direction of CBD is determined by gentle probing, the choledochotomy is extended to ∼15 mm with Potts scissors. The stay sutures are retracted, and CBDS are gently milked or flushed out through the ductotomy. Fogarty balloons and Randall stone forceps are useful to sweep or grasp stones, respectively, in either direction, but care should be taken not to mistake the hepatic duct confluence for CBDS when using forceps. If a balloon is used, it should be passed through the ampulla and seen or palpated in the duodenum, at which point it should be inflated, pulled back until apposed to the ampulla, deflated enough to traverse the ampulla, then reinflated and withdrawn to extract stones and sludge. Evaluation by choledochoscopy is recommended. A completion cholangiogram or choledochoscopy should be obtained. Similar to MIS-CDBE, in OCBDE the ductotomy can be primarily closed with or without transpapillary temporary stent or closed over a T-tube.

Severely impacted stones are best managed with fragmentation by lithotripsy guided by choledochoscopy. If lithotripsy is not available, a biliary stent can be placed across the papilla or the CBD drained via T-tube and the patient transferred to a center with available expertise. Procedures such as transduodenal sphincteroplasty have been used for distally impacted CBDS but are rarely performed currently.

Suggested Readings

  • Hope W.W., Fanelli R., Walsh D.S., et. al.: SAGES clinical spotlight review: intraoperative cholangiography. Surgical Endoscopy 2017; 31: pp. 2007-2016.
  • Narula V.K., Fung E.C., Overby D.W., et. al.: Clinical spotlight review for the management of choledocholithiasis. Surgical Endoscopy 2020; 34: pp. 1482-1491.
  • Parthasarathy M., Maqsood H., Sill A.M., et. al.: Abandoning Hasty Conclusions: The Use of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in Clinical Practice. J Am Coll Surg 2016; 222: pp. 326-328.
  • Shmelev A., Axentiev A., Hossain M.B., Cunningham S.C.: Predictors of same-admission cholecystectomy in mild, acute, biliary pancreatitis. HPB (Oxford) 2021; S1365-182X(21)00102-7
  • Zerey M., Haggerty S., Richardson W., et. al.: Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration. Surgical Endoscopy 2018; 32: pp. 2603-2612.

Management of Acute Cholangitis

Rebecca Tang, MD
Erica Barnett, BA
David Berger, MD


Acute cholangitis is a clinical syndrome first described by Jean-Martin Charcot in 1877 characterized by abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice from stasis and infection in the biliary tract. In 2006, the Tokyo International Consensus Meeting consolidated literature about acute cholangitis into evidence-based guidelines, which were most recently updated in 2018.


Acute cholangitis most commonly occurs in the fifth through seventh decades of life with equal prevalence in men and women. The most common causes of acute cholangitis include choledocholithiasis (40%–70%), malignancy (10%–60%), or benign stricturing (5%–30%). Cholangitis can also occur after instrumentation from either endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (1%–7%) or placement of biliary stents and indwelling biliary drains.


The primary issue in acute cholangitis is obstruction of the common bile duct. Under physiologic conditions, bile remains sterile due to continuous flow, secretion of immunoglobulin A in the biliary tree, and the presence of bacteriostatic bile salts. In addition, the sphincter of Oddi acts as a barrier against ascending infection from duodenal reflux. The causes of acute cholangitis can therefore be conceptualized as related to stasis from biliary obstruction or to direct seeding of the biliary tree ( Table 1 ).

