Epidural Steroid Injection, Thoracic Spine



  • Injection of glucocorticoid/long-acting anesthetic into thoracic epidural space via interlaminar or transforaminal approach


  • Interlaminar epidural steroid injection (ESI)

    • Define margins of lamina and interlaminar space

  • Transforaminal ESI

    • Ensure good visualization of neural foramen on true lateral view

  • Benefit of CT

    • Improved visualization of osseous structures in severely osteopenic patients

    • Improved visualization of pleura/medial chest cavity

Post Procedure

  • Expectation

    • Improvement in pain, or cessation of pain, following injection

  • Things to do

    • Establish clinical follow-up, and have patient maintain pain diary

    • Remind patient to expect full benefit of injection over next 24-48 hours


  • Most feared complications

    • Intraarterial injection: Spinal cord ischemia

    • Spinal cord puncture/hematoma

    • Compressive epidural hematoma

    • Pneumothorax

Normal Anatomy

Normal Anatomy

Frontal Oblique Epidurogram

Lateral Epidurogram



  • Thoracic epidural steroid injection

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