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The electrocardiogram ( ECG or EKG ) is a special type of graph that represents changes in cardiac electrical activity from one instant to the next. Specifically, the ECG provides a time-voltage chart of the heartbeat.
The ECG is a key component of clinical diagnosis and management of inpatients and outpatients because it often provides critical information. Therefore, a major focus of this book is on recognizing and understanding the “signature” ECG findings in life-threatening conditions such as acute myocardial ischemia and infarction, hypertension, severe hyperkalemia or hypokalemia, hypothermia, certain types of drug toxicity that may induce cardiac arrest, pericardial (cardiac) tamponade, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) among many others.
The general study of ECGs, including its clinical applications, technologic aspects, and basic science underpinnings, comprises the field of electrocardiography , or more generally, electrocardiology . The broader field of cardiac electrophysiology includes electrocardiography (recordings from the surface of the body), intra-cardiac recordings and cardiac implantable electronic devices (pacemakers and defibrillators; Chapter 22 ), ablation therapy , as well as basic studies of the electrical properties of cardiac cells and tissues .
The device used to obtain and display the conventional (12-lead) ECG is called the electrocardiograph , or more informally, the ECG machine or device. It records cardiac electrical currents (voltages or potentials) by means of sensors, called electrodes , selectively positioned on the surface of the body. a
a As discussed in Chapter 3 , stated more precisely, ECG “leads” record the time-varying differences in electrical potential between pairs or configurations of electrodes.
Students and clinicians are often understandably confused by the basic terminology that labels the graphical recording as the electrocardio gram and the recording device as the electrocardio graph ! We will point out other potentially confusing ECG semantics as we go along.
Contemporary ECGs used in day-to-day clinical medicine are usually recorded with disposable paste-on (adhesive) silver–silver chloride electrodes. For the standard ECG recording, electrodes are placed on the lower arms, lower legs, and across the chest wall (precordium). In settings such as emergency departments, cardiac and intensive care units (CCUs and ICUs), and ambulatory (e.g., Holter and long-term) monitoring, only one or two “rhythm strip” leads may be recorded, usually by means of a few chest and abdominal electrodes.
We are also well into a burgeoning era of ECG recorders being directly marketed to consumers. These products include hand-held devices that record single lead or multi-lead ECGs. Users can then transmit the recordings to personal laptop or desktop computers and send them electronically to medical caregivers. Complementary “medical wearable” products include “smartwatches” that record and transmit single lead ECGs (typically 30 seconds). Discussion of the uses and limitations of these devices, as well as of their underlying technologies, goes beyond the scope of this introductory book.
Before the basic ECG patterns are described, we review a few simple-to-grasp but fundamental principles of the heart’s electrical properties.
The central function of the heart is to contract rhythmically and pump blood to the lungs (pulmonary circulation) for oxygenation and then to pump this oxygen-enriched blood into the general (systemic) circulation. Furthermore, the amount of blood pumped has to be matched precisely to meet the body’s constantly varying metabolic needs. The heart muscle and other tissues require more oxygen and nutrients when we are active compared to when we rest. A key facet of these auto-regulatory adjustments is accomplished by changes in heart rate, which, as described below, are primarily under the control of the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system.
The signal for cardiac contraction is the spread of synchronized electrical currents through the heart muscle. These currents are generated both by pacemaker cells and by specialized conduction tissue within the heart and by the working heart muscle itself. Pacemaker cells are like tiny clocks (technically called oscillators ) that automatically generate electrical stimuli in a repetitive fashion. The other heart cells, both specialized conduction tissue and working heart muscle, function like cables that transmit these electrical signals. b
b Heart muscle cells of all types possess another important electrical property called refractoriness . This term refers to the fact that for a short term after they emit a stimulus or are stimulated (depolarize), the cells cannot immediately discharge again because they need to repolarize.
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