Causes of Acute Cholangitis
Biliary Stasis Seeding of Biliary Tree
Intrinsic obstruction
Stricture (benign or malignant)
Tumor (cholangiocarcinoma)
Stent occlusion
Blood clot
Infectious parasite
Food impaction
Extrinsic Obstruction
Mirizzi’s syndrome
Tumor (pancreatic, ampullary, gallbladder, or duodenal cancer)
Duodenal periampullary diverticulum (Lemmel syndrome)
Chronic pancreatitis
Disruption of sphincter of Oddi
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Biliary stent insertion
Biliary reconstruction after choledochal surgery
Biliary drain placement

In the setting of acute inflammation, increased biliary pressure causes increased permeability of biliary ductules and translocation of bacteria from the portal venous system into the biliary tract. As a result, infection in acute cholangitis is typically polymicrobial and most commonly includes gram-negative rods of colonic origin. The most common bacteria identified in biliary cultures are Escherichia coli (25%–50%), Klebsiella (10%–20%), Enterococcus (10%–30%), and Enterobacter (5%–10%). Anaerobes such as Bacteroides and Clostridia are more commonly seen in patients with recurrent infections or biliary instrumentation.

The underlying permeability of the biliary system facilitates bacterial translocation from the biliary tract to the portal and systemic venous systems, leading to sepsis in severe cases.


History and Physical Examination

Less than 60% of patients present with the complete Charcot’s triad of fever, right upper quadrant pain, and jaundice. The most common presenting symptoms are fever and right upper quadrant pain (80%) and jaundice (60%). Patients may rarely (5%) present with additional altered mental status and hemodynamic instability to complete Reynold’s pentad. The differential diagnosis for patients presenting with symptoms of acute cholangitis includes acute cholecystitis, Mirizzi’s syndrome, biliary leak, acute pancreatitis, liver abscess, right lower lobe pneumonia, and empyema.

Laboratory Workup

The laboratory workup for suspected acute cholangitis should include CBC, BMP, electrolytes, LFT, PT-INR, β-hCG, blood cultures, and biliary cultures. Leukocytosis is most commonly seen. Liver function tests most often demonstrate a cholestatic pattern of abnormalities, although a mixed hepatocellular pattern may be seen with microabscess formation in the liver. Of note, the tumor marker CA19-9 may be elevated in the setting of biliary obstruction. CA19-9 is not specific for the presence of malignancy in patients with biliary obstruction and should be rechecked in patients after resolution of the obstruction and associated hyperbilirubinemia. Biliary cultures should be obtained if possible and are positive in 60% to 90% of cases. Blood cultures are less sensitive and are positive in 20% to 70% of cases.

Imaging Studies

The initial imaging study of choice is an abdominal ultrasound to evaluate for biliary dilation, cholelithiasis, or gallbladder sludge ( Fig. 1 ). Ultrasound is 40% sensitive but nearly 100% specific for acute cholangitis with findings of common bile duct dilation and choledocholithiasis. Although ultrasound is noninvasive, expedient, and easily accessible, it remains highly operator-dependent. Ultrasound also has difficulty detecting small stones and often results in false-negative reads in the setting of acute obstruction before the bile ducts dilate.

FIG. 1, Imaging findings with cholangitis. (A) Cholelithiasis on ultrasound. (B) Common bile duct dilation on ultrasound. (C) Extrahepatic bile duct dilation on abdominal CT. Common hepatic duct stricture from cholangiocarcinoma seen on abdominal CT (D), MRCP (E), and ERCP (F).

An abdominal CT scan is very effective in identifying the presence of biliary dilation or stenosis and the location of biliary obstruction, as well as local sequelae like liver abscess and portal vein thrombosis. However, it has low sensitivity for detecting choledocholithiasis and exposes the patient to radiation.

Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is the best noninvasive imaging modality for identifying causes of biliary obstruction, characterizing biliary strictures, and detecting choledocholithiasis. MRCP is 90% sensitive and 95% specific in detection of choledocholithiasis, although its sensitivity decreases significantly with small stones <6 mm. As a result, it is increasingly becoming the imaging of choice when available. However, it is an expensive test and requires additional expertise for interpretation. Given its limited accessibility, routine use of MRCP is not universally recommended unless diagnosis is difficult despite abdominal ultrasound and CT.

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is better able to identify bile duct stones and characterize the level of obstruction along the biliary tree. Given its invasive nature, it is only used for workup of cholangitis patients who are high risk for ERCP and cannot undergo MRCP.

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